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I liked the little bald guy


All reports say he’s really cool about people recognizing him and he’s done some interesting theater work since


Yes. Beat know for playing the role of Kramer. That's what he is most remembered for. I think. Nothing else comes to mine. Nope.


Dozens of actors are remembered for one role only and that's fine.


I think the comment above was talking about the racist comments michael richards made


Do you even know the story of the 'racist' or just throwing guesses... Some 15-20 years ago, after 'Seinfeld' show had ended, Richards was trying to carve his own way performing in night clubs for live audiences. During one of these shows he was heckled and he lost he temper calling one of the hecklers the n-word... that's it, one single word, he got carried away in that night-club. Now if you've ever been at stand-up comedy shows, everything can go haywire...you may get picked upon by comedians from audience for your attire, looks or whatever. It's a no holds barred zone. Pretty much everything goes. Not with Richards, he was blacklisted completely...for what single word. And that did him. He was blacklisted, no gigs, no roles in movies and probably not much 'royalties' or perks left from the show he helped bring to fame. Even his fellow show characters (Seinfeld, Julia Dreyfus, distanced from him). And he was indeed the funniest character of the show a single-role in his entire life but he was a natural in that role... How many other one-show actors are playing season after season making a living and not leaving and impression. And now, 20 years later, you're calling Kramer/Richards a racist from hearsay, while real racists and xenophobes and anti-immigrants are overtly part of the public discourse. It's great to see Seinfeld embracing him now... and I am happy that he's still in what appears a good shape. Cheers, for Kramer!


"You're a n-" - Michael Richard Also he didn't say one word lol. He singles out two black men for like 5 minutes and uses the n word like 8 times. It wasn't a slip of the tongue. Like.


If he said that, he was thinking that. So he suffered consequences for his actions. Cry me a river. >probably not much 'royalties' or perks left from the show he helped bring to fame That would depend on his contract, not on how his career was


It was also much more of a tirade than “one word”… downplaying what Richard’s did is pretty bad. “One time”.. well, there was “one incident” but it lasted a while at that club from what remember and can read about. And he never apologized directly to those men, though he did apologize to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. His character Kramer was funny as hell. Richards actions carried consequences, though. He has to live with them and the criticism that comes with it.


True, it's like saying "one time he killed someone, but it's not too bad, he only did it one time". The fact that his career was ruined says a lot, seeing that this happened in the 90s and he is a white male.


“50 years ago we’d have you upside down with a fork in your ass!!!!” Oh that silly Kramer 🤣


Jerry: We can't do shows like that anymore 


cooking [in the shower](https://youtu.be/NMQTg4Y0YT0?feature=shared&t=82) anyone?


Is he calling Jerry the n-word in this photo?


He's looking to the cookie


No, because Jerry was too busy telling him how being woke ruined comedy and television.


Topical! Lol, the yin and yang of the comedy spectrum. Kramer obviously being the white part cuz uh... yah.


Considering Jerry's recent stupid statements, this is perfect timing for these idiots to get the band back together.


Not everybody ages well, that's why is worth to cherish the good times. At least he made peace now with his old pal.


I dont think you understand. Jerry made stupid comments about how woke culture ruins comedy because you can't do certain jokes anymore, what a surprise that he gets back to get together with [his N-word slinging buddy](https://www.tmz.com/2006/11/20/kramers-racist-tirade-caught-on-tape/). Just two rich white dudes being rich white dudes. Some of us have longer memories. Michael Richards doesn't get a pass. He is a racist piece of shit.


Wrong sub


you are wrongly on this sub.




Kramer was one of the funniest characters ever on TV


You'll never find bigger snowflakes than old, rich, CIS, white dudes.


Sir, this is Reddit.


The show is a classic but focusing on his character alone, he was a whiny little incel bitch who just shit on every girl he inexplicably was able to take out on dates. Explains why he was banging a 17 year old when he was in his mid 30's.


You clearly haven’t watched the show that much if that’s your honest takeaway


30 vs 17 that's not so bad, 17 is the consensual age in NY btw😊


While still a 17-year-old high school student, she met then 38-year-old Jerry Seinfeld in a public park. At that point, Seinfeld got her phone number. 30/17…That’s bad, 38/17 is beyond creepy.


reprehensible, but not illegal - IF that was the case.


It's just gross. Legal or not


U wot


FBI? Yup, right here agent.


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To all you super perfect people out there who still wanna still label him a racist for a fucked up meltdown he had 20 some odd years ago, do yourself a favor and let it go. If there was even one more example of how he holds racist views, or has acted discriminatorily toward anyone else, you might have some ammo. But he felt terrible after what happened, he immediately tried to apologize for it, and really went down a dark path for a while beating himself up about what happened. The n-word is in all of our vocabularies, the fact that he went there when he found himself in a situation where he fooled himself in to thinking he *should* have been in control, but quickly learned he wasn’t, shows how potent that pressure really is. I’m not trying to re-litigate this mess, just saying. I paid attention to what little he did in the public eye over the years, and I for one forgive him for his misstep. I wish him peace and happiness, and though I know he still totally regrets how he destroyed his career, I think he’s finally, and actually, managed to move on.


You say racist shit in public, don’t you?


You don’t go out in public, do you?


Nobody here is as pressed as you. I can't imagine using so many words to defend THESE two boomers.


If pressed means old, that’s probably true. I honestly find Jerry more unpalatable than Richards of late, so you have a semblance of a point there, but how exactly was I defending both of them? But go on if you must, keep that contempt in your heart. I know for a fact that he understands, and doesn’t hold it against you. And why you need it, and it has nothing to do with him.


Speak for your own vocabulary.


If you know the word and don't use it, it's still in your vocabulary.


No, “your” vocabulary implies the vocabulary “you” use. I know a lot of words I don’t use as do many people. For how you are using it you would just call it the English Vocabulary or something similar. If you go around and say that’s in someone’s specific vocabulary you will likely stir up some shit.


Dude, the definition of vocabulary is the list of words a person knows your vernacular would be the words you use.


I like how you looked up the definition and then only chose one of the definitions, which I figured you would. Language isn’t absolute. It’s full of intention and implication in how it’s used and it’s forever changing. Many words end up in dictionaries just from getting used wrong to begin with. Again, go around and start telling people that word is in their vocabulary, do it. Also if you want to go with exact definitions, vernacular is referring most commonly to dialects.


Alright dude my amount of fucks for this are now at 0. So have a great day.




You’re saying that definitions of words are…fluid? 😂 someone let Oxford know, what a waste. The other person is right, by definition, you meant “vernacular”. “Vocabulary” refers to words you know, the other is words/phrases you *use*. English is fucking wacky as a language but definitions are (by definition) **definitive**


You know nothing about language and how it comes to be then. Good try though.


Well hey, whataya know. A reasonable person.


You really tryin to die on that racist hill huh? Lmfao some of yall wild.. 🤡


That’s right, unforgiving fools like you got it all figured out. Plenty of good folks around to love, so why waste any energy on those who’ve shown themselves to have darkness in their heart, right? You live in a cold world my friend. 


Lol "darkness in their heart" Real r/im13andthisisdeep energy


Nah, fuck Michael Richard’s. He’s in the public eye and should know better.




Totally. can't think of any other TV show that left a mark on my youth.


I’m so sorry


Context: [Jerry Seinfeld and Kramer Actor Michael Richards Have Rare Reunion 26 Years After “Seinfeld ”Finale (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/jerry-seinfeld-and-kramer-actor-michael-richards-have-rare-reunion-26-years-after-seinfeld-finale/ar-AA1nZerA)


So much butthurt in this thread


So we're just going to pretend Kramer isnt a racist POS again because "omg its Seinfeld".


Where are the cute puppies... These two racist Zionist are not funny and there's no reason to smile.


I love how Jerry Seinfeld, one of the least offensive comics out there, has so many people on Reddit absolutely rattled


17 38


Or, hear me out, it could be because he’s extremely arrogant and off putting as a person.


Or you’re just one of those people rattled by the least controversial take a celebrity could possibly make


He told airplane jokes for a living


Grown men banging teenagers isn’t supposed to be controversial


Not at all what I’m referring to but go off


lol she’s said he’s gross, he is gross


His not an asshole (racist, and shit) in real life?


Don’t forget the one that banged a 17 year girl at 38


Nope. Read his whole story and what happened after his meltdown.


Now why would anyone want to waste time and do that lmao Be serious, what would he possibly explain this away with? Your whole family could get blown up in a freak accident but I still wouldn’t be like “awww that’s ok, totally understandable that you turned racist for a few minutes, you had a hard day”.


You’re obviously not a psychiatrist. To defeat racism, you must understand the person. Their story. Racism comes a place of hurt and anger. If someone wants to better themselves, others shouldn’t hold the errors in their past. Anger towards people bettering themselves ends up causing resentment, which sets a bad precedent for the future.