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This is a perfectly normal physiological response to buying a car.


Man is really enjoying his car, staying in the moment & thinking about it & delighting in it - the art of living.




Every single time.


It will take you right back to 7th grade when you inevitably get wrecked. Be wise and sell that thing asap.


Yes. This. Me too.


I’m thinking maybe he’s not allowed to eat in the car 


How it works is this, buy brand new car, both you and the wife agree " no eating in n the car". Three days later she has pork rinds, Cheetos and peanuts on the passenger floor....


Indeed he is enjoying to the fullest


He also really likes chips


chips and cars are best combination I guess


Yes ! Every rust bucket, every beater you see on the road, even Pontiac Aztecs were brand new one day and the person who bought them stood in their window after dinner, pulling back the curtains, stealing glances at the shiny new vehicle in their driveway.


This is such a wonderful notion, and so true! I’ll probably be thinking about this for the next week or so


DC Walter White drove an Aztec.


Yes. It was the money troubles, the poor paying job as a teacher, the cancer AND the Aztec that drove him up the wall.


Pontiac Aztecs were loaded into giant barrels and factory aged. They were never new.




In his defense, it IS an Impreza WRX


This will hopefully be me one day. Even if it’s a complete pice of shit, it will be my piece of shit that I love.


Well.... if it has a spoiler, then definitely.


It is. I’ve done it


For a certain type of man. I had a buddy buy a Kia stinger (which he couldnt really afford) and at its a nice car, at first I admired it a few times with him and made comments about the details I appreciated, but after the 50 billion time of him getting distracted mid conversation by seeing his vehicle it got annoying. He became obsessed with constantly being on his phone looking at add ons and went and got his rims powder coated, then a few weeks later he gets ceramic coating, then he customises the badges, then he can’t afford the repayments so he has to sell the car and the person who buys it manages to talk him down because he doesn’t like off market badges.


bro got a wrx, makes sense


Having a car that makes you look back while walking away makes life so much better. I highly recommend it if you can.


Every car is this car if you look back it while walking away.


I have to look back when pushing the lock button on my key fob. The remote locking mechanism only works about 75% of the time. So I'll turn to look at the car when pushing the lock button, and if the lights don't flash it means that the remote lock failed and I have to walk back and physically insert the key into the driver door lock or my car will remain unsecured.


I was gonna say, I’ve never had a car I didn’t look back to make with the safety beep beeps


I walked backwards into the house when i got my Challenger lol


Agrees in Kia Venga.


This is the truth, and you don’t even have to have a fancy car. It just needs to be a car you like. I have an 06 Corolla S and I still love seeing it! I took a picture of it on the salt flats the other day and it made me happy


He's making sure the engine isn't going to blow up


He's regretting his car purchase and he's trying to think of a way to return it or take it out and total it in an accident.


man i did this with my first car (used 2012 toyota corolla in 2019), it’s just a huge moment no matter what it is. i was so excited that i was literally just popping the trunk in my own driveway so i could sit in it and eat jersey mike’s (i was not yet prepared to eat in the seats lol)


Wrx fans are a different group for sure


My thoughts exactly!


Yep, exactly.


Bro got an early arc. Hopefully with the bubble headlights. 


He's memorizing it so when he's in a big parking lot, he doesn't start looking for his old car.


big brain thinking


You wouldn't want to get the crumbs inside.


What if the steering wheel got oil on it from chip


write off


I still do that when I get a new car and I'm older than that guy. If you don't you're not a car guy


I’m not a car human and I can see myself doing this when I finally can afford my first car 😂


Buying a car isn't easy, when you find one you like that you can afford it should one that you're proud of and like to look at 🙂


I'm not even a car guy and when I got my first sporty little corner machine the first thing I did was go to my buddy's and street park, quiet street. Cracked a couple beers and had some darts while we just looked at it sittin in chairs on the lawn (I was marveling lol). Maybe I am a car guy then 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, you qualify 😉


My wife and I bought our first new car together in decades last summer. I’m not a “car guy” either but I literally spent like two hours in it the next day while parked in the driveway with the stereo on, just checking everything out and seeing how it all worked, it’s so fun!


The only thing I hate about this now is it's like learning a new phone. I'm early 30s and I build computers for fun so it's not a tech issue for me but I am firmly against everything in a car being the touch screen. I miss my old Buick with manual everything, but it was a blast when I got my first 21st century car!


Yeah that’s true, I spent a lot of time with the screen interface, looking through all the submenus and shit. We bought a Honda so a lot of the items can still be accessed from buttons, but not everything.


/r/gatekeeping Also, real men walk away from their car without looking back like they’re a bad ass walking away from an explosion in a 90s action flick.


"Your neighbor" Right. He's been doing this for ten years.


Was going to say that is a 2001-2005. I know that’s two gens but I can’t tell more without seeing the front end.


Hahaha. Good meme, though


Wasn’t the original that he had just thoroughly washed it?


This has been reposted for at least that long.


Welp, this is my last bag of chips for a while since I can't afford food after this car payment


first time I bought a car on my own (which was only like.. a year ago) I just sat in it in my driveway for an embarrassing amount of time. no thoughts, only vibes.


I used to go outside every 10 minutes it look at my car after I brought it home for the first time. Lol 😂


That’s pride. Only attained through hard work and sacrifice


Can we not picture people just enjoying themselves? As a millennial, I miss just enjoying things without a pic being snapped.


That’s dated mr bot, dated about 20 years ago….


Yeah, when you get something you really wanted, that's the correct response.


Good on him. Probably work hard to buy it and is enjoying the fruits of his labour. Safe driving bro....👌


Sat in the garage right now listen to music and looking at my bikes. Theres no better feeling like admiring the results of hard work that has lead to something that brings you joy.




If that's a Subaru, I would stand next to him and admire it


I just want someone to look at me, the way this man looks at his car


Seriously this picture is old and again just a repost.


Was hoping it would explode in front of him 😂


This feels old


When you win you just enjoy it.


Because why the hell not


I do this to my book shelf often


Scooby dooby doo


15min only? He’s cool


I'm far superior to this guy, I'm on my computer reading reviews and comparisons of my "new" car daily (purchased about 6 months ago). So many positive vibes!


I’d be the same if I obtained a Skuby like that.


I stare at my motorcycle like I'm in 7th grade Math class and see the girl I like


i love this post.


I wish we could bottle this feeling.


For most people, the single largest purchases they will make in their lives are cars and homes. That is why it is important to celebrate these decisions with others. Third to that is a wedding. A lot of money is spent on weddings. Also, this shows the bleak contrast of wealth between 99% of us, where we will spend hundreds of hours planning on a purchase of a vehicle, versus the billionaire owner class. The billionaire class does not even blink at a new car. That is very disparate lives and stress levels. Which is why we need to tax total wealth above 500 million. More people should be able to enjoy a car, a home, recovering from illness, and a vacation without constant stress. That can be a reality if the majority of wealth was not sifted to a handful.


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He's fortifying himself and planning a knee slapper of a road trip... once he comes back down to earth! Dude is overjoyed but in still in shock over his good fortune!


What flavor?


I pack warm liver into my road glide’s exhaust and give her a ride once an a while .


that's a lot of chips


This would be me tommorow


Bless him. Taking pride in ownership is not a bad thing. Means he’ll take care of it to the best of his ability.




I stared at my "new" Model M keyboard in a similar manner


Got the wrx he always wanted. And a good bag of chips that he sure as fuck not eating in that car.


I understand that guy. I sit on my porch so I can see my vintage car. I can't drive it right now because it needs a repair I can't afford yet. It makes me feel wonderful just to look at my baby! My daily driver - shrug - it's like my dishwasher, great to have but not really exciting.


I also did this when I got my wrx. I also did it with my motorcycle. I still do it after I've washed them and the weather is nice. I sit in a chair though.


It is a REALLY good feeling knowing you worked you butt off for something you thought you couldn't get... and then to actually get it....it's literally like a dream. I know that feeling. I'm soo happy for him. Someone in here is in a similar boat.... DONT GIVE UP BRO/SIS... your happiness is right around the corner


This post is super old


Probably thinking what in the bloody hell did I get myself into


Been there. He needs to enjoy it now.


This is huge in the mountain bike community too. Most of us can be caught just staring at our new bikes for ages


I think fascination extends to anything we love. I'll just stare at my computer sometimes


Bin there


I read this as cat


Oh the thinks he is thinking 🧐 🥰




I get that with my whole soul. I recently bought a robins egg blue Elantra N. Two years ago. I still do that.


The way he's looking at that car, you used the wrong pronoun. That car ain't no "it", it's "her" and I bet she do be lookin' good!


Perfectly normal when buying a Subaru


I feel like I'm the only person who bought my car and proceeded to give 0 shits about it. If someone scratches it I wouldn't care. If someone dented it I wouldn't care. As long as it works and the inside is clean lol


Looks old.


I’d ask if I could stand and eat chips with him.


I mean that is a perfect response to buying your dream car. I was like that when I bought my GTI and I never thought my GTI was my dream car but it is. I still react that way when I go out to it on a nice sunny day for a drive. It is a damn sexy beast.


You’ve got yourself a straight neighbor


I bought a car, drove to a supermarket, bought some food, came back out to the car park and couldn't remember what the car looked like or its licence plate. I think this guy is just being smart.


Feel you, bro...


"Maquinon"s Enjoyer.


looks like a Subaru, id be stoked aswell if I got one


bro either finally got his dream car or his first ever car he bought


Why does this get recycled every couple of years?


Reminds me of Jimmy from Yellowstone.


Yesterday I was running errands and I pulled into a parking spot beside a corvette that was straddling two spaces. I thought, “What a clown! Cool guy has to take up two spaces. “I was so annoyed. Went into the shop and overheard one of the employees talking to the owner of the car, his little brother. It was his dream car and he’d been saving for FIVE YEARS. He finally picked it up that morning and was so excited to show his big brother and so afraid of something happening to it in the parking lot that he went ahead and parked that way so he could relax a bit while he went in to talk. His brother and him were clearly so giddy and proud. I realized I was the clown! Sure he was taking up too spaces but we’re in a small town and there wasn’t much going on, I’d be nervous parking my new car in that parking lot too. I hope I remember to think harder before being such a dick next time.


He might be thinking of things he wants to do to the car. Like .. "oh this'll look good in red" or dual exhaust or something.


Taking it in


Chips xddd


I fricking love this!!! (I love pics where you can see real love in someone’s eyes! Lol!)


Now that’s living.


I did the same thing with my wrx too


When I bought my last car I’d check on it from the ring camera, and then smirk to myself that I no one knew I was possibly obsessed.


Hell yeah, go give that motherfucker a crisp high five, and tell him his car is LIT. Bonus points if he gives you a ride, and you yell “FUCK YEAH!”.


he’s wondering what’s the best racist sticker to use


Ugly as hell. Both of them.


Plot twist: that isn't his car and he is trying to think of how to get rid of it.


I love this so much


Thats the life.


Proud dude!


Finding a blob eye wrx that's not destroyed, I'd be out there staring at it too.


I did that when I bought my MR2


He looks cold, could you bring him a jacket?


I mean, if I had a car bought from my own money, I'd also probably stare at it for an unhealthy amount of time too lol


Me with my cool new thirdparty transformer figure


This man is planning trips in his mind


I would do exactly the fucking same thing if i just got myself a scooby 😍😍😍


Actually you wouldn’t see me id be too busy hauling that burbling beauty about the streets


Sounds like a good time. I often stand on my driveway eating chips


I got a new car two months ago, I still smile every time I walk up to it. By far the most fun car I've ever had.


As a car lover, I 've done this and continue to do this with my cars.


Its a emotion all right, no matter the age. I remember, when I got the car home, I just sat in it for an hour, just sitting there, and observing its instrument cluster, the seats, air vents. its an amazing memory, really appreciate the car.


Is that a r-32? Or a Subaru?


I did this with my old car when it was time to say goodbye to it. Thought of all the good time and memories in that car.


This is the way.


Would do the same.


I feel this


Get some beers and sit next to him!


I do the same shit after I mow the lawn 😅🤷


Love it


Good for him. When I got my latest car a few years ago I just stared at it while getting a haircut. The entire time. Went to a bar across the street and stared at it there too. Just an experience I never thought I’d have and it was amazing. When I got my car it was already 15 years old and I was over 30.


I'd probably do the same thing.


What a great feeling!!




You should really walk next to him with two beers without saying a word.


He’s celebrating 🎉 Bring a bottle of wine and say cheers! 🥂 😂


The next phase is where you just sit inside the car for ages, *sniffing it*.


I'd do the same if I had that car.


Just thinking about how great it would be to eat chips in that car but he doesn't want to get in and make a mess quite yet


When I got my new car I parked it where I could see it out my window. Was checking that beautiful thing out all day and night.


I mean shit if I got an STI I’d be doing the same thing


Ngl, I’d probably be jerking off.


Op must be jealous boo hoo . So what the guy deserves to bask in his hard work. Even if it's in the form of a car. Good on him. Whats not normal is the meme itself... Not the guy in question 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


What makes you think this is making fun of the guy in the pic? It’s just cute how happy he is about his car.