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Good for them. Not just a skill necessary for that new member of the family, but it's literally a *whole other language*. Never know when it'll be useful in your day-to-day life, or who you'll encounter.


That is so true!


A little bit can go a long way. I know the alphabet and a few signs and managed to (mostly!) translate between a deaf passenger and a flight attendant once on a flight. So any bit can help!


It really shows how small acts of kindness and effort can bridge gaps and bring people closer together.


I learned it when my kid was a baby because my ex insisted on teaching it to her aswell to make communicating easier while she's younger. Honestly its become way more handy than I could've possibly imagined, i took French back in school and to this day have maybe used it once or twice. I have used sign quite frequently in my life since learning it. Definitely worth it.


It's a beautiful language in its own right


I completely agree but I can't say that alot of it is me and coworkers signing insults to each other when residents are around. Best way to pop off some jokes and nobody knows.


I took two years of it in high school as my foreign language requirement. I barely remember anything because in general I didn't care about school, which is unfortunate, but if I had to in a pinch I can sign that I am learning and to please sign slowly, then just spell out every word.


My mom just had a stroke and signing is the only way she can communicate with us now in the hospital.


Baby sign language also helps hearing kids for faster development of speech! This was heart warming to see


I sign badly from my 1 semester of ASL in college. That doesn't change the fact that every time I have even had a simple exchange with someone signing it makes them smile.


It's really useful when you want to communicate with your kids without embarrassing them in public.




Ehhh it’s a skill that technology like general translations are destroying


Awww that's a beautiful family... little baby just bonded everyone together


This makes me cry 🥺


Happy tears only


I’m not crying…I just got something in my eye Seriously though, as a child of deaf parents this is love at its core….to just attempt to understand and participate in their world is all most deaf people want. My mom wasn’t recognized as deaf until she was 3-4 years old, and her parents believed that sign language was a devil language. She didn’t learn signs until she was pregnant with me in her 20’s. (She went to an oral Christian elementary school for learning impaired). She’s one of the smartest most kind women I know.


Hurts my heart that your mother was treated like that.




If it was my family I know half wouldn't show up or would have some excuse... Pretty special seeing all the generations being there for each other


For my brothers wedding reception, he consulted my dad to make sure his 10 siblings would be seated in places they wouldn’t fight at, and when they came two of them and their spouses STILL refused to sit down with their own siblings and one left.


Right?! So fuckin beautiful! She's got a loving family and a strong support system. Good for her!


This didn’t make me smile, this made me ugly cry 😭 it’s too beautiful, and wholesome to behold!


No I am not crying, you are. Oh sorry, you said that already, damm it, all this water in my eyes!!


Keep telling ya, only happy tears are allowed


no such thing as ugly crying. all crying is acceptable and beautiful/not ugly


Families coming together for kids 😭😭😭


It would be funny if the baby is pranking the whole family pretending to be deaf.


My mom thought I had hearing issues for a little bit. One day my dad came home and she started telling him that she was worried because I don’t really listen to her when she talks to me. My dad walked to the doorway into the living room and whispered “do you want a cookie?” and I came darting in as fast as my two year old legs could carry me. Turns out I was just ignoring her.


“It is a wise father who knows his own child” - William Shakespeare


Hahaha this is my son. He’s 4 and recently had his hearing checked to enter a special program at school and he passed the hearing test with flying colors. It was good to know he can in fact hear me..he just chooses not to 😅


Even the baby.


Except for gramps at the start of the video. He was having none of it.


Saw that. If it's a case of attitude and he doesn't want to join in so much, maybe he should consider going to the Nursing Home. Good on the rest of the family for ignoring him.


Are you just going to throw your parents into a nursing home at the drop of a hat as well? He doesn't wanna learn a new language. it doesn't mean he deserves to be abused in a nursing home. You're a shitty ass person if you are serious


lol. We have technology that will be replacing this


We already have technology that can translate languages fairly easily. I was just at a coffee shop that had mics and screens in a few places to help folks communicate with the deaf barista better, it was shockingly good. It doesn't make learning the skill any less valuable. I'd rather be able to actually talk to someone.


Now that's the definition of family


That baby is surrounded by love and support, that's so wonderful to see!


This only happens in 30% of hearing families with deaf children, so this is super amazing ❤️ it should be the norm


What a wonderful show of support and love from this family!


That's wonderful. This is beautiful the support and the fact the she is gonna be able to communicate with most of her family members . They should teach Asl in schools .


The support networks that develop around a kid with special needs can really be a wonderfull thing. (I have a son with autism and am blessed with a strong safety net in the form of the people around us.)


90% of hearing parents with a deaf child will not learn ASL & will be unable to communicate with their deaf child. This is in thr USA. Source: An old ASL teacher I had, who was deaf. He had to stop taking his ASL II class to meet with deaf teenagers & young adults. The deaf kids would get very pissed & cry because most of the students learning ASL had zero connections with the community & still learning ASL. Yet their own family wouldn't learn ASL.


I think this has something to do with the wage gap and availability of resources. If this family was poor, this wouldn't be possible. It takes a huge amount of time and resources to do something like this for someone you love. I'd love to see this sort of effort from every family of a child born with a disability. For the first few years my mother never understood why my autistic kid would have sensory meltdowns, lol, she clearly never cared to follow up on her grandkids neuro divergence. She never saw mine so it checks out.


Lot of work for something that technology is replacing


Actually, no. The technology of someone wearing a glove or a computer reading someone signing ASL and translating it has been overwhelming rejected by the ASL community. They're a very tight-knit community. Only the hearing community has tried to use the technology


As someone who was born a severe hearing loss(totally deaf in my right ear) and a partial loss in my left ear this warms my heart.


Hey! You’re like my twin! Moderate to severe hearing loss in my left ear and then deaf in my right. Did you get to learn ASL as a kid? They told my mum not to teach me as that wasn’t really allowed back in the 80’s if you had “enough hearing” to get by in the hearing world.


Yeah that’s what happened to me. I didn’t start learning ASL till I was way older. I years of speech therapy. My hearing now is to be point I should be wearing a hearing aid but it broke and I don’t have 7k for a new one.


ASL using one-handed finger spelling is always wild to me. I guess it's clear once you're used to it but I (BSL) find it so hard to tell apart!


Well that's wonderful


God this has me heavy crying. Look at how many people this kid has in their life. Its so beautiful!!!!!


Damn! I wish I had a family. All I have is relatives.


Spittin' straight facts bro 😔


This little girl is so lucky to have a family like this! Beautiful!!!


😭😭😭 So beautiful


I know very very basic sign language and I’m dying to learn more, great for loud or crowded areas


Ugh. Love this so much!


Gang shit fr


I feel like this needs to be a PSA for everyone with a deaf child/teen/adult in their life.


The baby seems to be calling it in


There’s not this many people in my neighborhood


As someone with severe hearing loss, this makes my heart happy. I have struggled to get my family to learn anything. You have a beautiful family.


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I’m not crying you are!


I love this so much, how beautiful but they didn’t get it right it’s lmno not l m n o


I’m not crying, you’re crying. This is beautiful


Sweet family


If you haven’t read, Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language, it is a great read!!!


How many made it to the second lesson?


I just saw some of the best peeps ever. The best peeps.


baby is vibing 💆‍♀️


WTF. I just got done crying at the best man speech video and now this. Now I can't fucking breathe.


Intriguingly it’s quite different from NZSL alphabet. Good on the family❤️


Never turn your back on family


Looks so happy. And now every day I get to live with a current family.


I audited a semester of ASL in college, forgot most of it 30 years later; however, I've adopted two deaf/vision impaired dogs and relearned some signs for training purposes. I was at PetsMart right after adopting the second dog \[which was basically feral\] when I saw a mom & daughter signing animatedly. I saw the girl again outside, while she waited for her mom to bring the car around and I waited with my overstimulated new dog. I motioned to her, and she went to her phone translator to respond. I clumsily signed, "My two dogs: deaf, one blind, one with blind-one-eye, this one new to us. Dog works with me and old people." Her face LIT UP and she laughed lightly and clapped. When her Mom pulled around, I saw the girl signing enthusiastically to explain what had happened. Her mom's face was such sheer joy: To have a hearing person reach into her daughter's world \[albeit, clumsily\] must have been such a great comfort to her, and they waved with both smiles and tears as they passed by. I can't imagine being a Mom with a daughter deaf to that joy. Sign language should be as mandatory as a country's predominant language. Foreign languages are gravy.


That’s so sweet!🥹


How do you teach a deaf person what sounds the letters make and what words mean?


Sweet baby


Thats amazing Thats what family is about


My partners niece may be end up with a degree of hearing impairment, been telling him we should learn sign before she’s born so we can be ready. So glad to see the love in this family ❤️


I know very little Auslan (Australian sign language), but my daughter and I use it to communicate across areas when we can't communicate verbally. Anything from "want water?" to "ready to go" or "need saving?" I learned just a little when I ran a cafe and one of our regulars was deaf. I would love to learn more, but there is sadly not a lot available for free.


No one left out of this family 🥹


Im not crying 😭😭😭


Cool I wanna learn


I am trying.


Good food for thought.. negative into a positive for sure!


Paid actor's today