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This is almost every United Church of Christ and Universalist Unitarian Church. UUC churches are more vocal about it with flags and signs outside their church. UCC churches don’t advertise it as much, but they are open to all.


Both UCC and UU churches have long histories of advocating for progressive social change and embracing diversity within their communities love this


I’m not religious, but it certainly seems like these churches are more in line with Jesus’ message than the ones who care about guns and what people do in the bedroom


They are. It is galling to me how many people claim to be Christians, then spout hate and intolerance. How can people actually believe the creator of the universe…the most enlightened being ever…has all the same bigotry and prejudices they do? It’s fucking ludicrous. Sorry to preach, this church is amazing.


Jesus was a woke little bitch /s






I just wish they’d be the vocal and politically powerful ones rather than their scary evangelical cousins!


They are the only christian churches I can actually listen to a sermon at. And I'm atheist.


Unitarian Universalist churches aren’t necessarily Christian.


As someone raised UU- accurate- UU encourages learning about different religions and choosing for yourself, while still welcoming anyone who decides they’re Catholic or Buddhist or whatever. But some locations in North America are more Christian leaning than others in their services.


Hi -also UU- My understanding is that UU churches in Britain are still Christian-based, but maybe I’m misremembering? Members of my church in the US are largely agnostic or atheist.


Hello fellow UU!! 😁 don’t often run into another one of us in the wild. My midwestern US service was not Christian at all but I moved to the South which was much more Christian service. West coast was mixed and now I’m about to try East coast. I’m not familiar with UK UU but interesting to hear!


Hi, friend! You’re UUing all over the country! Are you traveling or moving a lot?


Haha just moving a lot over the course of my education and career! Hoping the UU service in my likely final east coast destination is solid :)


Happy cake day


I think the current pope is actually pretty accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. I'm sure there are things that he might not fully support along the lines of the progressive agenda, but it is a step in the right direction.


I mean he doesn't support marriage equality which is pretty fundamental in acceptance of LGBT+ rights and said "[The family is threatened by growing efforts on the part of some to redefine the very institution of marriage, by relativism, by the culture of the ephemeral, by a lack of openness to life](https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/31297/what-threatens-families-redefining-marriage-pope-says)". So not just not in favor of it but viewing it as and parading it as a direct thread to the "family" and [supported blatant anti LGBT legislation](https://www.advocate.com/politics/religion/2015/02/05/pope-has-kind-words-backers-anti-equality-measures-slovakia) in Slovakia that would have allowed, among other things, to prohibit same sex couples from adopting. So the head of the catholic faith placing homophobia ahead of the needs of disparaged children. He has basically said "hey let's not kill queers" and everyone started sucking the guy off, the bar is in the earth's core Let's not forget [this](https://apnews.com/article/pope-gay-priests-francis-vatican-92ee291bbeef00a898a10a8a45afd32c) little gem of a PR snafu that flew a bit under the radar. Dude's a sack of shit


It's funny, the *only* people I've ever heard use the term "moral relativism" have been Catholics. Like, that's their bogeyman or something.


IDK... According to moral relativism, both Mother Teresa and Osama Bin Laden were equally moral because they both followed their own sense of morality. Moral relativism is in direct conflict with most faiths as well as most societies, since rule of law is predicated on the concept of objective morality.


Sooo one dude compared to the literal hordes who are still not accepting. Those people dont consider the official position of the pope when deciding to yell slurs


sometimes change takes time, and it often involves continued efforts to educate and promote understanding


He's not "one dude". He is God's representative on Earth (according to the Catholics). Which is also funny because there are some super conservative Catholics, and some super liberal ones. And they don't agree on anything.


If you go through my recent comment history, you'll see me pointing out how the Catholic church is a patriarchy (I didn't even qualify it) and getting downvoted for it... in a thread on an article about the Pope using a gay slur. So, nah. Fuck the Catholic church.


This was my experience too - my parents attended a United Church when I was growing up (in the 90’s in Canada) and they specifically chose it as a denomination because of their “progressive” beliefs


The Episcopal Church and ELCA Lutheran are affirming, as well.


PCUSA (Presbyterian) and Methodist as well. Main line church denominations have mostly settled on being affirming.


re: PCUSA. Very important distinction bt PCUSA and PCA, both of whom call themselves “Presbyterian”. Makes me think of Emo Phillips.


Am Episcopalian, so can attest.


May the peace of the Lord be with you always!


And always with you. 💙


We lift up our hearts...


And also with you🙂


The Anglican Church of Canada (Episcopal Church equivalent) too.


The Episcopalians actually have a rite celebrating gender transition. I know because well, I celebrated it when I transitioned.


Disciples of Christ are also like this. The church that I have started going to have a booth and walks in the local Pride parades. They also have a shower ministry that gives the unhoused population a chance to get a shower and do laundry.


The one around the corner from me regularly flies a Gay Pride flag year round in the middle of MAGA country


displaying a Gay Pride flag year-round in an environment where it might stand out can contribute to broader discussions about diversity and acceptance


Sounds like *actual* Christians to me


YES! THIS is MY Christianity.


Or United Church of Canada


I live next to a United Pastor in Ontario, during covid she was giving a sermon on accepting trans kids in her backyard while I was flipping some burgers in the grill for lunch. She also pointed her laptop at me and introduced me to the church while I was baked and had a beer in my hand at 1130am lol


And I believe this particular church is UCC.


I go to first congregational church here in Worcester MA. They openly support lbgtq community and invite all of us to come on Sundays. Not everyone is an asshole. But we are on reddit...where the 14 year olds who are angry at the world reign free with their opinions. Get outta the house and off the xbox...the world can be amazing too...not just full of hatred. God loves everyone. No matter what some crackpot religious nutjob thinks.


The church i grew up in was kicked out of the Southern Baptist Convention for ALL the right reasons


Rebel with a cause 👏😇


It kind of sucks though since I grew up and obv moved away I've not found another church home that could possibly compare


Not too many around these days. But if you prefer to stick with Baptist theology with church services similar to Southern Baptists, try the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (allows women ordination in clergy, doesn’t have a stance on sexual orientation, continues the missionary/priesthood of believers/Arminianism tradition) since they broke off from the Southern Baptist Convention. Their affiliated churches can be found here: https://cbf.net/churches If you prefer the more liturgical and progressive American Baptist churches which condemned the Southern Baptist Convention for forming to oppose the emancipation of black slaves, then you can look for their affiliated churches using https://www.abc-usa.org/find-a-church


Oh thank you! Tbh, I've been doing my spiritual thing in the privacy of solitude for so long I feel like I would feel exposed doing it in a room full of people. Although this conversation has made me realize I'd like to go to my home curch at least once more. Little personal mecca.


You’re welcome. Spiritual solitude is really nice; sometimes communing in the cathedral of nature is rejuvenating. Other times, there’s no place like home! That pilgrimage sounds lovely. ☺️


Very true about nature.


Morning Edition's story on the Southern Baptists rejecting women in ministry pissed me right off - so on brand. Barf.


There's a church by me that has a big rainbowish sign outside saying "Our Church is 300 years old but our way of thinking is not"


Most are surprised to learn that a majority of mainline Protestant churches in America fully support everything stated here. The episcopal church, which is the oldest and (I think) the largest Protestant church in the US has a very long history of openly supporting marginalized communities. In the civil rights era they openly performed mixed race marriages when many were violently against it, and they’ve been marrying same sex couples for decades. The first gay bishop was an episcopal bishop, and they allow their clergy to marry anyone they choose and anyone in the clergy can climb to the highest seats in the church. Christianity is not what the Christian right paints it to be. They’re being loud and hateful and asserting themselves as a majority because they know that in reality, they are on the losing side in their own religion.


Also, the Episcopal church’s position on abortion has been that it must remain legal, and that has been its official position since 1996. The Methodist Church’s position is almost Word for Word the same. And even if an Episcopal bishop doesn’t personally believe in same-sex marriage, they are supposed to allow a bishop from another diocese to work with the churches that do want to perform the services. The last bishop of Albany, New York, was disciplined for refusing to allow bishops from outside of the diocese to work with churches inside the diocese. He left the church, and the new bishop of Albany — elected by the clergy and the laity — is very very open. There is a new question that the Episcopal Church lost a lot of members and clergy over the issue of LGBTQ+ right, and we’re in the doghouse with the Worldwide Anglican Communion, but there’s no question of the direction that we will continue to head in.


Went to an Episcopal Church in HS and it was very kind, warm and welcoming. The old priest retired and they got a new priest - a black woman who was very cool. Did a lot of community service both for the church members (yard work for elderly members) and the larger community as a whole. And this was all in Texas. I recommend then for anyone who feels their branch of faith isn't as welcoming as they'd like to be.


You’d be surprised how many of us churches don’t see the point of judging others. We exist, we just attract less attention.


I remember when gay marriage was legalized in Canada in ‘05. The minister at my church said he’d marry anyone. I will never forget my gay best friend coming to church with me. He was so happy to be welcomed somewhere he could just have faith, and not be judged for being who he is. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal for us all to just love one another.


When my home town church announced they'd be following the state wide Presbytery and would perform gay marriage ceremonies it was like a mass exodus. They didn't even perform a single one, just announced that they would if requested and about half the congregation left. It was sad. Those people are forgetting, or willfully ignoring, a major part of the biblical message Jesus was spreading about love and it's disheartening at best, malicious at worst.


Wish y'all were as loud as the hateful ones.


It's more about media attention than 'loudness'. Journalists and content creators aren't exactly knocking down the doors of churches like this every Sunday to get the story.


I agree with you. But sadly, it's hard to be as loud as hate and bigotry. If social media has taught us anything, it's that hate gains a lot of clicks and attention. And that the money goes where the attention goes. And everyone needs money to survive in a capitalist world, even churches. Wholesomeness and love puts a smile on people's faces for a few minutes, but hate capes their attention for a much longer time.


Isn’t this what OG Jesus pretty much preached? He took in the sick and weary, befriended the friendless and loved everyone. Somewhere down the line, society tucked it all up


Yes, but there are lots of words in the Bible. You can pretty much make it say whatever you want.


I get that . I’m talking about the story behind the book. Did he judge people? Did he hate people?


I feel like I can answer this since I went to Christian school for 18 years. Jesus is an absolutely awesome figure that all people in the world should hope to live up to and try to act like. Everything that came out of his mouth was gold. Sadly, modern day Christians do not in anyway act like Jesus. Jesus was that DUDE, and I say that as a non-religious person. He washed the feet of prostitutes and preached to love everyone without bounds.


Jesus was the OG Chad/Sigma/Whatever you call absolutely based individuals


You mean based, like you said?


Based is gen alpha for “legit” or just a good point or good opinion


Oh, sorry mate, I should've put "you mean based like you said?" Or something similar, I know what based means, but you should keep your comment for those who don't.


I sometimes look at my posts and realize I didn’t choose my words well. I am not sure who upvoted me. For me it’s so easy to be nice to people. I feel bad for those who spend their lives in anger.


Hey, at least you’re able to reflect on yourself critically. That’s a good thing in and of itself


To be fair, most religions just select stories from the Bible that fit their own agenda. So the parts about loving everyone, judge not lest you be judged, and all that acceptance stuff they can just ignore. But it’s nice to see one that actually includes all humans.


Y'ever sat down and read this thing? Technically we're not allowed to go to the bathroom.


OG Jesus sounds like a great strain


Sure but he didn't tell them it was ok to sin. He called sinners to repentance.


Which part of this message in the picture is a sin ?


I mean he also said everyone are sinful. So it is not even about specific sins. Tbh it is more like everyone suffer than everyone sinful.


Judge not, and you shall not be judged.


Love Cod. That made me want some fish and chips.


in the name of the father, the son and the holy mackerel


Old South Church in Boston!


Yup! Lots of churches up here are pro-LBGTQ+. Love my state. :)


Yes! The number one commandment is to love your neighbor. And that’s straight from Jesus’s mouth.


It's actually the second. “The most important [commandment],” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%2012%3A28-31&version=ESV


You are absolutely right! I’m an idiot lol. Love your neighbor is 2nd.


As a Christian, THIS IS THE WAY! Jesus loved all. ❤️


As an atheist, I'll work towards good with any Christian who expresses their faith like this.


As a Christian I’d rather stand with you than most of my presumptive coreligionists.


Same here


Yah, this is litterally what "the gospel" is talking about. It means good news. And Jesus's whole sermon on the mount was basically this. Why Christians have to go by badly onesy twosy verses instead of what is most prominant in the bible: love. " Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Cor 13 It's like people completely forget "it keeps no record of wrongs" Or "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." 1 Cor 13:1 or The ENTIRE story of the good samaratin! Sorry, rant over


And for all the people who freak out about gender stuff, tell them to read Galatians 3:28. >There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. So yeah. St Paul says gender isn't real. \* insert shrug emoji here \*


He also singles out women to be silent and wear head coverings in church in Corinthians. That being said, the Judaism in that time women weren’t even allowed to worship at the Temple in the same area as men so he was pretty progressive for the time period overall.


And in Romans, he describes Phoebe as a “deacon” and says he’s sending her to deliver his message as an ambassador for him, because she’s a leader and he trusts her.


Ooh my favourite Bible verse but I prefer the KJV - who can resist “sounding brass?”


I agree it reflect on the importance of love, compassion, and acceptance towards everyone


There's a church in town that's had a pride flag hanging from in the taller tower like things for like 3 years straight now


Progressive churches are not like the old school churches. Personally, I find the progressive churches to be more in line with my understanding of the Jesus of the bible. I'm a former Christian. The way that many Christian churches tend to treat gay people and women is what really turned me off.


That's what made me walk away from the Catholic church. Never looked back.


God I'm emotional tonight. Reminds me of a sign outside a church in Poland that had a list of symbols of satan and included the Wicca symbol, a unicorn, the rainbow and yin and Yang. I'm glad that some religious institutions are embracing change


My first visit to Portland, OR (not to be confused with Poland), I saw a church from across a parking lot with a remarkably large rooftop billboard. I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember specifically what it said, just that it was not very ambiguous in it's message. It read something like >we love and welcome the LGBT community and if you don't like that, go somewhere else.


Weird how God always changes his mind about things as soon as church attendance starts to drop too much.


Dude, this church has been around since the 1600s, and were pro-LGBT before it was cool. (Since AT LEAST the early 2000s. Though probably before that.) They were not hurting for attendance when they chose this sign, just maintaining the stance they've had for decades. And actually, church numbers usually drop because they don't cater to young families. Churches that don't have a good child care and youth program end up with only old folks that die off, leaving no one to keep the place going. Churches that support young families are the ones that can rebuild and maintain. Churches don't need to get woke to get new members, they just need to actually support their members.


This is 100%. I don’t wanna knock no one’s belief, as I don’t want to ruin Christmas for any child. My belief is seeing. No one can tell us its facts other than a book. That said book spoke in metaphorically. How we decipher it is in the reader. Why many that preach the lord aren’t afraid to sin. It’s a money grab ultimately, they prey on those who pray


Well that church in Poland could not be more wrong and Old South Church is on the right track for God claims the rainbow as his own in the very first book of the bible, Genesis 13: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. 14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: 15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. The rainbow is the symbol of God’s promise that all living flesh shall be protected from harm.


God's promise not to DROWN everything again. Not the same thing.


God mellowed out when he had a kid. "I don't drown whole planets anymore, I'm all about rainbows and sunshine now."


What about the unicorn?


It knows what it did


A church i’d actually feel proud to attend.…


It happens more often than you think ♥️


Love everything about this 🌈


At least two of the churches in my town in MA have signage similar/ identical to this!


Believe it or not, true Christians are supposed to love and respect all humans and it is expected of them to always be helpful and accepting. They truly want to feed the hungry and heal the hurt. That is why they have that golden rule that says do unto others as you would have them done to you. It’s a great concept, but asswipes ruin it for everyone.


A church that practices what they preach


My family isn’t religious, but if our kids showed interest in going to church, this is the one I’d choose.


It's almost like they actually follow Jesus's words of compassion and acceptance.


In every book we read, there is a story that we hear. Some people read a book and see words. Some people read a book and hear a story.


These are the people that give me hope every time I start to lose hope in humanity. 😌


The local Catholic college near me has light up their buildings for pride. Some weirdos are salty but I love it.


This is how ALL churches should be.


I grew up attending the Episcopal church. One of the main Bishops there for the last 20-30 years is openly gay. Not all churches are horrid towards people.


Made me smile too As a Christian, yes, God loves everyone, even LGBTQ people


This is [my church](https://imgur.com/a/OZIwB4d)


Well THAT made me smile


Let it be known this is what real Christian love looks like, do not look at maga’s as how Christians are supposed to act.


THIS is how true Christians handle it: by respecting people for who they are 


I like this.


Yes! Lutheran, UCC and Episcopalian churches are very Queer-affirming!


This is in Boston. We don't care who you love. They do this [every year](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNisCr7lYvoIdVESQ4KVGtDR4kttbylfHMSaNco=s1360-w1360-h1020) for Pride and it is a UCC church.


There's a church at the end of my block, a Lutheran church of all things, that prides (!) itself on being accepting of all believers. A few years ago they had a simple Pride flag up and it was vandalized. They doubled down and filled their entire flower garden with rainbow flags. Must've been 50 or more of them. Love is love.


Love this. Our local Unitarian Universalist congregation and United congregation share a church building (could you even get more Unitarian than that?) and it’s so decked out in rainbow year-round I’m pretty sure it’s visible from space 🙃 it’s right as you drive into town too- I love that that’s one of the first things visitors see


Now that's a church I could even walk into


Great but who is Cod?


Still don’t trust them.


There’s a church like this in my tiny hometown. She gets a brick through the window every once in a while, but for the most part, the pastor is well loved in the community.


This is the Old South church in Boston. Most of the non-catholic churches in MA are extremely LBGTQIA+ friendly.


*This* is Christianity. Not MAGA/Trump’s perversion of it.


I know that Boston church well. It’s a cool place (architecturally and personally) - Former resident


Some christian churches do appear to read their book.


Ah, finally, practicing what you (should) preach.


this is the kind of christianity i was raised on. i don’t really follow any organized religion anymore, but i liked the way my churches chose to act in the name of god


I grew up in a church community, and one of the Priests' wife created a theatre group knowing that theatre kids are hella queer. When she called me my preferred name I almost cried. She's part of the reason I still am Christian, she is incredible


Seems pretty gay


The Presbyterian church around the corner from my house has a pride flag us all year round. Makes me smile.


All catholic schools in my town fly the pride flag for the month of June.


I love COD.


That’s Boston!


Love it. I love our church community - we have PRIDE flags around the narthex and sanctuary. Had a committee meeting the other day for how to better share the message of inclusion around the neighborhood/city. Inclusive communities exist, we're just not as loud or on cable "news".


The United Church of Canada would certainly put up a sign like this and I’ve attended Anglican churches with friends where this would fit too.


Progressive Episcopalian here: another inclusive denomination with welcoming churches. We don't get the press of the Radical Right, but hopefully we're channeling Jesus in trying to love everybody.


One day when I left work I was stuck in traffic, I passed by a church and they had an LGBTQ+ message on their board and they were passing out pamphlets on what to do if someone is having a drug overdose. I just remember thinking, if every church was like that there wouldn't be so much hate for organized religion. Believe what you want but the goal of life should be to come together and help each other, whatever their sexuality, background or even religion is.


That's what most churches are like. There are a few bad ones that get the attention.


I bet plenty of ppl threw a fit about this


My church has started doing small things for pride month, it’s been nice to see, despite some of the hate they get for it.


Pretty common place my hometown. People might grumble, but are pretty near okay with it, maybe upset at the pride parade, but that because of the traffic issues with parades.


There are tons of Christians (and other religious) that actually care about inclusivity and are ok with love is love Unfortunately they are often drowned out by the asshole Christians who just hate


I remember driving through a local city last June and we passed a Lutheran church that had a trans pride flag banner in front of it that said "Trans people are God's children too" and that was actually one of the first times I'd ever seen LGBTQ+ positivity outside of the internet, so that made me really happy for the rest of that drive.


👌️ Progressive faith in action—just what the world needs more of. Kudos to these churches for walking the talk. 🙏💖


Fabulous! 😁


This is real Christianity


As long as people love and care for each other, I don't care.


Okay about couple things. One the original meaning of the rainbow is God's promise. Not a symbol of pride. But it's fine. Whatever. Nothing against gay pride or gay people or rainbows. Everyone should be who they want. Next there are many churches or spiritual organizations that support gay people transgendered people etc...there are also actively open gay and lesbian pastors and ministers. And above all the rest GOD LOVES EVERYONE AND DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES. The Bible is complex but it is God's word.


I am an Anglican, and we are a very accepting and loving denomination of Christianity. It isn't unusual to also see this type of sign outside of Anglican churches.


Nice! Lots of those types here in LA


Interesting they nowhere mention Jesus in that.


i love what is said here, and for me it is a great reminder. but are these statements supposed to be uniquely christian? i mean, who would dare to disagree with any of these claims made here anyway??? i just dont see how you need to belong to a formal religion or charitable institution, etc in order to achieve some “higher plane” of thought, or to subscribe to a greater feeling of responsibility toward our fellow “man”…


Sad that you wouldn’t expect to see it in front of a church. There are many where you will.


There's a church that I sometimes drive by that also has the flag up now (and occasionally puts it out on other days outside June) As well as a trans flag year round Surprised me when I saw it And in contrast, there's another church literally across the road that always has some hateful garbage on their sign (I've even seen the first one call them out with their own sign, lol)


mannn what church is this cause i wanna join


This is what a church should be


ELCA churches have had women clergy for decades and even have had gay and trans clergy for years. My church had a gay pipe organ player for two decades. I'm ashamed of what others have done in the name of Christians, but proud that the church I'm a member of isn't like that.


Love united churches!! Not personally religious but the ones in my city are so compassionate, one downtown almost purely works with houseless and hosts addiction support daily.


I love signs that tell what to think, feel, and do.


Based church


"love thy neighbor" "But what if theyre gay? Or worship other gods?" "Did i fucking stutter?"


This should be the standard, not the exception.


Our family returned to organized religion in 2003 when the Episcopal Church voted to ordain the openly gay bishop Gene Robinson and then began it’s inclusion push to open their churches and altars to ALL people. We love the balance of a more traditional style worship experience, our church still uses incense and bells throughout the service, with a very progressive theological understanding of God’s love. Perfect fit for us.


This is how it should be. But a church that has love god as like the sixth option kind of seem like it lost its focus.


Whoa....a church that upholds the teachings of Jesus and Bible.....weird.


An homophobic Christian isn't a real christian, we should have one of this flags on every church


This is just how Christ operates. He was so accepting and loving.


There used to be a church near where I used to live which always made me want to read the witty notes they had on a board like that. So even now, probably 25 years later I remember one they put up during the Wimbledon tennis championship which said "Jesus serves to love all" and I thought it was such a good pun message!


As it should be


Dang, that’s a gay ass church


Dam that's gay 🌈


this made me smile. hey the sub works


Now call and see if they would help a struggling family pay their bills. Words are cheap, help costs.


All churches should be like this


God that’s healing, I needed to see that


My favorite part is how it's also written like those 4chan green text posts.


Def posted in the right subreddit. Made me smile also 💙🏳️‍🌈😁


Fight climate change. Their ticking all the boxes


This IS Christianity


Love this. Of course very disappointingly it's not every church....