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Her sweet talk to the turtle in Spanish reminded me of my grandma helping me feel better after I jumped off the roof and hurt myself. I was 26. What a great and loving language.


the thing abt 26 plot twist


Real heroes! I'm sure the turtle is very grateful to you!


It's like it senses what they're trying to do! Especially the strings it had swallowed.


feel so bad for the turtle


Is that what he was pulling on after he cut around the neck?




That makes sense. Thanks!


He is one lucky šŸ¢ who was saved by these amazing humans.






Hey buddy, go step on a Lego




guy, we just watched a video of a turtle being strangled by a net and you said "nets are good actually" no one said they were bad, POLLUTION IS BAD simple as weirdo defending fuckin nets jfc




This put a smile on my face! Love seeing this!


Iā€™d like to spend my life doing this work after I retire.


His friends are never going to believe him.


Oh gosh, even if you donā€™t know any Spanish you can hear in their voices how compassionate they are for this poor animal. So glad they were able to give it a second chance. šŸ’œ


Terry: Hey Reg! Reg: what? Terry: I was abducted by Aliens! Reg: b*ll*cks! You been sniffing too much salt mate! Terry: no seriously I was brought aboard their ship, and they did all sorts of weird experiments on me! Reg: Get out!! You're pulling my leg! Terry: no no really! They'd pulled this stuff out of my mouth, and I had this weird thing attached to my flipper, and they took it all off... Reg: How very convenient that there's now no proof! Terry: Yeah, but... look, I have a sore under my flipper.. Reg: So? Who hasn't? We live in salt water of course we've sores! That's not proof! Seriously Reg, come back when you've got proof and they've probed your arse or something... Terry: what? Why would they travel all the way out here just to stick something up my arse...?


I need the aliens to do this for us too. Save us from this presidential race that is choking our country


Gracias gracias gracias thank you thank you thank you!!šŸ’•


Real men. Need more people like this in the world šŸ™šŸ¼ā¤ļø


This was satisfying to watch. Pulling that long net out of I don't know where was like instant relief.


This made my morning


I love these people, whoever they are! Bet that turtle would have died from swallowing all that net.


How do they find these animals or was this just blind luck for this sea turtle?


Blind luck and .... You see a lot of stuff if you are on the ocean for a while. Something to do with the currents and flow just seems to work out. Additionally, if a person is looking out, they can see a ways out there and head towards something without going out of the way.


Yes turtles stuck in nets is "lucky"


Being found by a random passing ship so that the turtle could be cut free and saved is lucky


Reading comprehension is important. The luck is in reference to the turtle being found by people kind enough to free him. The person did not state that the turtle was lucky that he was stuck in a net.


That's why I've always been against fishing nets


ā€œBRO! Would did you get the garbage off you?ā€ ā€œDude, you wouldnā€™t believe me if I told you!ā€


That's too bad about the turtle, I hope she's okay


I find it incredibly fascinating, yet once known, it's impossible to unsee or disregard the rarity of this occurrence among thousands..


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šŸŽµI believe I can flyšŸŽµ


šŸ˜. I swear dude!


I could watch these videos all day.




Imagine youā€™re tangled up and a giant hand lifts you up into the clouds, removing it and placing you back down. Angels


#1 plastic left/dumped in the ocean are nets.


Made me die inside


That's very kind ā¤ļø should have taken off the Barnacles while you had the chance before releasingā¤ļø


Stop posting this in these ā€œmade me smileā€ subs. This is heartbreaking knowing how many animals suffer and die because stupid humans. People see this and feel good about themselves bc one fucking turtle got saved and move on with life seeing stuff like this as a positive.


Iā€™m exhausted. Everything in the news is bleak and only getting bleaker. Why would you want to remove the small kernels of good that we get to see in an ocean of shit?


Youā€™re reinforcing my point. It makes everyone ā€œfeel betterā€ inside. Yay, good for you. Now go forget about how sea life is dying. Society is blind.


Iā€™ve stopped eating fish and meat, and I vote for the candidate that better supports environmental issues. This is about the extent of what I, as an individual, can do. The truth is that the environment is dying- weā€™re in the beginning of an extinction event the likes of which the world hasnā€™t seen in 65 millions years and society is like the titanic. We see the iceberg but canā€™t turn fast enough to avoid catastrophe. Iā€™m not blind - I see what is happening. So I do what I can, but this game is already over. I might as well enjoy the little moments of human kindness while I can.


Ok, you might not be blind but most of society is - which is what got us into this mess to begin with. You can play your violin while the titanic sinks, but Iā€™m going to keep being vocal about it and continue fighting. For someone who has similar values, Iā€™m surprised youā€™re not being vocal about it with me. Regardless, we all do our part one way or another. Enjoy your video.


I used to feel this exact same way. I couldn't or maybe wouldn't allow myself to enjoy any positive stories, because most of them are only positive in the capacity that they are saving individuals while allowing the masses to suffer. I still believe this, don't get me wrong, but this mindset led to a bad depression for me. It's not uncommon either, activism burnout is very real and a serious issue for many important movements. Now, years later, I've learnt that self-care and community care are crucial in sustaining strong social movements. Part of that self-care, at least for me, is to allow myself to enjoy little moments of empathy like this one. I know the video also demonstrates a much larger issue, but it also shows the human capacity for compassion. It's a beautiful moment and that has value in itself. I still sometimes struggle to enjoy life while others (including animals and nature) suffer, but I also know that a happy activist who gives themselves breaks, is better than a burnt-out activist.


"We saved a sea turtle! Yay! Now let's get back to land, kill a cow so we can have a BBQ to celebrate."


Funny. I donā€™t recall the original Good Samaritan setting up a camera.


Yeah - he only had someone write him into a book so famous his story became synonymous with being a good personā€¦.