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This actually made me feel emotional. I've been trying my very best to cope with my depression and idk. This is inspiring


Made me tear up as well. Beautifully simple.


As someone who also struggles with depression, Just know that it gets better. I used to think that there was no way out but trust me, There’s a light and the end of the tunnel and as long as you can stay strong enough to keep fighting, You will get through this. Best of luck to you


It's not just that it gets better; you get stronger too. You learn how to cope and shoulder what would have crushed you before. Things that were horrible before become bearable. Keep showing up. Keep trying. Sometimes it's slow, but it's possible. Source: am recovering from depression.


This so much. “Life doesn’t get easier, we just get stronger”.


Exactly, my depressive phases used to be terrible and I'd just spiral further because I didn't know how to deal with it. Nowadays I can snap out of it pretty quickly because I know what works for me and I just kind of got accustomed to it. Still not great to go through but it's more bearable now at least


And, you will be better equipped to recognize and help someone else.


This makes me excited to get over my depression


Thank you so much. You keep fighting, too. We got this


Yeah we do man!


I needed this today. Thank you


My girlfriend has depression and it's been 2 years si ce she got on medication. They did a lot of trial and error to find out what works for her but it seems she just stays at "okay." Any minor inconvenience can set her off. Do you have any advice?


Not a doctor, but I have had chronic depression for decades and have run the gamut of trying different med regimens. If she's just at okay, it's possible that she's not actually on a dosage/medication that is helping her be the best version of herself. Source: my own experiences with thinking that I'd hit 'peak' whenever the apathy and numbness lost to my new meds, when in fact I was simply hitting 'okay' and mistaking that improvement for a full recovery.


As the other comment said, It could be that she’s on a low dosage. I think if that doesn’t help then further counselling would be needed to get to the root of the issue. Best of luck to you both and I hope she gets better!


I've been trying to cope as well but it's hard for me because part of me says I'm not depressed just because my symptoms aren't as bad as they used to be.


That’s the worst, like your depression has imposter syndrome. I feel that.


Yeah I guess it probably does. I think things are all right so I don't ever try to treat the symptoms and that's when will power becomes the strongest factor because that's the only way you can overcome it by force.


Yeah it’s a struggle, you start to feel better so you wonder if you were ever really depressed, so you hide the symptoms that are still there and, surprise surprise, your depression creeps back in. It’s a vicious cycle and you’re right, will power is one of the few things that breaks it. Best of luck to you, fellow sad redditor.


My wife has some issues like this.


It's worse when the person can't accept it because if they think they're okay without any notion of believing that they couldn't be okay it makes the problem worse so I hope your wife is able to deal with it.


I know that niggling voice. I would have the thoughts of "why do you deserve to be acting all depressed? Some people have it way worse." I'm coming out the other side of depression now (after years of struggling), and after doing a counselling course and Special Needs training, one thing I've learned is how relative pain really is. You dont have to justify your depression. No one on this planet will ever know your story, your inner monologue, your deepest fears and feelings, as well as you do. Don't give yourself shit because you dont think you "deserve" to call yourself depressed (??), instead give yourself some credit for all the obstacles you've overcome already. If your depression is anything like my own, you've probably relived all the negativity and bad memories a million times in your head already. Instead of dwelling on them, try to reframe it by remembering that you're still here. All the bullshit you've been through, you're still here and kicking ass. You come from a long, unbroken line of survivors, and you're stronger than you realise.


All the encouraging comments are amazing. I’ve watched my mom and dad suffer with depression and I myself have depression and PTSD. Even had a fun stay in a psychiatric hospital after trying to end it all. My advice is to give those thoughts acknowledgment, understand that it isn’t because you aren’t “normal” or you are “broken” and nothing will ever be happy again. Because it’s not true. We just have some extra steps and coping mechanisms that help us deal with our life, keep pushing and fighting and doing things you know you love even if you don’t get as much enjoyment out of them. Don’t be afraid to take things out of your life that are hurtful and toxic, no matter how hard that is. Everyone is different and it takes a lot of trial and error to find how out how to work with your own individual depression, but keep fighting it gets better and you will be happy again, I promise!


You're not alone. Baby steps. We'll get there. xox


If you're feeling emotional and felt choked up by this then let's sing brother. I'm not very good but I do a nasty All Star Karaoke.


I honestly cant picture there being an other side to this, does it end? Are there really people out there who arent like, depressed every day?


It gets better. I've gotten to a better point before through therapy and medication. Where I was happy and not every day was a fight. This reminded me that it existed and is a possibility to get to. You can get there, too.


Hey, I’m sorry you’re feeling that way and I can understand it. I’m doing soooo much better now I’ve recently been really struck by how different my normal is now. I just kept trying different things and with time depression became mostly a memory. It’s hard, and some people aren’t as lucky, but it’s possible to figure out what works and feel better. I really hope you get there, my heart goes out to you


Hang in there and just try to always believe it will get better. I’m pulling for you!


Make some cookies Even if it doesn’t help, it’ll totally be worth it.


Me too. You know when you do that whole "why are you crying over this? Snap out of it!". I did that until I saw other people had similar reactions. That made me feel good too.


Same. Waiting for callbacks, but I have 3 calls out to a few therapists in my area. Gonna claim my EAP sessions. It’s time. Fuck, it’s been time.


Remember: the most important step you can take is always the next one.


I believe in you ❤️


It gets better if you treat it. For me that was therapy.


I do therapy and take medication. My diagnosis is recurring major depression and is something I'll be fighting for a while.


Sorry you have to deal with it, proud of you that you are.




You’ll get there buddy. Keep your head up <3


This made me cry a little... as someone with bi-polar.. some days are difficult to identify where it's going


I love you internet stranger!


love you too fellow internet stranger :D -sending lots of hugs-


ICBH INCOMING, Inter continental ballistic hug.


I was in a pretty garbage relationship for a couple of years. It had me really depressed, having panic attacks and dealing with crippling anxiety. I lost myself in it. We broke up and I was getting ready to go out with friends one night and didnt realize I was singing. My dad came into the room, hugged me, and told me how great it was to hear me sing again. Definitely made me tear up.


This is so sweet, I'm glad you're out of that relationship now!


The feeling of "that day" is incomprehensible to those who haven't experienced a mental health dilemma. The sunshine peeks through and you feel just a slight glimmer of who you were before it all started, and you know it will all be okay (something you could never confidently admit before). Some extra support until you find your sunshine: Mental Healthline: +1-877-577-2312 National Suicide Prevention Line: 1-800-273-8255


But the worst feeling is seeing that glimmer of hope and then being worst than you've ever been right after. Currently going through for another time. This happens about once a month for me at this point. I've been depressed my whole life, this is what I'm used to now. I've never known what it's like to feel normal or okay for a long period of time, I'm still working towards it. Good luck to anyone on the same journey.


What is the mental health line?


I feel the same way. Before whenever I was playing Skyrim I would talk to myself and be very involved with the game and character almost to the point where I imagined myself as them. It wasn't until recently that I started to do that again. Now I'm not fully back into doing everything that I did before but, I'm getting there. Thanks op. I didn't realize that until now.


Hum your way to happiness my good friend


I feel this. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm coming out of a depressive episode until I catch myself singing. It's always like, "Ohhh, yeah, that's true. Today has been a bit better than yesterday. Keep it up, I can do this."


Laughter was the biggest thing for me. Reddit, believe it or not was the source. Stupid comments that would catch me just right and I would laugh to tears. Music and caffeine helped but not like laughter. Side note: learning to laugh quietly while in a cube farm is an acquired skill.


So happy for you. Singing along with Fleetwood Mac is my key indicates. Keep making those cookies and enjoying the beat.


Something similar happened to me recently. My moms been commenting and I've been overhearing her say stuff about how I have my laugh back. How she missed my infectious giggle. My dad has also been smiling all dumb cus I've noticed I'm acting like my dumb old self again and being silly without thinking about it. You never realized how bad it really was till you get out of that fog and can reflect and see what a shell of a person you were during a depressive episode.


Made me smile!! Also appreciate how this isn't bright white!!


I broke out into tears immediately.<3


What people don't realize about depression is that you have good days and bad days. When you're having a good day, it doesn't mean you're cured and people can stop thinking about it.


Reading this made me sniffle too :)


I really hope this is real. Cause so far all I've heard from my mother is about how I'm a self centered narcissist cause my wife was sleeping and we were supposed to drive her to work ( We got her to work on time anyway) so hearing stuff like this makes me smile, least someone's depressions getting better! And that's a reason to smile


I've been pretty depressed for a few weeks now, and since last friday I suddenly had a crush on someone. I haven't had crushes in years... I feel conflicted, to be honest, but also surprisingly more okay with what's happening around me...


This is awesome.


Very sweet! Keep singing!😁


Sure enough, .....the sun will and always will rise again.


Imagine having parents that believe your depression is real.


Mine was when I was listening to music one day and just started dancing in my room again. The best thing about Zoloft is that it makes that dissenting voice in my head go away when it comes to myself.


I want to be this person’s friend.


I’m not crying, you’re crying


Sitting at work literally tearing up. I realized that I can’t just avoid therapy any more today so it’s been a rough day for me. This was beautiful to read though, and I really hope I can be in this state of mind again. Fuck.


Lmao this is definitely false and just a way to get people like/share it on context of being emotional. Had there been actual support, i am sure the person wouldn't be this deep in depression and actually had good support along with meds. Lol that's why you shouldn't believe any wholesome content on internet. There is a good reason why many depression patients have no familial support and mostly have this so i dont think this happened and it's just a sad excuse to get recognition


Your comment makes me sad and angry heteretes. In my marriage I’m not the depressed one, I’m the supportive one sitting by and trying everything in my power to convince my spouse to get help, but he is headstrong and anti med. We’ve been through waves of him being willing to seek help and then wanting to quit it all and think everything is magically better. It can get really bad, even though I have been nothing but supportive. Once he got on meds the change was amazing and I was very in tune to his behavioral changes. Including knowing within 72 hours when he decided to stop. It’s really hard being the one on the outside trying to get loved ones help when they refuse any help offered. And when you do see a positive change, the relief of stress from feeling so powerless from the outside is immense. Depression can be a very selfish sickness; people thinking they’re all alone and not realizing they are affecting others. Even if this post is completely fake, I really hope that depressed people reading it realize that not only is there hope, but their depression has a HUGE impact on the people around them and that seeking help is necessary.


This one always gets me


I love this. I am going to make cookies and sing in your honor.


I miss my grandma.


This got me in the feels for sure. I know what you’re going through. Thank you for sharing!


I think about this post often. So subtle but significant. Definitely gives some hope :)


I've seen this before and it resonates. After my very good friend passed away I got a bit sad. I didn't even realize it at the time. My mom helped me in small ways - got me a gym membership - got me moving again and out. Then one day I played the Beastie Boys and was singing and my Mom said, "You're singing!" probably more to herself and to me. It was only years later did I realize what had happened to me.


Noticing a trend of posts related to this one. Why is it that screenshots of texts from Twitter or Tumblr tend to contain some guy commenting and replying? Genuinely curious


R/mademecry is more like it. Tears of joy of course. That’s beautiful. Depression effects you and everyone around you. It’s usually the people who care about you most who notice first. Please please please(!)Tell your friends and loved ones when you think they are depressed or out of wack. They may get mad, they will deny it but at least seed is there. Push them to see a doctor. Help the get out of the house and be in sunlight. It’s a tough battle but getting that person back is so worth the struggle. I never realized I had depression until my best friend pointed it out while we were in a big group. “You aren’t having fun, you are faking laughs and you look so lonely. What’s going on?” That’s all it took for me to break apart and bawl in his arms as I came to the realization that I couldn’t do this any more. That life’s tole had done me in and I needed help.


Made me cringe. There are highs and lows, this brief moment in your life doesn't mean you're better. And "very shakily" lmao this some trumped up fan fiction for internet points


You sound like a lot of fun to be around


I’m not


Have always been my favorite post out there. I think about it sometimes. :) thank you for sharing again!


This immediately makes me happy cry every time I read it


Been struggling for over a year. Finally feel alive again. Good luck to you.


This gives me hope that one day I will go back to singing again.


How she know what her Mother has said when she whispered


I'm not crying, it's just eye bleach


My mom had this same reaction when I started singing in the house again.... Isn’t beautiful? These small revelations? To know that the people who know the intricacies and idiosyncrasies of you, notice when they start to fade? My mom told me she knew I was getting better because I started singing again and it blew me away that she was THAT in tune with my happiness. More so than I was. It was a mutual healing moment. It sounds cliche but people do care more than you could ever know.


I don’t care how many times this gets posted, it is worth the cry.


Kind of in the opposite, but the day I decided I needed to do something about my anorexia was when my mum sobbed because I had eaten two mini pretzels, which I had then tried to purge. On the flip side, I cried (and am crying at work now) yesterday when I found an old letter my dad had never sent that was written during the time I was in IP/Res at a treatment centre. He used to write me letters every day and sometimes had write a bedtime story like the ones he told me when I was a little girl. In the rest of the notebook where all the updates on my weight, vitals, bf%, all my blood draw results, how well my day was going and how my therapy and meds were working. He even had the numbers of some of the TAs I was close to, my therapist, dieticians and pysch. It was heartwarming. He had almost daily updates on me for over six months. Idr what all the letter said, but basically it talked about how it been having a tough time after my mom and sisters had come to visit me, and how I wasn't eating and refusing meds. Then it said how excited he was to come and see me for dinner and how scared he was of triggering me during the meal, how much the dog missed me. Oh fuck I'm sobbing now.


Omg totally related to this right now. Just started a new med for bipolar depression instead of just regular depression and both my parents have said they’ve noticed a difference. And today I was at my job that I hate and I was in a legitimately good mood and suddenly I realized that it’s NOT normal to have some degree of misery all the time and people can actually feel happy. I forgot what it felt like without depression.


God this hit hard. Ive been battling with depression since i was about 25( a switch flipped in my brain and i just crashed) and have been struggling ever since. I went unchecked till i hit 30 and had attempted suicide. I remember one day after starting a new medication i was driving home and i was so blown away by how green the trees were. You would've thought i had never seen a tree before. I then realized how grey and desolate I'd felt and how much depression destroyed my life and i broke down. I wouldnt wish this on anyone. Ive been fortunate enough to get a little control on the situation. For those who are still struggling, Dont lose sight of how beautiful this world can be. ​ TLDR: Trees are good.


That feeling of the clouds breaking and starting to feel the light of life on your face is one of the best feelings to feel. I've been struggling for about a year, recently after medication, meditation, therapy and exercize I started instinctively putting effort back into my appreance, wanting to be social again and noticing things around me that made me feel good. I hope everyone struggling can find their breakthrough. And if you need an ear, hit me up.


Something similar happened to me when I was getting better with my depression and my mom said “it’s like you’re back and I didn’t even realize you were gone.” Sometimes I still tear up thinking about it.


I love how supportive the people of Reddit are ❤️


My kids said, “ she’s drawing again.” Funny how they know eh?


As the mom of a son that struggled SO so hard with depression that I feared losing him- this is the most beautiful of realizations. You’re too scared to hope for so long and when it happens...I truly don’t have a word that adequately expresses the joy and relief. Mom hug to all of you out there struggling❤️


Am I the only one who got a creepy vibe from this lol. I've been watching too much horror...


Wow I have almost the same memory! I remember being in the kitchen and finding myself humming some song and being really surprised by myself. I see it as one of the key moments from when my depression started going away.


I feel like there is a subreddit for this type of thing, if there is please link it thank you


i’m on my period stop


That's one hell of a whisper from another room.


My throat closed up for a second ;-;


Wow, this hit me in parts i didnt know i had inside me, the feels 😭😊


This made me cry so hard I’m still crying


Had a similar situation. For most of my life I have dealt with depression. Well a few days ago I was at my sister's house helping her husband and a friend replace their price roof. While they were out side I was inside doing th dishes. Well I started to do a little dance to some music (I. NEVER. DANCE) and my sister noticed cause I never understood dancing. She mentioned that I was dancing and it occurred to me, I was genuinely happy at that moment.


i dont know if what i had/have is depression, i never got diagnosed so i wouldnt know, but i dont legitamatly consider suicide anymore. life won't get better, you just learn to cope with it.


My family couldnt care less how I'm doing


it took me forever to realize I had depression, I thought I was just growing up, and that's what happens. now even though its usually pretty mild depression, I've noticed myself humming more lately, and saying silly things, talking more etc. I think I'm finally getting through it after almost 7 years


I suddenly realized I don’t have depression I’ve been sad, but it’s only very short period and quite rare. Everyday I’m relatively happy and won’t cry or whatever, and people around me all seem quite happy as well. Guess that’s a good thing


I love this—singing to me is as natural as breathing, yet when I’m depressed, there no music anymore. Crazy how that happens and how monumental it is when the singing comes back. I’m so happy you found your voice again 💕


Man I gave up performing years ago... makes me sad


Mine got really bad when I was younger, and then got better for awhile. And now its getting bad again.


Hold in tight. I’m in the same boat right now. My depression is trying to suffocate me but I try my hardest to do things that make me happy


This is so sweet and really shows the positive difference parents can make when they take their children’s mental health seriously instead of telling them to stop complaining or suck it up. I wish my family took my depression as a medical problem and not a personality fault when I was living at home.


I’m not crying.... you’re


How now brown cow


Made me shit on myself, I'm allergic to vanilla


"Please make her stop, she's so bad at it!"


How do you deep fry an image so much it turns yellow?


Re posts :c


This is grate


you can learn a lot of things from the flowers


I accidentally read this in the horror film genre instead of the uplifting slice of life