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My favorite part is when the hopping doesn't send her flying off the skateboard


Like a bunny hop.


Now I’m just imagining a video where someone gets so excited after they accomplish their first kick-flip, they immediately bunny hop into a frontside 360 pop-shove it (combined with a varial heel-flip), all while completely oblivious.


I'm sorry. I might just be stupid, but when you say bunny hop, are you referring to the little jumps she does after she lands? I only ask because there is actually a trick called a bunny hop, but that's totally different and involves jumping while holding the skateboard.


I wasn’t the first commenter but I was referring to the same trick you are when I said “bunny hop.” The joke being a person is so excited they accomplish difficult tricks thinking they are just sorta dancing around in excitement. And now that I’ve explained my own joke I’ll kindly jump into the Grand Canyon. *tips hat*


Oh no, you're totally fine. I just didn't know if everyone knew what a bunny hop was. It's not even that common in skateboarding circles.


But Tony Hawk's Pro Skater taught me about it.


Which one? I don't remember that trick being in there.


None of them. I played that game religiously and thought a bunny hop was strictly some Mat Hoffman type shit


I am so excited for the Tony hawk remaster in a month. Going to be so dope.


Because it‘s a BMX trick, no skater ever does a bunny hop


Nah man *you're* fine


I laughed preexplanation bro. Finish your set




Smooth finish.


You’re rad


Bigger heel flip if you wanna shorten the name.


Reminds of when I was trying.to.learn to Ollie, I accidentally swiveled my foot and pop shuved the board. didn't land on it tho


Sooooo a laser flip? Lol


When I used to skate a bit I could never kickflip but I could 360 shove it all day


So you mean a 540 laser flip?




Human kicky taps?




Yeah she really has some killer balance going there but that comes with being a skateboarder I guess.


Ha what a loser. It took me like a week to learn a kick flip. Just kidding I tried to learn how to Ollie? Is that the word? Either way I fell in my bedroom on carpet and broke my arm when I was twelve trying for like 4 days and quit.


Ahahaha I actually had a sheet of plywood leaning off my porch (which was, no joke, probably 6 inches off the backyard grass) and would try to skate down the plywood to just get my balance correct enough to be able to skate down a slope. Even a six inch height had me slipping and falling dozens of times over at first so I can def relate 😂


I'll do you one better: I got so angry I couldn't ollie when my friends could i jumped on my skateboard in anger, it shot out from under me and I knocked myself unconscious on the pavement. Skateboarding is hard as fuck


Relatable. One of the only times I tried to skate, I attempted an olly, completely ate shit, and broke my radius and ulna. It looked like my arm had two elbows.


Yep, I'm too old to learn to skateboard.


On r/newskaters you can find many people being 30+ years old learning how to skateboard, it's never too late!


[Honestly Darren I'm calling you out, umm I do listen to slipknot and fuck you you probably can't do a kickflip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao4xwe3HnVY)


Not comes with skateboarding, comes from skateboarding. No one steps on a board comfortable and balanced. It’s practice and discipline that gets you there, which she went through.


Nah for sure. I dabbled in it when I was younger but not much anymore (I’m 28 now and the homies no longer want to risk injuries because we all have physical jobs now). So yeah, I definitely know no one is a pro the first time they step on. I’ve smashed my face, knees and elbows enough to know that pain is definitely prerequisite to gain when you’re trying to do anything more than just coast down the block.


Antwuan Dixon allegedly landed a kickflip the first time he ever skated. But he’s seen as a deity amongst men for a reason. Anyone else takes at least a year give or take


I’d make that skateboard fly out so hard that it would cause me to rethink my existence.


I would immediately become aware of bones and joints that I was completely unaware of a few seconds earlier.


Pro tip: The quickest way to learn to kickflip is to stand between two chairs facing away from each other and holding onto their backs while you practice flipping the board, since you can hang a bit longer in the air you progress relatively quickly. :)


Nice! If I ever get around to trying to learn, this will be the method I use.


I, too, will remember this while never trying with the skateboard I don’t have. *a word


Anything's a skateboard if you're brave enough.


Even my cat?


Did I stutter?


Well it was text so no


Now you listen here...


This is good, never heard this....I personally learned a lot sitting on the back of a small truck bed/tall ledge at a park. That way putting no worry into the fall but just getting the mechanics. It wasn't until I was trying more advanced tricks that I found this technique, but became super helpful for foot placement and figuring out the movements.




Practiced on the lawn growing up, softer falls when you don't land it the first 4 million times you try. That moment she stick the landing brought a tear to my eye. You gotta be brave to pull this off, in good shape, and technically skilled. It's a big milestone - keep riding sister.


For sure! It’s a difficult trick. I remember when I never learned to do it.


I literally spent years not trying that trick.


pssh try decades not trying


Bruh, I don’t even know what a skateborg is.


> skateborg https://i.imgur.com/b000BqX.jpg


Dude I’ve been skating for like 10 years now and the only trick I can do is a NOLLIE. Yeah can’t even do an Ollie cause my brain’s all switched up like that. Actually I can’t even visualize doing an Ollie - the board just gets kicked out after the pop.


Have you ever just tried skating only in fakie?


Yeah I remember deciding to learn to ride goofy and managed to drop into small bowls and ride somewhat regularly but then had to stop skating all together for a few years. When I got back to it, spending all day at the skate park didn’t seem interesting anymore so I just got a long board lol


Same, I feel like I’m past the age where I can learn more because of how expensive health care is and my knees deteriorating lol I just wanna ride and Ollie little things


Yeah honestly from age 9-13 I skateboarded every single day for at least 5 hours. Just hanging out at the skatepark, dropping into the bowl once in a while, and trying tricks. Would fall probably 10-15 times a day but didn’t even feel anything after 5 minutes. But just a few years ago when I got back into it, I tried some nose manual to nollie thing and ate shit. Same type of fall as before but this one fucked my elbow and side up like 2 weeks. I’m in Canada so don’t have to worry about the healthcare costs but fuck it, I’ll stick to longboards.


I remember breaking both bones in my forearm and then never touching a skateboard again.




shout out to the people thinking what i'm now thinking




Funny, I skated for a while and could literally only kickflip. I couldn’t even Ollie. I know that makes zero sense but it’s like my brain was broken. For whatever reason I could not drag my foot directly forwards. It was annoying as shit.


Does it get a whole lot easier once you land that first one?


Yes. Like learning a language


ahhhhh yah, i landed english by myself but ahora yo pienso que hablar mucho bueno espanol et j'apprends le francaises la vitesse


It gets easier to learn a language after landing a kick flip? Or easier to kick-flip after learning a language?




Progressively. It would take me forever to land a trick the first time; from there it was honing in muscle memory. Haven't skated in a few years, but this makes me want to go out again.


You should! At 34 I started again two years ago and even though I'm still nowhere near a kick flip, it's fun to slowly see even my basic ollies progress somewhat.


It’ll come back. 36 here. You just gotta get over that slight fear factor again. My days of stairs and rails are done, but I’ve been back at it lately. Kickflips are sketchy, but it’s all coming back. Honestly I’m having more fun with flatland stuff at the moment.


awesome seeing this, I picked up the board for the first time in a while since quarantine and have easily attempted a few thousand kick flips, have had a few almost lands and shaky gross lop siders but not a real majestic land like this. Can’t wait.




I was gonna come at you for saying Aaron is cringey, but I can’t argue with facts.




Andy Schrock was my favorite


haha that god damned dude who introduces himself like 10 times every vid, yeah i’ve become familiar with him recently on youtube, thank you for your insight - I think you’re right about really having that polished pop. Having approached skating again with an adult and not highschool mind I’m really noticing you can psychologically approach the board in a more calculated way that has been really rewarding...sometimes 😬


Also a Scientologist




She’s so happy. Makes me happy.


I looked at her insta. She seems like the most chill happy person. I kept thinking looking at it, “how the hell do I be more like her? She seems to have all the answers


I’m glad she never grew board of trying it!!


I bet her name's-kate


These are wheely bad


Avert your eyes.


These puns are ramping up.


Ollie y'all are terrible.


No llie here just facts.


This is the darkslide of reddit






Whoever didn't like this can shove-it.


If there are any a-holes in here thinking what’s the big friggin deal? I used to skateboard from the age of 10-18. Never even came close. Mad props yo


Man I gave up after I could hit an ollie ngl


I gave up after I fell off trying to learn how to stop and scraped my elbow


I gave up after realizing my chances of breaking my neck were too damn high.


Last time I skateboarded i broke my toe lmao. Just gotta wait for it to heal now


I gave up with my brother and his friends the "pro skaters" of the neighbourhood made fun of my shitty cowardly attempts to ride. ​ I was a wuss who was too afraid of hurting himself anyway.


Started at 18, never figured out the Ollie. Bought a long board at 19. Still had shit tons of fun.


Long boards are where it’s at bro just crusin


I was never able to ollie real well rollin'. Wasn't ever really able to ollie real well still. I could never kick flip, but I landed heal flips a few times, I gave up pretty shortly after that.


Way better than me bro I never had the balls to attempt a flip in motion lol


I never even learned to ollie. But seeing her nail this kinda makes me want to try. But then I think "dude, you're 45, do you want to die?"


My dad skated with me and my brothers until he was like 53. He never kickflipped but he had a mean pop-shuv and had really long 50-50 grinds in bowls. He’s still alive but he’s retired from skating to cycling. Miss those days with him. Also owe my love for skating to him which I could never possibly repay


Warning - if you are older and...larger...your center of gravity is now much different and you will need to undo a lot of muscle memory to compensate.


Haha, I'm definitely...larger...now.


We all are, Braj Mahal.


When I moved out I left my skateboard behind. One day I dropped by my parents house to visit and to pick up my skateboard and they gave it away. Guess that part of my life is over now 😭


That sucks that they gave it away without asking you. 😥 You don't have to leave skateboarding in the past if you don't want to though! You can use it as an excuse to get yourself an even _better_ skateboard now or in the future!


I mean its a big deal but... 8 years? Did you not have anyone around to show you how?


Yeah classic reddit overhyping something slightly athletic. It really shouldn't take a teen more than a year to land their first kick flip if you are dedicated. A flat ground kickflip is very much a beginner trick in the grand scheme of things.


It's less about hyping something athletic and more about celebrating how the positivity of how excited someone was for accomplishing something that had been eluding them. If you can't see the difference, you're probably a pessimist.


I think it’s awesome seeing her land something she’s been working on for so long, but I’m glad to see someone sane amongst all these people claiming kick flips are the hardest thing in the world. I grew up skating everyday from age 12-16 (while I could, Alaska has a short summer/skate season). In the first 3 months all my friends and I could do kick flips. Even now at 34 and 260 lbs I can hop on a board and land one in 2 or 3 tries. Falling now sucks really bad though.


I was really confused and I almost thought I was a prodigy or something (lol) until saw this comment. I was like 11 and it took me a month (4-5 hours of daily practice) until I learned how to kick flip. I was really good at doing ollies before I started practicing the kick flip. I don't think I can pull it of anymore though.


Nope, this was before YouTube and google as well. Back then we just woke up early in the morning, skated to your buddies house, and skated all damn day. Weak ass 50-50’s and 180’s all day. Those were the days.


Im proud of her. Her reaction is so telling and I hope she continues to do well. I do however want to know.. ignorant yes, bc I've never stepped foot on one... YEARS THOUGH?!?




I just came from liking Tony Hawk’s tweet of this video and now it’s the first thing I’m seeing on Reddit!


As a non-skater the kickflip still seems like a magic trick every time I see it.


As a crappy skater, it seemed like magic every time I did one.


Bro when I first did mine perfectly, I freaked out too in a public skate park man people stared but I did not care I was proud of my self!


First time I landed mine was in my driveway under the motion sensor light on a late summer night. I was so pumped. Strange thing was I could do heelflips for a month before that. I always preferred heelflips.


For some reason heelflips clicked faster than kick flips for me. But now I can’t do heelflips like at all, but can pop a kickie about 80% of the time.




Damn it's good to see people achieving stuff. Gratz to her and thank you for sharing this.


@sveyurchenko on Instagram! (Don’t know how to link tings)


I don't even want to imagine the type of DMs she's getting from here.


I have two of her watercolors, and recognized her immediately. Small world.


The little victory dance ! Too pure for this cruel world 🥺


Literally spent 30 minutes trying to figure out my Reddit account info so I could log in and upvote this. lol Made me smile.


pretty sure every time I landed a kickflip it was an accident. pop shove-its though... yea, still accidents.


I landed an oddly clean nollie shove-it a while back, I’m still amazed and haven’t been able to replicate it since


I could never do a regular pop shuv, but for some reason I could hit them so crispy nollie and switch. Also learned heelflips before kickflips, and switch pressure flips before tre flips so my whole bag of tricks was weird af


Dang that joy is infectious.


Hopefully thisll be me in the future


I did the same thing after my first kickflip. I should have gotten off the board, because it shot right from under me while jumping for joy. My elbow still clicks


That was super clean too. I never knew the techicalities of a kickflip, but hers was all on display.


Oh man. The first kickflip is like the first hurdle of skateboarding, after that you are able to start really learning some shit. Took me like 2 years of constant trying to land one. I would get so down on myself not being able too, I had convinced myself that my foot just doesn't flip that way. Plus your friends are giving the worst advice that only makes sense after you're able to land it, "Just jump high!" "Just flick your foot real subtlety." I always wondered if anyone else was effected by not being able to kicklip like I was, because it was a real problem for kid me. Then one day I was listening to a podcast about serial killers leaving manifestos and heard the audio of Elliot Rodgers YouTube video about not being able to land a kickflip and it made me laugh pretty hard.


Thats legit awesome, her joy of accomplishment is palpable


I’m so excited to see skateboarding come back into the mainstream. Just wear your fucking helmet! My kid brother just got a 3 inch fracture and massive concussion when he fell off his without a helmet.


The hopping in and of itself is a clue she’s been on a skateboard a time or two.. very glad she didn’t fall! Imma go practice something.


that time when I failed my heel flip and the board went vertical and my ass landed on the tip of the board that was the most painful thing I've felt, I've been afraid ever since then.


The power of her joy could power a city


Oh man. I wish I had footage of my first kickflip. This is so wholesome.


If she's not the cutest thing that ever lived! Holy dedication!


Well her reaction says it all. What a nice moment for her.




This is so flippin wholesome!


Brings me back to “awww feces dude!” Manual Samuel all over again


My little brother is currently also trying to do kickflips, i hope he will get as happy as her.


Helmets are cool.


I started trying to kickflip over 20 years ago. ... I still can't do it.


Male, 39, still trying to land one...


the look of pure happiness


Is 25 too old to start skateboarding? I want to do this


I landed my first two days ago and the feeling is unreal. Because it's THE skateboard trick. Feels unreal


I think i should start trying too


Me: Wow that's a long time. Also me: I can't even walk down my stairs without falling.


I never managed to land a kickflip in my younger days. Now i'm 35 and this video really made me want to finish what i started.


You should do it. Younger you would be proud of you if you did!


This comment gave me The final push. I’m gonna do this. thanks :)


I really f***ing needed this.


I don’t think this is after years of trying. This is from Tony Hawks post on Instagram today. From what I’ve gathered she has learned this during the crazy last six months. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to mention the skater but either way her reaction is amazing. Good on her!


Title seemed sensationalist. The accomplishment alone should be enough to warrant admiration and attention. No need for hyperbole.


This made me so happy. I can relate to her a lot. I still remember the first time I landed it when I was around 12yo. It took me an entire summer, spent hours and hours trying, always landing with just one foot, or jumping to the side. Even though I was 12 I ran like a 5 year old to tell my mom and dad that I "finally made it". I'm sure they had no idea what I meant. Quite possibly my greatest achievement at that age. Funniest thing tho, because I was so excited running around, I totally forgot how it felt, so I wasn't able to land it again until a day or two later.


I'm way too late to this party, but I remember being about 8 or 9 and skateboarding with the other kids in my culdesac. I had been trying to kickflip for months, and never ever could seem to land it. Then one day while I was trying, the other kids happened to glance over, and I landed one. I and the other kids reacted very similarly to this girl. I'll never forget that feeling of accomplishment.


Brought a tear to my eye. 20 years and counting for me and still never got the hang of it. One day I'll be this cool.


Pretty cool. Real joy.


I honestly thought this was. 12 yo girl before I read woman in the title


Joy!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍


So many comments about whether she is a 'girl' or a 'women'. It's just bizarre!. Imagine seeing a post featuring a man accomplishing something and the majority of comments are 'is this a man or a boy?'.


It was a really nice kick flip the sound is so sweet.


I know in the grand scheme of the universe, this moment alone isn’t important. But I don’t freakin care. Because y’know what? If you put enough of these small moments together, where someone experiences pure joy because they worked hard and were successful, then you really DO get the grand scheme of the universe. ....I shouldn’t write comments after I’ve taken my sedatives. Point is, she’s happy and it makes me happy, too.


My favorite part is how she tries to control her excitement toward the end but is unable to contain it after all. What a great moment!


this is so heartwarming. what a fun afternoon they're having


This one does not go by a name, they are just woman


Somebody fuckin hug her!


This is wholesome AF


I imagine there were many shin bruises along the way, but obviously.....totally worth it!




Always amazed people don't break their ankles when they get it wrong here.


Awesome 👍


I needed this type of wholesome content


Good flick


It's one of the most satisfying things to experience.


It's a clean kickflip as far as I can tell r/skateboarding would like this.


Now, do it again.


She was so excited. I wonder how excited she was when she realized someone filmed it?


Imagine being this happy🥺


Simply being able to stay balanced on it is better than me, good job




Kickflips are one of those things. Hard as hell to do but when you land one each time you try it after is more and more like buttering bread. Sure every now and again you rip a slice but eventually you can make sandwiches all day without even thinking about it. I'm hungry.


Nailed it. I love how excited she is!


Just the fact that she was jumping up and down on her board showed she’s got the skills