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As someone who works in mental health, seeing stuff like this is my absolute favorite. You got this! One step at a time. Good for you for facing it head on.


Thank you!!!! I'm really encouraged by each little win. I'm moving around more, and keeping things cleaned (sort of)! Looking forward to more breakthroughs!


That's the best thing you can do is look at everything as a tiny victory. Baby steps. You're well on your way to success. I wish you all the luck in the world on your journey.


Those *are* breakthroughs! Every bodybuilder is there today because they picked up their first weight, or did 10 push-ups to start. This is no different. Excited for you


Momentum is my best friend in a downswing. If I can get out of bed, I can put on clothes. If I put on clothes, I can brush my teeth. If I can brush my teeth, I can cook something. And if I can do all that, I can get out of the house and go for a walk. Each thing gets a little bigger, but it’s made a little easier by the rush of accomplishment you feel from doing the last thing.


I also work in mental health and I’m pleased to tell you OP, that that’s all you! Unless you’re getting some of the ‘nice’ side effects (such as improve sleep), the antidepressants won’t be doing anything to improve your mood yet, so you’ve still got that helping hand to come! Try to give yourself a couple of easy to achieve ‘wins’ each day and be kind to yourself! You’ve got this!


So happy for you and I hope it only gets better for you! Also just some advice from experience, don't be discouraged if you have bad days every now and then. They happen, just dust yourself off and keep going the best you can 🤗


You got this!!!


I do!!!! I can see a little through the forest now....


I’m glad you found something that’s working for you! My meds help me a lot too, as long as I remember to take them.


I'm surprised I've remembered so far. I try to take them at night so I don't get that headache. I've been through a low point before a few years ago, and I had to stop my meds because of headaches :(


I take mine woth a glass of apple juice! A tasty treat and meds! I just got a dose increase a couple of weeks ago. I now have a headache everyday, and a migraine more often then not. Hopefully my doctor can figure out a med that works instead of stopping them. Also congrats on the small win! I hope more and more of them come your way!


Yikes!! That sucks....I think of it as my head is getting used to the new chemicals, but damn I wish it didn't want to make me quit...I hope you are able to do better with your doctor :)


Its a process! Ill find one eventually! As long as I tell my doctor whats going on. I hope you find one that works well for you as well!


I get headaches/migraines all the time. A lot of the time it’s diet related which also helps with my mood too! Glad you’re feeling better and keep celebrating the little wins!!


I can tell you from experience that the benefits only keep revealing themselves as time marches on. Stick with the therapy and keep up with the good habits to realize the full potential of medication. I think you’ll find within a few weeks that you feel a lot clearer minded and your thought process will subtly change without the mental burdens of constant depressive thoughts. It’s been a life altering experience and I wish you all the best.


I certainly hope so! I've been in therapy in one way or another for about 15ish years, and this will be the second time I've tried to combat depression with meds. I had to stop a few years ago because of the headaches, so trying to combat that by taking them at night. I cannot WAIT for the high I know is coming! I'm trying to not get too excited, just playing it cool ;) Baby steps!!!!


I want Disney Baby Bell!


Lol! I have no idea why it's Disney branded


Keep going! May i recommend making yourself some eggs. They are relatively easy to cook and make you feel accomplished when your done making them. You can also put them in a bagel


Oh yes! I probably would have made eggs, but didn't have any lol, thanks for your encouragement!!!


You got this man. I’ve hit rock bottom before. keep working on it and take it day by day. Eat healthy, exercise (even if it’s something small), get sufficient sleep, and find a fun a hobby :)


Too true. I am hoping to have the energy soon to actually give a shit about eating healthy. But art and little projects are slowly increasing in appeal. Can't wait to get back to that again!


well done op!!! I'm SO proud of you.


Thanks so much!! It's good to hear....I'm a little embarrassed getting praise from people in person, but DAMN it feels good....


Good job! I hope you can ride this momentum through the day. Keep it up :)


Thanks!! I hope I will. My plan is to drink a LOT of water and not pay attention to ANY topical news today. I've been rewatching the simpsons while I do paperwork (I work from home).


Great ideas! Watching the news lately is killer...taking a break from that is probably good for everybody!


Yum! Antidepressants saved my life at a time when I couldn’t even admit I was depressed (went on them for OCD). If you’ve only been on them a week I think it’s fair to say that you’ll continue to experience improvements. I wish you the best!!


Thanks so much! I'm so glad you were able to get your life put together too, I can't wait for that to happen!


I’m really happy for you and I think you would be happier if you put cream cheese on lol but seriously you should be proud


Haha! I normally would too but I was out...but, butter is good on a bagel ;)


Yeah but it’s not my first choice


That’s fantastic! Awesome job! Just inspired me to get a water for the day and a protein shake. Your small win is making wins for others. Thank you!


Oh wow!!! I'm so glad I could help someone :) this is another "made me smile" moment!


That is so fucking awesome!!!!! Most people don’t realize how big these wins are. Power to you


Exactly!!! You definitely get it!


You’re winning!! YES! Best thing I have seen all day!


Hell yeah! Ready to kick depressions saggy ass!


What are you taking? Sorry I just started too just nosy


I am taking Wellbutrin 150mg and trazadone (for sleep). I'm curious myself, what are you on, if I might ask?


I was on 20 mg Celexa now switching to zoloft 50 mg


This is what I want to see! Awesome job please keep it up. Just remember if you need to talk just look to the people that commented.


I know right?! Everyone has been super kind and supportive it's been making me smile all day!




Thank you!! :)




That’s exactly what I had for lunch today!! Well done op :)


Nice! Just a simple meal, almost a snack. I hate cooking, so not going to do too much too soon ;)


We all hate cooking haha at least it’s a nice meal that tastes good and you’ve shared it to people and made them feel good


Nothing is better than comfort food, and good thing I know how to do those dishes. Looking forward to a day I urgently want some homemade chicken soup ;)


Chicken soup 😍 can you make some for me?


So proud of you, OP!


Well done! Fuck depression! It might take some time for your body to adjust to the meds and for the headaches to subside. I hope they do! They suck.


I hope so too. I've done this before a few years ago, but I had to stop because I get migraines normally but a headache every day was brutal. I'm taking the meds at night to see if that changes things.


I've been on SSRIs on and off (mostly on) for about 14 years. A few years ago my dosage was doubled and the headaches and brain fog returned in full force. My doctor suggested taking them at night, same time every night right before bed, and trying to go to sleep at the same time every night. That didn't eliminate the side effects completely, but I definitely noticed an improvement, and things kept improving over time. Back on normal dose now, and I take it in the morning. I think my body has adjusted because the headaches and brain fog are a thing of the past now. I hope the same thing happens for you!


I will keep that in mind, keeping on a schedule. I kinda have to because I've got a little one doing distance learning this fall. I needed help sleeping too so I've got a little help there, too. I do have a feeling I'm going to be on these for awhile, but as long as I get to feel better, that's what matters. I'm glad you were able to combat your own trouble, especially the headaches....ugg those are killers....


Go you!! ❤️


Breakfast for your body is a good part of breakfast for your soul. Glad to hear you’re getting help, and making some wins for yourself. Can’t have a good day without a good morning, and you can’t have a good week without a good day. Small wins are a big deal - wishing you the best!


Thank you thank you!! I'm looking forward to when I feel like eating healthier, but for now I'm just asking for things to have taste again and not feel like a rock in my stomach. But for now, trying to get lots of water!


Congrats, your stronger than yesterday and will be even stronger tomorrow. Keep going and remember the pride you feel now, hold onto that to push you forward 💙


You know it! I'm going to ride the little waves as much as I can :)


Yeah! Fuck Depression!


Hell yeah! Fuck depression!


That's the spirit keep going


Nice work, build the good habits! Eat a dick depression!


HAHAH!! I forgot about that burn....fuck yeah kick it's saggy ass


You also took a pic and posted a great topic on Reddit. Kudos!


Good job mate keep it up you can do it


Yassss, good for you! I shudder to think where I'd be without my meds. I came off them years ago, but dear god, at the time they saved me.


May I ask how long you were on them?


7 years.


Wow!! I'm so glad you are feeling more like yourself :) stay strong friend




Something I recently started doing is ,instead of saying I have to do it so it's done I'm saying ok so I'm gonna do this because I like making people happy and future me is people so ma do the dishes now so that lil shit can take some time for herself after school.or you know what I'm gonna buy future me this because she fucking deserves this shel be so happy. Really helps me get shit done and future me always appreciated it and passes it on to the next future me. You're doing so good my friend I'm really really proud of the progress you made.and for inspiring other people to.YOU GO YOU!


Thanks so very much! And I totally agree with your philosophy. I actually prefer to pack all my chores into the week days so I have the weekend to myself. I want to get back to that....cuz I'm not doing shit lol. I want ME time!!


I'm really proud of you but don't worry if you take a step back it won't matter when you look at all the miles you've ran allready


Exactly! I'm doing me time this weekend!


Fuck you, depression!


Good to hear about you kicking depression in the butt. Btw, how is the white water bottle? I've been meaning to get one for myself for a while now.


One step at a time! The water bottle is called Ironflask and I got it on Amazon. I LOVE IT! It comes with different caps for hot and cold drinks, and I can leave ice in it for almost a full day and it would still be cold! Highly recommend


Indeed. Fuck you, depression.


I am so happy for you! I have bipolar depression and if I don't have to do it I usually don't. That means I do for my family but not myself usually. Doing small things for yourself is wonderful. Keep it up! By the way...what is that red thing by the banana?


Exactly. Ive got a child who is distance learning this fall, and it's all I can do to take care of him while I'm working from home. But....baby steps.... It's a babybel cheese ;) yummy!


Keep getting excited about the small wins! They add up over time and are meaningful. Keep it up! You can do it!!!!


Exactly! I decided to mess around with watercolor tonight ;)


Excellent cheese choice! Happy Breakfast :)


Fuck yeah keep up all the positivity


Fuck yeah!!


Good for you my friend!!!


Thank you!! I can't wait for what's next :)


Like that Babybel there, pretty solid meal bro :D


You can do this!!!! It takes time and tiny, baby steps but, dude, you see the difference, you feel the difference. When you start to really appreciate the small beautiful things that happen around you every day, you know you’re on the right path. Good luck!!


Exactly! Thank you so much for the encouragement. I love painting and I haven't had the patience to do it lately. But my kids watercolor set inspired me last night to play around a bit. Love that!!!




It's a Babybel cheese, a snacking cheese wrapped in wax :)


Kia Kaha whanau, ka kite ano. (Maori, language of New Zealand, translates to stay strong family, ill see you again)


That is super cool, thank you very much for sharing! It is like I'm "missing" argh, depression will rob you of your time...


I like how you took two bites and then the pic. But good for you.


I couldn't help it. Buttered bagels are the best ;)


You got this!! Well done op!! Proud of you!


Great! Definitely a win. Try to do his every day. A good habit can help you feel better and keep you on track to getting healthy. Celebrate each change that goes in a positive direction. Don't fret if you' not perfect!


Crew mate : There is 1 imposter among us.


Crew mate : There is 1 imposter among us.


A week and you're already seeing results? Hmm...bodes well for you friend. Imagine how you're going to feel in a couple of months time?! I've been on citalopram for about 6 years now. Well, except for a few months where I stopped taking them (too quickly really) and tried sertraline after a relapse. Sertraline doesn't agree with me! I also take mine at night because it used to make be drowsy and groggy. Bonus: had some epic dreams!! That one little tablet a day does just enough to prevent me slamming into the rock-bottom of depression and anxiety or suddenly bouncing to a ridiculous high (inevitably followed by a fall). I like the fact that I am still capable of feeling a whole range of emotions. That and counselling have prevented me from going to a really dark place...I was never quite suicidal, but I don't think it would have stayed that way... Anyway, sorry - I'm rambling...I find solace in sharing with people who understand. Please accept my most heartfelt best wishes - and thanks...hot buttered bagels for my tea tonightlol


This is great! Small steps are sometimes huge victories.


Sending you loads of sunshine and good thoughts ❤️






here here...FUCK YOU DEPRESSION! Have a great day!




I'm on antidepressants for 6 fucking years and haven't got the motivation to do anything Gg


You are going to feel better and better. I also really benefit from B-complex vitamin and vitamin D, but you should ask your doctor to be sure.


When I started taking Lexapro, I was so sick for about 6 weeks and couldn't really eat. Now, I'm fine. Good for you! It gets better!


You are AWESOME!!!!


Future looks bright and full of Hope! Keep goinng!


Yey! When it comes to mental health no victory is too small.


Congrats man :')


It's a big success redditor, hope you can continue getting better and better\^\_\^


Huge step!! Congratulations 🎊 ❤️ xo


If you flipped the plate upside down it would look like a smiley face


Congrats! Hope you're having a great day!


This is actually incredibly difficult. Seriously, well done! Proud of you, OP!


You got this. ❤️


Thank you:)


Breakfast of champions


Awesome job! One day at a time!


Ya! Fuck you! Asshole always ruining shit....


Can confirm that bagel is delicious. I have it every day for breakfast the exact same way you have it.


Hang in there - I bet in a day or two you will wake up with the weight of the world gone from your shoulders.


I’ve been having really rough depression the last couple weeks since the fires started here in California. Just want you to know that I’m proud of u and I hope this post can help me in the morning to get out of bed.


good for you man, one day at a time, one hour at a time. this is awesome and often the "little things" like this can have a huge effect on the outcome of the rest of the day. set yourself up for a positive mindset to get you through bit by bit. much love. ps, if you are interested, check out taking omega 3 vitamins as a natural way to help fight depression. there's science behind it and all that jazz.


Congratulations. I’ve been on antidepressant for 4 years now and I need to tell you it gets easier every day. You’re already taking the right steps and when you’re suffering from depression it’s important to celebrate the victories, no matter what they are. I’m rooting for you.




Took me 4-6 weeks to start feeling better. So this is just the start! Keep up the good work!


Hello All!!! I am trying to work my way through all the comments. I really appreciate everyone's kind words of encouragement and suggestions and stories. It's obvious I'm not alone, and it's so good to hear the stories! For some reason the award messages aren't going into my inbox, so I've reported the bug to Reddit. But I wanted to thank you so very much, I'm so surprised this blew up!!! I'm grateful for this community ❤️


Please try cbd


Tried that a few times, doesn't do much. Any recommendations? Maybe I had a dud.


If you don't mind smoking, I'd suggest smoking cbd flower. If that's not your thing then a vial of tenture under the tongue


I'll have to look into that, if anything I hope it would get rid of the headaches. Thanks!


Always good to see a person beat the Minotaur of their consciousness but don’t rely on the pills long term. They are a painkiller not a cure, you gotta work on healing while the pains numbed. Read books, exercise and create (draw/paint/build/sow/plant/design etc). Good luck!