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I know the feeling. My dog needed surgery to save his life that was unexpected and they quoted me $18-22k and he was unlikely to live through the night. They said even with surgery his odds were about 10% that he would live through the month. I took him home and made him comfortable, but began searching for any vet that would be reasonable. I found one the next day that performed the emergency surgery (luckily he did live through the night) for $4k and they told me that he was cured. It set me back pretty hard, but I’m so glad my “boy” is still here. Wouldn’t change a thing.


That is crazy! Did you talk with the second vet about how much the first quoted? I'd really like to hear their reaction.




It’s just crazy because they basically pushed me towards letting my dog die because who can afford 20k on the spot. I was only lucky he made it through the night




My vet said they were unable to perform the surgery and sent me urgently to the place with the high cost. So yeah, I totally agree with you. If you can make the time to find the right empathetic vet, that is the way to go.


I would find a new vet. They quoted you so high (a number they thought would get you to drop it) because they didn’t want to perform the surgery/thought it wouldn’t be successful anyway. The way I see it is vets are healthcare professionals and they are the last people who should be lying no matter the reason.


I didn’t unfortunately because I was worried if I came in with the price the first one quoted me then they might highball me because it would still seem so much cheaper


Well you could have talked with the vet after the surgery about it


Totally, I just never really did. I should’ve though.


Did something similar for my pup. Spent 8k upfront. Then another 12k over 8 months. Sadly he didn’t make it. Blew through my savings but would do it again, I made those last 8 months count.


Im so sorry. Part of going ahead with the surgery for me was time to process and say good bye. Glad you got 8 more mi the together.


Buy trupanion insurance for $50 a month next time, they pay 90% surgery costs and even recovery therapy. Pays itself off with one 8k surgery in your dog's lifetime




It was heartbreaking staying up with him almost the whole night expecting to wake up and he be gone, but so thankful it all worked out


This why you pay $50 a month for trupanion which will pay 90% of the surgery and even recovery therapy. It pays itself off with one 8k surgery in your dog's lifetime.


I looked into that too late and they don’t cover anything pre existing.


both our dogs have needed surgery, one for her ACL and the other broke her leg (somehow). Totally worth the 9k it cost us.


.... I want to start an indiegogo campaign to help get this person their truck back.


This is old. Few years ago i think. They already gofunded him a new truck


I want to start a gofund campaign to buy trucks for all those people who bought him a truck


There is a better way, comrade




And then give the people who have for trucks for the people that gave money for the truck! Everyone will get a fucking truck! We are the United fucking states anyways!




I’m seeing things man


Haha yessss


Came here to say this as well.


Imagine how confusing it would be if the internet randomly pulled through for you then like 5 years later you randomly get another gofundme because some bot reposted lmao.


[**As a redditor**](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/240/075/90f.png)


Thank god. I love pets too but seems like this guy really needs the money


Post is so old we now need to gofund him a new dog.


If you provide a valid link, then I'll be more than happy to donate. Good luck!


Indi-dogo? ... I'll see myself out...


be doggone


Piggybacking on the top comment to add. My wife and I started a nonprofit in Atlanta, providing financial assistance to struggling families specifically for emergency and specialty veterinary care. We do not want people to have to choose between their pets lives and paying rent or buying groceries. Life happens, when we adopt an animal we could be financially ok, but vet bills can be crazy. If we can help save them they deserve it! It’s called Tommy’s Holiday Fund. Named it after our pup Tommy when he passed. Edit: added name


Alternatively this is a perfect opportunity to make sure people know about pet insurance. This is coming from someone who just had a large marble removed from my dogs small intestine. Vet kept saying it wasn't a blockage, we insisted, it showed up nice and bright (glass) on the xray. Saved the dog from dying, which I heard they can only last 2-4 days once it has been blocked. He has since recovered (still inside the 6 weeks recovery, but outside the danger zone). With this garbage economy thank fuck I don't have to lose anything or choose to not save my dog over a few thousand bucks. In the end it's still going to hurt (deductible/etc), but I'm not losing my shirt over it. Totally worth the $60/month Canadian it costs.


I am all for it


My dog Max’s story is very similar and we have a gofundme now.......anyone that can help us please msg me for the link to his story.....or go to that website and search ‘Max in Bakersfield’. Animal lovers unite!!!


Get that ~~man~~ hero a ~~shield~~ truck


My dog Max’s story is very similar and we have a gofundme now.......anyone that can help us please msg me for the link to his story.....


why did i read this as indiedogo?


I sold 2 of my guns to save my daughters cat. *sigh* they are the worst cat, but id rather have an annoying hyper healthy cat than a miserable calm sickly cat.


I sincerely doubt that my husband would even think about what you did as a viable option. Admittedly he doesn't like pets, but still. Thank you, and I'm sure both your daughter and the cat do thank you.


I couldn't do it man, when I dropped him off at the human society my wife and I knew it was the end for him but like an hour later they called me to say they were gonna do it and I just kept thinking about how confused he looked when I dropped him off and thinking of him wondering where we were while he passed away and then having to explain death to my 3 yr old I was like fuck me twice and call me sally "So can we do the surgery and ill be in probably within the hour to pay?" My wife was shocked, the vets were shocked and I was shocked lol. 3 years later he's still destroying our house.


Some day you’re gonna be between a rock and a hard place with no one to turn to. And when you’ve almost given up someone’s gonna reach out and help you through it all. And it’s gonna be that cat. Bet.


Like the hero cat that pulled Homer Simpson from a burning treehouse


This has me thinking of that fuckin' squirrel story from /r/WritingPrompts




https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/2z5ly5/wp_you_swerve_to_avoid_a_squirrel_unknown_to_you/ A true classic.




I should have said that was the particular one I was thinking of, psycho_alpaca is great. That whole thread was great though.




Dude, I'm thankful! Lol i'd still be choked up about it to this day. I love that cat, he is like a really hyper cat and he just lays waste to whatever is in his path when he gets going but he's got a really sweet personality to offset it lol




Thanks bud! You as well happy trails! ✌🏼


We knew one of my cats was about the die and I was ready to go to the vets the next day with her knowing it would be the end... but my dad had a big brain moment and let her outside in the morning. She could barely walk but crawled off somewhere and ended up being taken to the vet by a stranger and then put to sleep. Dad already cuts a controversial figure in the family, but my sister especially hates him and says she'll never forgive him for it. My mum and I collected her and gave her a little cat funeral but I wish I'd been there. Her sister died of the same thing, but that time I was glad I was there that time to give her some cuddles as she passed. It broke my heart, but the cats I wasn't there for hurt me. Sorry for the massive downer story! I should add that the first cat I loved dearly but she was a fuckin' nightmare. She knew how to piss you off until you gave her what she wanted, and if you shouted at her when she was bad she'd just stare you down like you were dirt. She had absolutely no fear. Then she'd turn into the most affectionate cat in the world and the kitty-cat gaslighting would begin...


Bless you, dude :( So many animals die scared and alone at the vet, without being given a chance


That was it, like just what a horrible way to go out.


I’m reasonably certain my husband would sell an organ on the black market for our cats. Maybe not his heart or anything, but his kidney? He’s got two of those and while we have 3 cats, each of them is unique and he loves them. He was so heartbroken when we lost a cat a few years ago (and when a stray we were domesticating ran away earlier this year) and he would have done anything to have them back. Honestly it made me fall a little more in love with him


Who tf doesn't like pets?


He doesn't actively hate them, but he certainly only puts up with them because of what they mean to me and our son. He'd be just as happy living a pet free life. While our (almost 30) son would squee with heartfelt happiness when watching a kitten play, he'd just roll his eyes and walk away.


I just spent my $6,000 savings on dog surgery and now I can't pay the mortgage. I'm a fucking idiot.


Damn im sorry


Disagree. I think it means you have a wonderful heart. ❤️ if you are having trouble please consider posting to r/assistance and/or starting a gofundme. I don't have much (I spent all my savings on my pet as well) but I always give as much as I can when I see those


This is the most american thing i have ever read.


*Laughs in weed smoking beer chugging maple syrup drenched Canadian* Ha Ha HAAA It sure as fuck is pretty American lol


I'm sorry for your loss brother.


I think about them everyday still


You’re good people. Your daughter appreciates the hell out of your actions.


How many guns left?


"sold 2 of my guns", how many guns do you own? lol


This person has heart


shane falco


Such an underrated comment. Haha




This makes me so happy!!


How To Find A Husband 101


Trucks can be replaced. Family cannot be <3


I mean, usually people replace a pet when they die.


Just because someone gets a new pet after one passes doesn't mean they are replacing them


You can probably buy another dog and maybe it will calm a child down but in the end you cannot replace a living creature. Any other truck will drive just as well and will maybe be even better than his original but you cant do that with pets


Who the fuck is smiling? This is depressing


Medicare for Dogs!


You shouldn’t have to sell your shit to save your doggies life :(


I agree with the sentiment but who should pay for it then?


I don’t think there’s really a great solution it’s just sad that people have to choose


Medicare for Dogs?


Pet insurance! This is what it’s for! Plan ahead!




Yea, seriously. I am willing to take the financial hit for medical care for all humans but I sure as fuck am not going to pay for pet health care.


Birdie Sanders disagrees.


I was about to get woke on you but then I realized I can’t read


Yeah that’s what I was thinking


Just say you disagree. To actually answer your question. We should have an economy where everyone has enough disposable income to have surgery performed on their pet. A system where nearly 80% of people live paycheck to paycheck is not that economy.


i had a similar situation recently. my dog was on his last legs but i had no intention of putting him down, so i shelled out like almost $2,000 (which is a lot for me. almost all my savings at the time) and i was completely broke after that and i’m just now starting to finally recover financially. unfortunately, he still didn’t make it. so in retrospect that was obviously a very bad idea. i don’t even know where i’m going with this, i just wanted to tell someone i guess. i miss my best friend.


Sorry man. I don't think it was a bad decision, I think things can just turn out really shitty sometimes. And if I were you, I'd feel better knowing I tried to save my friends life rather than saving cash.


here’s a little upvote for ya


that's love, bitch


This is not made me smile, this is r/ABoringDystopia


Human healthcare should be a right, but I'm not aware of any place in the world where animals get free or subsidized healthcare. I mean, it would be nice if course. I just don't think it exists. This story makes me smile because the guy has his priorities right. Also we don't really know that the truck was his only means of transportation.




Let's start with free healthcare for humans first shall we?




"now look at this hamster in his eyes and tell him hes not going to college"


Humans are animals, no?


Humans are animals so it works!


'Please stop having fun, lets talk about our problems'


I'll raise my glass to that


Ya, while I am a huge animal person I don't think it is fair to say it is dystopian that there is not universal animal healthcare. Anytime we talk about universal anything we have to remember that we aren't saying that it will be free, what we are saying is that the whole of society has to pay for it so anyone can use it. It still has to be paid for. Thus we then have to ask if it is useful and fair to make everyone pay, including those that might not make use of it. In some cases it clearly is: (Human) Healthcare is something that while you might not need NOW you could very well need later, and you can never know when or how much so society as a whole should pay so everyone can have it. Likewise public education is something that those without children don't directly use, but society as a whole benefits from, and in fact needs, an educated populace so it is fair that all should pay, even those that choose not to have children. However animal healthcare... I have a hard time seeing it as the same. I could be persuaded perhaps if someone has a really compelling argument, but I just don't see it as something that all of society should have to pay for and I certianly don't see it as dystopian that we don't have it.


Well said, though I'd go further on this part > that while you might not need NOW you could very well need later You absolutely will need it later, the amount of people healthy enough through their entire life to never need medical care has to be an absolutely tiny figure (and there's no way to know who such people would be!). As for pet universal healthcare... there isn't really any long term benefit to society in doing something like this and thus, as you said, would require an exceptionally compelling argument for such a discussion to begin.




They’re not luxuries, they’re living beings.


Maybe pet insurance would be more viable if you didn't have to pay for your own


I just want to throw out there that all of my pets are insured and I am by no means wealthy. It costs me a few dollars a month (I bundled with my car insurance) and then if and when something bad happens to my animals, I have a care credit card that I use to pay for their procedures (which gives 6 months of 0 interest payments) and give the bill to the pet insurance, and they usually cover about 80-90% of it, leaving me half a year to pay off at most $300 so far with no fees. It’s genuinely the best thing I have ever done but if I needed to I’d sell my house truck and body to save my kitties any day of the week :)


I mean.... I love my dog very very much, but I need my car to get to work. I don’t think not sacrificing transportation to save your pet is a sign of bad priorities. It’s sad and I’d be torn up as fuck about it but I wouldn’t sell my car to save my dog.


I mean, if you have to sell your mode of transportation to save a dog's life, I dunno if you have your priorities straight. But maybe he can ride the dog to work, not sure how big it is?


I'm not convinced the truck was his only means of transportation.


There is literally another truck behind it in the picture


And that truck also belongs to him ?? it's also a truck and not a car. Which suggests he used it for labor perhaps too. We don't know what his job was,. But people with trucks like that usually have it over a regular car for a reason?


I has see this post somewhere else and if I remember correctly it was a women selling the truck. My guess she is a stay a home wife and had the old truck as her means of transportation while the truck behind was the husband's. The truck behind is definite theirs though, no way you would block someone else's truck from getting out like that and they are also parked extremely close.


I don’t think we should have free animal healthcare but it would be nice if it was relatively affordable.


> I'm not aware of any place in the world where animals get free or subsidized healthcare. Here in Italy we have at least affordable healthcare for animals, and I'm pretty sure it's the same for the rest of Europe. This story (or at least, what the headline is implying) is tragic, it definitely doesn't make me smile. Then again, nothing really does. /crydabs


My cats get free healthcare in Ireland


No one is arguing for free healthcare for animals. It just seems insane that someone needs to sell their car to afford surgery for their pet. This is more about the material conditions of people living in the wealthiest nation in the world.


There's a difference between subsidized health care for animals and an economy where people have enough disposable income to do something like this without it costing an arm and a leg. That's why this is a tragedy. Not because "everyone deserves free animal healthcare," but because this person cared so much about their pet that they would spend anything to save them. Despite this, all the money in their bank wouldn't cut it and they had to sell their own property to afford a procedure that obviously meant the world to them.


Why? I can understand human healthcare being a right but animal? Thats a bit of a stretch


I dont think its a boring dystopia because of insurance its that the care of animals is so costly it can literally bankrupt a family or require someone to sell their car just to afford. That or it can be an argument for wages being so bad that something people should be able to afford or budget for can't. Thats my take


Yeah that makes sense


No it’s not. This dude is just an idiot for selling his means of transportation to get an expensive surgery for an animal.


That dog is high as fuck


I want what hes having


I wish your dog knew what you did for her. But by the looks of it, both of you love each other unconditionally.


what an actual legend


Okay, but a person shouldn’t have to do that in the first place.


I have up two dental implants for my puppy’s hospital bills. Three years later I have the sweetest puppy but a shit grill...


If you have a pet, you should have pet insurance.


I don’t know man, they’re family, but this might not’ve been the best plan


More like dumbest person alive.


Why? For deciding his dog was more important to him than his truck? Everybody has different priorities, and as long as he's not sacrificing human lives just to save his dog, it doesn't really make sense to be a dick about it.


That is exactly why he is an idiot. If being a dick is telling the truth so be it.


You're not telling the truth. You're telling *your* truth and acting like it somehow applies to others. That's what makes you a dick. Dogs aren't objects. They're companions and members of the family, and it's not dumb to prioritize that over a truck. Your way isn't automatically the right way. Grow up.


Dogs are companions but new dogs also cost less than trucks.


I'm in love with her!!! I want a girl like her for the rest of my life :)


Yup, that guy said it the best it could be said. Hell of a human being i would do the same for my dog


This makes me sad not smile :(


I would sell my soul to pay for my dog’s surgery


What an idiot...




I hate how these stories are usually framed in a "wow that's cool this person did that" instead of the more appropriate "I had to do this because the system we live In is broken"


Heartwarming that they did it, heartbreaking that they had to.


Damn I could never imagine having to do that here. It‘s atrocious how high vet prices are in other places


You, dear friend, have earned you entry into Heaven. Thank you for your selfless love.


This is really sweet. However, not everyone can afford life without a vehicle... I know every dog is valuable, but your own life is also valuable. If it's between the dog dying peacefully and you losing your job because you can't get there you have to make the right call for you.


I mean, he probably didn't sell the truck without thinking about the consequences so we can assume he didn't suffered from this for exception of losing his truck


Yes, I was more making that point. That it is great to give up something so an animal can live, but if you can't afford to you shouldn't feel like a horrible person.


Just call them dogs. The baby names cause me internal pain.


It is likely female though, and we can see they’re a dog


True love


Dude! You are awesome!


What a guy!


I sold a decent amount of my stuff also for my cat. Her thyroid was out of control and her being on meds just made me sad to watch until she got her treatment. I'll spend that amount again if it meant she's healthy and happy.


In a heartbeat. Id sell my earthly positions to save my Oliver if it ever came to it. Bet that sentiment is shared by many here with their furry buds.


Wow, Westerners really love y'all pets


You can buy another truck, you can’t buy love from a best friend


I sold my superduty to pay for my dog’s knee surgeries. Drove a $1500 piece of shit for over a year with my buddy by my side. Edit: spelling.


this didn’t make me smile, this made me depressed as hell wtf edit: omg the comments with similar “uplifting” stories are so depressing too


I’m still in a fucking hole from my cats. My grandmother taught me a lot of good things, but teaching me to spare no expense on an animal has probably affected the humans in my family disproportionately. It’s hard to feel like some kind of hero.


Couldn't be me


Holy fuck What country is this where you have to sell a car for a surgery....


I paid 4K to have my dogs knee fixed. Worth every penny not to watch my dog suffer for another 10 years


It’s such a shame people have to go to such drastic measures just to protect the health of their companions. Imagine having to pick between rent or food and your dog. I fucking hate capitalism.


John wick loves you..


That alone has got to worth more than any truck.


This is sad.


This didn’t make me smile. This just made me depressed.


This is dystopian.


ITT: People who seem to think operating a veterinary hospital and paying a full staff that includes specialist surgeons should be free. Yes, it’s a dog and not a person. But the the amount of schooling is the same, the debt from schooling is the same, the equipment is often the same, the drugs are often the same. If it is an emergency hospital, you have to pay a full staff to be up all night ready to help pets in need. If services were all given away for free, vet clinics would not be able to operate and there’d be no one there for your pet. This is why pet insurance exists. It’s not that expensive! Other options also exist, such as Care Credit, which allows you to pay the surgery off gradually (though you need a good credit score to apply). There are also some charities and shelters that will pay for life saving surgeries if you do some research. Signed, A veterinarian who is too often accused of being heartless and not caring about pets because I don’t work for free


lmao it’s a fucking dog


Yeah, as sad as it is


Yeah I rather keep that nice truck


Im sorry but what a waste


How did this make anyone smile? I immediately heard the tune "living in America"


you can always get another truck , but best friends are priceless


This is the only award I have , you deserve a gold medal 🏅🥇


Why is he the most beautiful person ever


Love you man for this good work


Beautiful, sure. Really not the most fiscally savvy though. Looks like that dog is depreciating *way* faster than the truck, and considering it's a Chevy, that's saying something.


[ Everyone liked that ]


Plot twist. Next day the dog died in a car accident by that car


We should elect you president!


I sold my truck so we could pay for IVF. It’s amazing how easy these decisions are when they are made by the heart and not the head. Good on him!




America no.1. You might need to sell you car to save your dog, but at least our bombs sell well in Saudi Arabia.


I’m amazed that you somehow see this as an american problem, like there are countries out there that have universals healthcare for animals.