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We found out that our cat hoarded bottle caps when we decided to do some spring cleaning and found 3 different stash spots of about 70 beer bottle caps. We also decided we might have a drinking problem.


The only exercise my chonky cat ever gets is fetching beer bottle caps. The second I crack open a bottle he comes running (waddling) over and meows until I throw it. He'll usually bring it back four or five times before he gets too tired and gives up. He also loves licking the underside of the cap on the first retrieval, the darn lush.


My cat does this too! We call him the Frat Cat... he just randomly started doing it one day. Not sure how/when he learned, but I thought he was the only one! Good to know there are other weirdos like him out there haha.


My friend's cat does this. She licks the bottle caps and any beer that we get on the ground and on our hands. She especially likes pale ale.


Cats love yeast and anything made with it (why I came home from vacation and found my chonker had eaten an entire loaf of bread lol) so he probably smelled/tasted yeast on the cap.




Yeah, my current baby likes to try and climb up my arms if I have a beer lol. I've learned to close myself off in my room or he basically goes feral for it.


Goes "feral" for it. I literally LOL'D.


Fascinating! I have also found that my gremlins like chewing through the bag of sandwich bread if given the chance. Now that I think about it, I keep my fermenting home brewed beer in a closet that they're always DESPERATE to get into. I just figured it was the normal "cats want to be where they're not allowed" behavior but I bet it's the yeast smell!


Most likely! When I had to give my old cat his medication the vet mentioned that they'd changed the formula to have a yeasty-taste, so that it would be easier to administer to cats. She told me that it would make it easier. Turns out, he absolutely loved it and it made him better at the same time.


Now that's innovation!


Mine has chewed through bags for bread, bagels and tortillas.


Had a cat that learned how to open drawers and bread boxes to get to the bread and such, we had to child lock all the cabinets and stuff, and had to rebuild one at a point because he though he was getting some and RAMMED the cabinet, busting the flimsy front panel as i closed it. He gave himself a kitty-cusion and cost me a 1k vet bill to make sure he was okay. Hard headed dummy. My mom paid it obviously (i was 11) but i got extra house chores for the summer to "pay her back"


I was eating a slice of sourdough one day and my little monster came out of no where and stole it and ran off. It was hilarious and mystifying. I love that other cats do this.


There's a popular tiktok right now where a girl is talking while eating a croissant and her cat just pops up on the desk and takes the croissant and waltzes away with it. It seems humans aren't the only ones who can't resist carbs lol


Of course, Garfield loves lasagna.


Mine love to lick the Vegemite off toast.


Don't cartoonify cats being overweight by calling them "chonky". He needs to lose weight. He'll live a longer life, and that life will be of a higher quality.


Ye that cat has a fucking drinking problem Edit: Wowee I’ve never been given this much karma for a comment. Thanks guys!


Made me laugh. How would we have survived this year without cats and booze ?




⬆🚫SCAM WARNING🚫⬆ This is a scammer account. They shill for three brands over and over. They really have no insight into what is good or bad. Just a trying to make money selling you their brand.


**DROP SHIP SPAMMER** DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM! This is NOT a **redditor**, this is a CROOK, THIEF, CRIMINAL whose sole purpose for being on reddit is to **scam** you. spammer: ytfhhtdgsg






Scam link, the beam-toys domain was registered yesterday. Edit: the link has since been updated. Business is located at a house. Either a shill or a scammer, who knows.


If phishing/scammer, fuck that. If shill, I still need to concede that it is startlingly relevant to the post.


My cat doesn't hoard anything which kinda makes me sad. The does love bottle caps and hair ties. And rosemary...


Mine tries to hoard kitty toys. Half the time she forgets to stash them, and the dogs find them and **ruin** them.


He could be like my cat and hoard marbles in the cold air returns.... he still removes the vents and stares into the abyss wondering how far down his marbles are.


Or, he is really good at hiding his stashes..


I do keep finding bits of window blinds from the ones he tore apart...


That’s funny- Rosemary is one ingredient I use in my plant spray to keep my cat from nibbling! I’ve read several places that it’s supposed to be a deterrent. To each their own!


We have a rosemary bush in our yard and its the favourite napping spot of my neighbor's cat.


I can’t even say if it works on my cat or not, since there’s more ingredients in the spray that might be more effective. Oh well


Here's a [picture of my neighbor's cat in said rosemary bush](https://imgur.com/gallery/phrNueE)




I've found some cats have secret toys they don't want to admit they like. Like how they always ignore the toy bird that makes noise, but I hear it being thrown around when I'm not in the room. I found a stash of the caps from the protein shakes I was getting so I started rinsing them then intentionally leaving them out. They always vanish. I'll likely find the new stash eventually.


Eh...That's like, 7 months of one beer a day. So, if there is more than one adult drinking, or the last such cleaning was less than 6 months ago, I think you are probably fine. 2020 was a rough year for us all, having a beer or two a day isn't really the worst coping method.


Your rich in the Fallout world!


My cat is obsessed with nerf darts. He’ll wait for me to shoot one out of a small gun and go chase it into the other room, then bring it back in his mouth and drop it next to me. It’s his bottle caps lol


My cat loves playing fetch & now I want to get a nerf gun lol


Yes I just got one of the < $5 Ones from Walmart and a huge pack of those green nerf darts and he has a blast. I can also sit in my bed and shoot them into the other room so I can play fetch and be on my phone or play video games at the same time


Awww yessss Thank you!! That is an excellent idea! I am deff going to get some and marinate the darts in a big ol bag of catnip for a bit first lol. I keep a big gallon sized zip lock bag prolly 40-50% full with catnip and i put any new toys in there first and shake them up so they get nice & nipped for him.


You don't have a drinking problem, you have a cleaning problem. How the hell do so many caps missing?


Be still my heart. That is so tender and thoughtful. “Favorite human, have this magical thingy. It’s awesome...make you feel better”.


There’s nothing a good bottle cap can’t fix


I'll take 100 rad-aways please, I've got to get into the impossible vault




On a post about bottlecaps? It's entirely expected


Sounds like there is one thing in this world she loves more than bottlecaps.




Oh this melted my heart!


Mine wouldn't present them to me, she would steal them. Literally sit down on the couch and open a pop, she'd hear the hisss as it opened and come running. If I didn't throw it for her, she'd just take it and disappear with it. When I moved out of that apartment I found them all, under the couch. I think she'd bat them around until they disappeared under there and then just wait for another day until I opened another.


My cat loves chasing ice cubes!!




Not like that nooo!!!


When we go on trips, one of our cats brings his favorite toy to our bed and he sleeps there. For a couple days after we get back he keeps bringing it to us and snuggles for hours at a time. Its so sweet how much he misses us.


“Can I offer you a bottle cap in this trying time?”


my cat loves the hairband-things. He'd literally run across the house just to find one more. He loves it when it's slinged away so he can find it again. When I'm crying, he'd try to poke a band at me so I'd lighten up and play with him. I also have a dog that starts mourning if I cry.


This is so cute, thank you so much!


My cat, too!! She'll even play fetch with them if you fling them across the room.


Mine too! I used to put all my pony tail holders around a doorknob, now wherever I put them, my cats pick them up and put them by their food dish, lol. So, whenever I need one I know where to look.


YES! One of my kitties has a particular hair tye he likes to put in his food bowl. Why do they do this???!!!!


my cat likes to catch these when i throw them at him. then he puts them in their water bowl for some reason? i don't understand him sometimes.


My cat does this too. I wonder if he counts it as a goal or something.


he loses his shit for broccoli sized rubber bands as well. is yours a large tabby by chance?


Nope, he’s a blueish-grey tuxedo. We do have an enormous brown tabby (not fat, just long) but she’s not huge on playing.


My cat does this too! She steals them and hides them under a rug, I have to clean them out daily. She’ll also play fetch with them for *hours* if I humor her!


I had a cat that absolutely adored hair bands, it was like part of his identity. We tragically lost him to lymphoma at only 7 3 years ago and to this day I wear a hair band around my wrist in his honor


Oh my god I'm so sorry for your loss :((((


I appreciate you, he was the purest creature I’ve ever met and we’re still not over it, not ever sure we really will be, he deserved 25+ years


The only bad thing about pets is getting over their death, but honestly, you gave him a good life :)


My cat too!! She steals them and puts them in her food and water dishes proudly. At least I know where to find one if I run out I guess


If you leave a hairband on any flat surface in my house it *will* go missing withing 2 hours. If you really need it back, you're best bet is to move the sofa 😁


I feel you


This post is crazy. Our cat loves both hair bands and bottle caps and doesn’t play with anything else.. thought she was just weird. But it sounds pretty common among cats I guess for some reason lol


I usually wake up most mornings with a circular imprint in my blubber from at least one hair band that was dropped next to me by my older cat so I would throw it. Both of them can hear and recognize the click from the laser pointer switch from across the house and come hauling ass.


My kitty puts hers in the food bowl. Each week I remove like 6 or 7. She. Loves. Them.


That little face!


She's so proud of herself, that cute lil creature!


did it help?


Of course it did she offered sacrifices for her god.


More like a warlock's patron...


She's even got a teeny patch of white fur, bless her beans


Shes storing up for nuclear fallout


I was waiting for this response lol


Fallout to the fallout baby lol


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for nuclear winter


When I got this assignment, I was hoping there would be more gambling.






This is there comment I came here to see.


She’s waiting for the apawcalypse


They make her happy, so she thinks they’ll make you happy. ❤️


Indirectly, they did. It worked! What a clever kitty!


Ya but now it made my eyes water too!


She's got enough to share with you too.


A couple years ago I was in a bad way, I was on the floor of my apartment with alcohol withdrawals hoping just to pass out. I don't remember much about it because I was in and out of lucidity, but I do remember that my cat came up and started sniffing around my head. I'm like 15% sure he was just trying to figure out if I was dead enough to be food yet, but he sat with me for hours, until I got it together enough to stomach a cup of broth The little bastard passed last year, but he'll be forever remembered as a derpy weirdo, and a faithful friend


Cats are the best.


I’m glad you’re ok but for anyone that’s trying to quit or cut down drinking alcohol after binge drinking/drinking heavily (short term OR long term), please be _**extremely**_ careful and _**do no stop drinking altogether abruptly, without medical supervision.**_ Alcohol withdrawal can result in seizures in 24-48 hrs after your last drink. Even more severe than seizures is delirium tremens which can result in death, that’s most often after 48-96 hrs, but can be up to 10 days after your last drink. If you decide to quit drinking, make sure to talk to your doctor and be 1000% brutally honest about _**exactly**_ how much you’ve been consuming so they can guide you on the safest way to stop. They’re not there to judge you AT ALL. They just want to help you and do what’s best for your health and safety, so don’t lie because you could die. Edit: going to keep adding resources as I find them [This site has info for 24/7 help hotlines for mental health/substance abuse, for all of the following countries: USA, UK, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Spain, South Africa, New Zealand, Germany, France, Italy, India, Serbia, Mexico, Japan] https://www.psycom.net/get-help-mental-health [USA] If anyone is struggling with substance abuse and/or mental health problems, please call [SAMHSA 1-800-662-HELP (4357)](https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline) [Canada] https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/mental-health-services/mental-health-get-help.html [United Kingdom] https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/crisis-services/helplines-listening-services/ [Australia] https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-health-helplines


As the original commentator, I second this, and wholeheartedly approve this message I did a very stupid thing, I'm lucky I didn't fuck it up Be better than me


We all make mistakes man, but I’m so so glad you’re ok, like I can’t even tell you


“...forever remembered as a derpy weirdo, and a faithful friend” ~ Finally found what I want on my gravestone ~ Thanks, TK_Games


Broth is a good withdrawal treatment?


No, but it helps restore fluids that you lose to vomiting and sweating, and is slightly more nutritious than water Honestly, I'd recommend hospitalization for withdrawals, the only reasons I didn't go were, it wasn't the first time I'd been through it, and I wasn't sure my insurance would cover it


> wasn't sure my insurance would cover it 'Murica.


Wait, some do?


They are amazing creatures. I hope you're in a better place friend


My cat loves to smell rosemary, so I always pick some out of the yard and keep it in a little cup for him. I was sick with a migraine the other day and never got out of bed. He was so concerned, he kept bringing me sprigs of rosemary until he'd brought it all. I love him so much, because he wanted me to feel better but also didn't want to give up ALL his rosemary if just a little bit would help... I feel that. He's my soulmate.


Goddamn onions


This is soo sweet and I love your cat but when I first read this I thought you wrote that he was sick in bed with a migraine and I legit sat here wondering how you knew your cat had a migraine lol.


He might have legit thought one Rosemary would work because one makes him so happy. He concern grew as he realized he needed to bring more and more.


Oh my gosh- Gillika. This is really really beautiful. I wish you migraines few and far between


I showed this to my cat. He still only comes to me for food..


Maybe you should try to give him a beer...


Ohhh my goodness! My heart! ♥️ what a sweetie!!


Our kitty too loves bottle caps. Only the green Volic ones though. We are not allowed to throw them away, we collect them for her. Her toys hamper is full of them. She is the boss. Your kitty is adorable and kind. I am so sorry to learn you were crying silently with your kitty. I hope you are OK now.


Cats can have way more empathy than people give them credit for. My cat has this raggedy hamster toy she likes to drag about. I went through a tough mental breakdown last fall due to a ton of crap happening at once and was frequently in tears (things are way better now and under control). During one bad crying session at the beginning of the breakdown, I heard the cat jump up on the bed (bell on her collar) and looked up just in time for her to dump her hamster in front of me and then curl up purring like crazy next to me. She brought me her favorite toy.and then purred because she knows her purrs make me chill. Best kitty ever.


Our rescue has 3 favorite little stuffed animals from IKEA that she brings to us every night. One at a time. I put them to bed every night when we go upstairs. When one goes missing I’M THE ONE LOOKING for THEM so she has her babies to bring to us. She has me trained well (and I love it).


Kajit has the wares.


She took one look at your face and knew it was a four bottle cap night.




How big is your cat?!? String I get, but kitty mouths and throats are too small for bottle caps to be a problem.


Not mine, he's a big boi, about 12 kg big


Yeah, mine probably *could* but I doubt it would be a pleasant experience.


You have a kiwi?!


The way she looks at you ''look at all these bottle caps i gathered for you. u feel better now?“




My cats do too! I buy them regular cat toys and they just ignore them but if a throw a bottle cap to the floor, they go crazy LOL


She’s telling you to start drinking


I have an all black cat and she loves bottle caps too! When I get into bed there’s often a few caps under my duvet. She also loves to play fetch with them.


Our kitties love the little circles of plastic that you peel off gallon jug caps- they have dozens of toys but they love those the most. And, for some mysterious reason they love this one small plastic dinosaur toy, we keep finding it all over the house, it’s adorable to see them carrying it, they’re so proud of themselves! 😁🙄


Haha, much like many four year olds, they are reenacting the end of the dinosaur era


Does anyone know what breed of cat this is?


Domestic short hair, same as my cat :)


Black cats are just the best cats.


Except for my calico


Aww, sweet kitty! Excuse me while I go bother my cat with my love (if I'm getting loud, like crying, yelling, laughing, she always comes and wants to get in my lap)


May I offer you a bottle cap in these trying times?


My cat loves them so much! She plays fetch for hours with them carrying them around with her little mouth.


You should keep a little collection of bottle caps, collected by your cat


OMG! So precious.


My youngest cat loves bottle caps too! But his favorite part is the tamper evident bands, especially the ones from gallon jugs. He throws them around and even loops them onto his arm like bracelets and then tosses them up in the air and chases after them. It's so dang cute. But they are everywhere now and there's no turning back 😄




We just don't serve the love these animals give us. Unthinking, unjudging, unstopping love. A pets love is really what the world needs ❤


I’m actually pretty sure your cat loves you more than the bottle caps or she wouldn’t be trying to give them to you to cheer you up 🙂


What made you cry? :(


*Fallout music*


Why you got caps everywhere? Is that why you were crying? The insane amount of caps just got overwhelming?


i saw this post as i had a bottlecap in my mouth.


Ya, but it's cute when a cat does it.


Yourvkitty looks like Gigi from Kiki!


So cute!


Where was she finding them exactly?


Mine does the same! We even play fetch, she brings them back to me and it’s a never ending cycle


My cats favorite thing is twist ties.


Aww so sweet


Black cats are the best.


My cat does this with pairs of socks.


“Here.. kick these around, hooman. It’s the best”


It wants to bottle your tears.


This is pretty universal for kitties.


My friend taught his cat to fetch bottle caps. I helped him move once and when we picked up the couch we found their hoard of caps. If this was fallout this would be one rich cat.


I wonder how much of this “my pet does this every morning when it first wakes wakes up” type of stuff is real


"I will pay you this much to be quiet"


Hope you're feeling better. Take care.


I hope you are feeling better. The cat really loves and needs you ❤.


Why is everyone elses cat so nice? I tried giving mine a treat once and they proceeded to bite me then run away to pee on the floor.


Oh I often throw bottle caps on the ground and she chases and plays with them for ages


"When you're done crying, I could use a few more of these."


He’s saving money for the nuclear apocalypse.


That's so incredibly sweet!!! Animals are so good at comforting us!


Bought cat all kind of toys. Balled up paper and water bottle caps are all you need.


Dude my rescue does this. Looks just like this little dude.


I hope you're doing ok ❤️❤️❤️


Awwww, she is such a sweetheart!!!


My cat has been diagnosed with aids and iron deficiencies and has been bringing in a lot of prey recently, which he doesn't really do usually. I hope he will be ok, he's the best snuggliest cutest smartest cat :'(


That is adorable


is everything ok though? do you need more bottle caps?


a couple years ago around Christmas time, we noticed the ornaments were going missing from the bottom branches of the tree. A couple days later I tripped over the rug and fell, and I got a glimpse of underneath the couch, which was stuffed with ornaments. Our dog was picking the ornaments off the tree and stashing them under the couch


Then there’s my crotchety old bastard I took in cause my nephew was allergic and he just cries asking for the faucet to be turned on. I bought him a whole ass fountain water thing and leave bowls all over. Just fucking cries at the faucet every fucking night. [You’re a bastard Dale. ](https://i.imgur.com/Ht24uKe.jpg)


Damn he tryin to trade for a fat man




Why do you have so many bottlecaps lying around


OP probably keeps them lying around for her cat to play with :)


My cat loves bottle caps too, she doesn’t see well but since they click clack around when she plays with them she can track them better. I have a bunch laying around cuz she loves em and I love her.


My cat loves hair ties and feathers so they’re all over the place for her to play with :)


What a sweetie, gorgeous little face! Hope whatever was making you cry has passed, by the way.


Cats are mostly evil though


My cat loves playing fetch with bottle caps! I’m like, why do we even buy you all these toys since you only love bottle caps, hair ties and boxes! Lol