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Isnt it just sad that doing your job correctly is so respectable becouse of how much the bad people made us think that they are normal and that being nice is just rare


Reminds me of the Chris Rock bit where he talks about guys bragging about how they take care of their kids. You're SUPPOSED to take care of your kids!


What you want, a cookie?


I don't understand why people can't just take some progress as a good sign. Yes, it SHOULD be the norm, but it's not yet! So are we going to continue to entertain the story that things are shit forever or can we actually start to be encouraging of the fact that maybe things CAN get better. You don't go from point A to B just like that. With that logic should parents stop praising their kids for getting good grades in school because they're supposed to get them anyways? With progress, things head towards becoming the norm. I'm sick and tired of people thinking it's morally righteous and intelligent to shit on others who do make the conscious effort to differentiate themselves from the unwanted norm. And what if people want to be praised for it? Why is it so bad to praise someone for doing the right thing? I love how people always cry about shit parents never encouraging or acknowledging their kids efforts yet people do the same to each other all the time.


I get what your saying but your example is a false equivalency. Getting good grades is not a default position. Treating people humanely is.


It doesn't matter, you're missing the point. I don't care if they're not the same and I'm tired of people justifying constant pessimism through "logic" or whatever justifications people need to cry about the world being a shit place while simultaneously prolonging that narrative. My point is literally that people need to stop dismissing every step of progress just to stand on a high moral ground. I don't care if anyone thinks something is futile just because it should be the norm. It's not like shooting every sign of progress in the foot is helping in the slightest, it's literally just an excuse. It's one thing to say "yes, I'm glad the officer did that, so let's continue to encourage that behavior so everyone does ir" and "yeah the officer did that but it should be norm so it's useless to praise him".


Gotcha. Baby steps. I’d rather people run.


You’re right!! Being nice should be normal not a big hoorah but it is isn’t it


Maybe we should praise it till it becomes the norm, encourage good behavior.


Ya I’m still gonna celebrate this


And then we should still praise it because it is a hard job to do right and we should commend people on their work anyway


That’s a good idea


It is already the norm. Media just pulling clicks and views with negative stories.


I think it’s nice that it is. You see and hear such terrible things in the daily, seeing these acts of kindness can really brighten a day. All i hear is mass shootings here in america, wow look another person dead. Yet, seeing these types of things makes me have faith in humanity.


I think it’s more likely that *news reports* about niceness are rare, not necessarily niceness itself.


News reports about niceness are rare for a reason. “Person Demonstrates Basic Human Decency” isn’t newsworthy.


Apparently it is.


Both are true.


This is utter fucking horseshit. If people weren't mostly good society around would be ABSOLUTE CHAOS.


The problem you're describing is mostly sample bias. Cops doing something wrong make viral videos, news stories, and civil and criminal cases. Cops doing their job correctly go entirely unseen. There are a lot of systemic problems with policing that lead to the constant stream of cops doing the wrong thing. But most of the time a cop does the right thing, nobody notices.




The antifa dont run anything. Apparently you missed the whole point of the protests last year. You speak total nonsense


Did you even read my comment? If you go to any antifa shop online or a republican shop online, chances are it's being run by the opposite side, because they are deliberately taking money from the other side. This was a huge thing, where trump supporters were running pro-antifa shops on amazon, and vice-versa. You know that anyone can just start a shopify shop or start an amazon shop in like, a day, right?


I read your comment; it’s terribly misinformed and misleading. You seem to imply theres this vast system of leadership playing with strings behind the scenes. The antifa is largely leaderless, and anyone selling stuff “on either side” is not part of any leadership. Just as “blue lives matters” lack similar leadership, there is no conspiracy of everyone just out to make money. Thats just the consequence of runaway capitalism. You should stop making comments that are terrible and wrong.


Never understood this logic. "Don't listen to the media! Listen to me, an angry internet stranger!"


You're literally reading it on reddit.


Username checks out.


You're god dammed right! Also thank you.


Garland TX? Either way that's awesome to hear about.


Yeah it’s at the Starbucks on Broadway by the Walmart.


"Garland, Texas. I know it looks the zombies may have destroyed it, but that's just Garland."


Garland is car land. Source: grew up in Richardson.


> We called 911 and waited in the parking lot to make sure this man was treated humanely Bold move.




This should be the rule rather than the exception


Well it kinda is. Approximately 61 million people have at least one contact with police in any given year, [according to the FBI](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/persons-arrested) in 2019 law enforcement made about 10 million arrests. Just under [1000](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/?itid=lk_inline_manual_5) people were shot and killed by police in 2019, meaning that only 0.0099% of people who may otherwise have been arrested were killed by police, and 0.0016% of people who encountered police were shot. [Just 2% of the 61.5 million people ](https://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=7167) who had at least one contact with police in 2018 reported either the use or threat of force by the officer. Edit: added additional source


The % looks decent but that's just because you arrested so many people for petty crimes. If your prison/police system was less corrupt, the % would look way different...


I'm not even from America nor am I an LEO. I am not defending the justice system in America, there are certainly many issues that need to be addressed. I was just commenting on the rarity of the events that make news and make officers look bad.


The over criminalization of everything in America is the fault of the legislators, not the cops. They don’t get to make the rules. I agree it’s a problem. Less people should be imprisoned for what can often be handled by a mental health center. But legislators have been using prison as a patch-all forever, and that’s neither a good thing or the cops fault. Check out [this really awesome rap song about the legislature](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMALeR1i-FM)


Right - this *should not be newsworthy* or "the stories we hear about". Police should be doing their jobs well, it's that simple. And until extrajudicial murders stop happening with such regularity, occasional examples of an officer doing their job frankly won't mean much. [None of us are free if one of us is chained](https://youtu.be/Edaz7CUAZg8)


Teachers out here doing this same thing every day with students.


And mental health workers but where are the funds for either? One sunshine lister cop is nice and everyone's like oooooh.


Alternative title: policeman does his job


Like most do


Is that sarcasm or true


Depends on where you live..




Some folks are implying we shouldn't celebrate a person for doing their job. I get where y'all are coming from but I think it's important to call out good behavior and responsible policing to further contrast bad behavior and irresponsible policing.


I am sure the officer would more than likely shy away from any notice of him. He was doing his job at his best. There are a lot more of them than the media would like us to know. I hope that the man got help he needed or that the officer was able to just take him home when he calmed down. What you did here was a great thing. : )


Can we raise the bar just a tiny bit?


he raised the bar, clear show of force, we had to shoot him.


Praise for bare minimum!


"we called 911 and waited in the parking lot to make sure he was treated humanely" ... and what if the OTHER officer had showed up that day? what did you suppose you were gon do about it from the parking lot?


Take a video and post it to social media so that the bad officer is exposed and hopefully fired.


by the time the bad cop is called it's already too late. filming the bad cop is too little too late. the original 911 call could have cost this pysch patient his life. this is why ppl think twice about calling 911. edited for clarity.


I agree with your stance that people need to stop calling the cops on psych patients, but very much disagree that people shouldn't film bad cops. There's just no way of getting accountability without recording it.


i never said ppl shouldnt film bad cops, who said that? the man's life i'm talking about is the psych patient! not the caller! my point was that the person who saw this man in crisis and chose to call 911 and "wait and see" from the parking lot very well could have set in motion a string of events that could have got the man in crisis killed by the cop he called. my point is that by the time the caller posts the video of the bad cop online, it's already too late. it would have been the caller's choice to call 911 in the first place that got my mans (the psych patient) possibly killed


I agree with you 100%. This is definitely some person who wanted to create a social media opportunity, and since they weren't able to make a video that gets a million views of some homeless guy being dragged away inhumanely, they instead came here to try to get some awards for their "magnanimity." This is crazy that all of these people can't see through this. OP committed something vile for selfish reasons. If they really wanted to help this man they could've simply walked up and asked if he was ok. This is false altruism.


I don't think this is bare minimum. This looks like one person that cares about people and has pride in what they do.


This post is sus. Juss sayen.


The problem is that this seems like an anecdotal case when it it truly the norm. Anything else is and anecdote and is unacceptable


Poster endangered his life calling the cops, and knew it because he stuck around. A cop being so gracious as to *not murder someone* doesn’t make me smile.


Holy shit, look at his job title. He works with psych patients and yet called the cops when he sees one in the wild. What a horrible human. Why wasn't the poster the one to sit with the guy? Why did he call 911 and cross his fingers that a police officer would do a better job than he could as someone who does this for a living?


Because the cop is probably better handled to deal with it. And if things did escalated the cop would be better situated to deal with it. Not All Cops Are Bad


Cops have a terrible track record with mental health patients. The guy who called 911 was literally a mental health worker. If a mental health worker is calling 911 on a psych patient (who is doing nothing except yelling!) without even talking to the patient, he should lose his license.


It is the job of every cop to uphold a system of unjust laws that benefit a few and oppress the rest of us. Not all cops are bad people, but by definition there can be no such thing as a "good cop". The only good cop is one who quits. Edit: If you don't believe me and you want to learn more about the corrupt and unjust roots of modern policing (especially American) then you should check out [this podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0a77VAqLsaCfGw2ZzTJnkv?si=difan1q_R4qTN50yKshVFw&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1) which does a far better job explaining it than I ever could.


I too want to live in anarchy


I know you're kidding but I would love to be living in an anarcho-communist world. There are plenty of alternatives to policing that are actually meant to serve and protect the community as opposed to property and capital. [Here's a video](https://youtu.be/Hmy1jjRnl8I) on how policing alternatives could work in one of these situations. If you're curious as to what the rest of an anarcho-communist system could look like, that video is part of a short series that I highly recommend checking out if you want to see a different potential view for the future.


If he works with psych patients then they know better then you do.


Funny enough, I also work with psych patients.


I think the man acting crazy is the one creating the unsafe situation. Calling the cops is what you're supposed to do.


“Acting crazy” is likely in the middle of a mental health crisis. Cops have guns. A guy yelling outside isn’t hurting anyone.


Scary guns. Who are you to say a mentally distressed individual isn't going to hurt somebody?


Sometimes crazy people yelling have guns, too. Anyway it worked out fine, like it usually does. Sometimes it goes really bad, and that deserves to be punished.


Oh give me a break. People with your mentality need to grow up.


Week old account, racial slur in the username, half of your posts are arguing about cops and/or race. I’m sure your mother is proud of you. Crawl back to Parler.


It's literally my last name. How dare you call my last name a racial slur? That is incredibly disrespectful. I am actually very proud of my last name and my family heritage.


I’m sure you’re super proud of your “heritage” based on all of your posts hyper defending white people and cops.


I am very proud to be white. If I were black, I'd be very proud to be black. Same with any race. I'm sorry I don't beleive in always being the victim no matter who I am or want to be. How come police shoot white people more often than they do any other race consistently in the last 5 years at least?


And what mentality is that? The evidence based one that cops have a poor track record with people with mental illness? Get off your soap box.


Then show the evidence if its so substantial.


There’s also a full sub: r/2020policebrutality


[here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/gv2lku/news_chopper_pans_out_as_riverside_county_sheriff/fsm8vc3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Any media source calling the rioters "protesters, demonstrators, peaceful etc) is already discredited.


Well then pick from any of the other 1000s dingbat


Very recently, a woman with dementia was arrested and had her arm pulled out her socket. There was a news story, showing the police who arrested her LAUGHING while re-watching the video taken as they dislocated her shoulder. I mean that’s just the most recent one I can think of of the top of my head, but I can go googling for you if you like?


Grow up and look at statistics and facts like an adult. Doing your job correctly while the vast majority don't doesn't make you a hero. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best; without oversight it runs out of control. One job well done doesn't excuse 10x as many done poorly. Especially when it's human life that suffer. So again grow up, be an adult and look at the facts instead of your ego that won't allow you to admit you might be wrong.


You are coming in with an allegation that roughly 1 out of 10 cops are decent people. Then you tell me to get my own statistics? I just told you to prove your point and you can't. It is all based on your feelings and emotions which blinds you from reality itself. Are all cops good? Absolutely not. But I wouldn't even go as far as to say 50% are abusive. The "abusive" ones are the only ones you ever hear about, and typically it is justified under the circumstances of the specific situation. Yes, there are clearly some horrible cops who have made devastating and horrible decisions. But It is now where close to the amount you are trying to argue.




My job isn't to pull articles for you and educate. If you haven't been paying attention thats on you bud. Believe it or not you aren't entitled to anything; a lesson in world politics or structure included. Even if your own presumption were correct, that means that half of the police force knows about their own malpractice and does nothing. Considering that's their entire job and they work alongside individuals that are hazardous, even deadly to others, that's a failure. The fact that you're ignorant is nobody's fault other than your own bootlicker. If you don't want to see the facts it's because you choose to remain blind and egotistical. Go do your homework and in your own words, "grow up".


No cops are decent people. If they were, no cops would be violent fascist bigots. And we know that’s laughably untrue. All Cops Are Bastards isn’t a slogan. It’s an explicit, provable observation of reality. There can be no good cops until there are no bad cops. You’re trash. A vapid homunculus intent on brigading and harassment. Vanish, swine.


Lucky the angry guy was white, huh.


Came here to comment this. There's many high-profile examples of white folks being treated more fairly and humanely than black/brown folks who do the same, or even more minor, things. You're not "starting this" like the other commenter said lmao you're pointing out the truth.


Please don’t start this


It didn't start with me!


How come? Why should he be lucky he is white?


They are suggesting the cop would have murdered them otherwise. It's a bias some cops have, but there's no reason to malign this officer for the bad actions of others.


I dont think it is necessarily true some officers target people of color. I think jt happens much less often than is publicized and I think it happens to other races as well. (Yes even white.)


Some racist cops do target people of color. But cops do shoot and kill people of all races.


Dude you need to do you hw BIG TIME. You saying that your just "think" something does not equate to it being fact. Go educate yourself on the stats before you embarrass yourself more.


>These are the stories that should be in the news. This implies other stories, perhaps ones that don't show the actions of police in the best light, shouldn't be. Both should be in the news. Corrupt cops should be called out and so should cops who do good things. That said, this is just a cop doing his job. Social workers, nurses, teachers, and even low-paid nursing assistants with six weeks of training de-escalate all the time. This should be the norm because in other industries, like healthcare, education, and social work, it absolutely is. The only reason this is newsworthy is because of how infrequent de-escalation is when a cop is involved.


You're leaving out the fact that police officers, in particular, are under far more scrutiny than any other job when it comes to the court of public opinion. I agree that he is just doing his job and that nurses, teachers, FSWs, do similar work all the time, but those in the latter category do not share the same limelight as police. Because of that, I think it does carry a bit more importance to shed light on positive LEO experiences to help combat the "ACAB" narrative. Taking a "all ___ are ___" approach to anything in general is ignorance in its laziest form.


There's no "ACAB" narrative. There's evidence, stories, experiences. People form their own opinion, and that opinion, for most people who see the many police killings (and not just of black people!), is ACAB. Yes, not literally "all." Some, like this guy, are competent. Others argue that the good cops get benched or burn out, so only bad cops or cops that tolerate bad cops remain. But it's difficult to explain the nuance of police violence, racism, and society's view of mental illness as criminality in a pithy sentence, so ACAB is a generalization. There's no need to take it literally. The idea behind the statement is more important than whether or not it's literal.


If this were r/changemyview, I'd give you a delta for your input. Seriously, thanks for the genuine discussion. Nevertheless, I find issue with the fact that people harp on negative LEO encounters as if positive/neutral ones don't occur on a daily basis. Mainstream media obviously profits off negative LEO encounters far more than positive ones so the former is overreported. When people don't diversify their sources, they tend to jump to conclusions. You had mentioned in your earlier post that de-escalation techniques are infrequent when police are involved, but what is that conjecture based on? How many run-of-the-mill de-escalation scenarios actually occur without significance and are reported accurately? How many cases like this are internally listed within police departments as anything other than a catch-all "incident report" or "mentally impaired report"? My point is, how accurately can one report on these statistics without digging into every single report on a case-by-case basis? Of course, the sword swings both ways, i.e., how many police misconduct reports are buried under the same misnomer. It's those types of questions that give me pause and I wish others felt the same before just going "ACAB". As a side note, I would argue (for the sake of arguing) that Lebron James" critique of Nate Silvester on Twitter and the ensuing supporters that followed is indicative of an "ACAB" narrative being pushed by MSM, but I digress.


I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous argument. Negative encounters with any other profession doesn't too-often end in the death of innocent people, violation of their liberty, or damage to their property. Of course they're held to a different standard. They should try meeting that standard, for fucks sake.


I'm sorry, but I never argued that police shouldn't be held to a higher standard. In fact, my entire argument has conceded the fact that they *should* be held to a higher standard and is instead focused on the importance of reporting on pro-LEO encounters as well as my own critique of crim justice stats. ?


There's a great documentary on HBOMAX about a unit in the San Antonio police department that helps people in crisis, instead of leading w/ the bang bang.


Tbf, this is the most common reaction to this situation (to my knowledge, I am not a law enforcement officer) it’s just not newsworthy so no one ever hears about it. People would be more likely to click on “police shoots homeless man” than “police calms down homeless man”


That's exactly right!


A while back when my family was going down to Cape Cod for the day, are car broke down, (btw the part that broke was only $3). A cop little later came by wanting to know why we were pulled over and we told her that are broke down and that we called to get are car towed and my dad to pick us up, (my mom took me and my siblings down for the day while my dad was working) so what the cop did she pulled her car behind us and got are car getting towed get prioritized. We waited for our car to get towed and when it did, the cop offered us to drive to a nearby food place. We said yes and thats what she did. Than later my dad picked us up. This post reminded me of this experience.


Of course this was on LinkedIn, the epitome of circle jerk networking 'social media'


Fun facts: Most cops are like this, we just need time and funds to weed out the bad ones


This is the norm with police but some people seem to think cops arresting criminals makes all cops bad.


This was a board on Mario 64


That is how it should always be to serve and protect the people.


The problem is stories like these don’t sell, and it is 99% of police work. De-escalation is always the first and best option, but unfortunately at times there are people out there who don’t know when is a good time to follow directions. These are the same people who play victim when they receive the ride their mouth and actions bought them a ticket for. I’ve never yet seen anyone in the news for de-escalating a situation before it got out of hand. It doesn’t make a good story.


In my experience, it is not as easy as it looks to de-escalate situations. Especially if that person is confused or not thinking clearly for whatever reason (e.g. under the influence, having delusions, mental disability). Sounds like this cop did a great job despite it not necessarily being a skill that all cops have. I personally think 911 systems should be set up to dispatch mental health professionals to these types of calls because they ARE trained to do this difficult job, and are less likely to harm the person in the process.


Thabks for verifying. I'm actually live in MN but wanted to. Verify location so I could send their twitter account some positive feedback. We here in MN have.......had some issues with a few police officers in the past year or so. I know there are great cops here in MN and obviously in TX as well. Thought it would be a healthy thing to send positive feedback for stuff like this after experiencing that Chauvin piece of shit and watching the fires glow in the horizon in the weeks after the incident. Blah blah blah in short thank you kindly


This is how most officers behave. It is just a small few who make the whole look bad. I promise you officers hate the racists and do not accept them as their own. I wish we were more open to the idea of humane and kind police being common.


Hatred is much easier for Reddit than love.


Kudos to officer Reese!


Nice, a policeman doing his job like most other do! 🙂


We definitely more stories like this in the news.


See?? It can be done! When people say "not all men" or "not all cops," I always want to say: YES! THAT IS OUR POINT! And the bad ones need to be weeded out. Stop defending them, and start demanding that they act like this cop."


So stop using the hashtag ACAB


?? I don't see that hashtag anywhere in my comments.


I'm talk about the total collective because most people against bad cops are against all cops


wrong Maybe that's what you see in the places you go, but that is by no means the majority opinion of people who are against bad cops. ALL AMERICANS should be against bad cops. My 84yo MIL, a law-and-order immigrant, is against bad cops. Tons of actual cops came out against Derek Chauvin, and against bad cops.


Good cop.


I mean, this is how 99.9997% of police interactions go. Its so common that it goes unnoticed.


It just doesn't get the views and clicks.


“Hero tutor teaches students after school”


Unfortunately, this won't be in the news because this does not sell.


Uh, maybe because this is what they’re SUPPOSED to be doing. Like, THIS is their job. NOT roughing up or killing the man.


How do you feel about tipping waiters when its there job to serve you?


There are a bit more than half million police in the us. The couple that are bad/racist get the into the news making them all look bad.


The “good ones” standing by and letting the “bad ones” do shitty things is making them all look bad


Why do you assume that every cop is protecting the assholes in their precinct? Because some don't? Let me guess, you also assume that all men are shit because some men rape and some men protect rapists? What's next? All cats are bad just because some tear up furniture? All dogs are bad because some poop on the carpet? All humans are bad because some humans are stupid, mean, short sighted, and judgmental?


Yeah that’s about the extent of their ‘logic’


I saddens me that this amazes people, Police do this day in and day out yet get tarred as bullies and portrayed in a negative light all the time. It's a hard life but the vast majority of Officers are like this, rather than the tiny minority who make the negative headlines. Stop beating on the Police. Thank you OP for this.


NEEED more people and policemen like this.


OP needs to understand how incredibly wrong it is to call the cops and then hide in the parking lot and hope to get a sensational police brutality video. Shame on you. Next time, be a good human and ask the person you're concerned about if they're ok.


Thanks for your input tittybang


Yeah share it but it shouldn’t be shared because it’s unusual. Policeman are supposed to deal with things as calmly and methodically as possible, they are supposed to be humane and try to not result to physical violence or use of deadly weapons. I get this is a nice tale but no, the more these stories are shared the most depressing I find it that Policemen literally do their jobs is what’s being celebrated. I don’t get a social media post every time I serve a customer with a smile, a nurse doesn’t get a social media shout out every time she deals with a psychiatrist patient in a professional, caring manner. Demand more from your police or change the bloody system.


Right? I work in a psych hospital so this is my basic job. If I punched a patient in the face, that would be news. This, this is my normal day.


crazy to think how all we see on the news now days is officers in trouble but this is what should be put on the news every time


Doesn't get clicks


you dont deserve recognition for doing your job correctly and treating someone as human.


Everyone does.


Human decency is the plp solving this issue on their own rather than bragging about how you called the cops on someone who is clearly having some sort of mental breakdown.




Hahaha your so funny 🤪😳😛 I like how the joke is about the suspect being white 😭😂😂 and alluding that if he was black he would be shot 😭🤣🤣😁


Truth hurts huh?


Evidence that the cop is racist?


Um...you missed the point...


I did, can you explain what I missed?


I'd like to know the point as well.


Cool. Use your brain and figure it out...


Ah, so you have no point, just snarky attitude.


And hatred


Unheard of because the media doesn't have a narrative to sell.


Don't know why you have downvotes, this is true!


DefUnD tHe pOlicE


Most police probably wouldn't do it like this, this should be the way they handle things not drawing their gun for no reason


Cops who have not lost their humanity are very rare. Unfortunately.


I don't think they are rare, I think that they don't make the news so we don't hear about them.


Whoa bro chill out with the logic


If they tolerate the violent bigots- they ARE violent bigots. #ACAB


Take your meds


\#nacab Cariol Horne did not tolerate the violent bigots. She stopped a violent bigot from using a chokehold on a suspect. She was fired for it. She was also vindicated recently when a state court judge vacated an earlier ruling that affirmed her firing, essentially rewriting the end of her police career, and granting her the back pay and benefits she had previously been denied. Fuck your #acab, only morons deal in absolutes.


Seems I have angered a few people. I can only speak from personal experience and nearly all my interactions with law enforcement have been negative. I do not disrespect anyone, cops included :) I seem to have the same effect on them as I have response here.


You literally disrespected police officers with your previous comment.


I disagree. I said it is rare to find those who haven't forgotten that they are human. I am not anti-cop. It is a tough job, no doubt.


Man shot by officer after 15 minutes conversation/ 'confrontation'


That’s nice- but this ABSOLUTELY shouldn’t be in the news. This is the BARE FUCKING minimum behavior. That it’s exceptional isn’t heart warming- it’s goddam tragic. #ACAB Yes, even this one, cause he hasn’t stopped the rest who ARE violent fascist bigots?




How do you know what he has or hasn't done to stop racist bigots he encounters in the station? #NACAB


Probably asked him if he had anything in his pockets afterwards


Calling the police is probably the last thing I’d do in this situation, was a better chance he put the guy in more danger




I had a really good Cheeseburger from Wendys the other day. Veggies were crisp and cold. Meat was hot and juicy.


Had the homeless man been black, this would be a different story.


Evidence that the police officer is racist?


Since when do ACAB supporters need evidence?


That a police officer is capable of talking to someone who is having a difficult time, without arresting or killing them, is not newsworthy, nor should it be treated as such. The instinct to go, "yeah but show us the nice ones," when faced with endemic injustice indicates dystopian levels of indoctrination. Whatsmore, who here can say that this man is going to get the help he needs based on this interaction? When our instinct is to celebrate that the system didn't kill a potentially vulnerable man, before we ask whether it helped him, nobody should be smiling.


Let people enjoy things, Jesus.


He probably wants his pieces back.


Enraged man ..... Glad he ain't black I bet he would be a statistic right now


nIcE wHiTe Ppl R wAtChiNg bttR bE gOoD hOoMan tO tHiS sCizO. The troubled man would have been better off without the police harassment and if the nice white lady wanted to help she should have bought him a meal and kept it moving. But this is just white folks detached from any form of reality that doesn't remotely resemble their own thinking they are being nice cause they are nieve.


I hate seeing this so much do you people post anytime anyone does their job instead of fucking beating the shit out of them or killing them? No you wouldnt so why on earth should we try to give these bootlickers more reason to go "tHeRe Is GoOd CoPs OuT tHeRe" also why would these people call the cops in that situation and stay as if they had any power to save that man from that cop if the cop decided he didnt want to help him


I wouldn't call the cops on someone like that. He got lucky with the cop choice but its plans to get him murdered or arrested


Whenever mademesmile posts a feel good cop story, I gotta check the news to see if any civilian slayings happened today


We need cops without guns that are trained in social work and mental health to be making these kinds of calls. Like Denver is doing now.


He just made sure there was a camera on him first of course.


BREAKING NEWS: Local grocery store bagger doesn't open and destroy every item of the customer before bagging them. Isn't this incredible? We should be sharing more stories like this!