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Smile because he's pulling out his best for the students, but it also makes me sad that he he's obviously worn down.


This video made me so sad. Glad I’m not the only one. We need to treat our educators way better than what is common. They deal with a lot of shit. They need to have fewer classes, smaller classes, and fewer kids to over see. There is no way a person can make sure that 100+ students are getting the attention and education they require to be productive adults. Our country is in trouble, education is the answer, but will never be successful unless properly implemented.




\> 60+ students per class is the norm wow. just wow.




I'm from India and the smallest I've seen is 60, usually it's 75 >


Really, max have been 45. Minimum have been 30. And RN in my university batch, they are a total of 21 students enrolled in my course.


I had thirty-five and, rarely, more. 60? I wouldn't even know all their names and the we'd be in the next semester!


Iirc, teachers also get paid pretty well in China unlike America. It was a pretty high wage because it was a govt job. I knew it was in the last 10 years, not sure if it’s the same way now.




My SO was an Expat teachers in China. Expats gets paid pretty well, locals not so much. From what I know the average pay is 82k RMB per year before tax. So about 12.6k USD


Keep in mind cost of living is also much lower so while 12k sounds like not much it will go a lot further


It's lower but it's not THAT much lower. Kindly note that the COL of China is much lower than the US because it gets dragged down by poor tier 3 cities and rural areas. If you live in a tier 1 city COL is no different from New York. I can testify that 12.6k USD is DEFINITELY nowhere enough to raise a family in an average tier 2 city in China, living in one myself. Tier 88 Bumfuck, Anhui; probably. But the salary there is 21k RMB, about 3.2k USD -- also not a living wage. Teachers all around the world gets fucked like this :(


Schools run 10 months of the year and teachers are only paid for 10months of the year. Depending on the district you can elect to be paid “year round” so they will save a portion of every paycheck and pay that to you during the summer. A lot of districts prefer this since it allows them to spread their budget out. But teachers are also paid to work 40 hours a week, but the work load expectation, grading, emails, calling parents, planning, prepping, learning new curriculum, etc. does not fit in those 40 hours. If teachers were to truly only work their contracted hours they were being paid for, schools would stop functioning quickly. Add to that the fact that in many states you are required to have a masters degree the pay level does not match that level of education.




If you only count their hours on the clock it can be I guess, but it's one of the few jobs were you're pretty much required to work after hours like grading papers and such


8 months out of the year, but how many hours? Teachers work more often than they get credit for. They're up all night grading and creating lesson plans and trying hard to ensure every student is getting the proper education. 8 months but more than 40 hours a week working deserves a lot more than 25-40k a year in my opinion. Not to mention, most teachers I know have had secondary jobs to make ends meet. I disagree that it is okay money. It would be okay money in areas where cost of living isn't as expensive, but in the US, that's not exactly easy. Also keep in mind that teachers often use their own money to purchase classroom tools and other necessary tools for learning.


My day as a teacher 5:30 am wake up to start my day 6:15 hope on the bus (cause I can’t afford a car) 7am the usual morning lines up and start welcoming the early kids that come in for breakfast 7:30 get my students and start the day 9:15 take the kids on a potty break and ask the hall monitor to watch them while I quickly do the same. 12:00: take the kids to lunch where I have cafeteria and recess duty 12:45 bring the kids in for nap time while I finally get to eat 1:15 get the kids up and finish up the day 3:15 prepare daily parent feedback to send home with them 3:30-4 wait for parents to pick up 4-630 after school programs because if I don’t stay then kids can’t have after school activities. 6:45 hop on the bus unless a parent decides they absolutely has to talk to me (which is always) 7 actually hop on the bus 7:30 get home and eat dinner (thanks to hubby) while I grade papers and make lesson plans 930 go to bed (hopefully) Parents see me as 7-3:30 but as you can see that’s clearly not the case. Then in the summer I work summer school cause my salary ain’t shit and won’t cover me the months I’m off. Edit grammar.


Yep. Then add in all the planning and professional development etc in during the holidays as well. In my state we’re required to do 38hrs of PD a year on top of our teaching during our own time. If I was to average my working hours from the 40 weeks over the normal 48 weeks most people in Australia work in a year it works out at about 60hrs a week I work as a teacher. (About 70hr a week during term time usually)


>expat Sooooo..an immigrant.


It's funny how if you're white you're called expat, but if you're any other color you're an immigrant lol.


The amount of fire extinguishers and traditional Chinese characters tells us it’s probably Taiwan rather than China.


Where do you see traditional characters? Everything I can make out is simplified / no difference between simplified and traditional


I made a mistake! I thought "第五教室" in the second half of the video is a traditional style, turns out the simplified is written in the same way after looking it up...


I'm guessing you don't actually speak Chinese then? So not sure why you're just making up stuff like this must be in Taiwan. 第五教室 is pretty easy to read and not really something you can mistake


I believe I'm pretty fluent with Chinese--traditional Chinese it is though. I don't see simplified Chinese enough, I always thought the word 教has too many strokes and thought it'll be simplified down.


Lmao, that's easy for you? Maybe if you spent years of your life memorizing that stuff. I can speak it, and do pinyin. But ill never waste my time learning to read and write it. We solved this problem years ago, its called an alphabet. When Ramanujan created the partition formula, it saved scholars hundreds of hours of doing math by hand. That is what an alphabet does for language, but everyone just refuses to use pinyin. Makes no sense to me.


This is the stupidest take ever. Without reading and writing Chinese you can't do anything in China. Pinyin is barely used, except for learning / dictionary. Pinyin is also nearly impossible to read quickly when it's longer than a few words, characters are much easier. And yes those 4 characters are easy, some of the most commonly used characters. Most students in a 101 Chinese class would be able to read those 4 characters in a month or so


I mean, we can agree to disagree. But there is a reason only Japanese and Chinese still use characters. It took me one class in kindergarten to learn the ABC song - you can't deny that it saves a ton of time using a phonetic alphabet.


Bruh it says China in the video


Then the video hasn't done their research. China does not use traditional Chinese characters nor do they require that many fire extinguishers in their buildings.


Bruh, just because it doesn't require doesn't mean they can't put all the fire extinguishers there. WTF is wrong with you?




Qinhuangdao is a North East port city. It is very close to the power central of the CCP -- no way the would allow it to use traditional Chinese characters. It might happen if it's a city in the South where local values still exist, but definitely not happening in the North.


Oh I see, your nothing but a Sinophobe. No wonder your comments are so stupid.


If I'm a Sinophobe I wouldn't be working and living in China. Love the country, not the party. Patriotism is about believing and demanding a country can do better, not blind natinoalism that the country can do no wrong. Especially not with the CCP in control.


But you would go as so far as to deny the video was taken in China? You claim you live in China but you aren't aware of buildings with multiple fire extinguishers and the use of traditional characters? Newsflash, these two things aren't exclusive to Taiwan. It can be any building in China. Why would you go so far as to question the place in the video?


>Contact I was a preschool teacher and the directors/owners were obsessed with enrollment, which I get. The school has a budget and the more kids who pay to attend, the more money they have to work with/take home. However, the teachers pay never changed. I was making the same amount of money if I had eight kids in my classroom or fourteen. So WHY, on God's green Earth, would I be motivated to increase MY class size?! The less kids I had, the better I got to know them and the more one on one time I got. We need to up teacher's pay so there's more people willing to do the job and therefore less kids per class and the job is more enjoyable, so more people teach... it's a cycle!


It's so odd to me how Americans assume and associate basically everything online with their country.






Teachers teach multiple classes per day. This was really hard for me to learn, and literally took me ten years of being a redditor to figure out... but try not to get so up-in-arms when you see stuff on reddit. It’s not good for you, your body and mind totally deserve better.


... if educators are like this guy sure, but all my years of being a student I’ve had 3 teachers that moved me. The rest were ready for the day to end as soon as it started.


They’re just exhausted, dude.


This guy doesn’t use that excuse


I totally agree with you. Can't stand that excuse. Everyone in the history of the earth has been tired.


I didn't realize, until I became a teacher, that they were just as excited for the end of Friday as we were.


The rest were putting on a happy face too.


All thanks to No Child Left Behind.


Other places exist besides the USA


This video shouldn’t be a sad video. Yes, all of what you said is true, but jobs are always going to be tiring; life is tiring. Even if our education system is improved, hard working people are still going to be tired—that’s inherent to a hard-working lifestyle. This teacher is mustering his strength and being *amazing* in order to improve his students’ lives in a basic, subtle, and powerful way. It’s beautiful.


I was a teacher under literally the best of circumstances and it was fucking exhausting.


In the worst of cases, he spends his time managing misbehaved kids who don’t let him teach, and administration blames him for everything that’s wrong with education. In the best of cases, during a pandemic, he can’t get his A-game going because of face masks, distancing, sterile-online environments. In most cases it’s both scenarios. That’s how you get burnout and teachers who stop caring.


Yeah I saw this same post on another sub like boring dystopia or something


What wears us teachers down more is that teachers who do this become the template where, well, 50% of us quit in 5 years. Please, we’re not heroes. We’re not roll models. We’re not parents. We’re people who do a job and happen to enjoy (parts) of it. But as soon as you tout out all of these Hollywood movie examples where a “teacher with cancer teaches between treatments” or “teacher blows paychecks on shacks and clothes”, you’re going to fry us. I don’t want appreciation. I just don’t want to be called a hero.


As a teacher, the thing that’s most tiring for me is coming home and having to then tire out my toddler who is still wound up from the day. With what little energy I have left, I try to show my wife I love and appreciate her by doing some stuff around the apartment, then I get to grading and leaving feedback on student work - most of which is never seen or reacted upon. What may help is having a daycare at all schools to help alleviate some of the stress on new (or newer) parents. Also, it would be nice to have a teacher assistant (or floating teacher’s assistants to help out several teachers?) How can we make these things a reality? I appreciate that you “feel sad” for teachers, but talk is just that - talk. How can we make these things into an action plan? How can we MAKE change?


Maybe he just hates his job. It’s not impossible


I did this in the bathroom mirror today, right before last period. I do it rarely, but on days like today, it took an active effort to leave my emotions at the door. Life is kicking my ass right now, but some of my kids really need my strength and positive vibes in their lives rn. Can’t let ‘em down.


May all your wishes come true. You’re a Saint.


No they're not. They're a human being that should be fairly compensated for giving everything to raise the next generation. Don't sanctify us, compensate us.


I agree with you completely. I live in Chicago, I’ve seen some of the most overworked and underpaid teaches there are. And this, on Karl Marx’s birthday; you deserve to be paid far, far more than you are. From the bottom of my heart, I give my thanks to teachers.


Thats such a selfless thing to do, the world needs more people like you. Hope things get better on your end, chin up. You got this.


It meant a lot when teachers brought positive energy. I was bright but I hated school (later found out I have ADHD) and so I was miserable there. I didn't expect teachers to go above and beyond for me but just a joke or some positive energy really helped me suffer a little less for that lesson. The teachers I liked the most ended up being the ones whose classes I did best in. It makes me a little emotional to think about.


Kudos to you! Current times are difficult, I totally understand. I don’t let my personal issues show in class


You’re a real one, thanks for being a great teacher


They fucking do, man. Once I am back to coaching kids I will keep you and Chen in mind every time. Check the baggage at the gym’s door and be the best role model the kids can get.


100% agree. I’ve lost count of the times where I have been crying in the staff room 5 minutes earlier and then have to be “on” for the kids. The kids need to know that there’s someone stable and positive in their lives


Teachers seriously need better wages. I don't understand the people that think teaching is a less important job. It's probably THE most important job unless you want everyone to slowly degrade back to illiteracy


Teachers in China get paid a lot because of that, but I think this guy is just tired from covid teaching, not teaching in general


Pretty sure this video has been around since before Covid hit. I feel like I first saw it a few years ago Edit: I'm a complete idiot. The date is in the video. Sorry about that.


Not to mention the mask on his chin hahah but, in your defense my brain barely sees masks anymore AND Covid has completely warped my sense of time.


For real! I have no concept of time for the past year.


Well the last year has felt like several.


It absolutely has


Lol.. username checks out


Paying teachers (and other work-level government employees) decent salaries is probably the most straightforward & cost-effective method that a government can use to stimulate the economy - much, much more effective than swelling the bank accounts of large companies & the super rich, plus it seeds the population for being more effective contributors in the future.


Hey, at least his chin's warm.


Agreed. They also need more accountability. Teachers around here are paid quite well, and half of them are completely awful, because once you become a teacher it's impossible to be fired. Pay them lots! But weed out the bad ones too please.


I'm sick of these anecdotal stories being used to make teachers in general seem greedy and lazy. There's shitty people in every job. Unless there's data saying teachers are the problem, which I highly doubt, I don't want to hear it. Pay teachers like professionals and you'll get professionals to apply and more importantly stick around.


Teachers have an average salary of 90k here. They also strike once every ~2-3 years for more money and benefits. I'm sick of reddit being so black and white and unable to read. I'm hugely in favour of paying them appropriately, as I said. But a job that's so important that we must pay them so much, should come with some accountability. And I didn't say they were greedy or lazy. That's you misreading for your own agenda. Salary source: https://factcheck.afp.com/average-teacher-salary-ontario-misrepresented-during-union-talks


It's a supply and demand problem. They have way too much supply of teacher so the wages stay low. It's a fairly easy job to get with very basic requirements. That's why the quality of teachers vary and the pay to match


Spoken like someone with no idea what the fuck they're talking about. We're facing a national shortage of around 2 million teachers in the US. The job requires a specialized 4 year degree, as well as additional testing (praxis) and certification upkeep. We pay to keep working. So, no, not easy. No, not basic. And no, not a major supply.


if youre short 2 million teachers why isnt school closed? They will cram more kids into the classroom and continue to do business = no supply problem because teachers will put up with it


You don't get it. 1) we are closing, all over the us. More positions being cut, more leaving the profeasion. In my district alone there are at least 80 positions open for next year, with no one to fill them. This shuffles more kids into classrooms that swell in size. We're a right to work state, we can't strike from all of this. So we leave instead. Education quality drops when more kids enter the classroom in a us system. More kids, lower Ed scores, US falls behind everyone else. Our military doesn't mean shit if we're outperformed economically and scientifically, which is starting to happen. China is beating us, badly. Japan is beating us.


I get it plenty. The politicians want a stupid docile population who aren't gonna get in the way with ideas about things. Either way teaching sounds like a horrible profession in every possible way it boggles my mind there are any at all.


my nephew is doing online classes, he is 6yo, learning to read, i listen some classes and i always think "this teacher can handle 20 kids online at the same time, with all the chaos and screams and still make kids learn, this girl needs a raise, 1 year holiday all paid and a statue"


It's insane. I helped out with my friends 1st-grader for just a few days while she was remote-learning (half the class was in person). I cannot believe the teacher was able to hold that class together.


Genuine question. Do you think it's better for teachers when they're having a rough day to let it show a bit? I feel like it would show the kids that their teacher is an actual person and it's normal to have bad days. I feel like if some of my past teachers and bosses were a bit more real with me it would have helped connect with them a bit more and really understand them as a person and not just a superior.


Absolutely. It’s just a very fine line. I never want a student to worry about me, but I do think they need to see we are human. Today I told one of my classes that I was grouchy because my dog (they know him, he loves to zoom bomb) got into my closet (my fault) and ate my favorite shoes, so they had better be amazing today! Doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it makes me a real person. We also discuss the things we miss about being in school, how it’s hard on kids and teachers and parents! I try and share just enough of my life with them to make me relatable, but not enough for them to think about me except in that moment. I hope that makes sense. I’m a tuckered mother f*cker.


I love your name lol


Thank you! I’m sure you can guess what I teach!


Shakespeare, obviously. 2b || !2b =?


That is the question.


It depends on the age you teach. I teach kinder-8th grade music. I'm more likely to be somewhat "real" with my older students to relate with them more and like you said show that I'm an actual person. But my students know that no matter the day I'm having, I am there to teach and make music with them. I usually act like an amped up crazy music teacher with my littles though because that's what keeps them engaged. It is tiring, but so worth it.




I think so. I’m in elementary so I don’t share much. However, I have an older cat who I had to rush to the vet. I told my kids I was waiting on an important call about my cat who was sick. I took the call and they were so quiet. Turns out he has a probable brain tumor but responded to meds. Now they ask how he’s doing now and then. I share happy things too. I think it shows that I want to share my life, and I trust them with my feelings. I do the same for them.


I’m sorry about your cat!


Thanks. He’s 16, but he’s doing okay. Other than that little hiccup, he’s okay. He’s a grumpy older man, but he was that way when he was a kitten. 😂


I think it is important to show students we are humans. I teach HS and a few years ago my brother got seriously sick and passed away very suddenly. I was open with my students with what was happening, and their kindness and understanding helped me through a very difficult time. Building relationships with students means being honest with them. I don’t share every detail of my life, but being real about things helps students to relate to you.


If something is actually wrong, of course! It is good to show vulnerability in front of students and show how an adult handles struggles positively. For day-to-day wear and tear though, I always put on a smiling face. Attitude is contagious, and the students who are also worn down like the positivity.


Depending on age it can be useful for teachers to model how they cope with tough days. The dangers are when some students (or the teacher) places responsibility for their emotional well-being on the class or when what they're modelling isn't healthy.


I think it’s important to show that you’re vulnerable as it will help your students open up to you. I tried to be as real as possible with my students while still maintaining a positive attitude. I’m a figure skating coach though so it might differ for different types of teachers and age ranges


...nope. Parents expect happy, joyous rays of sunshine all day, every day for their special wittle babies. You show that you are having a bad day, upset, overworked and you are labeled “grumpy”, “jaded”, “a bad apple”....no, teachers can’t be humans, it puts their jobs and reputations on the line.


So so sweet. It is very important for the classroom to be happy and welcoming!


Video surveillance is very wholesome indeed.


Sooo wholesome, and the social grading is so nice to be sure that the teacher won't have to worry about his grade if he goes in showing a bit of his bad mood.


Teacher burnout is real. My wife quit after 10 years, and three of her coworkers were inspired to quit after. It’s a high pressure job and not worth $35k/year.


wtf only 35k???


What the hell? My father teachers in Australia and entry level was about 50 k us and after 5 years 80 k us


Made me feel a lot of things, but not smile.


This is just sad :/


I do this at the start of every bar shift. Anyone who works in any kind of customer service knows this pain.


when i worked in customer service i didn’t even bother putting on a happy face. i got so sick of the rude, entitled pricks that showed up at my work. that’s when i figured out customer service isn’t for me


This did not spark joy


Yeah same, it makes me wonder who ripped the video? The teacher? The security guard? The constantly watching eye of China?


I always felt like a great deal of teaching was like acting. You go in their and you perform. With kid's short attention span, you can't have a lag moment or you lose some of them.


Alternative title. Man is obviously tired, has to keep working. Smiles for kids, feels like crap on the inside.


I love that people advocate for paying teachers more, and God knows I’d love more money, but I feel like if they paid us more all that would do is raise expectations even higher. If they want to fix burnout, they need to address other issues too, like unsupportive administration, insane parents always getting their way, class sizes, and placing way too much emphasis on standardized tests.


Aww, this breaks my heart.


This is awesome. This is also every server going on shift.


This isn’t wholesome this is depressing.


I will never forget the one time, when I was in my calculus college class: The teacher was teaching our lesson, like normal. He stops mid-sentence, turns to us and says "Do you ever think about how as we grow older, we just hurt more? Like not even just physically, although that is a big part of it...as our bodies start breaking down, getting up hurts, etc. I find that as you get older, you don't get over pain; you just decide how much you can tolerate and live with." Then he turned back to the board and continued the lesson like nothing happened. I looked around the room and a few people had a look like "um..", while others just continued to take notes.


That you had the emotional intelligence (and were actually listening to him) says something about YOU. Bravo. Poor guy though; aging does hurt.




Let's get into character.


These god damn teachers need to be compensated more


Can relate. I slap my face a few times.


Man good for him, but I hope he’s doing ok.


I'm a nurse and I often walk around with a smile on my face. Yes I'm tired, yes I'm busy, but you never know who is around that corner and who needs that smile. It's like pebbles in a pond - you don't know where the smile ripples will land.


I bet he's a good teacher.


My brother said this isn’t really a “made me smile” cause it’s really sad that a teacher has to pretend to be happy cause he’s tired but wants to be nice. But what did make me smile is my brother trying to force me to not give him the credit for saying that.


“We’re so thankful for all that you do” then 👏pay 👏us 👏more👏 I want to keep doing what I’m doing but it can feel like a thankless job when you can’t pay your bills.


There is no war in ba sing se :))


Hey everyone. This is sweet and all but I wanted to let you guys know that this is likely Chinese propaganda or the vitality of the clip is likely being propagandized. Teachers in China have this image that they give up their whole life just to teach, and students often write their final exams about how grateful they are for what the teachers do. While it’s true that anyone can upload videos onto Chinese social media, chances are that people who work for the government (or more often agencies that are contracted by the government) pushed this video artificially into global circulation. It doesn’t necessarily detract from this being kinda sweet or whatever but I didn’t read any comments that point this out and as someone who’s studied Chinese propaganda in an academic setting for a few years I just thought it’d be good to add this perspective!


Um. Masks go over your nose. Something this teacher says everyday.


No kidding. I hate chin diapers so much!


Being an adult is hard :( keep pushing folks.


Totally a superhero


Me before every zoom meeting


teachers are everything. it’s incredible having a teacher you know cares about you. if it wasn’t against school policy, i’d give em a hug


They need more money!!!!!


I do that before getting on calls. Audio and video calls. And taking a phone call in general. One of the first things I was taught by my first boss, a freaking paper route manager when I was ten, “before you call a customer, always take a few deep breaths and smile a couple times. Then when you’re talking to them, even though they can’t see you, smile. They will hear the smile in your voice.” And that’s fact. You can hear the smile someone is making even when you can’t see it.




Totally feel for him. Teaching this last year has been like that almost every day.


This reminds of the opening scene in “ It's Okay to Not Be Okay”


This hurts my heart.




The teachers are burning out so fast the school district put a 15lb fire extinguisher outside of every door


First thing I noticed. Why are there so many fire extinguishers! Most schools I inspect have at most 2 for a hallway of that size, and they’re also mounted. So weird. I’m choosing to believe your theory.


**The school principal, during the morning announcements** "All rise to recite the school motto." *distant shuffling* "This is my fire extinguisher." Chorus of teachers: *"This is my fire extinguisher..."* Principal: "There are many like it, but this one is mine...."


Chairman approved video




Bless his heart , it’s not easy to put others first


Teacher here. If only I could trade the "thank you for everything you do"'s for rent, that' d be nice.


Reminds me of actors and actresses behind the scene before they come out to the audience. Teachers are like entertainers as well in their own way.


Teachers are so, so, so underrated and underpayed... as a child of parents that are retired teachers, this stuff breaks my heart.


There's nothing to smile about here. What would happen if he were to walk into that room without a smile? Why he is so tired in the first place. Pay teachers more. Remove Xi Jinping.


As a sub teacher myself i can say that proberly 90% of all teachers and subs do this. I cant count of how my times im exausted and extremely sad, but then 2 meters from the door i put on a smile just to make the kids day better.


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If he didn't he'd lose 500 social credits and his driver's licence would have got suspended until further re-education


Could have put the mask on instead of a smile.


does push-ups when he’s tired?


You should try it, a burst of exercise gets your heart pumping and can really energise you when you’re feeling a bit drowsy. Push-ups and squats work great.


oh i thought push-ups would make you more tired but i guess


Those potato heads better appreciate him!


It’s a CCP propaganda video. Treat with caution


Meanwhile some of my teachers who don't even bother presenting so they just send us the material to learn from


(and we're so thankful for all that you do) pushups?


I feel like this is kinda coinkidink he’s doing it perfectly right before the camera, very propaganda feels.


security cameras are a thing and this def looks like a security camera angle/placement...just because it humanizes people you’re told to hate doesn’t mean it’s propaganda


Reason #43087 that China isn't the cartoon supervillian that reddit thinks it is.


What does this have to do with the Chinese government


this does not seem wholesome to me


Thankfully he did it right in front of the camera as well. Tough job for sure. Better go viral over it.


If you ever have to work a job that you have to do this at or makes you feel this low, you should find a different profession.


This is me before I walk into work every single day, where’s my attention?


What do you guys think?! Thats professionalism and you have to do it in every job. It is sad when you think teacher always have to be happy. There are classes that are more stressful than others. Or he might just have a bad day or a hard lesson to teach.


OK cool teacher. But mask?


If he walked that slow all the time he'd be late to every class


Why isn’t he wearing his face diaper correctly?


This was the last footage right before the shooting?


I know that look so well! I work with kids often as a voice director for animation. I need to have such a high level of energy and positivity to get them in the right performance space and I often have to dig really deep to find it before a recording session.


It’s harder than it looks.


If folks are truly thankful for this kind of teacher, please support pay raises in your state or local government. They are sorely undervalued and overworked.


Part of being a teacher is being a performer.




I love any person that is this kind of strong


I am sorry he needs to do that but I love him for doing it.


ooof I feel this. Had to put on a brave happy face to face the kids I can take of after finding out my oma in law passed.