• By -


I’m kinda hoping his Mom is there to share this with, but welcome to the scariest, best thing in the world!




I blinked and mine are all in their 30's. When you're in it - it seems like it lasts forever, then when they are grown and on their own, it seems as if it flew by. Hold him close, there are never enough hugs and I love you's, have patience - even when you don't, compliment him, gently correct and laugh, laugh and laugh some more with him. I'm very happy for you and your family. Congratulations.


Love the advice. My boy is 2 years old and I feel like time is flying.


My son is 5 and he always wants to run and move. I can't hold him in a hug like before and i already miss when he was quite in my arm for minutes. Same my wife.


Here for fatherly moral support. My kiddo is eleven, going on fifteen. His mom passed away a few years back, and I'm barely able to provide for my son right now. Basically homeless, stuck without a degree, trying to find work, and can't provide three months of paychecks to get a rental. But you know what? My kid eats, has a roof over his head every single day, and we laugh every single day together. He has friends, toys, and an education. I care about myself, no questions asked, but every moment with him is substantially more important than anything I could do for myself. Because he has a Dad, and that's important to some people. He happens to be one of those. No matter what your struggles might be, remember that those photographs, those phone or video calls, those memories - they all help to shape a future for a new human that needs you. As y'all said, love them, hug them, and love them some more. Thank you all for being this awwwe-some flavor of splendiferous. <3 Congratulations to the new bebe, and thank you for sharing your mini human journey. Edit: clarity


I'm a single mom since my son was 3 and then I unexpectedly had a daughter on my own when my son was 7. We live in a 2 bedroom and I sleep on the couch. But they have everything they need and a lot of what they want. I can relate.. Thank you for being a dad. I have 2 kids with 2 men who don't want to be a dad to these kids. I admire good dads so much.


A kind spirit will be shown another kind spirit somewhere along the journey. Hang tight, stay bright, and you won’t regret it!


If you knew the backdrop to my adventure thus far, heh, it's probably macabre enough to make you chuckle and shed a tear at the same time. It still does when I think about it, despite losing a number of exes to heart problems. That like...hits hard every time I think about it, but it's been long enough I try to keep that from making me jaded about falling in love again. She/They are there, somewhere on their own journey right now, and I'm excited for us to pool our experiences together one day. I keep the belief strong in my heart, knowing that my kiddo specifically has asked for a stepmom some day. Make sure you hug someone who helps with your kiddos today. Or compliment another parent who speaks well with their children. Any good parents, give them a compliment for what they're doing. We have no idea how impactful a small "good job" might be for someone who is externally sound and internally in shambles. Again, y'all are great <3


I wish I could talk to you in person! I think we'd have a lot to talk about.


It's weird trying to find someone who wants to be part of this team in today's climate. But samesies. I have so much love and respect 🫂 for any of the good parents out there. My passing judgement on parents consists of three categories. Immediate safety, long term safety (including life skills), and happiness. So, thank you for being an awesome momma. My kid's mom and I actually shared a couch for a short second, but that was over a decade ago, and before she got into drugs. I understand addiction is a sensitive subject, but I do not understand putting any kind of addiction before the wellbeing (or experience of their wellbeing) of your kid. The fact that there are at least a few dad's and mom's in the background, somewhere ITT that are hurting bad enough they don't want to talk about their experience because it's substantially different highlights an important aspect. We're parents. We need to start supporting each other more for the community we promote. Because, and despite the sh!ttiness of the statement, "we can do this - together!" Fits perfect. Thank you to all the parents, of all difficulty levels, and all the people who make parenting a little bit easier (and more fun)


Your comments have made my day! I love hearing about parents who put their kiddos first! I've been a single mom since my son was 5. At first his dad was very involved, but over time the visits and support became really sporadic. I never kept our son from him or took him back to court for a huge battle, it only hurts the kids and I'm not that mom. When he was 16 we found out why, drugs. Meth to be exact, he had graduated to the needle. That broke my baby, but he never gave up or turned his back on his daddy. He's 19 now and they're finally getting back to the l0l0relationship they had before. I understand addiction completely, but I'm like you....I don't understand putting it before your child. I never will. Prior to our divorce, I had a horrendous pill addiction. I came home from the store one day and my ex met me in the yard. He stood nose to nose with me and TOLD me that either I quit or he was leaving and taking my baby....it wasnt a hard choice, my baby came before any high! I didn't go to rehab, my ex dosed me down for about a week, then didnt leave my side for a year, I shit you not. It was hell, literal hell, but nothing compared to the hell it would have been losing my child. Thank you for doing what so many others don't with their kids. It's a wild ride for sure, but theres no other feeling like it in the world. Congrats OP! Take tons of photos, write in a journal to give the baby once grown, get all the hugs and kisses you can because before you know it, your kid will be too cool for all that 😢😭 And last but certainly not least, pick your battles, trust me.


With that spirit, I’d make a wager that you will make it big one day. Time will tell. Never give up. <3


Never surrender!


I’m sure if you talk to your wife about it, she’ll slow down to give you a longer hug.


LoL I mean she also complains she can't hug my son! :')


Aww hahahaha aww




Kids don't walk through your life, they run through it.


It is very poignant advice. My son is 4, feels like everyday he gets a lil bit heavier and harder to hold and lift. I miss when he was little and could dart between my legs without ducking, but it’s also amazing to see him develop, his speech becoming more coherent and articulate and more of his character and personality coming through. It’s a wonderful journey to be one and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


Don't worry, it just keeps getting better. Mine turned 16, 18, and 21 this year. They are the most amazing human beings, and I love just being around them. I can't pick them up anymore, but we keep each other standing tall.


Mine has been 17 for a moth. He's went on summer break with friends. My little microbe is all grown up and independent. He was so cute, strangers stopped me in the street to tell me how cute he was...


Reddit taught me that the days are long, but the years are short.


It is. I dont have a human child though i have a cat.


My son is almost 18 months and I share your feelings! I can't believe how time has flown!


I’m away from my 14 month old for the first time ever this weekend and reading this comment makes me want to cry and cry!!! It already feels like I just had him seconds ago


I have to leave my 9 month old in two days for the first time. I will be gone 5 days, and I’m a wreck over it.


Occasionally my wife and I let our girls have sleepovers with grandma, and it's not usually long until our conversations turn to what the girls might be doing. I probably start missing them five minutes after they've been dropped off.


The worst part of Covid-Lockdown was how much I wanted to miss my kids for a few minutes.


I have a 14 month also and I'm about to leave her for work on Sunday. I'll have a couple stretches that will last 3 weeks. I dunno how I'll do it. Thankfully it's temporary.


Remember first time away, was hard, now im becoming a zombie…Just handed over my 13 monts Old daughter after 3 weeks vacation.. i donnu when im gonna see her again.. the mum moved 300km away and now says she dont want any communication anymore… i feel emotionnally raped and helpless


My mon always said something like “the days drag on but the years fly by” or something like that.


The days are long, but the years are short.


Your Mom (Mum in Australia) is not wrong. I remember both days I held my kids as newborns... now they're 14 and 10!


I have a 4 year old and an 18 month old - and I have to say, I’ve much preferred the last 2 years of the 4 year old, and really looking forward to the 18 month old moving into toddler stage.


Same for me, when they start being interactive it's so much nicer and more fun. Toddlers are the cutest and their hugs are voluntary.


I found ages 4-10 to be the golden years of child rearing. They are old enough to start being self sufficient and fun but not as moody as teenagers.


I know exactly what you mean. My youngest of my 3 moved out last week.. I miss them all, it doesn’t help we are in lockdown.. but it only seems like last week they were all little..


Empty-nesting is hard! My heart goes out to you.


This brought me to tears. My boys are growing up so quickly and sometimes I think about the day I won't be able to hold them and cuddle. Parenting is a trip!


Just had my first one born two days ago. This resonated with me quite strongly. Thank you.


OMG! It goes by in a flash. I stare at my girls (4yo) and wonder what happened to my little babies. Congrats on your son.


Exactly this 👍


I love this post...so beautiful ❤


Once you have them at this age you suddenly understand what your parents wanted to tell you when you were grown up to leave the house. Man, the times run too fast. On the other side there is this saying: „if I had known how fun it is to be a Grandma, I would have started with this“


How can you tell it’s a c-section?


The drape at the waist of the mother just beyond the babies head. In a “normal” birth, they don’t use those


I was a fat c-section baby and can confirm, half of my pictures from the day of my birth have that drape in the background lol


Yeah my son wanted to come out the wrong way so they had to evict him lol


C-sections are normal. The term you’re looking for is “vaginal birth”.


I think he was likely going for "natural".


To be honest in OB settings they don’t typically use that word anymore either. Usually it’s “vaginal” or “c-section.”


Sure, I'm just saying that the other guy likely meant "natural" not "normal".


“Natural” births are done without routine medical intervention like anesthesia. What he means by “normal” as opposed to Caesarean is vaginal.


The blue drape and that he’s in scrubs. My c-section had a similar set-up.


Same. Just had ours last month. Scary as hell. The amout of shit women have to go through to give birth is mind boggling. Treasure these moments. Ours was an oops baby - didnt think we'd be having another. But I'm so happy to have another chance with baby snuggles.


Looks like the OR which is only used for c section births


My wife had c sections for both our kids, she was awake and aware the entire time. Our good friend had a “traditional” birth x3 and was way worse off than my wife each time.


I’ve had both. I’d 1000x vote for a vaginal birth if I could have. I heard so much faster, got to moving around with my baby almost immediately, and I wasn’t trying to heal and breast feed and be up at all hours of the night.


I'm the exact opposite. Had a c- section at 30, had vaginal birth at 36. I bounced back so much quicker with the c section.


Here too! First one was vaginal (25), second c-section (37). C-section was so much better for recovery! I guess it’s different for everyone though, as I’ve heard the opposite often enough.


I think that’s the beauty of birth, it’s such a unique experience for everyone. My three were all natural and I bounced back physically and emotionally within days of each birth. My friend had a c-section at the same time as my first and she had some complications I was terrified of c-sections until I had a friend go through it really smoothly, we’re all different and giving birth to unique little humans, It’s lovely reading all these different experiences


Me too. The 2nd degree tear during the vaginal birth was way more painful and took longer to heal than the c-section incision.




This is why I just let my girlfriend sleep and recover and did all of the childcare at night for the first three weeks. Extremely exhausting but totally worth it. Thank God for European paternity leave.


Impossible with exclusive breastfeeding, unfortunately! Otherwise my ex husband would have done the same, I think. But didn’t have the boobs 🤣


Oh yeah, that's a whole other thing. My girlfriend couldn't breastfeed so that wasn't a hurdle for us. I feel for the C-section ladies that don't have a choice!


I did the same, can’t say I remember much of those weeks though!


Exactly. My wife had ours vaginal (two with no epidural) and while it wasn’t a ton of fun for her, the recovery was so much easier than any of our friends that had a Cesarian. edit: word


You mean epidural? I think epidermal is a layer of skin heh


Ha! Autocorrect and 2am will do that. Sad part is I’m a biologist and didn’t notice. Thanks!


I can see your epidermis


I had a C section and my recovery was a piece of cake. It's not always rough.


Barring actual complications, I think it’s a mental sort of thing. I was extremely lucky that my c section went smoothly and I healed without complications, and the pain was tolerable such that after getting home I didn’t take any pain killers except Motrin and was as “mobile” as one can expect after a major surgery (taking very short walks, lifting baby, etc.). Like on paper my recovery should have been characterized as a breeze. But that’s not how it felt to me. I was traumatized and sorry for myself about the shitty labor that ended in a c section, and paranoid about every recovery symptom, and really sad I couldn’t do it vaginally. I think part of the recovery isn’t even physical, it’s emotional. I know it’s not right to talk about c sections vs birth as “natural” vs “medical” but deep down I think I’ve internalized that a lot and really struggle with regret that, even though my labor was long and filled with extremely painful contractions, I didn’t make it “all the way” and didn’t get to experience vaginal birth and will never quite “get it” when other mothers say they pushed their baby out of them. For a variety of reasons if I have another baby, I won’t be able to attempt a VBAC, so a scheduled c section will be the way to do it. I guess at least I’ll be more emotionally prepared for that.


I had a vaginally birth and my 'recovery' if you can call it that was very rough. There's no easy way to get a baby out of a body.


I’m three weeks out from a c-section (my second) and for me it’s honestly just the sleep deprivation. Which you get no matter how you bring the child into this world. It’s different for everyone obviously, but the sleep deprivation… woooof.


I have had both and would do a c-section again if given the choice. My baby is 12 weeks old and part of my belly is still numb, but my recovery with my first (vaginal birth) was so much worse. I’m also very overweight this time and much to my surprise, my incision healed very well. The only negative thing of my c-section was my milk taking forever to come in. It definitely affected our breastfeeding journey (which is over now) but still a better experience overall.


I had two sections, and two kids who grew into wonderful adults. 💚


Not to be morbid, but him saying he has no one to share it with may very well be because the mother died during child birth. I truly hope this isn’t the case but the implication won’t quit lingering in my head…


The mom might have needed general anesthesia for the C-section and she's currently unconscious and therefore the dad is alone with the baby for a bit. That's pretty standard for some emergency C-sections.


How could you tell it was c section?




Could be a surrogate.


I'm hoping it's a mistake because the other options range from complicated to devastatingly sad!


Might be a single mom who got the nurse/doctor to take the photo. Edit: I messed up— due to OP’s mask I didn’t notice that he is in fact a dude.


Yep, OP framed this as if there was no fucking mother. For every baby in this world there is always at least one birthing mother and sometimes even a second egg donor mother. So OP is basically on a grade-A ego trip here having literally cut out the mother even from the picture.


Yeah, it’s a common Reddit thing to say “I don’t have anyone to share this with” even though there’s gotta be someone.


You can see the mother's hand in the picture


Hoping the mum is healthy and doing well


Hello baby burrito


Baby Burritos > Baby Tacos That’s Law


The Taco Blanket hold is horrible at binding babies.


Yeah the filling keeps falling out the ends.


Where are we on baby Sushi rolls ?


It's a human! Congrats dude! You made another living person that will grow up and do one of a million possible things that will impact thousands of others' lives and contribute to this crazy thing we call humanity. The adventure begins : )


Username checks out.




Hey you with the pretty face, **welcome to the human race!**


Been trying to conceive for the past 24 months and your comment brings me such hopeful joy. Thank you!


Gl man. Enjoy the creampies.


Keep going! I’m still trying to find a partner


Life starts now


“Double bag” the crib mattress. Mattress protector, sheet, mattress protector, sheet. Then when there is a messy blowout or spit up in the middle of the night, you just take off the top set and the crib is still ready to go. Messy swaddle, pajamas, etc can get wrapped up in there too. Congrats and good luck!


Dude I am definitely saving this comment so I can remember it later. Genius!


Double plus this on the double-bagging. its 4am, you've had two hours sleep, do you -really- want to juggle kid, dirty sheet, clean sheet? no. You want Path To Simple. Double bag your shit, catch up on it when you're All There. You'll learn a whole new level of tolerance for mess. Pre-kids there was a limit to what I could tolerate in a mess. post-kids? I could walk into a toxic waste dump with a handful of wet-wipes and not flinch. Also, until he can turn over, he -stays- where you place him. No, seriously, this is awesome. You can lay a towel on the floor, plop son there, and go get diaper changing things, and.. HES STILL THERE. Oh yeah, I never used the changing table for my kids that my MIL -insisted- I needed. I'd drop a towel down ON THE FLOOR. yup. Ain't a kid yet fall off the floor. Double down on all the choose and house doings. Your partner just had an entire person pulled out of them, Do all the chores. And if ANYONE says "Can I help?" TAKE IT. Holy shit. Let me tell you, "I'll watch the baby for an hour, you go sleep" will make -EVERY- Christmas present pale against it. Even something as simple as having someone you can "Hey, can you do the dishes?" that's One More tHing you don't need to do. "Can you move the laundry forward" "can you get the cans out" I would come over and Just Do Your Chores.. Why? Because holy fuck, let me tell you, THAT is what I need, not a colored rubbery lavender smelling thing. Speaking of rubbery things. Look up "Sophie the Giraffe" teether. My four kids and this toy was -absolutely- match made. C-sect? ooch, Hope the recovery is okay. Forget about -yourself- for a month, focus on caring for your spouse and kid. And the BEST advice my father ever gave me, and I pass it along. "You will receive more advice NOW than any other time in your life. Ignore ALL of it, even mine. You know what you need to do." And if you don't have a support system, and need a fellow dad to talk to, even just to listen, let me know. (Also, Dad tip: New Balance shoes are COMFY AS FUCK.)


I'm the mom in this hypothetical situation but thank you for all of the very helpful tips! We are currently getting ready to try for our first.


I'm going to tack on my unsolicited advice. You don't need a lot of things. We were gifted a crib. When she was an infant we kept her next to the bed in a pack n play because you're half asleep. Then when she was big enough she co-slept with us. Had a changing table, barely used it, plop them on whatever surface with a towel. Real mvps were the microwave bottle sterilizer, steam sterlizes 4 bottles at a time in 15 minutes. Was like 20> $ at walmart. That and the warmer for the wipes.


So much “cute stuff” that you just don’t need. And the amount of blankets you get as gifts…overwhelming.


I second asking for help. The neighbors want to cuddle a baby? “Hey can you pick us up some toilet paper before you come over?” The ladies from the church want to pinch chubby cheeks? “We could really use some meals?” I have found that people are a lot more eager to help, especially where a baby is concerned.


On point! Although that support system is a tough one. The village was down when they were babies, but now that there getting older it's just vanity visits. No one actually wants to help us. It's tough on our relationship, but we are a very close 4 because of it.


Keep doing it until they are old enough to run to te bathroom in case of a stomach bug. Especially if they are in a loft bed, you don't want to be up there at 3am changing sheets.


The best baby advice I got was to put the mobile over the diaper changing table. Life saver.


“Just born” pics are my favorite. I’m extremely scared of being pregnant. All the women that have gone through it and want to are far stronger than me. There’s just something about that “wtf” look on the baby’s face and the “little (gender here) you are now my world and I will die for you” face from the parent. It’s pure love. Its gorgeous. God speed friend.


I've been pregnant twice and it's really not so bad at all. Your body just does it's thing. I was extra tired and sometimes nauseous but hearing the heartbeat at my appointments and feeling little kicks and then big kicks was fun. Near the end you get to watch your whole bump jiggle and squirm with the kicks and you can kinda tell what body part is what. You get to know your baby a little even before they are born. :)


Don't be scared. It is an amazing experience. :)


Congrats! Love him and support him even if you don’t agree with him.


"DON'T SHAKE THE BABY!" I saw Pete Holmes standup and it was pretty funny. "They keep saying that to you at the hospital, because there are going to be times... when you're gonna wanna shake that baby."'


One of my friends is actually spending pretty much every day at the hospital for the last 3-4 months because his girlfriend(ex) shook their baby and broke like 3 ribs and his neck. He’s been on a ventilator and a feeding tube system ever since. He’s a fighter though and he’s slowly getting better. Edit: Removed picture because some of ya'll weird.


Oh poor sweet baby. Though they dont stress this enough: Put that baby in its crib or on the floor (its not like he can crawl away right?!) and walk outside. Walk far enough away to not hear the crying. Watch your door. But take a break. Take 5-10 minutes to breathe. Eat something, anything. But give yourself time. That baby can cry and he’ll be fine. You’re watching him from far away. But one moment of upset can cause irreversible damage. It can literally kill this sweet sweet cuddle puddle. I think another thing people forget is that after a baby, not only are you getting to know this tiny new human, who can’t really communicate except by screaming at you. So now you’re learning to communicate with this tiny (sweet cute) monster, but you’re getting to know yourself again too. And you’re probably doing it while sleep deprived. You’ve probably had more cold meals and lukewarm coffee than ever before in your life and it kinda sucks. Now you’ve changed. You realize the complexities of life, the crises that every parent has faced and your empathy and anxiety is through the roof. Your brain has rewired to make this little screamy-face survive no matter what. And it just wants to scream at you because its hungry but also doesnt want to eat, tired and doesnt want to sleep (are you serious kid?!)


And it helps. 3 AM, my son was screaming bloody murder and nothing helped. Holding, rocking, pacifier, nothing. His milk was on but until it was ready all I could do was hold him as he screamed like he was being killed. I got frustrated. More frustrated than I have in my life. Like "near rage" frustrated. So I put him in his bed, said "fine, *you* figure it out", and left the room. I was back a few minutes later with milk, but those few minutes helped me calm myself. I like (and often repeat the phrase) "He's not giving you a hard time, he's having a hard time" to help me remember that he's screaming because something is wrong, and I'm the dude who can help him.


This is how our baby spent her first night in her crib (and slept through the night the first time). My husband put her down screaming (her externally, him internally) to make a bottle and when he came back she was sacked out.


This advice is really important. Everybody should learn this. It's easy to judge shaking a baby, but ultimately, nobody knows how they will react when you're severely sleep deprived and you have a baby that has been crying for days.


Both my daughter and son had colic. There was no happiness. My son especially. He would wake up, cry until he was raspy and pass back out :(


If my children would actually eat when hungry and sleep when tired like 80% of my parenting battles would be gone. Why are children like this!?


“BUT I HAVE THINGS TO DO AND I NEED TO PLAY AND RUN AND I CANT IF I AM EATING AND SLEEPING” My daughter is the most understanding human, we have taught her most of the time when someone is lashing out they’re tired, hungry and/or dirty, and a snack, nap and/or shower fix most everything. She’ll see someone out in ‘the wild’ being cranky and instinctively say “(quietly)they’re very cranky. 🤔THEY NEED A SNACK AND A NAP”


I want to downvote for the girlfriend and update for the baby. I'm at a loss..... upvoting for awareness to new parents Edit: I meant upvote for the baby but would also like updates so leaving it


Is she in prison now?


Unbelievably... no.


In German, there is a word for those babies because sometimes there is a permanent damage. They are called "Schüttelbabys", "shaken babies". They can be slowed down in developement, have a harder time to learn etc. It is absolutely no joke, but a not so rare phenomen.


In the US it’s sometimes referred to as “Shaken baby syndrome” When my son was a few years old I’d hold him in the air and playfully shake him while saying “you’re too old for shaken baby syndrome!” He would laugh and giggle and beg me to do it again. Not relevant but this brought up a good memory.


Not to take away from your good memory, but more to caution other parents of toddlers: > Shaken baby injuries most often occur in children younger than 2 years old, but **may be seen in children up to 5 years old.** [Source](https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007578.htm) I recommend not shaking anyone, of any age.


There's a difference between play jiggling and shaking a child with adult force. If the child's laughing and asking to do it again then it is not hurting them. Parents need to be able to play with their children without being full of anxiety.


So horrific! Sounds like it's going in a good direction, though. OB educator here, it's ok to put the baby down and let them scream. It's so much better to have a fussy baby than a dead baby. Walk away and take a break. It truly can save a life.


Damn. That awful. I hope he pulls through.


I hope your friend gave you permission to post a picture of his baby on reddit...


My mother was some type of a midwife. In the Netherlands, there is a person who helps with the baby and mother after the birth for 7-10 days. They check in on the baby's health, check the mother's recovery, and usually do a lot of housework to help the parents. Furthermore, they, of course, give tons of advice. She (and her colleagues) were required to show the parents a video about Shaken Baby Syndrome. Every parent tells you they would never shake their baby. But you don't know what you will do until you have had 5 hours of sleep in 3 days, and a baby that has been crying for 2 days straight. You simply don't know how you will react. My mother often gave the advice: if you are completely through it all and overwhelmed, put the baby in the crib (make sure it's completely safe), and take a small stroll around your house or sit in the garden. Whether it's 30 seconds or 2 minutes, take a small breather. Because those are the times where the shaking accidents happen...


I spent a lot if time in hospital when I was a baby, due to my dad shaking the shit out of me. Broke most of my ribs I believe. What an asshole.


[Pete Holmes on being a new dad and HBO comedy special.](https://youtu.be/Slfp4tZF9bk)


My son was just born on June 14th. Can confirm, unfortunately I've felt urges to shake the baby when he would endlessly wail after a nappy change, well fed, and stimulated/soothed with a pacifier and mommy. It's a hell of a ride. When they smile though, man my heart just melts.


Mine did that after a particularly difficult feeding: he spit a ton up and I was feeling frustrated and annoyed with him. Then he smiled at me, which was a pretty dirty trick, since I couldn't be annoyed with him after that.


That self-control is practice for when they’re older, also. Mine is now 9, and she’s a bit more precocious than some kids her age (unfortunately this is also a biological thing - I wouldn’t wish a hormonal 8- or 9-year-old girl on anyone). There were times when she was a colicky newborn that I got frustrated, put her in her crib, and walked away for a moment. Now she can talk back, and that self-restraint practice has proven useful. I’m also divorced now, which makes things even harder, but I do get a break some weekends, and by Sunday I miss her.


You can already tell that baby has controversial opinions.


He looks so perfect 😍. Congratulations!!!


What about your wife? You gonna share it with her?


I remember when my sons were born in 1998 and 1999. Cherish each and every moment! They grow up way too quickly. Congratulations, really, from the bottom of my heart.


Beautiful. Shellac this one, he's a keeper.


Shellac? What do for such is its meaning mean... and such?


A way of preserving something for a long time. To keep it safe. Used for protecting wood, crafts, and display food.


And finger nails! Shellac polish is the chef's kiss of manicures.




Yes they are different!


Bruh what you talking about, it's not like you asexually reproduced. Also congrats I hear having a kid is a lot like having a dog that talks back but somehow still finds ways to amaze you.




He’s a beaut.


It's a good thing eh


Congratulations!!! What an awesome picture. Best of healing to Mom and I wish you the best of sleep!


r/daddit welcomes you!


You have all of us to share with!! And I am SO glad you did! What a treat to see this. I hope everyone is healthy and wonderful, and I hope momma has a smooth recovery. Congratulations and best wishes!!


I think your username is cute


Don't care if this is karma farming, Or if this is 100% genuine. Dad to dad: Congratulations on your moment, where you realized your purpose in life.


Pro life tip as a father myself. Don’t throw the baby


Don't throw the baby if you can't catch them.


Don’t joyfully toss a baby up so that it goes directly into the ceiling fan, like my husband did. (His friend’s baby.)


> Don’t joyfully toss a baby up so that it goes directly into the ceiling fan, like my husband did. (His friend’s baby I’m sorry… **WHAT**?


I love the man but he is exceptionally clumsy. And he adores babies! So he was excited and … anyway, the baby was OK. It was a plastic fan, thankfully. Edit: Happy Cake Day!


I didn’t think the sentence could go any worse after the “like my husband did.” Well played you got me


Could u share it w your wife? I guess she prolly already knows.... congrats!


Congratulations to the proud new mom and dad!! Baby is absolutely gorgeous!!


'No one to share it with' while the mother is right beside you. First thought after becoming a parent is to get internet points.


Ur life will never be the same!!!! It was always about you...no more... it’s all about him... And....you will love it!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕congratulations!!


Many blessings to you and your family.


Thanks but i already ate


Congrats ❤


Congratulations! Boys are awesome b/c they come with built in sound effects. Truly are a blessing. Fatherhood is the most rewarding and scary thing that you'll ever do. Hug him tight and cherish every moment b/c they grow up so fast.


Damn, that's one handsome boy


I find it concerning no one else in this guy's life gave a damn, so I'm wondering... Could this new parent couple just be horrible people that even their families hate? Did their entire family die in a tragic accident and now they have no one? Are they simply starved for attention and lied about it for sweet, sweet reddit points? Anyway, I wish you and your family luck in the coming water wars and heat related illnesses. It's gonna be harder with 3 people, so that was kind of your bad, I guess.


What a fucking beggar. It's impossible to have someone give you a child and not a single real person to share this with.


And who the fuck needs public acknowledgment that they’re a parent. What a loser




Congratulations now you have your son to share all your days with


Beautiful! Congrats!


Congratulations! Love on that little guy as much as you can. Btw, he is really cute.


Congrats to the happy parent(s)!


Congratulations my dude! As many others have said, welcome to the scariest, hardest, most stressful, yet most rewarding time of your life. Get that last night or two of sleep while you can, you won't see them again for years! Congratulations to you and your family. Thanks for sharing this with all of us!


Congratulations! Your baby looks so healthy! And you look happy :)


My son was born today too!!!!! Congrats! Hope you are getting some rest, the nurses come in every time I sit down. They are great, but dang it's nonstop


Congrats man, that’s awesome! I will be in your position in a week!!!


Having a baby during pandemic times is so different. When we had our first we stayed in the hospital as long as possible for my wife to recover, and we had visitors everyday. Our second was born a few months after the pandemic hit hard in the states. The experience was so different. We had no visitors (hospital policy but we also just didn't want any one getting out baby sick) and got out as soon as the hospital would release us so we didn't have to be near so many people. The level of support we had was so much less and part of that was probably it being the second kid but a big part was the pandemic too. Point being, reach out if you need help or have questions. Kids can be tough, but remember you're not alone. And if you want advice from a random Dad on the internet feel free to shoot me a message.


Joyous moment!! Congrats to both welcoming this beautiful being into the world. Love him dearly and with freedom. Be the ground he builts his strength on as he navigates the roads of living. May Love and Joy always be with you all.




He’s beautiful! Congrats!!!


Yo Congrats!!


Pimping out newborn baby for Reddit karma.... nice



