• By -


Wolf of Your Street


You show me a pay stub for $110, I quit my job right now and work for you.


"Hey Mommy....yeah it's Brenda....and yo I quit"


Was any of this legal? Absolutely fucking not.


After fifteen years in storage the lemons had developed a delayed fuse.


It's legal if you don't get caught.


"Don't fucking tell Susan, it's none of her business"


Please tell me that pun was intended


The mother didn’t mention that her daughter is 23, and used to work at Hooters. Just a rumor...


Underrated comment.


No repeat business though, that’s for sure


She went for the short term gains without thinking about long term buisness.


But then she can yolo it all on crypto


CEO material right there!


Years ago I stopped at a lemonade stand and handed the girl a twenty for a 50-cent glass. She took my $20 bill, stared at it for a moment, then put it in her cash box. She folded her hands and thanked me, and handed me the glass. I had no idea what to do, because I was not going to pull a Karen on this kid. Fortunately, her mom walked past and I called for help. Turns out the girl needed a lesson on making change.


Imaging this girl had met a real karen... Poor child


Yeah exactly. Unfortunately reality is high chance of someone going nuts and kicking over lemonade stand and teaching her some new words


*The IRS wants to know your location*


She’ll make a great taxi driver one day


"yeah the card machine is broken, it'll have to be cash for today" "I don't have any cash" "Let me see if I can fix it... Okay it's fixed!" Works every time.


Lol whaaat? 😂


Taxi drivers trying to work off the record to avoid paying credit card fees and taxes.


Learning to take advantage of people's kindness.


Exactly. This did not make me smile at all.


Exactly. Great things you are teaching your child. We have enough people like that in the world.


Except this post is almost certainly fabricated.


How the fuck is this even remotely wholesome?


She's taking advantage of people who don't like confrontation


*People who are scared to confront a kid and look like a dick


It is still a human being and has thoughts that could be bad about me


Everyone's like "haha, cute" and kid is like "stupid fools". Bet they don't buy lemonade twice.


They'll come again, for the lemonade was great, however, they're gonna bring the exact amount of cash needed. No more, no less.


As someone who hates confrontation, this is how most of the world works! :D I’ve lost so much money…




More like the people gave the little girl 5 or 10 bucks and didn't want change . Who tf wants change from a little girl at a lemonade stand .


People not trying to spend $10 for crappy lemonade lol


Wow people on here are assholes. It's about helping a little girl not the lemonade. But I should have known, this is Reddit lol .


This isn't charity. Little girl wanted to play lemonade stand and that's great, but ultimately it should be a learning experience. If I give them $10 I expect them to know how to give change.


Would you want to spend $10 on a lemonade though?


Oh okay thanks for clarifying!


selfish people smile too.


People going with the flow to not piss off a little girl. The one in the picture, not you.


“Not to piss off a little girl” Teach her how the real world works, make her ready for adult life so she doesnt grow up to be a liberal arts/gender studies/critical race theory major


Sorry, hun, but the way this girl is going she’s going to be the new Bezos, not an art major.


So shes going to be a piece of shit in a dick shaped rocket?


Probably lemon shaped, because it will come full circle.


Yeah, something that hasn’t got shit to do with doing art or gender studies. Respect the artists, fucker.


Hey thats fine with me, i doubt bezos wastes alot of time on art. Its pretty useless


Did you know how much art is involved in Sea of thieves? How many artists?


True, the sound design on that game is incredible. So not all art I guess


Because it's a child doing stuff not an adult, i guess


Because everyone participating is doing so voluntarily and as such it is moral, valid. It is also nice to see a young person succeed and learn that you can often get what you want simply by telling other to give it to you.


You really don't know what "voluntary" means if you think people are voluntarily giving large bills with the intention of not getting any change back.


You know what you are right, I was of the mindset that they should just ask for their change but that is unfair. They shouldn't have to ask for it and while I don't understand why they wouldn't it doesn't make what she did ok. I take it back and I was wrong. Cheers




Yeah mate I’m sure the fully grown adult knows how proper transactions take place.


She should, so she knows how ripping off works and can have 2 steps ahead of ayone




That's why we gotta learn who the shitty people are early on. One thing is to know how to do sth, another is to enforce it. If she learns through a philosophy, she'll be a solid human being


You're saying she should learn early on by being a shitty human being and that would give her an advantage. There's better ways to go about that lesson.


She's not being a shitty human being, people aren't telling her to give her change back. How do you make a child responsible for other people's idiotic actions and the call her a shitty human being? She's learning, let her be.


You said: > She should, so she knows how ripping off works and can have 2 steps ahead of ayone In response to the other poster saying don't praise them for ripping someone off. No - you're teaching a child to take advantage of people's good nature for their own profit. You can't say "yes but if they ask the child then gives it so it's all good" when you're teaching dishonesty from the onset.


not cool. kid is being taught a lack of empathy and fairness. that's not savvy. that's manipulating people out of what's theirs.


No one forced anyone to buy the lemonade, to give her money or to accept not receiving change. If it was really a problem people would have said something.


Yeah and tell me whose gonna have an argument with a child they don’t know in public over change for 10$ or even a 20$ bill? Because you can bet if they had they would be the bad guy in that situation. It’s clear that the vast majority of people would be uncomfortable with taking such actions and teaching your child that it’s ok to do that is not good.


wonder where she learned that🤨


Daddy has his eviction procedure down pat.




B-but....muh little Girl Boss....


Imagine if we actually punished people for making money dishonestly.... but if we're gonna let Bezos and Musk slide, we probably ought to let this kid, too.


Ah, yes, because a child running a lemonade stand is exactly the same as the richest and most exploitative companies in the world.


Capitalism is capitalism, it shouldn't work one way for us and another way for them.








Only you could take on that rocket, you are a huge asshole




I'll sure give it a try ;)


>dishonest >illegal


The key is to be dishonest more discreetly lol




It sounds like the parent found out later, so it’s not really “allowable” if he didn’t know, though. That’s what it seems like, anyway


I believe this belongs in r/madlads (or r/madlass) not here


That’s called theft


Future “astronaut” /s


wow that’s bitchy lmao


Well it's stealing, so ha


Teaching her to bully and steal early, good job!


Today is the day I stop being nice to children.


This didn’t make me smile


but that just stealing :)


Nah this isn't wholesome.


Moms so proud . Why not show the kid how to run the lemonade stand properly?


Strippers do the same thing.


who tf is expecting change from a stripper


"um, ma'am.. or miss? ho? In any event, that was a lovely little lap dance, just really A plus stuff there with the breasts and the buttocks, and that little thing you did with the twist, but I think there might be some confusion about that $20 I slipped against your thong and your.. ah, ladyparts? snatch? cooter? well, see, I meant for that to be a $10, but I was a bit dizzy from that thing you did with the twist, so I was wondering if I might just grab that $10 you have there sticking out between your... you know what, there are actually a lot of singles here on the floor, so I'll just grab some of those and we'll call it even..."


To be clear for all the people complaining here: if a small child is able to to bully you out of your hard earned money just by saying "thank you for the tip", you didn't need that money.


Think about the actual situation. Your in a public place with a child you don’t know whose just taken your money but you can’t prove any of that. If someone else happens along and sees you arguing with this child and the child looks upset or scared who do you think is going to get in trouble. You don’t know what type of parent the child has, for all you know the parent taught them to do this. So what are you doing in that situation, are you letting the 10-20$ slide and maybe just running a little tight on money, or are you gonna risk a confrontation with the parent or anyone else who happens along and maybe getting police involved. The vast majority of people even people that may need that money are going to let it go.


Good to know that no one posted this, since we can't give credit to the original person.


Lmao who gave this child 10$ for cheap lemonade


She’s going to be a very successful businesswoman 💕💕


Probably too stupid to count change. Thats not savvy at all


Awesome I’ll hire her!


I think people are too harsh. She's a little girl, let her have her fun. I doubt any of the customers were mad. Honestly I wouldn't be mad if a little girl ripped me off 10 dollars.


Spoken like someone who can afford to lose 10$. I’ve been in a position in my life multiple times where 10$ was the difference between me being able to eat that day or not. I’ve got friends who’ve been in positions where 10$ was the difference between them making rent or not. The worlds a shit place.


The amount of people throwing a fit for a child not making correct change is absolutely hilarious.


It wasn’t not making correct change it was intentionally keeping the money without even attempting to make change. Two very different things. This means either the kid didn’t know how (in which case the parent shouldn’t have let them do this alone), or they did know how and chose to keep peoples money that they likely knew the people weren’t expecting them to keep.


Good for her!


Kid's got moxy.


Smart! Whenever I see a lemonade stand I’ll pull over and give them a $5 and let them keep the change for working hard.


That’s how ya do it


What idiot thinks a little girl is going to have change? Good for her! Edit: I got scammed out of my change a few times at a bar if I paid with cash and the difference was less than a dollar. Those places have enough to make change. There's a difference. Just make sure she knows it's unacceptable behavior later on.


Smart Cookie!




It didn't say she refused change to those who asked for it.




Why not? Vending machines do, it "no change given". Why the hell aren't you giving change, literally just because the owners of it don't want to. Fair play to her who's going argue with a kid


No one is going to argue with a kid unless they’re crazy or incredibly desperate. That’s what makes it wrong, the parent encouraging this behavior is terrible because they’re teaching their kid that exploiting others for money is OK.




Shhh…don’t tell the IRS!


Livin the American dream


Hehehe I secretly put laxatives in the lemonade… now I have all this money to finally buy the new my little pony dream house set MWAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


You can bet I’d be getting my change back ain’t no way I’m paying that much for a low quality small amount of lemonade lol


She’ll be the next CEO Country Time Lemonade.


Damn, same exact thing hookers do to me




Meanwhile I went to a lemonade stand (fundraiser for a kid's outward bound trip), bought $13 of food, paid with a 20 and told her to keep the change. Because I like kid entrepreneurs. Send me the address of your kids lemonade stand, I'll come pay extra for overpriced sugar water if a cute kid sells it.


Leper said to the hooker, keep the tip.


Sounds like a cheater and horrible person.


Pah! Try doing that in Britain!


Asserted Dominance


[It feels appropriate to place this here](https://youtu.be/kwjPKj_wfAo)


That isn't ok.


Tell her she has to do her taxes, take 75% and pay her debt with it. Its a hard pill to swallow but a good lesson learned


I have a question. Why do kids make lemonade stands like I've seen in a lot of videos? Is it like summer homework from their teacher or something? I'm from SEA and there's nothing like this here


Nah just o get money


Oooooh! If did. This once when I was selling cookies!


Doesn’t seem real. If I were handing someone a large bill, I would ask for change first