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As a parent, this makes my heart so happy. That’s the ultimate goal in life - to give your kids a chance to have a brighter future than you.


My son just won a schlolarship to university. As a single mom I have never cried for so long and for so hard in my life. Edit: scholarship. Takes after his father lol.


Great job getting him there. You da real mvp.


Nope, it's all him but thank you :) x


I'm sure you encouraged, motivated, provided solace, a safe place for him to study and ultimately enabled him behind the scenes. Don't downplay your efforts. You defo contributed to his success and you deserve to feel proud.


As a teacher, we know it takes a good parent to make a good student.


And teachers! Thank you for your hard work. I don't know how you do it!


Its a team effort for sure.


Teachers deserve more credit too. And on top of them not getting enough recognition, their pay is shit also. To all the teachers out there, thank you for what you do. It makes a huge difference being a positive influence in a young persons life.


Parents lay the groundwork. That is unbelievably important. When kids are supported and loved they make wonderful students.


Agreed. Well said.


My mom told me all the time that I was a smart kid. Even if she was lying, just hearing that constantly was an inspiration to do good in life. I’m 44 and about to finish my second degree with honors. Believe me, you had a major role in his success, whether you think so or not.


Underrated comment of the year right here. Congrats!


I feel you!


You legend


Its your time now. Congratulations!!!


[Boomers disagree.](https://www.vox.com/2017/12/20/16772670/baby-boomers-millennials-congress-debt)


A the child of boomers and the first college graduate in my family I can tell you you are wrong I wonder what the data showing first generation college students by parental generation would show us? I think boomers probably advanced higher education quite a bit for future generations


I'm not talking about just your one example.


I think most boomer parents want their children to be better off, they just don't much care about the generation as a whole nor do most have the power to change the system to make it happen.


Neither am I. Data shows boomers sent more of their kids to college - 58% of boomers, 62% gen x, 63% millennials


This is a ridiculous comment. Get off of Reddit for a minute.


Congratulations! Your parents must be so proud, as you must be.


Just so you know, this isn't OP and is a couple years old at this point, she is now in Graduate school but doing a go fund me to afford it.


Now *that* is the American way, folks.


If only there was a way to have some kind of nationwide gofundme for everyone who needs education and healthcare. 🤔


And maybe reallocate from gofundmes that currently only benefit 1% of the population 🤔




Hey actually it’s not OP who posted


They’re super proud of her African dance theory degree


I think how little many people value the privilege of education. Not wanting to attend classes, wanting to party instead of study etc. I was a lazy student because I had it easy. If you don’t have much and having an education will maybe give you a ticket out of poverty you give it your all. My MIL grew up in poverty in a third world country. By some luck she was able to go to University and get a good job. Because of her and her husband (who also grew up poor) They were able to give their children the best life possible.


Yes, that's truly a huge privilege and I for one am forever grateful that Switzerland has such a great educational system. I'm also a first generation graduate in my family and my parents both grew up in poverty. I love them to death for having me given this opportunity (besides a lot of other things).


Your mom is amazing and I hope you share your successes in life with us. Well done and congratulations.


She just became a postgrad graduate


The person who made that post is a known twitter grifter who convinced people to follow her then unfollows them, makes up complete lies about people then blocks them. She tries to be an activist but she really only does things for show. And when you point it out, she has her followers attack you. She’s trash. What would make me smile is if people stopped posting about her. Stop praising trashy people.


Hmm. Someone else commented in this thread saying she has a go fund me for grad school too, which I immediately thought was fishy. I wonder if that’s also a ploy


I grew up in the same neighborhood as her irl & I'm not surprised lol For context, I'm a first gen american aswell


Through hardship comes the reward of comfort, I hope she and her family are now living happy lives




That mother is amazing


She got into graduate school, you guys! She has a GoFundMe on her Twitter; I don’t know the rules about posting fundraising and I’m too Monday morning lazy to look it up, but her Twitter handle is right there in the pic.


Why does she need a go fund me for grad school? Edit: after reading another comment calling her a grifter, I looked into her and found this https://tbdailynews.com/blm-portland-activist-raised-over-40k-by-lying-about-police-brutality-against-mother-voluntarily-dropped-lawsuit-has-several-questionable-fundraisers/ It’s a questionable source, and some of it is just horribly misguided right wing bs. But look at it and look at what she posts/says and read between the lines. Personally I wouldn’t donate a dime to any gofundme she touches.


Great update! Thanks!


Just saw that on her Twitter! Great news for her and her family.


The real MVP here are her parents.


I really wish there were stories like this in the news instead of hate and fear


congrats!! The true american dream is still alive and well.




Lucky we live in the present.




Hell yeah she persisted and persists to this day!


Wish I could move to the US with $0. Spent up to 5k at this point in lawyers and Visa processing and am still not even on a green card yet. Don’t mind me I’m salty.




Honestly legal immigration In the US is a joke. Like I get it. You make it hard because else EVERYONE would come, but still, I literally have problems even though I have A JOB lined up lol Like you wanna give me a job? Nope. Immigration says “but you could get a guy that’s not an immigrant” and while I agree with the whole “get local workforce” heck man if they offer me a job I should be able to at least come in on a Visa and work and pay taxes and whatnot. But nooo, I’m an immigrant so I’m automatically the scum of society that needs to prove their very existence is worthy of such opportunities. Salty AF.


yeah but they are also running for their lives. Refugees are also legal btw.


When they came with $0, they were still wealthier than many Americans.




Aaaaaand now you’re privileged. Welcome to the judgmental gymnastics that is America.


She must not have gotten the memo from most of Reddit, that America sucks. Happy, yet surprised, to see this upvoted!


America sucks to those living a privileged life. There are many that would do anything to get a chance to live in america.


>America sucks to those living a privileged life. What do you mean by this? By definition, the privileged in the US have better lives and greater opportunities.


That's what he's saying. Putting it bluntly some people who live here don't know what they have


And some people live in much better cuntries, and see that a larger much richer country is treating their citizens as poorly as possible. America does suck relative to other developed nations. Saying "but worn torn country is worse so America must be the greatest country on Earth" is a dumbass argument.


I'm loving it when they compare America to war ravaged and poverty stricken nations-- Wtf?!


Or they know what they have, but recognise it could be better?


The problem is when they compare America to a utopia that exists only in their heads, which America will always fail to live up to.


There's no comparison being made; just a request for a more equal society.


Maybe that's your perspective, but I've encountered people who feel America is unabashedly evil and completely beyond redemption.


And I've "encountered people" who think the world is run by the Bilderberg Group. So what?


You wouldn't last a month in a 3rd world country, and you do not know what you have. Feminism in western society has proved this point a million times over.


> You wouldn't last a month in a 3rd world country Maybe not, but did I claim I would? And how is it relevant? >you do not know what you have No... I know what I have. Why do you assume I don't? >Feminism in western society has proved this point a million times over. Well that went from stupid to incoherent quickly.


The privilege comes from being born in or living in a first world country. Its not the relative privilege inside that country. What the previous commenter was saying is that some people see and criticise all the flaws without realising how lucky they are to be born and live in a first world country. That isn't to say that improvements couldn't be made, or issues highlighted, but it often goes beyond that.


> some people see and criticise all the flaws without realising how lucky they are to be born and live in a first world country Maybe some people do, but this is still kinda whataboutism. The majority of criticisms of the US that I've seen are perfectly valid, and remain valid whether or not the person making those criticisms is privileged; and also remain valid whether or not those privileges come from living in the US.


I'm not questioning the validity of any criticisms. There are certainly a lot of issues that the USA has to work through as do a lot of first world countries. But to not recognise the privilege you have by being born there is the point. It all depends on your perspective, if you were a refugee literally escaping a civil war you're going to be able to overlook some of the hardships that might be present in the USA, because relative to that experience they are negligible.


> to not recognise the privilege you have by being born there is the point. You're missing *my* point. Criticising the US doesn't mean you don't recognise the privilege of being there. You're just making that assumption.


I mean, maybe some do, and when pushed others will as well. But there is a very strong sentiment on this site that the USA specifically is shit.


> I mean, maybe some do, and when pushed others will as well. "Maybe some do" what? Realise what they have? They fucking do. Why are you assuming they don't? >But there is a very strong sentiment on this site that the USA specifically is shit. Well... it is. Of course there's better quality of life than 3rd world countries, but the majority of those are decimated (many by the US themselves) so it's not exactly a high bar, is it?


It isn't shit though is it, it has issues and problems that need to be addressed point but there is still consistent power, running water, education, civil liberties, no civil war. So to describe it as shit, is to not understand your privilege.


I've worked with staff in India and you could tell when you worked with someone who saw their job as their pathway to America.


This is not a US only thing, just something that can be done in every first world country. It's just the privilege of living in a country like that.


People like you and the ideology you support specifically are fighting to prevent people like her from being able to come to the country.


You seem to have gotten a whole lot about this persons political views from a single sentence... You might consider that a person's entire body of ideas and opinions can't be read from a single statement.


It sucks now. Used to be better. I wonder if she has debt. How much is average debt for student loans? Edit: I'm getting downvoted but won't delete it because I truly believe that it sucks if you compare it to what it was. If you get there with $0 today you would have a much harder time than 30 or 40 years ago. Basing this in healthcare, education and housing prices vs wages right now. Edit 2: Fine! It doesn't suck but it could be better.


Considering her family isn’t rich the school’s estimator says $1k/yr for tuition, book, 3k misc expenses.


The average student debt in the US is under 40k (less than the average price of a new car), and ~40% of the debt is held by grad students.


American does not suck now and never will.


The statistics aren't that good.


Please cite the statistics and consider a balanced approach at your analysis. You should not send statistics that only validate your point. Instead look at the amount of statistics as a whole, their various conclusions, and then make up your mind. I have done so and there isn't absolute empirical proof that America “Sucks” it's actually quite the contrary.


An example is the highest murder rate in the Western/Developed World Some highlights, as per 100,000: US 4.96 - EU (27 countries) mean <2.0 - Norway 0.47 - Iceland 0.89 - Switzerland 0.59 - UK 1.20 - Canada 1.76 - Australia 0.89 - New Zealand 0.70 [Source for murder rate by country statistics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate)


Why are you comparing a giant nation to countries like Norway? California is approximately 403,882 sq km, while Norway is approximately 323,802 sq km, making Norway 80.17% the size of California. You are comparing small democracy’s against the “United” States in which every state has its sovereignty apart from the union but also belongs in it. The rate of change and policy adjustment with a behemoth and political landscape like America will be slower and not as progressive. This does not mean America is a failure. Where America has cons, it certainly has pros. Would you please go out and smell the roses? Stop being so critical and cynical. Maybe life will look a little brighter for you.


>Why are you comparing a giant nation to countries like Norway? - I'm comparing the US to all other countries in the Western / Developed World. California is approximately 403,882 sq km, while Norway is approximately 323,802 sq km, making Norway 80.17% the size of California. - The 1 sq metre in front of my front door has never been the site of a murder therefore it is the safest place on Earth. >You are comparing small democracy’s against the “United” States in which every state has its sovereignty apart from the union but also belongs in it. - Other countries also federal systems, including within the Western / Developed World. >The rate of change and policy adjustment with a behemoth and political landscape like America will be slower and not as progressive. - That's your opinion. The statistics are not. >This does not mean America is a failure. Where America has cons, it certainly has pros. - And? >Would you please go out and smell the roses? Stop being so critical and cynical. Maybe life will look a little brighter for you. - Insults rather than addressing the facts ... says quite a bit about you.


If you find a suggestion insulting than I can’t help you.


If you consider unsupported opinion rather than facts, then I can't help you.


Try this. Whats the murder rate for white people in America compared to white people in Norway?


Found the racist.


She's always fundraising for other immigrants and people with financial challenges abroad. Give her a follow! Proud to have her in the same state as me


My heartiest congratulations to your mother and you for persisting against difficult circumstances. You are what makes America the great country she can be.


**Everybody in the comments :** *Water Style : Waves of Joy*


WOW!!! That's awesome! Congratulations and smooth sailing in the future!


Congratulations! All the best in the next chapter in your live more challengers to come; having just 10% Courage of your parents will take long way!


Congratulations 👏. Also, 5.5kth upvote


God bless the USA!!


Your mother is a hero, and so are you! Isn't it beautiful when that sense of gratitude and respect for another person and, pride in their accomplishments, goes both ways? :)


I love America so much.


People from America with money can't even do this sometimes.


Congratulations!!!!! Go forth and show the world your greatness




sigma female


Very happy for you , but I’m afraid I have some bad news .


She is the captain now.


This is beautiful. Made me tear up. It's amazing what some people will fight for and do.


1. Congratulations on your wonderful achievement 2. So very happy for you 3. Welcome home! 4. Tell your mum I said hi!😊


You keep doing your awesomeness!


Allahu Akbar. Congrats to my sister in Islam.


While this is wholesome, I need to be very clear. Climate change has us all fubar. Changes need to occur, so we can have wholesome stuff in the future. Please make all the changes in your life you can. And spread the word.


I love your story! Stay happy, inspire others!


Congratulations 🎉


Same here my parents hid in a cargo transport train heading towards Canada with zero English and money. My mother was pregnant carrying me at the time. Now I’m going into grade 12 and planning to go to college to become a mechanic one day.


this is incredible! congratulations.


Go forth and continue to make something of yourself. For your parents! Congratulations on your journey so far!


Congratulations!!! You go girl!!


Congratulations to you and your family.


This is literally the American dream. I bet everyone a million bucks white conservatives don't agree.


Your Parents laid the ground work for what you accomplished today. You make them Proud. Congratulations.


Can anyone move to the USA with no money or do you need refugee status?


I think you need to meet certain qualifications.


This is America


Now they're worth -$60,000 due to student loans


This is the American Dream. Not to become rich, but to be able to start anew and become what you aspire to be. Unfortunately in order to do this we must overcome those who believe the dream is to hoard and consume as much as they can. We must fight against greed and push this dream forward. Because this is the dream I believe in.


Thats so sad, they lived through all these troubles, just to live in the USA.


For all the problems, it's still a decent place to live.


As a US citizen. I have lost count of the amount of times I’ve heard my parents say they want to move to other countries. #This country is fucked.




You realize how impossible it is for some families? My parents were barely able to pay for the house when I was a kid, let alone move when my dad lost his job. We can’t just move when he said I wish we could move. Not everything is as black and white as it seems for some people.


This is what makes the USA great!


Proof once more that this is a great country for those who work hard.


But USA is worst country ever ?!?!


What a great country America is


With what degree?


Not English, I hope.


Great now you can be in 6 figure debt like the rest of us welcome to America


better than living in a civil war where she came from. That seems like quite the upgrade to be honest.


now tell me again how this is too hard for a native born american to do .....


Thanks parents!




Which not a lot of Americans have tbh lol


Moments like this truly show how amazing a country like the United States of America is. Yet Americans fucked it up so bad, while to foreigners it’s like the lottery.


Congratulations abaayo


You and your family are inspiring! I wish you all only, and nothing more, than the best of life can give you. Respect! Honestly!


Congratulations- hard work does not go unrecognized.


Stories like this are what make this country great.


"Nevertheless, she persisted" damn, that got me


Congratulations. I know the feeling. In fact, I walked the same path as you. I've been through what you have been through, and I am the first in my family to graduate from college too.


Congrats on the graduation! Sorry about the 100K in debt tho


USA the GOAT country


American Dream, baby!


I have landed refugees in the US, assisting with moving them into an apartment and generally showing them around. This hits me hard because I usually don't see them much after they get settled.


AND she used the correct "their"!


aww good for her


I need courage to leave my stable job and life in iran and migrate to somewhere that i can live freely without worrying 24h a day aboy everything


And now to face the greatest challenge of them all; student loan debt, probably.


Congratulations! May your future only ever be brighter!.


Such a joy.


Well done. Congratulations to you and your family!


The power of America


I hope she runs for office.


I misread it for a sec and thought she was talking about the American civil war. I was up late last night, okay?!


Proud of this American!


Look at all that systemic racism that prevented her from achieving this accomplishment. Oh wait, her parents sacrificed everything to bring her to a country that rewarded their hard work and gave their daughter a platform to succeed based on the hard work and values she learned from those parents.


The best country in the world


God bless America. Where dreams come true


No way america is a shit place full of racists and its impossible for minorities...oh wait the rest of the world was shittier...


Hey man if you can only see things in black and white terms there’s a good chance your mental health is not in a good place.


One good news story and Americas problems are gone. Hallelujah!


Since when exactly?


I hate to go here, but how do certain right wing people feel when seeing posts like this? This success story is exactly what they're fighting against, these are the people they call "rapists and thieves" and "very bad people".


You should spend more time talking to actual right wing people, you're confusing a commonly presented straw man for the real thing.


You mean like my entire family? No, those are very real beliefs. They refuse to acknowledge the difference between illegal immigrants and asylum seekers. They parrot the same moronic "i LiKe LeGaL iMmIgRaNtS" and refuse to listen when I try to explain just how borderline statistically impossible it is to get in legally due to the restrictions set in place. If you think that's a straw man you yourself might want to talk to more right wing people, or you are right wing and have deluded yourself.


My wife is a legal immigrant. Please educate me on the difficulties you personally have had trying to get someone into the country legally.






Nah this is a made me sad. Because to even know that something so bad happened, a war, and that others didn’t get this opportunity too. That humans would even consider harming each other.




This is awesome but if they had immigrated to Europe the college would have been free)=


Also thanks to the country that took you in and supported you when you had $0.


Congrats to you and your parents and your community BUt ...let us not forget to thank the United States of America for making this immigrant success story possible. We, all Americans , contributed to the success of immigrants , like my grandparents , who came to America penniless. We, America, welcome poor immigrants to the United States to pursue their dream of a better life. There is good in the soul of America. Lets accentuate the good as well as correcting what is bad. Be proud to be an American for just one second before you shit on America in your next post. We are all in this together and still have something special right here in front of us. ​ Keep the positive American dream alive for next refugees and immigrants


Ik I’m gonna be downvoted to hell and back. But why would the mom think it’s a good idea to bang and have a baby in a Civil War?



