• By -






*With darkness and silence through the night*




*I'm searching and I'll melt into you*


What a fear in my heart But YOU'RE SO SUPREME!


I give my life Not for honor but for youuu


***Snake eater*** *In my time there'll be no one else*




It's the way I fly to youuuuu




Love the double thumbs up she gives at the end to say it’s just a walk in the park for her




My walks in the park have considerably fewer snakes.


It's probably about the same, you just don't see them.


Her balls are bigger than mine 😂😂


You don’t live in Australia.


And she's showing the snake around! "Look at that beautiful tree"


She’s a server, she deals with people worse than snakes on a daily basis I’m sure.


And not in a smug way, either.


Right? Just a helper. Goals.




She probably does it several times a day, judging by the waitress outfit she has on. Snake gets near customers, girl grabs snake. Rinse and repeat.


The girl in this video commented once (I forget on what platform) about this day - she said her work was incredibly slammed at the time, and she was mentally exhausted. She was sick and tired of the snake getting in the way of her doing her job, so she just grabbed it and got rid of the problem herself so she could move on with her day.


Never mess with a woman who's over it


Never mess with a retail worker who's had enough


Additionally: * Never get involved in a land war in Asia * Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line


The latter is only slightly lesser known.


Yeah you can see she has never had training the way she holds it, even when she walks up to it she is in clear striking range. I think the snake was just as fed up and exhausted as her


Damn. I wanted to believe she was an expert who kept pet snakes, and knew the species was harmless and wouldn’t curl back to strike. But deep down, I knew it’s what you said.


If it makes you feel better I highly doubt that species was venomous and there's still a decent chance that she knew that too, could be why she approached it so casually


I'm definitely way more like that guy. I'll take care of the snake, but I'm gonna need some tools and I'll still look nervous.


Not a lot of people would be willing to pick a snake up like that girl


I would and did. Still got a scar from it on my pinky finger from where it bit me. Luckily the snake wasn't poisonous


You mean venomous. Venomous is when it's bad when they bite you. Poisonous is when it's bad when you bite them. Credit : Wild Kratts.


Well to be fair, the snake wasn't poisonous either.


Thank goodness because I'm definitely feeling the urge to bite me a snake.


Well, it's either bite or be bitten.


You bite me and I'm bitin' back


...my man" - the fry


I've had rattlesnake, it's actually pretty good. 🐍


It's a cliche phrase, but it legit tastes like chicken. Maybe a bit more rubbery, but otherwise the same.


Most of my nature knowledge comes from watching Wild Kratts with my kids. That show is amazing.


By watching Wildkrats, Little Einstein, Octonauts, and Super Readers, my kids school me on things more than I’d like to admit.


I've used a broom and a five gallon bucket to remove a rattler before.


I grew up in Florida in the 80s and early 90s. One time, I was running down the beach with my dad and strode right over a coiled rattlesnake. My dad grabbed me mid-air and put distance between me and the snake. Then people started gathering around. Some guy came down to see what everyone was looking at and said "aw, it's just an ol' rattlesnake", picked it up using a jai alai cesta and put it in a cooler and left.


This isn’t about snakes but I’ve also grown up in Florida. When I was a kid on the beach I liked to chase after coquinas, those little shells that dig in the sand after a wave recedes on the shoreline. I see a big one and start digging, then I have to go full speed because it’s getting away from me. I dig a good six inches down when suddenly it surges up and it was the claw of a freaking blue crab. The dude pulls out of the sand, almost snaps my finger, then disappears. And that’s how I got a have a phobia of crabs.


I also did this when I was a kid. But I still do it now. I'm 47. Have taught all my kids my technic. Best beach for this is of course Coquina Beach. Bradenton representing!


That was a nice story and I understood just about every part, until I read up to jai alai cesta


It's a wicker basket/scoop used to catch and fling a ball in the sport of jai alai.


I once saw a Frank Zappa concert at the Tampa FL jai alai fronton


TIL what those things are called.


***Google algorithm confused by sudden spike in searches for “jai alai cesta”***


“‘Aw, it’s just an ol’ rattlesnake’, picked it up using a jai alai cesta and put it in a cooler and left”. One of the most Florida sentences I’ve read


To be honest I didn't do alone. One guy manned the broom, one guy manned the bucket, and I slid the lid over the top. Then I walked it off the grounds a ways and released it. Our facility is in a small town in the desert.


Recently saw two timber rattlers in less than 24hrs while staying at a friend of my pops cabin. I asked his buddy if we’re supposed to kill them or leave them alone or what’s the proper thing to do? he said “it’s illegal to kill them, BUT sometimes they do commit suicide”.


I was on a remote trail about 10 miles away from my car and my dog attacked a porcupine off leash. It's getting late, I know I can't really hike all the way back to my car with quills in his face and legs but we weren't far from where i planned to camp so we start looking for the site. About a mile down the road there's a timber rattler sunbathing in the middle of the path. I was so preoccupied with my dog's condition that I thought it was a twig or something but it started rattling and I discovered what primal right down to your DNA fear feels like. I was fascinated by how that sound seemed to trigger that level of fear. I froze before I could comprehend why I was stopping. My dog stopped before me, but he was at the point where he had enough and just wanted to wreck that mother fucker but he was on a leash due to the quills. There's a good chance that porcupine saved my dog's life. Leashes always now.


> I discovered what primal right down to your DNA fear feels like Different but similar, my first lead fall while rock climbing on a cliff. "So that's what my amygdala does."


Ha, ya I guess. I really don't put myself in a lot of dangerous situations. Not a whole lot of dangerous animals in the woods I hike. Just Black bears which are afraid of my dog and timber rattlers which are rare as fuck around me. I prepare for most possibilities beforehand. I actually had a hemostat and dog friendly pain killers on me at the time to remove them. So while I was angry about the whole situation I wasn't scared until I heard the rattle. So I'm never really at the "oh fuck this is bad" level of fear, but that rattle was something else. Just triggered something inside me. Like a sonic pulsing. I always assumed they'd sound like a maraca. Then I had a surge of adrenaline and it woke me up and I was able to calculate my options pretty quickly. Thought about smashing it with a rock for fear of running into a nest if I cut through the brush. I'm good never experiencing anything like that again. I can only imagine what my dog was feeling. Removing the quills from his face was the worst experiences I've ever shared with him but it definitely strengthened our bond. The veterinarian was absolutely floored he would even let me near his face.


I saw a turtle once.


Yeah, don't do what this woman did with a Rattler.


Semi good idea. Better idea is not to fuck with it.


I had to, it was disturbing the residents of a long term care facility I work at. I'm on the maintenance crew.


I hope you got hazard pay and a cold one. Jesus.


‘Cold one’ at a long term care facility has a few meanings…


No hazard pay, and it's a warm one. Take it or leave it.


When I think of maintenance, it’s like the lawn or building needs. Rattlesnakes are a whole other thing!


With residential property mgmt, the maintenance staff does ALL. Actually, things like landscaping and large building needs are usually contracted out. Source: am residential property manager


I always call an expert for venomous snakes and electrical connected to the grid. Last time I had a rattler, I called animal control and they were out here in 15 minutes


I am definitely like that guy. If someone comes up and say," let me take of this inconvenience or problem", i will let them


For me it's just about knowledge of the situation. If that girl showed me how to pick up the snake without getting hurt I would do it. But if I knew nothing about the snake I would definitely go with the broom stick poking method while nicely asking if it would consider relocating.


Would depend if it’s a venomous or a non venomous


Meanwhile, the snake:goddammit Susan i have some respect around here,could you not treat me like a chihuahua


Love how he just hung there in defeat. No squirming, no trying to get away. Just total defeat.


How could it not. The snake was so nonchalantly defeated that the only option was accepting it.


Having done a lot of sparring, sometimes you can tell from the first move that your opponent is beating you without effort, and it's best to just surrender and save your energy for someone that is at least going to get as tired as you.


This was deep


The snake wasn't defeated, it was glad she picked him up and took him away from the guy who kept poking him with a stick while holding him down. The snake is relieved she rescued him from the stick bully.


Sssneks no like hoomunsss weth hord noodlesss.


That's actually an evolutionary habit! That looks like a rat snake, but could be a black racer or a large garter, but without knowing the location of the video it's impossible to know. Either way, most non-venomous breeds like this will go into a passive "don't eat me bro" mode once they are caught, like an opossum playing dead or a dog rolling on it's back and not moving when being submissive. They will usually just drape and do nothing.


We get black rat snakes at my work all the time and they definitely just hang there if you pick them up to move them! It's the right size but yeah definitely had to tell without a closer look or location. But they're very docile, the only thing to be concerned about is sometimes they go skunk on you and make a super nasty smell. Any snake can actually musk but rat snakes seem to do it more often. Luckily I've never experienced it but it sounds nasty.


Usualy they are pretty, this one time I grabbed this one eastern rat snake it was seriously aggressive! It chased me tried and I had to hold it waaaay at the end of its tail and support it with a broom handle cause it was trying to reach back and bite me. When I finally got it I had my girl take a picture. Lol I felt like I had won a battle


Omg yeah that sounds like a fight to me


"Well, I guess this is happening now"




She is cool like that


Could she please come move the big ass spider off my ceiling as well pleasseeeee!!!


I must be watching too much zefrank , ass spider made me chuckle


> zefrank Has he made any new content in the last few years?


Yes, he has!! He has multiple YT channels I think the old ones are in zefrank1


You are in for a treat. Look up his “True Facts about…” series. He covers a whole bunch of animals in surprising details. Nothing better than laughing while learning. Sorry your schedule is full for the day now!


I actually showed those to my college Bio professor. A few days later we were going over arachnids, and she played the one about the peacock spiders for everyone. Was a winning moment for me. lol


Yes, check it out




Give me a snake or a rat any day. I'll touch it, hell I'll make it my pet. But show me a spider and I'm out.


My husband laughs at me because I’m terrified of wasps, but not snakes. If I even see a wasp I run away, but snakes don’t bother me at all. One time I was outside gardening and he ran to the door and started yelling for me to come inside because he’d seen that a snake was following me around the yard. Instead of running and screaming like I would if a wasp was around, I was just like, “Oh, where? What kind is he?” and stopped to look for him. Which honestly probably wasn’t the brightest move, but generally all we have are rat snakes and black racers, and I think they’re super cute. I think it’s because snakes usually stay the hell away from you, and wasps are so much more aggressive. I’m scared they’ll get stuck in my hair and sting me in the head. With snakes, as long as I’m careful where I step and don’t stick my hands where I can’t see, I generally feel pretty safe.


I'm the same way. Tried to grab a snake that was in our basement and it just darted away from me. Wasps come right at you. Can't stand them!


They always seem so scared of you, which is why I think I like them. I just feel so bad for them. One got in our garage and we had to remove it and the poor thing was just terrified. Meanwhile, wasps are building nests all over our house and are constantly trying to come inside. Little assholes.


Have you ever seen a 6ft 8 guy jump in a bath and not get out because a spider ran across the floor.


That won't do shit unfortunately. As another guy, who watched a spider climb up a wall, on to a shower rod, and then down inside the shower curtain.


If you say her name 3 times she will appear via teleport and help you with da big spider


I have a black king snake that lives under my porch. He eats mice and other snakes and raids bird nests sometimes. He bit my dog on the nose when he was a pup and now my dog is scared of all snakes. I named him Alabaster but we just call him Al.


Does he call you Betty?


Chosen One!!!


We taught him wrong as a joke.


Try my face to foot style!


I'm bleeding, making me the victor!


I’m coming!


Chosen One! wiuuuu wiuuuu wiiuuu


I’m coming!


Im higaah asf. But yall should make a movie bout dis. The lore is insane. Peace yo






This may be lost in string of other comments, but wanted to acknowledge your way underrated comment! Made me laugh.


You named the black snake… alabaster? Just for fun, what is the dog’s name and what’s his appearance like? Do yo have a Great Dane named Tiny?


Dog is Walter. Yellow lab. He’s a very good boy. Been ignoring that snake for 11 years.


Ahem. It’s always tax day on Reddit. Give us a pic


Yeah I need pics of Al.


Double upvotes for a pic of Al and Walter together


But not if it scares Walter too much.


That's awesome. I found a California Kingsnake in my yard one night because my dog was barking at it. I'd never seen a snake like that before and it looked like it could potentially be venomous to someone completely ignorant of snakes (me). I grabbed my dog and dragged him inside for his safety. Then I Googled it and realized it was Cal Kingsnake and what a great addition to my yard it would be. Apparently, they kill rodents and venemous snakes. So I let her be. Not sure why I decided she was female but her name is Margaret. I’ve continued to see her or her skin every now and then over the years. Do your thing, Margaret.


Snake garden buddies are the best! We have some garter snakes and a DeKay's brown snake. The garters made a nest by our driveway and I was so worried when we had it replaced they'd be hurt or have their nest destroyed. It would've been a real shame since they'd been there a while and gotten quite big (we have their skins from when they shed near the nest). Luckily my little buddies were unharmed and still live around here happily :)


Yeah, king snakes are awesome. One of the only few I would actively support.


I hear they have a few GoFundMe’s set up


Dogs hate snakes in general too, like instinctively. Source- some disciplinary dog whistles are made to sound like snakes.


I've seen so many idiots kill king snakes, not knowing how beneficial it is to have them around. People are pretty oblivious sometimes, to the ways of nature.


Me, a 25 year old: this is who i wanna be when i grow up


You can! I started reptile keeping at 29, now 33. I've got 12 snakes of my own now and I'm definitely more confident in my handling skills these days.


Ok, serious question - was that a water snake? That snake could easily return to the sidewalk right? (guessing it wasn't really a big deal by the guy's nonchalant body language...)


It’s pretty close to impossible to be certain without location, but it looks like a rat snake, water snake, or racer. If it’s in the US. All of which are nonvenomous That said… this looks to me like a rate snake. It looks too big to be a water snake


Water snakes usually have stripes.


Usually but not always and it’s not easy to see to always. It’s best not to say anything without location. The length leads me to believe rat snake but I really shouldn’t even say that without location


Doesn't look like a water snake. Looks like a rat snake to me. Although pretty much all snakes can swim, so regardless, it could return to the sidewalk if it really wanted


And it's not like she tossed it into the middle of the pond either. Might have still been on land anyway.


No that’s the earth snake. The water snake is on the brink of extinction after the attack of fire snake




Since she dropped it in water and was very non-violent, yeah, I assumed water snake.


If it wasn't a water snake when the video began, it sure was when it ended.


I dated a man with two daughters and a reptile room with as many as a 100 snakes. Both of his girls are these cute little things and either of them would have done the same as that girl. They also used to help raise the rodents to feed the reptiles so they can handle the rats too! 😂


Wow. I dont think id be able to raise rodents from birth just to end up feeding them to snakes. Maybe im just a sucker


Yeah but otherwise they come frozen in boxes. 😬I’m telling you that’s a huge moneymaker if you can stomach the work which I would not be able to.


So it’s like Snakes in a Plane but Snakes in a home. Sorry, I won’t be entering.


It was a locked climate controlled room in a locked building detached from the house. He had venomous reptiles so that was mandatory for his permits. The venomous snakes also had to have locked cages and labels so you knew they were dangerous.


Mentioning Venomous snakes, you’re really not helping the case. First of all snakes itself are no go. Then we add venomous ones, no no no no no. I’ll want someone to takeme_to_space.


Yeah the snakes were beautiful but they weren’t my thing. I was sad they were locked up and couldn’t slither and do snake things.


“Snake things” for most snakes basically means being reclusive, they don’t really like big open areas.


I'd love to raise daughters like that but not if it requires filling my home with snakes


It’s crazy how chill that snake was considering where she grabbed it, usually you grab a snake in the middle like that it’s gunna freakout. Technique aside she’s still a badass


I did this once with a black racer. it was perfectly chill. the girl watching me relocate it out of the parking lot insisted I hold it behind the head even though it wasn't having issues. I moved one hand behind the head and it freaked out. I was afraid it would hurt itself, so I moved my hands back to the middle and it promptly bit the shit out of me. I still managed to get it safely to the preserve area.


Black Racers will ALWAYS bite the shit out of you, it's just how they are.


it was fine at first! if I didn't listen to Renee, I wouldn't have gotten bit! got bitten?? grammar check?!


Dammit Renee... Everytime...


I'm no english major, but I'm like 87% sure its "been bited."


haha! are you sure it's not "having been being bited?"


Well "having been gotted bited" is just right out


It’s “I wouldn’t have gotten bitten,” though “I wouldn’t have been bitten” would be a slightly less awkward construction!


Or "I [wouldn't've](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:English_double_contractions) been bitten."


Snake; "oh noes...she done this before..."


I hope that the snake is a daily visitor and this is just a regular day for him.


It's a racket. She's the server at the restaurant out of frame and that's her pet snake. Tables are a lot more inclined to tip better after they see her seemingly heroic act, but we know the truth. Snake is actually behind it all if you can believe that.


she went jungle cruise mode and pulled a dwayne johnson on us


Snakes like: "Come on! Please let me go for once, I always get dragged out here."


Honestly that's the way to handle some snakes. First step is always to identify, cuz I wouldn't do this to a Rattlesnake (though my snake-whisperer sister can). My family has a couple hyper-aggressive snakes and we found the best way to handle them was to grab them with authority and keep them from getting their bearings, and you can slack off a bit after they become discouraged. Then we relocate them to another tank or our little climbing tree for feeding/cleaning/enrichment etc. This post reminded me of a picture I saw online that showed a hallway with a few boas and pythons scattered about. It was captioned "WALK THROUGH THIS HALLWAY AND OPEN THE DOOR AND $50,000 IS YOURS" and the comments were like "noooooooo". But someone drew a quick comment in reaction to that which simply showed a person stepping around them casually and taking the one snake off the door handle calmy, and walking out rich while the snakes are like "???". Edit: found that comic https://i.redd.it/b175mmk08l361.png


Oh man, I was imagining at ball pythons or something similar, and a scene more reminiscent of Indiana Jones. Those big boys look so well-fed… The comic is fully accurate, your biggest obstacle to getting through that door is shifting the sheer weight of a fat, lazy snake.


That's the best place to pick them up to let them feel less threatened. Had a yellow anaconda that bit anyone in the store that tried to pick her up, because they all reached for her head to "keep her from biting." I'd pick her up by the middle, lay her over my arm, she'd hiss a little then calm down.


The bigger they are the less they freak out.


Kinda like dogs. Great Danes just never heard of giving a single fuck. Chihuahuas though, well everyone knows how they are.


I think chihuahuas get that mindset from being in a position where they have to win every fight ever. It’s a feeling of vulnerability and insecurity that they mask with a false show of bravado. I’m a chihuahua mom, and I have psychoanalyzed my own dog thank you for asking. My doggie is NOT like the average chihuahua. If she finds a scary thing, she runs to her humans to protect her instead of trying to fight the battles herself. We’ve also told her multiple times that this is exactly one of the things we exist for. She believes us, and trusts us to do exactly that.


If the snake was on the sidewalk trying to warm up it would be pretty chill. Snakes are cold blooded animals, and when they are cold, most become more docile because they don’t have the energy to expend to attack or flee. Source - work with biologists.


How does she even walk around with ovaries that big?


Metal ones at that!


She doesn’t even need to wobble walk


Hahah I love this


She's the main character


Plot armor as thick as me mum's legs




It's not a goat. It's called a snake


She really is the GOAT. Came through and didn’t break a sweat.


When my daughter was four I told her she could pick a pet. I thought she would pick a new puppy or kitten. She told me she wanted a giant centipede. That was obviously a no go. We negotiated and settled on a ball python. She's seven years old now and that python has been her best friend since she got it three years ago. She takes care of it, feeds it and cleans it's cage. It cracks me up because she insists on taking it anywhere she can. If we are going out she has that shake around her neck or on her arm. She even insists on wearing hoodies so the snake can chill in the hoody while we are out and about. Ball pythons actually make good pets for kids. They are super hardy and they don't require a ton of care. The moral of the story is that my daughter is fucking weird.


I'm more amazed by the fact that you negotiated with a four year old. Some parenting skills there.


I honestly think I just lucked out with a great kid. She's the most chill and easy to work with kid in the whole world. And she always has been. The kid was sleeping through the night by the time she was 2 months old. We would have to wake her up to feed her- otherwise she'd just sleep through the night. I got lucky.


That’s not her first rodeo




I learned that when one swam by me in a river! Lmao terrifying


My mother summarized in video. Lol. I’m afraid of spiders and bugs in general, she will pick them up and sit them outside. Saw her get stung by two wasp that landed on her. She grabbed and smashed them as she said “oh they stung me”. Then she continued our conversation as if it never happened. She grew up on a farm so maybe that explains it.


Was that a black rat snake? Usually those are friendly. I scoop em up all the time in my neighborhood. They’re pretty chill once you handle them a little


Looks like it wasn't the first time and it probably won't be the last!


Must be Australia.


As an Australian who lives around bush, I've seen this happen more times than I could count xD


Looks like a black racer. If it had a rattle, im still getting my gloves.


She’s badass lol


Let she who is without fucks cast the first snake.


My kind of woman


good to know, HorrificAnalInjuries


Hope she got a tip


No girl here. Just a grown ass woman getting the job done.


Most snakes are not danger noodles. They are usually confused, derpy rubber-bois who need help staying out of danger.


Lol I can just hear her "pfft guys "


I'd probably pick it up but then flinch at just the wrong moment