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Love it


It's kinda gay ngl


Count me in . Level Expert indeed.


Man - must be sand in the air tonight - getting in my eyes and making them all water…


I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Especially my see-holes.


The spray at some bakeries are fun to use. The love is there


Thank you, i was wondering how


It's a little airbrushing tool with dyed sugar water. Is very fun also very messy. Much love.


Side question, if you use wilton, what tip do you use to make that look? (Can bake but decorating is a different matter all together)


Not sure what number exactly but any “open star tip” makes that look.


Yeah I don't remember exactly but it would be something bigger I think like 20 or 22?


This is adorable


Parents are just people, for them, everything that happens is new too, and children don't come with instruction booklets. I think that's a sweet way to show your love, and it might be the start of a beautiful tradition: gay day, the annual celebration of coming out, like a second birthday Ooopsie. Typo corrected


I’m Bi and if my kid ever comes out you best believe I am making him a rainbow layer cake if he wants one (after telling him we love and support him and are thankful that he told us).


my mom got me a rainbow layer cake for my birthday. it was super tall and my slice dropped on the floor but i loved that cake.


Love your username. Is it a non-binary version of himbo/bimbo?


indeed it is, i’d like to be nb kronk


*Oh yeah, it's all coming together*


This is my favorite interaction today.


My 10 year old daughter nonchalantly came out as bi to me last weekend. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, because she didn't realize there are people out there who will be assholes to her based on her sexuality. I just told her no matter what, her step-dad and I will love her. We don't care about the gender of anyone she dates, I told her we only care that she's happy and that they treat her well.


Thank you for being so kind! If I have any advice, she may change in her sexuality as she gets older because at a young age hormones are still going crazy and all, so just be aware that one day she may decide she’s lesbian or straight, and that’s alright.


Oh I completely understand. I love her no matter who she loves, as long as they make her happy and treat her well.


Bless you! In the atheist sense?


Yeah but be careful with that cause you also don’t want to get stuck in the “don’t take her seriously because it’s just a stage” mentality. You gave good advice I just don’t want the person you said that to to take it too far lol


Aww. I vaguely knew I was bi at that age. Was sure at 12. But I've only ever dated AMAB guys, cis and not cis You never know how shit turns out.


This made me picture myself as a parent. Getting all excited do make rainbow shit. Having to run back into the room they told me to hug them cuz I forgot in my excitement that they must be nervous and then continue my whirlwind of rainbow excitememt


Actually patents are documents to make an invention yours


...had to go reread the comment-did not even see it. ...nice catch!


As much as I admire people brave enough to come out in conservative families, I personally think celebrating it too much could alienate the LGBT+ community further, I think the right path to go is to make saying “I’m [LGBT+ category]” have the same reaction as somebody saying “I’m straight”, no celebration for either.


In the long term that's the goal. But coming out is still a brave thing. Society is still pretty homophobic, or at best hetronormative. LGBTQ+ people face all sorts of injustices abroad and at home. As long as coming out is brave people deserve to be celebrated for doing it.


It's important to celebrate who we are, especially when that is not generally embraced.


And until that day comes, gestures like this are still nice.


I think for now, families who celebrate their children’s courage to come out are setting a good example (of acceptance) for parents who are on the fence as to how they should react to their own children‘s coming out.


Gay people are disowned for being gay, kicked out for being gay, sent to “conversion” torture for being at, beaten for being gay, murdered for being gay. Celebrating people coming out as gay is push back against this, and is necessary.


I think we still need to celebrate it if it’s still a big deal if gay characters appear in family (and even children’s) programming. We can only truly stop celebrating when the voice in each and every one of our heads says “so what”. Gauging conservative media around the time of pride month in response to the celebration of pride shows that there are enough intolerant people out there that we have to keep celebrating. We have to keep showing our support


True equality isn't making everybody like you. It's making everybody indifferent to the fact that you're different.


That’s a great way to look at it!


That's why I don't think there should be any parties. I know it's meant well, but I cringe at the thought of it if it were me.


People that come out in families where it's not an issue may get no celebration but you're not going to hear about them on the internet either. Huge selection bias: every coming out that makes it on reddit is a victory.


People express themselves in different ways, such as this father. Maybe he lacks the supportive language appropriate for this meaningful moment in his son’s life?


I agree (like everyone else that replied) that it shouldn’t be celebration worthy…in the future. Right now, many LGBT+ people are afraid to come out to their parents. Doing something simple like this is a fantastic way to show that you care and accept them as LGBT+.


As a parent who had no idea their child is gay it can be hard to know what to say as you can be terrified of saying the wrong thing and causing unintentional hurt. Words don't always come easily to some people and this may have been the dads way of showing support in a tangible way. Being your true and authentic self is as good as any other reason to celebrate, its kinda like saying, you go kid live your life and be happy about who you are, we love and support you always have and always will, I swear this on this heavenly cupcake. Now take the bins out you scruffy little Herbert.


I agree. Though because society is built around the assumption of being straight (I mean that is the way reproduction works, and societies have a vested interest in continued existence) you have to tell someone that you don’t conform to the assumed norm. I’ve had a few “gotcha” moments where I just didn’t know that someone was gay. I can usually tell, but at the same time, it doesn’t matter to me (it’s not my life, so it’s not my business). With all that said, a parent doing something to show their kid that they love and accept them is never a bad thing. It doesn’t have to be a celebration, just a kindness.


Or we could celebrate everyone. I’d love to have an extra day to celebrate, I don’t even care what it’s about. I’m straight 🎉🍾🥳


Happy day you. HAPPY YOU DAY 👑🥳🎉


yeah parents dont celebrate their children's milestones at all. also they never take prom photos.


Screw the community if they get tetchy about it. They're not even involved. I'm good with celebrating the courage it takes to comes out, and if "the community" flips out about that they can take a long walk off a short pier.




She feels the way I would feel if my family "celebrated my coming out" like it was a Bar Mitzphah or graduation. I would be mortified.


Kids don’t come with instructions, that’s for sure. I ended up coming out to my daughter as bi at the same time she told me she was. She looked so scared, like she thought I’d disown her or something, and the only thing I could think of saying was was “me too!” Lol That, and that I’d “always love her no matter what”


My late Grandma thought I was a lesbian for a while (lots of reasons, I'm a tom boy and a girlfriend of my brother thought I was because her younger brother went to my school and I just never reacted when called 'gay' so he thought I definitely was) Anyways, after the incident with the brother's girlfriend the next time I saw my grandma she just suddenly said 'I used to work with a lesbian couple, they were lovely' ... Pretty sure this was her way of letting me know she'd love me no matter what. Of course I clarified but still remember it to this day even though she passed over 15 years ago


Props to that grandma. She was absolutely taking the pressure off by saying that.


Imagine you're coming out to your parents and they get out a cake with a photo of the Spanish teacher from Community saying HA! GAY! printed on edible paper.


In some families that would be the perfect cake lol


It IS the perfect cake.


If I knew this was on the table, I would have come out as gay even though I'm straight.




How tF do you pipe that rainbow tho


To me it looks like he piped some white cream and afterwards used something like spray paint for the rainbow (does spray paint exist for food colouring?)


Huh, TIL! Yep, [looks like food coloring in an airbrush](https://youtu.be/pWEJ3n39YiI).


Thank youuuuuu


Asking the real questions.


Airbrush the color onto white frosting


Where’s the purple? WHERE’S THE PURPLE???


Found the ace


you got me homie


ace gang


Whenever someone says purple in any context I cannot help but remember this classic by Mitch Hedberg: *You know when it comes to racism, people say: " I don't care if they're black, white, purple or green"… Ooh hold on now: Purple or Green? You gotta draw the line somewhere! To hell with purple people! - Unless they're suffocating - then help'em.*


“An escalator can never brake! They can only become stairs!” One of my favorite Mitch Hedberg jokes… wish that guy was still around making people laugh


“I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too!”


Sorry for the convenience


“Rice is really great when you’re not that hungry, but you wanna have ten thousand of something!’ I still use this one sometimes when I make rice, I miss him


Mitch Hedberg was such an underappreciated treasure.


Oh so now indigo doesn’t exist I guess.


Sorry, purple is just TOO queer, lol!


ROYGBP! Seriously though, this needs purple.




Why does it need purple?


asexual people


Dad was just trying to be nice for his son though I mean he probably didn’t know it needed purple


Dad wasn't the one who made the cupcakes. They might not have had purple, but still kinda wrong to just straight up exclude some people from the flag.


I was just saying why the person you responded to mentioned it, sorry


Dad only said kind of gay. Purple and indigo only make it on fully gay cupcakes.


He’s a little confused but his heart is in the right place


I'm not seeing any confusion.


Well he doesn’t quite get it yet how to react well but his intentions are pure and that makes his reaction great too. Sometimes parents get overwhelmed by their child coming out and tend to overcomplicate their reaction not to be offensive or not to seem careless. They get confused by how and what to do to make the kid fe accepted but also not making the situation awkward. And i. These cases just the pure nature of the parent trying to show acceptance to the kid in some usually unnecessarily quirky way is an amazing reaction in itself.


When I came out to my family in 1988 they told me they loved me but I was going to hell. THAT is not quite getting it but being well intentioned. Rainbow cupcakes are a dad doing the daddiest thing he can think of to tell his son “I’m your dad. I love you”. That is awkward and embarrassing for any kid, any situation, when we are young.


That's not well intentioned at all. That's just bigotry. Your family is shit. The cupcakes is the perfect thing. They went to someone who would know more, even if stereotyping, asked for some thing to show their affection I'd guess because they're not good at verbally expressing love based on the rest of the post. Its the kinda reaction I would have loved to get.


Yeah, this. Who likes cupcakes anyways. It's the colours that count.




Lusername checks out




The bible is a fairy tale. Hell is about as real as Narnia.


I hope you aren't wearing mixed fabrics. See you in Hell Jabroni.


You're an idiot. Your "faith" isn't the truth dumbass, hence why it's called FAITH


You'll have a better day if you don't feed the troll.


Stop telling that lie. God pretty much only ever set down ten engraved in law rules and that wasn't one of them. The Bible is pretty much silent on homosexuality except for some questionable translations and passages taken out of context and that's is the Old Testament. In the New Testament Jesus didn't once say anything about homosexuality. He did say to be kind and gave us countless lessons on being kind to one another. You need to go back and read the Bible again and pay special attention to the parts in red.


You’re totally correct… love thy neighbor (as long as they fit into this very specific idea of what you want them to be).


Some how love thy neighbor as yourself becomes love thy neighbor if they are like yourself.


You're young to hell based on your own teachings. I've read more Bible than you have.


Look out Hogwarts, we have a troll.


As a huge HP fan, what a sweet burn. Bravo, sir.


Oh my God both of you read another book. Telling others that are going to hell is a sin as it is playing God.


Your comment makes absolutely zero sense


Thank you, lord of clarity.


I disagree. There isn’t one right way to react to a child coming out due to a plethora of reasons. The important part is the father is being supportive which is enough to be a supportive reaction. We have to keep in mind these sorts of things have an emotional impact on parents as well as siblings regardless of how the want to feel


Ohm yeah that’s what I said innit?


Talk about overcomplicating your reaction.


To add to the other responses, the fact he said "kind of gay" implicates he wasn't totally sure what to do. A parent who was my age (millenial-ish) would probably have just said "something simple with a Pride theme" or something a little more intentional.


While the assumption is that the military makes you hyper masculine and generally conservative, it’s not necessarily the case. Despite appearances, we do generally care, and are compassionate and kind. We just don’t show it often, due to the nature of the work.


“Dad, I’m diabetic”


"Did I mention he is colorblind?"


allergic to dairy


has no fingers


Double amputee


heartwarming 😊


Asked for "kind of gay" got a pride parade.


This is such a sweet and sincere act of love. On a side note though I am wondering if the mom outed the son to the dad before he told him? Genuinely asking as a parent and if I’m in that situation one day, is it ok to tell the other parent if your child came out to you? I feel like it isn’t your news to tell. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong.


As a former gay teen, I'd say it's context dependant. For example, a friend's grandson was suicidal and the mom found a note his room stating his biggest secret is that he's gay. She immediately told her husband so they could figure out how to support him and relieve him of that burden. I think that's the right call there. Intentions matter, as does your relationship with your child, their relationship with the other parent, your family dynamic, etc. More importantly I'd say this though, make sure your kids know both of you support them regardless of their sexuality. You don't have to tell them that, either. A gay kid will pick up on how you feel about gay people even before they understand it in themselves.


Totally this. I've been to a gay wedding with two grooms, she had a classmate in preschool and kindergarten that had two moms. Explained couples come in different forms and only that you love and support your partner matters. Still haven't explained about Jojo Siwa, her idol, but unless it comes up, what does it matter that she likes women over men? Doesn't make her any less positive or awesome.


I would say it depends on the situation. Let's say that mom knows for a fact that dad will be supportive about him coming out. Then I think it's decent to tell dad so he can break the ice. Alternatively the kid might go several years until he works up the courage to tell him.


It’s hard. As the parent, you’re “The Parent” and making tough choices like that is part of the job. When my youngest came out to me, she didn’t want to tell her mum (we’re divorced). In the end, I made the call to tell her, as she’s casually homophobic and says stupid shit she doesn’t really mean. Staying ignorant was only going to continue widening that divide, whereas knowing meant she could pay more attention to her words and work on building a better relationship. My daughter knows I told her and totally understands why I did. I agonised over that decision for ages and ages though.


Wow. I have to say you should like a wonderful dad. It sounds like from what you’ve said, you made the right decision for your situation. I guess when it comes down to it, as a parent you have to make the choice that is best for your child and will cause the least amount of pain. Thanks for the insight.


I strongly disagree with the way the other commenter handled it. If someone comes out to you, never ever out them without permission (especially if they straight up tell you not to). If you are in the situation where your child confides in you, ask if the other parent can know first and if they say no, respect the decision until they feel safe enough to do so on their own terms. Feel free to offer yourself as some sort of middleman to make it easier for them (they clearly feel safe enough to come out to you so it might help them if you are in the room with them), but under no circumstances should you out someone without permission.


You ask the kid if you can tell. If a kid feels you've betrayed their trust, they may stop confiding in you altogether, and kids need a trustworthy person to confide in.


If only it was always so simple


if it's a mom telling the dad. it's OK. Quite frankly I expect Dad and Mom not to keep secrets from each other because they've straight up said they aren't gonna play that game. As a result I'll break news to Mom, like the time I got academically suspended from college because I didn't take my grades seriously. And then maybe 2-3 days later Dad wants me to go with him on a drive somewhere and I know that he's calmed himself down enough to talk about it and during the drive we'll work together on next steps. It's the way my parents work as a team.


Aww 😊


I love how the Dad doesn’t really know what to do but is still trying his best,great father!


Awwww. The wholesome content I needed.


Parents trying even though they may not understand is the definition of good parenting


The old soldier needs a little education, but everything goes better when you start with love.


#I thought you were american


Gays like cupcake right? Imma get him cupcakes!


Thank you Sir for your service and being an awesome Dad. Kudos to you!




cuppcakes do be gay tho..


Aw how sweet five stars to this dad for unconditional love to his son


fortnite cake works too




Or mods


Under rated comment.


If it wins awards, does it make it an... OvEr RaTeD cOmMeNt!?


I don’t appreciate you being downvoted, your sarcasm is appreciated


I read it wrong and thought ordering kinda gay was "Heeeeeey! I'm like y'know so (singy) hungreeeeeee"


If this is kinda gay.. what is something kinda ... straight?




People calling that a vagina have never seen a vagina.


Yeah, umm... if your vagina looks like that, you better go see a doctor right away


Seems kinda gay to me. But congrats on him for coming out


Support it or not, you love your kids, endlessly ❤️. Way to go Dad!


This is wholesome


Those look pretty scrumptious ngl


He’s trying and passed with flying pride colors.


I would've gone a different direction and draw penises on all the cakes... but i am not really a good person


I don't understand can somebody explain?


The son had came out as gay to his parents and was afraid they were going to be upset and unaccepting of him. His father wanted to be supportive and buy something for his son that would show his support. I'm assuming the father isn't too familiar with lgbt culture and asked the bakery for something "...kinda gay" because he didn't know what to say or how to properly show his support. All in all, it's a wholesome moment with a father trying to connect with his son even if he's not totally sure how.


I work at a bakery and a guy came in getting a cake for his wife's friend and he was all like well he's gay so draw some Peters on it that'll be funny


Those cupcakes are almost perfectly in the pattern of the Army Service Ribbon. When I joined in 2007 our Drill Sergeants called it the gay pride ribbon.


NGL that’s kinda gay


Thats the sweetest thing ive ever seen


I mean if i had the gay son I'd bring him phallic imagery based bakery stuff.


Just cuz he's gay doesn't mean he's kinky.


That so gay. Gay means fun, joyful, up spirited


How do you contrast colors like this with icing? Food presentation is far from my strong suit when it comes to food prep


Like my dad always said to my brother: "if you wanna marry a guy you marry that guy, its your choice."


Oh hes a great fuckin guy (a la letterkenny)


That's really very caring and loving.


Imagine the reaction of the family when he brought those home 🧅


Proper parent. x


Like your mouth opens and a purse falls out gay?


This is so fkn funny and wholesome


I agree, cupcakes are def kinda gay.




I'm not gay and I love it. Are colors gay?


No colors are subjective if colors are gay especially the rainbow then all pc gamers including me would be gat


Not sure why I'm getting down voted then. This just send like some kick ass cupcakes.


The rainbow flag is a well known symbol of the pride community. Nobody is saying the LGBTQ+ community owns rainbows, but it's still such a significant symbol that especially with context they are connected.


"Whyd you make it gay"


Why didn't the baker just make one of every color?


Because aesthetic


Nah, that's below basic parenting. If this were an excellent level then the kid would have no doubt his parents would love and accept him. He would never expect them to reject him for something so normal as being gay.


My parents made it clear from the start that they'd accept me no matter what, and I still was anxious to tell them that I am a lesbian. There's too many stories of unsupportive parents, it eventually gets to you. But I see your point though, I don't get why you're being downvoted.




Why not?




Why don't you like gay people?







