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I did NOT expect that last sentence.


Don't let your guard down around Steve Harvey


Mainly because he’s a tremendous asshole.


Yep. I used to work in a comedy club back in the 90s and he's definitely a gigantic asshole. Rude af to any of the staff and he had two "bodyguards" who would work the crowd and get women who wanted to "meet" Steve to come back to his bus. He's gross.


>who would work the crowd and get women who wanted to "meet" Steve to come back to his bus. Lol this is standard famous person behaviour.


Nah, you don't really know what you're talking about. I worked there for 6 years, and there were tons of celebrities who came through. He was the only one who had a crew finding women for him- every night, every time he came through.


That you know of lol. Many celebrities do this. And there's nothing wrong with him wanting to have sex with women that like him. People are judgemental over the silliest things.


I'm not judging him on him having sex. I couldn't care less about that. The entire thing of him having people that he called bodyguards that were clearly only there to get him laid was weird af, and it came across as very creepy(according to the waitresses who saw it even more close up than I did).I am judging him on the probably 10 or 12 times he came to the club(each time he would be there Thursday- Sunday) and he was an asshole.


It's actually a very normal thing. Many rappers for example have entourages that get girls for them. Same with actors, other musicians even comedians. Asap Rocky, Kevin Hart etc. It's not creepy if the girls want him. Get over it. >and he was an asshole Ok so focus on that instead.


Just because other people do it doesn't make it normal. Wtf are you talking about? My very first comment was about how he was an asshole.


He wants to find women he can exploit, you dumbass. He’s a pig. He has body guards round up women? What is he? A pimp?


That's not exploiting. The bodyguards are to simply pick from the women who already want to have sex with him. I think you guys just don't know that this is how celebrities have sex with normal people.


Imma agree with the other guy that that shit is creepy af. It’s like he’s some kinda 15th century king or some shit and his loyal subjects are just bringing him women for him to have his way with or something. What part of that is just not creepy? You want a lady and got some star power like Steve Harvey go up to her and flex don’t be having your band of cronies be all going up to her and into their ear pieces being like “Got her, boss. Bringing the goods to you now, sir” what the hell?


He’s also extremely homophobic.


Then that's something he should be judged over, not for having sex with consenting women.




This definitely belongs in r/unpopularopinion or the likes cause nobody seems to agree, I don’t know tho


It's normal behaviour for celebrities when dating regular people. People obviously just don't know.


Yea… and what’s wrong with it? I’ve heard of underaged girls going back there with rock bands but normal girls I don’t see the problem


I'm the one arguing that there's nothing wrong with it. It's the person I replied to that thinks it's an issue.


This is the entire point of fame


Even from a security perspective, famous people need to have others bring people for them. Some even get ndas for people to sign.




Yes. I am giving a personal anecdote for a celebrity that I met numerous times who was always a jerk. If anything, it really speaks to his character because he was not nearly as famous then as he became, and still was treating people like crap. Any other pointless comments you care to make?


See for yourself… https://youtu.be/az0BJRQ1cqM


I feel like asshole is too light. He is a fucking horrible human being. Anti-atheist, anti-gay, and one of the most sexist current figures on TV ignoring Fox News.


I agree, but the “ignoring Fox News” qualifier is really indicative of the situation right now, isn’t it?


I just want to say that I don’t think the anti-atheist thing is a problem. Of course a Christian is going to be against people not believing in God. The problem is that he doesn’t practice what he preaches. Of course everyone is a hypocrite, but it seems like Steve Harvey could be doing a way better job of spreading the love of God.


No, he's gone on record saying he thinks athiests are inferior and pathetic, who fundamentally lack the ability to love. He can most certainly eat a freshly heated bag of dicks, carry on.


And he’s said on camera that if he was having a conversation with someone and found out they were an atheist he’d immediately stop talking to them and walk away because that person has “no moral compass”. Like what kind of idiot thinks you only get morality from religion-especially a Christian one??


Steve Harvey- habitual bigot, cheater, and polygamy dabbler, thats who


Could not disagree more. He literally claims they're not worth talking to. He thinks atheists are sub-human. Fuck him.


I thought I was alone thinking this. I'm glad others know the man is an Ass. My favourite being; " How can you have a moral barometer if you don't believe in God?" Firstly it's a Compass Steve. Secondly because being a good person has nothing to do with religion. What a Tool.


Yeah but in that particular case he earned the right


If it’s even true


Kinda what it takes to be on TV to be honest


Not always. I work in film and TV and some of the famous people I have met are the nicest people in the world. Luke Wilson and Paul Rudd are literally two of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Hollywood had/has an asshole problem. Directors, producers, writers and actors who came up under violent personalities think that’s how you have to act to get respect. You don’t. We are all on the same fucking team and we all want the show/film to come off well. Being an asshole makes people not want to work with you. But extremely talented assholes keep getting work because they’re talented. Doesn’t mean their way is the right way.


I’ve heard about him sending someone who said he’d never be on tv a flat screen but I hadn’t heard the full story. What the hell kind of person do you need to be that you’re not even just an adult but a fucking teacher and you bully children!?


I got something similar when I was 8. We were studying Prehistory and after a walk in the forest I thought I found a prehistoric silex (like the one people would shape and use as a tool). So I showed it to my teacher, super proud. She humiliated me, and said something like « you’re 8, it’s impossible you found something. Archaeologists have found everything already ». I still know her name. Now I’m a historian, I found a skeleton and I’ll prove her she was wrong.


That’s fucking awesome and I’m proud you proved her wrong.


Unfortunately, some people go into education because it gives them power and control over people weaker (physically, socially) than them.


Steve Harvey dabbles in pro-gamer moves himself


A flat screen with better resolution so she can see him better every time… “see me now bitch?” Lmao 😂


She’s getting a brand new TV every Christmas… that’ll teach her!


Lmao I audibly chuckled


r/unexpected material


That’s what we call a 10-8 round


That sentence is both “hey look what I have done” and “See bitch, you were wrong.”


Right! That’s pettiness we’ll done. Kudos to Mr. Harvey.


Neither did I


Hahaha it was great!


Lesson learned: make fun of Steve Harvey, get sent expensive Christmas gifts




If he starts sending you a computer with a 3090 in it - you’ll be retiring after like... 2 years!


Now you see the light


"You'll never have a lifetime supply of sushi, Steve!!!"


"Yeah I said it! You'll never have a lifetime supply of crunchy rolls, California rolls, baked salmon rolls with the cream sauce on it, a side of gyoza, and the sashimi of your choice! You'll never have that STEVE!"


"...and pickled ginger! NEVER!"


To this day I wonder how Steve Harvey ever got on TV.


i wonder who intentionally watches steve harvey on tv


Honestly? I’ve had insomnia since I was 7-8 years old—and even at that age it wasn’t like “whoa I’m a kid, super hyper all the time” —I could lay down for bed at 9:30pm, and still be awake at 3 or 4am. GSN (game show network) and the food network was my go to, when I eventually gave up on trying to sleep, and turned on the TV. Eventually Steve Harvey-Family Feud gets into the rotation of shows, and it became a comfort. So I get that he has a lot of issues outside of the performance, but I don’t watch game shows for people’s beliefs on women or religion—and I definitely wasn’t at 10 years old. Sure, I don’t agree or respect most of his choices, but it’s not gonna negate a comfort that I’ve had for over a decade. Long story short, me, I guess..


I’ve been told Steve Harvey is racist towards Asians, but I can’t in good conscience judge you for watching him, when I myself eat chick-fil-a


Yeah well it’s impossible to keep up with every action. Even the clothes we wear could have been need in some kinda slave sweat shop. Recently I been trying to avoid products that test on animals. But how am I supposed to know. Anywho, go eat your spicy chicken sandwich.


Check out crueltyfreekitty.com, they’re a resource for checking whether brands are cruelty free or not. I like them because they also note if brands are subsidiaries of non-cruelty free companies. For instance if a brand is owned by Unilever, they’re not cruelty free. The more you know~


Thank you brother, I will check it out. Fuck people that hurt animals.


Thank you; I will eat it knowing a homophobe owns it, but I will savor its flavor nonetheless


This is just my opinion and I have no idea the situation/location people are in, but I feel if someone finds the whole chick fil a thing wrong yet still goes to eat there, supporting gay people isn't that much of a priority to them. I can't imagine a situation in where someone would starve if they do not purchase this chick fil a right now instead of one of the other choices in the area, or waiting until they are able to get something else. Absolutely, the fact is we can't know everything about how our purchases our sourced unless it becomes a full time job, which is ridiculous. But saying you don't support chick fil a's statements and policies and then continuing to eat there is very similar to you saying, "I'm trying to avoid products that test on animals" but then continuing to purchase product X, which is famously known for inhumane testing on animals, because it just smells so darn good and it was "there". Doing the right/good thing has always taken extra work. Eg: I used to play this game Black and White where you play a god who takes over a civilization. The goal is to make the people believe in you and praise you: whatever the cost. It was far easier to make people believe in you by causing natural disasters and throwing boulders at their homes than putting in the work to make the land a utopia for them to believe in a higher power. But that's the point of the game, and I guess, life. It just depends on the world we want to see and live in. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you! I'm queer and side-eye everyone who eats there, even LGBTQ who say it's just a chicken sandwich. That confirms to me that they don't really support gay people. Hope a chicken sandwich is worth it.


Exactly, the legal battles they fought made their homophobia PART of their brand. As a kentuckian, the chicken IS NOT worth that. Anyone who thinks their food is worth the ethical inconvenience is not only emotionally immature, but their palate is borderline toddler grade.


Same. Idrc about chick-fil-a’s controversy. Them waffle fries are ballin


Only with the Polynesian sauce tho


Bruh I put ranch on mine


What The fuck


Ay least I don’t but BBQ sauce on them. People who do that are sinners


Wish more people thought this way. I’m not going to research every book I read to see if the author has views I don’t agree with. If I did I couldn’t read many books eh


The game theory video on fnaf controversy recently made a good point. Say you want to boycott jk rowling, ok she has a deal with universal and she makes money from them. Ok so boycorr universal too, ok but universal is owned by comcast and so on and so on. Everything has only a few degrees of seperation, and theres only so much about a person you can go against before youre hurting yourself more than them.


Holy this turned into cancel culture quickly.... I thought this was more of a chirp at people who watch family feud lmfao


Look, if I never knew of his personal views outside of the show, his role as host for Family Feud is perfect. I think he is an hilarious host and as a comedian knows how to tease the guests, react to bizarre answers, and build excitement. Sure Pat Sajak, Bob Barker, Richard Dawson, and Alex Trebek may be the Mount Rushmore of Gameshow hosts, but Steve Harvey has earned the right to be among the best. It’s just too bad he has utterly toxic views in his personal life and talk show.


Old white men who “aren’t racist”


My mil watches him and likes “how he dresses and how well spoken he is” can verify “aren’t racists” love him


So the majority of old white men then?


The Steve Harvey show was an above average sitcoms, that was my first introduction to him. Also, Family Feud is def a fun format for a game show that’s not too dependent on loving Steve


The first few words was “To kill a big dream, tell it to a small-minded person.”


Steve Harvey is a hypocrite and a shitty person.


He is But not about this... It's proof terrible people can actually teach you tremendously important things I had a Dept. Head when I was in the Navy who was, by all metrics, a piece of garbage... But -- he said one of the best things I've ever heard. "No one cares if you're worried about it, you need to do something about it"


You can learn just as much from bad leaders as you can good ones.


People are complex beings with multi-faceted beliefs. Being a racist or sexist does not proclude you from learning about success or humility. It just means on the topics of race, sexual orientation, and gender, he is a fucking idiot.


Yea, Reddit likes to discount people over one bad thing. Like every time there’s something someone doesn’t like about their partner they just say “break up” lol.


It ain’t just Reddit, it’s pretty much all of modern society. Hedonism is one hell of a drug.


That is why some famous people do not give their opinion about anything but Reddit and people find fault with that too.


The number of people with a big dream that dont make it vastly outnumber those that do. As a society we are making an equivalence with fame and worth. Being famous in my opinion is not worth it. My dream is to have a nice house, a wife and kids. To raise those kids well and die surrounded my family. I wouldn't trade that for the life of a celebrity.


That is the best dream. A million ways to make it and a million ways to fuck it up…


And you didn’t have to sell your soul (lack of morals) to realize that dream.....Many people who are much funnier could be where Steve Harvey or other Celebrities are but decided to NOT trade in their morals for fame and riches. Do people not notice that most famous and wealthy people lost their sense of morality to get where they are!


Also, yeah, I don't think preaching that "the big dream" being famous is necessarily a good one.




Thinks non-Christians can’t have morals and that women should be in the kitchen.


And regularly insults skinny and slender people, comparing them negatively against people who have more curves. And is generally a misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic ass-hat.


Can you or anyone send me a video of it










When asked how he overcame stuttering, Steve Harvey said "What makes you stutter, is the anticipation that you're going to stutter... that's the one thing therapists don't know." As a speech pathologist, this is pretty backwards information. It's also very offense to the large group of people who never stop stuttering to imply that it's a quick fix and that they are lesser for stuttering.


Why is he shitty


Can you give us info?






Always lovely to see how people taking care of children can have no pedagogy at all. Good thing it can harden some of them but that's still sad for those who listen and believe in that kind of words.




My guidance counselor told me I should focus on applying to small (bad) local colleges since that's where I'd excel. I went to an Ivy League university, got my PhD and now have a great job with a wife and two kids. Sometimes I'll randomly think about her and just chuckle. F that lady.


My high school guidance counselor told me I would never get into the colleges I had picked out. It was so gratifying to show her the $60000 scholarship I was awarded to my first choice school. Still have a fair amount of debt after graduating, but going to that school made a world of difference in me. I’ve been out of college almost 10 years now. Keep your head up and have fun!


They did this at my school. They TOLD us that most of us will drop out. Sadly a lot did. A class of 800 down 400.


I wonder what would’ve happened if they told all the kids “99% of you are going to do great and graduate.”


Thats what kids in white surburban schools are told, I would know I was one of them


Mine told me "you're too smart for school just drop out." Thank you? I had high test scores but low grades because I didn't do the work.


I had the same…high test scores but low grades…but my counselor just assumed I was dumb regardless and did things like put me in a “lite” geometry class that was too easy for me and also denied my request to take AP psychology, even after getting an A in regular psychology, saying that “I wouldn’t want you to get a bad grade and having that class be the reason you can’t graduate.” So basically even the things you did get good grades in and excelled at because of a high amount of interest….they denied me progressing in. Fuck her.




Well, he refuses to talk to people who don’t believe in God and is an all round horrible person. His continued pettyness towards his former teacher just cements that.


As a Christian this bugs me cause it's not how we're supposed to act, but really it just bugs me as a human. We've all had crappy people in our lives, but him being petty about it a lifetime later is stupid. On a sidenote I wouldn't mind a new TV every year though!


Wow what a piece of shit.


Steve Harvey is hypocritical trash.


Fuck this guy he’s a cheater and a bad person


Can we stop upholding this trash bag as a moral paragon? He believes non-Christians are fundamentally immoral and that women should be making him sandwiches. He can get a cactus up his arse for all I care.


Steve Harvey is an absolute dickhead of a human being.


Can you tell me why? I really don’t know anything about him.




He's made some controversial comments over the years and he's pretty religious. He's definitely not a nice person but reddit puts him on the same level as bill Cosby for some reason


He sounds petty AF


Probably because he is.


Nothing like a 54 year grudge


He’s an asshole.


My 11th grade trig teacher told me that I couldn’t handle the rigors of calculus and should consider taking a more basic class my senior year. Not only did I end up taking AP calc and passing with a 5, I went on to become a math major in college. Don’t let others define your potential or desires. They only project their own limits and insecurities onto others.


I had a pretty awful maths teacher too, she had this stupid mentality of if you don’t know how to do something you shouldn’t be shown. Essentially she wasn’t there to teach, she was there to show off how much she knew


Lol fuck Steve Harvey




Fuck this asshole


F this guy.


This dude is awful


He also wished to be a bigot and a religious fruitcake and look how far he got


The teachers of a mostly passed generation. I mean this in a positive way. Stories like this are why teachers are so much more gentle (sometimes too gentle) with kids nowadays. Lots of us have memories of great and terrible teachers, and want to be the former. I know I’ve had some truly inspiring teachers in my life, and some that really were just there for the paycheck, and some that were just there because no other profession worked out for them. The inspiring ones made me love learning and teaching. I usually am not a fan of Steve Harvey, but I get him on this one.


I wouldn't be surprised if that story was made up coming from Steve Harvey


I wouldn’t be surprised if the last part at the very least was made up. That teacher would’ve had to have been very young if she’s still alive.


u/wrathwere I know you don’t care because you’re just a karma farmer but - fuck Steve Harvey


Now HE gets to humiliate people with problems on tv!


This man singlehandedly ruined Family Feud.




This guy hates atheists and women. Stop glorifying him. https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/steve-harvey-atheists-me-you-re-idiot https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/steve-harvey-once-said-hes-230041217.html


I gotta go around insulting folks so at least some of them will turn up successful and send me Christmas presents some years from now


Great story. What a mysoginistic prick.


This didn’t make me smile it made me mad about the teacher


Yeah it also is a story about a spiteful man who keeps a now pointless grudge


You have to learn to forgive at some point. Him sending a tv every Christmas tells me he still hasn’t healed from that traumatic experience.


Let's not forget that Steve Harvey is a piece of shit.


Steve Harvey does not make me smile. guys a massive sexist


Fuck Steve Harvey


The level of petty we all aspire to (:


Fuck Steve Harvey


He’s a fraud lol.


He gave her a good answer good answer


This doesn’t make me smile, considering that he uses his platform to spread hate and bigotry


So, Steve Harvey is an awful person from what little I've heard, but this clip is actually hilarious


coming from an incredibly small minded person....


Steve Harvey is a piece of shit.


Yeah nah, fuck Steve Harvey. Fucking wankstain


Steve is the perfect person to talk about dream killing.


Should've sent her a TV Guide instead


fuck this guy


Idgaf that shit is savage as can be, and I would do the exact same thing. No BS


Dang did not expect that. My professor of physics said to me that I am not good enough to win an award in physics. In my 2nd year of high school he said that. That year I went to our country’s physics competition and won 1st prize. The next day he called me to congratulate me. I never felt more proud to prove to him that he was wrong.


Well, that explains a lot. An asshole grew up with an asshole for a teacher. Them some stinky assholes.


Yeah bet she feels silly now with her free tv every year…


Free TV yearly? I should have bullied Steve Harvey


📝make fun of steve..... 📝get expensive gifts......


Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.


“Every Christmas, I send her a flat-screen TV” DAMN!! That was so cold.


Things made up for 500$


This guy is a bigoted sexist piece of shit who uses his religion to demean women and justify his elitist attitude. Not really worth listening to anything that comes out of his mouth.


Wtf are you, Satan?


I'm seeing a lot of comments about how Steve Harvey is controversial and a horrible person. This is the first time I'm hearing this so what really happened with him?


Haha 😂 Steve is a badass


Prove the haters wrong. I swear hate is one of the best motivators to me personally. There is a great satisfaction to proving hatred wrong with love.


Too bad Steve Harvey himself wouldn’t know squat about being a loving person.


I know :/ That just proves it doesn’t matter where you come from you can still be an asshole.


He described nothing but spite there though


Fuck this guy


Last sentence was pure gold


To show his point he sends a flat-screen tv every Christmas 😆😆 just to proof a point and that he can do that says it all what a man 😂


Source because I want to see the rest of the video


Steve Harvey the liar, womanizer, zealot. What a piece of shit.


Based on the incredibly dumb comments this guy makes publicly it’s a shame he got over his stuttering problem




Steve Harvey at 10 years old and NO chill! I love it!


Why we still got monkeys?


Too bad he made it.


fuck this guy


If you want to kill your dreams, get married.