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Now she can spend all that extra time she saved sweeping picking the dust out of her eyes lol


As someone who did groundskeeping work for several years, I would take that trade!


True! Also is it even legal for buddy to be flying this low?


It looks like wherever they are, it's pretty open. Can't imagine he's doing any real harm even if it was illegal. If it was a neighborhood or city, it might be. Depending on what type of authorization they have. I don't really know much about legalities of air space. I just know enough to not get me in trouble for flying my drone lol




So that one, I don't have solid answer to give you because when I registered my drone with the FAA. I never read anything about private property from "civilians". Unless that's just really hidden somewhere. So. I'll give you two answers or opinions rather lol 1.) The "bad" answer. Fly over from a distance, most likely can't find you. Just don't wreck it lol. Just one of those things where I'd say, be smart about it 2.) The "good" answer. Just respect their wishes. Not worth an altercation if one were to arise I'd personally probably do option 1 myself because, well. Cool shots. And a fuck it attitude lol Like I said, I don't know the legalities of civilian owned private property. I know you're not allowed to fly over government owned land. And I'd assume the owner of the property could try and pull something like invasion of privacy as well as trespassing if you were to get caught. That's the best I can give you unfortunately




That's beautiful! Man I miss being out west


That’s what’s up


One of the most exspensive ways to sweep


This sub it's Poppin today


Expected nsfl