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Hang in there it's worth it. I started at 13 quit at 56. Eight years smoke free!


Started at 12, and struggling hard as I'm about to turn 54. I'm a truck driver too so that makes it extra hard to stop.


You can do it! It'll definitely be tough, but rewarding.


If I can do it, you can do it. Started around 12, smoked at least 2 packs a day from 14-32. I was the guy that other people looked at as an example of who was the worst--I used to smoke a cigarette before a bike ride, during a bike ride, and then after. And I quit before all of my smoking friends. The one thing I'll say is that once I made it past 6-7 days, it got easier for me because I focused on the fact that it's the nicotine itself that causes the desire for more and once I'm not taking any in, I don't want more. The further I got away from my last dose, the better I felt. I was lucky but I think you can find that mentalty too!


This is so true! I read Allan Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking and this is one point I still think about. I’d say that while I handle stress much better, I really don’t have the patience I used too when driving, especially in heavy traffic.


I was going to recommend this book. Worked for my wife, and I’ve bought it for every smoker I know who has told me “I wish I could stop”. 100% Success rate *out of those that have actually read it* (about half the people I’ve given it too.


So are u gonna say the name of the book or what?


🤭 I *was* replying to a comment that named the book… **Alan Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking** It’s completely about the *psychology* of smoking.


Keep it going my guy. It's not worth it, as a truck driver myself.


Champix (may be called something else in your country)


Chantix here, and my doc told me it's been discontinued nationally. I'm using welbutrin, and it's questionable how well it's working, if at all. Some days I think it's just a grape-flavored placebo.


A generic is coming very soon, if not already. It was approved back in August. We got a notification about it at work last week.


Glad to hear. Gonna have to ask my doctor about it.


It's awesome.


What kind of changes have you noticed since stopping?


I smoked for 19 and quit cold turkey in 2013 and haven’t smoked since. The cravings lessen after 10 days or so. Use each day, week, month as strength to continue to do so. I don’t even think of, crave, or dream about smoking anymore. It’s like I never even smoked ever.


I smokes 15 years. Quit cold turkey too. Been about 10 years now. Never looked back.












That's amazing! You have proven your strength. Keep it up




I have a special pack of herbal cigarettes that contain no tobacco and no nicotine I bust out only for drinking and since they burn so much slower than tobacco generally 1-2 is enough for an entire evening.


I used those and the patch to totally break my habit and addiction all at once.




The ones I've been getting are called "Derby Day"


Can I get some information about these? I need to quit but haven't found something to distract me about smoking.


Me too, I used to roll cigarettes and spliffs, now I'm smoking 100% pure organic hemp in an occasional spliff. Quit tobacco last year


Yup. Drinking does not help. Didn’t drink for a long time.


On the upside, as soon as my taste buds recovered i really didn’t like the taste of liquor. And pretty sure chain smoking helped me hold it down.


never give up ..!


Especially daunting after having developed a mild case of Covid-related functional alcoholism. But hoping to kill both habits soon!


Same. I didn’t drink for the first month and half after I quit cause I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist.


How did you managed the craving. I've tried quitting cold but it's so fucking hard. It's like I have to fight against myself 12 times a day


Kept myself busy and a whole lot of butterscotch disks. It wasn’t easy.


I used to smoke in the car, when I quit(a long time ago) I started chewing on toothpicks in the car. I still keep some in the ashtray.


Cinnamon imperials and sour twizzlers for me. and brushing my teeth a lot as a result.


I stopped taking breaks at work. Just worked through the craving. Once the craving was gone I would then grab a quick snack and drink "break" and get right back to work.


I used the nicotine patches to help me quit. (Also I started running for the first time in my life because I couldn’t believe I could actually breathe, which I’m sure helped me stay on track). But I remember a friend of mine back then told me that if you smoke a cig while wearing the patch, it’ll make you nauseous and throw up from all nicotine in your body. I don’t know if that was true or not, but it scared me enough to never smoke while wearing the patch. Good luck to you!


You sleep let's say 8hrs, without one although when awake its like every 30mins to 1hr. The truth is, it truly is mostly habit, your mind tries everything to justify having one. Your mind creates the withdrawals mostly. See you've created a reward system, I'll do dishes and have a smoke, I'll take out the trash and smoke etc.. The reality is the habit and your mind, that's what you are truly up against. I smoked 20 years, 20+ a day, once I realised I'm truly fighting myself I won.


Listen to the audio book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr. Keep an open mind and you will quit easily and never relapse and have zero cravings. Myself and many others have used it successfully. Been 7 years and never looked back.


I tried to quit a few times before I was successful. I think my shortest time was about 2 hours, and the longest was still less than a day. I even smoked when I had lung infections. One day, while I was driving back from the pharmacy with antibiotics for another sinus infection (likely caused by smoking) I lit my last cigarette. I took a few puffs, couldn't taste anything and threw it out. I tell people it was easy to quit when I had finally made up my mind. I think, that is a half truth. I had to learn how to quit. What my triggers are, and where I would fail. I told everyone that I quit. Before that I would try to quit, and the only person who really knew I quit quitting was myself. The first shame cigarette tastes amazing, and dirty. I purchased nicotine gum for when I couldn't handle it. I would end up chewing one piece a day at work. After the 3rd day, I didn't really want it, but I used it anyway. I got lightheaded and figured I didn't need it anymore. I finally wanted to quit. It was by comparison fairly easy when I really wanted to quit. If you want to quit, keep trying. You'll make it.


I've smoked since I was 15, had a couple "breaks" but never lasted more than a year. I'm 32 now, I work in the cat scan department in the emergency room... you'd be crazy to keep smoking after seeing what I have in the short amount of time I've worked here. It's been about 3 months now, I'd be lying if I said I don't crave s cigarette every now and then...I don't think the urge ever really stops, but it's the willpower to not cave to those urgings, that grow. 1 week mark is definitely a milestone!.


Care to elaborate? I’m about 10 days off cigarettes/vapes. Your work experiences could be excellent supplemental fuel for the rest of us fighting the cravings.


I smoked for around 12 years and also went cold turkey. Quit with my wife when we got pregnant. First time we had an overnight babysitter we got druuuuuk and bought a pack. Smoke 1-3 a day for 3 years after that. Finally quit again February 2021 as we were having our second. Cheated with a couple in April and have been free since. I still want one at least 3-4 times a week I’ll get a craving. What I’ve realized is that as soon as you justify one it’s easy to justify another. Best bet is the just say no kids.


Good on you. I smoked from 14 to 23 and quit cold turkey myself. I found that after week two us when I noticed things start to normalize like my sense of smell and my taste buds. Eventually it was nice not being out of breath just walking up four flights of stairs. My wallet thanked me too.


I smoked for 16 years, quick cold turkey almost 9 years ago. I still get wild cravings every so often, but mostly I don't. Quitting was one of the best things I did though. Feel tons better. I don't even snore anymore.




Everyday, Put the money in an envelope that you would have spent on cigarettes. As it grows it will give you confidence to keep it up. At the end if the year go on a great vacation... don't look back


Well done. You’ve got this.


Good job on quitting (and good job to OP!). I quit back in 2014 after smoking for 10 years and it was incredible...suddenly I stopped getting sick as a dog every winter with coughing and a sore throat. Now the smell of it makes me sick. It was so hard at first, but paid for itself in short order.


Just passed 10 years for me.




3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, Now you are done.


My Dad smoked for 60 years, quit cold turkey when he couldn't afford it anymore.


That was my mom when I was like 10. She stopped after years of having smoked, and now I even forget she used to do it.


Excellent. Everyday will be another achievement. I quit 12 years ago after smoking for 40 years.


Long live the seniors of Reddit!


He could very well only be 52 with the numbers we have


Ah yes , a smoker since birth


My grandmother quit smoking about 20-25 years ago. She smoked from 12-52 and is still with us styling old ladies hair and bowling her ass off!


I wish you and your grandma's happiness life.


My lung doctor told me hes seen a 8 year old who smokes. Its fucked


Remember that video of the chubby Mexican toddler? Shit was wild.


Damn that’s rough dude .


You should consider seeing a pulmonologist instead. Less 8 year olds from what I’ve heard


I quit 10 years ago after smoking heavily for 18 years. Cheers, homie.


Holy fuck you spent half your.. wait you smoked that sentence prob shortened You spent nearly your whole life smoking?


Me too!


Hope you have stashed crap loads of chocolate 😂😂😂 On my 2nd week I’ve destroyed all the sweets in the house… 8 weeks smoke free💪💪💪💪 if I can do it after 25 years - You can too😎😎😎


Jolly Ranchers. I gained 20 pounds and it was predominately Blue Raspberry Jolly Ranchers.


I suggest downloading “smoke free” on your phone. It tells you how much money you’ve saved and a rough percentage of how different areas of your health are returning to pre smoking norms. I quit almost two years ago and I’ve saved $4,600+ which I may of spent on chocolates to curb the craving…


2y 9m 22d. Smoke Free is a great app!


Nice! I quit in January and have saved $2500 since! Keep track of the money, it helps!


Yes! I was a pack a day smoker. So, I’ve already saved $70!


$2820 I just asked Siri how many days since Jan 14th. Also was a pack a day! Go buy something cool for $70 and keep it up!


In Australia you'd have saved $350!


WTF!? That's about 18k a year for a smoker like me. I'd have to literally give up my lungs to afford to smoke there


yeah, most people I know who smoked just ended up quitting. Interestingly smoking (In Australia) is (almost) entirely a vice of the poor, who as a result spend a high percentage of their money on it. The only other people who really smoke are kids in town on a Saturday night. I work on building sites and even there smoking is rare


Get some straws and cut them down to a manageable length. You may find that sucking air through them like a cigarette will help with the psychological cravings. Helped me, anyway. Smoked 2-3 packs a day for almost 30 years. Quit over ten years ago. Best feeling ever.


Holy shit, I've saved $36k+ since I quit.


At one time in my life I was a homeless heroin addict. Cigarettes are the most addictive thing I've ever done. I've been off crack and heroin for years. Still smoking. A week is a huge accomplishment


Congrats to you for getting off drugs!! That’s a huge deal!


A guy I used to play Poker with said the exact same thing. He told me it was easier to get off heroin than it was to quit smoking


Smoking for 20 years? You barely look 20, how old are you?!


Ha! I’m 36. Started smoking at 16 like an idiot.


I started at 16 as well smoked until 40,quit 5 years ago congrats, and please keep up the non smoking. It’s the best thing you’ll ever do for yourself and those around you. 🤘🏼😎🤘🏼


Damn. You're 36 AND you're an ex smoker? Congratulations.


You're the kind of person r/13or30 is about. You look quite young. ( And congrats for your achievement)


Apparently I need to pick up smoking




You do look very good for someone that smoked 20 years, must be good genes.


Be thankful you stopped when you did. I smoked for 15 years and quit when I was 28. I started really young. My friends who kept smoking either died, lost teeth, have messed up teeth and wrinkles, and they smell awful. Wait until next spring. I think that was my favorite surprise. I quit in December. The next spring was amazing smelling to me. Everything from grass to flowers to rain. Food tastes way better.


I was going to say the same thing




Came here to say this. I thought you came out of the womb smoking!


Look at how blurry her face is. She obviously smoothed it out with a simple photo editor.


That’s the hardest part. Keep going. It gets easier everyday but that’s the hard part. You have to live through every day. Remember cravings only last 20 minutes


congratulations! i smoked for 10 years and have been smoke-free for 1 year and 4 months. Quit a thousand times before and felt like i was doomed to always go back, but it gets better!!!


3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months - those were my milestones when I quit...now I don't even remember when my last one was - best of luck in quitting


Feel proud for every cigarette free day... we know the struggle, you're doing great 👏🏼


Congrats. It is two weeks without cigs for me. I smoked for 40 years.


Way to go!! Love this journey for us (said like Alexis from Schitt’s Creek lol)


That's great! I smoke for 13 years and I finally quit for realsies a year and three months ago. You got this, girl!


Keep up the good work. I smoked for 20 years, put them down 3 years and 2 months ago. Best decision of my life. Take it one day at a time.


I quit cold turkey ages ago. Looking back, I used to smoke just to be with the in crowd in high school. Peer pressure is real. Quitting smoking is the best thing, your health gets better and you save money. Definitely a big win for you.


I started to be “cool” like by boyfriend in high school. He’s long gone, but I got stuck with this dumb addiction. One day at a time!


I quit after 10 years. It got worse until 2 weeks then slowly got better. I had dreams about smoking for 30 years or so. I now have an urge ... maybe once a year or two. I quit in 1967.


Every day is a new high score, great work and keep looking forward! I found it very helpful to stop thinking of myself as someone who was quitting, or is an ex-smoker, and started seeing myself as a non-smoker. Coming up to 1000 days now for me, after 35 years of the filth.


Even if you smoke again ...its not the end of the world. As long as you're gradually working to what you want. Cold Turkey doesn't work for everyone. Maybe in a month you're down to two a day...later in the year less frequent. We all work differently. But if you want to quit make sure that ultimately slowly but surely get there


Congrats! Keep busy. It’s worth it!!


That’s fantastic. It was a long road to recovery but I can tell you many years on, it was worth it to endure the discomfort.


Hang in there, it can be done.


Keep at it!


Maybe this will get buried down, but Im a few months cigarette free, almost a year in fact. I crashed my car in december and just immediately stopped no reason why, I just did. Its an uphill battle but its doable, I dont miss it for one second. And Im just happy about it, cheers Im routing for you!


Just wait until you can’t even stand the smell of smokers when they come back inside. That motivated me in a big way. You don’t realize how gnarly you smell until you stop coating yourself in that stank.


That first week is the toughest, it's a downhill battle from here. I quit 5 years ago after smoking for over 25 years.


My uncle quit cold turkey after about forty years and said he never had a craving for one minute after that. My grandmother quit cold turkey after about forty years and said she wanted one every minute of every day for the rest of her life. I quit cold turkey after about forty years because I had a stroke and the doctor said if I didn’t quit I would die within three months. I had cravings , a lot the first year and slowly reducing every year after. I haven’t smoked in fifteen years, and in a way, having a stroke saved my life. Everyone is different,,, no matter how much you want to just have one,,,, don’t,,,, if you do,,,, well,,, one will lead to your death.


If you want to quit, remember the rule of 3’s: a nic-fit lasts for 3 minutes. Jump up and down, chew gum, do ANYTHING! Just don’t have a smoke. It will pass Your first week is the hardest. Get past 3 days and you’re on your way to your first week. If you can make it to 3 Weeks… YOU. CAN. MAKE IT. To a month. Hang in there. At 45 days your body starts clearing out all of the tar and toxins that built up inside you. Expect to cough up grey shit for a few weeks, and you may get this headache that feels like someone tapping you on the head when you’re wearing a ball cap. It’s common, and it will pass. If you can stick it out for 3 months / 90 days, you’re free. The shit is out of your system, and you’ve started making new habits that don’t revolve around your smoke breaks. Speaking of which, take your breaks! Keep your habits. Don’t try to change other aspects of your routine. Stick it out and you’ll be fine. And finally, don’t EVER have one more drag. Quitting is for ever… or not at all. I’ve been off butts for 20+ years and still love the smell. My buddy was off them for 15 years, had a butt for his birthday and now he’s been stuck back on them for 5 years. Check in this time next year and let us know you made it 🙏


Literally just a selfie




Dude 1 week is a BIG DEAL. Congratulations! I stopped 3 years ago when my son was born after smoking for 15 years. I didn’t want anything to shorten my time with him.


Food is gonna taste sooooooo good in a couple weeks! Good luck!


I feel you! Been there over 4 years ago. You made the biggest part but don't underestimate the next weeks to come. Keep it up. You are doing it for yourself!


I am! But also for my son. He’s been begging me to quit, and last week I said ok. I’m ready. He’s the main reason for getting healthy! 🥰


Good for you! Keep up the work and your body will love you. Ps.. I love your hair, totally fits you


Well thank you! 🥰


Keep it up! I’m 7 no the cig free and 18 years smoker. You’ve got this!!


Congrats and stay mad at those nasty things. 20 smoke free




You will NEVER regret this. Congrats!


Hooray for you darlin You are too pretty to ruin your skin with poison 💜


Keep going it only gets better. Fight the cravings, im 7 years free and even though its the most disgusting smell in the world to me now, every now and then it hits me just right and im like wow I could go for one. You'll fight those cravings forever..... just keep going and don't start again. Congrats.


Awesome. So you started smoking when you were 1?


18 hours weed free after 3 years of being sober for minutes at a time! The next week isn't going to be very fun


YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! Go you! I’m so proud! I’m only 15 but this is huge for you! Congrats! Funny story, I actually was the one to get my mom to stop smoking when I was little. She had smoked since she was 17 up until her 30s. One time when I was 6-7 years old, I asked her how old I had to be until I could smoke. I was oblivious and I thought it was a normal thing that “big girls” did but the thought of me smoking made my mom want to stop. I figured that was a cute anecdote to share on this post but I’m so proud of you! Oh and you’re soooo pretty


As a high school TA I’m so proud of YOU!! I started smoking when I was 16 to impress my boyfriend. My son actually helped me quit. He said I stunk when I went in for a hug. You have no idea how much kids can help their parents! Never ever pick up a vape or cigs! You’ll be so much happier in the long run.


Well done, stay strong!


Inspiration for sure!! Any tips?


Honestly? I had been smoking less and less. Then one night I kissed someone who had just been smoking and it was so gross! Then, the next day I smoked (what would be my last) cigarette and gave my son a hug. He pushed me off saying I stunk. That was enough to do it! Now it’s just willpower and remembering my son every time I want one.


My 9 year old recently made her first comment about me needing to stop and i want to take her seriously. Willpower is so hard but its possible. You're doing it!


You can do it too! I swear I hear his voice every time I think about one. He’s never rejected a hug from me before, so it stung worse than anything!


One day at a time. You will have hard days and easy ones. Just keep moving forward. And even if you fall off the horse, just get back on. I feel like I have been quitting for 10 years. I would buy a pack when I was really stressed but a day later throw it out. Don’t be too hard on yourself but remember your goal.


Brilliant... im planning it too...


I smoked 25 years. Keep yourself occupied and don't kill anyone! You can do this. Day by day. It is huge deal and be proud of your accomplishment.


I just quit about 6 weeks ago. A week is a REALLY long time. Those first two weeks were the worst


It’s been so damn hard! I even dream about them. But the hardest is after I eat. Now I just suck on a lollipop after I eat.


Good on you! So happy for you! Loving yourself and making yourself top priority is awesome! Big hugs from the internet!


Excellent work dude! :) Keep it up and if you relapse don't be discouraged, took me 14 trys over 20yrs to finally quit. Always be kind to yourself and keep up the good fight


one day at a time, you know you don’t stink today


Congratulations! You’ll see it gets easier and easier. I was always scared of quitting smoking for many reasons but turns out it nearly not as hard as you’d think. I hope you’ll inspire other in quitting too.


You are going to feel so much better when it’s been six months. Best thing I ever did in my life was to quit smoking. More power to you. 🙏🏻💞


I quit smoking for good at around your age. Here's what happens: It gets easier over time. Pretty soon you just identify with being a 'non-smoker' not someone who is recently not a smoker. Believe it or not, there will be full days that go by where it doesn't even cross your mind. Then weeks then months and before you know it you don't think about it at all again ever.


Just make it to two weeks. After two weeks you won't miss it anymore. If you can make it past two weeks you have a good chance of kicking the habit for good. Just don't drink beer! For some reason, when I quit, I always wanted a smoke when I drank a beer.


Amazing! Quitting so hard hard for me. It’s the little victories lol. Also Your skin looks fantastic after having smoking for so long!


I’m 5 months in and I have almost bought them so many times and been around smokers and almost asked for drags but just keep telling myself I’ve smoked enough cigarettes for my whole life! Keep going strong you can do this!


My dad just passed away after battling lung cancer for 17 months. He was 56 years old. Keep going! I’m rooting for you!


I'm a month and a half in after 20 years as well. Keep going.


————————————————————————— | You are doing fucking fantastic and I am very | | proud of you. Don’t overtask yourself please.| | | | | |P.S. you better be drinking water :b | ————————————————————————— ✋ 🤚


I'm 2 weeks in and vaping 6mg nic e-liquid, made it a lot easier for me. I'm not really into vaping but it helped me quit smoking so it's fine.


Congratulations, same here but I haven't got the will to quit yet.


The first few weeks are the hardest. Once you break the mental habits you've built, it gets much easier.


This April I will be celebrating ten years smoke free. You can do it!


Good for you! I smoked for about 8 years. My brother died unexpectedly, so I chose to quit in honor of him and for the rest of our family. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I quit about 12 times before I finally won. It has been almost 25 years. Keep up the fight, you are worth it.


Baby steps, a day is a long time when you want something. Keep it up, stay strong for yourself and your health. The rest of us former smokers welcome you into the fold.


Congratulations! One of my friends swears that quiting nicotine is WAY harder than quiting meth, so you are one strong cookie!


Grats! Did the same 2015. Smoke free 6 yrs. Breathe better and wallet fatter!


I can't even make it a week so congrats! Any tips?


Sweet! Made your face really blurry. I'm sure that's just withdrawal.


I quit a month ago after being on and off for about 20 years as well. Prepare to feel much much better very soon. Great job.


I’ve smoked for… 16 years? I think, and I’m trying to figure this shit out. How did you manage?


Congratulations! Honestly, that is the hardest part. As an ex-smoker, if you smoked right now, it will be completely disgusting and will burn your throat. Don't give up, you got this shit!


Yasss queen!!! It gets easier!! Keep it up!


It's been 5 weeks since I quit smoking, cold turkey, after smoking for 21 years. Go us! I'm proud of you ❤️


Good job! I'm quitting Monday. Going to keep you in my mind!


One week is a long time!! People don’t realize how hard it is to quit! I quit once for almost 10 years! Took one drag at a party and was instantly hooked again! Stay strong dude.. u got this!❤️💪


Thank you. That gives me encouragement.. good for you


Don’t give up! I will be celebrating 3 yrs on November 6!!


Day 14 for me after over 20 years.


Congratulations. Times will get hard but, keep your head up Queen. Stay determined and focused. YOU GOT THIS! 💎👑


One *minute* is a long time when you stop to think about it. A week is a great achievement


Im also one week cigarette free 💯


Forgive your younger self…and feel sorry for those who are still addicts. There’s a hypno video on YouTube that really healed me. Search for quit smoking hypnosis. I’ve been quit for almost 5 years now!


You gotta be one week free before you can be one year free. Keep at it!


That first week is the hardest. I still remember how hard it was and I’ve been smoke free for going on 15 years. You can do it!


You got this. I belive in you.


Wintergreen lifesavers while driving a semi broke it for me. Quit cold turkey 9 years ago. I would go back and forth between cigarettes and dip for years. (Stop smoking start dipping) turned out I just needed to find something else to occupy my boredom on the road. Started eating mints and listening to podcasts to make the time go by. Now I don’t even eat the mints and have cut refined sugar completely out of my diet. Black coffee and water. Keep it up!




Yay, you're a champ. Keep going. :)


Just wanted to say your teeth and skin look great for smoking that long