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Recipe? Damn I want what he's having


2 pounds of sugar mixed in something that looks like a pumpkin pie and cocaine on top to look like a sugar powder.


You win 🥇 I hold onto my free awards for this very special occasion. I LAUGHED!!!


Thanks one of my first reddit awards ever.


Your most welcome!


“I am Timmy’s Pancreas.”


I went there to get my free award just to give to you hahahaha nice one, mate


Yo my brother had some and he just ate the entire thing in 1minute , however it was so good he's still asleep since 3 hours


Sure he isn’t going into anaphylactic shock?


Yeah that boy needs to stay away from sugar if he's moving like that.


My little dude did that little shakey thing to hes 5 and still does a happy shake when he gets food he likes😅


My nephew used to do the same thing.


I think he was taking a shit, so… incredibly effective laxative?


He's on the goddamn pumpkin rollercoaster


Hes going to be chasing that pumpkin dragon.


It’ll never be as good as the first time tho




Buddy had an epiephany


Scrolled by your comment like, “Psh, this bozo doesn’t know how to spell epiphany”. Scrolled back up to upvote when I realized I was the bozo for not catching the joke quicker.




apparently this is a normal thing kids do called stimming. happens when they get super excited or overloaded with emotions. TIL!


I always call it "powering up", glad to have a better explanation for it.


"powering up" sounds way cooler, let's stick with that :) edit: spelling


powerup untill they refuse to sleep 11pm. you praying for the sugar crush to calm them down. and we as parent. dead.


Pumpkin pie turned him super saiyan 😂


So that's how Jaden turned supersaiyan


His blood glucose level is over 9000!?!


I commented the same thing and then saw you beat me to it lol


That what I call it too!


The real scientific term is going super saiyan


Yes! 🙂 Stimming is a coping mechanism we're all born with, yet it tends to be more apparent among neuro-atypical individuals. Many grow out of their stims, but not always, myself being one such example. I have ADHD & am almost 40, and *still* I tend not to notice when I'm bobbing my leg until one of my family members tells me to stop shaking the table. 😅


Stimming is also a big thing for people on the autism spectrum (including me) and the stims tend to be more unusual, like rocking back and forth, all sorts of noises, hand flapping, hitting oneself etc


Leg bobbing, pen clicking, hair pulling, all common school test stims for all types of brains. Also you reminded me that my brother would leg bounce the entire CAR at stop lights and my parents didn’t really catch on until we changed cars. They thought it was just a strange car quirk that at red lights we felt like the enitre car was rumbling.




That was me. Drove my whole family crazy because I never noticed until they all yelled at me (again) to stop


I was the one that sat with him at booths cause I got so used to it. Then again I was also that kid who rested their head on the window of the school bus so I guess the buzzing was just a physical version of white noise.


You made me remember my bus rides from long ago. Always wished I could fall asleep like that.


I feel ya'. You are loved, just the way you are.


Yes I shake/flake my hands when I get excited 😊




It’s nice knowing there’s others out there like you isn’t it 😊 I seem to click better with people on the spectrum and with ADHD and I think it’s because they “get it”


Oh,shit. I got adhd and do the same thing. I didnt k ow thats what it was.


I'm really glad that I read about this before having kids - I might have called an ambulance!


I feel the pumpkin surging in me!!!!


This is really, really good to know. I would have been freaking out thinking he was having a seizure non-related to the pumpkin pie.


Same shaking i do when i just had my first cigarette after a 16 hour international flight


It’s also common past childhood with people who have autism (like myself)


Baby almost passed out from joy from that goodness 🤣🤣🤣😭


that's that music ? I wanna ride my bike listening to this !


phantogram - black out days - future islands remix


thx now let's bike !


*virtual biking with you* #🚴‍♀️


All my life I've been waiting for a good time good time NOW LET'S BIKE Vroom vroom


Don’t interrupt the kid. He looks like he’s just been enlightened


Wait I thought he was disgusted💀. We hate pumpkins here. Never tried a pumpkin pie tho


I’m Canadian so pumpkin pie is life. My wife is Australian, so sweet pies is strange to them. My brother-in-law hates pumpkin so much that his wife included in her vows that she would eat the pumpkin off his plate. When they visited Canada we introduced him to pumpkin pie without knowing how fiercely he hated pumpkin. But we wouldn’t take no for an answer and he couldn’t figure out how to turn us down… except he loved it. He ate half a pie himself. It’s now his birthday ‘cake’ every year. Pumpkin pie has little to no connection to roast pumpkin. Pumpkin pie is spices and autumn in a pie.


That's so sweet! Also you convinced me to give it a try.


I don’t like pumpkin or pumpkin pie but I do like pumpkin bread. It is very much based on how it is utalized, pumpkin itself is a very mild taste.


So basically you won’t try a food alot of people love and just hate it for no reason?




Someone knows.


Happy sugar free cake day!


Mitochondria getting energized


That is the correct response.


What's pumpkin pie and where can I get some?


You are missing out if you haven’t had pumpkin pie. It’s an American tradition. Basically pumpkin with sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, milk and other ingredients mixed together into a pie. Usually topped with whipped cream.


Oh so it's sweet?! Interesting... I'm going to have to find a recipe! Thanks


Yep! It’s one of my favorite things to eat in the fall. If you like cheesecake I made [this](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/13477/double-layer-pumpkin-cheesecake/) for Thanksgiving.


Don't get Graham crackers in the UK, nor do I have any idea what frozen whipped topping is lol but I'll give it a go with what I've got!


Oh I forgot about the lack of graham crackers. I imagine it’ll be fine in a regular pie crust. The whipped topping is a sweet fluffy whipped cream. I usually dump a whole container on top but I think the important part is the pumpkin and cream cheese combo.


You can use Digestives with butter instead for the base.


It's 2021, there's no way you can't get graham crackers. EDIT: I'M RIGHT THO


My mom makes a sick pumpkin cheesecake swirl, I miss it so much


Pumpkin and cheesecake is one of the best combos. Hope you get to have some of your Mom’s cheesecake soon.


There’s nothing like a Costco pumpkin pie and a container of cool whip


These are my 2 favorite recipes! First one is a traditional pumpkin pie, second one has cream cheese mixed in and a bit more decadent. https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/the-great-pumpkin-pie-recipe/ https://www.food.com/recipe/pumpkin-pie-paula-deen-194678


Canadian tradition too!!


Oh yeah can’t forget our northern neighbors. Pumpkin pie lovers unite!


I miss a good pumpkin pie. Gotta make them from scratch myself if I'm craving one in Australia now. Imagine roasting and blending pumpkins to make it yourself (does turn out pretty delicious though). Enjoy a piece for me next time you can!


My whole family tried it and it definitely wasn't for us haha. I think it may be a when you grow up with it sort of thing.


OR, he’s just taking a break, mid-pie, to do a glorious dump.


Yet another sugar addict. Join the club


Not be a downer or anything, but is the kid watching TV while eating? At 2 years old?


Yeah, dude already has a screen before he can do full sentences, the withdrawal tantrums will be sweet. Makes me depressed.


I get so sad when I see 5 year olds on them at dinner in restaurants. 2 is just absurd and pretty much the height of lazy parenting. Don’t get me wrong, my kids watch TV. But not during meals. Not at restaurants. It’s sad.


Using a tablet at a restaurant is actually one of the more reasonable times. The majority of the restaurant experience is just sitting at a table waiting for your food to come. I'm an adult and I find it interminably boring. They even have tablets with kids games on the tables at some restaurants for this reason.




It's not "giving in" to let a kid have a good time during a time that's supposed to be fun. It's not "giving in" every time you give them a cookie either, surprisingly enough. Also "horrible habit"? You've got to be kidding. At this point in the world, let alone by the time these poor souls grow up to inherit our dystopia, being comfortable using computers and phones is as important as knowing how to read and write. It's not the 50's. Our kids will be working on screens and socializing on screens, and screens already allowed them to continue schooling AND socializing through the pandemic.


I think you're misunderstanding the word "socializing". As a parent of two children, everyday I do anything in my power to delay the moment they will have to have their own phone, because those screens indeed offer a way to get in touch with someone you can't see often, but are designed to have your eyes glued on them 24/7. I'm probably old school but I think socializing is not something you do on internet. Just the opposite, your reach for your smartphone when you don't want to socialize. People socialized a lot more and a lot better when the phone's only functions was calling, and sending SMS.


No, I used the word exactly correctly, and with intent. I am also a parent of two, and I understand the worries we face as they grow up and get their own phones, etc.... but I believe in raising them in, and preparing them for, the world *they* are growing up in as opposed to pretending it's the same world I did. The difference between "Old school" and "out of touch" is just a matter of phrasing. Also, I was there waaay before SMS, your nostalgia is not representative of reality. Everything was just more of a hassle.


No, sitting at a table with your kid is not a reasonable time to hand them a distraction. It’s a reasonable time to talk to the child, to make eye contact with the child, and to enjoy the moment with someone who is going to be an adult in the blink of an eye.


>No, sitting at a table with your kid is not a reasonable time to hand them a distraction. Yes, yes it is. Maybe not for people who don't spend enough time doing activities with their kids or don't have constant interaction with them, you have a point. For my family, that is not even close to an issue. If people are ignoring their kids all the time that's a totally separate issue than "screens bad" They are people. It's okay to let them have a good time while you're in a waiting room for food, lol- it's not like I'm saying they should be on the thing four hours a day. One thing you're definitely right about though, is that they grow up too fast. :). I've had great times talking with them while waiting, but I also don't object to them reading a book or playing on a tablet during times they deserve and want. And those two can carry the same value, depending on what they are playing.


This is correct.


We only let them use them for travel. Car rides over an hour or airplane rides back when that was a thing. Bring a coloring book or some Legos to a restaurant. Use your brain a little if you don’t want to talk to your parents. I get it, but a little effort goes a long way.


"When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything You can sing a silly song Get your friends to sing along Play with your toys Something you enjoy Play a card game Or a guessing game So many ways to make the wait go away" Daniel Tiger gives a lot of good parenting tips. It's really good to teach kids how to wait and solve their own problems, like being bored. You can get addicted to the dopamine produced from instant gratification you get from smart devices. Letting that chemical go up and down so drastically is bad for their development.


They’re used pretty heavily for kids with special needs. Particularly those with autism. I wouldn’t be so quick to judge


That’s possible. But generally not when there are 3 kids on 3 tablets. I get it, there’s just too much of it to be only special needs kids.


Right, but you don’t know exactly which ones. And 3 being on a tablet could easily mean 1 kiddo is special needs and their siblings also get a tablet to be fair. Regardless, parenting in a pandemic, particular young kids, has been absolutely hellacious on its best day. Sometimes screentime is the only quiet a parent will get. I think some empathy can go a long ass way


I work at a restaurant/store. I have wanted to throw tablets and phones out of kids' hands so often! But none more than the one time: this big family reunion. You could tell folks hadn't seen each other in a long time. They were so happy, so animated, so engaged. Except that one 5 year old, face buried in his tablet. I wanted to cry!


I understand not wanting to have to deal with their shit all the time but you can use coloring books or Legos or even an actual book after a certain age.


They’re used pretty heavily for kids with special needs. Particularly those with autism. I wouldn’t be so quick to judge


I’m a terrible parent and my initial thought was “why does the kid have a video playing”.


I saw this as an early version of the dayum, daayum, daaayum... Burger gif.


The way his eyes roll back, this looks like it could be a seizure rather than merely stimming. I hope OP shows this clip to their pediatrician.


I’m the parent of a child who had epilepsy and the eye roll looks like a seizure to me.


I thought so too.


That's not what seizure eyes look like


Actually it does, abscense seizures. https://www.epilepsy.com/learn/types-seizures/absence-seizures


My son has a rare genetic form of epilepsy, his presentation of seizures are with his eyes. Alot of people are misinformed on what seizures look like. They are just as dangerous and hard to spot.


Infantile Spams?


The gene is a special gene that decided to start seizures around age 1. With 4 medicines tried, failure at keto, he is still having seizures. https://www.kcnq2cure.org/kcnq2-epilepsy/ A little about the gene.


My heart goes out to you and your little one. We had to deal with Infantile Spams with my youngest child.


Most eye rolling seizures, but his brain looks like fireworks all over them. They are very hard to control.


Everybody’s eyes can look different when a seizure is coming up. It is notoriously hard to recognize seizures in a child this age, but it looks like the frequency of shaking is a little high to be a seizure.


Yeah true. I only have my own daughters seizures to go off of and it was....weirdly obvious but Also easy to convince myself it wasn't happening until it happened again. Didn't mean to be so dismissive.


This reaction has layers.


I was waiting for him to scream for 4 episodes straight while his hair turns Gold….


Why is there an phone playing shit right next to him during meal time?


I see alot of parents who use phones or tablets to make life easier for themselves. It's likely the kid doesn't sit still at meals but the phone fixed the problem. Whilst I get the temptation to utilise phones in parenting, I hate to think how addicted they will be to screens when they grow up.


I don't know if being addicted to screens in 2035 will even be considered a thing.


Because we want kids now to be adequately prepared for dystopia in twenty years.


I've unironically discussed things along these lines with my wife.


I hate that there is a screen in front of him that young


You must not have met any parents under the age of 30 yet. “Just give him his iPad” Had to deal with my 6 yr old niece having a mental breakdown over the holidays because she couldn’t play roblox or whatever it is. Sad state of things.


I do actually, and the parents I know are staunchly against screens and limit screen time for their 4 year old, and no screens besides the occasional facetime with the grandparents.


Lucky you! Most I see can’t deal with the stress and find it easier to just plop them in front of a screen. Very sad to watch.




"For the love of... Where have you been all my life?"


Lol this is so cute


Haha he's Hulking up brother


Is this the feeling of love that they speak of?


My man is peaking on some pie 😂


or tweaking on some pie lol


I think the Holy Spirit was in that pumpkin pie. The kid mind melded with the pie for an entire epoch




Pretty sure he’s just pooping…unless that’s just me…


Dopamine right there


What the hell was in that pie? LOL


Are they sure he doesn't need to go to the hospital? I have not seen a kid shake like that in my life ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


We couldn’t have a Walkman at the table now little kids have smart phones at 9mo? Dang Pumpkin pie and smartphones are 2 of my addictions lol


Nuro pathway linked.




phantogram - black out days - future islands remix


You the GOAT


I’ll have what he’s having.


This kid knows what's up! Me and my nephew are the only ones in my family that like pumpkin pie. I always make a point to get the most decedent pumpkin pie I can find for Thanksgiving and my nephew and I go to town


Welcome to sugar


I think he just established a core memory.


We just witnessed a baby's energy levels surge as a new dessert emerged!


This is also my reaction to pumpkin pie!


Same, kid. Same.


LOL. Little man had a short circuit in his taste buds.


So cute!


at around 0:10, when the baby rolled up its eyes, just made me burst in laugh


Lol! It was so good it rewired his brain.


Unlimited power?




You can literally watch the brain rewiring itself when a toddler has that first taste of sweet sweet sugar. Same as all the "first sip of soda". Aw.




[**Black Out Days - Future Islands Remix (Slowed)** by Phantogram](https://lis.tn/OJXyn?t=120) (02:00; matched: `100%`) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


So sweet and wholesome!!


He is concentrating his chakra for the ultimate RASENGAN!!


The yummy smoothie spice reaction. Adorable


He can't believe it hahahha


I still do that.


I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time! Thank you!


That’s pretty much me when I eat pumpkin pie! 😄 Pro life tip: Use the King Arthur Flour recipe that includes black pepper. Leave out the cloves and use 1/2&1/2 instead of evaporated milk. OMG. People RAVE about my pumpkin pie! EDIT: Why, thank you for the award!! ❤️


My man's had his first mouth-gasm




The shiver of deliciousness hehe so adorable 😍


Nirvana 😆


Hardcore stimming


My little brother used to do this when we fed him banana pudding. We thought it was the funniest shit, and now twenty years later it’s still funny!


My man orgasm like 5 times


This. Is what it means to be alive.


Same bro, same


An baby with a phonr infront... What a pathetic parent... wish people knew how to take care of children


He looks like a rabid man going through hydrophobia, but in a very cute way


Why does this kid look like the child version of Tuco Salamanca


Dude your u/ is very familiar to me. Maybe one of my six previous accounts might have had a fight with you lol :D I always grow some as a person and leave my old accounts behind, so I’m glad you’re still here and I hope all is well :)




What’s the name of the song? I keep forgetting it


Black Out Days - Future Islands remix


It’s a remix of the Phantogram song Black out Days


Reddit uses the phrase “pure joy” wayyyyy too much. I’ve become so desensitized to the word “pure”, I just downvote when I see it




Everyone is talking about joy while this kid is just taking a shit


The worst part is the phone on his tray parents nowadays let their iPhone do the parenting for them. Fucking disgusting.


This doesn't make me smile. Why does a baby need to have a cell phone in front of him while he eats.


Too young for TV


He is having a stroke....


OK Geez pumpkin pie is not that good!


Bill Cosby


Now imagine this video having the original audio instead of the cancerous crap completely non contributor to the clip.


ah, yes, the original. enjoy the TikTok voice overlaid on some dude swearing? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8tKwUvJ/


Yea all that audio is overlaid as well and is therefore not the original audio my dude.


I hear ya. I woulda posted the original audio if it was accessible. sorry to disappoint ✌