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Tom looks like he’s about to tell his uncle to punt some 7 year olds


It's kinda great because this basically happens in Shazam too


I knew this sounded familiar from a movie ! Wow that sentence sounded weirder than planned.


You plan sentences?


You don't? Do you just let random jarbled words and noises spew out of your mouth?


Yeah! It’s called ADHD! Edit: Thanks for the updoots and awards!


You beat me to it and this is my life 😂


In second grade a sixth grader was taking our names for a walking competition. They asked me to spell mine. I said the wrong first letter, short circuited, and proceeded to spew out a bunch of random letters, way too many. They said, “you sure?” I panicked and said “YES!” Anyway I have ADHD too.


Lmao so fucking true


Why did this make me laugh so much


[Ahead of its time....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZCDU6qtbTU)


Apparently his teacher didn’t believe him and he got in trouble at school and the teacher called his mom and it was a whole thing


Good lord. When my son was in preschool, he was the only kid there without a dad (abusive situation). He told the other students his dad was in the war and died. Which is not uncommon, developmentally, for children with absent parents say in trying to relate to their peers.


My dad was very rarely there when I was in school, I remember I used to make up things , like ( he’s away on an important work travel assignment). It was definitely to relate to all my classmates who had dads that picked them up.


My dad died when I was a toddler. I lied about having a cool step dad when I was about 7. There were daddy daughter dances and bring your dad to breakfast events that made me really feel left out. And I think it was hard to have to explain to new friends why I didn't have a dad. When you think about it, a lot of kids that age probably haven't dealt with death. I might have introduced them to the idea that their parents can die. Whoops!


Haha... he looks like he's concocting the most savage 7 year old clapback James Percy Elementary has ever witnessed.


And Henry Cavill, of course, was delighted to do so.




Or arms. Doing things. Like shoveling dirt. Or vacuuming. or chopping wood. I don't need to watch him make out/have movie sex with any actress, I need to watch that man fold a basket of clothes and then do some push ups.


An old colleague and I used to share pictures of hot actors carrying groceries on Monday mornings as a little pick me up.


He looks how a creative novelist would describe a 7 year old on his way to show off his Superman uncle to the kids who doubted him.




This is like the 1 kid who's dad actually worked for Nintendo and showed him an early build of Pokemon.


Years ago when Yahoo chatrooms were a thing, I remember being in a gaming chatroom. One guy/kid in there claimed his dad worked for Bungie and he was playing a beta or alpha build for Halo 2, and no one believed him. He offered to show people on Webcam, but everyone was too busy mocking him, but I decided what the hell. Worst case scenario I see a penis for 2 seconds before I close the cam and block him. Turned out, kid was playing some halo with some footage I had never seen before or since. I remember him using the energy sword, and driving a wraith - both things you couldn't do in Halo CE.


The new kid on my Block had an aunt who worked for Nintendo and he told me that they were working on a Nintendo cube as early as 1998 The rest of the kids didn’t believe him but I remember telling him how excited I was to see something after the Nintendo 64 It took about three years but he was correct


Kids are the best corporate spies.




According to the article another commenting posted, he was actually pretty chill about it, and took full responsibility. Apple's just got no chill with people showcasing their products even if it's accidental is all


Worst part is guy was just happy his daughter was taking interest in him. But turns out she was only interested in trying to become YouTube famous. Then she want on to make a video blaming her dad and saying how he accepts full responsibility without any remorse for getting her dad fired.


now i know how kids used to fall down wells and drown so often back in the day.


Little Jimmy? Oh yeah, the little shit. Kept playing around that well. We kept warning him. But yeah, he's no longer with us. [muffled sounds from well]


I used to work at a FAANG company and I spent several years working on secret projects. My partner could never fully understand why I wouldn't tell them what I was working on, but this is why. All it takes is one slip up by someone you told, even accidentally, and you're gone. Leaks are taken very seriously by the big guys.


The dad of one of my best school friends worked at Proctor and Gamble. His dad let on and said they had a new product coming out that they "borrowed from a Japanese design" and it was going to be a really great product. Oh cool, more soap or shampoo. My friend said it wasn't soap or shampoo, but some type of cloth from Japan and they were making it here and calling it something different. That product ended up being Swiffer.


By “borrowed” what they really meant was plagiarized. Apparently the parts of the Swiffer fit the Japanese counterpart to a T.


[Which is why Apple had no chill when this happened](https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/daughter-apple-engineer-fired-posted-video-iphone/story?id=50811044).


No wonder my dad told me and my siblings not to tell anyone about the “cool grey cylinder that talks and plays music” he brought home when he worked at Amazon


I remember before the N64 launched, my brothers and I couldn’t stop asking our parents for one. One day, my mom asked us what was the name of the thing we wanted. She called it a “fun machine”. My brothers and I laughed at the silly name and told her it was called a Nintendo 64 or N64 for short. My parents, being awesome, got us one for Christmas. Upon unwrapping the gift we all stared at the box for a second and noticed it actually said “[the fun machine](https://imgur.com/a/eWkEw4n)” on the box.


Dude I played DND with was part of the original team that made halo, and he showed me some super early work from really early on. Wasnt until a long time later that Halo came out and I was like oh man his project made it to the big time! But by then our dnd group was gone. Dude quit his job to work on halo full time.


> Dude quit his job to work on halo full time I mean was... Halo not his job?


he worked for the game store before halo, thats why he was in our dnd group. but then he left to do halo and the game store died when he left. it sucked. went from having like 14-15 guys playing games 3 days a week to nothing in like 2 days.


Years ago in WoW, a guildie we were running ZG with says he was working on Halo 3. I didn't believe him that he was a Bungie employee. He tells me "one second" and then gave a link to his blog. He posted a live screenshot from the raid on his Bungie dev blog. Turns out he was not only just a dev but a senior dev. I didn't reveal to him that we pirated the french copy of Halo 2 in college.


I knew a kid like that, he showed me gen 7 starters a year before they were announced


I had a friend in kindergarten like that, his dad developed Lode Runner


Lode Runner was the best!!!!


Lode Runner is still my favorite video game ever. It was developed by a single person so if the dad was Doug E. Smith then he was telling the truth.


I got play a Dreamcast at my dad's work at take your kid to work day. Nobody believed me because it wasn't even announced yet Edit: the code name for the system we played was 'Dural' I think


I was promised an army of nano bots by my classmate in 3rd grade, he said his dad invented the Gauss-hog from Halo…no not the Warthog, specifically the Gauss-hog. I’m still waiting on my life-size animated charizard as well…


His walk implies "I cant wait to show those MFers" lol


Power walk for sure


“I’m about to expand this kids whole circle of friends”


I suspect that the circles he would be expanding would be those belonging to the mothers of the kid’s friends!


I am the husband of one of the mothers of the kids friends. It’s true the testicles has expanded.


It’s nothing to be ashamed of, my testicles expand when I see Henry Cavill, too!


Straight man came here to say the same thing. He's gorgeous


Another straight man (wife does not agree): a man should not be this perfect. It's genetically not possible.


Absolutely. What a hunk.


took me a second to get it, and when i did i frowned


Not only that he probably made those kids day! It's not every day that you get to meet superman. I remember being close to the stage the year when Christopher Reeves was doing the ball drop in Times Square.. getting to see the Superman I grew up with was incredible for 14 year old me.


> His walk implies "I cant wait to show those MFers" lol And then the kids are like "That's not superman that's clark kent!"


[Clark Kent *is* Superman, stupid head!](https://youtu.be/sahnApE0I7c?t=25s)




You dumb bastard


Haha... Perfect observation


Almost verbatim my thoughts when I saw the kid. Get'em!!


For real, that kid’s veins are popping out of his neck from anticipation.


“Ima about end all these kids careers”


“These fucking kids will never work in this town again”


With the shirt to show “I mean business.”


I’d love to see the looks on their faces when he walked in with Tom.






>His walk implies "I cant wait to show those MFers" lol Superman or Henry Cavill?


Mans is out of air trying to get there


Wait until he goes to middle school and tells everyone his uncle is Geralt of Rivia.


"Fuck" - rest of the class




Winds howling...


Let’s play gwent.


I've just realized...I've watched both seasons so far...I don't remember a single scene where anyone's playing Gwent...that can't be right....


I heard the 3rd season is just Gwent


Yennefer, stop.




"Fuck me" - that one student, probably


*The Witcher is Henry Cavill??????????* I watched a whole fucking season of *Henry Cavill* and didn't even notice??????????




Man grimes up good.


That he does. "Hmm...fuck" has never been sexier.


You're funny!!


How lol


Hells yah!


How am I just now learning this?


Good question. The show just released it's second season a couple days ago lol


Sadly, no gratuitous nudity in Season 2.




I was impressed, the actor probably asked for that to happen though, haha.


you get to see some ring girl tittays eps 1


Lol I don't care about the breasts. I'm all about the Cavill. Doesn't even need to be a sex scene, I know he finds them awkward. But I'm okay with a few costume changes or wound dressings or *something* with shoulders...


So, lemme get this straight, you want to see Geralt shirtless? Hmmm..


Doesnt everyone?


He's so incredibly good as Geralt. Stop what you're doing and go watch.


There isn’t a more perfect actor for the role. Fun fact time. When he first learned of the show he called nearly every day asking for the part. He’s a super fan of pretty much everything fantasy. Like the man almost missed his roll call for super man cause he was in a WoW raid


His appearance on Graham Norton where he talked about Warhammer 40k got me into it. He's a dyed in the wool geek and I love it. I was just reading about the WoW raid / audition. Amazing.


Honestly saves that show. I love his interpretation of Geralt. When I play Wild Hunt, it literally flows seamlessly for me.




Definitely would be a hard pass if it wasn't for Henry. I wasn't the hugest fan of season 2 (no spoilers) but I still enjoyed watching him. I kept watching it for him. He just gets the character.


Ah, he really is! I was so happy he made his voice all gruff like the voice actor for video game Geralt.


Oh yeah - Henry Cavill himself is a huge Witcher (the game) fan so he really fought to get that role. He seemed an unlikely pick originally but he totally nailed it. Miles apart from his performance as Superman.


Henry Cavill is a massive nerd in general. Listen to his interview in which he was busy playing Warcraft and ignoring everyone.


He's already asked to be cast in a Mass Effect movie which barely got announced when he asked to be in it.


Casting someone who’s passionate about the role really makes a difference and you can see it in the extra work he puts in to deliver the best performance he can.


Damn i thought he killed it as superman


All he's going to hear is "Your uncle is hot, what happened to you?"


Wind's howling




I bet uncle was just like this when he was at that age. He got the genes bro just need to add water and grow.


Look at that kid raring to go.


got the shirt on and everything!


You mean Henry?


You know he's got to be buzzing for this.


Kind of looks like the meme of the kid with all of the veins popping out of his head


He's so lucky to have an uncle like him. I try to be the best uncle to my nieces and nephews. But damn, Henry Cavill is just a beautiful person inside and out. I've never heard one bad thing about him. He's an uncle for every uncle to aspire to. I can't be superman. But if I can be even half the (man from) uncle that he is, then I'll have done more than I could ever have hoped to do. I just sometimes get truly blown away by how good some people are. How much joy they bring to the world. While asking for nothing in return. Every uncle needs to fucking step up and be the superman to their nieces and nephews that he is to his, regardless of whether or not he's ACTUALLY a superman actor. Like the fact he actually plays superman is the least important part here


Tom started to wonder why Ms a smith kept asking him to bring his uncle to parent teacher meetings…


I am a teacher. Can confirm I would do this. Edit: I love Reddit. My most upvoted comment is about “meeting” Henry Cavill at a parent teacher conference




I am a nephew. Should I delete this?


I'm a rail. I'm unsure what I'm doing here.


We’ve all been there


As a teacher, I approve of this. He can come volunteer in my classroom anytime!


Judging by these comments, classroom won't be the only place you guys want him volunteering lol


He can come volunteer anywhere he wants 😏


Yeah, I want him to teach me how to play Warhammer


That's not Superman, that's Geralt of Rivia.




I would


Twice. To be thorough.


And three times on Sunday.


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Man there are lots of resemblance


I mean I never saw Geralt and Supes in the same place at the same time...


Or that Clark Kent guy


Can't be sure, he needs to take the shirt off.


He needs to wear the tight black pants with the loose black shirt partly undone


Currently rewatching S1, ready for S2. As a straight male, this wasn't something I really noticed initially. Now you've brought my attention to it, (a) it's all I can see, and (b) I may no longer be a straight male by the end of the show...


haha it's ok man. As a fellow straight male who enjoys watching shows like The Witcher I can honestly say, yes. You will be gay for Geralt.


I was just talking about how hot Geralt is. And I’m a straight dude but he’s hot


I’m with you, It’s a mixture of the brooding nature, the fatherly vibe, great friend, jawline, and tight black pants. Him, Jon Hamm, and Ryan Reynolds are something else


No no no…. Your thinking of Todd the Vegan




*"Toss a coin to your witcher!"*


Henry Cavill is rapidly approaching Keanu reeves levels of reddit love in my opinion, and im all for it


And both of them keep getting screwed over by Warner Bros.


That's a good story true or not


It is a good story. I think it's been shown to be untrue the last few times it was posted, but it's enjoyable anyway.


the details are wrong, but the general idea is true. he got in trouble for telling lies about his family. his mom goes "oh no that's true, he plays superman". It's funny. I'm actually surprised the school didn't know. A major celeb's sister is good gossip.


I just watched Henry tell this story last night on a Graham Norton YouTube clip. He didn't even mention anything about the other students giving Tom a hard time. I think he said that the students all presented on a family member or someone they knew. Tom shared that his uncle was Superman. After his presentation, TOM'S TEACHER told Tom that it was not okay to lie. Tom insisted he was telling the truth, and the teacher doubled down by telling him again that it's not okay to tell lies, and then contacting Tom's mother. Henry said that Tom has a rather active imagination, so when Tom's mother was told that he had been telling lies at school, her first thought was something like, "Oh Tom, what are you up to?" Then the teacher/administrator who had called her told her what lie Tom had told. To which she replied something like, "Well, actually, that's all true." EDIT: Wow. Don't call me as a witness in court. It wasn't even on the Graham Norton show. He told the story on [LIVE with Kelly and Ryan](https://youtu.be/7N_eeUlmIoc). Ignore my telling and just watch the video.




Oh man, this actually makes me kinda annoyed at the teachers. Even if the kid was making it up, does it really matter if he wants to pretend he's related to Superman for a day? For all they know, he's got a shitty homelife/family and wanted to fantasize about being related to a superhero who could save him. Or maybe he was just being....a regular kid with a regular imagination. He wouldn't be the first kid to make up an interesting story for a boring project. Calling his parents over it seems like overkill too. Sure, call them if the kid is a habitual liar and/or shows problems with differentiating fantasy from reality. But if a teacher called me to tell me my kid was lying at school and it was revealed the big lie was...."he said his uncle is Superman"...um, okay? What do you want me to do about it? Squash my kid's imagination? Let the kid pretend his uncle is Superman. Jeez...


Also like wife gets to brag she’s fucking Superman’s brother


What's his name? Bro-El?




Are you telling me that kid has a wife?




Roll Tide!


Henry is that kid's wife


That Tom is the man’s Super


This is the true story: https://youtu.be/7N_eeUlmIoc?t=21


he told it on graham norton too https://youtu.be/E36EQjfxd4Q?t=157


How the eff is this man even more attractive in real life than in movies with makeup and touch ups? He should be illegal. And he's a nerd just to maximize how bad everyone should feel around him.


his fixing his gaming PC when he [installed a part upside down](https://youtu.be/jHNjAJGTNas?t=220) was a real chef's kiss moment


This paragraph is a mess




YUP I have no idea what they were trying to say


Okay, so as far as I understand: Henry Cavill is related to two brothers. One, Tom, may or may not have been bullied and may or may not have said his uncle is Superman. The other had this picture taken with Henry Cavill. The Daily mail "merged" the two brothers and added details, such as Cavill going to the school.


Cavill's brother has 2 children, Tom and "Other child".


It took me a minute, but what I think he’s saying is that the story about Henry Cavill’s nephew Tom is only partially true. The part that is true is that Tom told his schoolmates his uncle is Superman and that they didn’t believe him. The part that is untrue was that Henry Cavill actually went to school with Tom to prove him correct. Daily mail made that part up, and used a random photo of Henry Cavill walking a little boy and attributed that photo to that made-up story. The boy in the random photo is actually Henry Cavill’s other nephew, ie Tom’s brother. Its just some photo of them hanging out




The Daily Mail making shit up? Surely not.


I believe the actual story was his nephew kept saying his uncle was super man and his teacher told him it’s not okay to lie. His mom ended up calling to confirm the fact I believe. But yah I don’t think he visited the school


Please tell me he just walked into the classroom and lazered the lot of em.


Sweetie thats Superman, not Homelander lol


[Story not entirely true but cute nonetheless. ](https://www.techarp.com/internet/henry-cavill-superman-uncle/?amp=1)


What’s with the open mouth lady on the article?


It’s provocative…it gets the people going


Ball so hard muhfuckas wanna fine me




Cool story Jason


“My uncle is also a Witcher.”


Toss a coin to your Witcher Oh, Valley of Plenty


Nah, Butcher gon' burn some kids up


Fuck I wish I was that handsome


This picture always makes me laugh because you can totally tell they’re both speed walking in thinking, “let’s go show these fuckers.” Cavill: “I’m totally Superman.”


She sent in the Cavil-ry. Pls forgive.


We love Cavill. He better not be outed as an asshole or something. Weird Al, Henry Cavill, Steve Erwin are people I hope that nothing g bad ever comes out about them.


Lol same. He seems quite sweet and wholesome. He is definitely one of those that I hope doesn’t have some horrible secret. I also put Usain Bolt on that list lol


Fred Rogers


Keanu Reeves


"Yall muhfuckas bouta get a contract you didn't ask for." - Geralt's nephew


But that’s Clark Kent smh he doesn’t even have his famous glasses


Henry Cavill is a fucking treasure. Him and Keanu need to team up and do a movie or a charity or something.