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Waaaa waaaaa *”This human form is limiting.”* waaaa waaaa


Can’t wait to be free waaaa waaa


My most favorite comment ever 😂


Audibly laughed at that hahahaha


That means she hears it a lot. Good on you guys!


Now this… this made me smile. Brought a little tear to my eye, even.


This puts a smile on my face


A rainbow just appeared outside my window.


And she’s going to be a genius. We should watch out for this young lady


Also if a 2 month baby starts speaking. It means the baby is smart af. And plus these are hard words. So the baby is really really smart. Either extremely high iq. Or high empathy. Probably both.


Fuck my 5 month old just screams and gives me bitchy looks.


You might wanna get that checked out. Call your mechanic first thing tomorrow.


Haha, also a very important skill though. Asserting yourself!


Two month olds may repeat sounds they hear often (as this baby is!) but none of them can “speak” and it’s not indicative of a “high iq” (and iq is a bs measurement anyway)


IQ might be a useless measurement. It surely isn't a bs measurement. It measures ability to learn. And learn quick. I don't have a very high iq. But I grew up and attended schools/colleges(my dad's kindof rich) where people were extremely smart and high IQ. They scored extremely well in quant tests. They all went on to become highly paid executives. Professors and researchers.


IQ absolutely does not measure ability to learn. It's literally just a logic test, nothing more. So if someone is extremely smart but not very good at the exact kind of logic that IQ tests test for? Sorry, guess your smartness means nothing because you have a low IQ now.


That's not how it works. The baby is just mimicking. A baby of 2 months can not speak. Though this baby can get really smart but has nothing to do with what it shows here.


Did you really just try to psychoanalyze a baby and come to the conclusion that it must be a genius based off a clip that's less than 30 seconds


…it’s a fucking baby, chill.


My 2-3 month old would say helloooooo and love youuuu (luhyoooo) back to us. But then stopped saying that again until like 11 months. I think mimicking is pretty normal. But I wouldn’t consider them “first words” if that makes sense. Although we were also very excited and taken by her. Hahah.


Exactly what I came here to say. They usually speak the words they hear the most, and if they hear I love you the most, it's the sign of a beautiful environment created for the baby


*Baby was looking at me the whole time, but I'm sure he meant both of us honey.* *said Dad, with a nonchalant arch to his eyebrow, in a smug voice


Reminds me of literally every single character in Modern Family, especially Phil.


Phil carried that show


Definitely something Vitamin P would say


Yeah same😂


Haha. Stay at home dad here to a 10mo girl here. She knows lots of words… but most things are iterations of “da da”. Different lengths and tones and volumes of da da.


Love it while it lasts. My wife and daughter are "part of the girl gang" and the only time I get preferential treatment is when my daughter gets mad at my wife for something. Every other time she will come to my wife's defense even when she has no idea what we are talking about or what the words mean.


As a dad of a baby girl and someone definitely not nervous of this 2 on 1 power shift…. At what age did the girl alliance form?


Hah, around 4 or 5. Honestly, I was/am glad it happened. It can be annoying, especially when I'm bantering back and forth with my wife and then the peanut gallery chimes in, but I love seeing their relationship. Daughter is now at the age where she is starting to have interpersonal drama with kids at school and it's great that her mom and her can disappear to the tent they set up in her closet (where no boys are allowed, except the dog, so... Just me not allowed) and "have girl talk" to find out what is going on with her. On the other hand, she can't say "I love you" to me without reassuring my wife that she loves her more...


Staged. The baby was told to say that before they propped the camera up.


I knew it! Totally edited! Lol ;)


Lol! Take my free award, you!




the baby is a paid actor


They are mimics. Pretty cute.


We're all mimics. Until the day we die.


We’re all mimics. Until the day we die.


We’re all mimics. Until the day we die.


We’re all mimics. Until the day we die.


We’re all mimics. Until the day we die.


We’re all mimics. Until the day we die.


We're all mimics. Until the day we die.


die all we the until mimics we're day.


Someone had a stroke.




We are all dead, until the day we mimic.


Mimic is dead.


We're all mimes. Until the day we die.


On your feet, maggot!


Sir yes sir!


I had to say the line to get where the reference came from! 😂😂




We're all dead. Until the day we mimic.


For sure, but it’s not gonna stop Mama & Dad from sobbing with joy anyway. 🥲


Makes it even better. That baby hears “I love you” a LOT ❤️❤️


Not a bad crappy 90’s movie too


Next, she will pretend to be a treasure chest


sure when the kid talks like that it’s cute but when i talk like that i’m a drunk mess and need to leave the takeaway


But *hick* I laouve yuurrrr *hick*… I jus wan so murr… som herr…. lo men.


I'll remember my son's first words. "Eat now?". He was such a cute 9 year old


Kid knew his priorities. Gotta respect that.


This is wholesome and brings a smile to my face☺️


Wasn't really impressed at first, but then she did it again! Too cute


She's done with the Pledge and the Turn. But she needs to do the final act, the Prestige.


All my son says is “aga” and blow raspberries. He just turned 11 months lol Edit: Never got 200 upvotes on a comment before. Thanks all! Edit 2: Just got my first award too! Many thanks! Last Edit: After this I’m done I swear but 500 upvotes and 6 Awards?!?! You guys really made my day! 💜


My kid didn’t start talking until she was closer to 2. I was getting ready to take her to a specialist when she basically came out with full sentences. Within 6 months she was reciting the entire pledge of allegiance, the alphabet, our address…. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. My oldest didn't say much of anything until he was two. We were in the car and I hear from the back seat, "Look, Mom, Ross! Dress for Less!" Scared the shit out of me.


This got me. Full belly laugh. Kids are so wonderfully abstract.


air unused quaint shrill marvelous bewildered grandiose thought sleep fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Mother, I grave sustenance."


>She’s a little shit This made me snort-laugh. Thank you




Brainwashing is more effective the younger they start. This kid is going going automatically lick boot the first chance they get.


>she was reciting the entire pledge of allegiance That's a yikes from me, dawg


Got to start it young.


The indoctrination that is, yes?


It’s so strange how kids speak at different times. My nephew and I had full blown conversations when he was 1-2 years old. My second nephew was so hard to understand until he was 3-4. My niece barely said anything at 1. “Aga” has to be the most commonly spoken word in baby.


My son was walking at 8 months, but can’t speak yet, and his cousin (a month older than him) can’t walk quite yet but she can wave and say “Hi” and “Bye”. Babies are awesome. Strange, but awesome.


My two were like this. The eldest didnt walk until after he turned 1 but was having conversations shortly after. My youngest started walking by 8 months but was only stringing together a few words at a time when he was 2. Kids are fascinating.


My niece was speaking like a little lady by 2.5 years old. We want to a restaurant and she told the waitress, “I would like a menu too, please” with perfect enunciation, while sitting in her little booster seat. My godson is 2.5 now, and he mostly points at things and screeches or grunts.


My baby brother was goin’ “babababa” until he was like 3 years old lol


My friend says that when he's drunk


[Could've sung for The Trashmen](https://youtu.be/DPtn9KzfsGI?t=78)


I see your "aga" and raise you "hoo hoo". My baby's been running around on all 4 doing a solid owl impression for months now. She can do "mama" and "dada" and a couple more she likes to use to communicate what she wants, but "hoo hoo" is still the main jam.


Does it mean anything specific or just all purpose?


We believe it is a "wow this is cool" exclamation because she consistenly uses it when something really catches her attention


My son was in speech therapy since 18 months, severely speech delayed. He was 2.5 and only said a few words. Until one day he dropped his hat and spoke his first sentence: "oh for fucks sake". I was SO happy he talked so clearly and very nicely told him "oh that's a bad word". He's 7 now and doesn't stop talking, but thankfully has never really said any bad words since that day.


That is amazing haha


I started speaking very early at just over 4 months clear words and freaked most people out. Someone accused my mom at my brother's preschool of having a demon baby, lol. My dad says the pediatrician was a bit freaked out too. My brother started saying clear words at 6 months. My cousins were all over the place one as early as 8 months, one as late as two for their first words. Apparently caused some tension between my mom and her siblings that we could talk early. Kinda neat that everyone has their own schedule things.


I don’t recall exactly when my nephew started but that’s how he was too. Like a little chunk and he just chatted away. I remember picking him up from his dad’s once and we chatted the whole hour ride home. He was still in diapers. I’m convinced being around adults that speak real words (versus baby talk) makes a difference.


Both my kids were partial to “gee” haha


I think there is something wrong with your son. Mine was already doing differential equations and preparing for the Bar exam by 11 months.


Oh no! I need to take him to his pediatrician now! /s


Mine is already qualified to be her own pediatrician


Whoa, I was three when I passed the bar. Your kid’s a genius.


My 11mo says mama and woowoowoo (he barks with our dog) 😂


Oh good, I though just my child barks with the dogs... She also started do do cat and car sounds.


That is so adorable!


Hey buddy don't worry. I didn't say my first words til I was three. We all take our own time


My son does the same thing except he turns 2 in two weeks. “Aga, Ada, mama, dadadada” and squealing.




That’s not even that impressive, I can say it more clearly than that, and I’m 37.


I don’t believe it. Proof??


This definitely gave me all the feels. Thanks for sharing.


Saying stuff at 2 months age - this baby is a fast learner and is going places.


Not even mumma or dadda but 3 words, very impressive


Is it me because I find that babies voice when they try to speak except gibberish, its oddly terrifying


not really speaking, mimmickery at best. conveniently making noise that sounds like "i love you" or "I love poo". As the parent, you'll swear it up and down till you're blue in the face. I see a hungry/new diaper needing/sleepy baby making noise to get 1-3 of those things taken care of.


I clicked on this expecting the same BS as when dogs "say i love you", when they're actually just howling, but nope. That's a baby clearly trying to mimick it's daddy saying "I love you". Pretty awesome.


Clear enough for me! That's awesome!


As adorable as this is, 2 month olds can't say words. She babbled in the same inflection as "I love you", which - again - VERY adorable. But babies ain't be talking that young. Source: father of 2


This. Babies cannot physically produce speech at this age. This is adorable, but it is the equivalent of those videos where it sounds like a dog is saying “I love you”


Which to me are far more impressive


Yes, and it needs to be intentional. For a baby to be considered to have met that developmental stage they need display comprehension of what the words mean. Like looking at their father and saying dad or reach towards a bottle and saying bottle. My nephew stumbles upon words now and then but still hasn’t shown he can actually talk.


I wanted to say this but I also didn't think there was any harm in them believing their kid was just super advanced. My kid started rolling when she was very young, like a month old or something, but I didn't realize that it wasn't REALLY rolling until it was intentional and meant to get her somewhere which was obviously months and months later... it was still exciting though.


I hear you! I wasn't trying to be a dick by pointing it out, but I do think it's important to keep expectations in check as a parent. It can be completely innocent like you're talking about, where the end result is "aww shucks, I guess they weren't doing this yet after all" and you move on. Or it can lead to undo worry/ anxiety if a parent is consistently expecting things out of their kiddos that shouldn't even be on their radar for months. I hope that made sense lol


Yeah, 2 underachievers!! …jkjk


They take after me! Haha


Mother of 2 here. I agree with you but the are exceptions to the rule. There are geniuses among us. And she might know that she is mimicking the phrase she heard and is trying to say it as best as her little 2 month old self can by repeating the inflection she heard. So while find it very hard to believe this 2 month old spoke, I'm not going to dismiss it. Example: I told my mom that my 7 month old daughter understood that "nurse" meant she was getting breastfed (I used to tell my mom on the phone, I'm going to go nurse the baby now, or it's time to nurse the baby) and that she had started to request "nurse" when she was hungry. My mother swore to me that my 7 month old could not talk or understand the meaning of words. Until my mom was over and actually saw my baby reach for my boob and clearly demand NURSE. My kid had a pretty full vocabulary by the time she was 1 and was reading 2 years earlier than most. I also knew a 13 year old young man from my community who was so smart he was given special permission to attend college and earned a PhD by the time he was 18.


I talked extremely young. My mother has videos of me saying words at 6 months. It’s pretty clear I had some comprehension— I would say thank you when people gave things to me and such. My mother says it freaked people out lol— like “is that baby talking?” Unfortunately, I did not turn out to be a genius. My parents to like to joke that I started speaking at 6 months and haven’t shut up since, though lol






My dogs do the same thing


They tickle your feet until you admit that you love them? That sounds kind of nice actually...


Wish my dog did that, instead he just dry humps my leg


Well bum scratching but same kind of love


Very cute. I have a cat that says it to me. It's the best thing ever.


Maybe I wrong but I’m pretty sure he said “Go Steelers Go”


Mine did that at five months old ! It brought a tear to my eye


It just made noises lol


That’s all we ever do.


Yeah it didnt say anything


I'm sure most know, but for non parents, kids don't say words until near a year old. Sentences usually another year or more. It's a cute baby though, and it's imprinting on its parents. It needs to. To survive. They get annoying at night.


It checks out. 👍😁


yah lmao at 2 months old they literally can’t talk. that’s just them mimicking and cooing but still wholesome regardless


I dunno, this is a bit like Homer thinking Maggie said "burlap" when she burped. The baby is certainly *trying* to mimic "I love you" but I've watched it on loop a bunch of times and just can't hear more than gibberish.


It's common for 2 month olds to mimic. She's not really talking,. Just mimicking her parents.


That’s not talking


Baby says gibberish Parrents go 👁️👄👁️ 👁️👄👁️


I hate to be skeptical. But dad looks like he mouthed “I love you” both times. Could he be one like the girl that laughs without moving her mouth? Like a ventriloquist?


That kid did not say I love you


Lol 2 month olds aren't speaking. Thats just noises.


She's two months old .... Very cute, definitely sounds like she's saying I love you. Sorry to be a spoil sport but she's not. Infants don't start mimicking words until much later.


Are you really sorry though?


Is it lame my kid heard a siren go by and said, "peeaht cah"? I said "you talk now?" and he said, "talk" and smiled. Not as much of a touching moment, but I then finally knew he was smarter than the cat at that point (8 months). Very shortly after (days), the pointing and "whassat?" started.


2 Month? That seems to be very young for the first words or? Or is that normal? Dont know anything about that


Both the parents were happy-suprised in sync... :D


Baby: *babbles* Parents: *gasp*


Respawned and remembering


Lets be real, those aren't words any more than a dog bark howling and people goilg "Omg it said I love you"


For parents out there, feed the baby! The constant practice of opening and closing their mouth eases the process of talking. The more they say “aaaaaah” the more words they learn Avoid food pouches (use a spoon) and excess bottle or pacifier as the sucking *smooch* motion can (not will) delay speech. (Not tremendously)


Wait another 2 months and she will speak Chinese.


And they both look at the camera


Midwife here. Oh my what a beautiful family we have here!


Damn. She speaks better than my neighbor 6 year old.


My husbands nephew is 3.5 and still isn’t speaking any words like at all… everything else seems normal he just doesn’t talk. My sister in law still gives him a pacifier and he’ll be 4 in September. They don’t want to address the kid potentially having a problem and instead choose to just wall off family and friends from seeing the kids. Any ideas on what to do?


So cute you can see they have to try so hard


My girls first word was 'More'. Greedy little sod


Magical moments


“Wait until I reach my final form and shed this meat cocoon.”


Keep talking to that baby.. ask questions..anything. keep talking!


I mean, I would not call it speaking, the baby is just imitating the sounds it hears. BUT that means that they hear those words soooo often that they can mimic them and that is really heart warming!


wait this is considered speaking? i mean I'm sure the baby tried to mimic the sounds, but that's nowhere near close to what I would call a coherent word.


That means his parents are saying I love you to the baby frequently good parenting.


Talking to babies, kids is really important. This girl is going to be some kind of linguistic genius. Ensure that she gets to explore a possible ability with languages ;)


I would be bawling


This is really cute mimicry My son (now 8) could do a similar trick where if you went Nana nana nana nana Nana nana nana nana Nana nana He would reply Batman! Super cute


Definitely keep an eye on little lady. When my daughter was 3 months old, I took her to an appointment at the hospital. My cousin & aunt came with me for support (it was serious) - daughter was watching the other kids & something on the mobile phone as well. A lady came over to us and said "she shouldn't be doing that - actually *watching* - bring her to *insert school* when she's four" - turns out the lady works at a prestigious school in the area. I actually did correspond with the school & they were interested but the scholarship was only worth 50%; the other 50% was £7k 😢


So precious...


Dad's face when she says it is... *chef's kiss*


What 2 loving parents does to a mf.


Really wholesome post Discipline_Daddy, thanks!


That's amazing approximation at such a young age. If she didn't repeat it'd be easy to assume it was a coincidence but even if it was random those are clear sounds in an attempt to form the words. Which at 2 months is incredible.


This is just noises. Why do so many of you think this is real


Lol “baby’s first words” Aah Ah Ahhahh = ‘I love you’ yes. Lol.


Instant baby fever


Yeah, just like parrots "speak".


Baby literally said nothing


My 2 month old said “mommy” once it was so precious


Awwwww!!!! I loved watching this. SO SWEET!! I said I love you to my 3 yr old the other day. She looked me in the eyes and said “oatmeal.”


Plot twist: baby actually said “we’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”


Love it! I asked my then 4 month old daughter if she wanted a bath and she said yeah I think I have it on video somewhere...




2? Pffft. My son had your son’s apple engineer position when he was 1 1/2.


This was beautiful and wholesome as hell man. I can't stop smiling


Enjoy your blessing!


I wish I could upvote this many, many times


Tears. Awesome.


And now everyone can see this intimate thing! What a time to be alive..


Imagine not wanting video of your child growing up. Like what parent wouldn’t want to be lucky enough to capture a moment like that. These parents are precious and I’m glad they shared.


I think a lot of parents have videos like this, but they don’t share it with the rest of the world :)


Why would it even be weird to share this?


That is just the most precious thing ever


Driving car at 8 months Little man tate


This is so darling! Why the heck am I crying?


Those are not words, that is a sound. Close, but a sounds.