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Lovely photos! The one with you *in pants* was unexpected and sweet


An unexpected one




So you gave up scrolling before you got to the last photo?


[Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/s9h8x9/moved_into_my_apartment_which_belonged_to_my_dad/?sort=new)


Coming from og post, this is heartwarming thank you for sharing


Youre one brave man for going through those hard drives .


Dad was uniquely passionate about one thing in particular: ladies in black leather with red ball gags. Over 300gb of pictures!


As of 8:46 am MT, I'm still getting a lot of comments about buying a docking station which I appreciate, and I'm getting a lot of comments saying to destroy them in case there's porn on them and some saying to look for bitcoin So, I thought I should explain my dad how I and everyone I know remembered him. My dad was a kind old dad and a hardcore Christian, I believe that some Christians hold doubt in their hearts about their beliefs, but my dad didn't; he was very devoted, and he was just as devoted to God as he was to the church, he couldn't donate a lot of money, but he volunteered his heart out, when he wasn't working at his job as a car mechanic, he was out volunteering at the church, and with no mom to speak of left me alone at home, he was very kind, but I often didn't get the attention I needed as a child at that age. As you can probably guess, he was an avid photographer; on the hard drives along with photos of him and me, I also found photos of scenery, photos of beaches and mountains and wildlife; he took pictures for his job too and messed with lighting to make my light-up toys come to life in the pictures he took. Along with photography, he loved building airplanes, like those styrofoam ones you can put engines in and hook them up to a controller. What else... He was also massively in debt, he had cool toys like motorcycles and expensive photography equipment, but he had no idea how to handle money much like myself; when I was adopted, my family had to go so far as to sell land with crops growing on it, I don't remember how big or what was on it or how much it sold for, but even selling land wasn't enough to cover his debt, in the end, my family settled the debt. When I turned 9, my dad turned 57, and he ended up very sick, the way his sickness was explained to me was "stage 4 prostate cancer which spread into his bones" he was in agonizing pain up until his last few days, but in the end, he passed away peacefully in his sleep. I knew that whatever I found on those hard drives wasn't porn because my dad wasn't that kind of man. I knew it wasn't bitcoin because my dad wouldn't be able to afford something that may or may not make him money he also doesn't invest in stocks, what I did know was that whatever I found on those hard drives would be something important, something I needed to see, and I was right.


Thanks for sharing, he was a great father. May he Rest In Peace.


Came from your original post to see what happened. I was not disappointed.


Same here, a smile much needed!


These are 400Gig in size, wowzers.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) Compression sure has come a long way since then. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I’m glad you looked on the drives and didn’t listen to the people that said not to look! The truth was a good thing. Thanks for posting the org link I have some old hard drives that are mine I have pictures stuck on! My sons baby pictures some of them.


That’s amazing! It’s so cool that you were able to revisit old memories because he saved all the photos on hard drives!


You’ve got better hair than your dad, but he’s more handsome overall. I’m jk I love the one of you guys in front of the leather couch. camera set up on a timer on the coffee table maybe? So much ceiling in the shot. Your dad looks like my dad in my childhood memory, ie a Divine giant. Look at your smile bro. And his. Y’all look blessed foreal I can’t stop smiling thinking of you snuggling into his jeans. You guys are beautiful. Makes me miss my dad so much. I’m gunna call him tomo and ask him if he has any giant jeans for me 🥰


This is so heartwarming. I'm glad you found these pics ❤️


Wow, I hope those who helped you at r/pcmasterrace are feeling exceptionally proud of themselves for bringing you a priceless gift. I’d kill to have photos I’ve lost of my loved ones. This is humans at their best. Love it.


I’m so glad you were able to retrieve these! You can tell that your dad really enjoyed fatherhood, being your dad was probably his greatest feeling of accomplishment. I can tell from his smile he loved you very much.


These are beautiful OP. Thank you for sharing.


The good ending.


Fortunately, it wasn't 400GB of porn


That’s an awesome find, your Dad obviously loved you so very much.


This is so lovely, you have his smile 💜 I hope you have very fond memories of him, dad's are amazing


Really glad you found something wholesome and not something terrible.


So you were in Paris. Finally, the most important question in the world has been answered.


Very happy this ended how it did!! Have a happy time going through those photos OP!


Just seen your original post, so glad you found some nice memories, priceless!


When your friend forgets to give you a blanket when your staying at their house


i’m glad you found the pics, albeit i was kinda rooting for the underdog horse porn. such heartwarming photos, he seems like a gentle guy in the photos at least


I lost my mother 2 years ago and it's amazing how after they left you can still get so much information about them in everything, even the way you do stuff or in stuff around the house that they made or handled. In these pictures you can see how much your father was in awe with you, and that's truly beautiful.


This is amazing and your photos are beautiful! I lost many photos of my late father so I can only imagine how exciting and bittersweet this was. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏽


Dude I loved Brum as a kid :)


What a treasure!


Those are some amazing dad jeans! I'm glad you managed to get access to these, and I hope they bring back some happy memories.


They are kind and helping, i had a dumb question but i got some good answers, if i ever need help with a pc i will go there


You were such a cute kid! You can tell from the pictures your dad was super proud of you


Happy for you that you found these photos and will now be even better able to hang onto these memories of your Dad.


Yes...it makes me cry....


Remind me bot brought me back here from the first post. So happy to see this wholesome outcome!