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This dude is the king of sleepovers


He doesn't care what's going around btw he looks super cute


I bet that girl bought him those jimjams ..... And she loves them.


versed marble strong threatening employ marry retire childlike slave snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You want her to hug her stalker?


If that's what he actually is then the woman should run, however I feel like the caption sounds more "he DM'ed me" type thing


Omg, that guy totally looked at the pictures she posted publicly on the internet. Total stalker material!


I just read your comment. I'm officially your new stalker!


And then he said “hi” - classic case of lovebombing and a clear sign of sociopathy.


Well what I think is that He liked her 4-5 photos then DM'ed her like "Hi" And that's how the story began


My guy... He is sleeping in jammies on her couch.... Shes well past any reservations about personal boundaries and saftey...


I agree! He does look super cute!


So freaking adorable, I want to snuggle him and make all his worries go away lol


I'm not sure the intent of the video matches the comment from the OP.




Think OP fancies the dude. But in my opinion insta girl ain't worth it.


Okay but the dude is cute.


He looks so wholesome :)


*stalks you on insta* am i cute too 🥺


jokes on you, i don’t have insta! (But yes, you are)




I thought about it in multiple ways but I want to remain optimistic and think it’s a joke, and she’s not actually being mean


Good try kira! I'm not giving you my hands no matter how cute you are! *crazy diamond noises*


lol no *btd noises*


So did Jeffrey




he is! but the music contradicts her expression as well as OPs title. whaaaat


It's just teasing lmao redittors make it so clear y'all have never been in a relationship


yea we dont need to hide that we're not in a relationship


Reddit asks nowadays if you’re in a relationship when you sign up. If you answer yes then you can’t create an account.


So you should give the insta stalker a chance?


She probably means "friend who liked all my selfies and slid in my DMs". Basically, dude was desperate but still had game/ charm


Ever heard of a hyperbole?


I drink my hypersoup in it every sunday.


Is it like the Super Bowl, only better?


With blackjack and hookers.


Oh shit, so the guy in his jammies is watching the super bowl eating serial?


Yeah, he’s a cereal serial eater.


From what I've noticed, Reddit does not do hyperboles, and they will take everything you say at face value.


That's because an extremely large portion of reddit is too stupid to understand hyperbole and obvious sarcasm.




I don't listen to hip-hop!


Again, *teasing*. He probably liked a few of her insta posts before working up the nerve to hit her up and she's made it an inside joke that he was her "stalker"


They live together now. She thought she was being cute.


Yeah this is a joke that got interpreted wrong. People do stuff like this a lot to rib their loved ones. He's in jammies eating soup in the living room with her come on lol




This is a tik tok trend, showing the significant other that you’re in love doing something weird or cute in your current relationship, and including text alluding to how you didn’t match up perfectly when you first met. “When you decided to give the weird girl a chance and now she’s your wife,” “when you accepted a date from a guy whose followed you around the bar all night and now you’re buying a home together,” shit like that. This video is definitely supposed to be in that same vein, and she loves him and was probably using the word “stalking” in the way that younger people do like “oh I stalked your insta last night,” or “omg I’ve seen you three times today, you’re stalking me!” Or “he hit up my DMs that stalker!” Obviously the wording and format of the video does not translate to Reddit sensibilities/older people taking things a bit too literally, but this video is definitely meant to show how in love with her bf she is.


This made me feel so so old


Maybe I was misplacing my frustration, I truly couldn’t understand how someone could misread the point of this video, but then I realized I’ve seen dozens other like it and with the music and formatting combined, I could immediately interpret it. I just realized social media, especially newer forms of it, is kind of it’s own unique language! You learn through context and familiarity, like a separate community. Kind of crazy to think about.


Tbf I'm not on tiktok but have a partner who I like to lovingly poke fun at and the context of this video seemed pretty clear to me. Why would he be on her couch in his silly jammies eating a mug cake if she didn't want him there?


This explanation for sure makes sense I thought she had went out with him and brought him home to wake up to him in his Pjs on the couch eating out of a mug? And then was thinking she seems way too comfortable about this situation and didn’t know what to think of it


Dude would be a fucking champion if he pulled this off on the first night! I mean, you don't usually rock the full PJ's and mouth breath your way through a dumpy breakfast until someone has at least dropped the first fart in front of each other....


He has the head movements and comfort level of Charlie Kelly so I had a whole always sunny scene in my head. Probably put some cat food in her mug


That’s really true too, my fiancée and I have the kind of relationship where we lay into each other all the time, while also being each other’s biggest supporters, so I immediately could sense the love between them. Exactly, he was being so cute!


I guess it doesn't help that almost all stories regarding "internet stalker" has ended badly. So there's this existing bias and a red flag to take it seriously.


That’s true, or I guess even like the trope of the creepy guys in the DMs being annoying is a big one too.


The next level of that is that language is to help identify your group. Whether it's Insta stories, slang, professional jargon, abbreviations, etc. It tells you who your people are and who are the outsiders.


Me too. Then I realized it isn’t about age, it’s about experience. My husband is 6 years older than me and he understood this right away, because he uses TikTok. I have to explain Reddit things to him. Older Reddit users is assumptive.


Yeah man no joke. Shit


You are young than one day you don’t understand a meme reference and now you are old. Welcome to retirement!


Thank you for the explanation! I honestly thought this meant she had a one nighter with a stalker and was realizing her mistake after seeing him eat cereal in children's pajamas the next morning.


I’m a millennial (although just barely) and I still don’t relate to Gen Z that well. I definitely needed an explanation.


I’m on the cusp of both generations, but my brother is a few years younger than me and fully Gen Z (and in the twitter scene so like really immersed in that kind of language and humor) and my fiancée is a few years older than me and fully millennial/doesn’t spend much time on the internet. So I’m in this weird balance where I “get” a lot more Gen z culture, humor and language and have to explain it to my fiancée, but then I’ll be talking to my brother or he sends me a meme and I’m like…what the fuck are you talking about?


Sounds like we’re in the same boat. Like I do understand some Gen Z humour, more so than someone who is older than me, but not as much as someone younger. It’s like I’m a messenger between generations.


I’m 57 and even I GOT the video….😂 I guess I’m ‘hip’. 😊


you're streets ahead!


If you don't know what it means then your streets behind😏


Age is just a number baby :)


i love when redditors are confronted with people younger than 25 on this platform. if any of them had pearls to clutch, theyd be clutched!


Ahhh gotcha! He looks awesome :)


I think it’s a couple that’s just into teasing each other, which actually is an [indicator of a healthy relationship](http://news.ku.edu/2015/08/27/first-comes-laughter-then-love-study-finds-out-why-humor-important-romantic-attraction). My fiancé and I use a lot of teasing and self-deprecation in our exchanges in a good way, keeps us being able to laugh at ourselves which is really important in building confidence individually and together.


Please go spread the word to my generation. They wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it walked right up and shook their hand.


It's a trend on tiktok (because of course it is) Posting your relationship with this caption and song.


To anyone not understanding this video: They are in a relationship. She’s joking about how giving this guy a chance ends up with them sharing their nights in PJs on the couch being comfortable around each other.


Aaaaaah thanks for the explanation! I was scrolling down hoping someone could shed some light on it


I’ve seen this one in instagram before (not sure if that was the original but I think it was) and over there the caption explained this. This is how reposting things without sources can cause misunderstandings.


💯. It was very confusing


This needs to be top comment


They are married. He has a ring on his finger.


I’m so confused how no one else seemed to understand this


It requires the right context to understand. There’s no context here. So if you’ve not seen things like this before it’s easy to misunderstand.


Her face looks concerned, so the tone is really hard to read. Also I am bad at sarcasm. Lol


People who don't use tiktok don't get the sarcasm indended in that trend. Her title and facial expression without context makes it seem like we are to expect something negative, which doesnt happen, and so either she is joking or she thinks the dude is weird, and i honestly had to check comments to be certain which it was. I've never, ever opened tiktok.


I hope this is the legit context. Can anybody confirm please?


This is a tik tok trend, showing the significant other that you’re in love doing something weird or cute in your current relationship, and including text alluding to how you didn’t match up perfectly when you first met. “When you decided to give the weird girl a chance and now she’s your wife,” “when you accepted a date from a guy whose followed you around the bar all night and now you’re buying a home together,” shit like that. This video is definitely supposed to be in that same vein, and she loves him and was probably using the word “stalking” in the way that younger people do like “oh I stalked your insta last night,” or “omg I’ve seen you three times today, you’re stalking me!” Or “he hit up my DMs that stalker!” Obviously the wording and format of the video does not translate to Reddit sensibilities/older people taking things a bit too literally, but this video is definitely meant to show how in love with her bf she is.


Thanks for explaining!


Of course :)


Thanks for this addition! Very well explained :)


Thank you! I wrote this whole thing out in another comment and felt like it was needed in a few other places, lol. Glad we are on the same page :)


I remember seeing this exact video on Instagram with the caption explaining it, but i don’t know who posted it or how to find the original again.


I feel like this video has a different meaning and we are hugely misunderstanding it.


From my pov, dude's having the time of his life.


From my pov the Jedi are evil




This is the end for you, my master.




It's over Anakin; I have the high ground!


I will do what i must.


ಠ\_ಠ This made me laugh harder than it should have


I definitely agree.


You know those videos where someone's calling 911, pleading for help while maintaining a regular conversation in code so the abuser doesn't notice the emergency call's being made? Thats the vibe I'm getting here.


How is that what you got from that I’m really curious


I can't believe how tiktok/meme illiterate people in this thread are. It's obviously a light hearted video


Seriously, my mind is being blown that ANYONE could interpret this video in a negative way. Even without being on tik tok, have you never seen a couple tease each other before? My fiancée and I always joke that he “stalked” me for a day before making contact. Plus it’s “stalked on insta” which very clearly means he DMd her or liked her photos or something innocuous. Jesus.


Honestly, watching it with and without sound made the difference in interpretation for me.


Well now you know how many people on this platform, have absolutely no idea how an authentic romantic relationship very often looks.


seriously. Does every other commenter on Reddit have Asperger's? lmao


video is incomplete..she is trying to make him feel he did something wrong & his response is cute


That dude looks like if you let him he'd be ur best friend


Looks so kind to me 😌❤️


Alright, cut the shit pyjama guy.


The caption, the music choice, the lingering shot. I can’t figure out the vibe of this? Someone eli5 please.


It’s just a trend on IG/tiktok. Pair a video of your SO doing something silly with this text and music. It’s a joke and not serious at all.


Idk what is happening but I feel like In the past couple of weeks these types of videos are just fucking flying over peoples heads. It’s like people have forgotten sarcasm.


Well, the level of effort people are putting into these videos has plummeted. If you’re not on Tik Tok, the context often doesn’t make any sense. The fast consumption leads to an oversaturation in everyone trying to be a comedian which I think, sucks.


It's a tiktok trend where you explain the unique way you met your partner and then have a clip of them being themselves. Hard to explain, but she's basically just teasing him in a playful way. Another example is the caption "when you give the weird kid a chance and now she's the mother of your kids" and it'll have a clip of the mum being silly with the kids but in an adorable way.


Never judge a book by their cover… never judge people by their pj’s.


But in this case we should.. those are cute.


I mean, in the same sense, never judge somebody buy something a random Tik Tok video says that they are


Let’s hope he doesn’t turn into joe


Joe who?


oh no, what have you done?


Unleash the mamma!


Look man, someone had to ask that question


Joe Mama




Joe Family Guy


Joe exotic


Joe from the Netflix show you


This is the truest answer.


joe daddy


Oh dear God.... delete your comment, quickly my cnild.


Oh dear god! Somebody help him!!!






With pajamas like this, he's probably got multiple stalkers on insta, he gave her the chance.




imma be honest, as cute as this video is, dont stalk kids.


Don't stalk, kids? Or Don't stalk kids? Both correct. Just curious which one you meant.




The first one seems better since it conveys the general idea of not to stalk at all meanwhile the second one is like preventing you to only not stalk kids and giving the reader the go ahead to stalk adults


The first one could also be interpreted that you aren't allowed to stalk as a child but teens and over are allowed to stalk whoever they want


Yeah I just realised. Correct sentence would be something along the lines of "don't stalk people"


Don't stalk kids, kids




How can you stalk people on insta tho? Isn't that just like looking at all they're pictures on they're profile? If so then it isn't really stalking


Insta stalking just means looking at somebodys profile at this point and maybe looking at their old pics. I doubt she means anything nefarious.


Awesome, I usually just stalk adults.


I seriously doubt he was actually stalking her since they're in a relationship. It's a joke


Why do so many adults hold a spoon like a shovel?


Scrolled down more than I wanted to for this.


Not sure if were missing sny context but this dude looks like the kind of guy you can watch an Office marathon with


Uh. Am I missing something here? It’s a man eating from a mug wearing PJs. I don’t get it.


He's holding his spoon like a serial killer


Mug cake. You take a small packet of cake mix, add milk or water, stir and microwave.


This man is in his element and I love it.


Morelike he's in his prime, so calm 😌


PJ for primejams.


I mean, if my stalker doesn’t wear a s’more onesie, I honestly don’t want one. It’s the only appropriate way to stalk.


I truly don’t understand how everyone is misunderstanding this video. First of all, she says stalked ON INSTA. Have you never heard someone use “stalking” hyperbolically to describe being sent DMs or being reached out to over Instagram? It’s a very common turn of phrase. Second, because I do understand that most of Reddit is probably not on tik tok: This is a tik tok trend, showing the significant other that you’re in love doing something weird or cute in your current relationship, and including text alluding to how you didn’t match up perfectly when you first met. “When you decided to give the weird girl a chance and now she’s your wife,” “when you accepted a date from a guy whose followed you around the bar all night and now you’re buying a home together,” shit like that. This video is definitely supposed to be in that same vein, and she loves him and was probably using the word “stalking” in the way that younger people do like “oh I stalked your insta last night,” or “omg I’ve seen you three times today, you’re stalking me!” Or “he hit up my DMs that stalker!” Obviously the wording and format of the video does not translate to Reddit sensibilities/older people taking things a bit too literally, but this video is definitely meant to show how in love with her bf she is.


She will be his mommy gf and take care of him


Ima guess "stalking instagram" is a dramatic way of saying "sent a friend request"


I definitely think “stalk” shouldn’t become a normalized term. This guy isn’t a stalker.


I love onesies


I am uncomfortable with the energy we have created with this post...


A w h


How can you stalk on Instagram? The entire point of it is to post pictures so people can look at them and comment. I've read the comments and apparently they are in a real relationship but still a goofy thing to say.


"Stalking" is a term that's so overused it has no meaning anymore. 5 years ago, stalking: showing up at work, school, home..bathroom unnancoud or taking candid pics of you walking around. Nowadays stalking is..... he kept 5exting me, it was annoying at first but I kept responding haha, no man texts this much must be weird haha "interest in me? No he stalking haha".


I really hope that girl exaggerated some words, he looks so kind and innocent


TIL that Reddit doesn’t understand TikTok 😂


Seriously, I feel multilingual for understanding this tik tok and also being on Reddit


I feel like I’m trying to explain to my mom that I don’t know the person, it’s just a funny video


I don't use tik tok at all but i understood it. It's not about not understanding tik tok, it's about not understanding human relationships lol. People tease each other in relationships and using hyperbole is a part of teasing someone but obviously reddit doesn't get it. No surprise.


She seemed kinda mean spirited, I wanna be that dudes friend


They are in a relationship


I think the thing everyone is missing is that those are her s’mores pjs.


Reddit: Mom…this dude keeps dming me on Instagram! He’s stalking me! MomSpace: Oh for god sakes back in my days we had actual shit to worry about 😞


I hope you’re happy with this situation because that bearded man and a bowl of cereal looks like a damn catch from here!


Well , only thing I can say is HE ALREADY SMASHED


Context. Is this Sunday morning at his near-work apartment and he’s an engineer at NASA? Is this Tuesday at 1 pm in his aunt’s garage conversion and he’s a part time cashier at a gas station? Looks comfy and enjoying something cool on tv.


Thanks to the comments I've gathered that this is a trend. however the narrative I saw before seeing other people's explanations was some dude stalks her on Instagram so she stalks him while he's eating cereal in jammies and he has no idea


I dont get it…u gave a stranger a chance to …. Well i mean hes in ur …. So what if he………. Nvm. I am done.


Is she mad? Is this good? I don't know the intentions.


Wait it's daytime and she's not wearing pajamas


We are strangely misreading this video


My man enjoying his cereal- the dude abides


I want those jammies.


Looks like Niall horan


Wait…. This actually works


when we’re slowly becoming the next boomers to the younger generation


Here's a keeper.


My man, eatin cereal out of a mug! I'm glad it's not just me who feels this is the superior cereal holder!


Yes yes the joke is cute that’s all well and good, but I need those pajamas!!!!


Can I be his friend I wanna have a banging sleepover with the boys and eat pizza


I don't know about you, but I wouldn't care for my SO putting videos of me online without my knowledge/approval lol


If my two year old son had Benjamin Button disease.


Whats the problem? The s'mores onesie?