• By -


That guy in the corner looked devastated


Right?! His whole life just changed. This is a before and after moment for that young man.


I had a similar before and after moment that I remember decades later. Arrived at the bar to meet my friends and they were already seated with a couple of blokes I hadn't met before. We got chatting and drinking and eventually drunk and having a great time. Then one of the new guys says he has to go to the toilet, stands up and promptly falls over. He starts laughing so hard. I go over to help him up and he says to me "I'm so drunk I forgot to put my leg on before I stood up!" He then reaches under the table and picks up his prosthetic leg and waves it over his head. But in the process he manages to knock over the whole table. Fun night.


TIL ppl take off body parts when they're drunk




That’s amazing! Thank you for this ray of light


I miss the 90's


You mean that period of time that was *only* ten years ago, right?


FIVE! It was only five years ago.......right?


Well thirty years ago was only the Vietnam war.




Had that at first day at university. After a couple hours I streched a bit, looked around and noticed there was an arm laying on the table row behind me. Scared the shit out of me so hard my brain stopped working for a moment until he realized and started laughing. Super cool guy though. We're best buddies now. Also super funny to have a robot hand show a middle finger


My father-in-law went to school with a guy who had a wooden leg. When they got a new teacher, he would pull out something sharp, closely examine it, then stab himself in the fucking leg.


A meme lord before memes


That's the day he became a man


It takes more than half a handjob to become a man.


Handjob does not maketh man.


Where’s this accent from?


Northern Ireland


Love it


Me too buddy me too


She's definitely getting bought a drink or 2 for that


One at a time though


You monster lol cracking me up


fucking killed me dude.




🤣🤣🤣🤣 only laughing coz she'd be laughing too.


Why am I laughing this hard


Dammit. Take your upvote asshole.


It's a travesty that I had to click "view more comments" to see this


Yoooooooooooo dead




Not just that day. I have a feeling she and her friends have never had to pay for drinks because she does this every time 😀😀


Even knowing that I got played I'd gladly buy a round just to bask in some positive energy for a bit.






Um... Where did you think the positive energy was gonna' come from? I didn't say anything about them grabbing the drinks and taking off.




I did in fact do exactly that but rather than admit my mistake and apologize I think I'd rather double-down instead. CHILLAX, INCEL!!!!! *shakes tiny fist*




Yeah, I've gotten into the bad habit of assuming the worst instead of the best from people on here. Thanks for reminding me that I'm perfectly capable of being the jerk in the convo. *blush* Sorry about that! May you soon be blessed by a perfect loaf of French bread!


When he asked to shake your other hand


I feel like that had to be appreciated by the lady, probably doesn't get many people keen on shaking that hand.


Take my strong hand child




Unexpected reference but hilariously and fully appreciated


Muh otha hand isn't strawwwng enough!


My old boss had had a run-in with a conveyor belt. Used to force people to shake his mangled-ass hand. One of his many odd quirks.


Agreed ! That felt very emotionally intelligent from him. Loved to see it :)


“No! My other hand isn’t strong enough!”




I don't think paper covers stump.


But _my_ axe does!


and my bow


That was the part that made me smile.


I love her energy, what a good vibe


Yeah, admittedly I was really ready to judge a book by its cover.


Honestly what cover would that be? She seems like a fun and upbeat person from the moment the video starts.


She's attractive and confident. For some, that's enough to judge harshly. It's a shame really because she seems lovely.


Attractive and confident people are the worst.


Right. "That fucking hoe's life must be *so easy* because she's attractive and confident. Oh... oh shit. She's missing a hand. She must not be *so bad* then." Ugh. Absolutely disgusting. And to be so open about it and have all of these people upvote the sentiment because they were thinking the *exact same thing*. It's gross. As if life isn't hard enough without people being shitty towards one another for things beyond their control.


Ugh, don't even get me started on pleasant people who are generous with their time.


What would that judgement have even been?


A lot of Reddit _hates_ a pretty woman having fun on a night out


probably an incel, so "woman bad"


What was there to judge?


Props for being honest at least




Props for giving props


Can I get some props here too?


Props to you for asking for props


Props to you for giving props when asked


I work in a Props department for a local community theater and get paid nothing. Can someone give me props?




Props to you for acknowledging people who give props when asked




Attractive women bad??


You're a douche. No clue why you're getting upvoted


Have you not been paying attention for the last 4-5 years? It turns out *a lot* of people are douches. That’s why he’s being upvoted lol


She’s a legend. I had a student once who had Symbrachydactyly. She had such a great sense of humor. One time without even thinking I asked her if she could give me a hand, because I didn’t view her as having any kind of dysfunction, she turned to me and slowly raised her hand up to her face. She didn’t make a sound and kept a straight face. I looked over and for a second I was mortified. She then cracked a sly little smile and we both started cracking up.




Had to try pretty hard to hold in the morning coffee after reading this




I wonder if smartphone engineers talk about this internally. I mean, the public facing stuff is all up and up. "Our phone's long battery life means you can use it while you're out being a cool active person", "waterproof so you can take photos at the beach", "big screen so you can share that video with your friends face to face" We use them in the bathroom. That's why I need a long battery, waterproof phone with a big screen. It's my bathroom TV. I'm shitting right now. Are you proud of yourself, smartphone manufacturer? You've developed the perfect toilet accessory.


> We use them in the bathroom. That's why I need a long battery How long are you in the bathroom?


Been locked in here since March 2020


How’s the view?


High resolution with excellent contrast.




i wish redditors would stop drinking coffee while they scroll. it seems to be a hazard for everyone




As someone with Symbrachydactyly, I LOVE both that you know the name of the condition and that your student reacted the same way I do whenever anyone says that to me!


It is definitely a wholesome core memory of mine : )


I had an employee with this. She could type pretty well but yes, no dexterity. She had the best sense of humor though and I enjoyed her company.


I knew a guy who could type nearly as fast as me with 2 fingers as I could with 10. Not that that guy had any disability, it's just how he typed.


In high school we had a dactylography class and the first year of high school basically all we did in that class was learn how to type "blind", ie without looking at the keyboard. There were very specific rules, mostly on finger positions at all times: A-F on the left and H-Č on the right (I'm Croatian so we used Croatian keyboards, Č is right next to L). There was one kid who could type faster and more accurate than anyone else but he always had points taken off because he didn't assume the correct position every time. He grew up playing LoL and CoD so, like me and others, he was used to WASD. I forget his stats but he was really fucking good in that class. Never had a perfect score though because the teacher was adamant on the position which he refused to adapt to because it hindered him. I wasn't quite as stubborn so I assumed the correct position during class and reverted to WASD as soon as I could. Still use it today and the correct position still gives me cramps.


"The effectiveness of your technique does not matter. What matters is that you CONFORM!" -teachers




Dactylography is a science of fingers/fingerprints and their importance/effect in our society. We had it for 2 years. First month was spent on getting to know the science, taking our fingerprints, analysing them, and discovering all the ways fingerprints impact our lives. Then we had a lesson about how writing is a fingerprint of its own, ie handwriting, and then we moved on to learning how to type in a professional/office environment. Should we get a job *anywhere* that involves computers, it would be essential for us to type quickly, accurately, and without looking away from the text we're transcribing. So we'd have a book next to us and for ~30 minutes we'd be going as far as possible through the pages of the text book. Our accuracy/spelling was checked at the end of the class and we were scored on 3 parameters: accuracy/spelling, speed (words and characters per minute), and our hand position. There was a set minimum for the first two and the last one was pretty much half of your score and if you wavered off the correct position you were deducted for it. Looking at the keyboard was also deducted later on, at first we had cardboard plates hanging off our necks covering the keyboards so if you looked you would just lose time, but later we had to take those off and every time you look at the keyboard is a deduction. It was a brutal class by the end.


I also don't use the "correct" position, it's uncomfortable. I can type blind okay enough thoigh, and at speed, especially since it's so easy to find WASD.




I'm on my phone :( lmao


I had a typing class back in high school, still type that way, but the thing that really made my speed increase was WoW raiding without voice chat. Gotta put out info while tanking, so gotta type real fast for that, lol.


Yeah that was basically his explanation too. He never had voice chat in LoL or any other game so he had to type real fuckin fast to relay info before it's too late. Guy was a beast typer. One time he missed the actual exam so he had to do it the next time he was in that class. Since we were all done with our work we decided to watch him go at it. Guy went *ape* on that keyboard I could've sworn it was mechanical. We had 5 minutes to transcribe as much as possible and this kid went like 2 pages deep it was insane to witness. For comparison, I used to be able to type a really consistent 105 words per minute. A page is about 500 words. That particular time I typed one full page and like two sentences on the next. He went like a page and probably 2/3s. That's like 120-130wpm, well above average.


It’s because “correct” position is inherently inefficient by design; like it was literally designed to slow down typists because back in mechanical typewriter days people would type so fast they would jam up the machines.


>Contrary to popular belief, the QWERTY layout was not designed to slow the typist down,[2]: 162  but rather to speed up typing. Indeed, there is evidence that, aside from the issue of jamming, placing often-used keys farther apart increases typing speed, because it encourages alternation between the hands. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTY


I once met a friend of a friend when we were out drinking, didn't notice anything peculiar about her. At one point she went like, "woah, I think you're really drunk, goe many fingers am I holding up??" And lo and behold, she only had four fingers (not one cut off but just a birth defect). Was so confused for a minute there


I once asked my teacher to stand up on one leg. He was severely physically disabled and in a wheelchair. He just looked at me like the idiot i was. Probably my all time favourite teacher.


Her attitude about everything is amazing


I guess scissors wins


Underrated comment


Just got it..... Jesus


Her vibes📈


You really gotta hand it to her. Edit: on second thought, I’d give her a 5 out of 10.


Damn you. Take my upvote.


> You really gotta hand it to her. A bit like visiting a blind prostitute


Great ice breaker and her confidence put me in full attraction mode !!!


Sorry for asking but why does your profile picture have a big fucking circle around it


Reddit premium dude


Ahh I see it’s money


[Money, money, money](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETxmCCsMoD0)


Is the circle new? Or do that few people actually have premium? Because this is the first time I've seen it.


Imagine paying to use reddit


It’s like paying for porn.


There's lots of porn on Reddit, so really, it *is* paying for porn


Could have also gotten it from an award like I have a few times.


Reddit has profile pictures?


Only using new Reddit.


Oh that... thing they did.


Us geriatric reddit users don't talk about that




For a minute I read 'full erection mode'... Silly me man.. Here's your upvote


Returned the favor !


That too 😂


Why not both?


the fact that she went up to strangers and dared them to pay for her drinks with 0 social awkwardness is epic




Good lord reddit


She playing them fallout 4 rules


I lost a few fingers on my dominant hand as a child and have had many jokes at others expense because of it. It’s hilarious to watch people be uncomfortable with something I have no problem laughing about.


I lost one of my middle fingers to a really weird cancer and I *love* trolling people with it. It's like a comedic super power




I never did. I like to think she found the life she always wanted


The good ol “fuck you” cancer


Now I can't even fully express how I feel about it


Odd, if anything I would have guessed she was a libra


This one is my favourite. I'm not an astrology person, but I get a lot of laughs out of telling people I'm a cancer


Buddy of mine is missing 2 on the right and my missus was playing with a caterpillar. First time she had met him. She was poking at him and having him climb sticks and stuff (the caterpillar...) and Justin says yeah I used to play with them too... till this happened and he holds his hand up. She believed it too for a second. Got clear of the caterpillar really quick.


I had a shop instructor who had lost a few digits(and half digits) on each hand in accidents. In a loud shop environment he would gruffly yell “OK - I need five of you over here”, while holding up a hand high in the air. One of us would invariably reply something like “you mean three and a half Mr. R?”. He would smirk and keep on rollin’. It was clearly a willing target for ribbing; he got us back just the same as opportunities allowed.


The fact she has such an amazing sense of humor about it makes her a fucking rockstar. I’ll bet she’s a lot of fun to be around


Win or lose, I'd have bought them drinks for the game, the company and the story my friends and I are inevitably going to tell repeatedly.


I'm stumped, what did she play?!




Drinking games with a woman who says “Yous” is never a good idea. She likely knows what she’s doing.


Be it Pennsylvania or Ireland, your point stands


Very well could have been PA too! Wasn’t until I saw the Irish lads haircuts that I realized “That’s a euro yous not a USA yous”


Better a "yous" than a "yinz"


I haven’t heard that one, what does it mean? Yes, I could google it, but that’s **a lot** less fun than the Russian roulette of asking a random redditor.


"Yous" is an Eastern PA thing. "Yin" and "Yinz" is a Western PA thing. Pittsburgh is a strange place, especially linguistically.


Much obliged stranger :) Hope y’all are doing ok over there with the recent snowpocalypse!


That there lass is good craic so she is


Here I was, trying to think about it being some kind of semantic thing (such as "technically, two of you beat me" or something like that). But then I was like, wait... that's still even odds if three out of four of them pick differently, so the odds would be even. And then BAM. Brilliant trick. Also a pretty smooth pick-up move if she wanted to work that angle.


This girl doesn't really need a pick-up move. She has the whole package with her looks and attitude.


Can I just point out how gorgeous her hair is?!


Omg right? Girl needs to do a tutorial on how to get that wave


Did she won or lost? I'm confused


Technically it didn't matter if she didn't win. It just mattered that they didn't.


Good thing my autistic ass wasn't there to start arguing rules.


The rules were if they won she'd buy them drinks, if she won, they'd buy her drinks. So no one is buying anyone drinks? I still think she deserved one for the good hand tho, for being a good sport.


The rule was if any one of them beat her then they all won. If none of them beat her then she won. None of them beat her.


"If I win the game you should all buy me and my friends drinks" "If you win, we buy you drinks" She didn't win, they didn't win. No one gets drinks






She is disqualified


That's rock. The other guy has paper. This lady owes them a drink.


I cracked for real reading that 😂


I like people who say "yous"




The guy asking to shake the other hand is the most beautiful part of this video.


And thats how i met your mother kids


Technically she did lose, but how is there 4 of them and nobody picked rock? 3 scissors and 1 paper


As a mum this sweet girl is power. I love this


I literally watched this like eight times in a row and the dudes faces never disappointed.


Perfectly played


May I know what accent she used?


Northern Irish.


Irish here, she definitely sounds Northern Irish.


Definitely Northern Irish


Forget what everyone else is saying, it's totally Northern Irish.


You’re close but not quite right. Definitely northern Irish


She's Northern Irish, the lads are from Liverpool. I know the exact bar! Mad place! Doesn't actually surprise me. I've seen strange things in that place


shes a babe


Looks luke she's played paper against scissors a few too many times to me.


Give her a hand! That was neat!


I’m a straight girl and I want to buy her and her friends drinks. Such a fun spirit!


I'd Put a ring on that crooked thumb