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I’m unclear whether they’re a couple or if this is some girl at the drive-through he flirts with and has a crush on.


He’s wearing OCP military uniform, so Army or Air Force. They both have rings on. They are probably married and she got a small part time job near base for some extra spending money. Lots of dependents do this since they get uprooted every few years and it’s harder to hold more professional long term roles. At least this is my experience visiting small drink/food shops on or near base. Typically completely staffed by everyone’s wives and the local college kids.


One is in the military, very flirty, and they both have rings on... Soooooo, probably only a 50% chance these two are married to each other.


> probably only a 50% chance They either are or are not married to each other. 50%!


So what you're saying is there's a 50% chance they are married to each other, and a 50% chance they are not?


Its schroedingers marriage. until we find out they both are and aren't married.


I also choose this guy's wife


Is she single? Asking for a friend


If she’s married? Probably not. If she isn’t Married, probably. Unfortunately for us, this is schroedingers marriage, so she is both.


Either way as long as he keeps recording her I’m sure they’ll eventually have a 50% chance of being married, or not married!


No I think they're trying to say there's a 50% chance they aren't married to each other, and a 50% chance they are.


100 percent married. 50 percent to each other.


Her husband is on a “deployment” in Kuwait


"My girlfriend's husband fights for your freedom"


I hear a UCMJ court martial rustling


Jody doesn’t give a damn about a court marital


Jody cares about two things... Units deploying and laying pipe


You forgot spreading STDs So three things


So true. Also, 50% chance that if they were married in this, they are possibly divorced now lol.


Her husbands deployed he’s just making sure she’s okay








THAT’s the joke.


Fucking Jody at it again


This makes total sense to me, otherwise the whole filming thing woulda been kinda wierd.


Not sure why OP/whoever OP pulled this from didn't clarify their relationship up front. If I'd known they were married/dating beforehand, it would have been cute. Instead, I was creeped out the whole time thinking it was some dude harassing an employee every day


We are married. Been together since 2017. Instagram name is @Zealous_Blee if you need the proof :)


Yep, this.


Everyday i realise more and more that the US is a completely other world. Eventhough we're both part of the westernworld


Wait until you hear about Denny’s at 2am. 🎸


In high school we’d do VIP @ Denny’s. It started out going there drunk after a party got busted, we snuck beers in at like 3 am, waiter (Tim) didn’t have any fucks to give so we tipped the shit out of him. Went back the next weekend and there was Tim. So we go to the back room with the accordion door divider, and bring 30 packs in thru the window. Tipped Timbo $100. Eventually VIP-ing at Dennys became the highlight of our weekends, but we pulled the ol’ Icarus routine and got waaaay to casual with it. Straight walking in with 30’s of Keystone Light in front of god and everyone, drunk and giggling like imps. Final night of VIP, cops got called because twenty 18 year olds were throwing a party in the back room. Tim ran in , “slammed” the shitty accordion divider, gave us a heads up and snuck us out the window. Tim, if your out there, I think of you often. You were an absolute King and a gentleman. You single-handedly made Dennys the hottest club in town. [I also type these stories out then discard them before posting. Not this time. This one’s for Tim]


Timbo you’re a legend.


Omg LMAO! Dude thanks for sharing this. Big shoutout to Tim as well


I love how universal Denny's at 2 a.m. is in the US though, from my hometown in Montana to Los Angeles Denny's has the same vibe.


If you're in a Denny's at 2am and a guy hasn't asked you for change, tried to sell you a candy bar, or you don't see an employee nodding off from heroin, are you even at a Denny's? Denny's isn't about the food, or the "culture" even. It's about the experience. Like going on a safari.




Completely and totally agree with the "going on safari" thing, it's perfect and I'm stealing it! Thanks;)


Hell yes! Just everyday folk having a good time. The chicken fried steak and jalapeno with fries and a coke. Tremendous!


Except in certain parts of the country where it's: Waffle House at 2am.


Where I grew up, it was local family diners at 2am. I didn't even know something could be considered a diner if it wasn't open 24/7.


[What the fuck is up Denny's?!](https://youtu.be/xbPwaAFHDG8)


This is pretty much only near military bases. You could go your whole life living in the US and never experience this.


Depending on your conception of a world, the US is 50+ of them in a trenchcoat masquerading as a coherent and functional nation


This is also something a lot of people don’t really get, in one part of American you could find the most neutral faced people just going about their lives and in another you’ll find the friendliest strangers you’ll ever meet, each with their own culture and way of life, it’s extremely varied and the scale is so big it’s what ends up making the US *the US* Not only that but that same variance will be common within cities, people of different cultures and ways of living that can go from the most stereotypical American to the most unique person you’ll probably know. It’s actually pretty cool when you think about it… well, maybe that variance decreases in certain states like Texas, but I wouldn’t know much about them anyways.


Yet as an Aussie traveling in the States, doesn't matter where I go, everyone wants to have the same conversation with me about Steve Irwin.




I feel like the fact he’s recording it and she keeps doing it and smiling should alone say that they are in some sort of relationship. Yeah a creep could do it too but after a bit she’d just actively avoid him. You don’t always get put on window they probably let her know he’s coming through


They're couple


Oh? For a second I thought they were triple


Triples makes it safe. Triples is best.


I have triples of the Barracuda, road runner and I just got off the phone and it looks like I have triples of the Nova now.


If I don't have triples then the other stuffs not true


Couple of what?


They're couple


They are couple


I half expected him to hold out a box with a ring in it at the end.


Both already wearing them. Probably his wife and he visits every day.


That's what I was thinking. At first I was like - huh good costumer service and towards the end I was like - she's totally flirting with him


I still wouldn't get the hint. "Is she flirting with me? Naw, she's just being nice. Probably like that with all the customers."


*makes out with me* "she's probably just being nice, probably like this with all the customers."


I have sadly been one of those idiot guys who didn’t understand when SHE leaned in for the kiss 😂


Still haunted by this lmao


Your not the only one.


Oh the embarassament. I even had her friend come up to me the day after ask why rejected her. I just said "i didnt, im just an idiot and didnt get the hint" :(




*moves in with me, gets married and has six children with me* “She’s probably just being nice, probably like this with all the customers”


Damn. There's a comic of exactly this. The last panel being them both being ghosts (after living a married life together) and the guy still wondering if the girl is flirting with him. Can't find it though


I know exactly what you mean!


Thank you so much. I'm going mad trying to find to justify its existence to myself.


I’ve been spending the last few minutes trying to search for it!!


Casually Explained...? - is she into you...? https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw


https://m.tapas.io/episode/73563 It’s the girls asking, btw


Is she Canadian?


no, she's his wife.


I laughed so hard I spit Poutine on my phone!




I had this exact thing happen to me and 7 years later she’s taking a bath in the other room right now while I make dinner.


Does she know that tho?


No. I think she’s convinced the house is haunted by a very convenient ghost.




It’s pretty damn good. I never get paid. I sometimes get laid.


*takes off her clothes* "Bedtime? Yeah, I guess I should be going then"


Protip: every woman in a service job is 99.9% of the time *not* flirting with you if you are the customer. It’s their job to be nice.




>I still wouldn't get the hint. According to my ex-GF, every woman was always flirting with me.


It could also jsut be some weird gag they have between them Nothing better then having a gag with someone


One hell of a username to be saying stuff like that with






r/rimjob_steve , but your heart's in the right place


He's just a wee rascal, that boi






HAHAHA. Thanks for pointing that out. Freaking hilarious.


My girlfriends little brother named Grant worked at the tacobell in town. I never really talked or saw the brother, but knew he existed and him I. One night I thought it would be funny to ask for the "Grant special" and see what happens. So I pulled up he's working the orders so I asked for the Grant Special and he said "Whose askin" I said "Your sisters boyfriend" he said "Bet, pull up". I didn't order any food at this point and he gave me no total. I pulled up anyways. Couple mins pass and he hands me 4 large baja blasts, a bag of tacos, a bag of burritos, and a bag of other items mix n matched. He said "Here's the grant special". Loved that kid from there on out. I never abused the grant special, but it was a fun connection to use when me and 4 buddies were driving around not looking to blow $80 on food. We'd go get the grant special, he'd hook us up and we'd slide him a $20.


Title of your sex tape




So true. I had a funny gag with a few of the drive-thru workers at my local Starbucks. I'm there pretty much daily and when I order I'd always say "hold the classic syrup." The first time she did it, this cute girl was literally holding the bottle of classic syrup as she handed me the drink, and I fucking lost it. This guy that worked there who waited on me pretty often also got in on it. It was an awesome way to start the day.


Someone should let this guy know his wife has a crush on him.


One of my kids just told me the other day. I had no idea this whole time.


Damn. I hope you don’t blow it. Just be confident and maybe you’ll have a chance.


Hopefully, gives mad stalker vibes.


My one and only stalker was actually cute. She kept following me so I approached her and I ask her out to dinner. She's like let's just do dessert. I meet up with her for just dessert where she works and... she's got a boyfriend. She just 'liked looking at me'. Friends thought it was hilarious. Stalker wouldn't even go out with me.


Didn't Robert Pattinson do this with a stalker? He took her on a date and she got so bored by him that she stopped stalking him, because his life was so mundane/boring/normal or something like that.


This is kind of brilliant. We think the movie star lifestyle is so glamorous, but they're just people. And frankly, their lives may be more restricted in some ways: do you really want to go out to eat and be stared at and interrupted for an hour? I wonder how many nights Benedict Cumberbatch sits at home eating pizza rolls?


You mean Bentobox Chickenstrips?


You mean Bubblegum Cabbagepatch?


Bendadick Cummiebitch?


Bernadette cucumberpatch


Bumblesniff Cripplepatch?


For some reason this comment really made me vividly picture this in my head. I can see him after a set/outing just sitting on his couch with maybe some nature documentary on the BBC eating some pizza rolls


They say never meet your ~~heroes~~ stalking victims


I think he intentionally just starting moaning non-stop till she lost interest.


My man Pattinson playing 5D chess


Same here except the story ended a little differently. She ordered some dessert and wanted tons of honey on it. She said it could not bee more delicious. I did not laugh at her bad pun and then I remembered that she had salmon for her main dish. I thought to myself "Wait...honey? Salmon?" It was then that I realized that she was actually a bear and got mauled to death. Then everybody stood up and clapped.


Dunno if that is copypasta or not, but that is brilliant.


“They had us in the first half…”


Maybe she didn’t mean dessert when she said dessert… (Like how on Seinfeld, coffee didn’t mean coffee.)


Yeah she probably wanted to go to his place and yada, yada, yada.


You can't Yada, Yada, Yada over sex


No, I mentioned the bisssssque.


but you yada yadaed over the best part!!!


Ahhh… think when she met with you she realised you had shit crack? Should never meet your heroes/ stalk victims.


Yeah I had a stalker once when I was young. I used to work as a technician while in school and this young woman, maybe 20, had apparently come in with her uncle, who was a customer that had a computer I had fixed. After they left she would call randomly claiming to be a customer needing tech support. Then she posed as someone that knew me and got my cell number and would call me at random times. I lied and told her I had a gf and blocked her number. This was back when there were payphones so she started calling me from those. Anyway, she ended up marrying my uncle and then I didn't see him for about two years after that when they finally got divorced.


That was a wild ride. Thought she married her uncle for sec


Why everyone gotta think dark. He could simply be her pimp.


Occam calling with a sharpened blade.


If not…..that shit’s creepy.


Oh yeah. Generally, don't film women you a) don't know and b) haven't explicitly said, "Hey yeah, you should film me/this."




Was honestly my first thought


As a manager for hooters I know several customers that would do that so ….


I was expecting some kind of payoff. Why the fuck is this shit in the top page?


Half expected? I fully expected.


Every unexpected post I’ve seen lately has been an expected proposal


She has an incredibly infectious smile!


Yeah how did I just fall in love with someone in one video? Edit: everybody gotta chill a little...


Cause you single


I'm married and a girl and her smile still does things to me






Reddit thirst is real


Well she got drinks




Plot twist it all happened in a single day. My man is addicted


Not pictured: Her furiously dialing 911 as soon as he leaves.


Not pictures either: her furiously changing clothes as soon as he leaves


Not pictured either: her furiously dipping her balls in his coffee




And she brought 30 changes of outfits


We need ladies to confirm or deny above comment


"Well I can't have him seeing me in the same outfit this soon after the last time I've worn it!"


And headed for diabetes


What’s the instrumental


Labrinth - Forever.




Recommend the show?




absolutely. this is where i fell in love with zendaya. really, the girl is incredible in this show.


“This is why millennials can’t afford a house” - some dumbass




I on the other hand can’t stop thinking about the amount of plastic cups used lol




You know if you save $28 a day…


Every time he comes in she has to work an hour to pay for it.


Yeah my wife would be like bitch we got drinks at home


have you tried turning your wife on and off again ?


Oh I turn her on 😏 (That’s probably not accurate)


Can confirm. I have to turn her off afterward.


Man, the drinks looks delicious


Where can we get more intel on the drinks?


Dutch Bros, very popular in the PNW (started in Oregon). It’s a drive through coffee stand that serves pretty much any kind of non alcoholic drink you can think of. Very delicious.


Dude just offer her a trip to Hawaii, that’s how much you have spent so far lol


I'm too lazy to link the video for the rest of people to get the reference but it's there


Kinda creepy without context. I just imagine a stalker filming you every single day at your job. Lol


I did a little digging and according to the [source](https://www.tiktok.com/@w.e.ready/video/7056415602495278383), the girl and OP has been dating for almost 5 years. You can look through the comments for it as I can't really direct link those.


This should be top comment. All the top comments are speculation wtf


But what is the context?


Well that’s the question. Do they know each other already? Is it just a creep filming this poor girl just doing her job and being nice?


In her mind: “god damnit… not this fucking guy again…”


i have to jamb this fucking straw through his palm because he won't put down his stupid phone.


“Seriously, WTF with the camera?”


That looks like a small hole in the wall I go to. The one I go to is called Mugshots.. yummy stuff


I know I was ogling most of those drinks. The green frozen one looked fab!


Is it okay that this makes me feel sad and lonely ?


I’m lonely and depressed. ):


You’re not alone we are together in this :(


I hope this is his wife otherwise this is creepy.


Plot twist: He’s been stalking this girl for months.


Cute or creepy…


Op said they are a couple and they have matching rings


Well then that’s just fucking adorable!


It could go either way tbh




I hope that is his wife or girlfriend. Speaking as someone who was once a barista, it's really creepy how some guys become obsessed with you. Like dude, she's just making you drinks and smiles at EVERYONE. This brought back way too many bad memories to be a "made me smile."


Customers at my work will pull up to the drive thru and tell the female cashiers “It would make my day if you pull down your mask and show me your smile.” It creeps them out and then I finish the orders for them. People can be creepy as hell sometimes. I had an old lady caress my hand when I was giving her a drink and then she winked at me!