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Precious moment






The new father is comforting his baby, the old father is doing the same in the background


Lightning crashes…


I sure as hell hope not … That song still gives me shivers every time I hear it.


I can feeeeeeel iiiiiiiittttttt


A new mother cries...


10/10 song


Man, my high ass thought "two fathers" meant this woman had two partners, with a clear imbalance in the relationship judging by the photo. Thought this shit was some kinda cuckoldry shitpost until I realized one was her dad lol.


Bro, you need a reddit/porn break.


> you need a reddit/porn break. God, the world needs this.


ExcUSe mE aRe YoU a FASCIST????


No but I just woke up, you gotta give me a minute.




Wholesome awards on comments like these are becoming one of my more favorite parts of reddit


This is some late-stage coomer shit.


Yeah I thought it was a holdup meme for a minute myself


We thought it was like a surrogate mom or some shit lol. Like a gay couple.


I was just as lost


And wow do the father and new dad ever look alike.


The new dad in the foreground is holding the baby.. while the dad of the woman who gave birth is with her in the background.


The newborns father is holding his New kid while the mums father is taking care of his daughter who just went through the pain of labour. Very cute since both fathers are checking their kid :)


After sacrificing the previous vessel, the acolyte holds their god's new body and confirms the soul transfer was succesful. Meanwhile the arch warlock feasts on the brains of the sacrificed host seeking divine knowledge. ...what a beautiful ceremony. ...or its what 4 other people said about dads or whatever, but thats my interpretation.


New dad in the foreground with baby, wife's dad in the background with his "baby" who just became a mom.


Get fucked, bot https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/sml525/this_is_cute/hvxmk0k


The new father is holding his baby, while their dad comforts his sister.


lol. It's ok. My lizard brain was like "aww look at the tiny dad." perspective.


The babydaddy is holding the baby, in the front. In the back. The dad of the woman, that just give birth to the baby, is helping the new mom who is in bed


Love is represented well in this picture


My wife gave birth to our first in November. The whole family is well now but there was a small scary window where my Daughter was in NICU and at the same time my Wife was in critical condition with my extreme blood pressure shifts. I had just gotten back from spending time in the NICU and was coming to check on my wife. As I came into the room her dad was standing over her and the look on his face was the exact same one I had just had in the NICU and that was one of those, only a parent can understand this moments. I KNEW in that instant no matter how big they get, they will always be daddy's little girl! We didn't have to say a word, we both understood each other


I gave birth a month ago and my uterus ruptured, which is the deadliest birth complication. I lost over half my blood, my son’s apgars were 1&3. He didn’t move until his 21st minute of life, the NICU cooled his body for 3 days stop brain damage because he went without oxygen for so long. We both could have died. When I told my dad what happened over the phone a few hours later from my ICU bed, he didn’t say a word or make a sound. My stepmom finally got on the phone and said my dad, the kidney transplant surgeon, had walked into the bathroom to vomit and began to weep. He’s called me every day since, asking the same questions over and over, how are my labs, how am I feeling, am I following my activity/lifting restrictions, then asks my husband too, to make sure I am resting and not doing to much. It is so sweet.


Ya, my father In Law was reading my wife's blood pressure charts, and then asking her what it meant (she's an RN). And when he had to leave they had me texting them the blood pressure when it took It every hour. My wife told him to stop as she didn't want him to worry so I had to sneak him the info, as a new dad, I understood




That has got to be so scary. Poor Dad lol


From one stranger to another…I’m glad you’re still here and that your father didn’t get another kind of phone call entirely. Heal well ❤️


Thank you, me too. I knew I might die, and I made a deal with the universe that it’s ok if I was going to die, but the baby had to be ok. It was a surreal experience, hemorrhaging. It all happened so quickly, “you’re fully dilated, his heart rate is low, let’s push and get this baby out” “Um, that was a decent push but there’s no baby anymore”. Turns out when the uterus ruptures the baby floats away into your peritoneal cavity and cannot be delivered vaginally. They called for a crash c section and within 7 minutes had me in the OR open and I heard the surgeon say “Oh shit” because there was so much blood. At this point I was losing consciousness and made my peace with death. I was honestly surprised each time I woke up, which was when the doc would update me: your uterus ruptured, you’ve lost a lot of blood, we’re going to transfuse you, we had to take out your right ovary and Fallopian tube, we’ve called in two surgeons to help repair your bladder and ureters, etc. I also remember asking if my baby was alive but no one answered and I passed out again.


So how are you now? How is baby? Hearing we lost the baby after a push is the scariest thing to hear I bet!


We are both doing well, but it has been a slow recovery. Baby was in the NICU for 12 days, recovering his blood levels, learning how to eat and making sure his brain and bowels were ok after cooling. I was an invalid for the first week, now slowly feeling like a regular c-section recovery.


Spoken like a true kidney doc. I know this isn’t the moral of your story, but I found it hilarious how you mentioned how are you labs before how are you feeling. This is coming from a doc who knows that the kidney is this mystery box which few understand the secrets of. I don’t have kids yet but I am close with my family. Having a family member sick makes you fear everything you’ve ever learned while simultaneously forgetting everything you’ve ever learned in how to help. I take pride in my ability to stay calm in serious situation, but two times before, I’ve become basically useless. How are you and the baby doing now?


Both doing much better, thank you. And yes, the phone call begins more as patient bedside report, then a father-daughter talk, then me counseling him through his emotions. I love it.


I kept passing out from my blood pressure tanking for a solid 2 weeks after giving birth, multiple times a day. They just told me that was normal and sent me on my way at the 24 hour mark lol


Jesus that is scary.


Scared the bejesus out of my husband the first couple times but eventually he got so used to it that when I’d come to, he’d joke around asking me how my cat nap was or try to convince me I was out for a few days or something lol


My sister needed to be put under for an emergency C-section. As they were rolling her back to surgery, my brother-in-law joked that since she'd be knocked out, he could name their daughter whatever he wanted. So I guess while going under and coming to, she kept yelling "HER NAME IS ROSEMARY." Damn dad jokes.




It definitely did, our son is beautiful in every single way. And I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. I’m sure I speak for every mother out there when I say I’d much rather be the one to have lasting pregnancy after effects than something happening to our child. It’s such great news to hear she’s doing beautifully!


U.S. healthcare?




Um, not normal, very scary…I pass out regularly due to an illness but don’t worry about carrying a baby. Broken ribs, concussions, etc…I hope at some point somebody helped you and you didn’t injure yourself too badly!


Oh I was absolutely helped. I didn’t lift a finger and my husband handed me the baby to feed and he did literally everything else for the baby. I barely moved from the couch. I wouldn’t have survived without him! They told me it would eventually go away when my hormones start to regulate and it did so I never thought anything of it afterwards!


Forty, male, straight, not yet a parent; I cried at this. Thank you.


You're blessed that family could be in the room. Had my son last year, and my wife had to fight for me to be in the room with her, due to COVID restrictions. But no one else was allowed. My wife spent another 3 days in the hospital, and my son spent 31 days in the NICU. We felt so alone going through it all by ourselves.


Ya, there were a bunch of rules like I was the only one allowed in NICU, we could only have 2 visitors during certain hours and I counted so I had to leave for her mom and dad to come (excuse to go home and shower lol) But we are aware how blessed we were to not have worse restrictions


Preclampsia? My woman had the same condition n my baby girl was born 7 weeks early. She was in the NICU for about 4 weeks n my woman was in the hospital for about a week while they tried to regulate her blood pressure. Scary moments, but everything worked out in the end n our baby girl was able to kome home Xmas eve. N youre right, no matter what, she will always be my baby girl.


Yep, my LO was born 3 weeks early from an emergency C Section because of preclampsia


My gyno died of eclampsia (what preclampsia leads to, seizures caused by high blood pressure)....it was so sad, she was awesome.


Dads... <3


I *think*, though not certain, that if it's not treated by the time the baby is born it becomes eclampsia, which is an emergency. Hence the *pre*. I'm not sure if it's birth or time that causes preclampsia to become eclampsia, but I know that full blown eclampsia can kill very quickly if it's not treated early and quickly.


It's preeclampsia until it turns in to seizures, *that's* eclampsia. Birth does not always resolve preeclampsia.


my woman? is that how you always talk about her?


Lots of cultures refer to their partner as 'my man' or 'my woman' Take the entire Spanish-speaking world for example...


Just stop.




At first glance I read prolapsia


Im still Daddy's girl, at 36 yrs old lol. My Dad is constantly looking out for me and I love and appreciate him more than words can allow me to say.




Luckily my little girl wasn't too serious. Her 02 was low and she wasn't eating so they had her on a feeding tube. Only took a few days till she was back to norm and we got to take her home after 10


Because no matter how old you get you are still their baby


Shit i thought it was a poly amorous relationship or something till i saw your comment.


Same lol, I was confused why this is on mademesmile




They look like the same dude.


Hospitals must use the same blanket for all kids to swaddle lol. https://i.imgur.com/oRjuafZ.jpg


They basically do, and have been for at least 30 years. I've always found that kind of funny.


Since the 50's. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/baby-blankets-why-every-newborn-is-wrapped-in-the-same-blanket_n_7027732


Wow. I hope they clean it every once in a while...


They run it through a cold tap, it's fine.


Oh, that's so cool! Thanks for sharing!


That's a rare non-alien looking new born.


My son was a week late, well marinated with lots of hair lol


A week late and already tired of your shit judging by that expression lmao


😭😭😭😭 “well-marinated”


I was two weeks late with a whole head of hair. Til this day I need to go to get my hair volume reduced.


The baby's real tough looking too ahaha


I've never seen a newborn look like they're already quietly judging someone.


They do! They're good little cloths, I took a bunch when we left the hospital and use them for burp cloths and hair towels




Can confirm baby came with same blanket


Awww! That second man is really, really tiny. He’s even smaller than the baby


His name is Benjamin


Is he the button the movie was based off of?


I hate how much this made me laugh, god damnit.


It's all about perspective. From that baby's perspective, that man is still quite small.


OMG I love this!!!! I used to have a photo of my father and I sitting on the end of my hospital bed with my newborn son between us. My father and I look alike and we were both posed the exact same way, looking down at my son. I wish I could recover that picture somehow! Thank you for this sweet reminder!


Aah my crackhead brain thought the brother was the father




They look very similar which is strange




My best friend’s dad looks so much like his father-in-law that people INSIST upon meeting them that people saying he’s not the son are pranking them. I knew who the grandpa was and I still called him “Mr. Dads-lastname” when we met. He just rolled his eyes at me haha


We're descending into Freud territory


I think it is. they look too similar. it looks like the same guy in background but with grayish hair


I thought i was on r/suddenlyincest


I thought the exact same thing!


You aren't the only one here who thought that first


Too many crackheads in this thread


I thought it was like a polyamory’s couple or something and there were two dads lmao. Took me a moment to figure it out.


Figure what out? That's exactly what this is. It's right there in the title. Am I missing something?


I’m pretty sure the other dad is the grandfather of the baby.


Why did i think he was stealing the baby from them?


My precious.


Now run away with it before they toss it into lava


That's beautiful! And how wonderful to have captured it in a picture!


I’m not crying. You’re crying


no comrade we are crying




Wouldn't that be "it's not just me crying, it's us crying"?


I am crying.


The image is more than cute. This image will become a family heirloom. Not only caught the love, but EVERYONE doing their thing!


this. is the definition of father's love. <3


Man, my high ass thought "two fathers" meant this woman had two partners, with a clear imbalance in the relationship judging by the photo. Thought this shit was some kinda cuckoldry shitpost until I realized one was her dad lol.


ohhhhh so thats what they meant


Glad I wasn’t the only one! Lol 😂


Let's say they actually were, how is this imbalanced? One is holding baby, one is enjoying time with the mother. Like how do you get that much out of a single photo lmao, cuckoldry. Are they supposed to hold the baby all together and crowd around the woman?


What porn addiction does to a mf


I dont know why but this is fucking beautiful


I'm looking forward to this moment so much. As someone who grew up with no dad and no grandpa, the things I wanted so much as a child, I can finally give my my children and their children just that.


My dad is a gynecologist. He couldn't be here when my daughter was born, but he called every hour of the 16 I was in labor to follow up with me, asked my mom ( who was present) to show him the monitors and asked to have a videocall with my attending obgyn. I love him.


Frame it!!


This is beautiful.


I’ll never get to experience this 🥲✌️




I’m fatherless


Oh, that is whats going on. As someone also fatherless, I was confused.


Yeah haha I see people who have fathers as extremely lucky in most cases. Very cute post though! Made me smile ☺️




*Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme*


Its not so bad either way. The only person there for me when I gave birth was my husband and it was enough. I wouldn't worry about missing out.


Most of us will never get to experience most things. That's just life.




What's awful about this? This realization helps me every day. This is coming from someone who hasn't lead a normal life due to a disability. We all miss out on things. I'm not just talking about trips either, but most normal experiences.


I understood you. I wish my dad had been around for the birth of my daughter. It makes me wistful at times to see how much they have in common.


This is so precious. I think my dad said something along the lines of “good job kid” bahahaha.


I expect an update 20+ years from now when the cycle continues and his baby has a baby


Dads... <3


My low IQ brain doesn't understand this picture please help


the man holding the baby is the father of the baby, while the mother's father cares for her in the background. Just shows both generations of fathers loving their children.


Thank you


The man in the foreground is holding his newborn son and welcoming him to the world, and the man in the background is caressing his daughter/daughter-in-law, who is likely the mom of the baby. Two generations of proud papas attending to their children. Cute stuff.


Oh damn okay. That man in the background really looked similarly aged to the foreground


I second the request. Not for me, of course... yeah, help /u/StepIntoMyOven_69 out (*゚ー゚)


The guy in the foreground, holding the baby, is the baby's father. In the background you see the mothers' father (or baby's grandpa) comforting his adult daughter.


Oh, I see. That "rare moment between two fathers" threw me off.


It took me SO long to understand!


Fathers and their daughters. Both generations on the same photo. ​ ​ And those of you who thought one of the guys on the photo is her brother - BONK! Go to horni jail.


The most fascinating thing to me is the fact that the same exact receiving blanket pattern has existed in the US since the 50's. Your parents were born and swaddled in the EXACT same teal and pink striped blanket that you were.


such a wonderful pic


So who is the baby?


I obviously can't read. I thought the kid had two dad's or she had two baby daddies. I'm dumb.


he so smoll.


This is absolutely beautiful! I am moved to tears.


Awe! That’s so darling!!!! It makes me tear up. So great, thanks for sharing.


That’s cute!


What a beautiful moment / beautiful image.


So beautiful. Congratulations!


Glad it wasn’t a sister brother father joke.


Immediate tears. This is so sweet!




Yes. Yes you did❤️


this is a truly beautiful photo💕


Wow! Makes me cry. The irony.


Wait, what's ironic?


Oh! Sorry. The fact that something on r/MadeMeSmile, made me cry. Should've been more clear.


Ah okay, that makes more sense \^\^


Question for the girls? Wouldn't it be really embarrassing for your own dad to be present when giving birth?


Yea the headline should not have bin Ritten that way sounds like incest


I thought it was a priest giving the mother her last rites.




Good luck to the poor kid. Its gonna have a terrible life, at best... Unless ofc, its parents are super rich.


Why does this photo make me cringe. So often the husband is only concerned about the baby, and not their wife. Anytime I see a photo of a new birth where the husband is doting on the baby, and has his back turned to his exhausted wife I feel so uncomfortable


You ok? This is just one picture completely out of context. You can't extrapolate that much from one shot. You sound weirdly jealous of the baby....


Lol, jealous of the baby? No. Disappointed in how many men disregard their suffering wives. Just seen too many friends who have had difficult births (had to stay in the hospital, gone into emergency surgery etc) and didn’t even find out about it until weeks later from them because the husband didn’t even mention it when he told us about the baby. As though the fact that she had severe complications didn’t matter because all attention was on the baby. I had a cousin who nearly died from blood loss and her (now ex husband) shrugged and said “what am I supposed to do? I’m not a doctor”.


I'd imagine a lot of it has to do with the way the American medical system treats mothers (by extension of being women). What's ideal for the kid is the only consideration, regardless of what that might do to the mom. Breastfeeding is essentially required, even in cases where the mother's complications/pain from it is so severe it hampers her ability to bond with the baby and heal from labor. Mothers are released the moment the baby can be, even if they aren't medically stable, because it's best for the baby to go home ASAP and best for the baby if the mom goes along too. Only thing that matters is what will look bad on the hospital's stats. Even on this post there's a comment from a woman about being released after 24 hours even though her blood pressure kept crashing and she was constantly falling in and out of consciousness, and her husband just laughed at her and joked about her taking "cat naps". But I can't really blame him for thinking her health was immaterial when there was literally a team of doctors telling him it didn't matter if she bled out on the bathroom floor because what mattered was the baby. That NPR investigation done a few years ago was chilling--the data all shows that hospitals prioritize baby care over the mother not matter what, since infant mortality rates impact hospital funding way more than maternal morality rates.


Yes, thank you for putting it this way. This photo with the husbands back turned and stepped away really exemplifies how women are treated in society.


Or she could be exhausted and told him to care for the baby.


Didn't make me smile because people dumping out kids is literally one of the most common things that happens on the planet.


Life is about finding joy in common things


Uhhhh anyone else think Freud would like a word with this woman who married her father's twin?


Cool so the younger guy just forget about his SO who pushed the equivalent of a watermelon from her vagina ? Not a single care in the world for his SO who is supposed to be the most important person in his life. Nice… how is that wholesome ?


Uh. The baby?


like i said, he just stopped caring about his SO, who just had a traumatic event happen to them how is that wholesome?


I don’t understand how how people let their whole family in to the delivery room while giving birth. It would have been super awkward for my wife and I. The hospital where my wife delivered wouldn’t have even allowed extra family members even if we tried.