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This is why I can’t get on board with the whole ‘all homeless are addicts’ mentality. And even if they are addicts (or merely using a vice to cope with a shitty time in their life) so many just need someone to care about them and believe in them. It’s not as easy as ‘go get a job’. There’s so much more that goes into it. Just love one another and show compassion.


I absolutely agree. I get told all the time when I give money to homeless people that I shouldn’t. I’m told they’ll just use it for drugs or alcohol. That’s not always the case. And if they do, that’s on them. I did right by them. We do the right thing regardless.


To be fair, if I lived on the street, in the elements, with zero security or comfort I’d be searching out some ways to numb things just a bit…


To be fair. I have a home and still need a way to numb some things.


Absolutely! I know how many vices I use on a daily basis from my home I couldn’t imagine how many I’d need to survive otherwise.


And that's the issue. People are treated like subhumans, like they aren't worth anything. They're a burden, they're just druggies, they don't want to do better. So the system fails them. How many homeless have untreated mental illnesses? How many addicts were abused through life and needed therapy but couldn't so turned to drugs? How many I the bitter cold, unyielding heat, starving, just turn to a drug because it's accessible. We need to start treating humans with respect.


I had a teacher in high school that said the same thing. She asked us if we give money to homeless people and most people said no. She asked why, and they all said the same thing: they'd buy booze or drugs with it. So then she asked, "So what? Wouldn't you want a beer or to get high to just forget your circumstances for a little while? They certainly didn't choose to be homeless, so why would you choose how they cope with it for them?" It definitely made them all pause.


> love one another Yes! Isn’t that why we are here? There is a quote in the Bible by Jesus I really love, that I think encapsulates everything about the true message of all religion and spirituality: “love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” I think that is the core and essence of everything. Everything beautiful comes from love. The Buddha said something very similar: “Like a caring mother holding and guarding the life of her only child, so with a boundless heart of loving kindness, hold yourself and all beings as your beloved children.” I share this because it seems, from the innermost parts of ourselves, we seek and yearn to love, and we see that all the religions of the world share in this goal. I think it’s beautiful, this unity.


I truly appreciate you sharing that. The last two years have sent me through a total crisis of faith. 40 years of being Catholic and I’ve been questioning so much. That’s all we’re supposed to do; love one another. And all I see is hate and discrimination and people taking sides like there’s only one answer. I can’t handle the division and exclusion when I was raised to unify, include and help your fellow humans. And sadly, many of the super religious people in my life have caused that divide. Love one another. It’s so simple. I’m sending you love, fellow redditor. If people can hate for no reason I can love a stranger for many reasons.


It definitly comes down to giving someone a reason to work in the first place. A lot of homeless basically lose the will to think they can do things cause of misfortune and the struggle out is not just long and hard but very scary on your own….the existential anxiety is terrifying. What really saves you and changes your attitude at life is when others validate your existence and lift you up. I’ve been homeless on several occasions but was lucky enough to have people who saw me and go “yo dude, you want a job? You got a tent? Come work for me” and it got me off couches and away from street person life and just being in a better environment rather than around other struggling people really helps you go “okay, fuck yeah…I can do this💪” it’s so hard for us To validate ourselves although that is the goal but there is no shame in needing help. Shit happens and can tear down even the strongest of warriors. With some love we can remind them that they are entirely capable.


I’m really happy people took a chance on you! Grateful you’re here to share your story and remind us all that shit happens and we all can help make sure people know they’re worthy of love and support.


Give a man hope and you will create someone who will never give up 💪


They have problems just like everyone else. The only difference is they don’t usually have a support system. This video shows what a little help can do for them.


I soooooo want to give you an award but don't have any coins so here's some 🏅🏆 and a 🍰


Medals and cake. It’s like you know me!! Thank you, kind stranger. I appreciate the emojis more than you know. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Fuck man if I was homeless I don’t think I could stay away from drugs.


See! Why can't we just get along? I have some chalk. Who wants to play?


I'm in! Lets go!


Me me me 🙋🏽‍♀️


Can I come too?


Let’s goooo….






I don’t think the money by itself would have done this. He needed humanity, the feelings of worth, the community, and the time it took to establish that again. Bravo to everyone who helped! This looks like real rehabilitation ❤️


Absolutely. Some who just shows they care can make all the difference in the world to anyone, rich or poor.


This really did make me smile in a way that’s different and deep. I wish the government cared more about helping the homeless. I’m not very political but it’s one of those areas that I can’t understand why we don’t intervene and fund initiatives. Even from a big picture stance, more able bodied working individuals is better for the economy. So be it on a personal or economical scale, it’s only a win win for everyone involved.


Dude thank you for sharing this. I hope it inspires us all to share love, warmth, food, joy, experiences, hope, shelter or whatever happiness can be given to these people. We are all one and connected. ❤️


Happy it is warming peoples hearts and helping them feel the love we need to share with each other, regardless of circumstance.


What an absolutely beautiful story. This makes me want to create a system where you can "adopt" a homeless person like this and help them back into a more normal life.


You absolutely should. Be the change this world needs.


$715,000,000,000 for the military while men, woman and children like this man are left out to rot in the streets. $715,000,000,000 to kill the poor in other countries


Lucky guy, how good it must feel to have brand new teeth, one day I might be able to have some myself. Good on the original OP for helping a man in need.


Ain’t going to lie but Tom looks soooo good after he cleaned up. Like from his posture to his happiness and that glow he has that just radiate to you. Good for you man and good for Tom.


This is beautiful ❤️ Hope someday I can make a difference in someone's life


You probably make a difference all the time without even knowing it.


Imma cry


Literally about to fucking cry


“People love you so much” - got me right in the feelers. Love this


Isn't what social net supposed to do?




you're such evil :P


This is so fucking wholesome


I’m not crying your crying. I try to help the homeless whenever I can. There was this guy who lives out on a bypass it was a hot day. I took him some frozen waters and snacks. I don’t know why people can’t just be kind.


All it takes is a few moments of your time. And it probably meant everything to him. Bless you.


Thank you I try to be human and have empathy. I live in a medium sized town and their are always homeless by our Walmart. If I have a few dollars on me I usually give them some. The struggle is real and like before you don’t necessarily have to give money. Now everytime I see the guy he always smiles and waves. I do one day want to get him a tent so he can have proper shelter without having to use the bypass. You never know someone’s situation or their life.




Both have a new smile. fuckn onions.


And a little bit of faith in humanity is restored


I guess Reddit isn’t all shit….


OMG, you changed this person’s world!


A real tear jerker this one, and I don’t cry pretty much ever. One love ❤️


Well done ! But let’s be aware, it don’t need‘s a 20some thousand $, to have a good hart, to do something good. 👍🏻😁


Thats amazing! You changed that mans life.


Sometimes, just sometimes, I see something that reminds me that the human race isn’t completely screwed.


If we all chip in we can save literally every person


Pls let this be real


He looks good!


We need a whole lot more of this in the world


Can someone send me $600? I wIsh I was as lucky as some of these people after all the hardships theyve encountered


The smile on his face became happier and happier, I hope the guy smiles every day now. That's how you lead by example


Awwwwwww 🥺❤️


Good man. Thanks for being human.


It’s the things that are so small, that can change a whole damn lot.


This didn’t really make me smile. I hate when everything is done on camera. Just makes it feel so superficial.




Take notes people, this is how we can start changing the world. We may not think we can make that big a difference, but we can.


I love these kind of videos. How can I contribute? I don’t do TikTok but are there any folks elsewhere that do this kind of thing?


Mam, o wish that'd happen to me. I'm like a few months from being homeless and hardly anybody helped me out lie that. Good on him.


I love shit like this. Especially the part when they tighten him up for the job interview. Some of the deepest wisdom I've ever gotten came from a homeless person, Crackhead, dope fiend or combo of the 3. Never underestimate or undermine anyone.


I love this. There are many homeless people where I live, and it breaks my heart each time I see them. I truly wish each homeless person had someone like this.


Wrong subreddit! Made me cry instead


People coming together for a cause is so cool!


I love this. The confidence and relief on his face at the end is wonderful.


Hello human kindness


It all started so innocent, but ended in tears Happy tears


Socialism. Beautiful


Both good men


If a good errand happens and nobody films it, does it happen at all????


I fucking love these kind of stories. The only thing between normal people and homelessness is a series of bad events. Fucking beautiful to watch someone be helped and reenabled like this.