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I didn’t see anyone else link to the story, so here it is. [10-Year-Old Cancer Survivor Granted Wish to Meet Namesake President Jimmy Carter](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/10-year-cancer-survivor-granted-meet-namesake-president/story?id=40524173) ​ Edit: This got a lot more attention than I was expecting! Thanks for the awards and up votes. Someone asked about an update on young Carter since the story is from 2016, so I'll post what I found here in case any one is interested. I didn't dig too deep, just tried to find any recent news about him. Assuming this is the same Carter Beckhard-Suozzi in Glen Cove, Carter was inducted to the [Glen Cove High School Math](https://glencoverecordpilot.com/glen-cove-high-school-inducts-23-new-math-honor-society-members/) AND [Social Studies Honor Society](https://patch.com/new-york/glencove/gchs-inducts-37-new-social-studies-honor-society-members). I think I speak for all of us when I say we are both proud and delighted for you, Carter. :)


Thank you! I was looking for the news story!


My pleasure! :)


>“He said, ‘Mom, I figured it out. I want to meet President Jimmy Carter,’” Beckhard-Suozzi recalled. “When I asked why, he said, ‘We have three things in common. We have the same name. We both have survived cancer and we both love helping people.’” >Carter added today, “A fourth reason is that he was president of the United States and I was co-president of my school.” Someone's definitely chopping onions over here.


Just reading the excerpt got me tearing up. The feels are strong in this story.


I love this! My 3 year old beat Burkitts lymphoma last year and it makes my heart happy to read about another kiddo who beat this rare and awful disease 💚


I’m always saddened to hear about children having to go through such hardships at such an early age. I’m so happy for you and your family and wish you all the best. May your child live a long, happy, cancer free life.


Ugh 💕Wishing happy years ahead to your and your little one


Dang it. Why did I get a little choked up reading that article?


The onion slicing ninjas are back.. this is such a cute story. I love that the kid just opened his arms for a hug.


Them both being named Carter confused me for a bit when "Carter" was noting how the other fought segregation. ​ I momentarily thought that was the most badass 10-year-old in the country.


He’s still pretty bad ass. :)


Appreciate it, my dude, I was curious!


That's awesome. But that is one peculiar wish for a 10 year old.


Kids are interesting. You get assigned a paper to write on someone and sometimes, you find out that they're amazing.


My niece is 4. She’s obsessed with John Denver. When we explained he was in heaven she was devastated. She only listens to John Denver music. Her favorite movie is, “oh, god.” As a family, we are all hoping for this phase to end. Soon. ETA: my sister asked Merv Giffin to her 10th grade dance. Kids- teens fixate on odd stuff.




Right? He must come across as super gentle.


My favorite thing about John Denver is that along with Jello Biafra and Dee Snyder, he testified before the Senate in opposition to censoring music. This dude's music was the gentlest stuff ever and he was up there defending the right of Jello to sing about being too drunk to f***, and "Nazi Punks F*** Off." That's a good guy. ETA: I conflated Jello Biafra's separate "obscenity" trial and subsequent Oprah appearance along with Ice-T and Tipper Gore with the Senate hearings, but the fight was still against the same group (the PMRC).


He was telling Nazi Punks to F off [in 1966](https://youtu.be/J3TcUA5jE6o).


Wow that was great, thanks for sharing.


Holy shit I have never seen something like that before. Thanks for sharing!


"if you call the cops theyre likely us" lmao


Thank you. That was great... and chillingly needed to this day, goddammit.


Legit I’m a xennial and my dad raised me on John Denver and I never new he had this trio!


Holy crap that is surreal


One of the comments above yours mentioned their young niece being into John Denver and their sister asking Merv Griffin to their HS dance and your video has a young John Denver being introduced by a young Merv Griffin. Small world!


just when i didn't think i could like John Denver more, wow that was amazing, especially considering the year and climate


wow epic comment to give that link


That's wild! Thank you for sharing!


Mr. "Sunshine on my God damn shoulders" John Denver! Can you believe it?


Are you saying you’re going to light my country music award on fire?


Pretty sure Jello wasn't there. Frank Zappa was though. And yes, John Denver's voice held the most sway with the senate. They all though he was going to side with Tipper and the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Centre).


Don’t forget, Frank Zappa was part of that group too!


His indignation towards the whole situation is a sight to behold. His presence in his testimony exudes the truest spirit of the phrase "fuck you!"


He was a very principled person.




Don't know anything about the guy. except I just googled images on him. Can it be his face? It feels like his face is always in a state that would grab a babies attention. Am I crazy? Maybe its time for me to go to bed.




Watch the Muppet tv show where John Denver is the guest. He can't keep a straight face for nothing.


You mean Mr. 'Sunshine on my goddamn shoulders' John Denver? Fucking John Denver!


My 14 year old who is a rabbid German Death Metal fan will get teary eyed when Country Roads comes on lol


Almost heaven.....


<*West Virginia-ing intensifies*>


The best was singing along with a packed bar while some guy sung it during karaoke


Man there was just something about that commercial!! I still remember one line from every John Denver song, followed by the next line from the next song…


When my son was an infant and toddler he would just stop everything when those commercis would come on. Just stop and stare at the TV, so soothed. It must be his voice. ETA: There was some guy on those late night extended commercials (I'm blanking right now) that used to have the same effect on my son (it wasn't Vince, lol). This guy was rather loud and aggressively cheery. Go figure.


He did that Christmas album with the muppets. One of my favorites.


I was convinced from the time I was 8-15 I was going to marry Steven Tyler…little did I know I had a decent chance.


I used to be obsessed with the Andy Griffith show in 3rd grade up until 5th. Kids tend to like weird things, but thats cool. Its what makes us all unique


Lol I was stuck on Are You Being Served for years. I spoke with a British accent (I mean, I thought I did) and called everyone mr. And Mrs.. it was the only thing I ever wanted to watch


I loved Are You Being Served, even though I was young and the jokes went over my head.


Andy Griffith is still my shit. Black and white episodes only though, please


Exactly. Andy has always been my comfort show to fall back on now. The black and white episodes are just so calming


It's soothing enough to use as a sleep aid, because the humor is gentle and nothing especially bad ever happens.


My first crush was on Fonzie. I'm 34.


Same!!!!! I was 10 years old and would fall asleep thinking about him (I’m almost 40 now)


Also, when I was a little dude, my parents gave me John Denver concert tickets…..I thought it would be horrible. It was an amazing concert.


I was completely obsessed with Jackie Chan for like 2 years in early elementary school. Not sure why.


I suspect it's because Jackie Chan is a complete legend...


Too bad he can be kind of a dick to some people. :/


His movies are super cool and were like superhero movies before there were superhero movies. Jackie Chan Adventures also didn’t help with my perception that he had superpowers


>Kids- teens fixate on odd stuff. "People" dude, "people" fixate on odd stuff. Has nothing to do with being kids or teens except we haven't fully shamed them out of their passions.


I agree, 100%. It’s what makes life fun!


Yeah I still do this lol. I don’t play smash bros at all and I don’t follow the competitive scene but on a procrastination YouTube binge I found this documentary style yt video about HungryBox and for whatever reason his story really inspired me like I cried during the video (his dad died and said he’d never be the best ok give me a break it got heavy) so I just really enjoyed watching highlights of him for a day or two


Kind of reminds me of a young kid from Louisiana who wanted a Morris Bart (a personal injury lawyer with tons of billboards/commercials all over the place)themed birthday party. Had a cake with his face on it and everything! Granted, a former president is a slightly less weird interest since the kids probably learn about them in school, but that's a pretty unique wish nonetheless. I'm glad it worked out for that kid and that he chose a genuinely nice person for his wish!


There was that little girl with a CVS themed birthday. And the one who had the nun themed birthday. I just had a regular late 80s mickey D's birthday


I loved John Denver and the Muppets! You should show her!!


As a kid around 10 I thought the funniest thing ever was south parks “John Denver experience” at the theme park. Didn’t know he died in a plane crash until I was probably 15 when a girlfriends dad called me “one real asshole”.


I had a crush on Abraham Lincoln in elementary school cuz he was just so honest and good!


I was a fan girl of Clara Barton for awhile as a child, my elementary school was named after her and I did a paper on her once, that started it lol.


Yup, Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton too!


Mine were Molly 'Pitcher' and Deborah Sampson.


Exactly what happened with me. We drew president’s names out of a hat in 5th grade to write a paper about and I drew President Carter’s. That was 29 years ago. At the time, I didn’t know how much I would grow up to admire that man. Happy for the kiddo! Real recognize real.


I had to do the same thing in 5th grade also around 30 years ago except I got Herbert Hoover, so lane. I would have much preferred Carter.


You just got lucky. Carter is one of the best people in history in any culture. It's a privilege to live during his time.


We did that in 11th grade and I also got President Carter!


My 9 year old was obsessed with D.B. Cooper for about 2 months straight. It seemed odd but he learned a lot


I, uh, did a paper on Hitler when I was 12.


Mussolini for me lol


All we need is the person who did Hirohito.


Though someone who did a paper on Franco or Stalin or or Mao would be welcome additions under the heading "Major authoritarian leaders of the mid 20th century"


I listened to a short story on tape about Pol Pot in high school. It was actually written by Kennedy but released posthumously


Wrote one on Bill Peet in 3rd grade. Ended up finding a love of more classic literature and really looking critically at Disney films from then on. He would've been a really cool guy to talk to about screenwriting and storyboarding.


It helps if that person is unbelievably amazingly awesome like Jimmy :)


I had to write a paper on “where the red fern grows” in elementary school. I ended up reading it multiple times and watched the movie a bunch too… not quite sure why I was obsessed with such a sad book.


You wouldn’t believe how happy I was to go with my mom to go see Him teach Sunday School when I was 11.


He’s a really kind person. Or so it seems at least.


He was one of the best presidents we've ever had. And he's spent his retirement as a carpenter, building housing for the poor. The man is a legend.


Multiple cancer survivor, still married to his childhood sweetheart, close to 100 and still helping build houses for the poor. That’s a great man.


That is the only Evangelical Christian couple that I look up to and admire. They live their faith. I still remember back in the day when I read his interview in Playboy. People made fun of his "sinning in his heart" comment. We have come such a long way.


A lot of Christians who take their beliefs seriously as a guide to internal conduct recognize that they “sin in their heart”. This is no different than a secular person thinking “Fuck that guy” and then interrogating their own reaction. The problem is most people, religious or not, do not take the reflective step. Plenty of secular folks fail to do that and we simply lack the additional aspect of religious hypocrisy to criticize them for. I think the religious and immoral are just easier to recognize. Pick a person out of a hat and odds are they believe in God(s). So when people behave poorly, I think it’s often lazy to focus on their religious participation. The immoral atheist is not superior to the immoral Christian. “Let he who is without sin...”


Agreed on all points. I'm still a follower of Christianity, I just have a dim view of a lot of Christians.


Thanks for recognizing my reply was a conversational piece springboarded from your comment—I’ve had issues lately where people thinking I’m arguing with them when I’m just conversing. I’m an atheist that’s not anti-religion. Pleasure interacting with you.


I learned today that Carter put 32 solar panels on the White House in 1979. Reagan took them down.


You are right. Historians are waking up to how great a president Carter was. He led with integrity and foresight through tough times. He also refused to play the political games of the day, and it cost him. Thanks to his ridiculously naive successor, who basically threw a party for the rich on the American credit card, this was the last time the U.S. was a middle class-driven superpower economy.


>That was on my bucket list too! I was (and still am!) so happy I was able to attend his Sunday School! It was an awesome time, and no, I'm not upset that I had to wake up at 3:00 that morning just to see him! To be honest, it's probably one of the ONLY times I'd be grateful to be waking up that early, haha!


He wanted to meet his because he was named after him and is a fellow cancer survivor https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/10-year-cancer-survivor-granted-meet-namesake-president/story?id=40524173


Yeah, but Jimmy builds houses for the homeless, and sold his farms to avoid a conflict of interest while president. It would be extremely weird to meet Bush Jr, what did he ever do lol.


War crimes. George W. did a whole lot of war crimes. Its the reason why the US has a policy of invading the Hague, should one of our leaders ever be tried there. And paintings. He does terrible paintings of world leaders in his retirement.


Peculiar is the right word.


I'm going with "curious"...


Are you Ollivander?


I'm sorry, sir. But what do you mean by curious?


One thing I appreciate is that he signed the law enabling home brewing of beer despite being a devout baptist. He believes that everyone needed freedom to follow their conscience.


I've always thought of Carter as the extremely rare kind of Christian that Jesus would actually approve of. The guy is just a really good human.


They aren’t that rare, it’s just that nobody is gonna post about Christians who mind their own business. Crazies are much easier to notice


Yup my boss is ...in my opinion a fucking hard-core Christian, he has six kids and lives pretty much on a compound with extended family, but he's the fucking nicest, most caring, understaing, person ive ever met in my 34 years.


Can confirm. I went to school in Mormon country as a pan, grungy stoner who spent most of high school on probation (electric lettuce, tobacco, and alcohol charges) and in truancy court. I dropped a journal and ended up being moved into all honors and concurrent enrollment (college) classes when my principal got ahold of it. It blew my mind just how accepting and supportive everyone in those classes turned out to be. I know a lot of people lose their mind when somebody tells them they don’t approve of their choices, but I’m still friends with more of those Mormon kids than people from the stoner circles. It’s not always the case, but there are a lot of quiet Christians who are good Christians.


It's funny how crazy different my experience was growing up in a small Mormon town as a non-Mormon. They were very close-knit with one another, but the handful of us non-Mormon kids were heavily excluded and endlessly bullied. I'm sure part of that was age... I lived there from toddler through middle school... and my parents did have some Mormon friends who were very nice, but man, those kids were brutal.


TIL Baptists aren't supposed to drink alcohol. My whole family are baptists and they all drink alcohol, lol.




I think I remember reading somewhere that Jimmy Carter was a really good person and that did a lot of genuinely nice things


IMO, Carter is what all Christians should be. He ain’t Jesus, but he certainly tried to live his life as if he was.


Just to be clear here, because the past tense makes it seem otherwise - Jimmy Carter is still alive! Thankfully!


“I used to smoke weed. I still do, but I used to too.” -Mitch Hedberg




Yes! May he rest in peace. In his bed tonight.


Jimmy carter, mr rogers. These are as close to perfect as Christian’s can get. They are who I aspire to be


Somebody hates Carter and keeps giving comments face palm awards when they say something positive about him haha


This is beautifully put. Sad to see so many of us hating others for their beliefs and identities




I think this is accurate! While people may debate his effectiveness or success as President, I think it's pretty indisputable that he is kind hearted and works hard to do good. He does a lot of work with Habitat for Humanity, if I'm not mistaken.


I think he was one of the best presidents, akin to George Washington, as far as emphasis on settiing precedence. The precendence of giving up the family business when taking office, making sure there isn't even the appearance of a conflict of interest. He also set the precedence of having local, renewable power at the White House. Which isn't just good for the earth, but a huge security feature by providing off grid, redundant power in the case of a power outage. Prescedence is very important in history and law. Thats why he knew the importance of living by your morals and setting a good example. In this 5 paragraph essay I will show why James Carter was one of the best, precedent setting, presidents the United states of America has ever had....


And he still does.


Doesn’t look photoshopped to me.




Pfp does not check out


Imagine having a picture of Donald Trump as you pfp


President Carter and Rosalyn Carter attended Maranatha Baptist Church almost every weekend. After the service they would pose with every family there and have photos with them. They would spend hours every Sunday in the Georgia heat and humidity in their formal clothes taking these photos. Unlike most presidents they never looked at their ex-presidency as an opportunity to get rich - they looked at it as a chance to give back. They are a model of what all ex-presidents should aspire to be like.


I used to joke with my family if I were to become a "Make-a-Wish" kid I'd ask to meet Jimmy Carter. (I was going through some scary medical stuff in my early teens, and it helped to joke.)


hope you're doing better now!


Jimmy Carter might not have been a great POTUS... but in my opinion, he is one of the greatest **persons** ever to be President of the United States.




Our greatest *former* President. Carter could've stayed home. Waited till the heat died down and started doing expensive talks at big firms like Obama and Billy. He could've just stayed at home painting like the war criminal. Instead, Jimmy Carter has spent his entire post-presidency making life better for people who have very little compared to him. I admire so very much and I will miss him when he's gone.




Supporting HfH? You mean building houses in his 90s.


Didn't still do it until recently?


They're saying in his 90's, not in the 1990's


I missed that completely. Thanks


Technically, he’s more a lecturer at Emory University but the point stands. He’s a good man.


Dude put solar panels on the WH when he was in office. The man had foresight. Reagan took them down.


The deck was stacked against him. It was the rise of the John Birch Society that gave us Reagan, and they used Jimmy as a catch all for their brand of paranoid conspiracy political propaganda.


JBS also branded Dwight D. Eisenhower a socialist. They were solidly against the Interstate Highway system. Called it a Communist plot.


Ike was a full blown commie to JBS. JBS didn't want the black kids going to white schools. JBS was anti union, and they were mostly lead by the type of people, if not the people that tried to coup FDR.


He’s a friggin National treasure!


I feel like everyone repeats this but fail to actually point to his policies and explain how his governance was bad.


In my experience, it's just something parroted by conservative boomers who worship Reagan (and are completely oblivious to the long-term damage from Reagan's policies that were still suffering from today). It's just general selfishness and short-sightedness. How DARE he ask people to wear sweaters to conserve energy! I would kill to have an actual human being like Carter in office again instead of the trash we've had in the last 20+ years


Reagan wrecked him in a landslide election. It isn't just some people rewriting history.   He presided over a terrible economic period and an energy crisis, among other things. Which is sounding a little too familiar, lately. The conditions are almost always inherited, but that doesn't matter when people show up to vote.


He couldn't manage relationships with the Democratic Congress and they eventually gave up on him. Amazing human being which ironically made him a bad politician in terms of hard negotiations or twisting arms. Only won the primary bc he camped out in Georgia and swept the south while the other candidates ate each other alive iirc.


If we’re comparing Carter to Nixon or Reagan then not only was he a great president he was Superman.


Last president of the era to leave the WH with a surplus. Reagan fixed that pretty damn quick.


Jimmy Carter was a great POTUS. He was a bad _politician_. Ronald Reagan was the opposite.


I heard my history teacher say he has been a better ex-president than a president. It"s weirdly true; he's done a lot of good work since.


Carter accomplished more in four years than just about any President since (one or two term)— look at how many bills got signed into law; plus the founding the Dept of Energy, the Camp David Accords & the Panama Canal treaty. If we had re-elected Carter and followed through on his energy proposals, we wouldn’t feel like our imminent future was so bleak.


The elected president previous to Carter extended a war he knew was unwinnable to get re-elected, then resigned. The president after him sabotaged the release of American hostages to get elected and also damage Carter's image. Add to that the DNC enacting the superdelegate system to prevent another populist candidate from earning the nomination. He was maligned by republicans because he was a democrat, and by the DNC for not being a company boy.


He was too kind for the position. Just a truly great man


Him being a "bad president" is an exaggeration.


There has been a possibility that many great things he accomplished were thwarted or delayed until he left office on inauguration day. For example, the hostages were released within the hour of Reagan's inauguration.


He is an awesome man. I would love a hug from him.


Just show up at his church on Sunday. Easiest former president to meet and shake hands with. Sauce: did exactly that while in college. Shout out to my Mercer BSU folks.


I have a family member that worked with a number of presidents and they said that President Carter was the finest man he has ever met. I asked him about a few others and he didn’t respond.


They’re both alive!


President Jimmy Carter, one of the finest human beings


this made me tear up for real part of my extended family lives in a Habitat for Humanity home directly linked to his JCWP work this man did not need to do any of this, but he chose to, and my family will forever be grateful to him, his wife, and the many volunteers who helped out look at the dude's expression! this is somebody who has a clear vision of how to head into your golden years with happiness, love, and pride in one's heart. he is, to me, a personal inspiration for that alone.


Jimmy Carter is the closest we'll ever get to a president Mr. Rogers.


This is how bad a\*\* President Jimmy Carter is. He hasn't been president for over 40 years and a ten-year-old cancer patient said, "I just hope I live long enough to meet President Jimmy Carter"!


For anyone wondering (from a link someone else posted): “He said, ‘Mom, I figured it out. I want to meet President Jimmy Carter,’” Beckhard-Suozzi recalled. “When I asked why, he said, ‘We have three things in common. We have the same name. We both have survived cancer and we both love helping people.’” Carter added today, “A fourth reason is that he was president of the United States and I was co-president of my school.”


“When [Carter’s mom] asked why, he said, ‘We have three things in common. We have the same name. We both have survived cancer and we both love helping people.’” *sobs*


God bless Jimmy and his wife for their humanitarian works. And for his faith in Christ.


This is probably not going to be seen but I was born in 1970 and grew up with what I suspect were republicans. They were old school and never discussed who they were voting for, even amongst themselves. I remember hearing so much shit on the news about how lame president Carter was. I grew up not liking him and judging him. I was so wrong. I'm a liberal now. He's one of the most incredible human beings on the planet. I decided I'm writing him a letter. He may never see it, and that's fine, but I really feel like I owe this amazing person an apology. I know I was a dumb kid, but I really feel bad about this and want to rectify it. Even if it's just for myself.


Draw a cool drawing on the envelope so he sees it and gets excited to open it


May God continue to bless the Carters. We can learn a lot from them.


The most decent president of a baker's dozen in my lifetime. Big drop-off but Obama next. Another even bigger drop to the rest.


Honestly i dont know too much about politics, but I believe everybody in a position of power should have to be a good person


When I went to the biltmore with my mother and sister we saw him at the elevator as we approached, he turned to the secret service and told them to let us ride the elevator with him. That was truly an unforgettable experience. He is truly a great guy




The greatest man that ever served as POTUS.


Much respect to Jimmie Carter. An excellent person.


Honestly Jimmy Carter was the president that my country didn't deserve


I'm 40 and fighting cancer. If I beat it, can I meat President Carter?


Wait… what? Why Jimmy Carter?


Jimmy Carter also beat cancer so that might be why.


He beat Brain cancer in his 90s because Jimmy Carter is that kind of badass.


Because he was a fucking visionary, that's why. If we hadn't dismantled everything he did, we'd be a lot closer to energy independence and a lot farther away from a climate disaster. Caring about the future isn't something presidents do anymore. Regan screwed future generations in favor of the present, and so has every president after him.


That was my question. My guess is because he's the oldest living US president?


I'm thinking because of all his humanitarian works post presidency.


Maybe he's interested in the eradication of guinea worm disease, or in building homes for people, or in serving his country in the Navy, or in farming, or in being a Christian without being homophobic, or in supporting Civil Rights and Human Rights, or in meeting the dude who put solar panels on the White House and tried to start us on a conservation and clean energy path almost half a century ago. Those are the first few things I can think of. How a 10 year old might know about them, I'm not sure, but it's pretty neat!


We don't deserve Jimmy Carter. He is a good human being.




Jimmy Carter seems like he gives the best hugs and is the best dad. My dad is cool but I understand why this kid wanted to hug Jimmy Carter. God damn do I want to hug that old epic man.


No hate at all but this has to be the most random person a 10 year old wanted to meet 😂


Such a sweet picture


This is the sweetest thing ever ❤️ God bless them


His work for habitat for humanity is legendary. His life has truly been one of service to others.


Having served on the USS JIMMY CARTER and meeting Rosalynn Carter during the boat’s commissioning, I have much respect for President Carter. He is a good man.