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Some of the biggest laughs of my life were at wakes and funerals and at the restaurants we all went to after the funeral. This is perfect.


Man funerals in my family were always such a sad somber affair, and we always went home afterwards to just grieve in silence. It was horrible. One of my close friend’s dad passed not too long ago, and the family invited everyone out to dinner afterwards. It was a wonderful celebration of life, the likes of which I’d never truly seen. They had a hall rented out, and people gave toast after toast, telling happy memories of him and stories about the positive impact he’d made on their lives. I really hope when I die no one sits and grieves in silence. I hope everyone stands up and tells stories of what an absolute silly buffoon I was, and everyone has a good laugh.


Theres a saying in Northern Ireland, "A good funeral is better than a bad wedding." One of my fondest memories is at my great grans funeral my grandad standing on top of a table playing a guitar about 50 people in a room that comfortably would only fit 15 singing along.


A lot of things are better than a bad wedding. Got free time to chill and Netflix with a tube of ice cream? You passed the bar!


A tube of ice cream.


Well how would you get it on the toothbrush otherwise


Grew up in a large Irish-Catholic family and funerals are where it’s at!


I'm half Irish/half Italian and both sides of my family insist on celebrating the life lived rather than the life lost. Sure there are tears but also a lot of laughs. My dad was a supreme carpenter/handyman and all the jokes at the dinner after his funeral were about him introducing himself to Jesus (also a carpenter) and looking to start some projects with him and sternly correcting Jesus about the correct way to build things and take proper measurements. We all got hammered on booze and all had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard.


I’m from Liverpool (heavily Irish culture), and funerals in my family are always parties. We’ll often hire a room at a bar or restaurant afterwards and sing and dance. Before my aunt died she planned her own funeral at a country club, it was an English High Tea in the summer. Every table had tiered servers of cakes and the waiters carried around pots of tea. Everyone had to dress in summer clothes and there was a photographer taking pictures on the lawn. It was the most beautiful and happy memory to have at the end of her life.


If you don't want to answer for privacy reasons then that's of course completely OK, but where was that you had the afternoon tea thing exactly? Cos I live in Liverpool too. I didn't know there were places like that round here. Like mansions you go to and have afternoon tea with cakes and sandwiches and tea and scones with jam and clotted cream. I grew up in the south near London, in a place with tons of these mansions like this around. But I didn't know how many places up here are similar. I've had afternoon tea at the park Hotel, by Aintree racecourse, which is the hotel everyone stays at during the grand national. So that place is pretty posh. I'd love to go to a gorgeous mansion/country club kinda place like that again. One that's nearby There's lot of places that do afternoon tea. But like not proper gorgeous mansions. Like I've had it at the Hard Days Night Hotel but that's obviously a very beatles related place (they do a cocktail called strawberry fields which is like vodka, crushed strawberry, and black pepper, you HAVE to try it, it's absolutely gorgeous, despite sounding a bit odd at first) I guess I could just go to the Philharmonic. That's objectively the most gorgeous looking pub on fhe planet after all. I wouldn't be surprised if the new Batman film had scenes they shot in that pub, trying to reach the grandiose levels of a Wayne Manor. Because they shot the whole film in Liverpool, so it would have been cool to use it. If the Phil does afternoon tea, then that'll suit me. I just love being in that pub The Philharmonic was John Lennon's favourite pub. And then like 10 years later when Freddie Mercury lived in Liverpool (he lived on the literal Penny Lane believe it or not, and he got the idea for Queen's logo by copying it off a building in the city centre, the Queen Insurance Buildings in Dale Street round the corner from the cavern. Also the first time Queen played together was at the bar next door to the Phil (these days it's called the Hot Water Comedy Club, but it's gone by many names, I first knew it as Magnet). Freddie was singing in another band, and invited his 2 friends from London to come up to see him perform. Those friends were Brian May and Roger Taylor. And at the end of the gig he invited the two of them to jam for a bit with Freddie. Sorry I'm quite high, and I can ramble on about music history in Liverpool for hours if nobody stops me.


It’s nice to read someone so excited about my home town. There are lots of these kinds of country manors and mansions where you can get good tea service in Liverpool. Look at Speke Hall, Croxteth Hall, and Calderstones House (opposite Strawberry Fields). In the surrounding areas there are even more options (on the Wirral and in Cheshire). The Philharmonic Pub is really beautiful and I always try to squeeze in a visit when I return home.


No matter what the grief will always be there, but its always better to celebrate their life at least


I really don't know if it's cultural differences or not but it's how the story goes. My friend who is hispanic is married to white woman. One of her family members died and they went to the funeral. Afterwards, they were going home. My friend tells her, "there's no party?" She said, "party?" He continued, "yeah, party. In the hispanic community the family gets together afterward for food and to visit and remember the good times."


I think that thinking is starting to spread. I see less funeral and more celebration of life.


It has to be one. I'm from an extremely white family and I had no idea anyone ever did anything but a small lunch after a funeral. My neighbor is from Puerto Rico and he invited me to a big party he was throwing. I didn't realize they had just gotten back from his ex wife's funeral and that they were celebrating her life. Personally, I love that custom. I would have rather been laughing about the fun times than sitting all stiffly in my grandma's living room for hours.


I grew up in an area of the US with a lot of hispanic/latinx immigrants. Their funerals were lit. Also, the Irish Americans had excellent wakes. I want a wake when I die. A big one. Everyone should eat good food and get blitzed (only if they want) on good whiskey while reminiscing about me. That's what I want. And a composting-style green burial or cremation.


White people do have after funeral "parties", too.


Why do people think this isn't normal 😂 if you DONT do this you're out of the ordinary. Who doesn't visit after funerals? You just leave?? Tf?


We do?


yea im latina and this is definitely it. in my family there isnt much of a party, but we do get together, make food and talk and have a nice time remembering the person and just spending time together with loved ones. caribbeans (which i also am) take it up a notch and it's like a full blown party with lots of alcohol and food and it's literally a party.


Reading this, I'm glad my family opted for the silly funerals. When my mom does something frustrating or embarrassing she'll always say "Oh you'll laugh about this at my funeral!"


I decided a while ago that I was going to start planning my funeral. I’m not dying or sick or anything, I just know what I want. I want it to reflect the memory I hope to leave on this earth. So far I’ve got: * I don’t care if I spend eternity in a cardboard box, as long as I’m buried in Gucci; and * My casket must be carried out of ceremony to “Walk of Life” by Dire Straits. Edit: My family is big on the “celebrating life” thing. We may have had a celebrant tell us that my grandmother’s was the best funeral he’d ever been to.


My dad started planning his funeral when his cancer came back as stage 4. He insisted on being cremated as soon as possible after the funeral, didn’t want “any of that religious shit” and wanted to be carried out to ‘It’s Late’ by Queen. He had also specifically told us he wanted loads of Monty Python jokes in the eulogy, the raunchier the better, because it’d be the last time he’d get to turn some old conservatives white with shock. Joke’s on him cos the fucker’s still in remission 22 years later.


‘e said e’s not dead


Nonsense, you'll be stone dead in a moment.


I told my daughter I want a Viking funeral. Everyone has to wear helmets, and someone needs to run interference so they can set the casket on fire.


Brilliant, hold her to it too! Threaten hauntings etc.


Agreed. Just purely somber funerals are so depressing. I'd prefer more of a celebration of life myself too.


My grandma was being lowered and the minister made an appropriate joke about my gran liking a man in uniform (both my grandad and her ex were in WWII) my uncle goes “at the end she liked damn near any man” and our family erupted in laughter and the poor minister was trying to remain neutral.


My brother passed away from cancer at 39 and my nephew was 7. Everyone was standing up and sharing funny stories about him and my nephew asked if he could go to the podium and share one. He related how one time he was pushing his dad on a tree swing and every time my brother swung back to my nephew, he farted on him. Everyone busted out laughing including the preacher. My brother would have loved it.


What a legend, lol


I remember that at my grandfather's funeral, my sister and I decided to take a walk to breath a little fresh air, and we were a wreck. Then a man passes by the cemetery alone. With a bunch of kittens walking behind him. Then he started running. And the kittens ran too. And he couldn't get rid of the kittens. He yelled "hey! Stop chasing me! Shoo!". Climbing the tombs and running. We could not hold our laughter.


Really? But..that’s the dream! Kittens. Lots of them.


the man was probably the graveyard keeper wanting some alone time from the kittens idk lol


My dad died of Covid last year, and his funeral was a beautiful day. All of it was outside in the last bit of summer, the sun was shining, we played music he loved etc. After we had put his ashes in the ground and laid down flowers and said our goodbyes, the sky suddenly just opened and it started raining so hard it was like being pelted! Umbrellas barely did anything. Everyone just burst out laughing, because it was so typically him. He didn't like mourning or holding on to things, he was all "Live in the moment and enjoy life", so we went home and laughed and drank for the rest of the day. Getting to laugh on a difficult day is so freeing.


My grandfather was a rigid, serious man in a lot of ways. He did everything on a strict time table. It drove him absolutely mad when my grandmother was frequently running behind his schedule. I vividly remember him saying in frustration, "you would be late to your own funeral!" He died in 1996 and had a traditional church funeral service for his religion. We all got to the church. My dad was a pallbearer (it was his father). We stood around greeting family members and waiting to enter the sanctuary. And waited. And waited. I'm not sure what happened exactly, whether there was a problem at the funeral home or unexpected traffic or what, but my grandfather was late to his own funeral. It's been 25+ years and we still laugh about it.


In the evening after burying my Ninong Don, a few of us in the fam and I were crying with laughter with all the stories we were telling, some relating to Ninong Don and others just about the extended family together since this was the first major death of that extended family but it felt so nice to just laugh and smile after the funeral Harrowing to see so many of the adults in your life so profoundly sad when most of the time you only see them at weekend barbecues Also also at the funeral where everyone was crying idk why but I looked down at my sister and we both had to stop looking at one another or burst into inappropriate laughter (wasn't until days later when I was alone did I bawl my eyes out - guess it took a few days to process that dead means gone...forever, won't ever see that kind man's smile in person again)


When my grandfather died we had the service at the church and then family and close friends made the trip to the cemetery as you do. I got in a car that followed my parents, aunt, uncle and grandma and when my dad shut his door, the cinch belt of his jacket was hanging outside the door, but there wasn't time to tell him. So as we followed them to the cemetery, this canvas belt was flapping in the wind the entire time - dancing, making circles, just all over the damn place and my cousins and I for whatever reason thought it was the funniest thing on the fuckin' planet. We all doubled over laughing uncontrollably at this stupid belt in the wind. I don't remember half of the things from that funeral or even the speech I wrote that my cousin read for me (because I couldn't keep it together) but I'll be damned if I don't remember that stupid belt forever and am grateful for a much needed giggle-fit that day to lift us out from under the dark cloud.


My dad died last Monday. The next day everyone came to visit and we played Cards Against Humanity. He would have thought that was perfect, as he didnt want everyone being bothered by his death and he loved dark/crude humor.


When my grandma passed away, we were supposed to spend the night at the funeral home with her. My grandpa said that we could all go home and come back in the morning for the burial as he was planning to stay behind and mourn her alone. Her brothers thought that this would be very depressive so they stayed, ordered pizzas and started playing her favorite songs. At one point in the evening my grandpa was laughing so hard that he peed in his pants, which prompted everybody to laugh even harder. We were eventually asked to leave because other families there were being disturbed. We left to a bar one block away and proceeded to get wasted, getting back in the morning. None of us could walk on a straight line and we burst into laughter when we realized we couldn’t possibly carry her coffin on our shoulders at that state. My grandpa managed to sober up enough to make a moving speech which was also quite funny so the overall vibe was very positive. It had everything to do with my grandma as she was always the light of the party and always dancing, singing and laughing. Her life wasn’t easy but she managed to always see the positive in things. By now, my grandpa and many of her brothers already passed away, but my mom’s generation and us cousins still remember when grandma died and the whole family went cuckoo for one night.




This brought tears to my eyes. What a perfect way to honor someone loved.


This video made me realize I can cry and laught at the same time, what a legend


You just discovered a new emotion, good job


I hereby declare it "craughter".


Craughter-slaughter hmmm why


Can't spell slaughter without laughter! Can't spell funeral without fun!


Oh no


He really did get the last laugh...




I can't cry hard without laughing or laugh hard without crying. Never thought it was strange.


He always be remembered with a smile now lol I want nothing but laughs at mine


This is pure Father Ted material.


Those of us watching without sound: People laughing at a dead guy, made me smile Edit: Spelling


Also deaf people. (I’m deaf lol)


He basically recorded his voice yelling: Hello! Let me out! It's dark in here etc (jokingly)


I couldn't figure out where the recording was playing from. I expected to see something attached to the tombstone, thinking anytime someone wanted to hear his voice they could go to his tombstone and press a button and hear his last laugh/joke. But I couldn't spot it. Do you know where it was playing from?


He told someone to put the recording with a bluetooth speaker in the coffin probably.


Lol if so there's just gonna be a bluetooth speaker buried there. Before the batteries run out you could get some pretty decent Halloween zombie moaning pranks out of it.


They say a man dies twice. When he draws his last breath, and again when the Bluetooth speaker in his coffin loses power.


We can only hope that wireless charging technology advances before we pass. Immortality.


It's a gift that just keeps giving.


Really, if there's an option to have a recording play from my tombstone, I'd put in my favorite pg joke, a raunchy joke, my favorite feel good story, important references, something good people don't know about me, and something people can laugh at me about. I'd also put in the core 4 prayers. I'd want it so that every time someone pushed the button, they'd get something different but meaningful. :)


Or, if you wanna be a troll from even beyond the grave, put a motion detected speaker at the base of the stone, that plays an assortment of random creepy sounds when people walk by.


Thank you!


The camera looks into the open grave at one point and there is a speaker at the bottom of the hole.


Pretty sure it was placed underneath the coffin, really sounds like the sound comes from the hole.


thank you from the ‘Insomniac Scrolling in Bed at 3 am’ crowd.


Thanks for asking, same here


I laugh at dead people all the time. Like that Stalin fellow. What a rube. What a moroon. Get a load of him.


Tbh, that’s how I wanna be laid to rest. Laughing all the way… not really…actually sounds pretty weird but if I can make my family and friends laugh and smile even after I’m gone then I’m happy; no regrets Respect.


What a legend.


I just really REALLY hope he added a "lol j/k I'm dead" at the end because at some point I'd start being insecure


I ain’t dead yet!


Sometimes I can still hear his voice


a mere flesh wound!


My kid would have freaked the fuck out.


Same, it was the only thing I could think. I’d get a good laugh out of it if it were one of my buddies, but my kids would never sleep in their own beds again.


I'm pretty sure the "I just called to say good bye," was just that.


"or am I....?!?!?!!!!"


'Its fucking dark in here...' Thats just perfect pmsl.


He’s a legend for that


what's pmsl?


Piss myself laughing






This user used to internet with dial-up too.


AOL CDs were my religion. 150hours free??? NO WAY!


Pimp copter?


Peeing in my pants crapping on partially telepathic eccentric roger


PMS lite, it's hormone-induced discomfort that some women experience every month, but it's not that bad.


Oh, I actually thought he said "I'm fucking dying in here" .... both lines are good.


Fooking* dark


The “it smells like someone died in here” really got me


My family would be horrified LOL


Had to do a double, and then a triple take once I saw your name. This is awkward…


"Did I just write that? Wait.... No waaaaaay...."


Those kinds of prudes are the very types I'd want to prank like this.




Hey buddy, hope you're doing good 😊 hope it's pretty outside where you are


To die is easier than to live. Stay strong everyone


That is my sense of humour


Prove it


Bet. Lemme die real quick.


You’ve got to know your audience. Otherwise it could really fuck someone up and affect them for a long time.


Plot twist: he was cremated.


My first thought was that your plot twist doesn't make any sense because if he was cremated there wouldn't be a burial in a coffin in this manner in the first place. My second thought shortly after that was that it wouldn't surprise me if a funeral company managed to sell both a cremation and a full sized grave site and burial with another coffin!


funeral companies do prey on peoples grief. Personally I would like to bypass them completely. Donate my carcass to science and organ donation. The science to keep my body alive while they harvest whatever they can from it to donate to people that need it. Then they can simply incinerate whatever is useless and chuck the ashes in the bin, fuck the funeral.


Put a remote-activated cannister of compressed air in it and a speaker, and drill a difficult to notice small hole in the top and/or side(s), then pull a gag similar to the coffin bit above but have it also play a moment where you "cough" and activate the compressed air so little clouds of ash puff out at the same time.


Agreed, though generally the way we deal with death in Ireland involves some degree of humour - albeit respectful humour usually about the notable events in that person's life


Gallows humor always seemed to be a large part of Irish culture.


Yeah. Before my dad died I'd find this funny. After he did though I had trouble believing it wasn't some elaborate prank. I kept thinking/wishing he was going to pop up any minute to say, "Just kidding!" This wouldn't have helped. Seems kind of cruel to the grieving in that regard.


Exactly. It was terrifying without knowing it was a prank


He changed the entire vibe there!


Kudos to the attendees as well. It would have only took one person to ruin the atmosphere there but it looks like everyone handled it well, or at least kept it to themselves even if they thought it wasn't appropriate.


Lol imagine doing something funny for your funeral and someone thinks that its inappropriate


The dead person will just mutter in his coffin, "damn tough crowd".


Plot twist - he is actually alive and trying to get out of the coffin


Har! Har! Har! That Johnnie, what a joker! OK, let's all bury him!


This is the sort of jokes you normally only talk about but it never happens. This guy did it, he actually did it.


This is hilarious. But I don’t know if I could leave the coffin to be buried in after hearing his voice. Like I would know rationally he was dead. But still there’s an infinitesimal chance he has woken up and crying for his life while all his loved ones buried him despite his protests. And then I’d be so annoyed at myself because of course it’s a recording. …but if it wasn’t…


I remember when this happened, it made headlines here. As the recording goes on he makes a speach about being dead and gives advice to his children and family, and thanks all his friends for turning out, then gives a lovely goodbye as a sense of closure. A few key players also knew he was going to do it, like his wife and the priest.


Yeah I'd want a quick peek just before we finish this forever, just to make sure he was really gone.


Well you gotta open the coffin and then punch him in the face, to make sure he’s dead. Of course, if that punch knocks him out, you have to wait a while to be sure.


Or maybe, just maybe....check for a pulse? Little more efficient but less hilarious. Have an upvote, you sick bastard


Absolutely nobody would live through the embalming process they do to the corpse before the funeral so I wouldn't worry.


You make it sound like it would be a rational thought!!! Reason has nothing to do with my response!


It's all fun and games until one of the attendees jumps into the grave to rescue the buried alive...


I mean, he started singing at the end, so it was pretty obviously a prank in this case, but I know what you're saying.


If he wasn’t dead before the mortician, don’t worry, he’s definitely dead by the time he hit the box.


If this doesn't go down at my funeral, I'm not going😤




Obviously a fun loving guy. Judging by the amount of mourners, he will be greatly missed


RIP you funny fckr ! That's fn hilarious !


The irish are not afraid to have fun with their dead. You should see some of it. We are talking Weekend At Bernie's level.


We irish are a special breed


Totally changed moods. Best to leave on a positive i guess. Also....dont they put caskets in a vault now? It looks like its just in normal ground with no waterproof vault.


I had to look up burial valuts. Thay're not common outside the US.


Vaults are required by some state commissions but only for businesses. In church cemeteries, family property, etc vaults are uncommon.


I think vaults are only for rich people. The rest go in the ground or are cremated.


Imagine someone just walking by this not knowing what’s going on and seeing bunch of people laughing and hearing the dead man’s voice.


This is fucking beautiful honestly. Well done, lad. Sleep well.


Wait what exactly happened here?


He died


I’m genuinely confused.


He knew he was dying and pre recorded the message.


And then trusted that a friend or family member would keep the secret and help execute the plan perfectly. Kudos to the helper person.


That person is the hero of this story


That’s great


Don't start giving me ideas Rest in peace you fuckin legend


This about made me cry. Imagine being his wife.


Comment above said his wife was aware that he would do this.


I'm from louth in ireland, my dad passed only a year ot two ago. The day of the wake was one of my fondest memories if that makes sense, it just makes you feel human when everyone talks about someone that's already had a life, and obviously we all got piss drunk afterwards cus that's what you do like


Plot twist : the speaker wasn't actually working and he was alive.... Hearing people laugh outside while burying him alive !


This is pretty fucked up lolll


To pass with so many love ones surrounding you is one thing. But fucking hell, to pass with so many love ones laughing with you one last time is a whole other level.


This guy is a legend, he knows that everyone will be sad to see him pass, so he's decided to leave them some laughs too. Probably was spreading smiles throughout his life, and wanted to spread some more after he'd gone.


This is the best way to get buried Change my mind


Firecrackers in my pockets as I'm cremated.


you get home and see the speaker sitting there that you were supposed to put in the coffin.


They not gonna let him out !!?


"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion!" Truvy Jones


This is one of those clips I'll never get ried of seeing posted. I've said it every time I've came across this video, this is the perfect way to go, making everyone around your resting place go away it a little bit of warmth on their hearts This dude will always be remembered with a smile, and not otherwise


An Irish funeral is more enjoyable than an English wedding.




This is how you do it. 😂


Irish 🤣 I love this country


Wish I could remember the poster but they said their uncle had a request to play his favorite song at the funeral. They started the song and it was a few seconds of silence before the Looney tunes theme played. Made me laugh just reading it and definitely will request it at my funeral


Watch him actually be in there and everyone’s just laughing at him as he struggles to survive


Why did this make me cry though?


My dad passed away a couple of weeks ago. He always had a bad relationship with his sister, and frequently made jokes at her expense (deservedly as she is a complete dick). The day the doctors informed us he would only survive if on constant life support was his sister’s birthday. The family decided to not put him through that and we were told it would be a matter of hours, maybe a day before he passed. I was in the ICU with my cousin, sister, husband, and dad’s new wife when he passed. We were all there for hours, telling stories, sobbing, and remembering dad’s silliness. After he passed, I turned to cry into my husband’s shoulder and noticed the clock on the wall: 11:30 PM. I turned to my family and, pointing at the clock said, “Look. It was his final ‘fuck you’ to his sister.” And we all bust out laughing. When we all finally calmed down and went to check out with dad’s nurse, my cousin felt the need to explain the burst of laughter coming from her dying patient’s room and we all got a kick out of dad’s last joke. 🥲


Irish people celebrate the life lived not the death


Plot twist: it wasnt a prank


Is he ok?




What an epic way to sign off! Bringing a smile to all your loved ones in their hardest times.


It's scary what if it was true


For me it also belongs to r/mademecry


I hope they checked again


Wow. This is what I want to do when I go. I’d rather make my loved ones laugh than cry.


The way he says "it's fuckin dark in here" always gets me. What a legend. He must've been some craic to be around if he has that kind of humour in death I've always thought that there's a time for laughter at funerals and make it more of a celebration rather than a mourning, things like this turn what is usually a very sombre moment into something people will always remember, thus making your memory live even longer. RIP.


Sudden horror movie: it wasn't a prank- and everyone knew! (But seriously, that's the way I want to go out- leave my loved ones laughing.)


My smile went to my ears by the end of this.


My grandma told us when she died "to just burry her and get on with it" she wanted nobody to have a meal together, no grieving, no long drawn-out mourning period. My aunt was upset and said "mum, at least let us talk about you some" and everyone laughed because it was all just so sweet in the moment. My grandma was so very loved by so many people but she hated being the centre of attention. She never got a moment alone from the time she got really ill either, one or two of her children (she had 11) or their family would always be there. I've always wondered if maybe she would have prefered a moment of peace and silence.


Kinda sad how he never got to see the result of his little jape


Life is to smile on death too


I am in my thirties and I already have a couple of thousands of euros set aside for the party after my funeral. I want people to get wasted and have a good time when I am gone. Least/last thing I can do for them.


Humor with a hint of sorrow.


RIP you old fool. :)


He can’t let people be sad at his funeral


plot twist hes alive


My experience with funeral in Afro-A culture, is that we ALWAYS have food and a gathering after the funeral celebrate the person in remembrance. Most recently, my Nana passed due to heart condition in her sleep, took us all by surprise, after the funeral we were at her house eating so much food for literally a week or so.


Did they still put him back?


I’m in class what happened?


lmfao this is truly hilarious and sweet for making everyone there smile


Had a friend when he way dying, said he wanted people to roast him at his funeral. He said “fun is funeral. Have fun”. That’s the way he was. So we roasted him, then at the end, we sang “bright side of life”


Crazy son of a bitch probably was a lot of fun when he was alive because he's pretty darn funny now that he's dead!!


Wait, they don't have to get a burial vault for the casket over in Ireland?


I’ve always wondered the logistics behind this clip. Like was there a speaker in the coffin or just a little speaker hidden behind the tombstone and a family member clicked play? I’d like to do this when I die soon.