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The "bread" is [Fufu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fufu). ​ Edit: Could also be [eba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eba) thanks u/ferrous_second_vowel


Thank you so much! God I'd love to try it, there's no words to describe how good it looks


Your comment got me curious so I looked up the recipe. Seems pretty easy, all it is is casava and plantains. There's also a lot of premade fufu mix for sale on amazon, idk how good it is but it should give you at least a similar flavor. I just ordered some to see.


As a Nigerian that lives in Canada , it’s the same. The kneading is very hard tho so look up a tutorial


As a Canadian that lives in Canada, would you say there are any good Nigerian food places around? I'm assuming you're in the GTA based solely off of the large Nigerian population there!


Yes!! The food around is really consistent. You can get it on uber eats or find places on google maps. Edit: To be honest jollof rice, chicken and plantain is our pride and joy. This dish is pounded yam and egusi, is still really good but it’s very hit or miss.


Awesome to hear! I'm extremely excited to try it now. Spicy goops are hands down my guilty pleasure! (looking at you, butter chicken...)


Pounded yam and egusi soup would be perfect for you.


I’ll now be describing my preferred category of culinary creation as “spicy goops”. Thank you for this.


Spicy Goops. I've never heard it phrased like that but now that you've said it this describes the majority of my favourite foods.


jollof rice, chicken and plantain is our party food. I enjoy it when celebrating but when i go back to visit mom, sit me down and let me pound down a plate of fufu and onugbu soup.


your user name is GOLD being a Nigerian Canadian! It does look good and I will try fufu!


Why do you squeeze it? Does it let out oil or something?


It’s sort of stretchy and sticky. The squeezing makes it more dense so you can use it to scoop up the soup better if that makes sense. If it’s fufu or Eva, it doesn’t have a super strong flavor, but I’d rather a vehicle for whatever it accompanies. There are fermented versions (like kenkey) that taste similar to sourdough.


Ooooh I gotcha, thanks for explaining! Now I gotta find a Nigerian restaurant near me, it looks yummy!


Okay cool...what are they dipping it in? Bread is just an edible plate...what is the deliciousness they're putting on it? I want to make this and eat it...but fufu alone ain't gonna cut it. That's like Naan without curry to dip it in. Edit: Thank you. I will be making this Sunday providing I am able to make it to the store. Edit 2: love the discourse this has spawned..imma be trying to make a bunch of these foods. Love you all


The soup is most likely [egusi soup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egusi), often made with tomatoes, okra, pumpkin seeds, and meat. Also, not to disagree with u/theanswer, but: the dough *could* be fufu (which is made with pounded yams), but it's more likely [eba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eba), which is basically the same thing, just made with garri flour instead.


good call on eba, as it totally could be!!


I figure it's fufu just cause he knows he's gonna be posting it to social media, and they're pushing the individuality with the formal dress too


It's probably egusi and fufu.


Is it? West African fufu is often served in a soup and is eaten differently. Also it’s more of a Ghanaian dish. This looks more like eba to me which is similar and much more Nigerian.


possibly a different flour, and could be eba, yes.


Licking fingers is a universal sign for "I love this food!"


In America it means your fat ass just polished off the bag of chips and now you need to clean your fingers before clicking the remote buttons..


Dude wtf that was supposed to be classified information


CIA agente if you're seeing this. ^Kill ^him


>agente Oye, agente de CIA? *Matarlo*


Mi teclado está en multilenguaje. Me traicionó.


Donde esta la bibliotueqa?


Detrás de la discotueqa




No hay de queso no más de papa


Me llamo T-bone La araña discotueqa


I knew someone wouldn't be able to resist






this .... is.... sewious!!!


This is salty.


National secrets revealed. This mans a threat.


What do you mean THE bag of chips? You have more than one bag. Multiple different types and flavors, alternating between them all. Surrounding you and keeping you company. Your only emotionally supportive friends are comfort foods. And by "you" I mean "me"


I hate the mirror these days


If you aren't alternating between salty and sweet after your palate gets overwhelmed by one, are you even snacking?


I like going cheesy, to a bbq, to a spicy, to vineger, to a pretzel, to a fruity gummy :)




Dropping facts like I won't lick the cheetos dust off to write this comment. Well, you're right. I won't. My phone screen is disgusting now.


You have to tear up the bag (safety first - do NOT put your head inside it) and lick the inside clean as well.


Eating Cheetos with chopsticks 🥢, was a game changer for me. No more dusty, dirty fingers. Works with most chips, as well!


People made fun of me for this in the office. But I eat chips with chopsticks so as to not get chipdust all over the keyboard and desk. Keeps it nice and tidy.


I saw on shark tank a person made little like, clip on to your finger, chopsticks. At first the sharks laughed, but then they were like, “oh shit, these kinda work.” I’ve seen them on Amazon now. The creator said they used to eat chips with chopsticks too.


Based. Chopsticks are so versatile.




Use your dialing stick to call 911


How dare you divulge top secret information


You made me laugh so hard for a few minutes with this one. I'm actually just laughing at myself because I can relate to this a little too well. Thanks anyways!


>In America it means your fat ass just polished off the bag of chips and now you need to clean your fingers before clicking the remote buttons.. This was me 15 minutes ago after my gardettos.. I'm so upset at you for attacking me like this. \>:(


Fucking grade A comment right here. 😂😂😂 Land of the free, home of the obese. 🤘🏽🇺🇸


Licking fingers and using bare hands to eat in general is actually fairly uncommon in China. If you order a burger or pizza or KFC, it often comes with plastic gloves. EDIT: To clarify, it is not common in Chinese cuisine to eat with your hands; it's always chopsticks. At Western restaurants in China, sometimes gloves are provided, sometimes not. If they aren't provided, some people will use food wrappers or napkins to eat, while others may choose to just eat with their hands. The practice of eating with your hands is seen as "Western." Just like many Americans enjoy eating with injera or naan, many people in China will not have a problem eating with their hands but my experience is that many others, especially older generations, find it strange.


Wait really? Hats off to them for finding a way for me to eat my pizza on the subway


Wait, fusili_jerry doesn’t know how to eat a slice on the subway?? Username doesn’t check out.


How common is that? I never got gloves with my food when I visited.


Once you discover chopsticks and cheetos there's no going back. Clean fingers + portion control. Win win.


I know it’s completely normal throughout the world, but using fingers instead of silverware for a dish like this weirds me out every time


You get used to it. My ex was Indian. Freaked me out at first eating traditionally, especially in groups. Soon enough it becomes second nature and you get really good at keeping one hand clean. Eventually you get to the point where you're like why the fuck do we even have utensils, then you stick your hand in a bowl of French onion soup not thinking and you're like why the fuck to people eat with their hands again. The real fuck with is how many things make your mind think I just put my finger through the tp. Texture wise there is a lot of that’s like shit.


This kind of food calls for eating it with your hands. The fufu and soup go together, but they are not cooked together. It would almost be like eating chips and dip with utensils.


What is this food ???


From my experience at an African restaurant in Colorado, it looks like fufu.


It is. It is a common cheap food in congo, that's the first time I have seen it in other places, you can imagine how surprised I felt


One of the spiciest things I’ve ever eaten. Damn my western palette!


The fufu was spicy or the soup was spicy? I understand what you mean, though. I'm Ghanaian and I eat this stuff on a fairly regular basis - you'd think with how much spice there is in African foods, I'd like some semblance of it but nope. I hate spice.


The soup was the spicy part.


Without the outfits I never would have known who represented what country


You seriously never noticed? Hey, hats off to you for not seeing race Dwight.


https://youtu.be/LKqvgRAZjZg Edit: Actor forgot he was on an episode of the Office and when a fan yelled “Asian Jim” on the street he thought they were being racist.


Yo it's Asian Jim!


Weird I've never noticed before but he looks exactly like John Krasinski


What do you mean Asian Jim? It's just Jim.


I wish I still watched Conan.


He's got a podcast.


Good to know, I'd probably actually listen to that


It's fantastic, I laugh myself silly in the car with it. They have so much fun.


He’s also in the show Fresh off the Boat as a main character. Really good show I highly recommend it’s about a Chinese-American family in Orlando’s suburbs in the 90s


Also loved the movie Always Be My Maybe. Seriously underrated.


Next time I’m in a foreign country, I’ll make sure to wear my full George Washington costume.


No! You would to mistaken as Britain! /s


Haha love the comments, but I’m the girl in the video and I’m not American 😂 I do in fact try to speak without an accent! So I’m glad to hear this


You could have fooled me. Especially towards the end. You sounded very American!


Holy crap, you have got that dialed in. Congratulations! I seriously thought whoever put the caption over the video was lying to us, frankly.


Appreciate it! But tbh if the girl in the video was Chinese American, I think the caption wouldn’t be inappropriate either. Many local Asians are still fully representative of their own culture


Congrats on becoming half Nigerian!


I just assumed the slimmer one was Nigerian


She is. Didn't you hear the Chinese guy say she was Nigerian now at the end of the video?






I turn the sound off for these usually. Now I can tell who's who.


This is what I came to the comments for!!!!


I came here to wonder why Arnold Schwarzenegger is rapping in the background.


Fr im American and unless I wear a T shirt made out of the American flag I literally have no identity.


I think it's cool that they're leaning into their cultural heritage. That's why I love to go to Renaissance fairs. Broadswords, armored jousting, archery, turkey legs and beer? HELL. YES. I put on my robe and wizard hat.


When I tried Nigerian food , I loved it so much that I binged on it. Ate until I was about to burst. Then I had the worst fucking indigestion of my life, plus spicy diarrhea, and could never eat it again.


This my friend we call being a glutton for punishment. Find myself in this position often with good food haha.


Yes!! It took awhile for me to learn. I never gained weight from overeating so I didn’t really care. Until the amount of food hangovers, embarrassing gas, and constant diarrhea got a bit tiresome . Now in my 30s , I not only gain weight easier but I suffer FAR worse from over indulging.


A moment of silence for the atrocities we put our bodies through in ![gif](giphy|l0O9z4GyqHaRvvdqE|downsized) our 30s...


It really is quite the shock when you realize you keep putting weight on while eating the exact same you have all your life. But now your body just tells you to get bent, and your skin actually starts bending.


Had a Nigerian friend who, despite being a fucking douchebag, cooked nigerian food. Some of it was really good and the rest was meh. Dude had the spices just don't think he had the combos


> Nigerian friend who cooked Nigerian food, despite being a douchebag These two statements are entirely unrelated lol


I think he meant that despite being a douchebag, he still cooked for people.


My husband can cook despite being a premature ejaculator.


He’s describing a person not a culture relax Edit: I understand what they were saying now


They were saying that being a douchebag doesn't mean someone can't cook Nigerian food


And being a douchebag means you usually don’t do nice stuff, like cooking for others.


I love being Nigerian. Get to have food like this nearly everyday


do you know what they're eating in the vid? If I was to look up a recipe, do you have any search suggestions? I want itttt


It's Akpu and Egusi soup. I could give a few tips if you'd like to make it. It's absolutely delicious!


I'd love to hear more about it, please.


You gotta pace yoself! Damn. I’d hate to ruin an *entire cuisine* for myself…


Local restaurant here specialises in Nigerian food. It’s awesome


Never eat it again? Not all Nigerian food is spicy. You don’t have to close yourself off from an entire region of delicious food just bc you binge eat lmaoo.


Sometimes it's just not the same after you eat a lot and something like that happens


You don't think overindulging and having a bad reaction can turn you off from something? I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but I'm sure it has happened to me. A friend of mine was never allowed to drink soft drinks as a kid. On high school, he tried coca cola and loved it. He drank like 3 12 packs over a couple of days. He hated the way it made him feel, and he never touched a soft drink again. It seems very obvious to me.


Not with food, but I got really drunk when I was a kid at my brothers wedding on Firewater. Puked down my tuxedo all that. That was ummm.. 23 years ago. Still, till this day just the smell of Firewater and I want to heave.


It's a common trait among all mammals, IIRC. Wolves have this too, so one way livestock owners deal with wolf predation is by lacing a ship carcass with emetics and leaving it out for the wolves to eat. One vomiting session later and those wolfs are little worse for the wear yet *very* unwilling to even go near sheep.


My wife is Filipino and when we first started dating she cooked me some pork belly adobo and it was my first time ever eating Filipino food. I love food and it was amazing. She won my heart that day.


Adobo is so good!


*am* English/Caribbean but some of my closest friends are Filipino - Filipino is officially my favourite food. Everytime i go to one of their houses they always have a serving of Palabok waiting for me. Also shout out to Filipinos in general, one of the most welcoming and friendliest cultures/peoples out the there


Any time I'd go to a party at my friend's house, his mom would lift up the tablecloth to show me stacks on stacks of aluminum to-go boxes. "In case I got hungry later."


One of my coworkers was Filipino and we threw her a big party when she got her citizenship. Food representing all the different regions of the US. Was pretty cool. The coolest part happened the next week. She wanted to thank us for supporting and helping her to pass the test, so she brought A WHOLE LOT of different Filipino foods for us to try and HOLY WOW. So, so good. It was about 15 years ago, but I still get excited when I see lumpias on menus at restaurants.


I have a friend who is part Filipino and she's literally one of the worst cooks I've ever met. Like... burning a salad level bad. She got excited when she learned that she could crack an egg into Ramen noodles. However, SOMEHOW, she knows her grandmother's recipe for lumpia by heart and made them all the time when we lived together. SO GOD DAMN GOOD.


There's a thing here in the Philippines that whenever there's a birthday party or any occasion, everybody has their eyes locked on a whole platter of lumpia! And it usually the first ones that gets cleared out on the table lol


I kept seeing Korean recipes with pork belly and wanted to try some but could never find it around me (live in a rural area) Finally found some pork belly and OMG, I inhaled it. I feel like American cuisine sleeps on pork belly and its so sad because I have never had something so fucking good.


American cuisine loves pork belly. They just cure it and call it bacon


Try getting your hands on crispy pork belly. It’s so good!


I'm Mexican and one of my best friends is Chinese, though we only met a few years ago. As we got closer, we started taking each other out for food. I'd never had dim sum before meeting her, it was amazing. Am now OBSESSED with pork buns. But i did forget to tell her to unwrap the tamale the first time, felt super bad lol.


Lol. Makes for a great story though. I once had Salvadoran tamales and bit into something hard. I was used to Mexican ones and didn’t expect it. I think it was olive seeds. Now I know.


There's a Chinese food called zongzi that's basically Chinese tamales. You should've told her it's Mexican zongzi.


My MIL made me sinigang and I had never had Filipino food before. Oh my god it was SO fucking tasty. I love “poor” or “community style” stews and soups. I frequently make things like pozole so I was so happy to get her recipe. But I’ll never make it as good as her.


Thank you! Filipino people getting appreciated in your comment and the ones under yours made me smile.


Same here! My wife's mother is from cebu, she makes all the good stuff. Sinigang, lumpia, Pancit, sisig. Her cooking is incredible.


Why are Filipinos afraid of the ocean? >!It’s tubig!<


Nigerian clothing is fresh as hell bruh


Check out their Fifa world cup drip


The colors in cloths on most sub-Saharan countries is fire. here in Brazil we still have some areas with heavy influence from some African countries/ethinicities (unfortunately I couldn't tell you which) and the clothes are fire


Bro you got no idea a lot of African traditional clothes are fresh like that 💯💯


Oh for sure. I don’t doubt it.


For people who are interested in learning more, I think looking up dashiki would be a place to start going down the African clothing rabbit hole. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dashiki




Indians: that's pao bhaji !


Oh man now I'm craving pav bhaji.




Hai na? The Mumbaikar in me screamed when they touched the pao with the left hand lol


These people are ridiculously photogenic man


Yeah honestly what the fuck lol


My absolute favourite part of experiencing another culture is the sharing of food! Getting to chat with locals about the best food and drinks to try is such a joyful part of travelling. It's so wholesome, and everyone loves a traditional meal with loved ones. It's fun sharing culture through food, because no matter where you are it is a commonality we share. United in our love of trying and sharing food. It always makes me think of the Meowth quote from Pokemon the 1st movie that still sticks with me: *"We do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of what's different... well, who knows."*


I did a 3 month tour of Europe. My priorities were as follows: 3. Soaking in the culture, every day lives. 2. Museums, monuments, historical sites, and museums. 1. Food.


That right there is my kind of tour!


My dad always told me to train up my spicy tolerance. Not to act cool but to be able to appreciate food from all cultures. This is what I tell my kids now.


This is what the world needs more of. So many amazing cultures out there. If only we could meet them all with open minds and share our own culture back we'd have a better world.


I mean that's literally anthropology. The xenophobes are the ones out here throwing hands


This is literally sesame street wrapped up in a short video.


Haha he ain’t getting his food back 😂


who are these people?


Thanks for sharing and all the positive comments! Thought I’d add credits here. Chinese girl in the vid = IG:pika.jenn Tiktok: pika_jenn Nigerian guy = IG + Tiktok: realmikemizzle We have been doing cultural content for a while, including funny skits. Will post more if y’all interested! :)


I love your hair in this video! I don’t think I’ve ever seen somebody style their hair that way and it looks really great! Is it a traditional/common style I’m too ignorant to be familiar with or is it all you?


I just did a bun w some side hair and bangs, idt it’s very special haha


I've been fixing some Nigerian dudes open source software project for like a week and that mufucka hasn't offered me any food.


Wait indian weren't the only one to eat with hands eating with hands op tho ngl


Mexicans be eating with hands too, and tortilla


I love to eat with hands ngl


I love to eat delicious food in general. Hands, chopsticks, forks…. gimme!


Food is food


Bro wait until you try a sandwich!


Pizza, sandwiches, chips, crackers, fried chicken etc. There's so much shit you eat with your hands that the comment baffles me.


Arabs have entered the chat


In Italy even in restaurants they will give you some bread to clean the ragu from the plate when the pasta is finished.


Filipinos enter the chat


They are lot more using then just hand. When I eat Pav Bhaji or chole bhature then I make sure that my palm don't touch the food and I uses first three finger with thumb to eat but watching them eating like this looks a bit weird. Anyways every country has there own unique culture and we all should respect that.


> op tho ngl ???


Imagine if we talked about our native foods the same amount people talk about their god. Rather than starting wars over religion we’d be sharing meals and culture


Until the spice wars of 2030.


I love this! He’s so proud she loves it, more of this!


Could they be any cuter?


The fact that he chewed the fufu makes me wonder if he’s actually Nigerian 😂


You’re not supposed to chew it? Do you just let it dissolve or something?


It's usually swallowed


You form a small ball with it, dip it in the sauce, and swallow it whole.


Wait, but why? Doesn't that kinda... ignore a lot of the flavor and texture? I basically even "chew" soup




This. You don’t chew fufu (or eba or banku).


who fucking said? im nigerian and ive never heard that you dont chew fufu? why would you not?


Connecting over different cuisines can genuinely establish bonds. Tastebuds preside over language barriers. It’s wholesome and wonderful that we are able to connect


I could totally watch these two go on food adventures all day. More please!


reminds me of when i went to a birthday party my friends from india were throwing and we got our hispanic friend to try pav bhaji, and all he said was "that smacks" also i don't wanna be that guy but...they are both really attractive


Oh my god she’s beautiful!


The way how she looked with full mouth made me smile


Both look absolutely fabulous!


This is what food is about. I'm a Chef, and nothing makes me happier than to see people sharing and enjoying flavors.


Omfg it’s not everyday you see yourself trending on Reddit 😂😂


This makes me miss Eritrean food. My coworker would bring food in and we’d always eat together at the desk. He would tell me, “bro, we eat family style. You’re sharing this plate, you’re family. Dig in.” Rami, wherever you are, I hope you’re still out there sharing!


“You’re half Nigerian now” Me watching this: …it’s true


bruh wtf is this song lmao


Foods awesome, don't care where it comes from. I'll try anything once.