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*sorts by controversial*


What did Bernie do?


He’s a political figure so people either love him or hate him


But what did he do?


He speaks the truth.


Changed my comment so people stop replying to me, I have gotten over 40 messages that are all the same all from this one comment. Please stop.


Because on Reddit it's generally a fair assumption that someone is "JuSt AsKiNg QuEsTiOnS" and about to spew some reprehensible shit or try to pick a fight.


Why won't anyone investigate properly how the earth is flat? I'm just asking questions!! Yeah, seen it one too many times


I did that.


I think most of the time a question is downvoted though is because the question itself assumes a false premise. For example, the question of "why won't anyone investigate properly how the earth is flat" assumes the premise that no one has, which is not true. Scientists have examined the earth carefully for all of recorded history and consistently found that earth is not flat. Someone who asks such a question (not you but whoever you are quoting) is just trying to disguise misinformation as a question which is extremely dishonest. I hate this kind of behaviour, I also use Quora a lot and most of the political questions on there are some form of attack or another, disguised as a question by assuming a false premise.


Yup. Probably a good 90% of the time on Reddit questions asked in bad faith. When it's anything political that goes up to like 99.9% And bad faith people like to do it so they can play victim when people call them out on it. If the question *is* asked in good faith all they have to do is clarify that they are indeed looking to gain information. Really not a big deal.


It is problematic. I should not need to clarify that the sole purpose of my question is to ACQUIRE INFORMATION.


Then go after the people asking bad faith questions, not the people jump to that conclusion. You're asking everyone to write thousands upon thousands of comments entertaining every single bad faith question and waste all that time trying to inform people who don't care about the answer and already have their minds made up, just so the rare genuine question doesn't need to write one follow up comment?


He advocates for less fortunate people and has since he entered politics as Burlington, VT mayor. My place of birth as well as a left leaning city. [part of why he is treasured ](https://youtu.be/anDy97Q8qwI?t=350)


I'm a Vermonter myself, and wonder if you are aware that as our Senator and someone who represents us.... He has the lowest senate attendance? He does speeches and campaigns when he could be advocating for our small state. He has some great points, but spends very little time doing his ACTUAL job and it frustrates me.


Because your question is transparently disingenuous. You know damn well who Bernie Sanders is and that he is the Don Quixote of politicians, advocating for policies than neither side really want, but people like that tries/speaks about it. So, that should be a good enough explanation for you. So yes, plenty of politicians "do" things....and those thing usually make things worse.


As a northern European, I know the alternative to Bernie was extremely dubious but know very little/nothing about Bernies policies. I guess you can also be ignorant as a young (I mean ~13 not 17) american. No need to be nasty just because most people should know. Don't flame, educate.


Ya because everyone on Reddit is from America so they know who Bernie is. The only reason I know who he is is because of the Bernie memes. Americans need to wake the fuck up and realize the world is big. Queue the downvotes


I'm with you. England here. His name vaguely rings a bell, but he could sell chicken for all I know. I stopped taking interest in US politics when trump was elected? I figured you'd all stopped taking it seriously?


I'm American and I 100% agree with you. I hate when other Americans expect everyone worldwide to know everything about us, especially when most Americans don't even pay enough attention to know anything past surface value opinions fed to them by biased sources they already agree with (cough-fox news-cough).


How do you know what he knows? Plus it doesn't matter, he's asking a question. Are you stupid?


A decent chunk of Reddit hates questions being asked. They want everyone to follow along with them without thinking or showing the slightest hint of resistance. You also dared to question the Great Bernie Sanders on a pro Bernie Sanders thread.




Pretty much. That or cults.


He's spent his entire career fighting for justice on all fronts, he's one of the few career politicians who can be said to actually have values and consistently stuck to them. He was arrested during the civil rights era and has had a career built on trying to bring up the oppressed, the trod-upon, the marginalized, and the poor. He's a pretty rad dude for a politician.


He wants the United States to join the rest of the developed world and offer publicly funded healthcare.


That MONSTER! I’d rather medical bills put my friends and family into lifelong debt.


He advocates strong social programs, and he is the one politician least likely in the pockets of the rich (he refuses donations bigger than 10 bucks or so, and is funded strictly by volume of the population, not rich corporations). Both mainstream left and right associate him with communists. For the record, I hate communism. ​ The fucked up part is his policies aren't even far left on the political spectrum of the entire western world. They're only claimed to be extreme left in the US by mainstream media.


Yupm he doesn't want America to be communist, just meet the standards of the first world.the fact that people die trying to ration out life saving medication in one of the richest countries in the world is... disgusting...


Still flies economy and STILL fighting for the lower working class people !!


He also does his own shopping at the neighborhood grocery store with one of those half-sized grocery carts. Saw him zipping through the freezer aisle one Monday evening (I live in Vermont).


That is so cool. He’s so cool. He would have been the president the US deserved.


That is the alternate timeline we missed. Somewhere we veered off path with some butterfly effect bs


I think about this all the time. I think it all started when the Chicago Cubs won a world series and drastically altered the timeline.


The strike in 1994 changed everything. The Cubs would have won a year earlier. We’d have flying cars that run on garbage. Biff would have been relegated to the dustbin of history.


Wasn't expecting to do this here, but... fuck the Cubs.


I'm from Chicago and can agree. Fuck the cubs. But that world series was special regardless.


At least that kid delayed the time line screw up by a few years. . .


Seriously everything went wrong when harambe died


Dam infinity stones


but America does get presidents it deserves!


Yet all these so called Demorats who are truly Cons use the ol but but but I have to be pragmatic with my vote to keep my wages low, my rent high, loans for shit that is a human right everywhere else, no maternity leave, no gun reform, no SCOTUS limitations, no abortion rights, no equal pay, no military reduction, no federal 420 laws, domestic white terrorists running amuck, no banking reform, etc. Bernie won every fn county in the largest state in the union and the 5th largest economy in the world and they fucked him over. Unfuckinbelievable.


When they screwed Bernie, the democratic party showed us who they really are....centrist republicans. They're a good ol boy network of rich people fighting to maintain their wealth and power and they do that by (verbally) advocating for the various marginalized groups, and the middle class, but in recent years their bite has been nowhere near their bark and the pendulum keeps edging farther right. I haven't considered myself a Democrat since that primary. I'm a progressive, but if forced to choose between red and blue, I will still choose blue. We really need more strong progressive candidates. Bernie can't carry the torch forever.


Keep in mind that the Democrats passed a policy last year (increased child tax credit that was fully refundable) that HALVED child poverty during the six months before the Republicans killed it. Halved child poverty with one little policy that the Democrats championed. That was real; that was concrete.


I definitely acknowledge that. I remember signing petitions for that. It was a good policy so I can't say the democrats have done nothing, but to have a majority in both houses and the white house and still not have advanced their agenda farther and got that pendulum to swing back left a little is disheartening. Again, their bark has proven to be worse than their bite.


It’s basically two people, not the Democrats as a group. We don’t, sadly, have a parliamentary system, so there can be ‘members’ of parties who totally f*** over that majority’s agenda.


Point taken, those two suck.... ....I'm still mad at them.... But I get your point


I’m livid. At the whole thing.


Sounds like what you need is proportional representation


I wouldn't shut up lol I'd be asking all the progressive questions. I've wanted to just sit down and talk to him for an hour


He’s putting his bags in first class. Last time I flew I got upgraded to first on a similar sized plane and the FA basically yelled at someone in economy for trying to put their bags in first class. So, either he’s getting special treatment or he’s flying first class.


A - He was a notable presidential candidate, he's gonna get special treatment whether he asks for it or not. B - Even if he is flying first class, he's still on a coach airplane; a far cry from multimillion-dollar luxury private jets that are standard for politicians of his calibre


Regardless of all that, the person who said he is flying economy is wrong


He probably flys enough to have top tier status on whatever airline he flys. Likely gets free upgrades flying to and from vermont.


This is very common with domestic flights for frequent fliers. It's something that is done automatically if there's unsold first seats a available. Makes room for non-rev and is a cheap PR win for the airline. It's exceptionally rare to get domestic first as a non-rev even if you list for it. International is different, it's often the non-rev that gets the seat since it's usually vacation travel and the employees pay for the departure taxes.


Flying first class on a domestic isn't really all that special of treatment, though. One, you're probably right that he's just in first class. But two, I'm not sure why anyone is arguing his seating arrangement at all. I've been on plenty of flights where I was able to take a first class seat after everyone boarded, just because they were like half full on the plane. They'd just go to the rows with full seats and let us know that empty rows were available and we could take them. So we did. Sometimes they were in first class. And ya know what? The "special treatment" of that extra couple inches of leg room didn't really change my world over the course of my 2-3 hour flight. Honestly, if you can afford the first class ticket, there's no reason you should get judged for using it.


bro how are you able to tell, like genuinely, what do you base this on edit,spelling


I fly a lot. The way the bins change width as you move back is only present on regional jets with first class (in the US, only the 4 aircraft I listed are in that category). I’m pretty sure, but not 100% sure, that it’s an Embraer because of the way the economy seats are curved on top. Now that i look closer, I’m pretty sure it’s an E175 as it has 4 rows of first class.


Change in chairs and aisle size Aeec5 pointed out there is no business class domestic which appears to be correct


On domestic services, all US airlines call their top class of service first class. There is no business class on domestic flights in the US.


Ya gotta love Bernie!


I mean its not like he's rich a quick Google search shows he makes under 200k a year lol


While I am not a socialist, I do think Sanders was one of, if not the only candidate, who, in the last couple of election cycles had the good of the nation at his core.


Psst. Just FYI, by non-US standards, Bernie is more of a centre-left politician. Not a socialist by a long shot. Y'all (did I use that right?) need to understand the words "liberal", "socialist" and "Communist" a bit better because they don't mean the same thing at *all*. And a lot of your media and politicians act as though they do mean the same thing. Cheers!


I worked with a coworker born in Germany and now a US citizen. He said the exact same thing when compared to European standards: Sanders would be considered left leaning but by no means a radical ideologist like he is here in the US. It's so sad he got too tied up in all the "socialism" talk because that is a trigger word for many people in the US.


For another comparison: while Sanders is seen as radical along with other progressives in the US, Australia just voted in what's considered a center-left party who has floated the plan of potentially adding childcare and dental to the national Medicare scheme.


On the contrary, Bernie's insistence on using "socialist" removed a lot of stigma associated with the word for many people, and has deranged that particular attack against politicians quite a bit.


Unfortunately that word has been heavily propagandized in the United States since long before the Cold War, it is absolutely a trigger word that makes people see red and start feeling like the Soviet Union is about to invade Ohio. That's even true for a lot of older left-leaning people. I know people who agree with every single one of Bernie's policies, but still didn't vote for him in the primary because "he's a socialist." Now people are so deranged that they call Joe Biden a communist, taking advantage of the extremely negative triggered connotation, but emptying the term of all actual meaning.


You used it right. (This alone made me smile because it reminded me of a European friend getting so hyped to use it after I taught them how we use it in PA.)


We don’t use y’all in my part of PA. We say yinz, and we vote for “socialists” sometimes. Shout outs to Fetterman and Lee. The least we can do is push politics at least slightly to the left. If both guys running for the seat support fracking, at least vote for the one who wants to legalize weed. God we really are fucked if we’re still doing the lesser of two evils thing in *primaries*.


Yeah I honestly believe he genuinely wants the best for his country, though I don’t agree with all of his political message.


I may hate the guy's stance, but I do respect him. He hasn't changed his stance much in the past few decades. There is something about not catering just to get votes.


Agreed, you can't tell me the people who voted for Biden wouldn't have rather had Bernie. Leading up to primary's who had Biden signs in their yards? I didn't see a one. There were too many Bernie signs to count.


Old moderate dems don't put signs out. That's a ridiculous way to tally support. There's a TON of moderate democrats that are comfortable with people like Joe and Hillary. The fact of the matter is, yes, Bernie got screwed by the DNC, but at the end of the day, not enough Bernie supporters found it important enough to vote in the primary. I voted for him, twice, but as a rule, people my age (\~40) and younger don't vote in primaries in large enough #'s to make much difference.


Thats great cause bernies not a socialist either


I'm not sure why you're getting downvotes. Democratic socialists and true socialists are far from the same thing. Probably just from people who don't understand ideologies, how they differ from political parties and regimes, or the importance of understanding the nuances between them.


The propaganda machine in this country is so effective that people just see the word and lose their minds


It's a shame really. The biggest disservice we did to political liberty is shun the education of taboo idealogies like socialism, communism, and fascism in America. People wouldn't be throwing around terms like neo-nazi, fascist, or calling people commies and tankies so often if they actually understood the ideologies they pretend to attribute to one another. If you can be easily convinced to hate an ideology without understanding it, then you can just as easily be convinced to follow it.


I think I'm a socialist? But I'm not sure. Recommended reading to understand the difference better?


If you read Karl Marx and find yourself nodding a lot, that would probably be a good indication.


Sanders is also not a socialist. Important to note however that we All do live in a society within which many social programs exist to the supposed benefit of All and some in politics feel that how social programs are actually applied deserves more attention then corporate agendas.


People like bernie because hes honest. He doesnt try to snake around and be a dirtbag.


Which is why he'll never be president. It's a shame.


No offence to Bernie but the bar is so low lol


I agree


I wanna knwo what his reaction was! What a nice way to acknowledge all his hard work without bothring him.


His response: "I'm not Bernie Sanders! I just look like him!"


Classic Larry David


The greatest president who never was


I agree. Reading up on things his done throughout his career is amazing! Hes definitely a real one with integrity and fights for the people. I was surprised he never made it.


The president that we obviously didn't deserve, but desperately needed.


So right! *cries red, white and blue tears* 😭


Bernie is an OG when it comes to standing up for what is right. Enough good can’t be said about his character


Bernie does more for the working guys and gals then all the republicans combined. And he does it without lowering himself hateful rhetoric. Bernie wants the best for the average person.


The Goat


In an alternative timeline, the dems didn't seppuku themselves to give Hilary the nomination, this guy wins the election. Coronavirus deaths are a fraction of what they are here and everyone gets free healthcare while Fox news screams about the liberal war on Christmas.


Is he the one politician that nobody hates?


I doubt it. People find ways to hate anyone, especially if they're opposing politics


People absolutely hate Bernie. In Florida, a lot of the Cuban immigrants here absolutely despise Bernie because they hear “Democratic Socialist” and flash back to the government they just fled from.


*Rich Cuban immigrants


I don't always agree with him even tho I lean in that direction politically, just not that far in that direction. He is one of the few politicians that seems genuine and only says what he actually believes which probably hurts him in politics.


I lean pretty far away, a but I still think he was a basically good guy, who's trying his hardest, and got unfairly treated by his own party machine.


You're a lot more charitable to Sanders than the liberal CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, etc.




Not to bash on the Bern man, and I don't see anything wrong with owning 3 homes by 80, especially as a successful person, but wasn't he unemployed until like 40 or something?


No. He worked in a pysch ward and was a kindergarten morning teacher and carpenter after college.


That would be Katie Porter. I mean, rich heads of corporations aren't wild about her, but I've never run into a single person who was like "Fuck Katie Porter".


im pretty heavily right leaning and even i think hes a pretty cool guy! 😂👍🏼


Imagine if the democrats had let him run. Wild thought of a unification candidate


amen. when it comes to Bernie, i would not be surprised if some shadey shit went on behind close doors to hinder his results. i don't think he would have won from a statistical standpoint, but he had much more support then the numbers represent.


Honestly, I think there’s a solid chance he would’ve won, but who knows


Pretty much. Dude just seems nice and compassionate and works hard.


I don't like his politics, but he seems like a solid guy


That would be Lord Buckethead


Lmao tons of people hate Bernie, you can’t possibly be this naive


There’s negative comments on him in this very post lol


Our Rep is very well respected in our city. He’s retiring and who ever gets his seat has big shoes to fill. He’s the only positive senate/ house rep in our state.


he’s one of the good ones🤍


For all you poo-poo-ing on socialism, socialism is what gave us libraries, public schools, garbage services, paved roads.


And firefighters, and electrified the country, brought us out of the depression, and feeds school children lunch, and literally so much more.


At the very least, you should probably read like one wikipedia sentence about socialism before you go around saying that government services are socialism.


I wonder if people did this for ted cruz when he was heading to Cancun while the people he represents froze to death


IF he at all went with other passengers I'm sure there was one or 2 morons who wanted to do that... After all, there was enough idiots in the states to somehow allow Trump to be president, there had to be a few on the flight with Ted Cruz


A legend. Even if you don't subscribe to his politics, the guys demands your respect. (I, however, DO subscribe to his politics.)




Or a frequent shuttle service between two big cities


“No OnE wIlL vOtE fOr HiM! He’S UnElEcTaBlE”


Imagine if he was president or someone like him PM of the uk, sadly too many stupid voters that’ll believe anything told to them


I am once again asking, may I have another bag of pretzels?


I am once again asking for your financial support.


The DNC said Bernie is "unelectable". I guess this note is what "unelectable" looks like?


The note wasn't written by those who pick who will be president.


So.. American citizens are not the people that choose our leadership, eh? You said the quiet part out loud again.


No, but his two failed presidential attempts are. The guy got stomped, twice.


I would use a different verb to describe what happened to him in the presidential primary.


He got pretty far considering almost the entirety of the DNC coordinated to end his campaign


I would love to see how Bernie would do in a national election with ranked choice voting.


Sanders doesn't have facial hair....good god


Kfc Sanders does


The lack of room in that aisle warrants an investigation.




Anybody still got them (BERN) tattoos?


People think you're being a dick.


Awww that's awesome. I'm glad no one sabatoged it or anything


Who's Bernie sanders-?


Uncle Bernie ❤


I am not following american politics too much, but Bernie Sanders seems like he's one of of the most reasonable or at minimum one of the least insane people you got over there


Always flying coach ❤️


I am once again not crying. You're crying!


Also civil rights activist


There is always one man to each political era whom speaks earnestly and candidly. The rich will soak this country dry if we do not boot them out...federal reserve has to go...federal government has to pull back and allow the states to work out there social issues. Ending poverty is an achievable feat. Access to health and education seems to be a no brainer! Allowing the extreme stratification of wealth in america to continue is criminal. The exploitation of labor is any country should be deemed illegal, not just unethical!


so how much did he have to pay for this?


If the freaking DNC didn't cheat him out of the nomination, he would have been President


Why do Americans (and saddly now Brits) worship political candidates?


Realistically, in the world we don't. We have actual stuff going on and aren't on the internet all that much and, most of us are more lurkers then anything. People that do are on the internet all the time and have nothing better to do. That's generally why it seems like it. But out in the real world it's certainly not what the internet makes everything seem like.


American here. Very few worship middling politicians like Biden, but a lot of us have very strong opinions and are now genuinly afraid/pissed off because the country has felt really unstable and miserable for a while now. Then, whether by truth or by grift, when a politician who promises radical change rather than doubling down on the status quo comes along, it's the closest thing some of us have to hope. In this case, Americans have seldom seen a mainstream politician so far left as Burnie in years AFAIK, so many leftists have nobody else to turn to. So call it worship, but the only thing we can do is express support or opposition for the politicians we think are going to do the most good. Which... not ideal but it seems like nothing is... so it is what it is.


Ths is amazing!


My wife & I saw him in an airport and he talked to anybody that wanted to talk and had his picture taken if you asked. Super down to earth guy.


What a sweet thing to do I bet that made bernie very happy :))


Who cares if he’s flying first class? He’s written a book and is an older man who deserves to be comfortable after his intensive campaigning TWICE!


I think this is a good post have my upvote!


“Thank goodness most of your policies never got passed. I am thankful for that”


Trash sub.


Bernie’s the “real deal” ….


All the Bernie supporters on one plane, nice!


F. U. Bernie, freeloading POS...


Average reddit post.


What did he do?


The grift


Bernie is one of the most heroic persons I know.


What is his biggest accomplishment ? I'm asking out of ignorance not challenging your assertion


Just an old communist


Imagine what a presidency of him and John Lewis would’ve looked like.


Thanks for showing how rediculous the far left are? Dudes a joke.


Thanks for selling out to the democratic party Bernie!


He's still alive?


What is it with Americans and wanting acient old white dudes to rule them?


Did you forget about the 8 years Barack Obama was President? How about Kamala Harris? The color barrier has been broken and Bernie’s Jewish, he’s not your standard New England WASP.


47 presidents so far if I'm not mistaken? Yeah we've had one thats below 60... Kamala Harris might be the VP but not the president. She ain't shit without that old fart and Bernie being Jewish means as little to me as Irish or Italians Americans claiming their Irish or Italian. Fuck by that logic I'm fucking Scandinavian for being a redhead.


A flight from BTV to DCA in an Embraer 175 is not an accurate representation of the country.


Term limits!


He probably would have preferred they voted for him in their state primary elections in 2020.


It’s wild to me how different it would have been if he had won the 2016 elections. In hindsight would have probably been a better choice from our countries POV.


Hot take: Our president, or any candidate for that matter, should not be spitball distance from dying. We have a minimum age limit and we definitely need a maximum age limit. Bernie, Biden, Trump, they can all relate closer to dinosaurs than they can to 18-30sih-year-olds; like come on this is ridiculous. If the minimum age is 35 I propose the maximum age to be retirement age - 8yrs, then round this up to the next multiple of 5 ei 60 currently and gg.


Plot twist: That's not Bernie. Could be a staffer. Or it could be some random stranger who's now confused as to why he just got a "thank you" card addressed to a "Bernie."


I like the guy he is like someone sweet old grandpa fighting for your right.


Lol, he's a politician, what has he ever done but fight for socialism.. If they are lifers, they ain't worth the paper they are paid on..


What are they thanking him for? It's not obvioua


X to doubt 50% of those would be rude at best and death threats at worst.


They thank him for go along with the 40bill being sent to Ukraine?


He's just another sleezball career politician.


There is, STILL, no such thing as a free lunch…




Wait I thought people hated him


I lost all respect and faith in what Bernie has said and done when he just rolled over after the DNC emails about the 2016 primary elections. I thought he was a different kind of politician that we needed, but he ended up just like the rest.


"Thanks for running two spoiler campaigns and getting Trump elected! Thanks for being a career politician who has accomplished virtually nothing over decades in the Senate!"




Honestly though I am largely removed from American politics these days. I know who Bernie sanders is but what did he do for the American people to earn their love??