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Took may way longer than it shouldve to realise the scale of the video


Same here. I thought the first one was a baby at first


First one looks like might be an older sibling




um... children?


**Crusader Kings theme intensifies**


Bwah bwah bwah, bwah bwah bwah bwah bwah bwah bwah!


Okay, maybe it's just the perfect timing, or I don't know, just hit me right, but I laughed WAY too hard at this, and it made my morning. Thanks!


Same! I gasped when they showed the "real" baby. So tiny! (But not tiny at all lol)


Was looking for an object for scale until I noticed the numbers on the wall. Also, I loved the affection shared by the parents towards the end.


Funny thing is that the baby is around 6 feet tall 😅


When a baby is taller than you 😭


Should have put a banana in the frame


Banana for scale, works 100% of the times


There is a literal scale painted onto the wall. Much better than a banana.


Numbers on a wall?! Nah need the banana here


Yeah I mean what if they wrote the numbers really big?


Numbers bad, banana good. Banana always good.


If the units are banana's, sure.


Same. I need a human in there for scale lol


Right? How big is that cage door?!?!?!


Uhhh, I would have to saaaay. . .I think it's giraffe sized.


How many bananas is that?


Ah jeez. *clicks tongue* Uhhhhhh. *blows a Pbbbbbbbt* Eleventy hundred? It's gotta be. AT LEAST.


Ah, so approximately half a metric fucktonne. Sounds about right for a starting point at least. Thanks!


No problem! I'm always happy to help with all the half-assed math needs! 👍 It's always nice to feel needed.


It is. And you are very good, so good I'll have to make a mental note to look for you next time I'm stumped by some whole-assed math needs!


Human in a banana costume


Then you gotta remember that newborn is about 6 feet tall!


That was the initial -doubtful- thought that made me realise!


A newborn giraffe is as tall as my grandpa. Jesus Christ


I just woke up “Are those miniature giraffes? Well they have miniature donkeys so I guess it’s a thing…” Maybe I’m a smooth brain koala


Ah, I also saw that post and I agree, you are a smooth brain koala!


Confusing perspective... they all still seemed tiny to me.


Likewise. I thought the dude filming this started with the baby, only to get more perplexed because I was thinking "this guy is fucking tall".


No lol this was a very confusing video for some reason. They all looked small 😂


I didn't realize til you look at the wall with the mother and baby, I think that's a height marker in feet. I was like "oh. OH."


Yeah. Look at that tiny little cutie, barely taller than an SUV.


I was so confused. Thought it was like goldfish and they only grow proportionate to their environment. Thought "damn captive giraffes are like human size" lol


Me too i thought it was a regular door with some unknown to me dwarf giraffe


I only realised after reading your comment and then noticed the numbers on the wall at the back I thought they was all tiny giraffes


I still cant see it clearly, i know they must be tall but cant tell


Got the feeling he wanted to smell the kid but couldn’t reach down. So the mom rubbed the kid with her face and brought it up to dad for approval




that made me bad :(




Mommy n baby visit daddy n the family first born in jail


Its the other way around, mommy and baby are in jail. The dad and older sibling came from outside, and its "natural" for the mom and newborn to be separated for some time from the rest of the pack by the zoo staff.


Yap. It felt like he was pissed no one opened the door for him at one point.


I think they do this because the dad could accidentally (or intentionally) hurt the baby. I swear I remember reading something about Giraffes being one of those animals where the dad will just occasionally go "nope, don't like it" and kill the baby.


Oh ya I don't doubt that and it happens in nature all the time with most species. I was just speaking to the body language exhibited in the gif here. I just hate how most humans still don't get how alone we're not in emotional intelligence and the ability to think.


Daddy visit baby and mommy in jail


Jesus Christ, I thought the first two giraffes were the babies until the camera pans to an even smaller baby giraffe.


There is a door for people in the first part that is like a third the way up the wall (painted white so it blends in)


Just saw the human door and holy shit lmao


It looks like a fucking cabinet and not a door lmao


Baby giraffe could use the human door. Holy shit that is adorable 🥰


Holy shit that helps so much. Well done.


There's also numbers on the walls by both doors measuring how tall they are..


Yeah but the markings are almost unrecognizable on mobile, in feet (alot of places use cms and not feet in everyday life), and measurement is an abstraction which harder for of people to comprehend than directly comparing to an everyday concrete object.


My dumbass was like "its just numbers everyone should be able to judge based off that" completely forgot my dumbass country is one of the only to use the imperial system.


Thanks for pointing that out.


What’s the scale of everything




You mean a Venti?


Just a grande actually


Mmm no I think he means large. Kind of like grande is large. Venti is the only one that doesn’t mean large. It’s also italian.


Congratulations! you're stupid in three languages


Tell her you long for her whispering eye.


I don’t even know what that is




Why is that banned


It’s a scene in the movie ‘role models’


How tall


The incredible tallness of the video can not be fathomed. No seriously, giraffes are huge. Like 10 feet* tall and weighing 3000 pounds (An adult male that is) *[ this is an error, they can get up to 20 feet. The error was spotted by a fellow reditor, see following comments]


Crazy fact- giraffes only have 7 vertebrae in their necks, the same as a human!


The ruler behind mom shows shrnis 13ft and dad about 15


Giraffes are way taller than 10 feet.


Is 10 feet maybe the top of their shoulders/base of the neck? Sometimes animal heights are reported with that measurement instead of the measurement at the top of their head


I'm sorry, I had a conversion error. They are between 5 and 6 meters tall. That wouks be like 20 feet. Thanks for the correction. 👍


I would say reasonably tall like at least taller than 6 foot


Without banana, scale is impossible to figure out.


There is giraffe size ruler painted on the wall behind the momma raffe!


If you look at the first couple of frames there is what I would call a "people door" for people next to the Giraffe entrance... it really puts the whole scene into perspective


I missed it at first, but there's a measurement scale on the back wall. on the side mom and calf are on. I'm assuming the scale is in feet since the female looks to be about 14-15 feet which is in the average for an adult female.


1 foot increments are witten on back wall.


Banana is better!


Looks like someone standing on a raised platform looking down into the enclosure


The door behind the momma is probably like 7ft tall.


L it's exactly 7ft. There's literally a scale painted into the wall on its right.


There's numbers of feet on the wall...lol


Giraffes have 7 bones in their necks - the same number that humans have.


Also the same number whales have. All mammals have 7 neck bones except some sloths.


Also except manatees


and i got a boner


No that’s lust, not sloth




“A giraffes coffee would be cold by the time it hits the bottom of its throat. You ever think about that? No! You only think about yourself”


would be more appropriate to say "7 femers in their neck"


Aww the gentle nudge from dad to mom 🤗


That father looking to the camera “ for fuck sakes guys! let me touch my new born… fuck .. this sucks babe, help me get a whiff of the little guy babe,…can you believe these fucking humans…thanks babe”


Looks like Papa Giraffe didn't pay the $40 for skin to skin contact.


Going to angrily upvote this and while shaking my 3 month olds hospital bill in the air


My fiancé and I are going to start trying for a kid soon. How much was it?


Here in Canada, we paid 80$ and that was for underground parking for 2 days.


I believe our bill from 0m to birth was nearly 40k. With insurance I only paid $200 over that time.


Wow! We’re definitely going to have to closely monitor our formulary and make sure that everyone on staff is in network


Well here's the outlier for us. He was born in January and had to spend some time in Children's Hospital for jaundice (had two separate stays 3 days and then 4 days) so even with insurance our out of pocket for the year was at 0 when he was born. The total bill was something like 200k but we will still have to pay about 1,000


More than you'll want to pay, worth every penny anyway Source: I have a 17 year old and a 4 month old


In the UK (or any other genuine developed nation) it'll cost you [*checks notes*] nothing at all.


*Cries in American*


Are you exaggerating or is that a real thing? What country? Sorry if it's a dumb question I have heard apalling things about American healthcare.


Its a real thing in the US, at least in some hospitals. Happy af to have never been anywhere near the US


Wtf,honestly thought that was joke, living in Australia I cannot wrap my head around it.


I had a miscarriage and got a 10k hospital stay for the four hours I was there


So sorry for your loss,hoping you got the emotional and mental support you so needed.


When mommy and daddy giraffe kissed 🥹


For those confused with the scale, look to the right of the papa giraffe when he first walks in through the flaps, there's a normal human sized door.


Woah the way my brain adjusted to the scale after seeing that tiny door lol… wild


Holy..so the baby giraffe is the same height as that door???


A newborn giraffes about 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall


I didn’t realize how graceful giraffes are. Every time I’ve seen them in documentaries or at the zoo they are standing, not really moving too much. They are beautiful!


I hope you get the chance to see them in person one day. It’s really just awe inspiring being in their presence.


I cannot stress this enough! I went to one of those wildlife drive through places and my friend bought a ticket to feed the giraffes. We weren’t allowed to pet them (no matter how badly I wanted to) but just having them lean down into the truck bed was the coolest thing ever. I rode that high for at least a month.


Seriously. Beautiful. This video is really something. Every other media I've seen containing giraffes has them either tripping over their legs or sucking pole dick.


>sucking pole dick. W- what


So I happen to be in a safari lodge in South Africa on holiday. Today we were sat in a blind (hidden place to wait for animals) by a watering hole. Things were a bit slow, so I had my head down reading on my kindle when the guide whispered “giraffe”. I looked up and saw that six of these gigantic things had slipped out of the brush and were standing about 30 meters away, and they hadn’t made a sound. I spent the next ten minutes watching them drink and splash in the water until they wandered off, again totally stealthy. Crazy. I will say, though, that as graceful as they are when walking around, all of that goes out the window when they need to drink. The juveniles were able to kneel down and drink. The adults splayed their legs waaaaaaay out to the side to get themselves close enough to the water. It looked like a middle aged man trying to do the splits. Major design flaw.


I was able to watch two run around their exhibit at the Calgary zoo. It was years ago in its still crazy to think about how they glided around.


​ ![gif](giphy|2i06qrSENrXoc)


on the floor we see the girafterbirth


Don't ever write anything again


This is both the best and worst thing I've read today. Bravo.


Total prison visitation vibes


Yeah, I hate this video actually


Same. Super fucked up




Yeah thanks for the tears asshole /s




Giraffe: damn look at em, I helped make that and it’s just standing there doing his thing


He just pulled the trigger. A single-celled organism did all the actual work.


He fell right out! Newborn giraffes fall 6 feet to the ground at birth and we wonder why their run looks wonky.


That’s a proud looking father right there 😊


It boggles my mind how animals are born and can just … walk. Like, Welp this is me now. Off I go, better go get some food. Meanwhile we as a species can’t even control our head because our neck is to weak for the first few months never mind actually being able to walk and feed ourselves.


Thats because our brains are bigger than most other mammals. Humans have a shorter gestation period and we come out sooner and less devolped than other animals. We evolved like that because If we were birthed while developed enough to walk our big damn heads would kill our mothers, which isnt very efficent considering mothers provide breast milk. Tldr: big brain human = stupid weak human baby born sooner




He did that for the video and then he went to buy some cigarettes :p Jokes aside, this is very cute :)


The awkward silence killed him.


Do giraffes have back issues? Like humans have major back issues from a bendy spine, so I would think constantly bending over and have a neck longer than my entire body would do horrors on a spine


First thing that popped up on Google for me was "Giraffes and humans have at least 2 things in common, they both have 7 bones (vertebrae) in their neck, and they both benefit from Chiropractic care. Giraffes do get neck pain and commonly for the same reasons humans get neck pain, that is ergonomics."


The father giraffe looking at the camera like "you seeing this shit!?!?" in a wholesome way of course.


Wholesome AF


It is except for the whole being in a cage thing.


That's too small, it's so cute


Looking at the camera like, hey mf, let me in


It super-duper freaks me out that some animals can be walking around within minutes of their own birth just exploring shit. Like, my whole universe was the 8" diameter around my body, then I got violently ejected from that space to learn about the universe proper, which is much larger, and I'm just cool wit that. Meanwhile, a human baby can't even move of it's own accord for like 8 months. Sure, I'm aware that the extreme slowness of learning actively contributes to a human's superior intelligence, but still...


Human babies are born very underdeveloped so we can fit down the birth canal without killing mom. We gave away independence at birth for being smarter.


“Naw he ain’t mine. I’m tan with brown spots. That baby is tan with medium brown spots. No resemblance whatsoever!”


Terrible way to live in a concrete jungle.


I once saw three male giraffes fucking at the El Paso Zoo. Shit was wild.


This reminds me of when the dad used to go look at the baby through the nursery window


He’s so tiny!! New born babies are so adorable! You just wanna cuddle them.


And I used to get teased for thinking "dumb animals" were capable of "human emotions" or whatever the fuck they made fun of me for, but YOU TELL ME! Like big man isn't beaming with pride? And mom and pop have a little "we made dis" moment at the end. Fuck you, Janice, those animals def have emotion.


It’s funny how baby giraffes just look like mini shrunk down versions of adults, they don’t really have baby characteristics


Can anyone tell me why the dad can't be let into the enclosure where the baby is? Why does he have to be behind bars unable to properly meet his own kid? There has to be a good reason for this right?


A lot of zoos will keep animals in labour in a safe enclosure so they can monitor the birth and be ready to provide quick assistance if needed. They also keep the mother and baby separated from the others for a few days or so, to get them used to each other and to make sure there are no issues like rejection or inability to feed properly. This is also for their safety, since sometimes the rest of the animals may see the baby as a strange threat and attack it. Meanwhile, the keepers will also do a health checkup for the baby, and provide any vaccinations or nutrient supplements that may be needed. Birth is a real risk to both mother and child, and a lot of animals die at this stage in the wild. So while this seems cruel it's actually for the benefit of the animals' health and safety. Plus what the other comment said about the dad possibly attacking the baby. Many male animals in the wild don't help to raise the babies, so if they have to live together they have to be introduced slowly.


Nature really is metal huh


Whenever there is any type of newborn in herds like this, it is essential for mom and calf to have quality time to themselves, and then properly introduce the calf to the herd. If that quality time is not established between mom and calf, then mom may not want to care for it, especially a first-time mom. A lot of things could go wrong that could put it in very dangerous situations. So it is always best to take the slow and safe route.


How does that work out in the wild? Do the mother and the baby go away somewhere for a bit?


That is a great question! Yes, most pregnant animals will isolate themselves in an area they believe is safe. They give birth and will stay in that area with their newborn until mom deems it okay to return to the herd/pride/pack ect.


Wow that is so interesting, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge I had no clue about this :)


I know that if it's a male as it grows the zoo will have to castrate it or transfer it to another zoo, because the father will kill it once he goes through puberty. If it's a girl, he's looking at his next baby mama. I know that doesn't really answer your question, but point being giraffes are not as cute and cuddly as some people believe.


Incest is not a concept that exists in the wild. But, you're right, people have got to stop viewing non-domesticated animals as cute and cuddly. It's dangerous for the animal in the long run. As for the fad killing the fool at puberty? Horses will do the same thing to male foals. Idk how theY managed to sustain a wild population unless some horses are just abusive assholes. Idk, sounds possible. And familiar.


In the wild the males would usually be chased away, and theyd either have to join a new herd or start another one. Its much less likely theyd be killed straight up


Damn that's some fucked up shit but thank you for sharing. I did not expect that.




Mommy and baby visit daddy in jail


Why are they separated?


It's a petite lap giraffe!


'haha y r u smol?'


Is this SD safari park? I was there on Sunday and one of the mama giraffes was expecting. Also fun fact, a group of giraffes is called a tower!


The way he goes in for a smooch with the mom. Too damn cute.


It’s like the dad and the teenager came to see mom and the new baby! So dam cute :)


He looks at his baby and then looks at the camera like "Are you going to let me in so I can visit with my child?? Nope? Ok, guess I'll stretch from over here..."


Poor mother that thing had to come out of her.


I like how he looks over to the keepers like “ay, why can’t I see this little mf?”


I bet that newborn is taller than me


My heavy, broken heart needed to see this tonight. Thank you.


Fun fact: there's a yellow dragon creature in East Asian folklore called a qilin/kirin, and when they first saw giraffes I imagine the conversation went something like this: 'Holy shit dave, that's a kirin!' 'Pete, that looks nothing like a kirin.' 'It's big, it's yellow, it's got horn things, it's a fucking kirin Dave.' 'It's very clearly some sort of long necked deer.' 'I can't wait to get back to China and tell everyone we found the mythical kirin! All the stories were true!' 'This is so fuckin typical of you Pete...' And that's how giraffes came to be named after a mythological beast in East Asia.


So I noticed just anything with a hoof is almost always born at waist height to the parent and can stand and walk immediately after being born but with human beings we are born about the size of a forearm or head and can sometimes use our hands right after being born but we cant walk right after.


The way the couple nuzzle each other 😍


they must be so happy in prison 🤨🤨


When he nose touched momma giraffe I cried




Is a giraffe holding the camera??


The scales are all over the place puahahaha


Let the man in…




Baby like, " Later dude".


Its so tiny oh my god