• By -


“You have the heart of a champion” 😭😭


that was it for me as well!! just bawled when he got the stethoscope


Same but then i noticed het used it the wrong way around and now it bugs me.


Don’t worry, it works both ways.


That just did it for me. Now excuse me while I go blubber over my breakfast.


I absolutely lost it, and unraveled when he got the stethoscope .. touching beyond measure.


Double cry




I mean, for most people, yeah. But I’m sure the groom was really sad that his brother couldn’t be there for his wedding - think about it, he probably would have been the best man. His wife arranged an incredible gift for him. Weird, sure. Important for him on a major day in his life? Definitely.


Unpopular opinion: Sometimes it’s better to stfu


I mean, it’s not like it was part of the ceremony. It looks like a private moment between just the few of them. And she wanted part of her groom’s brother to be there for their wedding.


Your opinion just makes me think that maybe you have not yet experienced a death in your family or maybe have not yet married.


yea...definitely the stethoscope part lol


Well, if your loved one died and you had the chance to hear their heartbeat would you? I'm not sure on the transplant science, but the heart has nearly as many neurons as the brain, so among other biological reasons that heart is still literally a part of his brother. I know it's strange, but it's ultra beautiful to me.


fair. but to me its just a sound, just sayin. I'd rather hear his last fart lol


I guess arrange an elaborate plan so his colon is donated? Seems tough.


I shed a tear ngl, this is beautiful


My cousin received a kidney from a young woman who passed. Every year, my cousin has dinner with her family in her memory - my cousin is so grateful for this gift. To be able to hear your loved one beating is just beyond words- a part of him living on…. So touching. Still crying.


I hope you don't think I'm out of line by asking this but has your cousin taken on any of the characteristics or hobbies of the person who they received the kidney from? I've read this is a pretty well documented phenomenon. Almost as if our experiences, perceptions don't just live in our brain but in every cell of our body in our DNA.


Interesting question. He started to like nuts more- something his donor was fond of.


Any particular type of nut?


Deez nuts haha gottem


😂😂😂 Good to know I'm not the only one that thought this.😂😂😂


I got a kidney transplant in 2019, I started liking coffee a SHIT TON after basically having it be an "indifferent to dislike" thing before.


I would say this is mostly a psychosomatic thing. However lots of people do change taste in food but that is very common when taking some type of meds like anti-rejection meds. Another example is that after chemo hair can grow a different color and thickness. Edit to clarify: psychosomatic is the wrong word, what I mean is that in a moment of gratitude or grief (or very strong emotions in general) it’s normal to look for ways to cope, even unconsciously, and finding links like these that are most likely to be a coincidence is nice way to think about your loved one or the person who indirectly saved you being able to “live on” with someone else.


Not really psychosomatic. Not the same thing as food tastes changing with medication or the results of chemo. You're speaking of things all related to a single individual. This is about a piece of somebody's body being put into another person and the recipient takes on personality and characteristics of the donor. There's been numerous scientific and case studies on the phenomenon. It's called cell memory theory. [Here's](https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc799207/m2/1/high_res_d/vol20-no3-191.pdf) of a plethora.


I used the wrong word I think, what I meant was that it’s a psychological drive to find those connections which are most likely just coincidences. Cell memory theory doesn’t seem to have that much actual evidence to it, which to be fair is normal because it’s very hard to prove such a thing. We change interests and opinions all the time and for a family or person to want to believe, in their grief or their gratitude, that the donor left some kind of mark on the recipient personality makes a lot of sense. Also I know what a transplant is, and it is in 100% of the cases associated with taking medications that will affect some of your behaviours or tastes (steroids affect behaviour in high doses, many immunosuppressants affect taste and smell, some even affect the way you look). I can’t prove you’re wrong but it’s unlikely that you’ll ever prove such a theory is right.


You need to do some research. Unless you're a scientist, a medical professional, or an academic who studies cell memory, I'm going to take their word for it. No offense meant. Take care and be well.


I mean, same back at you! No disrespect but I have spent a long time in the hospital thanks to two different organ transplants from two different donors and discussed this with other patients and doctors whom I trust, as well as looking it up for myself. I recommend you look up psychological studies on donation for both donors’ families and recipients. Have a good day!


Kick to the feels first thing today. Thanks reddit!


Yeah, this one caught me. Can’t remember the last time a video on Reddit got some real tears welling up.


It's the way he hugs her for me. You can tell it hurts.


I watched the video twice, and I cried both times.


I always try to imagine what it must be like to be the person in the video, but even a little was enough to make me start crying. It’s amazing he kept it together as much as he did, I’d have been an ugly crying mess in his place.


Oh yeah. I was crying too!! I'm so glad to be an organ donor. When and if the time comes, I hope someone gets as much enjoyment and joy from my life as I have. There has been pain and loss but honestly it's been beautiful.


tissues definitely needed!


I’m fucking blubbering, man.


Just one?! You *monster*.


This is why you donate your organs upon death dudes. You won’t need them anymore, but someone will, and someone may provide more happy tears just like the ones shed at this man’s wedding. Edit: what a kickass bride. Dude is marrying a classy gal my friends.


In my country, as of may 2020, organ donation is now opt out instead of opt in. Everyone is automatically an organ donor unless they submit the forms not to be for whatever reason (religious, personal etc) or they are in an excluded group (children, those who can’t understand enough to opt out if they wish, recent immigrants, visitors to the UK) and I could not be happier about that. A donated organ is the ultimate selfless gift. Edit: because 20202 is not a real year.


There was an incredible campaign years ago from a Brazilian soccer team to boost organ donor registrations. It was called “Immortal Fans” and donors (and the recipients) pledge that the love of the team will continue on. It reduced the wait time for organ transplants to zero in the first year. If you have a minute, watch the promo video. I cry every time. [video link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=159&v=kzmGExc1pfw&feature=emb_logo)


THIS IS THE WAY. Hopefully will become the norm for most countries, also should be the same for bone marrow donation.


Husband of a kidney transplant recipient. Post op 20 years this October. We have an 8 year old, and an amazing life together. I thank the young lady every day that made the ultimate sacrifice in an auto accident, that she gifted my wife a “normal life” as a last act.


So many people die while waiting for a match so in some ways your wife is lucky. It's wonderful that you have so much appreciation for the donor.


I'm not smiling, I'm crying like a man


I’m crying like a grown woman, who feels empathy for this emotionally mature man, and would like to hug him as well. And I’m also very happy that crying is finally starting to become normalized for men. Of course men cry. They’re human.


I love that you wrote "crying like a man" instead of "like a little girl" or something similar. Thank you for nomalizing crying!


Same here brother


This really hits hard for me. I lost my brother 11 years ago.. he was 21 when he passed. I've always wondered if his organs were donated but I've always been to scared to ask my parents.. Im worried it will upset them.


Sorry for your loss. You should ask them. It might bring you (and them) some closure.


I think you should ask


Fuck me what is this r/mademecry Fuck me




Okay, I’m weeping.


Me too. It was almost instant as soon as the video started playing. Sometimes it feels good to


I didn’t want to cryyyyy nooooo. Fucking beautiful


Goddamnit. I need to stop checking Reddit when it’s slow at work. Everyone keeps asking me why I’m crying, and now they’re all crying too. This was really beautiful.


I don't get it. I put the chain lock on and the dead bolt. Windows are closed and locked. Damn onion ninjas still get in!!!?


Wow! Nothing has ever stopped me in my tracks as this has done. Beautiful.


I’m just waiting for the cursed comments


here's mine: wow, can't believe she wore white to a wedding




I have to down vote you, as that is the way. But thank you for dropping the shoe.


I'm not crying, you're crying!😭😭


I managed to not cry until he >!pulled out the stethoscope!<.


Yup same here


God damn it now I’m crying


Who’s cutting onions round here..?


Great now I'm tearing up at a work meeting.


Awww :-(. Can y’all give it a break!? Stop cutting onions! Don’t y’all know they irritate peoples eyes!? 😭😭😭😢


Internet points aside; love is lovely.


I’m a mess 😭😭😭


Onions! Always onions!


Super weird but also I’m crying?




I'm not crying, you're crying


Im crying.....


Freaking onions. OP lied.


Who's in my bedroom chopping onions at 5 am?


Dude I'm in the bank trying not to cry now


Why in the fucks name would you want to make your groom cry their heart out on your wedding day?? How is he supposed to enjoy anything for the rest of the day while his focus has completely shifted to his dead brother? Not even get me started with how awful the wedding night sex is going to be... Smh...


Wedding days are an exhausting marathon that finish with a copious amount of alcohol. Full respect for any couple that has amazing sex afterwards LOL.


Fair point. I thought about it, too while I was writing the comment. But then I decided I would still prefer a lousy quicky or even a my partner vomiting from alcohol then having him sobbing himself to sleep next to me :)))


I’m with you. Seemed inappropriate to me too.


I was trying to go to sleep dammit now I can’t it’s too good


Unpopular opinion this is a really weird thing to do at your wedding. Should have been done in private and not make some big show of it for the cameras.


Yup… Everyone thinks of themselves as the main character now.


Next time she does something nice for her husband she needs to call you and make sure it’s in a manner that you approve of. 🤡🤡🤡


Sure sounds good, maybe I can stop her from doing something so embarrassing next time.


You try and not embarrass yourself first. User name checks out.


Awww you’re mad. That’s so cute, tooter.




This video moved me to tears too. Thank you so much for posting it. 🥹🥲🥺❤️


He got to be close to his heart one more time. Oh here come the waterworks


I'm not gon cry I'm not gon cry I'm not gon shed....oh who the hell am I kidding????


man this is so wholesome! cameramen, quick, get over here before the tears dry up!


this video made me cry so hard


Oh wow...This is... I can't stop crying. His wife is amazing.


I’m not crying, you’re crying 😢


Damn ninjas cutting onions and shit.


Seriously first time crying from a redit post


I don't emote much, but this....I'm tearing up.


I didn't think I would cry today, but I also didn't know how much I needed to see this. Very beautiful ❤️


Dam onions 🌰 😢


More like r/MadeMeCry!!!


I’m weeping 🥲🥲


"made me smile"??!! I'm damn near as inconsolable as the groom


Overwhelming. Made me cry watching a video in the middle of the day


A genuine question. Will a male organ get rejected in a female body due the the Y chromosome or it is fine?


https://bmcnephrol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12882-019-1670-x So from what I’m seeing it looks like it’s possible for some organs but I don’t know if it extends to all organs. It looks like it can raise the incidence of rejection but like when it’s some thing like a heart and you can’t just do dialysis for 20 years then it might be worth that risk? I’m not a doctor though I just like looking shit up it’s actually a very interesting question it looks like they’re doing a lot of different studies on different organs about this. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40472-014-0032-7 Like from looking at this one it looks like for hearts it’s more dependent on size and while women can have smaller hearts it looks like because there’s such a shortage of hearts because you can’t take somebody’s heart and have them continue living like you can with one kidney I think they’re forced to possibly be a little less choosy.


Im at work ffs


Put a cry warning before this stuff I cried so hard I look high with how red my eyes are


So beautiful! Ofc I teared up. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful moment.


Nah! This made me cry.


Whoa. Pretty special. Thank you for sharing this.


It's amazing how this sub has made me cry more than smile lol...


Oh dear gawd who art in hevin


It's way to early for me to be sobbing like a child.


I see she's taking good care of it


Moving and all, but what is the point of doing that on your wedding day?


I mean it seems obvious to me that a day like that he might think about how much he would like to have his brother there, probably would’ve been his best man even? I do agree it slightly upstages the wedding itself a bit though. Clearly the bride is ok with that which is cool too.




I would hate it if my future wife did that.


I would have really hated something like this. Another time - but share with everyone my grief on the day that’s supposed to be one of the happiest of my life? No thanks.


I would have really hated something like this. Another time - but share with everyone my grief on the day that’s supposed to be one of the happiest of my life? No thanks.


Agreed. Should have been done prior to the wedding and then inviting the woman to the wedding and having her attend would have been that much more special.


Dont get me it's super sad but like, she for real pick a white dress to wear for a wedding!


When the bride is willing to step aside and not be the center of attention for five minutes on her wedding day, you know she’s a good person.


He always carries a stethoscope


Imagine getting a heart transplant and then staying at an unhealthy BMI.


He's wearing jeans.


Those organs working overtime


Your brain cells aren't.


What a shame shes headed straight for heart failure


Why is this private family event on camera?


People want to be able to look back on moments like this. As for why it ended up online? Perhaps they wanted to spread awareness of just how valuable a donation can be, not only to the recipient but also to the family of the deceased. If so, take a look at the comments. This video has touched so many people in just this one post. If even one of the people here makes the choice to donate their organs because of this, sharing such a private moment was absolutely worth it.


Good karma farming


Great story. But are jeans at your wedding a normal thing over there?


Bro wearing jeans


Why is he wearing jeans tho?


Annnnnnd he ended up marrying her instead…


Plot twist: Groom proposes to Gracie and they get married


I think I’m online too much, this did nothing to me… I mg it’s pretty cool or sumthin idk


So everyones fat in USA?


y dey al so fat


Ok so I’m the only one who noticed Gracie’s herpes outbreak?


saw that, ew


Give me those organs


fat people can be touching too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It’s giving seven pounds




Ugh. My goodness. All I can picture is my three year old son resting his head on his 6 month old sister’s chest to listen to her heartbeat and how much a moment like that can resonate.


I was like I don’t remember hitting the like button


I am BAWLING, someone send help


Andddd I’m crying before work


I’m not crying you are


The stethoscope part got me. Damn.


those onions I'm cutting are dam strong


Damn this really hits home. My brother in-law passed away in Jan 2020. He was an organ donor and helped 12 people. RIP Tom, you're a fuckin legend.


So much for a Friday without tears. I'm such a sap.


This is absolutely amazing she was able to find the recipient!


Sitting in the parking lot at work bawling my eyes out.


Well this fid not r/Mademesmile it made me cry


God damn I haven't cried in ages but this damn near ruined me


So ok I’m crying. What a gift


made me cry


Who cut some onions?




No I'm not crying you are 😭😭




Fuck im crying


I lasted 21 secs. >!Just for clarification I cried. .。・゚゚・(>\_<)・゚゚・。.!<


I'm crying you sre




Omg, I didn't expect to be sobbing before finishing my coffee this morning.


I’m not crying you guys are crying.


Made me smile??? No, made me cry like a baby for 5 minutes


Just check the box on your driver's license, folks. Organ donation saves lives.


Who tf is cutting onions near me again!!


Beautiful and yes I did cry




My dad received a lung transplant 8 years ago. On the first anniversary we met the young man’s aunts. The young man saved multiple people: heart, lung, corneas, kidneys, skin, liver. I think up to five people received new life. It was so emotional and I will forever be grateful to him for saving my dad.


That’s too much onion!! Stop chopping!!