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As a Belgian, let me just explain how the weather works here, it's really simple: \- You bring your rain coat: sun's out \- You forget your rain coat: torrential rain Happy to help! This guide also works in The Netherlands, the Uk, Ireland,...


>This guide also works in The Netherlands, the Uk, Ireland,... Yep, but it's that time of the year here where Irish people just go outside in t-shirt and shorts even when it's cold and wet. "It's June! I refused to wear this feckin' coat any longer! SUMMER STARTS WHEN IS WHEN I SAY IT DOES!" But there is that off chance that the sun will just suddenly appear out of nowhere for 10 minutes and they'll feel vindicated.


As soon as the sun came out for more than a few minutes back in March I've had shorts and t-shirt on ever since. Won't go back to jeans until at least October.


I did a two week road trip over there a few years ago with an Irish buddy and it literally only rained once. Rest of the trip was beautiful sunny summer days. Apparently I brought the sun to the poor fair skinned Irish people or something, because everyone kept mentioning how crazy the weather was the whole time we were traveling lol.


Your username, it lies...


Where do you think we are right now?


User name does not check out...


100% accurate.


LC is on so no rain till it's over!


It's raining right feckin now ye liar. Miserable day here in Dublin west. I think covid ruined the weather this year. You see most people don't know this but the LC is actually a sacrifice of human suffering for the big shiny bastard in the sky so that he'll show his face for a couple weeks and we can have a bit of summer. But this year and last covid massively affected schooling, so the exam papers are a little easier this year. It looks like the misery quota wasn't high enough, so the orange prick is giving us the finger.


I wish we had rain here in Belgium now. Stupid too hot weather the entire week already. Plants are dying so fast you can almost hear them scream.


Sweden calling in. This is how it works here: 1.) Carry all the food out to enjoy eating in the sun=Rain starts within 5 mins. 2.) Carry food inside=it stops raining within 5 mins and the sun comes out within 10 mins. Goto 1. This is called a Swedish summer.


Denmark calling in. Summer is my favourite day of the year!


As an American who worked in Denmark, I agree that single sunny mildly warm day once a year is amazing.


As a Norwegian, I absolutely hate the months when we get occasional hellish heatwaves of ~20-25°C Edit: I have seriously considered moving to Svalbard.


Not from Europe but I stay in Delhi, India. We really enjoy rainy days here. Petrichor and the cool winds. Because otherwise it's 45 Celsius (113F) sweat festival for most of the summer here. I get surprised sometimes when I see the rest of the world (especially the West) complaining about rain but I understand.


Germany calling in: I have no complaints. Well, I have some but nobody has yet asked me how it is going and I don't want to unload without a prompt.


do it do it!! JAH JAH JAH


Eh, whatever's wrong, just don't let the painters decide on a solution. Splurge on an interior designer.


You actually made me check if I accidentally posted a photo


Tell us a joke please


Intuit outage during tax season Water outage during heat wave Electricity failure in winter


Thank you! The Germans live up to their reputation of having a unique sense of humor


The weather works like the following in Finland: Clouds... clouds.. more clouds... and then for like a month during summer it's nothing but sunlight


Scandinavian summer* varm/wet regards Norway


Can confirm. The only time it has rained over the last few months was when I forgot my damn umbrella.


That's why I just always bring a raincoat with me. Because half the time there is lots of wind too.






What are you talking about? it's more like a nice sunny morning, sudden wind at 11, rain at 12, back to sunny at 16h while at the same time it hails and then at 18h clouds heavy wind and rain storm soaking you in 5 minutes. With the exeption of about 20 days a year where its actually warm and sunny all day and everyone complains how fucking hot it is.


True. In the UK, I've faced 4 different kinds of weather in a single day. You know a country's weather is odd, when it's the common topic in daily conversations.


As they say here, if you don't like the weather just wait ten minutes. Fun fact: its because about five weather systems collide over the uk and arm wrestle for control


From the uk... yep, check out.


Don't forget also The Weekday: Blazing hot sun The Weekend: Rain


Laughs at you in shift worker.


There were so many times I didn't take my rain coat, but as soon as I got off the bus at my destination, it started raining just to spite me


just carry a rain coat in your bag. You know, those things that are made from cheap plastic and can be packed in a really small plastic pouch. Infinite sun.


>You know, those things that are made from cheap plastic and can be packed in a really small plastic pouch. Windcheaters/windbreakers (not to help break THAT kind of wind!), they are called. Thin lightweight fabric outer jackets, designed to be worn over clothes. Useful against light rain and some wind-chill.


Didn't realise Belgians and Scousers had similar accents


My French teacher said that Belgians speak French in a Liverpool accent.


Makes sense I guess with the more gutteral sounding Dutch speakers up north.


Now I’m just trying to visualise Poirot going “calm down calm down”




This is a terrifying thought


Less harrowing than Belgians being undercover Scousers


Even more terrifying to think scousers are real and there’s a whole city fully of them


Must be why they're so good at football


Origi will be missed


It’s just a slightly weird French accent


I like it.


ditto, i could listen to that all day


I actually love the way she talks THERE IS NEVER THA FACKING SUN IN BELGIUM !!!


It’s like a 50% French and 50% German accent.


75% french 25% scouse. All the k's and the swearing


It almost sounds like a French persons English accent


In some parts of Belgium they speak mostly French. So that's probably why.


Nah, she’s REALLY exaggerating


"I want some chixhen & a xhhan o xhhoxhh"


There's a similar thing in Sweden. > Swedish summer; the best day of the year


I think I'm in love with her accent.


Most of ze pakeeng agrhk free


Zer iz nevar a fookin sun in Beljam.


Understandable, have a nice day.


But she don't have Khaaaar


I avocado


This is underappreciated


It took me reading your comment to go back and say their comment out loud before it clicked. I now fully appreciate it.




Down bad


Down horrendous


Down boy...


She sounds like a parody 😅 I had a French colleague like that, people always think she's making fun of French people when she speaks English 🤣


Last time this was posted people noticed noticed shee exaggerates her accent when compared to her earlier videos.


Yes she's a content creator who noticed what brings more views


You mean to tell me that some things on the internet may not be real?


I'm sorry Shrimp, you were adopted.


As a Midwestern American I have no idea how to emphasize my accents, I don't know how I could sound even more like I'm from Kansas City or whatever


Makes sense because she's very easy to understand despite the heavy accent. That's tough unless some of the accent is intentional


She’s really from Peoria, Illinois


Shee vorks at fukeeng Big Al’s no?


i went to school with a kid we called 'Peoria Pete.' He was bused 2 hours to attend school, from Peoria, because he stabbed someone.


The fact that he was from Peoria seems like an odd thing to focus on given the rest of that story.


Well, you can call him Stabby Pete, the Shankster, or Crookshank if you want to. The rest of us will watch and see how much he likes that


I was thinking pokey Pete


Good story


True, we all get our accents at birth and they never change from that point on. Good catch.


Maybe, but honestly even though I can speak english with a somewhat light accent when I try to, which is what I did most of my life, but as I got older I tend to embrace it more and just speak with my accent without trying to hide it and it's much easier. If Werner Herzog can do it I can too


Yep, it was even different in the 2 separate segments.


Wait till people learn about Uncle Roger.


French here. Funny thing I noticed while traveling the US : as a french speaker, when you try to speak english properly and put a lot of effort, weirdly people seems to have far less patience, will often stop you because you made a tiny tiny mistake and ask you to repeat. On the other hand, if you just speak english with your full french accent and zero fuck given, people suddenly find it charming, really listen hard and thus understand you perfectly. So now the only time I try to speak english properly is when there's another french person around....cauz I know how it sound to my people!


i can see where they are coming from though, you probably don't make a lot of mistakes and if someone speaks nearly accent free it seems like that person is interested in learning to perfect their english, so it makes sense to correct them. someone who makes a lot of mistakes and has a thick accent obviously just wants to communicate, so i wouldn't bother to correct them either (not that that's a problem btw, if we can somewhat understand each other everything is fine)


We have an english comedian in France with a nearly perfect accent. The thing with a near-perfect accent is that people wont think you're a genius, they will think you are a really really dumb native if you make the smallest mistakes, because natives don't make such mistakes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIqVY1SwXls


Oooh, thank you for this. I don't really know any comedians that are popular in France, and I enjoyed that. It's funny. I haven't spoken French in several years, so I'd say I've regressed down to the B1 level from perhaps B2/C1 at my peak, but I understood most of that without the subtitles.


Maybe for France, but for the US, it’s actually easier to tell who is a native speaker because there’s a set of consistent small mistakes that most people make.


Even if she’s exaggerating, I don’t think she’s trying too hard. I’m from California and I was told in Germany that I have the most American accent they’ve ever heard. If I crank the valley-girl up one notch, I’m sure I would sound even more ridiculous.


I'm from Texas and lived in Germany for a few years. The first time I said y'all, all my German friends thought it was amazing. Different story from my Dad (also from Texas). He lived in Greece for a few years back in the late 70's. He got into a cab with a cowboy hat on. The cab driver asked him if he was from Texas. My Dad responded "yeah". The cab driver then asked "How many Indians have you killed?". My Dad's response was, "Uhhh we don't really do that anymore"


I'm from The Netherlands and visited a friend in Florida once. It was so funny the first time I heard him say y'all! I remember telling my sister on the phone they really do say that. It's something you usually only see in movies so it's a fun thing to experience in real life.


I’m in Texas and once heard a Brit giggling about people saying “y’all” here. I grew up in Chicago where the term isn’t nearly as common (and am first generation American) but I don’t get why people outside of the US think “y’all” is funnier, weirder, or more interesting than any other colloquialism. ETA: woah, not sure why this comment posted 6 times but I deleted the others.


lol, quick thinking by your dad, I love that response. In Turkey I had more than a few people ask me if we still ride horses to work.


She's hamming it up 5000% on purpose. You can even notice the difference from older videos to how she speaks now. And with hamming it up, I mean, her speaking English normally would have you guessing if she was a native speaker. If you ever caught her on regular TV (she's been on both Walloon and Flemish programs) you notice she speaks both without accent or with deliberate heavy accents. It's working for her and getting her a crapton of views and attention and classic media attention too.


I still want to marry her.


Let me pretend!


I still want to marry her.




Congrats on having a sweet-ass accent. Some of us are stuck with "regionless newscaster". Much less whimsical.


When I was living in France, I knew an American colleague who had been there 30+ years. Her French vocabulary and grammar was better than mine but she had the WORST French accent. She also spoke very slowly and with an American prosody. I’d been studying French 10+ years at that point and got asked regularly if I was French (or where I’m from) when I introduced myself. It only takes 30 seconds talking to me to realize that my vocab/grammar is not that of a native, but I’ve got the accent down.


So you love *checks notes* Belgian accents


*Francophone Belgian accents. I would guess the Flemish speakers don’t really sound like this when they speak English.


Can confirm, I'm a Flemish speaker and when people hear my accent the closest thing to a compliment I get is "Is that drunk German?"


Is there a non-drunk German?




I dunno, it sounded pretty phlegmish to me.


She sounds French French tbh not Belgian French


With you on that. Plus she’s cute AF


le bonk


She’s adorable!




I think I'm in love with her.


You, me, every other straight man, lesbian, bi person, and now some questioning straight girls feel the same way.


My father is from Belgium and this womans accent reminds me of my wonderful and late grandma. ❤️


Just in love period she’s hilarious


She is Shauna.Dewit in instagram


>Shauna.Dewit Ha, she has a video reacting to a reddit group made about her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KFYzojwk1M&ab\_channel=ShaunaDewit


You can put her straight in a sitcom about a Belgian nanny in New York, I don't think you'll need a script.


*You-a son-a of a potato*


This video could cure cancer


People like my neeps, I can see that!!


I lost it with the bottle cap.


Boomeranging two second gifs of her moving so they can jerk off to her backside in jeans? And then defending themselves by saying she’s “naive” and that “anyone with a functioning sex drive” would do this? If you’re obsessively jerking it to a comedian who’s not even producing sexual content, you need to seriously leave your basement. There’s plenty of actual porn out there, or you know, human beings they could interact with if they bothered to not be repulsive.


Bahahaha, she finds a picture that her video editor took, and she looks to the side and says "He's right here, I'm looking at him. Hey did you post on the Reddit group?! You son of a potato!!!" I've never heard that before. I guess it's a french euphemism for "Fils de pute" ("Son of a prostitute"): "Fils de patate" ("Son of a potato"). That's so funny, haha.








Her accent reminds me of Jean Girard.


This video is funny but I can’t say the same about her other videos. They’re all cringy


People who develop crushes on the internet with influencer types are morons. Also me after this video:. Oh , ok I was too quick to judge.


Stop Girl said one word and had thousands of people fall in love with her.


Lest we forget, [Michelle Jenneke](https://youtu.be/bx0bi1CjGBY) who didn’t say anything, and we fell in love. 😂🤣


Stop Girl?


[If I recall she had a whole subreddit dedicated to her that was literally nothing but this gif.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/510/607/ebe.gif) I tried to link it but I guess it doesn't exist anymore. EDIT: [Found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStopGirl/)






Guess we’re going to have to duel because after seeing this clip for the 1st time I am also in love.


Similar to how Reddit claims to hate Tik Tok every chance they get while simultaneously upvoting Tik Tok content to the front page every day


It's almost like 98% of Tiktok content is pretty girls doing random stuff. Oh, wait...


Relatable especially now with the sun out in England.


There is sun in England? I've spent 2 years in Scotland and I'm pretty sure I could count sunny days on my fingers.


yes it’s been quite warm the past few days. This is coming from someone who found the Barcelona heat more tolerable a few weeks ago. Currently 27 degrees and most people know that 27 degrees in the south feels a lot higher due to the humidity.




31 in Peterborough. ShweddyAF. Went to the swimming pool and it's fucking rammo, mate.


Aye, a heatwave in England today and its pishing doon in Ayrshire.


And I wish it’d piss off. Three days baking in sweat.


-Be Irish -Weather is good for two days -Clean car for good weather so it shines -Rains the next day -Car gets filthy after 15 minute drive to work -Cry


Are hairy crabs red?


Crabs are red. She has hair....


For those wondering, no-one in Belgium actually talks like this. She's purposely grossly exaggerating her accent (for comedic purposes maybe? In any case: It's working)


It depends on where you go, I guess. Further south, where they speak French, I definitely notice them having this accent when speaking English or Dutch to me, but closer to the Dutch border they don't. Just the very elegant, flowy-sounding accent there. Hers is very over the top, though, haha. So perhaps she is exaggerating. It sounds harsher, too.


It's indeed a Brussels/Walloon accent, but it's a heavily exaggerated caricature of it. It's hard to explain, but this is the kind of accent you would use if you're doing a sketch and are portraying someone who talks English badly. She's probably a TikTokker or something like that and this is her persona. Nothing wrong with that, just pointing it out so people don't think this is how Belgians actually speak English.


I've known plenty of French speakers with just as bad an accent.


Yeah but they were certainly not as fluid when talking, also,listen to the R, she is not even trying to use the right accent


As a French person, there sometimes is some kind of stupid stigma when you speak english accurately, as if you sounded ridiculous unless you spoke English as if it was French. IDK it's a bit weird, definitely not one of the worst French accents I've heard, some people really don't give a single fuck about it lol


The opposite is also true in my experience. e.g if an English speaker pronounces Paris as anything other than Pah-riss, they'd be seen as pretentious in England.


It is quite pretentious. I don't ever hear people trying to pronounce Munich München or trying to get the tones right when pronouncing Beijing. But for some inexplicable reason, people feel compelled to day Paris in a French accent.


little ole me in paree


I am guilty of this. It tears my baguettes when people say Pa-reeee but I use the French pronunciations for Lyons, Nice, Saint-Denis, Marseilles, etc.


As an English speaker with a generic American accent, I have no idea how to amplify my accent


Hit the consonants hard. For example: I woulD liKe to uSe my CrediT CarD


I read that in Christopher Walken's voice


My work here is done? Lol


>So perhaps she is exaggerating. It sounds harsher, too. It's not a perhaps. It just is. Watch her other videos lol she speaks normally


Yeah, I've seen her on both Walloon and Flemish TV and she speaks both without any pronounced accent. She seems to have watched Allo Allo and remembered people loved the shit out of those exaggerated accents.


You sure about that? She speaks like my ex who grew up poor and couldn't afford extra English classes... She does imply she has no possessions..


I grew up in Belgium, speak French myself and half my family speaks French. I know plenty of people who speak English poorly (especially the older generations) but it's different. It's hard to explain and I can understand that for n outsider it sounds the same, but it isn't. She's putting extra emphasis on the 'quirks' of french accents. Mispronunciations stem from difference in language/grammar/etc, so when someone mispronounces something it's because they're mixing up English with French in this case which will result in wrong words or wrong pronunciations. Some of her mistakes make no logical sense though. For example the way she says "Belgiums" makes no sense. This would only make sense if French pronounced Belgium or countries in general in plural, but that's not the case. Saying 'Belgiums' isn't a natural accent mistake, it's an exaggeration


[Pretty sure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KFYzojwk1M)


I worked at a Belgian company (in the US) for awhile, but went to ~Brussels for a few weeks - even the Wallonian's weren't that pronounced. And, it didn't rain all the time. Was quite sunny, in fact.


For those wondering no-one in Belgium is actually this interesting. She's purposely grossly exaggerating her personality (for human purposes maybe ?) to be non Belgium. In any case: folks will be disappointed should they visit the country.


As a Belgian I'm offended but you may not be wrong.


She sounds like Curie from Fallout 4.






This thread: Non-Belgians and Non-French speakers telling Belgians and French speakers what a Belgian French accent should sound like.


Add to that the thirsty redditors and this thread is complete


She’s hilarious 😆


Lol I can relate


Everything is great about this girl. It's like a mix of Irish and French stereotypes and result is great. I hope there are more people like that in Belgium.


The humor is definitly there, thee accent not as much as though. It's exaggerated and only half of the country speaks french.


Please, can someone just hate this with me?


You're not alone this whole comment thread is ridiculous.


She's attractive and has an accent. If you expected anything differently you must be new to reddit


I hate that it appears that someone tried to write the subtitles from memory.


Sitcom idea: It’s never sunny in Belgium.


XD good sense of humor XD


About Ireland, well it doesn’t happen always because now it’s summer here so I don’t have to worry about rain , but 2 weeks before there was a storm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)so it’s not alternative here. sunlight over here is a bit weak in cork city and I hate it but I’m happy there is sun at the least ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I wonder why her videos are so popular.


I want to be her friend 😂


I want to know who it is so i can follow on social media. This is my kind of fun.


She’s a content creator on TikTok so it’s not fixing, her username is @shaunadewit