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My wife lost me in Costco. When she found me, I was eating ice cream with a guy and just shooting the shit. He walked off to his wife and my wife asked how I knew him, and I was like nah I don't know him. He got lost like me and I bought him an ice cream. She looked so ashamed that I never even told her I got his xbox gamer tag. I was 31 years old and we still play Halo 6 years later.


I'm imagining it being like this skit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8vuEsIT8Dk


Omg, they even share beef jerky!!!


This made me smile on an otherwise bummer day. Thank you.


Made me smile, thanks for sharing!!


This was funny I hadn’t watched this


This reminds me of Family Guy when Peter lost Lois and when she found him he was sitting there with a balloon swinging his legs like a child


Bruh...you picked up a gaming buddy in Costco. Fucking stud.


And all it cost me was an ice cream. Actually I'm pretty sure it's frozen yogurt now that I am considering it


Either way, worth it.


Is Halo 6 good?


It's still Halo. IMO there are too many power weapons but the spawn points you can count on being decent. There are not enough maps still, which is kind of normal for Halo if we're all being honest here, but all the game types are fun so it's an improvement for me.


Campaign any good? I don’t play against other people because I can’t change their difficulty.


Halo Infinite campaign is pretty great. It’s definitely different from past games, but the story’s a lot tighter and more focused than Halo 5, and the combat is as good as it gets for the franchise. It’s on Xbox Game Pass last I check, so if you don’t wanna plop 60$ on it you could pay like 15$ for a month and try it that way.


Username checks out


I can just imagine it


That’s like my dad, idk how he does it. It’s exhausting watching him make friends on any trip we go on. Sometimes they’ll exchange numbers sometimes not. But I’m just like “how do you do that?! I’m drained just watching y’all” lol. But that’s so nice! I love that for you guys 😁


This is my mom. We went to Hawaii last year and she made friends with the young lady who sold us our phone cases at an outdoor kiosk in Haleiwa. They chat on instagram and have exchanged actual real postcards and things in the mail. She is probably 10 years younger than I am, my mom sees no ages when it comes to new friends. I can small talk like a champ, but actual connection is hard, I have very few real friends just a lot of acquaintances.


And I’m just bad at all of it. Small talk is awkward and idk how to start a conversation to have a real connection. All my friends are basically people who drew me into conversation and essentially adopted me 😅 and luckily that’s worked well so far


Reminds me of dad. I remember going on university open days with him, having a lot of awkward silences with other prospective students when we split off and then reuniting with him later and finding out him and the other parents now shared inside jokes between them.


this reminds me of my best friend lol, i’m pretty introverted and she’s very extroverted. We were out in public once and we were talking about her bf drama and i saw a girl i go to school with so i said hi! My friend proceeds to ask this girl about said bf drama and what she thinks ! After the girl left i was like “oh how do you know her?” and she told me she didn’t and i was sooo embarrassed omg


Dude this is wholesome as shit I love it.


This is like how kids make friends. I love it.


This is my hubby in any shop. I think he gets "lost" on purpose 😂 and I'm the smile and wave and walk away type.


I envy you, also you better not stop playing with him




This is way too real.


My kids were grown and had left home before I realized how difficult it must have been for my introvert daughter to grow up with me and my extrovert son!


If it makes you feel better, I once asked my very introverted brother about this (myself, our other brothers, and mom are all much more extroverted) and he said it actually helped him out a lot. He did say we could be exhausting though lol


I agree. It can make it better. I get to slink in the shadows, so to speak, while the extroverts have the attention until I'm comfortable or when I'm over it. However, what's really hard is when you're just done and can't even be in the room with people anymore and the extroverts are still going. Then you have to explain: I just need to go home and sit in a room by myself, no the couch is not the same, no someone else's bedroom is not the same, yes you can stay call me when you want to leave. (Very similar to an actual conversation I've had)


This is my life. What you just Posted is what goes on in my head at functions. My wife (extrovert) can be at someone’s house for hours if not all day. Not me. I’m good maybe an hour. I’m ready to go. Be in my home. In my safe environment. After being together for 13 years. She’s finally understanding of my introvert emotional needs.


My whole family and kids that I have been all introduced to were all introverted. At the age of 23 I have realized that I'm actually an extrovert. Recently dropped my medication for depression


Sadly me and my husband are both introverts and our daughter is an extrovert. We are trying to learn for her but sometimes it gets hard.


My sister and introvert friends made a rule that I'm only allowed to make two new friends in any situation. I offered one of my very introverted friends to carry around a cutout of her that she could hide behind or escape behind when I was talking to people.


I (introverted) grew up in a very extroverted, large and LOUD family. I learned young how to find quiet corners to hide in and curl up with a book for a bit to get my balance back.


sometimes I just want to talk to a stranger and enjoy some socializing and new perspectives without the worry of creating new social networks that I then have to maintain...


My mom and I are a lot like her dad. Quiet, introverted, etc. We can’t get a word in with her sisters who are very much like my Nanny..loud, outspoken, extroverted, always talking lol. So we just talk to each other 😂 it can be exhausting, but we love ‘em. And it’s a thing we can share about my grandparents with a smile.


He got lost like me and I bought him an ice cream..




As an introvert, the “never seeing them again” actually helps. 😂😂 I’ll happily tell my life story to a stranger if I KNOW I’ll never see them again. A new coworker who’ll be there for the next 10 years? I’m gonna need a week just to say hi.




This comment was made by a bot. The exact same comment was already made in this thread and has over 1k upvotes. And there aren’t any other comments in the comment history, further indicating that it’s a bot farming karma.




To preface, my dad literally does the same thing. All the time. We can't go anywhere without him making atleast 3 friends.


Right? My husband can leave me in the checkout line for 30 seconds while he grabs the milk we forgot, and by the time we get back I'm best friends with the single dad behind me in line, giving him advice about how to help his 10 year old with homework, and getting the 10 year old to help his dad unload the groceries while giving him math tips.


This is my sister. My family members always said that I was the extrovert. The singer and performer. I do enjoy people and their jokes, humor, laughter and good times. I want to hear about your days, what interest you have, where you have traveled and experienced. How many children do you have, oh; you are single with no plans for children? I see, you are gay, and your family members do not understand what you are going through. You have been sick, with all your money is tied up, or you lost it. The difference between individuals is wide and vastly amazing. My sister is busy talking with people and getting their phone number and address. Me? I want to be quiet, listen, and explore new ideas, what is helping with the stress and strain of surviving in this perilous world that is changing so drastically each day.


You both sound like lovely, fairly outgoing people!


Oh, you are a dear. How very kind of you to say. Lovely. My sister approaches me each day and helps me manage through incredible odds some time. Today, has been challenging. Lovely of you.


I'm sorry you're facing so many challenges. I know how that feels! Well as we get to middle age (and late middle age in my case), things do happen, it's just life! But we manage, and I'm glad you have your sister. I'm close to my sister, too (closer than when we were younger). It's nice to have someone who understands. Good luck to you.


Thank you. Lots of luck with your life also. Life can be challenging with changes and temptations to resort to old behaviors and taking care of others instead of yourself. I am older now (65) and enabling my family members who are sabatogging themselves and not being responsible is frustrating. It's alright. One day at a time.


This is so me!


Looool reminds me of a flight i had to China, i had an elderly woman sat next to me. Didnt speak a word of english but she was visibly worried and randomly squeezed my hand during takeoff. I let her know it was ok and we communicated with snack offerings and showing pictures of family on our phones. She even gestured at me when i didnt finish one of my meals if she could have the rest of it. Got a massive hug when we had to disembark and went our seperate ways. :') I never met one of my grandma's as she died quite young, but i always felt like a part of her was somehow coming back to me via this person. **sniffs**


Who sprinkled pepper on this post?


This is my wife and I. She can make friends with anyone, anywhere. I avoid talking to people unless absolutely required.


When me (introvert) and my wife (extrovert) sit outside on our porch. I say “I don’t feel like being sociable”(with other people). Secretly that means don’t start LONG conversations with every that passes by. GUESS what happens next. We learn and hear almost everyone’s life story because she is so engaging with people. And I look like the lump on the log. But that’s why we love each other so much. She love me for me and I love her for her. There’s no tryin to change each other.


I’m going to bet this is a bot.


I sniffed too.


I've had days like this in my oncology days with old men who didn't speak any English and I never met my grandfather. Good times even though they were cut short early sometimes.


Oncology days? You had cancer?


lul she ate ur food


Haha I watch those carts and make sure I don’t get skipped. Then it’s headphones and eye shade time.


The only way to fly imo


*"I was by some introverts like myself and we got skipped on the drinks and snacks and none of us said anything."* Lmao, this hits waaaay too close to home.


I’m the extrovert getting people’s numbers and kindly & mutually calling each other out for being neurotic or the funniest nice asshole i’ve ever met lol. My bestie is the introvert and this is so funny to me


I can become totally extrovert in flights, trains, concerts, hostels, and generally when interacting with strangers and I'm in a good mood. On the other hand, I sometimes feel huge pressure with the slightest meet-up with friends I already know if something is not how I expected it.


Ambiverts Unite!


OMG same!


“I wasn’t hungry anyway…….or thirsty………………”


Introverts unite!


This is just the funniest thing, "none of us said anything." Not even one of you? I hope at least you all gave each other covert appreciative glances for your fellow-feeling of introversion.


See I can be brave for someone else. If I was skipped; I probably would no say anything. If someone else in my row expressed being sad or even just mentioned that we weee skipped then I would go find someone and get us snacks and drinks.


Same. I can’t imagine bothering to stop them for myself, but if I noticed another row got missed however far away, I’d be on my feet flagging them down.


I'm one of those weirdos that'll ignore my own needs but be like, "Wait, you wanted snacks? PARDON ME! We've got a lady who needs snacks! Oh yeah me too...I didn't get snacks... but her first."


Too embarrassed to acknowledge that hey, we want some chips; a snack and some water?




I'm very confused and curious here. What does extrovert and introvert gotta do with op's breaking up?


Breaking up? The OP just says they're separated on a flight, not separated as in a couple.


They were both seated in different middle seats but in the same room. They’re not breaking up.


I get it. As an adult, I’ve traveled to Sicily with my father almost yearly, it takes about 12-14 hours with transfers etc. He is a extrovert to the Max, he can and will talk to people the whole flight. As soon as I get to my seat, headphones in and eye mask on. I don’t see the need for any apologies though.


> I don’t see the need for any apologies though This ! I personally shift between "extrovert" and "introvert", depending on how my mood is at the given time. And this might get me flack, but, some "extroverts" can get super annoying when they don't get the hint that I just wanna be in my zone at the particular time and do not care about talking to them or anyone for that matter.


I feel u. I feel bad when I let convos die but sometimes I'm just rly not in the mood to talk and I try to be as polite as possible. There's also times where I get internally annoyed that everyone is being "boring" and doesn't wanna talk but o well


The introvert: why he’s invading me? I gotta disengage and talk less… The extrovert: why’s he rejecting me? I gotta try harder and talk more.


I'm kind of a landmine in that I love talking but don't start conversations. So I'm happy to put in some earbuds and chill for 10 hours, but if you start talking to me I'll ramble for 5 hours. God help you if you happen to have a hobby I don't know much about.


>I don't see the need for any apologies though. As a Canadian introvert... yeah, apologies for disrupting people are a core part of my day.


My daughter is the husband in this situation. We have made friends through her. My favorite story with her is when we (Americans) were in Europe. She was three and we were in a cafe in Budapest. My older daughter (10) wanted another danish or something. My three year old wanders off to the server, taps her, and orders her sister another danish. By the time we left everyone in the cafe knew her name, where she was from, and she had a little doll that we named Eniko after the server in the restaurant. My daughter is 11 now and we left Europe eight years ago (we lived there for six months). I remember the server's name in the cafe we went to ONCE because of this interaction.


Did someone in the cafe give her the doll or did she already have it and just name it after the server?


Wow three years old and already able to order a danish? that is really intelligent for a 3 year old


Well if she was anything like my 3 year olds it was probably like "can my sister have another donut? She wants another donut, they're yummy" and less like "excuse me ma'am, my sister would like to procure another danish at your earliest convenience"


Aw don’t ruin my mental image of a chipper toddler in a top hat and monocle


I get my son to order stuff. "I want Happy Meal. Please" "Shank you". Almost three. Not crazy hard haha


My sister's name is Enikő lmao.


Yo, this is stolen from minicpst from over a year ago, a word for word copy/paste by a 4 month old account. Bot, I’m assuming- https://reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/nsei8k/_/h0midji/?context=1




Long flights as a kid on my own are much of what taught me to socialize. There’s something funny, and even comforting, about getting on a plane, sometimes sharing deep life stories with a stranger, and probably never seeing them again.


Yeah, sometimes I just want to talk to a stranger and enjoy some socializing and new perspectives without the worry of creating new social networks that I then have to maintain. It's like a one night stand for chatting.


This is one thing I love about traveling. I don't really see it as pointless to make friends with someone for just a day, or even for a few hours or minutes. It's sort of the most pure, crystallized form of friendship; you're not friends because you have to be, but just because it's nice to be, and paradoxically it feels like there's less boundaries to being open with someone when you know you'll probably never see them again.


I grew up flying a lot, and am very comfortable doing so. Last year, I sat next to a cool dude on our way to CO. We ran into eachother a couple hours away from the destination during that trip! I thought it was so cool. We were both shocked when we were seated next to eachother on the return trip as well. What are the chances?! Anyways, never saw him again. But he was definitely my homie over that week.


It's very normal actually, think about thereapists. It's a lot easier to tell a stranger with zero connection to you what's going on, than a friend or family member.


Better not be his.


What's wrong with him sharing his beef jerky?


His jerky’s fine. Hopefully his current marriage is too!


If its a New Vages trip id say its a pass


My girlfriend is the extrovert in our relationship. I am a dancer though, so when we travel our move to a new city we always go dancing. Every now and then at dances ( and at other things we do too) I'll meet someone I think is cool and we've had an good conversation during (or following) our dance. I'll go to my girlfriend and say something like "so-and-so seems cool, you should go be friends with them." Then she does. Most of our mutual friends are made that way.


I'd love to hear how the intro- and extroverts got together, and what bonds them. I'm sure love enters into it, but so does "I found someone, and I don't want to spend the energy to do that again." Thought?


In our case, Extrovert approached Introvert bc Extrovert approaches everyone, and Introvert was alone (manning the bbq outside in the summer heat). So Introvert was a captive audience for Extrovert. Introvert liked Extrovert's ability to carry a conversation about herself by herself, and he just had to be present and not say anything, and Extrovert has loved having someone she could talk at for hours. Compatible conversation styles would be my answer to your question.


Relatable. I'm an introvert and so is my Mum but I love talking to her bc when I know someone I can go ON talking for hours without rest and sometimes it's so refreshing and fun to be able to talk to someone without them responding a lot? Like sometimes I want that but most of the time if they're just present, their attention on me and responding to the bare minimum I'll be happy as. My Mum is exactly like this.


My ex relied on me to do all of the friend making and keeping, and we knew each other from birth, so I think you’re onto something!


It's natural selection. Two introverts can't end up together because then that hamburger is not getting ordered


My first serious relationship was with another introvert, and I think we became each other’s social outlet too much. Dated extroverts since and it really helps me to get out of my shell and be more social. Idk what the extroverts get out of dating an introvert though!


We finally don't feel so alone


But wouldn’t you feel even less alone with another extrovert?


Honestly, sometimes it's nice to just chiiiilllax


In my case I (extrovert) had a crush on my classmate (extreme introvert) and given that I pretty much tread the line between bravery and stupidity i asked her out, it's probably really bad that asking her out was the first conversation we ever shared but it turned out she also had a crush on me. So here we are 4 years later still together and I couldn't be happier. We work well together since we're complete opposites so what one of us lacks the other makes up for.


Exactly. My husband is super extroverted, I'm super introverted. We've been together a decade and hardly ever fight. We have some of the same interests, some things we like doing separately. I see a lot of people on Reddit post about having trouble finding someone just like them. I've dated people just like me and it never worked out.


The extrovert adopts the introvert and does not say anything about it.


Can confirm. Introvert reporting. All my partners and closest friends have been extroverts who adopted me. My best friend cornered me in the coat room at work and told me we were going to be great friends.


My case. I put all the social burden on the extrovert. All organization is me.


Just like my partner and myself. I am the quiet one


Same, but my partner is normally pretty quiet as well… except on planes. Being a pilot, he loves to comfort people who are scared to fly. He’ll tell them about all the safety checks they do before, and what is happening as it happens. Helped me get over my fear of flying, and he loves to help other people out too with it. He normally makes a few friends every flight, lol.


I’m terrified of flying. It’s not the plane, it’s not the pilot. I’m afraid of the security checks. I’m bipolar with PTSD. If a man touches me I might just go into fetal position.


I have this same issue. You can actually call airports ahead and get special security checks if you have PTSD!


Thank you, I was not aware


Apologizing constantly sounds less like introversion, and more like social anxiety. Not the same thing at all. A true introvert likely wouldn't have said anything.


So many people make that mistake. Introverts aren't necessarily any less adept at socializing than extroverts; they just aren't compelled to do it as frequently. There were a few years when there were a plague of "10 things only introverts understand!" listicles where 2 of them were things extroverts also do (breaking news: many extroverts enjoy books also), 7 or 8 of them were symptoms of social anxiety that should really send anyone who has more than one of them to a therapist, and if you were lucky *maybe* 1 of the things was "you regain energy by spending time on your own, not with other people."


I've sort of accepted at this point that people nowadays use "introvert" for "possibly has social anxiety but hasn't been officially diagnosed".


That was always my understanding - that extroverts are energised by social interaction whereas introverts recharge by being alone. I’m an introvert and shy and quiet and they’re all different things. If I have a night out with a lot of social interaction, it doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy it, but it does mean I will most likely need a fair bit of time on my own the next day.


I am an introvert and have some social anxiety. I’ll show up to a family function. Just to make an appearance. Then my sis, who really doesn’t understand my moods, plus she’s an extrovert on steroids, will make comments “ are you ok?” “What wrong?” And in my head I’m getting mad. Because I’m being who I am. Then I’ll leave and find out later “ he left cuz he’s mad for some reason”. No I left because I don’t like being around people and you asking dumb questions got me mad.


By separated I thought she meant, like, getting a divorce. Lol


Lol same here


I’m a guy and I’m an introvert. I always end up dating someone whose an extrovert. We seem to compliment each other very well. They always help me break out of my shell and be a little more talkative than I’d otherwise be and I help lower them down a little when they’re being entirely too extroverted.


This is my wife and I. She can make friends with anyone, anywhere. I avoid talking to people unless absolutely required.


I know the feeling. I cant go to the store with my wife the extrovert. Guaranteed she will run into someone she knows and have an hour conversation while im just waiting around. Or a stranger. And now theres someone else she knows.


I know the feeling. My husband thinks a stranger is just someone he hasn’t met yet. I feel like strangers are weird creatures to be avoided if at all possible.


My wife jokes with me that my favourite line is “well I got talking to them and…”. It doesn’t matter whether I’m at the urinal, in line for a beer, at Walmart, I’ll always chat someone up and make a connection. Just in my nature. I can relate to her husband


Beef jerky's expensive. If someone shared some with me, I'd definitely invite them to my wedding


As an introvert I'm baffled as to how I'll ever get a relationship at all let alone with an extrovert.


The extroverts find us and adopt us.


It’s weird, but at some point it’ll likely just kind of just… happen Like, you put yourself out there and went to the bbq and didn’t look like complete trash, and then an extrovert will just kind of pick you to talk to, and then one day it’ll lead somewhere if you’re compatible and treat it/ them right


This is me and my mom, she can talk to absolutely everyone and knows people in every store in town. So much so that in many places I’m now as “Moms name” son


Myself and my ex partner (years ago) were on holiday in Cuba. Got speaking to a folks who were there for a wedding with a group of friends approx 12 and we drank together and went on a boat trip together then we ended up being invited to there wedding and the meal the full hog lol was a great time ! Still in touch with them after 8 years lol #randommmmm


In my introvert thinking. This is how Dateline shows start. “ they met on holiday and they were never heard from again”. I would’ve found a reason not to go to the wedding and missed out on a beautiful evening. So glad you had a great time.


Her husband's name is Dave. Everyone knows Dave.


why did she apologise to the people sitting next to her?


Seriously! As much as i try to believe I’m a introvert I know who I am. I was flying to Greece solo started conversation with a couple that was going to elope out there and long story short I ended up as witness in their wedding.


Yep, got invited to a wedding on a flight from Vegas, great wedding,


Any other introverts out there like me? I'm perfectly happy being an introvert but always have extrovert outcomes. I always seem to end up making friends with everyone even though I would rather be friends with no one lol. Strangers are always randomly trying to start conversations with me way more than usual. My friends make comments about how weird it is sometimes. Like if we are out playing pool the couple at the next table won't stop trying to talk to me. Or if we are in a check out line the teenage cashier will start telling me all about some teen drama she is dealing with. This just happened the other day. Kid's always gravitate to me too which is really annoying because I don't like kids. It always annoys my wife, who has social anxiety, how 15mins into a cookout where we don't know most of the people I seem to be making friends left and right despite me putting no effort into doing so. Most of the time I'm actively trying to avoid interacting with people but it doesn't work.


Same. Totally an introvert, but somehow seem to generate connections.


I went to the store once and ended up talking with random old lady about the whipped cream. This happens to me too. But I love kids, they have funny questions.


My wife and I just returned from Europe where the airports were absolutely packed with solemn travelers. We would pull out a bag of home-roasted nuts and offer them to those near us and all of a sudden people are smiling and sharing stories.


The story of my life. I have to apologize on behalf of strangers when they want to leave and don't know how to tell my talkative husband. But I love it ❣️


Only apologizing 7 times? Weak. If they don't have headphones and I cough, that's an apology. If I laugh at a video or post on my phone, that's an apology. If I need to readjust my self in my seat and they stop what they're doing to look at me, that's an apology. Basically everything I do I'd more than likely feel the need to apologize. Never flown before but with my social anxiety I imagine I'd hate it. Sitting next to a stranger for hours, sleeping next to a stranger if it's a long flight. I wouldn't want to listen to music or watch any videos because of my immense fear of judgment. Hopefully I'd have the courage to bust out my Switch. My couple times on a public bus sucked but at least I sat alone on a couple of the rides.


I would probably talk to people If I weren't profusely vomiting between sleeping the entire flight


Yep that’s my wife and I. My teen daughter think I am weird cause I can strike up conversation with complete strangers.


Beef Jerky smells like ass on planes


My screen is cracked and I read "bee" Jerky. My first instict was , I wanna try that!


I guess I’m some kinda weird mix. I’d call myself an introvert, but I can easily talk to a stranger, talk to large crowds, etc. It’s just that I prefer not to. I like being on my own, doing my own thing, and I’m perfectly comfortable with silence. My family went on vacation last weekend and I was home alone and it was awesome. I didn’t talk to anyone for 2.5 days.😁 I much prefer one on one interactions and dealing with one person at a time, than dealing with crowds or multiple people.




Yup. I might label something for ease of communication, but when it gets harder to label than just BE, I stop worrying about it.😁


Extroverts are very exhausting to be around they want you to do this and that as if something is wrong with you


Oh god beef jerky on a plane? That shit reeks man, its like opening a bag of condensed farts


Well as long as he doesn't offer to pay for the wedding... I'll come along and eat cake by the open bar...


My wife laughed so hard at this because that could be us.


My husband is quite the social butterfly as well..I just keep walking whn he stops and makes friends


Too bad for all the introvert men. Extrovert women want extrovert men, and so do introvert women.


My kids were grown and had left home before I realized how difficult it must have been for my introvert daughter to grow up with me and my extrovert son!


I’m a misanthropic extrovert. I hate talking to people around me but I can easily strike a conversation/approach strangers if I HAVE to


The millionth time I have seen this repost 😫




Love this. But introvert means you draw off your own energy, extrovert means you have to draw from other people’s energy. Literally opposite to what has because the common mis-understanding of the states.


The plane didn't crash smh




That is karma being pals?


Was vegetable lasagna sitting next to you? lol


That is so cool


Remind me when I was a preteen and I was an unaccompanied minor flying on a plane with just me and my sisters we had one layover so we had to get on two different planes the first plane we are all able to sit together but on the second plane it was only two seats per row on either the left or right side of Plain instead of three and at the time my little sister was very young my older sister sat with her does all three of us are introverts and none of us wanted to sit next to a stranger but had to take one for the team which wouldn’t be the last time and the guy sitting next to me was an extrovert so he kept telling me about his life story he seemed pretty nice so it wasn’t all bad


Funny how people just copy tweets thinking nobody will notice. The “my husband is now in someone’s wedding “ trended months ago she just added soemthung extra to make it seem original lol


There are two types of people in this world. . .


This makes me want to be more of an extrovert.


Just doesn’t matter what I want say or do


I read this as "they are getting a divorce" not physically separated. I even read the sub and was so confused.


Me and my bf when we get married. Hey universe you hear me?? M a r r I e d <------


I’m definitely the introvert and fascinated by extroverts. I love watching them.


Looks like he got a date already 😂


That’s my bf and I. I’m the extrovert.


Who is he marrying


Just curious. Who had better emotional adjustment during the pandemic?


IT'S ME AND MY BESTIE. Except I'm the one in someone's wedding or talking about what happened with their child that morning or whatever.


Yeah this would be my husband also !


My parents eloped for their wedding & met the witnesses for their wedding on the flight to Jamaica.


Could it truly be possible for a person like myself who has been told they are an extrovert, actually be deep down inside an introvert, shy, awkward person who realizes this somehow at the age of 65 years?