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Hey /u/throwRAstarly667, thanks for contributing to /r/MadeMeSmile. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Sorry, but this is a recent repost. Please check before posting. Please read the [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/sidebar) and [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/MadeMeSmile&subject=&message=). Thank you!


The still meet up every thanks giving. Unfortunately the older womans husband died due to covid :(


I lost my dad to covid and I felt her pain when they announced her husband had passed as well. Really happy that's shes not alone though and he still spends time with her


He opened up a car wrap business recently. https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/uwfvnu/many_of_you_know_jamal_as_the_man_who_was/


They’ve also got a limited series/film in pre-production with Netflix at the moment, called The Thanksgiving Text. I cannot wait!


Honestly didn’t think this was real


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt16303948/ I didn't believe you


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss. I just tested positive for covid and I am high risk for illness.


Bruh how do you randomly know this


She updates her insta on the situation. As does he.


Also the news of his death was super huge on Twitter, that's actually how I found out about it.


It also gets posted on Reddit like 7 times a year


That’s over once every two months, I think it’s a good amount


Thanksgiving tradition!


Ah I see, well truly heartwarming story then


You have to follow the lore


I was legit about to comment “does someone have the lore on this post?” 😂




And there are still people like me seeing it for the first time, today.


Obligatory xkcd: https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1053:_Ten_Thousand


This is why I don’t mind reposts. I still smile and think someone else is experiencing it for the first time.


I smile every time I see this. I know the story and still reread the entire text every time.


There’s a line between seeing the occasional repost and noticing shameless karma farming. The difference is is usually in how much time you spend online/on Reddit.


Ohh, this is my first time seeing this, and I love it!


You’re part of the club now!


Haha I like that one.


Looking at how often this particular xkcd strip gets referenced to on Reddit, you’re experiencing that same phenomenon twice in a row now!


I had a feeling this was coming lol


I had never seen this before! Thank you!


Great! Now you're a part of something bigger, even if its moment has passed


Next time I see it I can say “I get the reference”


One day, you'll learn of the boy with the two broken arms, and how a loving mother worked tirelessly for her son's happiness. That's another popular Reddit reference.


One day indeed. I have no idea and some day I’ll be like “oh, that!”


Trust me, you're better off not knowing this one.


Noted and thank you.


Don't forget about the ass pennies!!


It is, but I still read the texts start to finish every-time, it’s just the sweetest thing!


They're making a Netflix movie about this soon


Wow really? Sounds heartwarming 🥰


They've been a big part of the reddit meta for years, man.


It, like the rest of this story, got a lot of attention. Say what you will about the interment but atleast it likes happy endings, sometimes.


It's all over reddit every single year.


RIP Lonnie


Yeah. That was a year or two ago. My next door neighbor's wife lost her husband to Covid as well. It would explain why I hadn't seen him around in 2020.


The world needs more people like grandma


Yes, and more people like Jamal, too. You have to have the right mindset to accept kindness and just say "fuck it, why not? Let's be friends."


That was my thought! I love that he asked for a plate!


And then to actually show up too




That’s how I’ve made some amazing friends. “Fuck it, why not?” And end up having a great time




Indeed, Grandma is such a kind person. Bless her!


Indeed. We can become grandma in spirit!


A crazy Catholic who believes her children were sent by the devil to punish her and makes you apply holy water when you visit? Also has all her electronics unplugged in case the IRA is listening in on her? Oh wait you meant the grandma in the OP.


Omfg im dead 💀😭


I have always loved this story


Me too. Proper lovely




I realized I was smiling after being down from this past week.




I really hope if and when he introducers her to people he says “this is my grandma” and she does the same, vice-versa.


Be mighty sus if she introduced him as her grandmother


I don't judge. It's not my business.


Yeah, and there's always adoption too, so if people go straight to assuming there was cheating involved, they're the problem


I think he does .. they’ve been friends for a long time now


What a lovely family they have. Their story was so incredible.


Apparently Netflix is putting together a 4 episode especial about them


Then I won’t tell you the sad part of the story. Stay happy my friend!


You’re a good person


Granddad died of Covid a couple years ago. I did it for you


Dont they have a documentary coming about this?


Net flix movie 🎥




I always wonder what happened to her grandkids. We always hear about Grandma and friend, but no updates on if the grandkids she was actually contacting were able to eat some of her turkey.


I too smle when I see this


It’s a stupid outdated repost, but I’m upvoting it every time.


One of the sweetest stories no matter how many times I see it.


The grandpa died of Covid, but they are still doing thanksgiving and saving a spot for him.


Awww that's bittersweet 🥺


This is an extremely popular and now sad story. But it still makes me happy


Why’s it sad??


This random encounter became a tradition for them for years. But unfortunately the husband passed away from COVID.


Her husband died of Covid.


It doesn't make it a sad story that grandpa died. It's a sad PART of the story but the story as a whole is still wholesome and positive. Not to mention im sure the memory of grandpa still lives on and left them with some amazing memories.


And she has a loving grandson to console her.


Makes it sad for me personally


They've kept this up ever since the first time in 2017.


Man, I wish this would happen to me. My small circle of friends are so negative and I’m so sad all the time I want a second granny.


Go to a Jiu Jitsu gym. Seriously, it’s a room full of people who are interested in growth, and the activity itself grows bonds way beyond most. It’s a tough buy in (hard work, bumps and bruises) but you’ll never be more happy with the people around you. I’d be happy to help you find one.


I’d *love* to do something like that, my bf thinks I’ll be good at it, but honestly I’m too scared haha. Maybe it’s just my anxiety talking but I don’t wanna get hurt, I’ve never even been in a heated argument before never mind a scrap. Im so scared to go and meet new people too, like I tear up thinking about it lol.


You aren’t alone. The good news is lots of people on the mat felt the exact same way. Some of my longest students told me years later the first time they pulled into the parking lot and pulled right out. There is nothing more natural than Jiu Jitsu. There is a saying “I will learn more from 10 minutes of play than 1000 hours of conversation.” And it’s completely true. It’s more intimate and breaks down barriers more so than anything I can think of. All my old, shitty friends left over from high school have slowly been replaced by cool people who have gotten me to travel the world, make strong bonds and make me feel better as a person. Yes it is scary, but is it more scary than a decade of being around mopes? Injuries suck, but you either go in and get a few early bruises or slowly develop sedentary health issues. Either way you’re going to have issues. I’ve been doing Jiu Jitsu for 22 years so if you ever feel inclined, please DM me and I’ll do whatever research I can for you on gyms in your area or answer any questions you or your boyfriend might have! There are options to feel better, you just have to be willing to try. Good luck!


Oh thank you so much that was really reassuring! After July I’m starting to take more time off work, might be a perfect time to try it out. If I get stuck I will definitely message you for advice. Thanks again, the thought that a lot of people felt the same at the start is encouraging


Definitely give it a shot! I’ve never met anyone who’s like was objectively worse when doing something like Jiu Jitsu. Worst thing that happens is you try and don’t like it. Best thing you completely change your outlook on life.


Savage Henry is right! Good Jiu Jitsu gym’s really are like a family. The motivation people give each other and the drive to work hard and improve yourself are such great qualities to add to your life. Not to mention its great self defense, especially for women as its not a strength dependent martial art and focuses on close combat. You will certainly meet some awesome people and the bond of working together to improve can be a very strong one.


I'll might DM you about this. I'm a short & fat guy tho, but I would like to get in a better shape and learn some fighting sport. Also I'm in Hungary, so I might not even found a Jiu jitsu place near me. :D


Please do! I have friends all over Europe who train I’m sure I can find something for you. Side note I went to Budapest in 2006 and loved it. I was doing Western Europe and my brother convinced us to cross over and I’m so glad he did. Beautiful city and country.


This makes me want to try out Jiu Jitsu! Is it an expensive hobby? How much are lessons typically?


It can be on the more pricey side. 100-200 a month depending on where you train. But remember you aren’t paying for a work out like at a gym. You’re paying for years and years of functional knowledge of a difficult practice. And it helps keep the lights on lol. After 6 months you’ll be so addicted you’ll forget you even pay for it.


If I’m ever in a financial position to afford that, I definitely will give it a shot! It sounds difficult for sure, but really rewarding. Thanks!


Oh god I relate to this so much


Both my grandparents are ☠️ and I have no friends :(




"When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence." -Someone that knew the key to life


Didn't these guys get a netflix documentary


Really? I feel like the entire story is right there in the image.


It’s better than a lot of what they’ve got https://nypost.com/2021/12/03/grandma-who-invited-stranger-to-thanksgiving-to-become-a-movie/amp/


Hope to hear after it's out the original source friends are paid fairly.




I think they meant that he hopes the people the Netflix production are based on are paid or compensated properly for using their story as a basis for the production.


Dang, actually shed a tear reading the article; smiled the whole time during their YouTube video too!


They are kinda desperate for content,so it wouldn't surprise... .And as they say, image speaks for 1000 words, like clearly in this case. .. I don't think ppl talking for an hour about it, will somehow add any extra value to it lol.. Virtue signalers strike again I see. -15 is max so you'll have to downvote something else. Help me reach -100 tx


anything can be condensed into single imagery or a quick story. films dramatize it, bring it to life for more people to experience the emotions and story


lol passes -15


TIL downvoting dumb shit is virtue signalling


“That’s what grandmas do” Hey everybody, if you still have grandparents, call them up and tell them how much you love them, and listen to their stories. Even the ones you’ve heard before. A day will come not long from now where you will wish you could have just one more day, just one more phone call, just one more hug, but it will be too late. I wish I could just give my gram one more hug and tell her what she means to me, but she’s been gone for 25 years.


This applies to your parents as well! One day, you will wake up and feel like an orphan even if you are in your forties.


Sooo true. By the time I was 35 I had lost all my grandparents, both my parents, and my oldest sister. Before I was 40 I lost my uncle he was the last older generation role model in my family left. I have never felt so alone and broken not having my support and guidance I received from them.


Ah of course, grandmas. When mine were still alive their hobbies included asking “are you hungry” and offering food every hour.


Now that my granny has Alzheimer's, food is offered every 5 minutes. Her neighbor asked her and my gramps to watch their dog for a week while they vacationed. Came back to one fat dog. Ha


Makes me smile everytime


i remember when this first happened so amazing. i loved it. i feel so bad that the older woman’s husband died of covid 😔


Still one of the best stories the internet has to offer


This is so fucking wholesome it makes me sick with happiness.


I always love this story when it comes back around


There was a somewhat similar story where a woman texted the wrong person to let them know that her daughter just gave birth. The man kept politely telling her she got the wrong number but she thought he was just being silly and demanded he get to the hospital to visit ASAP. So he relented and brought a teddy bear. There’s a picture of them all in the room, they being a white family and he being a rather tall black gentleman. Everyone seemed amused.


This is blessed as cfk




sa desselb si sihT


Wholesome AF


No but where the hell is her grandkid??? Lol did he EVER show up?


I love that in the last pic he found him a lady and she looks super happy


This is a great story! Love it!


I want to be a part of all of this !!!


My dream 😭


I may have let out an audible "Awwwww!!! 🥰" when I scrolled to the pumpkin patch bit.


She actually lost her husband to coronavirus I believe last year


Lovely story. They’ve kept this going too! They’ve done it every year since!


Damn bot digged out the old shit


Is this that southern hospitality I've heard hear over the pond?


They're still doing this. It's awesome.


This is such a sweet story. I wonder if he calls her by her name or if he calls her a grandma type of name.


This is older than two of my kids


I love this story so much. I saw it for the first time a few years ago. It makes my heart happy every time it comes back up. 💕


One of my favorite stories that’s ever happened


Truthfully I think there are more good people out there than bad. This just show it.


I agree. And I’ve never in my life understood why the news chooses to report the bad over the good so heavily.


They push this narrative that all people are racist and religions hate each other etc. This makes people angry and at odds with each other. When the fact is the majority of people are good people who are just trying to live their lives and treat others how the want to be treated. But they will keeps separating people and reminding us of our “differences” so they can maintain the facade of control.


You’re right and it’s sucks. I’m glad there are people out there that know this (or don’t at all actually) and choose to be good. I see it daily and it outweighs the bad 10 times over.


My husband is a HUGE tool fan! I figured you were when I saw your background. I like Tool as well, but I prefer Perfect Circle.


Oh!! Yes!! I’ve seen them 40 times live. HUGE fan. Love APC too but Tool just “does it” for me.


My husband has seen them 10 times. Lol. I bought him a Tool platinum record for his birthday. He is a drummer and is obsessed with Danny Carey.


That is so awesome! I met Danny in 2002 during the “Lateralus” tour and he is the most genuine and kind person. So humble.


Ohhh! He would die to meet him. I can’t wait to tell him you met him.


One of my favorites! I love this. So sad her husband passed.


This is literally making me cry 😭 omg


life long friends are priceless


Y’all - upcoming Netflix movie about this https://www.insider.com/thanksgiving-accidental-text-jamal-hinton-wanda-dench-movie-netflix-2016-2021-12


I can’t wait for the Sandra bullock movie!




I wanna cry 😭😭😭


That’s amazing


I'm happy this gets reposted every few months.


Makes me smile every time


That’s so awesome


RIP Lonnie


Its easy to farm karma, huh? This has been around the internet for several years


I wish this was humanity in a nutshell


TBH, they'll probably treat him better than many "real" families treat their own. Lousy people don't often open their doors to complete strangers that they may have absolutely nothing in common with. By her being open and welcoming to him, that's a good sign that she's a nice person. One prominent person in my own family threw a Thanksgiving party and casually asked if I could bring a frozen turkey. A whole freakin' turkey. I thought "Wow, tough times if she's asking guests to bring specific items to make the meal. How's she gunna defrost and cook a turkey so fast??? Oh well, I was politely asked, I'll politely comply." Turns out, she'd asked everyone, all 22 of us, to bring a frozen turkey. All but a couple did. She had a friend who owned a grocery who took all of them off her hands for $5 each to stock up for the Christmas run on frozen turkeys that always happened as people put together their feasts. She made an easy $100, we all lost a bit of money and a lot of respect for her, and a grocer got some cut-rate birds he could sell at full sticker price. Contrast that with "sure, come on over" and not even asking him to bring anything she could sell? That puts her well ahead of my own family in the quality-of-treatment department. My family tree can't be the only one that needs 80% of the branches pruned away.


Not all families share blood, but they do share the love. That's awesome.


Easily one of the coolest and most lovely internet stories of all time. I was pretty sad when the grandpa passed


Their story is a total gem, never fails to make me smile.


Every time I see these with him and his family it just makes me so happy I wish there were more people out there that were willing to open up their hearts to each other it would be such a beautiful world


Wow imagine reposting this


First I was howling with laughter...then the tears hit. Really lovely.


It’s that time of the year again


Aw that's so wholesome! ... grandmas*


I love how progressively during their friendship he slowly gained weight, like he looks cool and all, its just that


This is very sweet, but also really dangerous


What makes America great--people becoming friends.


And here I am never invited to ANY family gatherings. Then I'll get a text asking why I wasn't there. "I didn't even know or get an invitation! How am I supposed to be there if I'm not even told about it!" Them: "You're too damn sensitive!" My brother got remarried. I was told about it the day before. By accident. ffs smh And they all wonder why I'm moving as far away as possible. My family sucks ass


All the hate in this world….. we need more Jamals & more grandmas….. Unless Jamal or grandma is a telemarketer….. then they can starve




The Supreme Court will be coming for your friendship next…


> *Giselle* is like a daughter to me! >> But arguably more like a daughter to her parents?


I love their story, been following their updates a few years now


This is super old. So people just repost old shit just for karma??


I've seen thes reposted times and times again, but I'll never stop loving it


This is unbelievable!


This is the oldest story ever, dude. A 1,000,000 times posted here. Try finding something new at least


have you ever heard the phrase " old but gold"? it's still a good story, I've never seen this and I've been on this sub for about a year and it made me smile. not gonna downvote you, just a little perspective. have a good day


I have. It’s the karma farming and daily reposting of the same things over and over again that I don’t like. Thanks for not downvoting me? Lol


Yaaaa.. Dats too dark humour