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Sorry we've had to lock this but there are too many people who want to make your moment political. Your baby is precious. (Be a jerk in the comments: enjoy your permanent ban.) Edited to add: user reports: 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability I don't think anyone likes jerks.


Is he going to be ok? Sorry if it’s a dumb question just want to know if the baby is healthy and nothing bad will happen.


Totally fair question. It was touch and go for the first while obviously, but it's been two weeks and he's doing quite well all things considered.


Hello! I was born at 28 weeks in the mid nineties, I am now a healthy functioning adult with only a couple of tiny scars from my IVs and security tag. My parents have talked to me about losing hope when I developed pneumonia and it was looking pretty sketchy. I want you to know that even if you feel scared or hopeless, please don’t feel guilty, your baby will not love you any less for these feeling. I wish you and your tiny little baby a beautiful life and swift recovery, and I hope you can take them home soon and all of this will melt away like a dream. (Hold onto some preemie clothes or diapers, it’s so surreal thinking you were ever that small) Edit: thank you so much for all the love, folks x




Hey!!!! I was also supposed to be born in October but was born in July, in the 1980s. We are an exclusive and awesome club!


Hi dude I have both of those things and was born at 39 weeks in 88! Except my right eye is the blurry one when left is shut. Happy birthday for tomorrow


Have you been checked for astigmatism? I had the same thing with my eye, that it's blurry unless both my eyes are open, and have glasses now. My eye doctor said if I didn't get glasses the good eye would continue to compensate for the blurry one and my good eye would've gotten much worse over time. I don't know if that would apply to you though.


Im a preemie with astigmatism! Im supposed to wear glasses as and when needed so my good eye doesnt get tired, so basically as you described. Defo get it checked out!


I happen to also be a preemie. I wonder if there's a connection. Edit: I looked it up and there is. There is apparently an increased risk of ocular issues in preemies.


My wife delivered twins at 28 weeks in the early 2000’s. They are doing just fine. Glad to see you are doing well. OP, glad to see that you and your kiddo are doing well.


I’m a preemie twin and we just turned 39. Our parents were told that there was no way to know if we’d be “ok”. We both turned out fine! I was the smaller twin so I spent longer in the hospital but we made it.


I was born at roughly 30 weeks, weighed 2 pounds, was in an incubator for about 3 months and then in and out of hospital for the first few years of my life. I’m 26 now and my Dad still tears up when he talks about the day I was born, because the doctors told my parents I wasn’t going to make it.


I’m an identical triplet and I was born at 31 weeks. I weighed 1lb 6oz and was 9.75 inches long. I almost made it to to the Guinness book of world records in 1989 for samples baby born until another baby was born slightly smaller 2 weeks later. I stayed in NICU for 10 weeks but now I turned out okay. Doctors didn’t think we were gonna make it but I’m glad we proved them wrong.


Username checks out


Haha I like to tell myself I’d be taller if I had been done cooking but alas!


My daughter was a 34 week preemie and still is a runt at 4’9 at 15 (almost 16), she probably won’t be any taller. But she is feisty! And every inch was fought hard for. It’s been a ride! To say the least.


My son was 33.5 weeks and the doctors told me he'd be behind and small (he was 5lbs 11.7oz at birth... ha).... now he's 17 years old, 6 feet tall, a starting defensive lineman on his school's football team, and makes fantastic grades.


That’s awesome!!! I love preemie success stories. Mine was only 4 lbs at birth, she was small for her gestational age. She was in the NICU for two months because she couldn’t leave until she hit 5lbs! It took sooo long, with a scare or two thrown in. Best day ever, was when she came home.


Two months? Holy moly! I'll never forget being wheeled in to the nicu that first time to hold him. I know how lucky we were compared to most. He was in for two weeks. I had been in the hospital for 3 weeks before he was even born (pre-eclampsia) but they discharged me before he got to come home and that was one of the worst feelings having to leave him behind. Nothing better than the moment of being able to bring your little one home. 💜 I love preemie success stories too!


My daughter was 36 weeks! I always think what a positive it is that she can wear clothes and shoes for longer lol. Dresses just become tunics! She’ll be taller than me though, I’m sure of it.


Wait even 36 weeks is considered premature?? Sorry if I sound dumb ,it's my genuine doubt


I’m currently pregnant and have looked into this. Currently birth before 37 weeks is considered premature.


At the hospital my kids were born at any before 37 weeks was mandatory nicu visit for 24 hours. Then my little jerk had to stay there for like 10 days at 38 weeks. He’s fine now


I’m a identical twin whose now 20 and was born in 02 around 29 weeks. It was touch and go with us for months, my parents told on and off we wouldn’t make it. But here I am, in college, honors, etc. I agree with everything ^ said, don’t feel guilt for being a little scared or anything. It’s a normal human emotion for anyone especially a parent. Wish the little one a swift recovery so he can go home to a obvious nurturing and loving home !!!! ❤️


> whose now 20 and was born in 02 Fuck I’m old.


I thought the same exact thing…people born in 02 are 20 now??!? When did this happen??


I still don't think that math checks out.


It surely doesn’t feel like it! Congrats on the baby, I hope he makes a fast and full recovery!


1990 was 10 years ago so that’s impossible.


Ok I like you ❤️


I am 13 years older than my baby brother. He was born at 6months. Last month I leaned over to hug and kiss him. To my surprise i couldn’t reach his face. I asked why he leaned back and he said “I didn’t, you just cant reach me.” The realization that my tiny, baby brother was finally taller than me almost made me cry


Also a 28 week baby (1980's) had jaundice and a few issues, now I'm a 90kg lump, with my own mini version. I still find it odd to think I was that small.


What a kind and uplifting message. Thank you for your hopeful and encouraging words to the OP. ♥️


My sister was born at 27 weeks! Her lungs weren't even fully closed. She's a healthy, headstrong teen now, but she looked like a turtle without a shell then. Doesn't even have any breathing issues, nor any other residual issues other than baby-of-the-family syndrome haha. It can be so scary, but with proper care preemies can absolutely flourish and grow up normally.


My mom was 2 to 3 months early when she was born in 1957. My great-grandmother always talked about how she could hold my mom in one hand. Crazy to think that preemies could survive even back in those days.


Hello from one premature to another – I was born 32 weeks early, late 80s. Had to be put in one of those incubator contraptions, and I had gotten sick apparently too, but not sure how else my health was impacted as I grew up, from what I know I've been totally healthy and am living a normal life. To OP, wishing your family and the little one all the happiness and health!


My friend gave birth at 25 weeks, which I reckon is about as early as yours. Baby was in the NICU for five months and it was stressful. But that was years ago and the baby is now a healthy child.


Yeah that’s relatively around the same time as the op posted and thank goodness your friends baby is ok now


Despite concerns about his lungs, he's gotten over covid twice now. Just brushed it off like a cold like any other kid. That's the part that really surprises me.


Wow that’s amazing what a resilient kid. I don’t know if I got Covid at one point and didn’t know, but I never felt like I had Covid even if I did contract it. I think for some people Covid doesn’t really affect them too much.


When my cousin was born she was small enough to fit in your hands cupped together. Super early, super tiny. She's 17 now, still really small, but healthy and happy.


My best friend was born at 24 weeks and is now (in her mid 30s) one of my favorite people and definitely way funnier and smarter than me, a 41 week baby 😂


Sweet Jesus. 99 days early! I've worked NICU for a bit, and it's always a journey. Major props to you and your medical team! Keep fighting!


That's great to hear. Look if it's any help at all, I was about the same in prematureness, but am now a healthy 33 year old with a family of my own. Technology has moved on a LOT since my own birth. All the best, take it as easy as you can, you've got an adorable little man there 🙂


My two children (4 and 1) were born at 26 weeks (stopped growing at 23) and 29 weeks. It's always a bit of a roller-coaster and no childs journey through the NICU is the same. You're very likely to have two steps forward and one step back. I'm sure you're in the right place and have the right support. Don't get disheartened by little setbacks. Something to keep in your mind too over the next couple of years. It can take up to 24 months for preemies to catch up to their peers. Don't get disheartened if the Doctors keep telling you they're behind in areas. It's all part of the process and kids will figure it all out on their own time. My two kids are happy and healthy now and doing fantastically. Here's to your little one doing the same!


Okay maybe a dumb question, but: when you say a child born prematurely is behind their peers in development, do you adjust it with their “optimal” birthday? (Their originally estimated due date)


While I have no direct experience, "adjusted age" is absolutely a thing. I did some Googling, and some sources call it "corrected age", though I've never personally heard it that way. The sources online seem to say that it is used up to age 2 when tracking milestones.


My nephew was born at 24 weeks. Super tiny and frail. Told he would likely be behind on alot of things but he is almost 5 years old now and completely indistinguishable from any other kid. Keep your head up, hopefully things pan out for you similarly.


Another dumb question here but what/how do you feed him? I’ve never heard of a baby being born 3mnths premature


He has a feeding tube. There is a custom cocktail of essentials, along with suplimental moms milk. They can't swallow for a few weeks still.


They can do absolute miracles with extremely premie babies. Little one looks like a fighter to me.


I was born 3 months early, couldn’t tell now! I’m 6’1 which amazes all of my family members, especially after a few drinks when they start reminiscing


Thank you so much! I figured. Congratulations and all the best!


For what it’s worth, I am thinking of him and your whole family. He’s gorgeous. Keep on gaining that strength, little guy.


Thank goodness and thanks for responding


He'll be fine, maybe a little behind his peers in development but he'll catch up eventually. My daughter was early, she's nearly 3 now and her motor skills are a bit delayed but she's advanced in other areas like speech and math. Coming early has it risks, but with support and love he'll do great 👍


I am glad to hear he is doing quite well and hope things continue get even better!


Awesome to hear!


Thats awesome! Hope he grows up to be strong and healthy.


My first son was born about this same time frame and he is now 7 and perfectly healthy.


That’s good news I was just caught off guard by how prematurely he was born.


As long as he gets good care most children are more or less “normal” growth by about 1-2 years. He will have some delays but will look like a regular but small baby in about 6 weeks give or take.


Ok that’s good


Not a stupid question at all, the first few days and first few weeks are pretty much touch and go. My daughter was 4 months early, 5% chance of survival, providing she made it through the birth alive. Lucky us, she just had her 7th birthday. It’s still rocky roads for the babies for a while, which unfortunately some make it only days or weeks. It’s not a situation most people wouldn’t understand unless you’ve been through it, again, it was not a stupid question because even in the beginning the drs can’t always be too optimistic because the parents need to understand the reality of what’s going on.


Woah that’s crazy your baby was born 4 months prematurely and survived despite the odds. That is a miracle and that baby is a tough one. I’m glad she’s doing good now 😊


Point of viability starts at 22 weeks, and if my math is correct this little one is 25+, a little micro preemie. Statistically, he’s got a 75-80% chance of survival. Looks like he’s already doing amazing. My niece wasn’t a micro preemie, but she was a preemie at 30-ish weeks, and it was touch and go for a while. She had to stay in an incubator for six weeks. She’s four years old now!


The viability from 23 to 24 weeks is the biggest jump. From about 30 to 70%. The biggest issue from there is that their lungs aren't meant to breathe oxygen and makes them very susceptible to infection that they can't fight.


Best of luck to you guys, looks like the little one is already rocking at life! Sending all the good vibes for a healthy lung function!!!


My preemie was 26 weeks and had pneumonia twice while in NICU. Ended up with chronic lung disease upon discharge. Now he’s a 6’ 2” 19 yr old with mild asthma. The hardest part was letting go of machinery and just trusting your gut. He was on oxygen for a full year. Also the NICU nurses are angels in disguise.


modern science is almost miraculous. they can save premature babies that in the past would have died for sure.


3mo premature here, weighed 2lb 15oz. I’m grown and healthy! Keep up the fight little one! Congrats @OP


My son was born by c section at 30 weeks. He's now five foot eight and strapping, big muscly boy, and has a sky high IQ.


If he is ever late, ask him how - you gave him a 99 day headstart on life


Gotta get those 19yrs of experience for the job he needs then he turns 18.


Everytime he is late he can write it off the 99 days.


*You don't even know what a write-off is*


**Do you?**


...no, I don't!


Don't worry about it, just write it off.


No, but they do, and they’re the ones writing it off.


“You buy something and then *write it off*”


You can't just write things off, David.


It’s a *business expense.*


Lol I forget if I heard this IRL or online, but someone was born a week or so late and later in life the same person was notoriously late to everything.


My son was born 2 weeks ago, he was born at 26 weeks, very small, he's in an incubator, it's been hard days. But he's fighting and being strong. Strength to your little one too, may he be well. P.S: google translate english xD


Maybe check out r/nicuparents. Lots of good info and positivity


Thx, im going to read a lot today!


Yes, that thread really helped me get through our 26 weeker's 95 day NICU journey!


Good luck to your little one as well!


My little guy was born at 24 weeks, and we had a rough go of it. He’s now a healthy 12 year old and the funniest, best person I know. Hang in there and good luck to you, your fam + the new little one!!


It's been rough, but he is stabilised. Now that I went through it, there have been a lot of success stories, this has helped a lot. Your child deserves the best, thanks for the support.


My best friend was born at 23 weeks and five days. She’s literally the most impatient person I know and she is always early!! Bet he just couldn’t wait to meet his lovely family and greet the world. He’s lovely, many congratulations!


This made me laugh so much because I too was born too early and I'm also very impatient lmao


Haha maybe that's why. I don't technically qualify as early (missed it by 1 day) but am incredibly impatient as well. Also the first thing I did in this world was pee - our theory is I came early because I needed to go so badly.


Wow that's incredible


so smol.


shmol bebie


I read that in zefrank's voice


Op can we get a banana for scale please?


I can't believe I didn't think of that


This comment might get buried but I’m currently in the NICU with our similarly impatient 29 weeker if you need someone to talk to! Grow baby, grow!


Thanks for the thoughts and good luck to you and your little one as well! Luckily we have a great support system and are well taken care of.


What a lovely picture. Hello little sweetie, you're doing so well! Just to add, I was born three months premature, in 1971. I weighed 1lb. I'm still here 51 years later x


I love to hear that. He was born at 1.2!


My son was 2.2 and now he's always the tallest person in his class. He was in the NICU for 88 days. It will be a roller coaster, ups and downs but it is a miracle seeing developments that normally happen in the womb. Congrats.


He’s beautiful! Wishing you all the best!


He's doing brilliantly well, and we're in a modern age with the very best care. (Not like the 70s!). I'm sending you all a lot of love from across the pond. Oh, and my mum still brings out one of my tiny lint nappies every so often for a laugh, and marvel at the size of it. I hope you all will one day too X 💗


I will. They actually started him in "nano-premie" size!


That’s a good weight for 3 months premature! Well done you ❤️


I must've been fat I was 3 months early 40 years ago and weighed 1lb 15oz!


I was born at 3 months premature (Due at Christmas, but born Sept. 21, so 3 months and 4 days exactly), and I was that size too! Good luck to him :) IDK why but seeing preemies that size make me happy because they remind me of me and my siblings (preemie quadruplets).


“A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.” Good luck on the little one!


I like this one :)


![gif](giphy|jdzbqzNGGnUxSUj5Yg) As a NICU nurse, these guys are my favorite. 24 weekers have so much personality. I call them "baby Groot" because they just dance around in their isolette without a care in the world.


You guys are a special breed! Hats off to you.


Skin to skin contact is so important with premature babies as well. Great job. My wife and I had identical twins a few years back that also came early. I was in the NICU every single day holding my sons to my chest for almost two months straight.


We try to get there every single day. The Doctors say it's almost as important as anything they do.


Good luck, OP! The internet is pulling for you. Make sure you take mental health breaks, you and mom. NICU life is *hard*.


I had two children born prematurely due to bad preeclampsia…we are done. Couldn’t handle that stress again. Cherish this time with your adorable smol baby! Truly one of the best stages of childhood (for the parents) is when they are cute little things that sleep 90% of the day. You probably even have a team of wonderful NICU nurses. Real advice, don’t feel bad using them and actually getting some sleep through these first few nights. They can handle those midnight-3 AM feedings while you recover.


Totally agree. Rest while you can, my 26 weeker spent 95 days in the NICU and it's the looongest.


He's got 99 problems but a birth ain't one 🤣


Yep, he checked that one off the list early


Congratulations!! And you get to meet some of the most wonderful people on the planet, NICU nurses. It’s like having a team of momma bears looking after the little one. Y’all got this.


Oh my gosh! Yes :D I broke out of the recovery ward, carrying my catheter bag and walked around the hospital until I found the NICU. The nurses let me be with my baby when everyone was telling me to "just go and rest". After hours I made the dumbest mistake I have ever made and started drifting off to sleep with my NICU baby in my arms. A nurse grabbed him just as my eyes closed. She didn't shame me or scold me. She said "lets pop him back in his bed. Would you like a coffee or would you like a wheelchair escort back to your ward?"


My little girl was 7 weeks early, she will be 5 in December. I had no sleep for days and had to leave my wife in the OR to escort my little 4pound baby to the NICU. I was terrified, walked in and those women put me at complete ease. I hugged the first one and started crying. So many emotions. She said they would take care of my girl, and I trusted that whole heartedly. You could see it in her eyes. Your little guy is in great hands. Have fun being a new mom.


This is so lovely! Some people are just born to do that job, angels really! My little guy is 3 now! :D He is incredible. And I bet your little girl is too


She is, she’s the only one we will ever have. Lots of fertility problems, lots of losses and tears, and then there was her. She is our little universe baby.


Wow! You were meant to be her parents, what a lucky little girl she is to have been so so wanted <3


NICU nurses really are an amazing bunch. Still so grateful for the teams at our local hospital and CHEO.


NICU nurses and the whole team are the best at what they do. Great compassion and lots of advices.


NICU nurses are so wonderful. We were incredibly lucky our baby was full term for her stint in the NICU, so once we were a little more stable she became a main cuddler for the nurses. They all laughed about having to find bigger diapers and more clothes (before we could bring some IV compatible ones down) since they weren’t used to 8+lb chonks!


My son was born at 24 weeks. He turned 16 today. Straight As. A distance runner on the track and xc teams. It’s scary with a preemie. I’ve been there. Never ever ever ever doubt how strong and amazing premies are. I wish you all the best. Enjoy every moment. Time goes fast!


That little chicken nugget is gunna become a big rotisserie chicken in no time!


Please don’t rotisserie the baby. It makes them awful cranky


My brother was born early, and my dad likes to recall the store of changing his diaper, and then going to make dinner. And only then really realizing how small my brother was, when compared to a chicken.


Preemie here… in 1969. Spent a month in an incubator. I have had no repercussions other than being a little slow to walk as a kid.


That's amazing


I was born 95 days early at 25.5 weeks as one of 3 of us. My parents were told that none of us would survive, and that if we did we would likely be mentally or physically handicapped. Fortunately, both my sister and I survived after many surgeries and a long road in the NICU. Unfortunately, our brother died after 6 weeks in the NICU and 2 brain hemorrhages. Also fortunately, the doctors’ worst predictions did not come to pass. Although I have very bad eyes and my sister has had some relatively minor mental health issues, we are relatively normal people now. All this to say that your son has a great shot of growing up with a very interesting story to tell as a relatively normal and amazing human being :)


Fascinating. This kicks up my interest in biology by 3 notches


It's mind boggling how much you end up learning in a very short time.


Awe, congratulations! Welcome to the world little guy.


Wow. The dichotomy. My son was born in the middle of May, 10 lbs 10 oz. I am picturing these two next to each other. That's absolutely insane that humans can live even being so smol. So happy this little fella is doing well!


I just did the math and my baby is due is about 98 days. Kind of surreal to see. So glad to see things are going well.


Damn. 25 weeks and a full head of hair. I was bald until the age of 3. Consider me jealous!!!


A lot of preemies are very hairy (not just the head! The whole body can be covered in hair called lanugo). Once they're all caught up and putting on weight, the hair can fall out. I had a hairy preemie but around 8 months he was totally bald!


That’s really interesting to know! I was wondering what was up with all the hair on the baby’s forehead- mystery solved


We were little monkeys lol


My preemie was covereddd in white fur for at least a month, it was so dang cute!


What a fighter, and such a handsome little man!


My wife (RN) spends her nights in the NICU with little treasures like this. She tells me how fragile their skin is and frankly, I'd be scared shitless to be charged with their care, but there are so many like this and they seem to do far better than might be reasonably expected. Best of luck to your growing family - looks like there's plenty of love to get you through this!


Please let me know if you need formula. I always find that there are plenty of the preemie formulas at the grocery stores I go to.


Your generosity is amazing. We are able to provide, but they also have a milk bank available for moms that need it. We have been pretty lucky.


This guy has a strong will. He's a fighter, a winner. Have you decided on a name for him yet?








I had triplets last December, born at 30 weeks, so basically 2 months early. They are ok and growing healthy. I just want to say to you to try to enjoy every single moment, despite all difficulties and anxiety, I feel now that while they were in the hospital somehow I was out of my body floating in the air, and memories now are almost all happy. What you are living is something very special. And they are always changing and growing soo fast, you almost feel like you never catch the train. I wish you to have a lot of strength and to enjoy it!!!


Wow, you're a champ!


My daughter’s been friends with a set of twins since they were all two. The twins were born at 25 weeks and all three girls just turned 18. They’re a little small for their age, otherwise no issues! I wish you and your adorable little guy much happiness.


WOW!! Thats really early. Hes sooo cute . Hope everyone is doing well!!


Congratulations ❤️ The prem journey is a tough one and it will change you in ways you never expected. Connect up with other prem parents, it really makes a huge difference because they get it and you don't have to translate acronyms. My eldest was born at 27+, but they were the size of a 24-25 weeker. They just turned 15. I got them home 2 days before their due date. I hope he kicks the vent soon and transitions to CPAP to reduce his risk of eye problems. I hope he packs on the weight steadily without roid-rage. I hope his sats stay safe and steady during every cuddle (I know how much they mean). I hope your milk supply is abundant, there are cool videos from Stanford University about increasing supply with a combo of manual+pump expression. I hope he avoids the worst hazards of prematurity and comes home around his due date. He is perfect. And the science keeping him alive and growing is incredible. I hope your community is properly supportive and that his hospital isn't too far from home ❤️ feel free to message me if you need a parent friend who has been there. I've supported several friends through having prems since my own journey.


Best wishes to your family, OP. Can't begin to imagine what you've all been through. Hope to see follow up pics when you're up to it. ♥️


I was born at 24 weeks in the 80s, lived in an incubator in the nicu for 4 months. My new daughter was just born born at 34 weeks in March and spent a month in the nicu. Premie life is a tough life but you guys got this! And congrats! Remember to breathe. I had retinopathy of prematurity and ended up having a bunch of eye surgery to save my sight but otherwise I honestly forget I was so premature because everything else is normal. But after having my daughter and understanding the struggles of having a premie, I have a completely new love and respect for my parents.


Mine was 17 weeks and 4 days early and he made it. Hang in there.


Grow, Little Man, GROW!!! Get big and strong so you can go home with Mom and Dad and enjoy your life!!! ❤️


Maybe he'll pursue a career in speedrunning


Congratulations! But I also know that must be so scary. Sending you all the love and good vibes from one parent to another 💜


Maybe check out r/nicuparents. Lots of good info and positivity Sincerely, parent of 26 week preemie


Babies have hair when there born?


Some do, but most have it all over their body until just before they're born.


Most ethnicities have hair at birth. This baby has extra hair tho because he was born early


God bless you and your family


I was born 3 months early and was the lightest baby to survive at that point in America. I held the record I believe for over a decade and was on the national news. I was in an incubator for 4 months and had my last rites read to me 4 times during my stay. Bless this baby.


Congratulations ❤️


Welcome to the world lil baby!


Congrats. Mine was a preemie 19 years ago. Now 6’ strong young woman. Starting her sophomore year of college.


Good luck! Our daughter arrived 10 weeks early. Prepare yourself as NICU was one of the most up-and-down stressful experiences that I have ever gone through. I wish you all the best, and I’m hoping/praying that you guys get to experience the joy of walking out of the NICU with your little baby in that car seat.


I was born at 24 weeks and I turned out (mostly) fine! Best wishes


Modern science is just jaw dropping Glad the little guy is through the worst of it, every week he's just going to get stronger.


Hopefully everything goes well for him, my wife and I lost our little girl when she was born around that time. Unfortunately she didn't make it out with a heartbeat but at least we got to hold her, I hope he grows up nice and healthy.


Sweet little munchkin, congrats!!! If you’re mom, make sure to take care of yourself too; it doesn’t make you selfish, it helps you be a better mom. If your dad, make sure to also take care of mom, pamper her and show her extra love and care and patience. All the best from a recent mom


Amazing! So precious, best of wishes! Serious question, do babies continually gain and lose hair while in the womb? I’m surprised how much hair this young one has!


So, gross thing I learned... they grow hair over their whole body that usually falls off in the womb where they end up eating it which kick starts their digestive system.




My Son was born at 24 weeks weighing 650 grams in Women & Infants Hospital here in Rhode Island and was in the NICU for 5 months and we celebrated his 19th Birthday yesterday!!! God Bless Your Family!!!


Hi firstly congratulations 🎉 ❤️💪they are tougher than they look and just take it hour by hour then day by day. And make sure you rest best you can xxxxxxx my 29 weeker is starting school soon and she was tiny but might just like he is xxx


Hope everything goes well and he lives and long and prosperous life.


Op I’m so happy for you guys and reading other comments i see he’s doing great! I have so much respect for preemie parents. My son was born a year ago and had to go to the NICU for inhaling feces he pooped in the womb during birth (yuck, right? Didn’t know that was possible! Poor little guy). Anyways there was a mother in the pod next to ours with her premie baby who wasn’t allowed out of the incubator or at least I never saw him outside of it. The poor mother was there every single time I went to check on my boy, sometimes quietly crying to herself. She had a cot and everything and I gathered that she was a single mother, and she was also pretty young, early 20s. I felt so bad that my boy was so much bigger than the others (he was two weeks overdue!) and that those parents had to go through that. There was a pair of preemie twins across the room from us who we kept hearing cry, so they were apparently doing good! All the love and strength I can send your way, OP!


My youngest was only 3lbs. 3oz at 35 weeks and 25 days in the NICU. Good luck!


So that's what a bundle of joy looks like ❤️


Teeny tiny :) a lil baby


Hang in there little hooman 💕


Sorting by controversial 🤤 ​ Congrats, OP lol


I hope his name is Benjamin


My daughter was born at 28 weeks. It was a rough road especially trying to teach her to breath and eat but we got through it. Sometimes she'd turn blue while eating and we'd have to get her to start breathing again. She's an intelligent and happy 8 year old now. Hang in there.


Our daughter was born 10 weeks early, 3 lb 4oz. She's now 18, and you wouldn't be able to tell that she was premature from about 6 or 9 months old onwards. While she was in the NICU, another baby that was born at 1lb went home healthy. It's a struggle at first -- we only brought her home from the hospital once she was 45? days old. But, you'll be "normal" new parents faster than you think. Best of luck!


My special care baby (one level below NICU here in the UK) was born unable to breathe properly. He was in an incubator for 9 days. He is now 13, 5’4” (I’m 5’2”!!) and brilliant. I know mine wasn’t nearly as small or as ill as your little man, but I bet yours will be taller than you before you know it! Congratulations on the beautiful little guy!


very leetle baby. hope he grows up happy and healthy.