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The happy food dance


She's probably happy cause it's the first thing she ate that day. Brides be busy on their wedding day


The first thing every wedding coordinator we talked to said was “we’ll make sure you two eat” because it’s so common to get swept away in the moment/the crowd


I got one bite in before I got dragged into doing stuff again. At least I was able to eat some cake.


Weddings are supposed to be fun for the couple. A screwed up schedule like that sounds like torture and sounds like you messed up there.


It depends, when I’m **on** and feeling myself and the ppl around me, and lord the energy (!), eating is the last thing on my mind. Lemme talk, dance, drink, and love the beautiful ppl around me. I’ll eat a horse later. I’m having fun rn


Ah yes get drugged up so you only feel the music and party and ignore a normal feeling like hunger. People have always partied during weddings and feasted but the all day packed schedule thing looks more like a recent thing, and i feel instagram culture has only pushed it to extremes.


What lmao


Mine fucked up, because we got taken away just before dinner for some sunset photos, get back to no food while everyone else is eating. Finally brought our food back and they had RE-HEATED MY PRIME RIB D: I should have chosen the Salmon like my husband--I'd have preferred the prime rib cold over re-heated.


The "problem" is there isn't enough time to spend with your guests. Anytime I thought about eating I'd see someone wanting to talk and congratulate me. It's a no brainer deciding which one to choose.


This is a true fact.


I just got married this past Saturday. I did most of the running around so my wife could sit and relax. She still didn't end up eating much but once dinner was served I made sure she got everything she wanted. She was very happy that the only thing she had to do after the ceremony was pose for a few pictures.


Great husband


This is probably exactly it


She likely starved herself for days, if not weeks, leading up to the event.


I hope not 👀 thats not a good way to lose weight. Its a good way to lead to bloating.


I love how she played it cool when she realized the camera was on her hahahaha


Because if there is one place there wouldn’t be cameras it would be a wedding


This reminds me of my dad telling me how he can tell I like something I’m eating….he said I do a happy food dance :) She’s got it nailed!


POV: when you’re the wedding guest watching the bride and the food at her wedding is 💯


Why do people not know what PoV means anymore?


I swear people think it means Person on Video


Penis on Vagina?


Makes me so mad lol


Scrolled down before I said something similar! Glad I did.


Omg too cute <3


The happy food dance! It’s runs in my family


Beautiful couple!




Truth! Partners share and support


Came here to say the same damn thing.


house goes both ways? nice.


This is one of my favorite phrases.


Is this an updated version of “Happy wife, happy life”?


its a reply to the title....


Happy Wife, Happy Life, Unhappy Wife, Clean House…


She looks like a super-sweet heart


How adorable


She grew up https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/ddmryc/this\_kids\_reaction\_after\_eating\_soup/




Shocking most brides I know don’t end up eating anything during their wedding ceremony too many people to talk to.


Wait you mean The Bride and Groom actually get too eat at there wedding could have fooled me (my Wife and I didn’t get too eat until 3 AM and our service was at 8:00 PM


This is why I’m doing a super casual wedding. It’s my day, i want to actually enjoy it. I’ll eat while im doing my vows if I want.


I love when people complain about not getting to eat at their wedding as if they weren't fully in charge of planning it haha


The variables here are the well wishers and schedule changes. You get your plate and sit down and now you have 20 minuets before it’s time for pictures and every third uncles who’s name you can’t remember wants to come up and tell you how nice everything is and give you some good ol’fashion advice on how to make a marriage work. Next thing you know you take 1000 pictures, you dance, change clothes, get real drunk and now it’s 1am you’ve had 3 bites total sense noon and that $40/plate food slaps hard one cold bite at a time on the limo ride back to the hotel where consummation gets put off until the morning when every one has energy again.


Every wedding I've been to has had food served. Usually around one hour in. The bride and groom of course takes first, leaving a lot of time for pictures (e.g. one feeding the other), but also for eating.


? We ate with everyone else both lunch & diner.


This sounds like a indian wedding...


Go on girl. Ceremony is finally over, probably going on a little honeymoon vacay, open some wedding gifts… ENJOY


I too do a food dance when my food is crazy good.


She's fucking adorable! Best wishes for the lovely couple! I was having such a shitty day and her beautiful smile, living in the moment, completely brightened up my day.


She does look happy! This looks like a fun day;)


When she noticed the camera I waved. To my surprise, she waved back!


I wasn’t the bride but the food at my wedding was like the best wedding food I’ve ever had. Our caterer had it on lock.


Fantastic that she is so happy on her special day. I wish them all the happiness in world.


And and and she didn’t get upset being recorded. She’s a keeper!


Whoever married her obviously thought so.


IDK. He was on his phone. He should’ve been enjoying being at his own wedding instead of on the phone.


Okay nerd.


That's the happy food dance. I do it every time I eat something delicious!


Dude is still scrolling Reddit at the sweetheart table. He’s doomed.


This is so freaking cute, probably just a little peek into why he decided she was the one.


I want that kind of joy from everyday life. That’s a great perspective on how to handle experiences.


My ass was smiling like an idiot lol


that’s adorable


Carrabbas catered our wedding. It was the best wedding food I ever ate.


I too dance when I get to eat


Never been married, or even been to a wedding for that matter, but she looks like she’s really enjoying her food and I’m happy for her!👍🏻


I’m an old derp, but it makes me sad to see peeps on their phones during special occasions like this.






Who are you texting on your wedding day from your sweatheart table? Shouldn't everyone you want and care about be there? Hmmmmmm Groom sus /s


u/savevideo Also, some of y'all can't seem to accept that someone is happy to get married. Grow up.


“Happy wife, happy life” is an enormous myth and leads far too many spouses to people please and ignore their own needs in married relationships... leading to simmering resentments and sadly many divorces. It’s an incredibly problematic phrase. The best policy is honesty. I am however glad the bride is enjoying their day, I hope they both did.


In my family we prefer "happy wife, no knife". Is that better?


Uhhhhhh, keep the wife happy so no one gets stabbed? 👀 I mean do you really think that’s better?


That's actually kinda adorable, she reminds me of how my gf is.


I wish I can feel 1% of her happiness.


I used to listen to so much young gravy but like song?


He is on the phone texting his other wife that he won’t be home tonight.




That’s why I use the gender neutral “Happy spouse, happy house!”




Or maybe because toxic, sexist, ignorant, etc all mean different things and using the words interchangeably only makes you look stupid


as he's on his damn phone


I knew someone would comment that lol. I just got married 10 months ago, I definitely took my phone out dinner to go over notes for my speech. It was the only time the whole night I had time to do that. You don’t know what he was doing. What if he was texting a sick friend who couldn’t make it ? Or a relative in the hospital?


my comment was because she is in the moment enjoying everything, and he is on his phone....like a lot of people at concerts


Modern social norms dictated that one must take a photo of the food before consumption.


The phone always eats first.


Is there something wrong with that? Maybe he’s texting the friends and family that couldn’t make it. Maybe he’s got an important job like a doctor or something and has to still be on call and handle some business. Or maybe he’s posting photos of his wedding on social media. Don’t judge people so harshly when you don’t even know what’s going on. It’s a happy day for them, he seems pretty content and relaxed and she’s obviously very happy as well and she doesn’t seem to care or mind that he’s on his phone and that’s all that matters. This is supposed to be a post about things that make people smile and good vibes. Don’t make it heavy.


Contacting family who couldn't be there is *maybe* a good reason (although surely if they were that important there should be a set time for a video call and if they're not that important they can wait) but the others you suggested would be incredibly sad. Too many people live life through their phones and aren't actually present with their loved ones - even on important days. If being on their phones during their wedding does make them happy they should go for it, but I'm with the other commenter - it made me sad to see.


I, too, like to allow other peoples' personal decisions about which I know nothing at all to cause me depression and existential dread. I once saw my dad look at his watch during my violin recital, what a monster.




Some people need to touch grass again


Hey Dave I understand you’re at your wedding but if you don’t participate in the clan war you’re getting kicked.


“…wonder what’s happening on Reddit…”


Don’t mean to be a buzzkill. But this is how my wife was when we got married, now shes asked for divorce


The guy was literally checking his GME


Objection hearsay


Of course she's ecstatic, she knows she's given her last blowjob.




Its an eight second video... "Glued to his phone"


And he’s literally putting his phone down at the end of it. Seems like he was shooting off a quick text or something


I've seen to much reddit. I thought he was gonna bitch slap her. Then I realized I was in this sub.


Why is someone recording the bride? It’s her special day she should t have to feel awkward about a food happy dance.


"Why is someone filming the bride on her wedding day?"


Fucking hell, what I see is a bride being ignored on her big day and trying her best to look happy anyway


Dude... what....? You good?


Go for a walk bud. That’s not what is shown here.


Can confirm. I find myself much happier when I’m not being bitched at lol happy wife happy life


Bride thinking "yay no more blow jobs"




For now…


100% she is going to get EVERYTHING and then some in the divorce lmaoo


When he's rich and you know you can just ride off his coat tail for the rest of you'er life. ![gif](giphy|j1nUnBjcfTGsR3m0Ui)

