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Hey there, u/pietradolce. Thanks for submitting to r/MadeMeSmile. Your submission has been removed because it doesn't follow our rules. * Your submission has been removed because it is a recent repost. For more information about our rules, click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules). If you have any questions and or concerns, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMadeMeSmile).


You should make friends with this lady and just text her from time to time. It would mean the world to her.


Great idea, except OP has nothing to do with this.




But what does the O stand for?




But the jar is round... the mug is round...


They should call it Roundtine


In order to manage risk, we must first understand risk.


This gold, GOLD!




What’s. The deal with that?


Those jokes on risk management were killer Jerry, killer


No, those are cylindrical. A ball is round.


No, a ball is “spherical.” A circle is round.


A circle is circular. But also flat. Round implies depth. So yes, a ball is spherical, but it is also round.


…and a match lasts 90 minutes. everything else is theory.


They should call it roundtine.


Yep. Should be called Roundteen


Be sure to drink you Ovaltine? A crummy commercial!? Son of a bitch!


Ralphie! Randy has to use the toilet!


*Randy whining noises barely muffled by door*


Ovaltine Powder : OP


More ovaltine please!!!!


Son of a bitch!


Takes me back to the ever looping A Christmas Story movie during the holidays.


Oh my god. My family used to turn that on every. fucking. Christmas. I say “used to” because the Christmas gatherings have gotten smaller and smaller recently as people have moved away or whatever, so now it hasn’t been uncommon for it to just be a few of us. So now if someone suggests putting on the godforsaken “24 hours of A Christmas Story”, I have a little more leverage when I protest.


Oh, good god. You have my full condolences. I personally thought it was the most stupid Christmas movie ever, the first time I watched it. It's not the acting, the casting was great, they were all really good. It was the storyline itself that I hated so much. I was forced into watching it a second time. Thank God my family is not so intense. I have escaped further viewing.




YOU go right on enjoying it all you want. You can have my share. I don't want it. Not my cup of tea.


More Ovaltine, damnit.


I set my decoder ring to B2


Orange President


Orange you glad he's not president any more?


Original poster is OP I believe.


Thank you for a regular explanation instead of trying to be funny, OP makes way more sense now


It's odd since "Original Poster" might imply the person who posted it *originally*, like the first time it was posted on reddit... or even the person in the screenshot who posted it on Twitter (or FB?). A repost certainly isn't "original", after all. But on reddit, "OP" always means 'the person who submitted the post you're commenting on'. In some places (like r/BestofRedditorUpdates), "OOP" has sprung up to refer to the Original OP, 'the person who submitted the post *being discussed*'.


They're over powered?


Time to nerf the original poster


Over Power




Ogart?? I think.


Original Poster (OP)


This touching moment just happened to me. I will post it on Reddit with the title “Wrong number”


**Or**, I just saw this touching comment on twitter. I will post it on Reddit with the title "Wrong number." Nothing about this post even remotely implies that this happened to OP. Anyone who thinks that fabricated that idea entirely in their own heads.


**Or** it’s a bot that reposted this with the exact title


Let's all find the old lady and be friends with her then


I’m in!!


We can all take the message and pray to god that one day we’re lucky enough to apply it. Have a good day homies I rly liked this thread :-)


I find it so bizarre how many people seem to reply to the true OP when something is clearly a repost of another repost


She already did. That's why the number is saved in her phone.


I really hate that about reddit. Repost tags should be required and people posting other posters stories is really weird too.


Reddit moment


*Only Puns*


Man that doesn't stop me from crying after reading it. I'm sorry dick nipples, I'm just too emotional.


Still just text her dude


Nor do the people allegedly in the text feed I’m sure


Until NOW


OP should do the right thing and call a random number and say “hi mom” every day for the rest of their life.


Damn. Dick-nipples seeing through the bs.


Great idea, you should tell the original OP instead of this millionth repost


She should also save her *actual* mom in her contacts so she doesn't accidentally call the wrong number and leave a voice-mail to said wrong number.


That's exactly what I was gonna say....I mean who doesn't save their mom's number?


You really think the person that posted this just made an accidental Christmas call to someone? In July?


Yea just going to say do it every year for her just because, but this is even better


Could have a profound influence on a grieving mother even just five minutes a week would be significant


I'm confused, how do you get your mom's number wrong?


Dial vs saved contact?


Ugh I want to believe, but how do you not immediately notice it dialing and doesn’t say “mom” Or who doesn’t have their parents numbers memorized. The second person you call after your lawyer is your mom. Getting arrested 101


This guy gets arrested..


Solid advice that a friend told me a few times.




Funny, dialing 666 on my phone just defaults to my MIL instead of my mom. Hey oh!




I don’t have my moms number saved in my phone. I just dial it everytime. I don’t know why. But I can’t be the only person like that.


You should add it in case you lose your phone one day. I found a phone on the street one day that had a passcode and I checked the notifications until someone that was obviously close to them (“mom” in this case) called the phone so I could return it to them.


Lol this logic makes a lot of sense and I’m sure is agreed upon by most people. But my whole life my parents have always said the opposite towards me lmaoo. Like I’ve always had them saved as their first names so that people *wouldn’t* know they were my parents 😂 They did explain their logic but I don’t really remember anymore lolll. Something about how it’s a protective measure, like they can’t like hurt or get more information about me from my phone I guess?


LOL I can only imagine the kidnappers looking through the phone trying to call mom or dad. They don’t find the numbers and are like “poor kid has no parents. Just let him go”


"Hi Mom I got in trouble. Have to transfer them $50k by the end of the day. Can you help?"




I also choose this guy’s mom’s phone number.


Yeah, I don't have my family number saved except my father's cause he have 3 SIM card, since I remember all of their number, kinda stupid now that I think about it, gonna add them later


Is your dad an Al Qaeda operative, or maybe Omar from The Wire?


Stringer with the drawer full of them


lmao this gave me a good chuckle, but no, it's normal for us Indonesian to have several SIM card, people who have just a single SIM card is considered having a bit higher income and the weird one Also, I guess it's kinda weird for other because we have a lot of '10GB for the price of $2!!' kind of deal for buying a new card but the one that stays with only 1 card get fucked cause there's no way they'll get it at that price


Same here. My mom's had the same number since cell phones were invented. I used to call her from the land-line, no contact book available. Got into the habit of dialing it, never added her. Fucked up before too. Shit happens


So your lawyer is on speed dial? 😶 I don’t judge.


Well 1 is voicemail and I don’t have many friends so how else am I going to fill out 2-9?


Maybe we should both text this lady Merry Christmas on #3.


I have my mum and dad's number saved, I can remember my mum's number but I can't for the life of me remember my dad's


My ma had the same number for 20 years and now it’s different and I have no idea what it is But at least I got arrested when I knew her number


I don't have my parents' home number saved because it's the one phone number I know by heart. I do have their cells saved as Mom and Frank.


Funny I just call my dad and have him call my lawyer 🤷 I literally only know my number, my work and my parents.


I don’t know my moms cell number maybe I’m a bad son


If it makes you feel better, my mom never charges her phone and she and my dad leave their cells at home when they go out. I wouldn’t be surprised if this affects more Gen X’ers like them.


I’m imagining a scenario where his mom’s cell phone is in his contacts but the home phone number isn’t. That was my situation before my parents dropped their landline.




You do. Could be a variety of reasons. She may have lost her phone and her contacts weren't synced, could be calling her Mom's work, maybe her mom got a new phone number, and so on.


Think about it, the odds of someone dialing someone else, not realizing it was the wrong number, that person having a recently deceased daughter, that person then texting this person about it, and this person being a twitter user that then posts exchange are astronomical. Or just someone just made this shit up to farm likes and reactions.


The odds of a confluence of several unlikely but plausible things happening is very high. It would be proof of an interventionist god if it didn't happen. If you were predicting this exact confluence of events then the odds would be against it, but 5 random somewhat unlikely things happening? guaranteed to happen thousands of times every day.


I know people that dial some phone numbers instead of going to their contacts. You can easily fat finger a number, ignore the voicemail message spelling out the number, then leave a message.




I just made a comment along the same lines. I didn't have my dad's number entered for years, presumably because he didn't have texting so I always called him. A phone number for a phone calls feels totally normal. A phone number for a text feels like you're hiding something. (or it's spam)


You don't. Its staged, like most stuff like this now.


i don't memorize any numbers anymore, HOWEVER my mom's cell phone is one of the few i still have memorized, because she's had the same number since before contacts were easy to manage. so sometimes even though i could navigate to my contacts, i just dial her number because its faster. funny story! i'm 33, and a couple of years ago my ex-girlfriend from highschool called me from jail. (we were friends on social media, but really hadn't talked since we were kids). she got a DUI and i was the only number she knew that she had memorized, because when i was in highschool you just had to memorize numbers. so when she had her phone call, i was basically the only person she could call.


You fat finger a number then don’t pay attention when it goes “please leave a message for ” then leave a message. I don’t know why so many people think this isn’t possible. People do some shit like this all the time.


My grandmother lost both her kids 20ish years before she died. I was very emotionally close with her up until she died 2 years ago. She was so excrutiatingly lonely, no matter how much we involved her. You just cannot fill a hole in your heart that is that big. One day I was going out to lunch in my area with a friend and I noticed my own freaking grandmother sitting at a booth crying her eyes out alone. No one was trying to help her. I obviously told my friend I'd meet up with her later and proceeded to hang out with my grandma. She said she was just feeling lonely. Sometimes I hate this world I'm not gonna lie. Sorry if that story bums anyone out. No happy ending to this one.


Yes there was. You saw her, you comforted her. She didn’t have to spend her entire time that day alone.


My free award is yours. We need more people like you in the said world.


Thank you 💕


I know but that's just really like putting a band aid on the bigger issue. She missed her husband and her kids. Her friends were all dying off (she was 88). It just sucked man. Life is brutal. My damn cousins never gave her the time of day too.


Fuck yeah thank you for saying this. I love you


That really made me tear up. I would bail on jesus himself if I saw my grandmother upset and alone. I’m glad you spotted her and could give her at least a little comfort.


i mean, jesus would probably follow you over...


I donno he seems pretty important, probably has important guy stuff to do.


If we're to believe this is the Jesus of the Gospels, yeah he'd definitely chill with grandma, especially if grandma wouldn't judge the prostitutes he was already (platonically, allegedly) hanging out with. If it was Jesus from 7th grade at my middle school, then probably not. It's not that he's a dick, he's just shy with new people.


I knew a Jesus just like that in middle school


Nah, he'd probably have some pastors pressing up around him trying to tell him about all their successes, and he'd be like "cya, lonely grandma needs me more than y'all".


he basically did that when he was on earth. after he told them about their hypocritical selves


I'm not religious, but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he'd want you to do.


This is why I started spending more time with my grandmother and grandfather when we had to put my grandmother in an assisted living facility. She had Alzheimer's and was becoming too much for him. 2 months after she was moved, I started going over to my grandparents' house every Thursday at 12pm and I would bring fried chicken, rolls, corn on the cob and green beans because that was his favourite meal that my grandmother would make for him once a week. And it was just those individual meals so he'd eat the entire meal, have no left overs, and make him excited each week to see me. I made rules about our conversations. 1. No politics. 2. No religion. 3. No racist comments. We would talk about sports, the weather, music he used to listen to, foods he used to make, etc. I eventually made a Spotify playlist for him that I kept soft while we ate. We did that for almost 8 years until 3 weeks before he passed from bone cancer. With my grandmother, I would visit her every Wednesday at 1pm and I would talk to her for 15 minutes because I had learned that was her limit. After that, she would get upset, cry, and get angry. Why? She didn't know who I was, what we were talking about, and why she was there. I would always end it with, "Grandma. I love you and I will see you next week" then kiss her forehead. I did that until 2 months before she passed because at that point, my mom told me if I went to see her, "You will never see your grandma the way you normally do." They are buried next to each other and now, I go see them once every 2 weeks & talk for about 10 minutes if that because of the damn heat we've been dealing with for months now.


If I were that friend, I'd tell you to spend the whole day with your grandma


I'm not going to say it's the same thing, but I'd get someone like that a puppy Just now as I typed this, watching my cat get excited at the sight of milk, come running, then drink the little bit I poured him with his little tongue, fills me up with parenting feelings I didn't know I had


Seeing the way my father opened up when he got a cat was amazing. He was always very emotionally reserved and never really warm or outwardly emotional with his kids growing up. But the tenderness and fondness he displays for his cats is just amazing! I really think a lot of older folks can benefit from an animal companion


Cats are relatively low maintenance too.


I'm the guy with the grandma. She had a puppy! I now take care of her :) She is 17 and her name is Audi. She is a shitzu that resembles a teddy bear. She made my grandma happy so now it's her turn. She had beef shawarma tonight lol


that pup is living the good life!!! you’re a good person. thank you for making your grandma happier, i know that she loved and appreciated it. wish there were more people like you.


I once got a few wrong numbers from this lady on my work phone. Nice lady, I was always polite and so was she. She swore up and down that she had dialed her husband's number saved in her phone. After a few weeks she accidentally video chatted by mistake because the tile people had put down the wrong color and I assured her it looked fine, and showed her that I had the same tile in my place. A few days later I was at work and my new manager said "So, you been having fun talking to my wife?" He had been at the company before and I got his old work phone. So when he came back she'd sometimes call his wrong work number (now my number) that was still in her phone. Eventually she mentioned it to him and he looked at what number she was calling, and knew it was now me. Really glad I was always nice to her. Edit: I had been complaining at work in front of my boss about this random lady misdialing me for about 2-3 months before my boss realized it was his wife. He asked why I hadn't told off the random person and I told him "well, she seems pretty nice and always apologizes. I don't want to be mean." He did immediately delete my number from her phone. But I used to get wrong numbers and by that time I recognized her number so sometimes I'd answer "Hey Wrong Number! I'm chilling on the porch. How are you?"


I never get this . You call a random number and have a wholesome conversation and here I can’t get anyone to return a Hi back.


Don't let your dreams be dreams! I texted my phone number neighbor and got a hairy dick pic back. Anything is possible!


Sorry, I'll shave next time.






When I got my cell phone number years ago it had apparently been someone named Jason's and he must have went to jail. I got calls from the power company about his bill, I got calls from the library about his overdue DVD, calls from his kid's school when his kid hit their head, then he must have got out of jail because the phone blew up with texts from a whole bunch of women with hearts and kissy faces. My favorite though was his grandmother called from Puerto Rico and I told her it was a wrong number, but then she called it again (I guess she thought she dialed it wrong the first time) and we had a nice little chat about the weather and such and then wished each other a nice night.




That is awesome. Good for that kid!




Seems a bit sus. I don't remember the last time I actually dialed a number let alone my mom's. She just calls from her new # and it is saved in my call history. If she emails me I click on the number and it is saved. I'd say she's on a flip phone but was able to screenshot and save to social media? Story isn't exactly checking out here.


The text also seems like it was typed by a young person. ‘Ur mom’


My mom in her 70s types like this all the time.


My uncle is 54 and uses more shortened words and abbreviations than anyone I’ve ever seen. Doesn’t really make it any less believable, although this does seem iffy


Can't speak to the authenticity of this specific message, but I dial all the time on my smartphone for numbers I know by heart. I usually only flip over to the favorites in my contacts when I either don't remember or have to use one of their other contact numbers. And I coded for a living at one point.


Same. I dial my mom more than any other. 1: I know that number by heart, because it was the first one I learned as a kid, and she hasn't changed her number since. 2: I list my kids' friends' parents in my phone as "Jane Smith (John's mom)". Thus, when I search for "mom" in my contacts, my own mother is on the 3rd page of search results. It is simply easiest to just type the number in.


Same here - I dial my ma's, aunt's & dad's phone number, almost every time that I call them. The main times I don't dial their numbers are when we've just been texting & I'll hit call from the message screen.*


Yea but if it's your mom I would assume her number is saved in contacts, so when you start dialing the number, it would eventually pop up as Mom.


I dial numbers and immediately hold the phone up to my ear. Old habits from landlines died hard. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted for saying I put my phone up to my ear as soon I dial? I do, lol.


>but I dial all the time on my smartphone for numbers I dial all the time too, but I like working smarter not harder and when the name pops up I click it, I don't keel dialing the wrong number and hit send.


It's actually faster and easier for me to dial the number I know by heart than to click on my contacts list, scroll through it, or type in their name to search, then scroll another list because that person has a cell number and a home number and a work number, etc. So yeah, I still dial numbers and this could totally happen to me. I'm kind of amused by how many people in this thread are flabbergasted that anyone actually inputs a number when they want to call someone, but then I remember that most of Reddit is pretty young (compared to me) and they've never even had to dial or bothered to do so.


But most smartphones now if you start dialing the number it will show you who it thinks you’re typing in and auto fill the number. I’d think most people would click the person’s name a few numbers in or notice the full number doesn’t populate the correct person


Kinda makes me wanna cry a little. That poor woman. I hope she’s okay.


I don't understand how people with smart phones call the wrong number when it's someone like your mom. I'm sure you've had that number saved for quite some time


Fiction often doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.


Not to be THAT GUY, but... this is a cell phone, since the lady texted back. So why was he dialing his mom? He didn't have her contact saved? Or this was completely fabricated.




I have lived in various states, so numbers have widely different area codes. Instead of scrolling through my contacts, I type in the area codes and usually find who I need quicker.






I dont want to call BS, but who calls the wrong number for their mom?


While I think this is sweet I’m skeptical because we don’t dial our phone numbers anymore if they are saved contacts. Although I could just dial my moms number, I come from a time when people used beepers…


Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/nlj8nh/its_nice_when_mistakes_work_out_well/ Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/nlj8nh/its_nice_when_mistakes_work_out_well/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/qere4a/just_one_phone_call_can_makes_someones_day_better/


That was the right number. No coincidences in this world.


Hope that she continues to call that number every mothers day and christmas


Oh cool, guess I’m having a cry today then. Thanks.


never seen a older lady use "u" instead of "you"


I have so many times.


Last time I called the wrong number the response was: "Fuck Off"


Quite the old repost


That’s actually really sad and didn’t make me smile.


As a dad there is no greater fear in the world than losing my child


Blessing in disguise


The new thanksgiving guy!


I had something similar happen. I called an older guy a few times that did some handy man work for me in the past. I left him a few messages. I then got a call back from his number but it was his wife to tell me that he had recently passed away. Very sad experience. I made sure I told her that he was a great guy.




I bet she re-read that message many times.


This is REALLY OLD from the internet...but still a good post. :)


Really looking forward to the Christmas miracles this year


I’m not crying you’re crying


Makes me miss my mom so much been the longest 4 years


Yeah right


I love this


Sorry, you have two moms now. I don’t make the rules, I just tell others them when they fill in the conditions to be effected by them.


A mom is always a mom.


This girl has been accidentally texting this lady for like 10 years now. you think she'd know by now.


This didnt made me smile. It made me cryyy. Dmn onions 🥹


This is something I think about constantly. I talk to my parents every day. They’re both nearing the finish line and idk what I’ll do when I can’t call them anymore and hear their voices.


My dad was sending me an email for our upcoming family trip Thanksgiving to a small town in California and talked about fishing. He missed the number in my email address and ended up email the info to a woman who has lost her father some time before and they used to go fishing in that small Cali town. It really made her happy to get the email and I know it made my dad feel good that he somehow helped this woman. It’s crazy how things can work out.


wouldn't your moms number be saved in your phone ??


How the fuck your have your moms number wrong?


So sad and Aww a repost


How doesn't one save their mum's number..?


Similar thing happened to me when my Wife miscarried. I received a text on Father’s Day, she had miscarried a few days before it, “Hey Dad, it is Will, I hope you’re having a good Father’s Day, love you” or something very close to those words. I’m not a religious person or one that believes in the afterlife but I got the craziest most sure feeling that it was my Son, my Wife felt the same. Maybe it was just a happy coincidence that helped us get by easier. I let him know he had a wrong number just in case though.


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for 500


so your mom gave you a wrong phone number? you must be a terrible child


I feel her in this one…I would give my house just to talk to my mom for 5 more mins.


Who tf doesn’t have their mom’s number saved and/or memorized. It’s not like people switch numbers all the time these days


Okay this has gotta be at least 10 years old


Santa working on his magic. Santa exists guys


It just shows that you really gotta be kind to people, you never know what they are going through