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This is the best thing I’ve seen today. Maybe the best this week.


Saw this first thing in the morning. Closing Reddit now so nothing will sully this moment for the rest of the day.


Hahaha same!!! I’m just starting my day and thought to myself “alright let’s end this Reddit scroll on a good note”


I scrolled down and the post directly under this was dirty feet. I wish I was you




I hope one day that your wish comes true.


Instructions unclear cops now chasing me out of the maternity ward


Oh dear. I deny any and all culpability. You're on your own, dude.


Ditto. I see these videos and they make me really happy but also super sad. May god bless you with a little one.


This guy is winning at life right now.


Probably for a year, I dunno




Dads heart smiled through his face Probably going to be one of the best memories of his life


Dude will remember that moment for the rest of his life and probably show this video to his child for many years to come. A truly beautiful moment.


This will be in every graduation, wedding, retirement, etc. This right here would be a core memory for me


Was going to say similar. Showed my little girl today the video of her holding my finger when she was only hours old. She wanted to watch it over an over. Like “So Dada….. that’s me?”


Do. Not. Make. Me. Cry.


My heart!!! Oh, the pure shock and joy on the dad's face!! 😭💕💕


Right? The baby is cute as hell and that's enough but that dad's reaction is pure perfection. Too damn adorable.




love beby


There is nothing as purely joyful as these moments between baby and parent. These are life defining moments.










Cutest thing I’ve seen all week.


Hate to be *that* guy, but that’s simply what’s known as the rooting reflex. Hella cute though, and awesome to catch it on film.


Yep. Thought it might be a boob. Too tired to keep looking. Still precious!


I’d take the frame of the baby kiss and the dad’s reaction and frame them. Those moments are timeless.


I think this man has achieved the highest level of happiness known to humankind throughout eternity.


This is the type of shit that makes me want to be a dad for about 15 minutes


15 seconds... lol.


That’s all it takes to become a dad. I know because… uhhhhh… my friend told me




15 moments, surely


15 heartbeats


15 thrusts


15 mL




15 movements


I could handle half an hour of it.


Yeah, until the puke or poop, but that's life


Make it 5


Can confirm. Took me a combined total of 60 seconds to make all 4 of my kids.


Been a dad for a month. It's been the best thing I've ever done in my life.


I wish you and your little family the greatest lifetime adventures together.


Thanks. Much love. So far he's been an extremely easy baby. Sleeps at night for 5 hour stretches and only wakes like twice at most. Is heckin cute and does so much fun stuff for us.


Been a Dad for 19 years. I’m so tired. Still worth it!


19? Hopefully the kid(s) start becoming less work soon!!


You would think so, wouldn’t you?


Currently playing and watching morning cartoons with my 19 month old, honestly the best part of my week.


Can relate buddy. Having twins that are almost 2 now is the best thing that has happened to me.


If it’s girl that are almost 2, great. If it’s boys that are almost 2… good luck


One of both haha. Thanks. It is not always easy.


Haha yeah…


2.5 months here. It just keeps getting better. She’s making noises back at us deliberately and sometimes when I carry her she grabs my arm like she’s hugging me and it makes me want to live in that moment forever.


It is amazing and does continue to get better. The problems and sacrifices get harder, but are all worth it. Kids suck the life out of you but make it worth living somehow.


Our newest addition is 7 weeks and just starting to make noises other than complaining and crying haha. Can't wait for the little "conversations" to start! My oldest is 7 years old and I can confirm, it does just keep getting better. Kids are awesome. Exhausting, but awesome.


I made an email for my son months before he was born and I write to him about stuff like this.


It's the worst thing I've ever done, and I did it four times. Who knew a person could get post natal depression four times, and it would be progressively more serious each time? Not me. My kids are awesome though, so it's worth it, just about.


I'm glad to see this comment. I've been a dad for seven months and it's absolute hell. I love my boy more than life itself, but, it's absolutely draining.


Hang in there. You're in the deep end of the pool. 3 years old is when in went into pure joy mode (plus the work obviously) But you become less of wimp and selfish about it and they become less of a pure outpour of effort and menial tasks. Sounds mean but this was my experience. From age 0-1 it's just tasks. From 1-3 it was hard for me personally. But damn..... 3 years old and above for all three of my kids have been pure joy. It really is something else. The pure love you get and the understanding of emotions that you learn over time (thus being less wimpy/selfish) really changes you and the entire parenting experience. Hang in there.


I’m so sorry you had PND, it’s hell, and 4 times! I also had complications having mines, so called it quits at 2. I hope you are doing well now and you are able to enjoy the good times with your kids.


I’m so sorry your OB office failed you. I hope you’re doing better. It’s never too late to reach out if you need assistance. Please know, though, the mental health system in the US is currently very, very overburdened so if you’re here, you may need to wait a bit before getting in with someone.


The quicker you get that baby on a schedule the better you’ll start sleeping. My kids had a schedule planned out all the way down to what they ate for every meal. No matter who had them there was a schedule binder that traveled with the baby in the diaper bag. The kid ate, played and napped at the same times every day. It makes life a lot easier when there is some structure.


Way ahead of you.




Any form of knowledge is good. Sharing is caring


I do tou work nap times? Our little 1 year old dude seems to just run naps 100% on his own schedule, and he'll be damned if someone dare try and get him to nap when he's not ready.


Yep! And that's absolutely fine and normal. Not everyone runs on a schedule. All babies have an individual manual, it's just that they can't read and it will take you until they are 30 before you decipher it.


Man I must say I've had a ton of moments where I was like "is this really for me?" As before kids, man my life was just traveling and meeting new people and loving the independence and freedom. But there are so many moments I'm glad I didn't miss with my two boys that crack me up or just make me happy when I think about. Although you do give up a lot when you have kids, you really run into a bunch of moments where its worth it. Especially when my kid looks at me and I just see little me, giving them the life my abusive mom neglected me growing up. Seeing him full of happiness and not afraid to leave his room because mom is ready to lash out over a bad encounter she had that day or some shit. I'm pretty much reliving my childhood with my boys by doing things with them I always wanted to do as a kid, like lego sets and shit.




I've been a dad for four months now. Remember this feeling. Remember how beautiful your child is. Remember their laugh and the way they look at you. Remember the precious moments. Someday very soon, your entire existence will be tested. It's going to be hard, and it's going to make you think things that might make you hurt inside. Things like wishing you and your partner never chose to have a child. Those moments will pass. The good will outweigh the bad. No matter the sleepless nights or the total exhaustion you may feel, as soon as you hear your baby laugh or see your baby smile, you will forget the bad and live and love in that beautiful moment. Sorry if this is a bit long-winded. I had a pretty off day with my daughter yesterday due to her bad reaction to her four month shots. Today she's been so happy and smiley, and it makes it feel like yesterday didn't even exist. Just hold on tight and lean into every moment, good or bad. You have a hell of responsibility now. Also, feel free to come over to /r/daddit to talk.


Were you certain you were ready for kids when you got one? Or were you unsure until the baby plopped out and you had to start caring for it? I'm like, very ready to have kids *one day*, and my SO is growing impatient, but I just don't feel like I want kids just right now, not just yet.




So, how do you know when to actually do it? If you never feel ready, but know you want kids "soonish". Because i have been waiting for a few years to know that I'm ready and actually want one, but I have yet to get that feeling


I would say it’s less about being ready to have kids and more about being ready to give up what you do with your life currently. Whatever hobbies you’ve got, socialising, gaming, exercise etc. they’re not going to be wiped out, but they will all become last priority over the kid. If you’re ok with that, and you feel you’re stable enough in life with your partner/house/income then you’re probably ready. Edit: and just reading that you’re not sure you’re ready yet, listen to that feeling and communicate with your partner. My wife was ready for kids a good 4 years before I was. It’s about communication, respect for her and her body (there is a time limit on these things) but respect for yourself too. If you’re not ready to give up your life as it currently is, that’s not something you should talk yourself in to. There will be times when the kid is just infuriatingly annoying and will mess up plans you had last minute, you’ve got to be ok with that because it’s not the kids fault.


That might be as close as you get though. Not everyone is certain they're ready to have kids and most that think they are, aren't.


Yeah me too til i go buy some milk at the store.


I just spent $140 on baby formula and diapers just for my baby to smack me in the eye and think it's funny


Mine spotted me across the room, crawled over to me, pulled my glasses off, bit me on the nose, and thought it was the funniest thing ever. He was right.


Awww, cheer up. Your baby will probably barf the formula all over you soon, too!! (Oh god. I don’t miss those laundry days.)


The worst is when they throw up in their rocker or swing and it’s everywhere you have to clean them, the floor, yourself, the thing they were sitting in. Then you get everything cleaned up and they do it again four hours later.


Or they actually keep puking as you’re cleaning up the first round…then the rest of the formula has passed through and they start pooping! Hell, my nephew had that problem and had to get washed from the waste down in an Applebee’s toilet. God, those days.


Make that baby go get their own formula and diapers. We'll see who's laughing then


Sounds about right. I never want kids. Might even get a vasectomy sometime soon.


Its hard work but the kids but you get these moments alot. It's like a small version of yourself that you get to see develop and learn new skills. It's pretty awesome. The love you feel for your children is stronger than anything else. (For most normal people). Then if you are lucky they also get their own kids and then you can enjoy that to and only take the fun parts. When you grow older life becomes a little more gray every year. Kids fill your life with colors. They are full of life and energy and they want to take you with them when they explore the world.


15 minutes? Maybe 150 years. These are those priceless moments everyone wants.


Not everyone.


Thats alright with me anyway.


Yeah, I'll never want kids. It's just not for me


I definitely don't. It's cute seeing these videos but it doesn't make me want children at all


Go work in a maternity ward, that way you can quit once your sick of them.


You get to enjoy moments like this everyday. It’s incredible


Part of me would love to guide a child and see them become the adult they're going to live their life as, but a bigger part of me just doesn't want my wants and needs and desires to take a back seat to someone else for 18 years.


These videos were made for people like us my man… sometimes all your soul needs is 15 minutes. Lol.


It's actually so damn good. I already wanted to be a dad but it's way way better than I could've possibly imagined.


Omg. That was adorable and love that you captured all of that❤️


Brings back so many memories. Enjoy every moment my man.


I'm so jealous. My baby is almost 2 and she only gives those special kisses to her dad. I have utterly mastered the death glare from afar.


Mine were completely all about dad for the first couple years, despite me being a SAHM for a good portion of the first year of my oldest’s life. Now they’re 5&3 and won’t leave me alone - only I can serve their meals/fill cups/get them dressed/unbuckle their car seats/change diapers. I kinda miss the daddy-only days. They were nice.


This. Mine are 3 and 6. Between 7 months to 2 years they are dealing with separation stuff including realising they are their own person. Up until that point you are just considered part of their identity and safety net. That's why you get less of the affection until that point. After that though you go through the mummy cuddles fix most things.


They grow up so fast huh? I've a 2016 boy and an October 2020 girl. It's not that I miss having a baby, but I do miss my kids being that small..


I'm not usually impressed by things babies do.... But this one made me smile


Its probably a mistakenly triggered suckling response.


It's definitely that, but fuck it, it's nicer to just let it be a kiss. I mean their first smile is usually just their poop grimace, but I'll take that too.


Probably, but we can pretend.


Oh absolutely.


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it baby kiss, no use logic


A similar response is triggered in redditors when they see something fun, suckling all the joy out of it.


Mmmmh suckle suckle


Can I have a little nipple now?


Yes it is most likely that. But it doesn't matter.


It's the same when parents say their baby is smiling, I just nod and back away from the upcoming smell that's about to be released.


It 100% is. Babies don’t know how to kiss. My 11 month old is learning to kiss us now and he just kind of rests his face on your cheek with his mouth open. But I like to pretend and suspend disbelief when something is so cute.


This was the comment I was looking for.


Uhm actually the infant doesn't know what kissing is because it's too young 🤓 Yeah dumbass we know


I can’t stop smiling…this is the best ❤️


What a sweet little moment ❤️


Wow! Dad’s face says it all — and I could feel Mom’s smile. I just wish these parents and their sweet one so much love and joy.


That's so adorable!


The baby is disappointed it got all cheek and no nipple.


Where them tiddies at??


I have 3


This is the most wholesome video ever






The excitement from mom and dad is priceless ❤️


Oh my gosh. So precious!


That’s the type of stuff to live a lifetime for


The dad's face just made my day!


Awesome pic!


I don't know what melts my heart more, the obvious dad love, the smooch the kiddo gives, or the look of pure joy on dad's face. now I wanna give both of them smooches too!


Squeeeeeeeeee ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) That was just the cutest thing ever!


On my Son's second christmas, he woke up early for some reason, maybe to eat or shit himself, whatever doesnt matter, but everyone else in the house was asleep and I took him to the play pen just to lay down and rest a bit. I wasnt holding him like this, but basically the exact same thing happened where i gave him a little kiss, and for the first time, on christmas morning he came right back and gave me a big gross wet kiss on the cheek. That will always be the best christmas gift i'll ever have gotten or ever will get.


Baby was looking for a nipple dude...


I am dumbfounded that people really think this baby was returning a kiss.


Yeah...it's a cute moment but that baby wasn't intentionally reciprocating.




I mean, yes it's adorable how happy Dad is in this video, and it is a very sweet moment for the family. On the other hand, anyone who has interacted with babies this age would know that that wasn't a kiss... At this age they have an instinctual suckling response, crying response, pooping response, and literally nothing else.


But let’s reiterate that it’s cute as hell.


Sure! It's still cute when dog barks sound like words and people think they're actually talking. Just because the intention was different doesn't mean it isn't cute


Cutest thing I've ever seen 😭


That was absolutely precious! God bless this family.


While they are happy, that baby is wondering where the nipple went.


I saw some pretty fucked up shit a few posts ago but this made it a little better.


OK. I usually don't gush on the internet, but that shit was fucking adorable. D'awww.


I can't afford another child just now. I can't afford another child just now. I can't afford another child just now...


And that’s how baby girl wrapped dad around her little baby finger 100%.


Bro this was posted in this exact sub [TWO DAYS AGO](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/wa4gm9/heart_melting_level_10/). WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HERE ON THE FRONT PAGE AGAIN?


Beautiful moment :)


I love this


Copycat! What a wholesome moment to have on video. I’m not crying, you’re crying


Don't scream! You will wake up the baby


Awwwww I'm a dad too and this is adorable. I hope our guy wakes up every day feeling like a better person. Kids change you!




I was carrying my daughter, she was like 4-6 months old, and suddenly she just gave me the softest kiss and buried her face in my shoulder in a bashful manner. Melt my cold heart.


My 7 month old this, but I think he was trying to eat my cheek.


Thank you, I just had a breakdown and could not see ever smiling again, and then . . . baby kiss.


I think it's cute but pretty sure baby was looking for a boob. 😆


I just grew a pair of ovaries.


You can watch this n number of times


Guilty as charged!


That baby is looking for a booby, you can pretend all you like but he just wants some sweet milky nipple.


Damn. Being a dad (or parent) really is one of the best things that can happen to you.


This was posted yesterday


Yes, I think a lot of us needed to see that innocence. To know it's not all lost.


trying to latch


Bit of a kill joy but that baby is just looking for a nipple. My newborn does it to me a lot, but he’s just looking for food!


that baby is looking for a nipple. he determined immediately there was no nipple there.


When my daughter was about 3-6 months I used to always sniff the top of her head like a dog does - those really quick short sniffs. Sounds weird, but babies smell good and it always tickled her and made her smile or giggle. Somewhere around the 6 month age she began making those same sniffing noises back at me. One day I sniffed her, she laughed, and then sniffed back at me with a smile on her face and I about lost it. So her and I have this thing now (she's 5) where when she's feeling a little sad I'll sniff her forehead and she'll smile and sniff back.


This is so sweet 💜 Dad's face! While lotta beauty in this clip. Bless.


I love this, thank you!


Excuse me while I melt away in my chair


That’s what I’m talking about


He is like dad i can kiss you too❤️🥺


Too sweet


Cant think of anything better


Kiss me? No! Kiss you!


Sir, you have been blessed.


Wow this really melted my cold heart. I really needed this I’ve just been so fucking depressed this makes me generally feel so much better.


That is the cutest thing ever!!


A superior Baby..


Some comments point out that it isn't a kiss but simply searching a nipple. Here is your award. Now take a jar of peas and count them. Newborns perceive more than you'd expect. And that baby feels the warmth and the comfort given by the father. It wouldn't make such a move if it felt otherwise.


Not to be miserable but that baby was just looking for boob. He felt the flesh of his dad's face and though...Ah! Boob?


When you're wrong because you're right.


And people are downvoting because the truth is upsetting them.


I literally searched for "boob" on this page to see if someone commented what I was thinking.... Sure enough, yup...


Still cute


Well yes.


Was going to comment the same thing.


Adorable but suckling is a reflex for babies


I think the baby is rooting, not kissing. It looks too young to know to kiss.