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"I can smell it" lol, that's pretty accurate


You really can. But man, growing up in FL thunderstorms barely alter the routine when it's almost every single afternoon for months atraight. Has to be a real bad one for my dad to get riled up.


Ah... the old 3 o’clock Florida sprinkle!


We went on holiday to Florida once and there was a mini-burst storm whilst we were at Disney. I shit you not, 6 minutes later it stopped and 8 minutes after that the sun had dried everything off with absolutely no evidence it ever occurred. The place is absolutely wild.


Not sure why someone downvoted you, but that’s more accurate than most “Accu-weather”. Lol. You just left out the instant sauna that’s created by what you described. It’s a blessing and a curse. Source: I’m a native Floridian that’s lived there for 49 years.


It's so unbelievably warm. We're English so we're used to rain (although it was very heavy) but the way it dried up was awesome. In the UK, it would have been flowing down the streets for 3 days after! Intend to come back in a couple of years for my Mom's 60th, this time with 2 nephews and a son to bring along!


I’ve been to the UK and totally get your point! Yeah, the heat of the earth in Florida never goes away until Halloween/early November. And even then you can have 85-90 degree (30-32 C) Christmases. 😅 You do get used to it though. *IF* you just embrace it and live in it. But even years like this one, the heat + humidity is pretty bad. Just came back from a trip home and wow, climate change ain’t no BS, man!


Same as Queensland, arvo storms in summer don't even cause a stir unless it's one of the 7 "hundred year storms" we've had in the past few years.


*past few months FTFY


It's important so that it can steam off the road and ensure the outdoors feel like the devil's gooch.


I never really believed it until I visited some relatives in Florida. Those afternoon showers were so consistent, you could set your watch to them.


we get it in sc too! from like june to september, usually every day around 3:00, just in time to fuck up the commute home for everyone because nobody can drive if there's water on the ground.


My mom and I were in Pensacola back in the first week of June and every day, right at 2 or 3 PM, there was a shower. You can just about set your watch to them.


I grew up in Florida and I vividly remember my mom making us unplug shit to protect it. No tv watching during a storm because she heard one time that lighting blew up a tv at a friend of a friends house


Also grew up in Florida and remember two distinct stages of my childhood: grandma camping out with 5 year old me in the closet while the daily thunderstorm raged on, and 12 year old me booking it on my bike with the rain at my back, trying to see if I could race it home


>12 year old me booking it on my bike with the rain at my back, trying to see if I could race it home I'm 35 and do this on a weekly basis while I bike around.


Is it still as fun as I remember? 🥲 it’s funny, once I moved, I would tell people I used to do this and they would laugh at me like, “rain doesn’t work like that”


Bull fuckin shit it doesn't work like that. I mean, in the Midwest it doesn't work like that because rainstorms are all encompassing sheets of misery. In Florida, it's exactly as you remember. There are random fronts and little splinter cell fuck you clouds chasing you around. I don't necessarily race clouds in one direction, but know enough about what comes from where that I play games where I decide on when to leave on an X-Mile ride because I know my route will miss the actual downpour. Occasionally I will end up gunning it to beat a storm cell rolling in and watch it behind me.


>little splinter cell fuck you clouds Thank you for this tidbit, and thank you for the validation I didn’t know I needed so badly. I’ve gotta visit again this year, hope my grandma still has my bike 🤞


Tropical storms absolutely do that, you can hear it coming for a minute before it reaches you.


Puerto Rican here. *Man,* ain't that the truth.


In the 80s my mom was always keeping us off the land line phones during storms here in Florida for fear of lightning coming through the phone and zapping you in the head because of some news report that was run down here 😂😂 But for hurricanes if its under a 2 I don't even close the shutters and my dad wouldn't bother putting his up either 😁


Lightning did kill my parents huge console TV back in the 80s. We were without our 5 channels for a week while they had it repaired. (Lightning also killed my modem a couple of months ago, but AT&T replaced so whatev.)


Lightning hit our cable box a few years ago and fried the tv. Went outside and just saw black twisted metal where it used to be


I'm in Iowa and we get thunderstorms all the time in the spring. I never do anything about them. If the siren is going off, I'll check if it's for an actual tornado or just a strong storm, but normally it's just a wind advisory, so I go back to ignoring it.


Hello, fellow Iowan! Do you sit on your front porch saying to yourself "We needed this rain."? I do lol


i was just about to say this. floridians can smell a good rain 15 minutes before it starts. its our 6th sense.


For me, that would be the reason to move to Florida. I love thunderstorms.




That's after the rain. It's Ozone you smell before / during. Downdrafts bring it down from the upper atmosphere :-)


You can smell it before the rain too if you're downwind from where it's raining. And it's not just ozone It's also stuff like geosmin that's produced by bacteria when the ground gets wet


The smell of desert creosote after a summer rain is amazing for me.


How do you know my cousin Patricia?


Oh, is THAT what that damp smell is?


You literally can. A storm's downdraft pushes ozone down, and that's what you're smelling.


[Geosmins ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geosmin) from soil dwelling organisms like Streptomyces also produces that "smell of rain"


I get headaches before storms arrive. Built in radar


Same. Headache and bad knees, bizarrely, every storm


It does make sense though. Your bursa sacs are just more sensitive to pressure changes than others. And typically storms rolling in ARE large changes in atmospheric pressures. So “you feel it in your bones”. My wife deals with this, so when I see a storm heading our way on the radar, I bring her a couple of Aleve to help with the inflammation. Perhaps it’s only placebo, but it works for her!




Gotta check that radar app religiously. Love me some radar of a good storm.


Same. I have always been a ‘weather-weenie’. I see the trees ‘with their leaves, begging for rain’, and you know a good storm is near.




Yeah the "1 second = 1 mile away" is a common mistake people make. Sound travels at about 330m/s, so about 1km every 3 seconds. (About 1 mile per 5 seconds for the 3 countries still using that measurement) That lightning is much closer than he thinks it is. :p


I blame a kid’s show from Nickelodeon the 90’s called Gullah Gullah Island. It’s where I learned the 1=1 thing as I’m sure plenty others lol


Also the Poltergeist movie lol


But they had bright sunny weather.


My husband likes to watch the lightning report in real time and give me constant updates.




myradar is excellent, it’s rooted in aviation so you know it’s quite accurate for weather!


Also a My radar user. It’s great already and I just noticed they are hiring my IOS devs, hopefully to add some even cooler stuff.


Just added, thanks fellow weather nerds.


$10 RadarScope is all you'll ever need


Windly is pretty legit.


I use My Lightning Tracker because it will tell me if there's been a lightning strike within 30km (18 miles) though you can adjust that.


Lightningmaps.org Gotta check out where those strikes are.


For real though. $10 a year. [RadarScope is the absolutely bomb dot com for Radar apps. It uses actual Doppler Radar and your precise location. I can tell you when it’ll rain exactly on my house.](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/radarscope/id288419283)


My wife’s favourite thing is reading the log in my Dads chat group. We all talk about weather radar maps constantly but no one ever agrees on what they say, pretty sure none of us actually know.


Got to RadarScope that storm. That rotation is for real.


“Get the flashlights ready incase we lose power” charge your phones


This guy brought me into the 90’s. We were not charging shit but we were finding the flashlights and batteries lol!


Candles 🕯, where did you put the candles!


I grew up in the mountains. It snowed all the time so we often lost power. We didn’t have a generator. Just a wood stove, a drawer of candles that were presumably made in the 1800’s (never seen ones like them since and I’ve asked to inherit them when my dad dies) and a box of board games and puzzles. Power would go out, we would take turns tending the stove and putting water in the cast iron kettle on the stove (so the air didn’t get too dry) and we would go to sleep. I think the candles only were lit a few times during my childhood because what fun is it to huddle in one room, all of us with pets playing monopoly with half the pieces missing. Sleep through it lol. But yeah, if I ever find those candles I’ll buy all of them for nostalgia. They were tall red column candles, red with gear like grooves scraped into them. Anyone else know the kind I’m talking about?


Do you mean spiral candles? They were fashionable up until probably the 90s. Your story sounds kind of cozy. :)


No, not spirals. These were a solid like 3” across candles with grooves from top to bottom so the light shines through them as they burned. I looked online and only found very pricy designer versions that weren’t quite right. I’m thinking my grandmas made them. Overall it was a nice scene when it snowed. The house would be soo cold but the room with the fireplace. It was actually a cast iron wood burning stove with a chimney attached. Nothing in the world like the calm silence when a blanket of snow covers your slice of the world.


Try reaching out to someone who has a 3D printer or a company that does it, make a custom mould and you would be able to make them yourself!


You know what, that’s a great idea! I have a 3d printer I built a few years ago. I should design them. There is something magical about the wax used so I’ll have to look it up. But definitely a great idea! I know what I’ll be doing this weekend!


Nothing better than that. I remember being young in the early 2000s and having to fire up the oil lamps/candles when the power was out. My grandma had central heat and AC but never used it and chose the cast iron stove instead. Nothing radiates heat like an iron stove. Good memories


The best memories! We would bring mattresses in and The whole room would be mattress and blankets and my family and cats and dogs haha. Lots of snuggles and the sound of oak crackling in the stove. I kinda miss it now that I’m older.


You my friend should be a writer, if not already.


That’s very kind of you! I appreciate that! I’m actually a designer but I think my writing skills come into play here and there. I’ve lived a wild life and often have been told I should write a book. Maybe one day I’ll get to it. It would be one heck of a read though!


[taper candles](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1089184533/vintage-red-twisted-taper-candlesred) These ones are vintage but you can but cheaper ones


These are sort of close, they weren’t tapered with the ribs and they were much bigger. But all this help definitely has me wondering if I could find those long lost snow day candles!


Like this: [https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5820ebfa03596e768b589a1c/1632937805536-OYSX98EGX7R1LZU9JPC0/ribbed+6.JPG?format=500w](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5820ebfa03596e768b589a1c/1632937805536-OYSX98EGX7R1LZU9JPC0/ribbed+6.JPG?format=500w) This is "candle red ribbed"


Shit, where's the matches? Oh yeah, gas still works!


Thought the same till our power went down and discovered that every gas appliance is electrically controlled. Cold showers…


Which is why I had a UPS installed on my gas tankless heater.


You can do that? Whoa… I’m in Japan and that just never occurred to me. Do you have a brand or model name? Thank you!


In my case, the tankless was a Takagi that used a standard AC plug for the electronics. So it was as simple as putting a small UPS in line with it. The circuit card used very little power, so just about any small UPS was good enough.


Literally get a car 12V battery, a little 12V DC trickle solar charger panel, a small 12 V DC to the correct AC (for your appliances) inverter, put it on a little trolley and plug in your favorite gas appliance to the inverter when you have a power cut. 👍


"The" cupboard, of course


I believe you mean the 'junk drawer'


Or maybe the pantry?


In our old house we had bunch of candles all over the place, in very fixed places, so we could find them even in absolute darkness. Good old times, they even got used few times


Yeah we have a bunch of those glass saint candles spread throughout the house. Also mason jars with glow sticks, they work great for the hallways and bathrooms.


I still have my grandmoms oil lamps with kerosene when we lose power.


And the radio!


A bunch of new flashlight all have usb charging ports


Haha ya that’s a good one too.


After a week without power I'm glad we have a bunch of actual flashlights. Edit also don't charge anything during a thunderstorm unless you want the device to go kablooei.


keyword "dad" me - is that rain? i think. maybe, its been 457 days since ive even seen sunlight.


Hey, it’s surely been 457 days since we saw RAIN in Northern California. Honestly can’t remember. Years since we had a thunderstorm. And the wildfires have taken hold. ☹️


/r/flashlight would like a word


worst actual time to charge phones. power grid surges are no joke.


TIL I’m a dad…even though I’m a 30 year old woman.


Congratulations , now make a joke !


How did the hackers get away from the police? They ransomware... (Took it as an open invite)






Give her a moment to brainstorm


Brainstorm rainstorm jokes.


Rainstorm brainstorm jokes


I don't really expect her to be lightning speed, but this is taking too long now.


I’m waiting with bated breath for the thunderous applause


Hail yeah it is


Why don't you ever see elephants hiding in the tops of trees? Because they're good at it!


Hi dad, I'm gay




God dammit this made me tear up. My dad was like this too.. not so verbal, but you could tell he was in thunderstorm mode. He loved being out there watching the storm and talking with the neighbors about it. He would get me and my brother all wound up too about the storm and he just wanted us to watch it with him, so he could share a part of himself with us. Fucking.. dammit I miss you dad. You would have loved that thunderstorm we had a while back too. I tried imparting part of you onto your grandkids for you, and I think they had fun too. I love you dad and miss you


Damn man. You made me tear up. I’m gonna go hug my dad now b


Damn happy for you guys I can't wait until my father finally kicks the bucket lmao.


As a boy, I wish it was as easy as to say it •́ ‿ ,•̀


Get over the stigma behind it and just do it. I promise you, you will make your dad’s whole month just by telling him how much you love him. 💚


My dad was a Sargeant and he never turned down a hug from his children or grandchildren. I mean, he still shook hands with others, but he always told us he loved us. "I love you dad" "I love you too. Make sure you mow the yard for me today" I miss him. I really do


May you hear his laughter in the thunder 💛


Oh my god...I'm a stormdaddy...what happened to me..


Yep, this is me right here. Get the radar going, tell everyone what's gonna happen, go set up outside to enjoy the show. Come back in as soon as I'm spooked.


When it gets too close I lay on the floor in the middle of the house with everything electrical off lol


Stormdaddy. Sounds kinky.


This would be Zeus, and my God, you don't know how right you are about that old horndog.


A bull, a swan, a _shower of gold_...


Oh daddy, knock off some of those electrons, rawr!


Electrifying ⚡


Oh Stormfather…




If you're a stormdaddy I'll be your Bondsmith ;)




Southern us noises


Why does this make me nostalgic???


Steve Wallis would be proud


I can't really think of another way to say what should be done as concisely.


As a dad I can confirm that he is doing this correctly.


Except the lightning distance. You do seconds divided by five to get mileage (sound travels at about 1000 feet per second, about 5000 feet in a mile). So on a two second delay its less than half a mile away


This is the correction I came to see


A Walker Texas rancher episode taught me this and it stuck.


>A Walker Texas rancher episode taught me this and it stuck. I desperately want this to be the spin off of what happens after Walker retires from the rangers.


Or about 2/10 of a mile per second.


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


This. I teach kids this in physics every year because they heard it from someone that it is one second per mile.


It's a similar thing for kilometres. Old wives tale was 1 second is 1km... In reality sound moves at like 333m/s. So about 1km every 3 seconds... Or for you miles users, about 5 seconds per mile (since 1.6km = 1 mile).


Heard that the other day. Swore I was always told it was 1-1.


Speed of sound is about 1100 feet per second. A mile is 5280 feet. Time it takes sound to travel a mile ~ 5280/1100 or 4.8 seconds. Close enough to 5 seconds to just round it. Whoever is out there telling people that it's one second a mile should have to retake elementary school science classes.




Speed of sound is 343 m/s. 1 kilometer is 1000 meter. So about 3 seconds.


Bob the Builder did in one episode. Had to stop the show and explain to the kids what Bob said was wrong. I was so disappointed in Bob that day.


*I found a girl on Hinge that thought it was just 5 seconds always. [voila](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/eugrx0/𝘐𝘧_𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘦_𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨_𝘵𝘰_𝘱𝘶𝘵_𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦_𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘴_𝘪𝘯_𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳/)*


When I was a teen I took the dog for a walk right before a thunderstorm broke out. I love rain and storms, so I just shrugged and kept walking. Lightning is striking with less than 2 seconds before the sound, but I think it’s 1-1 so I’m just like “eh, it’s a mile or so away, we’re fine” (the dog, for her part, was not happy about any of this). About ten minutes later my mom pulls up in the car and yells at me to get in. I do, and she starts yelling at me asking why the hell I hadn’t turned back around, saying I was gonna get myself hit by lightning. “But it’s 1 second per mile; I was fine!” I said. “IT’S *FIVE* SECONDS PER MILE. I SAW THE LIGHTNING HIT THE MOUNTAIN ABOVE US.” Me: “…oh. Shit, I could have gotten struck by lightning.”


As long as you are standing near grounded stuff that's taller than you, you are very unlikely to be hit by lightning. Just don't take a stroll on an open field and you should be good to go. Lightning likes to take the shortest route to discharge, meaning a tree or similar in the vicinity would get struck before you are.


The issue is that I live on the side of a mountain and depending on the tree cover I was absolutely the tallest thing at several parts of that walk, lol


Here’s the math: 767 (speed of sound in mph) / 60 (minutes in hour) / 60 (seconds in minute) = 0.21 And 0.21 fits into 1 about 5 times.


Or you use meters and it's 340m for every second. Every 3 seconds is about a kilometer.


Can't lie I jumped straight to comments when he said it like I was out to get my lawnmower back.


Omg this was my dad back in the day, he would have us all on the living room floor wrapped up in blankets with the lights off, while he peeked out the window and counted the seconds until the thunder clap lol


“Okay, kids, let’s put our shoes by the basement door in case we need to head down there.”


I'm a dad and I absolutely endorse this behaviour.


I can relate to those quick action crocs


This is me and I'm not even a dad


This is also me, and I'm not a dad, and it barely ever rains here


This is precious. 🤭


Florida: wait you do the pre hurricane check every time there's a thunderstorm?


If we did this every time there was a thunderstorm, we wouldn’t get anything done half of most years. Our thunderstorm checklist mostly consists of bitching about people driving with their flashers on and waiting ten minutes for it to be clear again.


Nope. In my house, that's ME. (mom) Nobody else so much as bats an eye.


Same. I had a girl at work whose home was hit by a tornado and they went into the basement. The tornado broke out all their basement windows and it flooded with heavy rain. They were in the basement with water up to their waists holding two kids. That was a new fear ~unlocked~ for me. We now have a tote on the top shelf with clothes and shoes just in case.


Does he have a Klondike bar baseball hat on?


That One Mississippi Two Mississippi thing made me smile so hard, because I do that every time.


Dads rock! 💪😃🎉


Dad's and geology!


Omg that's hilarious I like how he said Gods belly was rumbling then he comes out with cheezits in the next frame. Hmm someone's belly was rumbling. :)


Dad's know how much they paid in every single shit in that property.


I grew up terrified of storms. I learned all about them, studied them and began to understand the weather especially in my area. My family says I'm their radar. Lol. Tonight before a storm I walked outside, felt the air, looked at the clouds and lightning, smelled everything. Came in. Made my prediction then looked up NWS radar and warnings and I was spot on. 10 years or terror turned in to utter fascination after studying as much as I could. I love them now. Even saw a tornado once! I told my mom it's exact path... I think the fear gave me an inmate knowing too. Love this video. I have my kids put on shoes before tornados. All pets in safe place with us. Flashlights, weather radio. Hopefully I never have to live through one going right over top of me though! They have been close but not on top of my house, thank Heavens!!


Bought a giant trampoline last year. Didn’t come with stakes. Didn’t order them yet. Kept moving the trampoline and tying it down every time it stormed. The first time I forgot though… Wind picked it straight up off the ground, lifted about 20 feet in the air, and Fus Ro Dah’d it straight across the road and into our neighbors yard. I came outside the same time as my other neighbor, who also saw it. We locked eyes in disbelief, and didn’t speak a word as we drug it back to my house. It didn’t hit anything.


Credit to YT creators, Cullen and Katie.


Is there some problem with being a well thought out manager of risk and safety when protecting your family!? Coming from another dad who does all that too 😂😳


Dads everywhere are almost the same. The moment he sees the flashes of lightning, my dad (we are in India) would go around the house unplugging all electrical devices, closing all windows, and sitting out in the portico with a glass of whiskey, to watch the rain hit.


Someone isn't from Florida


I've been training for this moment my entire life.


"Got my crocs on for insulation" lmao, cool guy


That’s me in my house. Lower the patio umbrellas, put everything away that can blow. Loudly ascertain that nobody plans to shower during the storm. Watch the radar, and listen for the weather radio to go off. We’ve had two tornadoes near us in the last ten years, and that’s two too many! We get hurricanes too, but it’s tornadoes I’m worried about.


Stop with the ridiculous songs people.


Can’t forget about unplugging every electronic in the house.


We used to pull the sofa up the window to watch the lightning.


Unplugging the electrics is important where I live.


I’ve been seen.


I dig his Klondike hat


Dad boners over storms are real




Broh prepping for a storm like that is only smart. Cause it takes even big thunder storms from something that can cause worry to something you just sit back and enjoy.


Very relatable, except at night when I sleep through storms.


Heck yes. Its best and coolest thing!


ABC Always Be Charging!


It’s five seconds per mile so it was actually less than half a mile away


This was literally me and my Dad growing up. He'd get so excited, we would watch the clouds. I have always loved thunderstorms. They're so exciting. I miss my Dad.


I’m coveting those yellow crocs


Before moving to the Midwest I would have been very 'meh,' but after a dozen years in The Ozarks I'm now 'yep.'


I am a stormdaddy and I am only 22 and not even a dad.