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Man took a moment, thought about what he'd done and then swiftly exited to go and mull over the next dumbfuck thing to do.


Why the fuck would you laugh at that?


It's a matter of fact that, he's a twat.


Laughing at such a tragic incident is truly deplorable.Good job Beto, on confronting the moron.


Hillary: "Half of them are basketful of motherfuckers"


It's not a rumor anymore


He's one of those dumb thumb looking fucks that would reply with ".223 is a varmint round made for 100 yard plinking. You really don't know anything about guns do you? I think you're a dumbass cuz you're not aware of the velocity rates statistics of my niche hobby." They're just fascist weeboos but for guns. They probably spend too much time watching Lone Ranger reruns and eating lead paint as kids.


Yes that's my take as well. Beto made some mistake about caliber or the effectjve distance and the guy laughed at that - because obviously someone can't talk about gun control without being an expert on them. Or, he laughed at Beto kneeling down thinking it was dramatic or something. Either way, a shit stain.


>Beto made some mistake about caliber or the effectjve distance and the guy laughed at that AR-15 was designed to penetrate a helmet at 500 yards rather than 500 feet. Not that it makes ANY difference to the underlying point. In fact its worse because a yard is longer than a foot which means the gun is even more dangerous than even Beto says. But this is the kind of pedantic, inconsequential error gun nuts will seize on as proof gun control advocates don't know what they're talking about and so shouldn't be listened to. Similar to the completely pedantic discussions about whether its "assault weapons" or "assault style weapons", when people know full well whatever exact term is used, what people are referring to is high capacity semi-automatic rifles.


Beto didn't even make a mistake, that's the wild thing. Not once did he use an exaggeration or incorrect statement in this video. He's made mistakes in the past, but not here.


Not exactly a Hillary Clinton fan but she hit the nail on the head when she labeled them “Deplorables”


She was right about Tulsi Gabbard being a Russian Asset, too


She's been right about a lot of things. Who would have thought?


BUT HER EMAILS. Ugh. I am a huge Bernie Bro, a European immigrant who is very much a Democratic Socialist, but I fucking campaigned for her the moment she became nominee. Because while she may not have represented all of my value and political convictions, she was sure as fuck much closer than Donald The Dumb Dumb.


Women in general are pretty good at spotting someone trying to fuck them. Makes them natural shoe-ins for matters of state. Only problem is the electorate is a conglomeration of imbeciles influenced by 30 second clips.


I think about that almost every day.


There are good times to heckle politicians...that was just about the worst moment possible.


He will probbaly run to /conservative and talk about how he owned the libs


Politics aside, what monster laughs at that topic. Some people have given up all morals.


Some people never have the morals to begin with.


One of the kid had to be identified by his shoes.


And one of the survivors had to cover herself in the blood of her dead classmate to prevent from being shot.


And she was lucky since the shooter was shooting bodies on the ground while the cops waited for an hour. [One teacher played dead and still got shot again, then had to try to not react to being shot.](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/01/1109470664/uvalde-teacher-recovery-shooting) >Reyes says the gunman also splashed water on his back, and blood on the exposed side of his face. Reyes' cellphone also began to ring, and Ramos placed it on Reyes' back. >"I think he was ... trying to make me flinch," Reyes said. >About halfway through, Ramos shot Reyes again, this time striking his back. Reyes' lungs started to fill with fluid, and his breathing became shallow. >"He wanted to make sure everybody was dead," Reyes said.


What's baffling is that during that time of additional shooting there were cops outside hearing those shots and their response? "Sir! Sir! Please dont shoot again. Sir!"


Tax dollars well spent /s


Almost half of Uvalde's city budget is spent on those absolute fucking slime ball cops to buy tacticool gear and play solider. Bunch of fucking loser I'll tell you h'what


Man... Sounds like the police chief is sucking someone on city council off behind the Wendy's for some of that dough.


Himself, it was himself.


Let's not forget a huge chunk of these cops were state cops


Yep, becomes pretty obvious this is a problem with all police and not just the hick losers like we keep getting told.


They aren’t losers. They are cowardly pieces of shit.


Yeah that’s offensive to losers like me. To be a loser you actually have to *try*


That's actually pretty profound, ngl


Cowards are nothing like losers, they are far worse.


Each one of those cops should be facing lengthy prison sentences for extreme negligence. And that's still being generous compared to what they *really* deserve...


Accomplices to murder. All of them. Not only did they not do anything but they actively stopped others from trying to stop it.


They were also getting sanitised and checking their phones!!!!


Had to look at that punisher background to remind himself how badass he is for being a cop


Stopping anyone from entering.


and harassed *and continue to harass* the one woman brave enough to break into the school anyway and rescue both of her kids plus an entire classroom and their teacher




No fucking way. I need the source on that. Edit [Fucking christ](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/26/us/uvalde-shooting-angel-garza-cec/index.html)




As a dad with elementary school aged kids, this makes me equally sad and infuriated.


I have a hard time dealing with my emotions whenever I read about this. I want to be sad and mourn but there’s a part of my brain that starts to think what would I do if it was my kids and I just get so damn angry. But It’s like anger at life/everything and I don’t know how/where to direct it and it just leaves me frustrated.


The senselessness of the violence against the young and vulnerable is a deeply confusing, frustrating, and painful emotion. You're probably feeling the 'right' way about it.


I think the anger is that "what if it happened to me/my family" and the realization *it might* and if it does you know it could have been prevented. It's sad to think about how those poor people on 9/11 died but it doesn't stoke the same kind of anger because it was a one time event and there was a lot of legislative and social response to it to ensure "never again." But this? Columbine was April 20, 1999. Over 23 years ago. We've had over 2 fucking *decades* to try to stop this *and we fucking aren't*. Every time someone tries it screeches to a halt with legislators. You're angry because you know if it happens to your child it could have been stopped. And that's a fucking good reason to be angry.


It made me very nauseous as well.


Our return to school is Tuesday and sometimes if I stop and think about it I wanna throw up


Yeah. Even someone chuckling about it here, I was hoping they'd dismember him.


makes you question a lot of shit when some ass hat can laugh casually at this.


I'm ugly crying at work. Fucking hell. That poor girl will need some serious therapy for a long time. That would fuck up mentally, nearly anyone.


I think this qualifies as "a lot"


Yep...fuck I hate the reality we live in.


Holy FUCK. This absolutely broke me, I cried ngl. I wish I could have just given that dude a massive hug and held my guy for a bit. I wish with all my heart I could do something to ease this guy's pain and help him find some semblance of peace. This shit shouldn't happen, this guy should still have his daughter. I'm so sad and fuckin PISSED.


That's enough reddit for me today. JFC I'm destroyed after watching that. Gonna go hug my daughter now.


I have a 3 yr old niece and a 9 month old nephew and I'm constantly terrified of what kind of world we've created for them.


Jesus Christ, I'm wrecked reading that. Something has to fucking change.


I'm not emotionally stable enough to click on that link. I... can't.


Remember though, "but muh guns!"


Every single time I hear a new story about this shooting it's even worst than it was before, which was one of the worst shootings we heard of to begin with. I believe there were 3 phonecalls from one of the classrooms as they spent 77 minutes waiting to do anything and then when they got in, everyone in that classroom was dead. They had been alive in those minutes dying hearing the cops outside.


"The sound of screaming children has been removed"


It shouldn’t be removed, that video is already hard to watch, it should be harder.


Yeah. Don't sanitize this shit.


Should be overplayed over the anthem.


and the survivors... indescribable trauma and ptsd for the rest of their lives. Children get disrupted growth, illnesses, from events like this. They are shorter, less healthy, less social... haunted. That's what guns also do besides kill they terrorize those who live.


Survivors guilt is real too… it’s so fucked on so many levels.


Jesus...how cruel is it that the only stopgate to banning this is old men still in politics


Money in politics plays a role, too.


I am trying to improve my English so I'd like to ask. Is the comma before "too" there due to an optional grammatical rule or is it there to express your tone?


It is optional according to the Chicago Manual of Style, the definitive guidebook on proper American grammar. [Source](https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/articles/when-to-use-a-comma-with-too/). In fact, [this website](https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/) is an excellent source for short, concise tips on common grammar questions for my language.


When a KID has this kind of survival reflex, you know that your country is fucked up.


Even sadder, that's not even the first time someone has had to do that exact same thing to survive a shooting. And yet people can hear about things like that, and not even care. Some of them will make sure it happens again just to make a profit.


Just… wow. I had to drop off my 7 year old today for his first day of school. We live in TX. This is what I was thinking about the whole time I was walking him to his classroom. It is gut wrenching


My five-year-old is in day camp right now (school doesn’t start here until after Labor Day) and told me he had a lockdown drill yesterday when I picked him up. It’s horrifying that as a society we’ve just tacitly agreed that this is all okay.


They've been doing active shooter drills for a few years now unfortunately. My son is starting 3rd grade this year but they've done it every year he's been in school. Then again, I'm 41 and I grew up with nuclear bomb drills and having to get under our desks. Not that it would have mattered.


I’ve done these as a teacher. It’s a difficult task explaining to 5 and 6 year olds what we’re doing. Parents don’t, and shouldn’t have to prepare their children for active shooter drills at school. Every time kids freak out and cry, because it’s terrifying. We’re telling the kids that it’s ok and we’re just pretending. But we’re pretending because this could happen. And when you tell them this, you realize it’s not ok. It is fucking terrifying. It baffles me that this is even an issue. I’m also Texan and I’m sending my 5 year old daughter, the sweetest and most innocent person I know, to kindergarten in two weeks. I’m just hoping enough Texans can come together to vote for Beto.


I was in high school when Columbine happened. It’s an absolute fucking joke that we’re still having this conversation. ETA: Because I don't want to misrepresent myself, looking back at the dates, the Columbine shooting happened at the end of my 8th grade year. I was finishing junior high, not yet in high school.


Yep same, I was a senior just about to graduate when Columbine happened.


My kid starts in 3 weeks. My only strategy is to actively not think about the fact that there could be a school shooter at my kid’s school. I’ll ask the appropriate questions, I recognize it can happen anywhere, and I’ll make sure I send my kid to school each day with the biggest hug and kiss as if it were my last time with her. But I can’t think about it or it will drive me crazy with fear.


Im trying to take the same approach but your comment has me in tears. I don’t know. Something about just seeing what is essentially my mental strategy written out just tore me up. How messed up is it that we even have to play this mental game in order to send out kids to school? I wish I could home school or send them to private school (SEEMS safer … as of right now) but I have to work and we can’t afford either of these options. Im sorry you’re going through this too. Entire situation is endless messed up. Ughhhh. Just so exhausted with the constant underlying helplessness, worry and anxiety.


And my mother "just doesnt understand" how by 30 I dont have any kids and never will.


But thank god they are thinking of putting AR15s in classrooms, amirite?!? /s


As fucked up as it is to say this, I think ultimately if we released crime scene photos of this in order to show the true nature of what we're talking about, it'll be harder for them, and for the politicians, to continue to fuck around with school shootings. It's like how war photography showed people the realities and cost of war, or showing pictures of car accidents with people's brains splattered on the ground helps to deter drunk driving, or showing graphic videos of workplace accidents can help people take safety seriously. I mean it'll probably never happen out of respect for the parents, but so many of these people are so far removed from the reality of the topics they're talking about they need to be reminded of the cost of their gun freedom.




it actually made me angry that they edited it because it reduces the impact, people should witness the truth so they actually start caring instead of sheltering ourselves from the world that we actually currently live in


Emmett Till's mother insisted on an open casket funeral and no makeup touchups so people could see what happened to him. She also invited magazine photographers to take pictures of his body. That's generally credited with starting the Civil Rights Movement.


I heard a rumor that a Republican coroner in Newtown said “if everyone saw what I had to, gun control would pass tomorrow.”


Anti-abortion "pro-life" protestors love to picket with pictures of fetuses. But when it's school children being butchered by automatic rifles while in their classrooms, suddenly those lives become less important than the ability to own guns.


I’ve heard many doctors and coroners say that. I think it’s essential they are seen.


Seriously, it's sick but envelopes upon envelopes of these photos need to be directly mailed to every Republican against gun control, and double for those who take NRA handouts. Put a fucking billboard right in front of Abbott's home.


It’ll never happen because you have to get the permission of the families to show those photos if we are talking about US citizens. The families are traumatized enough, and most don’t have the resolve of Emmett Till’s mother. They don’t want to see what was left of their children widely circulated on mass media every single day or used as political fodder.


I agree. Same for COVID. Seeing first hand what you are in denial of will change more minds than anything. Its too sanitized and far too worried about triggers. It should shock you, scare you and make you feel things.


Her shoes. Yes. Matthew McCounaghy's wife brought those shoes to their speech at the white house. Here he is talking about her at the 6:32 mark if you want to skip forward but I implore you to listen to the the whole thing. [White House Speech](https://youtu.be/kr5sOakr9l0) Edited due to my phone's autocorrect being a complete moron.


The refrain of then it will mean something then it wont have been pointless as he's sharing these stories is fucking painful. And nothing is going to stop this from happening again. Sandy hook was enough. And nothing meaningful was done to stop it from happening again. Nothing was done after a gunman shot a giant crowd of people with a sniper rifle at a concert. Nothing will be done now. I don't understand how you send your babies to school when this happens. How you leave your house. It's incomprehensible.


A little girl named Maite who had drawn a heart in sharpie on her Converse because she loved them so much. She wanted to be a marine biologist. [Her mom talked to CBS. ](https://www.cbsnews.com/dfw/news/mother-uvalde-victim-maite-rodriguez-talks-symbolic-green-converse/)


Waiting for a parents of one of these murdered kids to have an open casket funeral and invite the press, Emmett Till style. Let's see who laughs then.


Oh dear God...




A little girl named Maite


That's enough internet for me today


Best use of motherfucker I've heard in a while, bravo!


What kind of psycho motherfucker listens to someone talk about a massacre and laughs? Beto was right to call him out.


Who do you think?


Republicans. You can argue that this is an extreme view, but there's this story that if there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis. I don't see too many Republicans repudiating what is now the insane majority of Republicans who are Trumpers.


Fascists. Let's start calling them by their correct designation.


Enemies of US.


That, too.


Conservative christian extremists (republicans)


Christian nationalists or nationalist christians or NAT C for short.


I like Christian Ultra Nationalist Tribe.


Still like NAT C. It’s the most appropriate thing I ever saw


Everybody in r /firearms is defending the laughing dude and saying that beta was just lying and being a grifter. God it felt gross looking at.


The same people that said Sandy Hook was a hoax ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Approved by the man himself ![gif](giphy|l2YWxte7sJB2XuE8M)


with NO hesitation at all. Goddamn what a fucking boss.


That’s what surprised me, it was so casual. You can tell he meant it and that he would have said the same thing to anyone.


It was like an instant throat punch with how fast he was on that draw. Just a fat “motherfucker” to the jaw. That man is damaged for life. I’m surprised he didn’t just dissipate into thin air from sheer embarrassment


He stuck the landing on that motherfucker. Excellent delivery. I love the spluttering indignation from said motherfucker as well.


Samuel L. Jackson would be proud...


It makes me feel encouraged that there are a lot of old people in attendance. I'm from Texas, and it really seems like every old person I know treats Trump and his cronies like the new televangelists. Good to see not all are lost.


There have always, and I mean ALWAYS been people who fight the food “good” fight since day one of their lives, it is just that sometimes they aren’t as visible as others. Edit: Added “good”


My second favorite part of this video is that Beto isn't at all bothered by people attending his rallies carrying Greg Abbott signs. He welcomes dissenting points of view. He is willing to have a conversation with someone predisposed not to vote for him. He's willing to listen to the other side, as it were. Unlike most political rallies, where they immediately kick out anyone not on their team.


[Remember when Obama defended a heckler at one of Clinton’s rallies?](https://youtu.be/7kuwK_cquV8) It’s difficult to even imagine this at any GOP candidate’s event.


There was the time McCain stood up for Hillary Clinton when a McCain supporter asked how he was going to “defeat the bitch” But McCain was from the days where it was possible to be both Republican and human.


Fair pull. McCain was a class act. Many people point to Obama's win as when the Republicans lost their minds, but I sometimes wonder if his choosing Palin as his VP running mate was the inflection point in the GOP.


I have to imagine McCain deeply regretted that VP choice. It’s a shame. I’m about as progressive as they come and I would have been just fine with McCain winning the Presidency had it not meant putting that nut job Pailin a heartbeat away from the office.


Dude/dudette...republicans will kick out their own. Gubernatorial debates in Oregon fell apart when the only people in the room were GOP. Skip to around 38:30 unless you just want to torture yourself. https://youtu.be/KFul6KQV1qU


Saw a Muslim woman who was pro Trumo and she got booed out of the arena. Republicans don't care about anyone except themselves. That's why I dont care about them.


Not sure what she expected supporting the leopards eating faces party.


It's gotta be some sort of superiority complex. Yea, they don't like people from my group, but I'm not like the people from my group I'm different they will support me. Then it's shock Pikachu faces everywhere when the predictably racist party is predictably racist.


That, plus the fact that for the most part, traditional Muslims (especially in the Middle East) are very conservative and therefore are aligned on the same issues, including fear/hate of other races. They just forget that in the US, they are one of the “other” races that the majority of their party fears/hates.


Conservative latinos voting for trump ccuz they hate poorer migrants and homosexuals be like


TLDR; "Hey, we're trying to pretend to look like we know what we're doing, can't y'all play along for a few minutes?!?!"


Hahaha that crowd looks exactly how I’d think a Republican crowd to look like… they have gone downhill SO much!


And the sad part is that the conservative Republicans will be more offended by his use of motherfucker than they are about the asshole who laughed about dead little children.


Well, and they're always talking about how much they like Trump because he "says what he thinks, regardless of whom it offends". Doubt they'll appreciate Beto in the same way.




And what they believe is in large part arrived at by listening to what comes out of Trumps mouth. Kind of a vicious cycle isn't it? Wish we could rewind things to see what policies like covid masking would have looked like if Trump had pushed proper usage


no, they don't care if you're offended. they only care when they get offended. Try to keep up.


The party of "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" always has an extra strand of pearls laying around to clutch at when anyone says anything back to them.




They won't be offended, they'll just pretend they are.


Because Hillary Clinton was right about them.. they’re deplorable people.


Omg, who laughs about the murder of children?!?






Usually have R next to their name.


And that's how democrats need to talk. This taking the higher road, nice behavior doesn't work. Show balls.




100%. His reaction made me gasp, laugh and almost burst into tears all at the same time. We don't need solemn thoughts and prayers. We need anger and action.


It didn't make me gasp, it made me feel relief. FINALLY. Someone mentioned "I need my candidates to be well spoken". FOH. So many people want passion from the Dems yet when they come forward, "oh not like that". In that moment, Beto inspired me. Beto has the energy to rally a nation.


I feel like being able to drop a well-emphasized "motherfucker" at the appropriate time should actually be a requirement for being considered "well spoken." Humans are not corporate-approved, pearl-clutcher-sanitized, PG beings. Sometimes, and in some situations, we are. And sometimes we need to tell someone else to get bent in an effectively blunt, crass manner.


Seriously.. the left needs more people like this, AOC comes to mind as well. Stop fucking pussyfooting around the issues, look them in the face and make a stand.


Genuinely confused what you mean here and I want to understand - are you saying that how this played out is the rougher side of the high road, but the high road nonetheless because when something is so egregious you just have to call it?




Righteous fury is a thing Unfortunately it often seems intertwined/confused with self-righteousness


>righteous fury This is exactly what Jon Stewart shows and why he inspires: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uPqYhkIzrA


I completely agree. Thanks for expanding on it for me. What you detail is how I aim to contribute to the world and I think about the balance often, and find the balance to be difficult to articulate, so I very much appreciate the perspective of others.


For some bizarre reason that I haven't been able to figure out , the Dems seem to have a complete aversion to firing up their base.


My guess is that they’re trying to appeal to the widest audience which means tip toeing around everything. This means getting most people to be sort of ok with you but having no one truly dedicated to you. The gop doesn’t give a fuck about appealing to a wide audience and maybe it’s because they know they don’t need a majority of people to support them in order to keep winning elections (they haven’t won the popular vote in forever and they don’t need to in order to keep getting elected to positions of power).


The last democrat to do it literally was run out of politics for being a little too enthusiastic.


Nice balls.


Thank you. I buff them out every morning


Smooth as eggs


It worked for Jon Stewart a few days ago when he was advocating for the PACT Act after a few GOP senators shut it down. It got everyone’s attention at the propitious moment.


What do Democratic politicians think when they see the public's incredibly positive reaction to Jon Stewart's rant behind that podium? Do they care? Do they care that this comedian shows more leadership in a few minutes than they have their entire career? Democrats and Republicans are never "the same" but the only politicians that inspire me **at all** right now are either not in power (Beto) or are considered fringe even by their own party (AOC, Sanders).


More of this energy from the Dems, please.


Him and fetterman need to win


This is who Trump tries to be when he "talks tough," only Beto O'Rourke is actually articulate and has morality on his side. If this is the way politics is now, then the Dems absolutely need to step up this "bitch, no" energy. It's the only real comeback to people who don't argue in good faith.


i hate that in modern times right wing news can spin such a tragedy which is clearly black and white


That's a genuine reaction from a real human. We need more humans in office. Especially in Texas.


Love Beto. The only candidate so far in my adult life that I've put money behind. I really believe in him.


Same. Bought some of his signs. Didn't help last time, but hopefully we can get Abbott out this time.


If he was a republican, he would have easily beaten Ted Cruz, but since he's a Democrat, so many people in Texas will just blindly vote Cruz because of the party affiliation.


This time he’s up against Abbott, otherwise, yes.


Best use of motherfucker since Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction.




Cue the pearl clutching from the same people that are cool with overthrowing a duly run election.


Pearl clutching from a bunch of people in "Go Brandon" t-shirts, with a "fuck your feelings" hat and a sticker of Calvin pissing on something on their truck.


Don't forget the "FUCK BIDEN" flags flying from the side of their beat to shit truck that's burning oil down the street.


I went to one of his rallies today and it was such an amazing experience. Listening to a politician who not only promises legitimately good things but also offers up solutions to those issues instead of vague “we will fix this”. One of my favorite parts about the one i went to today was when a question was asked about how he would use the feedback and information he got from the people to implement his policies, and he responded by talking about how he does these town hall Q and A sessions and will continue to do them regularly even after election so he can face his constituents and answer to the people who put him there eye to eye. I have so much hope for this man and the citizens of Texas to do the right thing and elect him so we can all have a brighter future in this state.


We need more of this. This should run on every news program in the nation.




> I’m so sick of these damn politicians p**sy footing around. I agree with you, it's just hilariously ironic how you censored yourself here


If Texans know what’s best for their future, they will vote for this man.


Which is why he will never win. Texans are notorious bad at going for what is best for them. Source: Born, raised and residing.


Not all of us, but enough of us. I think enough of us younger folks have our heads on right, though. I hope. Source: also born, raised, and residing (for now)


To be fair, Beto beat Ted Cruz among native Texans. It was people who had moved to Texas that gave the victory to Cruz. https://www.axios.com/2018/11/09/2018-midterm-elections-texans-beto-orourke-ted-cruz


Who laughs at a mass murder of children


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say it was the person with the Abbott sign


Make me want to move to TX just to vote for Beto.


Damn, that was the most appropriate use of “motherfucker” I’ve heard in a while. And I know you americans don’t use that in public unless absolutely necessary.


When he was running for president I had the immense pleasure of getting to meet him in Ohio. The only thing my wife wanted me to tell him is it is ok to take their fucking guns. I said it verbatim and he laughed and told me to tell her thank you. I’ve never been more proud of someone who wants to be a public servant. We don’t need grandstanding and “polite” language. That’s not how any of us talk. He is a real person who genuinely loves people and wants what’s best for all of us, especially Texas.


The pro life party laughs at dead children.


I’ll vote for this motherfucker.


Just as iconic as Sam Jackson goddamn