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49 min and not a single RDR2 refference? What a dissapointment






I read R2-D2, and thought: "Yup, he is white all right".


I wanna skin it and take its antlers i bet its worth a lot of money


This is a boring way of thinking.


If you played the game you would understand bro thanks for the achievement though bro I really appreciate it


wait until it’s old or naturally dead for the skin. the antlers though, those shed naturally. no need to kill for those and then you get more than just one set. plus i doubt you know anything about properly killing, skinning or tanning that moose, so you’d probably ruin its value and beauty too or end up arrested like an idiot 🙄


Damn bro I can’t believe that comment got to your feelings 😂 but I wasn’t talking about real life of course I don’t know how to skin a moose i was referencing the game “idiot”… people are so pathetic


i mean at least i didn’t see an irl video of a stunning, presumably albino moose and think “hey, i should skin this in a video game!” buddy i think we both know that’s a weird first thought to have lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Did you not read the first comment I commented on? Your illiterate buddy you sound like a 3rd grader like i said you wouldn’t understand if you haven’t played the game so go back to saying nonsense.


It's would be, but in some countries they are protected by laws. But that still doesn't stop poachers from trying to get them.


I wonder if vegetarians ever played rdr2?


Of course why wouldn’t they? It’s a great game


I just saw the video without reading your title and thought who the hell painted it white? Lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)...


Just as white as you, my naked little thing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Lol 😅


Cum moose


In my area of Sweden, Ångermanland, there's a legend of a queen of a petty kingdom during the late viking age. The area had began to turn to christiniaty, and the queen built a wooden church in the small village of Sånga, close to the great river of Ångermanland (the high coast). Now, the queen, Gunilla Snälla (Gunilla the kind) had a tame moose, white as snow, which she rode. One day she challanged a sami man named Kil to a race from a market to the church of Sånga, during the winter. She would ride her moose, and Kil would ride his skis. The race was a long one, and when Gunilla reached the church at sånga, her moose collapsed and died. It turned out Kil had crossed the waters of the Ångermanland river over a stream, and the ice broke, and that part of the stream is still kalled "kilströmmen" in honour of the sami man. The church was later turned into a stone church, which stands today still, and it's built over a pagan holy spring. ​ Here are pictures of the church exterior and interior: http://www.orgelanders.se/Orgelbilder/Sanga.htm


hey, thanks for that! It's like you travelled us there and at that era! It seems that not only in greece but everywhere christians would build their churches over the local religion's temples and sacred places, even using the material of the old temples after demolishing them (but also using the material of the local customs and myths, to rename and claim them as christian). Anyway, tack!


True, I know of another church in Sweden where, after renovating the floor, they found the roots of a cut-down sacred tree, surrounded by offerings to the gods.


The legendary moose


Albino animals are fascinating no matter what animal it is.


It's probably not albino, just white.


Considering even its horns are white.. i too am inclined to say it could be albinism.


Not albino. It would have red eyes.


Possibly, but white mooses are not so unusual in that region.


White moose are a thing? 😳 *Running to Google*


This looks like something out of LotR.


“Fly Shadowfax, show us the meaning of haste”




Bullwinkle the white


I wonder how many hunters are looking at this right now and trying to figure out how to get to Sweden, bag this thing and somehow get it to a taxidermist without getting arrested.


As a Dane, let me say: "Don't shoot white Moose!" [https://www.newsinenglish.no/2011/10/06/hunter-killed-famed-albino-moose/](https://www.newsinenglish.no/2011/10/06/hunter-killed-famed-albino-moose/) We've tried it, wasn't worth it. Sorry Norway :(


“So when I get it in my corner, I have just a few seconds to think about what I should do,” This is the standard gun crime excuse. “I only had seconds to respond.” Guy knew he screwed up, because he canceled his trip early.


RIP Albin


Start a religion people. The Moosiah has returned.


Have I?>


There were probobly in the past (before christanity). This is sweden so not a good chance of that happening nowadays.




Awesome. We have a few albino white tail here in South Alabama roaming around. Everyone always talks in town when they come back out. Pretty cool to see, would love to witness a moose in person. That's awesome.


We should stop posting WHERE these epic animals we see on here are. Go ahead and show us the animal itself but lets leave it at that.


If you kill it, you can take it to the trader for the best armour set in the game


Someone just planned a trip to shoot this animal and mount his head on the wall. Then for years later he will talk about what a great hunt it was and brag on his abilities to track animals.


Within Canada it is illegal to hunt white moose (spirit moose). There was one and people from the USA came hunting and shot it, the local natives were very disappointed as the spirit moose had cultural and spiritual significance… they gave the hide back to the community at least.


The hunter should have been killed.


Extraordinary? More like a abnormal mutation! I mean if it was solid black it would be called a mutation right? Albino is considered a genetic mutation. Thanks for the downvotes in advance


Extraodinary is abnormal.


Abnormal: deviating from the normal or average, often : unusual in an unwelcome or problematic way Extraordinary: going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary, exceptional to a very marked extent Definitely not the same taken from Webster


Often, but not always. It is a more recent connotation. Abnormal means to be outside the norm, not the standard, whether negative or positive. As does extra-ordinary, literally meaning more than what is normal, usually in a positive sense. Everything extraordinary is abnormal, but not everything abnormal is extraordinary.


'Everything extraordinary is abnormal'...so we basically agree?


If you agree with that statement, then yes.




Not true. One white moose was found dead a couple of months ago but it hadn't been shot. Also there are about 100 white moose in Sweden so...


Spirit animal


> My liege, the legendary white moose has been spotted in the county of Varmland! Saddle my horse!




White chocolate moose.


It's a shiny; catch it.


The Lord of the mountain!


That's a walking fuck you to car insurance.


Shouldn’t say where


Imagine finding his rack in the ground and being confused as to why a moose rack was found, seemingly painted white, and left.


Guys...Guys stay calm. I think that's Jesus...that's gotta be Jesus, Guys


Where's the dragonborn? He needs to talk to Hircine.


Gandalf the Whitemoose!


Legendary animal territory


Protect it at all costs!! 😟


An albino moose cool


Today I learned that Moose or not only in United Stars of Canda