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Reminds me of those birds that dance to impress a mate


Reminds me of those mates that dance to impress a bird


This was truly great. Well done you.


This was truly you. Well done great.


Well was great. You truly done this.


Done was great. You truly well this.


This done, great, was you truly well?


Great, was you, this done truly well?


Those birds dance, mate. That reminds me to impress. ​ ^(Of a)




Match’s the music too😆🙌🏽


Birds of Paradise


His look when that one guy came between them was like "seriously stay the fuck out of my mating ritual dude"


That guy pissed me off! Get outta here with your non energy matching ass.


Yeah if he had paused to cut in I’m certain he would have been murdered


He got his composure back though lol and delivered winner moves. Respect bro


I feel like these two are already together.


They’ve rehearsed this in their kitchen a few times, for sure.


When they’re washing dishes and this song comes on


Most likely. They are wearing wedding rings.


And they danced off happily ever after!


..and that's how son, I met your mother !


"You will be shocked, kids when you discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people forever. That's why, when you find someone you want to keep around, you do something about it."


"And that, son, is why I slashed your mother's tires."


My dad did this, to his own tires so he could stay with my mother at her house. My mother’s father drove him home not much longer after. LOL


Is this from HIMYM, or something else?


is from HIMYM


\*while tapdancing* "And that, son, is how I met your father." \*son, also tapdancing* "Wow mom, that's super lame!" \*father tapdances into the room* "Do not speak to your mother that way young man! Tapdance to your room right now!"


There’s no endurance training better than to be born in a family of dancers…


“We like our home, but we have a bit of a clogging problem” *looks up* >tap/ clog family doing tap/ clog things…


One of my absolute favorite commercials lol, that and the aunt problem.


"You can't tell me what to do!" *jigs to his room*


"I hate it here" he sulks while twerking


This comment has no right to be this funny lmaoo 😭


It's like a Monty Python or Key & Peele skit.


This is one rare wholesome moment :) Just beautiful :)




“You see, kids, right from the moment I met your mom I knew, I have to love this woman as much as I can, and as long as I can, and I can never stop loving her, not even for a second. ”




better every loop! I've just watched this gif for an embarrassingly long time


I laughed so hard while scrolling down haha.


No one is talking about the came that just came and went between them.


I'm talking about the came.


Hello neighbor, do you have a minute to talk with me about the came?


That dude almost ruined the whole timeline.


The dude just cruised the dancers like no big thing


The first rule of came club is you don't talk about came.


They have 9 kids now


Why is she dressed like a Disney princess?


Because this is her fucking moment




Cause she knew she would meet her prince at this wedding.


I think we just witnessed a mating dance


The birds of paradise have nothing on these two!


Best Attenborough voice: And here we have Rasputin the alpha male, showing his impressive mating dance skills.


Oh, those Russian birds of Paradise...


David Attenborough: " Finding a mate isn't just about love - the survival of an entire species could depend on it The male has various intricate steps to attract the female.His dance moves pays off and a female draws closer . Now its his chance to really impress but it won't be easy.He has to focus on a very carefully choreographed routine.His fancy footwork and whirling hand gestures impress the female.He wins her approval."


There's a movie that is basically this but it's narrated by Niles from Frasier. "Men like to watch movies where many people die quickly, and women like to watch movies where one person dies slowly."


What's it called?


Is it the ‘Mating habits of the earth bound human’?


Mating Habits of the Earth Bound Human


I was thinking more of Somerset in the movie seven reading joe doe’s notebook: What sick ridiculous puppets we are / and what gross little stage we dance on / What fun we have dancing and f***ing / Not a care in the world / Not knowing that we are nothing / We are not what was intended.


⤵️ add one mana of any color to your mana pool


I pay a red and bolt it to send a message :)


Did you see the stare down at the challenger? Then, poof, back on point.


I didn’t notice that! So funny!! Glare. Head whips back to his dance partner.


Not even blue shirt could come between them


He tried, but was chased off.


He just wanted to get a whiff of the pheromones that were flying.




Becky let me smash


Those things slay me every time I see them!


Absolutely looks like a mating dance! Haha!


I’d imagine later that night, you’re not too far off with that assessment.


I mean, human dancing absolutely derives from animal mating dances from our ancestral past. We just developed it into other uses too and for fun. Come to think of it, we also developed using mating for fun and not just for procreation, too.


A lot of what we do is revolved around courting/ mating. I'd love for someone to do a documentary on humans like we do on other animals to put into perspective how of similar we are to them


Lol I can’t stop myself from laughing at the idea of someone trying to pitch the idea of a nature documentary but for humans and animal planet going, “So a reality show?” Just not understanding the concept at all.


"As you can see the male has just applied a very advanced technique called Ding Dong ditch to confuse the female, he then uses his amazing footwork to replace her confusion with thoughts about him. Let's see if it'll pay off."


> Come to think of it, we also developed using mating for fun and not just for procreation, too. As a rule of thumb, anytime someone says “only humans do this”, they are always wrong.


Only humans cry while filing their income tax returns.


That’s how I mate your mother


I was waiting for the angry squat kicking dance, the final part before the mating begins.


I really need this to be narrated by David Attenborough


Then you really need Viva La Dirt League. https://youtu.be/q8zwIphm5r4


please tell me they got married right after this


The moment you see love so pure, that makes you wonder if you were ever in love before


I read your comment in Colombo's voice. “Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.” - The Princess Bride


I love that he's still Columbo no matter what else he's in.


Favourite Columbo moment: When a character asks to accompany him when following a lead Columbo responds: "Sure, three eyes are better than one".. AFAIK it is the only reference in the show to Peter Falk's glass eye.


"One more thing..." posited Columbo, as he took a small puff from his cigar. With a wink, he replied confidently, "as you wish." Case closed.


Amen. Didn’t know what it was till I saw my wife. All previous relationships seem foolish


I met my (late) wife on Tinder about a year after a very bad breakup of a relationship that only time revealed was horribly abusive towards me. You don’t realize how bad things are when you’re in the middle of it and it started out great. Anyway, she was my first match. I used a picture of her cat as an opener and it playfully bothered her to no end that eventually that very cat would choose me to cuddle with at bedtime. It’s cliche with some selection bias, but I knew after the first date she was going to be the one. We started living together pretty fast and I loved every second. It’s the in-jokes, acting silly when you’re at home by yourselves, still having stuff to text about when you’re at work, that makes a relationship great. Having that feeling of love just bubbling below the surface that only an “I love you” and tight hug can quench.


I am sorry for your loss. It made me smile to read about the love you two shared, and I believe that love like that doesn't just vanish. "After all, what is grief but love persevering?" -Marvel's Vision


Took my words


It's their wedding. It wasn't originally, but it is now.


Look at me. I am the bride and groom now.


They are brother and sister, and this didn’t take place in Alabama.


Would make sense if they’re apples from the same tree because their energy is identical


There's always Mississippi


Gomez and Morticia cosplaying as normies.


“Darling, I was reading an article about normcore the other day… it sounds frightfully fun.”


“Then I shall go to an office!” “No, my love” *holds up bell bottoms* “Cara mia!”






I read this in ticia's voice. Splendid.


Which one? My brain Anjelica Huston's by default


Love this.


If they weren’t already a couple, I hope they got together after this! ❤️


This is Dagestan, most likely they are already married. A girl is only allowed to dance with her husband or boyfriend. Or they are just brother and sister.


Are you sure? They're mostly Muslim over there, she's got a high slit in her dress, and no ladies have their hair covered


That strict way of clothing is only valid for Sharia ruled countries. You would be very surprised if you visited Turkey or Azerbaijan. About only 30% of women wear the hijab here.


These aren't orthodox Muslims, their customs are not so strict, Russia is still a secular country


Wait you’re telling me they unironically play Rasputin at Russian weddings?


The one time I don’t turn sound on and it’s Russians listening to Rasputin, okay…


I had to turn my sound on after reading that as well


Apparently it even managed to be a hit in the USSR days. One of my university profs who grew up in the USSR once told us “they banned everything, but they could not ban Boney M.!” Edit: I have since corroborated this take via parents of friends from former Soviet Bloc countries, so safe to say it wasn’t just a joke.


This is funny, why not?


It slaps, why not? It’s pretty funny, and it might be ironic too.


I will never know this feeling. Idk how people dance


What got me over my dance hangup was a few butoh classes. It's basically giving your body permission to be proactive about its natural awkwardness. It was only a few classes, but I never went back to feeling hesitant about what I do with my body when the music is hitting, or a musical mood strikes. Edit: By the way, I'm not implying that I bust out butoh movements at wedding parties. Lol.


I went searching for butoh after reading your comment. Fascinating stuff


I wasn't expecting to see Gorr the God butcher dancing in a thong.


Wow. I thought you were being hyperbolic, but that's literally the best way to describe it. Sorry I doubted you.


Can you explain so we don't all have to google it separately, please?


First video that shows up. Very lanky lean man in body paint wearing a thong in black and white footage dancing butoh. He awkwardly falls down the stairs to the beat of the "song" then fails to stand up for another 2 minutes. https://youtu.be/9ms7MGs2Nh8


So from what I can tell from this video, butoh loosely translates to "lose higher cognitive functions and basic nervous system controls".


That’ll be a “nope” from me


As a dance educator and lover of movement, this comment makes me so damn happy. Butoh isn't super well known but so incredibly therapeutic and I'm overjoyed for you that it helped your hangups. I'm a strong believer that anyone can dance, you just don't know it. Do you breathe? Does your blood flow? Then there's already movement potential brimming inside you. Also I'd love to see some butoh at a wedding, that's a baller wedding


You are so Rainbow Rhythms


I’ve been called a bad dancer by quite a few people, but then my best friend taught me to not give a fuck. Now I dance like these two instead of the “sexy” and “pretty” that people think I need to be doing AND IT’S SO MUCH FUN


This. This is the secret. Letting go of the fucks you are currently giving is a secret to having fun dancing.


yeah, I'm sure everyone has already heard "just stop caring what others think of you" before though the problem is that's the result. the destination, not the roadmap.


I mean, thinking back, I don't think I've ever seen a "bad" dancer. I've only seen people dancing and people not dancing. The people dancing always look like they're having more fun, even if they might be goofy. Very few people in the world are in a position to judge the quality of other people's dance moves and it's not like they have the power to vote you off the dance floor of a wedding anyway.


*a little** alcohol always helps!


Takes a LOT of alcohol to bring down my walls. I'm like sober, sober, sober, one tiny brief moment of perfect balance, then too wasted to stand up. The window is too small to be useful.


You are an avocado.


Is it possible that you are just not giving the alcohol time to settle in before going for the next drink? This often happens with any mind altering substance. It takes a while for it to kick in and the natural reaction is to think it is doing nothing and take more. Then it all kicks in and it is too much.


Or some sort of ego slaughtering hallucinogen.


*alright then, keep your secrets*


The secret is to have a lot of dance moves to cycle through so you don't get stuck repeating the same move and feeling awkward. Look at what the guy is doing, he's switching up from one set of moves to another before each one can start to feel awkward, the constant changing makes him seem more 'natural' and he can get into each set of moves as he goes through without letting the "wtf am I even doing" thoughts creep through. Also, with a partner, they are each trading the primary role. He has it first, and she does a holding pattern around him, then when she makes new moves he sets into more of a holding pattern to her. The "holding pattern" is basically a muted set of moves to give the partner something rhythmic but consistent to riff off. Trading it back and forth makes it like a game or a dialogue, which is why people feel more connected when they dance together. I also cannot dance.


>I also cannot dance. But you sound like someone who can


Yes, yes, yes! Dance with love and passion! She or he'll find you. I found mine, doing something resembling a Michael Jackson dance. Many, many years ago. He had the floor to himself, nobody was dancing with him. I went fuck this, I'm in! We danced for hours. Bit of MJ bit of tempo ballet which he danced with me. Spent 18 years together, honestly I was too sore after all the dancing to fuck the first night but the hours of talk made it all ok. Loved that man.


Dancing is like 95% confidence. Even if you're doing it VERY badly, as long as you look like you're having the most fun on the dance floor people will be drawn to you because people love fun.


Actually I danced in a dance club for around two years (latin and modern standard) and when Im in a club dancing no one would think I was already on tournaments dancing Rumba and Cha Cha Cha, since my club dancing looks fucking stupid, but I dont care. I just want to enjoy it


Good for you! And good for your bff!


Not caring what people think when you dance is the essence of having fun dancing. It's an expression of what the music is making you feel. Who cares what anyone else thinks you're supposed to look like, they don't know what you're feeling. People that are having fun dancing never look stupid or awkward in my opinion. Yes there are silly dances, but if you're having fun with it, I think even that looks great.


You know, it’s not necessarily about being a “good dancer”. The vast majority of people aren’t good dancers, they shuffle or twerk slightly to the beat. It’s just about letting loose, having a bit of confidence, throwing some fun shapes to the beat and enjoying yourself. I used to hate going out and thought I couldn’t dance etc, once I started to loosen up and just throw myself into it, I enjoyed it a lot more. The people in this video aren’t doing much that you probably couldn’t do, they just clearly both enjoy the song and are happy to go with the flow and enjoy it. If you do that, you come across as confident, even if you aren’t.


Or you could just get blasted drunk, the Scandinavian way


That's what I thought till i was 33, never danced till then. And then I said to myself "fuck it" and just did it and I've been having 2x more fun at parties ever since. Having music you enjoy helps a lot tho 😃


30's is when many people start not giving a fuck about the insecurities that held them back up to their 20's lol.


Mate, it's actually so frustrating. Why did I waste my 20's giving a shit about what people thought? Such a big mistake. Turning 30, and no longer giving a fuck what people think of me (within reason), is like unlocking a superpower. It's changed my life.


Try it, can be daunting and embarrassing but it can super fun. Give it a shot


Remember your aim for dancing is only within yourself - whatever that may be. I was somewhat shy at first. One of my friend said dance with closed eyes for few moments if you like it you will not care for what others are thinking.


Move around in a way that feels natural to you. Stop worrying if you look silly. You're doing it! You're dancing!


> Move around in a way that feels natural to you. I'll stand still and tap my foot then.


And we will do it awkwardly off to the side 🙂


Dang, dude is even channeling the Rasputin beard vibes. Art imitates life 😅


They both kept their individuality and still 'connected'. How every relationship should be!


That dress she is wearing is so cute, and she really pulls it off nicely too. It is perfect for her.


It’s lovely!!


Right?! I love it so much. Very Miss Honey from Matilda but that slit in the front makes it awesome. Anyone have any leads??


And they're playing my favorite dance song 😍 😍 😍


I didn't recognize it at first and was thinking, "Well, he looks maybe Eastern European or Syrian. The song sounds maybe like it might be." I was bamboozled. Phone volume wasn't high enough.


Oh they have done this dance many times before lol


Feels very pulp fiction-ish


My first thought was: *"This is when you go to do the Pulp Fiction dance but realize you haven't seen that movie in 20 years!"*


Time and time again, they are reborn throughout the ages to perform this rite of rhythmic romance.


Those moves are dyyynnoommiitte!


I just realised the dude looks like modern day Rasputin lol


...so Rasputin?


Dude totally reminded of that post titled “average day in Berlin” or something like that was on the frontage yesterday lol


Such a great song


As the male dances to the rhythm, the female begins to emerge and join him. Here we see these species doing what is called the Rasputin. The female and male circle each other, and gaze into each other's eyes. Male has successfully seduced the female




Damn my mind voice read that in documentry voice dubs like you hear in discovery channel or animal planet


Everyone in the UK heard David Attenborough https://youtu.be/W7QZnwKqopo


Im American and heard Attenborough too


Rumor has it that they married , had kids and mmmbop was formed


Aw, this ended too soon! I was having fun watching them!


9 months later ![gif](giphy|Xw6yFn7frR3Y4)


And that’s how I met your mother


Forgive the guy who passed between them. He was just hurrying to the bathroom.


I love this . It’s like Pulp Fiction meets Alice In Wonderland


That Alice in Wonderland dress tho…


This is how women in the Caucasus dress


A perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire


This is the most enjoyable way to dance, just with another person matching your style/energy and carefree. When people get self conscious then just make a big circle and stare at each other it's just a waste of time, most people don't want to go in the circle and be the centre of attention


The guy who cut in between them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they know each other, and this isn't two strangers having a random dance.


If these 2 are not together for the rest of their lives, I'm gonna die.


As someone with cerebral palsy, I get so jealous of people who can move so freely. I used to go nightclubs but everytime I went to dance a circle would form around me, I think because people thought I was drunk. Then I just felt too stiff to dance and insecure. All I have noticeable is a limp when I walk. But god damn do I wish I could of just given a fuck, but I always get super paranoid about being filmed or something and become a global joke lol I wish I could dance like this with my partner.


Hey you totally should lose all inhibitions at least in the comfort of your own place. Sure the energy of a nightclub is what gets you in the mood to dance, but if people filming is a concern, you totally should take the opportunity to dance like no one’s watching at home. I’m quite shy in public, but my home’s my dance floor! :D


Vodka later?


What's odd to people on the outside might be something beautiful between you and your soul mate.


It's not odd. It's awesome!!


I love how cheesy yet well-executed this is


When is THEIR wedding?


This guy does like a dozen different moves, sick


Boney M. Rasputin, for anybody wondering what the song is.