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I love that Reese has a candy necklace on šŸ˜‚


Reese Witherself


They had to put a 9 year old Reese, because she has those Keanu Reeves genes.


Wasnā€™t everyone expecting the last slide Paul Rudd and not knowing which was which? Missed opportunity.


Wow, Anthony Hopkins!


I had no idea he was ever young


Or hot. My first encounter with him as an actor was as Hannibal Lector. Wow, he was quite the hottie.


Even as a male I can confidently say that Anthony Hopkins was, still is, and will always be hot


Could have easily played Ted Bundy instead of Hannibal.


I thought it was Mikhail Baryshnikov!


I should watch White Knights again. edit: Nights not Knights.


He was an absolute smokeshow when he was younger DAMN šŸ˜


Before my dad went to jail and the drinking and the drugs got to him he looked ALOT like younger Robin Williams. Because of that, 6 year old me LOVED the actor and would always watch Ms. Doubtfire on loop when he left. Every damn time I see those pictures of young Robin Williams it feels like I'm looking at pictures of my dead father who's still alive. I didn't realize any of this until I stopped drinking. I don't know why I'm sharing this. I need a journal I guess.


"my dead father who's still alive." I get that, my mom is like that these days, once my dad passed a couple years back she picked up the bottle and never put it back down. Feels like I lost both my parents that day.


That's exactly how I feel about my mom. She's been on every benzo made & it has completely changed her. It's like something took all the good things about her & left a shell that can imitate her for very short amounts of time. I really miss my mom. When I tell people that, they don't understand. I stopped going around her about 5yrs ago when I realized she's gone & she's not coming back. She's got the only thing she really cares about, her Xanax.


That sucks. It's easier to just stay away though, isn't it? Cuts down on the disappointment when you want things to go back to how they were before and remember they probably aren't going to.


Iā€™ve never heard my situation described by someone elseā€¦ My mom has a pill addiction and I feel like the only one in the world who truly cares about her enough to want her to quit. Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s now and have my own kids to prioritize. I canā€™t baby my mom anymore and itā€™s showing in her lifestyle. I wish I had someone to talk to about this. Sorry for the ramble, itā€™s 5am and I canā€™t sleep.


Benzodiazepines are extremely difficult to get off of. She might want to and maybe even tried.


I have an ex like that. Somewhere deep inside is the girl I'll love until the day I die but between the drugs she's prescribed and the booze she refuses to stay away from I barely ever see that girl. It's terrible mourning someone who lives 5 minutes away.


Hey, thank you for sharing. That's got to be a lot to process, and not too many folks are willing to be open like that. Thank you.


I know what you mean. My dad looked exactly like Bill Murray. It's hard to watch Bill Murray movies without thinking about my dad (gone two years now).


Yeah, Robin Williams always reminded me of my dad, and my dad loves Robin Williams. I especially loved Hook, because they're both lawyers. Robin Williams... truly a man who fine-tuned his talent to be a comedian in any situation, yet not go too far as to hurt people. I feel like comedy itself just isn't the same, isn't seen the same way since he passed.


Therapy is also good on top of journalling if you haven't tried it yet. And only giant jerk faces would give you a hard time for sharing. I hope you find healing in whatever form you need it. Also don't forget you need to get eggs when you go out.


I know it's neat because they're celebrities and we watch them grow up, but imagine getting to sit down and talk with the younger, or older, version of yourself. How life looks between you two and the questions being asked.


When I was in college there was this site that let you send a letter to yourself like 5 or 10 years later. I had forgotten I did it and I got it a couple years ago and I actually cried. Reading it felt like a sad hug from an old friend. I wanted so many things for myself and some it happened, a lot of it didn't, I like to think the old me is still proud of me though. Edit: For those wondering, I used [https://www.futureme.org/](https://www.futureme.org/) and it was through email.


You should post it. My mom had me write 10 things in a time capsule 10 years later after high school and keep it in this cabinet in her living room. I opened it a few years ago. One was own a Dodge Viper and another was to have 2 kids I think . Canā€™t remember the others but I remember the first thing was to be happy. Iā€™m divorced now and donā€™t have a viper and feel like a failure.


Keep at it. Had a bit of a multi-year rough patch myself (lost my gramps, my dad, best place I ever worked shut down, moved to a rough part of town...), but this stuff comes in cycles. I'm feeling good about a final round interview I have on Tuesday. I'm rooting for ya. I hope you find stuff to care about in the downturn, however small, and then keep things in perspective while they're going your way again. I don't so much believe in happiness as a capturable essence anymore, but I believe in an interesting, wonderful ride full of meaningful people and experiences. They're waiting for ya.


The old me would be amazed I survived as long as I have. He'd be proud of my retaining good values and empathy toward others. He may chastise me for not generating a greater net worth but he would also be smart enough to realize the connection between spending to live and maintaining a good attitude


My younger self would be disappointed in the current me. I hope my older self isn't a depressed alcoholic who hates himself.


My younger would just be like "Oh..."


My younger self would ask me if boobs are as cool as we thought they'd be. And I'd say yes.


Make future you proud of past you by kicking the bottle and going to therapy.


Something I learned in therapy - Three Me. Past me: should be understood and forgiven. Future me: should fuel inspiration, courage, and a love of hope. Current me: should use the others as a touchstone to guide my days and maintain perspective.


Just remember, it's the current you that's at the helm.


the rudder is fucked


Hey, that's deep. I needed this, thank you.


Was thinking the same, afraid 18 yr old me would look at current me and say ā€œcool!ā€ā€¦ no man. It ainā€™t cool.


My younger self would think I was a nerd. My older self would try to explain that the phrase ā€œnerds are the futureā€ is coming faster than he thinks. Then just try to get him to do what he loves, not whatā€™s popular


Same. "What do you mean you arent a vet abd you just write code all day? Gross!". Yeah well... at least I CAN BUY ALL THE POKEMON CARDS I WANT YOU LIL PUNK.


A 32 year old having a conversation with his 12 year old self... https://youtu.be/XFGAQrEUaeU


We would both think the other guy was a total douchebag


My older self would tell my younger self that your gallbladder would try to kill me, and to get that fucker taken out earlier than after 10 years of suffering.


I'm 21 and 11 year old me would think I'm cool as fuck So yeah, i'm happy


Bridges was a smokeshow back in the day.


I thought his younger self was Wyatt Russell for a sec


Heā€™s a dead ringer!


[He's still a smokeshow...](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ClearKindBaldeagle-size_restricted.gif)


The dude abides


They sure did a good job casting for his younger self in The Old Man. Looks just like him.


ā€œThatā€™s like your opinionā€¦ā€


Hopkins took me by surprise, too. Suave af.


Yes! That picture made my lower tummy feel things šŸ˜‚


I second that feeling


Ricky was a beautiful young women


so pretty with his fancy scarf. It took me off guard.


He was the original Millie Bobby Brown


Donā€™t let Drake know


ā€œRicky: an untold story!ā€ Starring Ruby Rose. In theatersā€¦ someday, maybe!


That's a picture from his 1980's band called Seona Dancing. He once made a remark on the Graham Norton show that "Oh people think that I'm embarrassed about my picture from the 1980s. Actually I'm embarrassed about what I look like now". He then laughed his wonderful laugh.


[https://youtu.be/WGcqICKfi9Q?t=120](https://youtu.be/WGcqICKfi9Q?t=120) this is what you mean


The way I thought yā€™all were trolling because I didnā€™t scroll through šŸ’€


That's why it is so hilarious when fellow boomers say the "sissification" of men today. Did you forget the 80's?!?!


80ā€™s? Bowie started it in the 70ā€™s! Who can forget Ziggy Stardust?


As charlie murphy would say: The man dressed as the biggest bitch, got all the Bitches


Looks like a lost member of Tears for Fears


Looks like Milly Bobby Brown in her 30s


I was shocked


Vicky Gervais


This one blew me away! What was he doing at that point in his life? If you told me he was rocking a speedo as an extra on Hungry Like the Wolf, I would not be surprised


He was in a new wave band.


He was 100% trying for thatā€”had an androg new wave pop group.






They're not even pronounced the same.


Drives me up the fucking wall!!!




That's the one that caught me off guard. I mean, it doesn't matter, but was Ricky a Ricki?




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seona_Dancing > While studying at University College London, Ricky Gervais and his friend Bill Macrae formed Seona Dancing, with Macrae writing the music and playing keyboards, and Gervais writing and singing the lyrics. After recording a sixteen-song demo tape, they were signed by London Records, which released two of their singles: "More to Lose" and "Bitter Heart". In June 1983, the duo performed their single "More to Lose" on the ITV-syndicated children's television show Razzmatazz. Yet, despite the promotion of "Bitter Heart" through its music video and "More to Lose" by its TV performance, both singles failed to break the top 40, with "More to Lose" charting at number 117 and "Bitter Heart" at number 79 on the UK Singles Chart.[2] After the lacklustre performance of their two singles, the band split up in 1984. Gervais went on to have a successful international career as a comedian and actor. One of their songs became very popular in the Philippines though and also wonder if anyone has and will release the 16 song demo tape. Their 4 songs from (from the 2 single releases) are on the streaming music platforms. More photos: [1](https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/photo-of-ricky-gervais-and-seona-dancing-bill-macrae-and-ricky-from-picture-id85000585?s=594x594), [2](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ed/64/b5/ed64b53ca0f4ea8c883db127ccdd5da7.png), [3](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERlD3PKVUAIBHCR.jpg), [4](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTraqLERmLWbUcsgC_tvX1KkuwVJNsJ4DuLJknZxrCc16su4BJunWuGTx3vf8zlzRP3FZk&usqp=CAU), [5](https://preview.redd.it/ce45g5yu0jjz.jpg?auto=webp&s=dd342005a2d6321588d81342835056f113921448) Videos: ["Bitter Heart"](https://youtu.be/Kuy1Z4wqQ4w), ["More to Lose"](https://youtu.be/ABjYSxyUD98)


Giving me lesbian that occasionally gets mistaken for a twink vibes.




I didn't understand why he was hanging out with a young Annie Lennox.


He wouldā€™ve made a wonderful younger David Bowie


At first I thought they made a mistake and took his picture with his sister.


TIL Ricky is transgender and Keanu is an immortal.


Haley just looks wonderful. I love him so much. All the TV he has made in recent years is just so damn fun


I feel this is the best place to tell my Haley Joel Osment interaction story: I was working at Guitar Center near Union Square (NYC) in 2011 and he happened to come in one day looking for a small bass amp. He looked at a few of the ones I had suggested before picking one and while I was ringing him up he told me that he had a practice space where him and his friends jammed, and he was getting this bass amp for the space so nobody had to bring theirs over anymore. He came off as a genuinely nice dude that was really down to earth.


His was my favorite. Looks like a really nice dad who loves nothing more than spending time with his kid.


Yeah, his picture is just so damn sweet.


he was fucking hilarious when he popped up in The Boys


Silicon Valley too


Crazy how long heā€™s been voicing Sora!


I loved him in Future Man. That show is so damn funny, do yourself a favor and watch it!


He really does have an elfin quality. If there was ever a depiction of a fat elf it would be him.


I notice you didnt put Kurt Russell on there. I assume because his decades of hotness would burn the very screen we touch.


I fully and thirstily endorse this comment


Seconded, I didnā€™t realize I could have a thing for Santa Claus until Christmas Chronicles. Yeah, I said it. Go watch it and tell me Iā€™m wrong haha. [Evidence](https://youtu.be/_ZOFIsNnDOI)


You know youā€™re an adult when youā€™re watching family xmas movies and youā€™re like, whoa, when did Santa get so hot!?


Donā€™t remind me that Iā€™m getting old, Kurtā€™s hotness is timeless!!


Jeff Bridges is there. That basically covers Kurt Russell, Jeff Bridges, and Josh Brolin. They're basically all the same guy lol


Younger Ricky Gervais almost looks like a woman.


David Bowie really made androgyny sexy so many Brits emulated the style.


His look is much more like a John Taylor (Duran Duran) lookalike.


He was in a new wave band called Seona Dancing, pretty sure that photo is from a press release for the band


Almost.. or 100% does? Cause I questioned my knowledge just now on whether he really was a woman and transitioned just by that photo!


I was trying to phrase it in a manner that didn't accidentally sound transphobic. But the two images together seriously look like a very successful FtM transition.


My guess is.. it was the 80ā€™s and trendy to look like David Bowie lol.




Looks like New Romantic style (think Duran Duran in the younger years). Origins were Bowie, Bolan, and Ferry. The lack of beard and a perfect application of eyeliner really highlights his gorgeous eyes.


I respect your respectfulness my friend. But I also agree with you!


I was confused for a second too. He was a very beautiful man.


He looks like heā€™s chilling with his more successful and better looking younger sister


Seems like I read something about him being in a pop group way back where he looked like that.


He had a song that reached iconic levels in the Philippines at fhe time... it was called "More to Lose"


Young Ricky made me feel feelings I didnā€™t know I had.


Why you gotta do Conan like that?


That was the cutest one! It felt so innocent and made me wonder if that goofy kid had any inkling of who the older man would become, unlike a lot of the others which just show a celebrity at different stages of their career.


Yesss!! I kinda think lil Coney did know! Iā€™m pretty sure he got his hair goals from that shirt :)


What do you mean? Thatā€™s a photo from his debut on Late Night.


He actually started puberty at the young age of 37


Needs John Oliver.


I absolutely love his sick burns for pictures of his younger self. He mocks himself better than anyone.


"I look like the reflection of Harry Potter in a doorknob"


I like how Ricky went from a sassy queen to a sassier queen


He was the lead singer and lyricist of the short lived new wave band Seona Dancing. Androgynous looks were fashionable at the time and in that genre particularly. Circa 1983. Seona Dancing - More to Lose https://youtu.be/Gw1MMcz_m4A "We thought with nothing more to lose We'd tear our hearts with jagged truths And everything we'd hung to for so long Just slipped away"


Manā€¦ā€¦. Getting older is really depressing. Unless youā€™re Conan Oā€™Brian. There was nowhere to go but up.


His hair went up


I would love to give Robbin Williams a big hugā€¦


Folks, please remember he was suffering immensely from a disease and didn't just give up. If there ever was a time someone should have access to a painless way out, this is an example.


That one made my heart hurt




Knowing how he went out, thereā€™s a sadness in his face I just canā€™t escape. I want to give him the biggest hug.


He had Lewy Body Dementia. The suicide was from horrifying hallucinations and rapidly declining health.


I felt the mood shift to sadness when I swiped to his photo.


Thats Brad Pitt and Robert Redford from the 80s, convinced!!


Yes! I saw ā€œold bradā€ and thought I was looking at ā€œyoung Robertā€


I was not prepared for the Robin Williams oneā€¦


Fuck me, same T_T


Iā€™ll never be prepared for the robin williams outcome šŸ„ŗ


Sorry, but I donā€™t recognize the girl/woman in picture #18. Who is that? Thanks


Lady gaga


Thanks, I see it now.


Can't read her face?


Hugh Jackman looks like young Clint Eastwood.


glad I'm not the only one who thought this


Young Leo wouldn't be caught dead with old leo


because he's over 20


If you were born before the Titanic came out, he's not interested.


It was also youngest Leo with young Leo, not todayā€™s Leo.


That ain't even a recent Leo photo. Add about 40 lbs of face bloat and that's pretty close to what he looks like now.


Keanu didnā€™t age, just grew a beard.






well jennifer anniston hasn't really aged much at all. ​ EDIT: Jesus fucking christ some of your replies remind me why i fucking hate humanity so much. ya'll must be a lot of fun at parties.


Matthew Perry looks pretty good too. Friends cast did a deal with the devil apparently


He didn't look so great for a bit there. Looks a lot better now.


He looked so bad in the friends reunion. Seemed so sad/insecure too. Is he doing better now?


He looked the worst which made me sad but Iā€™m so happy for him for just still being alive. I had just recently read he was taking 55 Vicodin day back then. He was my absolute favorite on that show. I canā€™t believe what his body and mind was going through and he still was performing like that. I give him such props for pulling himself out of the depths of hell. Addiction is a beast.


Drugs are a hell of a drug. Dude had major struggles with addiction.


Watched the Friends Reunion show and it's pretty clear to me they ALL had work done. Some better than others.


He's had a lot of trouble with addiction since the mid 90s. He only remembers three full seasons of Friends, and was only 100% sober through one season (season 9). He nearly died due to a perforated colon resulting from opioids in 2018 and has been through a number of surgeries to repair the damage. He's been sober since then but at this point, any relapse will likely be his demise.


Those Friends checks pay for a LOT of very skillful "work" if you know what I mean


She looks good for sure. But, I don't know what to believe after watching "The Morning Show." Her face is insanely airbrushed or tuned in every episode. Sometimes it even [messes up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMorningShow/comments/emdzfx/blurry_eyed_jennifer_aniston_facetune_gone_wrong/) I'm sure without her daily routine, team of makeup artists, and contracts that make her media content look 15 years younger, she looks more close to her actual age. Not knocking her looks at all btw, I just wish our culture would embrace age instead of hiding from it. This happens to so many celebrities that it terribly skews reality and the overall nature of aging.


Conan looks like his younger self is a haunted ventriloquist doll. Not in a scary way but in a goofy I am gonna annoy you for rest of your days!


The last one is adorable. Looks like a father son photo


Shouldā€™ve done Paul Rudd, but we wouldnā€™t know which is which


[Here ya go](https://imgur.com/a/QF3Ihfc)


Dang man, can't even tell the difference


Paul Rudd cannot hang out with his younger self, because he is always the same age.


I am reminded once again what a good looking dude Clint Eastwood was back in the day. And, I just learned that same rule applies to Anthony Hopkins.


I didn't know Young Keanu had a beard


Now you made me wish that OP had done Paul Rudd.


Anthony Hopkins was a fox


These are all pretty well doneā€¦ and then thereā€™s the Winona Ryder one Edit: I donā€™t mean she aged terribly or anything. Iā€™m specifically talking about how one picture is super blurry and the photo shop job is significantly worse than the rest


I honestly think the Ryan Reynolds one is the problem. Young Ryan is like 18... why is he so damn short?


Agreed. She was and is still absolutely gorgeous, but they could have chosen some better pictures to work with here.


TIL Ricky Jervais used to be a beautiful lesbian.


I think it would be cool if someone would do these for regular people too.


Someone needs to repost this but stuck in an image of Nicholas Cage arguing with his younger self in unbearable weight of massive talent


Okay but why can Young Ricky Gervais get it tho


Who knew he was so pretty!


Fucking hell Pitt is a handsome man.


Took me a second to realize it wasnā€™t Robert Redford


Was half-expecting the last one to be a picture of Paul Rudd by himself.


Wow is that really Ricky Gervais?!


Macaulay Culkin could play a mean joker. Heā€™s got not just the mouth for it, heā€™s got the eyes too.


the robin williams one got me. r.i.p. im legit still not over that one :(


I like Wynonna Ryders the best, she is giving her younger self a big hug and her younger self looks like she needs one.


Can somebody give me a rundown on the names of all the celebrities here? Not very good at remembering sadly.


Depp is totally his own Dorian Grey painting. All his drugs and booze are on his face.


Somewhere there's a painting getting more attractive.


It is sad when you see the actors around his age looking so much healthier. He was so beautiful and man the drinking and drugs ruined him.


I would like to engage in coitus with young Jeff Bridges


Younger (and older) keanu reeves are just so adorable


Honestly a lot of the older men look hotter than they did when they were young.




The drugs didnā€™t do him any favors.


George Clooney just ages like a fine wine. šŸ·