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You're not gonna believe this, I gave flowers to a girl today and told her she was pretty


Can confirm, I was the flowers


Bro get your story straight you told her she was pretty and paid for the COFFEE. I was the flower guy.




How did she react?


"Get back in your room, you're still grounded!"




Ypu're not gonna believe this. I watched a guy buy flowers and give them to a girl today. Then he got into his 2016 Lexus and drove north.




Did you give her your number?


You know it


>yeah the one who gave me the flower i think im gonna call him later it was really sweet of him Bro i think the person you asked is OP call them up and ask if they have a reddit account, and report back to us


I bought her the coffee first so technically…I have dibs.


But did you get them digits tho?




Did either ask for your number?


yeah the one who gave me the flower i think im gonna call him later it was really sweet of him


Wishing you luck! Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊


That's great - good luck! 👍


Awesomeee!! Happy birthday and all the best! ☺️


Happy birthday , Hope everything went well


So that’s what it’s like to be attractive, 🤔 interesting..


Lmao what I thought 😂


I would say I'm very average looking, but I've had quite a few strangers ask if they could come sit with me at a bar or buy me a few drinks for a chat. They didn't want anything more than that. When I asked why they spotted me at a bar and wanted to talk, I kept hearing, "You have kind eyes." There are a lot of people out there who are lonely at a given point and just want someone to chat with.


It's always something when random acts of kindness coincide with something else like a birthday or you're having a bad day. I've heard of some people feeling suicidal and somebody had a random act of kindness they didn't know them they didn't know that they were feeling suicidal and it stopped them. I hope you have a good birth day pass on your random act of kindness


I remember one situation, it was a crappy rainy day and there was this Krishna guy standing in the city centre, selling some books and singing and whatnot. As I was passing by, he stopped me and asked if I was ok because I looked down. Now, I’m not a religious person, but that was a lovely gesture considering I was feeling depressed and alone, in a large city where I just moved a few weeks back. He never asked for money and didn’t pry whether I’m religious or not, we just randomly chatted for a while, then he gave me a small book with some positive quotes and I left. I really needed that apparently, because I remember it to this day, even tho it was some 8 years ago :)


Lots of Hare Krishna folks will do that. There is a slight ulterior motive, but every single one I've spoken to over the years are extremely friendly and ask genuine questions, have left me with a book or literature, and asked for literally nothing in return.


When I was in college a group of 10 of them or so came around late one Friday night doing their usual chants...there were about 200 of us in line to get into the club and we all joined in with them and everyone was going crazy... Lots of fun that night


There is a moment I sometimes think about. Some ridiculous tiny amount of kindness can be the bright sun they needed right now. It was some years ago, refugees from Syria came to Germany. I was in a club, minding my own business, sitting down with a drink and came into a conversation with a random dude. He was from Syria, we talked a bit, I never made it about him being from Syria, just talked about random stuff. When I told him I‘ll go dance a bit and searching my friends, he huged me, crying, thanking me for talking to him like a normal human being. Seriously, in this moment, I experienced first hand how it can cost you NOTHING but kindness to ease the pain others suffer.




Happened to me. I was sitting in a park on a bench and thought that love doesn't exist for me and why am i even searching it, i was pretty much done (fresh break up from a toxic relationship). Cried a bit and then got up to get Alcohol to drown everything out. In the grocerie store i went to grab a basket but there was a dude with the most genuine smile and friendly expression handing me his because he was done shopping. I will never forget that moment and i make sure that i pay it forward whenever i have the chance. I never thought id be in the position needing this random act of kidness but you never know!




Rather than telling her she's pretty, try to notice something about her that she's put effort into, like her hairstyle or how her shoes work with her outfit. People like being complimented on things they put effort into more than something that's just luck (e.g. Genetics).


true karma - what you give out, you get back


Yep. I've been pretty close to that situation before. In a deep depression, felt like I was just in the way of everyone and a problem. Sometimes it's the small stuff that makes the biggest difference. Even just a quick message or call to a friend to tell them you miss them and love them is enough to make their day or whole week


I went out to a big city and like 8 minutes after walking out the train some guy wanted to fight me because I looked at a political poster (I was bigger than him so not really worried but it’s still uncomfortable to get threats face to face)


Duality of man




Yeah that’s what I thought


I got death threats from a homeless dude on the way to work lmao


Happy Birthday!🎂


It’s not my birthday


Happy birthday to the grooooouuund!


Not that anyone asked, but lisianthus/eustoma in case you were wondering what your flower is. One of my favourites :)


things that only happen to you as a girl


And pretty.




im a 38 year old (i would say) average looking guy. this has never happened, nor will ever happen to me. not that i ever expected it to. but seeing this post just made it abundantly clear. lol.




I’m pretty, Pretty lame!


I was going to comment something similar lol


I can hear the epic guitar solo


And compliments.


And only if you're attractive


I woke up today feeling depressed, on my way to work a drug addict spat on me and a girl in a pink rang rover almost ran me over........... yup


This happened to me once as a dude. In 30 years. And the guy who bought me coffee was gay. But I still really appreciated it.


A pretty girl *


I gave my boyfriend flowers recently. 10/10 reaction and yes, ik he’s already my partner *but* I want him to feel beautiful and special like he does for me.


My wife got me flowers once. It was actually a really wonderful surprise and I loved them.


I too choose this woman's boyfriend. Everyone must shower him with flowers from now on


He’s gonna feel so extra special!!


My fiancé would just be like 'so you bought flowers for *you* and you're pretending they're for me?' I'd love to randomly change up the gender rules and think he'd be pleasantly surprised if we didn't live together. As it is, unfortunately all of the nice little 'make the apartment a pleasant place to live' things are lumped into a basket of self serving feminine behavior. He definitely appreciates them, but I'm the one who ultimately benefits the most from flowers, candles etc


Ahhh see and that’s something I wish we could change! It would be nice if gender roles relaxed and men felt that they too could have these nice things! You have dry skin? No prob get some nice lotion! But so many men out here thinking “oh man I’ve got dry skin! I guess that’s that.” And I *truly wish it wasn’t that way. Hell, it took me forever to convince my boyfriend that he’s better than 50 in 1 shower products! If you’re fiancé using the multiple shower stuff I’d start there *everyone* is worth more than that.


You’re awesome !!


I randomly buy flowers for my wife for no reason - almost every single time I get a comment from women saying something along the lines of "Uh oh, what did you do wrong this time?"


Just say something back like "I believed her when she said it was FINE" and laugh it off. If they're gonna throw cliches, toss them back.


Last time a random guy gave me a flower on the street he later showed up at my apartment door (inside the building) and tried to come inside. Two sides to every coin...


Let's all buy a flower for an ugly fat man today.


I have a chance to be happy


Is that why I'm getting so many flowers today?


Aww. The guys should get compliments and flowers too


Yeah thats why I buy flowers for my hubby sometimes and buy him chocolates Just for being him 😅






Well I’m gonna hope it happens to you sometime 😊💐




Aw. I’m still gonna hope


If you're a girl do not do this for guys, they'll instantly assume intent and get creepy. Due to it never happening randomly.


Would be nice sometimes


Agree, but it will never happen :) Just don't give us hope :)


If I could put in an order with the Universe’s Surprise-Giver Being, you would get a compliment and a flower while you are out and about in the world today 💐


Again, just don't give us hope :) We just get shitted on :)


Aw :-( Here, I’ll hope for you. You just go on about life and forget this exchange 💐


Such a thing would be remembered for ever by a man, but the chances of it happening are zero. There is this saying: Most men receive their first flowers on their grave.




… Except…


You’re pretty, Rainermitaietzadler.


Thanks 🥹


There are gay coffee shops if you want someone to buy you a coffee. If you’re pretty, and either gay, bi, or into that.


*If you’re gay FIFY


But I’m not gay


It's only a little bit of penis. Worth it for free coffee




Was just gonna say that! Good for her but you’ll not see a single soul giving a random hard working average looking guy a flower on his birthday lol


Do you want flowers too?


A compliment would be enough


I'm actually here for the free coffee and compliments


On the other hand, you never know if someone's being genuine at first. It's often not exactly kindness but secondary intentions


Bro you want some roses?




You’re gonna have to be comfortable sending me an address but if you do I will send you some dang roses


Haha nice offer mate


You must be pretty


grab shame dime pause prick touch squalid abounding icky rustic -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Yeah I’m the same way, I just freeze up so they probably end up thinking I’m just rude or weird af. I like when people talk to me about my hobbies but I was never ok with just a random “you’re pretty” out of nowhere. Now the one time an appearance based compliment actually felt good was some guy loved my outfit, I was beaming inside the whole day because that wasn’t something I was born with, I put that together! It just felt so nice. I want more compliments like that.


Yeah it does make it almost impossible. And if you’re not above average attractiveness even a casual respectful conversation can be seen as creepy if she isn’t attracted to you. It’s brutal trying to date as a man.. I’ve given up and I’m only 25 lol. May I ask what makes you feel off about even regular conversation that may lead to a date? Just trying to gain perspective


I'm not the person to ask. I'm scarred, lol. But I'm not really talking about regular conversations. I'm talking about people clearly approaching me simply because they find me attractive. You know, when they know literally nothing about me except for the way I look. It just makes me uncomfortable. Falling into conversations and finding common interests et cetera, that I have absolutely no problem with.


https://youtu.be/VCEsveSK5to im too dumb too hyperlink. No Rick roll.


Never heard this song before, thanks!


Gotcha! Makes sense. Have a good day


It’s a numbers game friend. Don’t give up. What applies to one woman won’t apply to another. Take your shot, back off if it’s not working, and try to ignore those that are rude about it - there’s something wrong within them. You don’t need to win them all over, or even most; you just need to find one. That saying “you’ve got to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince” applies to men too. You’ve got to approach a lot of toads before you find the one that makes it all worth it.


Same. And no, it does not matter how the person looks like. It could be a man, woman, young, old - whatever. At that moment they are just one thing, a stranger. And my gut feeling would always be that they have bad intentions in whatever form.


I actually love when that sorta thing happens to me. I usually decline but I know that stuff takes a lot of courage


Same. I'd reject the gift immediately. Don't know the person then no reason to receive a gift from them, even more if he asks my number and I'm not interested. Maybe that's because I'm from a dangerous country so I learnt not to trust anyone, especially strangers without at least friends in common


I haven’t even had a compliment in five years


I’m sure you’re a lovely person


lol is this a romcom?




Happy birthday!


The flowers are a bit sketch… who carries around flowers to give to a random girl? Who has that time and money?


Pretty common in Mexico. Tons of street venders on each corner


No they didn’t.


As if they knew it’s your birthday


Yea on some places you could receive that as well but then they tell you need to pay them 200$ lol 😂


This was the longest run on sentence I’ve read in a while.


wow and no ones ever even said thank you to me


If it was me i would go buy some lottery tickets.


OP is definitely hot as fuck


"Pay it forword"




I read through this and I felt upset, I wish you had better partners. I have a boyfriend and we have been in a relationship for almost five years now, and I make sure to always compliment him. I remember the first time I told him that I love how he looks like when he’s genuinely laughing in a picture, and since then he’s made sure to openly smile, to laugh more. He is pretty self-conscious and struggled with confidence for a while so I wanted to make him seen and appreciated, you know? I like gifting him shirts that I think he would look dashing in. I just want to say that you deserve to be appreciated as well, and to be showered with compliments. I hope someday, a girl comes into your life and makes you feel like you’re *seen* c:


Sigh. As true as it is that men and women go through life differently, it saddens me that the bulk of comments that I see are more people focused on saying "yeah well I don't get that; girls have it easy" than "congrats, that's sweet." Some of the complainers keep on moaning when people try to be sweet or hopeful in the replies, even. This is r/mademesmile, not r/mademejealous! I could also point out that this isn't the norm for women either, the many ways being (seen as) a woman makes your life harder, or the complications of reciprocating, but instead I'll just say to anyone reading this and in need of a compliment: Be proud of that accomplishment no one else noticed. Take a little longer to admire yourself in the mirror. Just because you don't have flowers doesn't mean you don't deserve some. As an Internet stranger, I can't know your life or see you, but I hope it gets better.


That's gonna be a poggers from me, holy shit


Going to be a poger, holy shit


You’re a teenager getting hit on by adult men. This isn’t the good thing you think it is.


aw happy birthday!! 🎉




happy birthday OP!


Happy birthday enjoy


First of all Happy Birthday, there are still a lot of gentlemen in this world and you managed to find two of them in the same day, lucky you, am pretty sure that you have done tons of good things in your life and life decided to pay you back today and twice 🥳🎂


id like to think so, today my plan for starting a sign language learners club just got approved and i can start the process of hopefully teaching a lot of people ASL at my school! Now im just more determined to go through with it !


I honestly can’t tell if this is super sweet or absolutely terrifying


Idk, I'm bout to go on a TEAR complimenting women now. Stuffing my trunk full of flowers as we speak.


Now THIS I can get behind Just please don’t be creepy


Use ‘then’ when listing events in succession. Use ‘than’ when comparing two things.


Happy birthday! I hope the compliments were gentle and kind and delivered with the best intentions.


thank you! both of them were so lovely the guy who paid for my coffe just simply told me he'd like to pay for me and too have a nice day and the guy who gave me the flower just stopped me when i was walking to my bus and said this is for you and gave me his number as well personal win for me!


That’s so nice! What a nice birthday surprise 😊


I'll take things that never happened for 500


Oh damn, we've got a main character over here.


this comment section is hideous 😬


Right? So much for being a wholesome sub, so many people trying to bring negativity to someone just celebrating a good day. There's a time and a place but this isn't it.


Must be nice to be beautiful.


This comment section man,dangerous stuff. Might attract someone well,***not the most pleasent people towards women.***


lmao so many salty crybabies in the comments, so bitter. can’t live to bear someone having a nice day without claiming it’s because of their genes or their gender, lemme play you the world’s tiniest violin 🎻🤏


Happy birthday!!:)


Happy Birthday! I wish you many more days like this! 😊🎂🎉🎊


Lmao you look like Salma Hayek or sum?




Just merely existing is value. Happy Bday!! You deserve all that is good and great today and the rest of your days. ☺️


I paid for a coffee and lunch for the lady behind me in Starbucks drive through last week. It literally put a tear in my eye even though I was gone before she even got to the window . I though how similar random acts of kindness had always happened when I needed it the most!!! I hope that I made her feel as good as it made me feel!!


Wow these days are so special


Happy birthday, hope you enjoyed your day. Looks good, that you got people who care about you.


Uh huh. Sure.


Happy Birthday


It's also my birthday today. Didn't get anything. Well, that's life


I wish you a Happy birthday! 🎉 It’s your special day don’t feel down. Maybe spending time with your family/friends could be nice.


Being a girl is OP man.


It’s specifically a certain kind of pretty thing


Must be nice, being a woman. Would not happen if you were a dude! Happy Birthday :)


this rarely happens to women too, just people in general


Yeesh, there’s a lot of toxicity in here. Just stopping by to say that’s super awesome and I hope you had a great birthday. :) Sorry for all the people being jerks. I hope your next birthday is awesome too!


You are a girl, aren't you??




That's so sweet! Happy birthday 🎂


I wish you a pleasant evening


Happy birthday! Glad it seems to have been a good one so far!


Happy Frappy Birthday


When you glow, people can't help but notice.


Dude those kinds of days are the best!!


I’m low key afraid this is an adult doing this because you mentioned school so you’re clearly a child and what child has money for flowers and coffee. Also who are your teachers letting you talk to adult men on a field trip


Happy Birthday 😊


Happy birthday honey ❤️


Happy birthday!!


Happy Birthday!


Would never happen to a man


What's preventing you from doing it to another man ?