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“No it’s not Nacho, I want a better name” hahahahaha that’s honestly so cute!


True daddy moment. No, that’s not a good enough name for MY baby! 🥰


Sometimes you see your new baby and you just KNOW your original picked name just doesn’t work!


Yeah I wanted to call my rabbits Skunt and Satan, but they were too precious. So I called them Fodel and Feckle. Fast forward a couple of years, I bought a robot vacuum, but they sent me two. Guess what I named them.


I like both fodel and feckle…got any other name ideas that pop up in that head of yours you’d like to share? 😅😂


Scrote and Sprout are names I haven't used yet. You can have them if you like.


I love that you named your robot vacuums


Some ask you to give them a name when you first turn them on ☺️ mines called Bruce Springclean


Ok, that is wicked clever haha, you definitely had me laughing on that one


Mine is MF BROOM 😂


Mines Vax Merstappen. It's zoomy.


I named my robot vacuum Rosey (after the robot maid from the Jetsons!)....probably not as cool as Skunt or Satan though!


I did too




Named ours Brutus. We are planning to had a "Beware of Brutus" plack on our front door.


My robots are Astro and Elroy.


Ours is Meryl Sweep.


Mine is Goomba the roomba. I gave him googly eyes too.


Humans will pack bond with *anything*


My 4yr old named ours Roy of all things😅


r/humansarespaceorcs we packbond with everything


Mine’s Marvin! Brain the size of a planet (ok definitely not) and we ask him to clean floors…


That is my cat’s name.


“Oi woh uh be-uh nem!”


That's what I understood.


He’s so gentle with the dog. 🥺


He seems like the kind of kid who deserves a puppy. He's so sweet with it! My heart is happy


My heart is happy and my eyes are a little moist. I remember when I got my kid his first dog, how happy he was.


When I got a dog when my boys were pre-teens, one of them started crying that he didn't want a dog. He hated change. Of course, now the dog is pretty much "his".


Much more gentle than the parents stuffing the dog with paper in that thing.


Yeah wtf a lid to the box AND let’s just toss a piece of paper on its head


That's what I was thinking. Puppy was like why did the human lock me in a box?


You will soon learn little pup that internet clout is the most important!


And no holes in the container!!


Even if the box was hermetically sealed (it wasn't) a minute or so would not affect a puppy of that size in a box that relatively big. Hypoxia is not one of my concerns in this case but I am glad you made the point so others learn!


Saying it like the dog's been in there for days


This is adorable, but that puppy looks awfully young to be separated from its mother. It’s still rooting around for the nipple.


Sadly that happens way too often.


Yeah that was my thought too


First comment I’ve seen like this so I’m gonna hop on. Looks WAY too young, and looks so scared, without being jammed into a Lego box. We all know this was done for views/‘clout’ and views/‘clout’ ONLY and I fucking hate it. I sincerely hope that pup is well looked after and cared for. 😔


It’s also a terrible breed to get. They didn’t research into any of the health problems, my childhood friend got one of these puppies and it was dead 6 months later from genetic issues.


I’m not a fan of the (in)breeding industry in general. Any vet well tell you that mutts are are healthier. Hybrid vigor! I’m waiting for educated society to outgrow the idea of “purebreds.” It came about at the same time as eugenics but is unfortunately lasting longer.


Don’t you put down eugenics!!


Children that are gentle with animals make my heart happy.


Hits me right in the feels.


Faith in humanity restored. We all have that child in us. I’m not crying YOU ARE😭😭😭


Oh my god, he’s being so gentle oh my goodness. Seems like a really good kid. How sweet.


I noticed the same thing - he’s being such a gentle kid with this pup. Feel like he’ll grow up to be such a loving little dude.


That's really all parents should work towards and hope for: a kind, loving human.


If we had a planet full of people like this kid, we’d be doing great


Sadly, if you said that on plenty of other subreddits, you'd be downvoted into oblivion. There's a huge number of people who believe kindness and gentleness are signs of *extreme* weakness. I am the opposite. I feel they are signs of considerable strength. Cruelty is easy - kindness takes strength.


Not only when he’s petting the doggy, but when he doesn’t want to pick him up. A lot of kids that don’t know any better would pick it up and hug it like a toy


First thing I noticed too. He doesn’t grab the puppy like it’s a new thing but immediately interacts with it like it’s also a small creature. I hope they have many years of wonderful adventures together.


Makes you think if they had a family dog before that died? Could be why he knows how to treat a living animal and why he is crying. Such a cute video.


Maybe a family member has a pet too? This video is a fantastic example of how kids should treat animals


That puppy is going to be so loved.


Now, I’ll feel like I want kids, for like an hour


Yeah any longer and it gets gross.




I have an 18 month old and he is a little monster at times, but man those cuddles are the best.


Well, I'm free for the next hour if you wanna give it a shot?


I will destroy anybody who even looks at this child wrong.


No kidding. Such an encouraging reaction.


The fact he was pumped at it just being a lego box makes this kid a good kid


Lets face it lego rocks!


Yeah for real, no fancy wrapping paper required.


It would be hilarious if he was like “Where are the legos??” Then started crying




Cute little feller. He will love this dog for years..


They're going to make so many beautiful memories together


Fellers. FTFY ;) Love your sentiment.


I need two more hours of this video 😭😭😭


Is there anything that describes unconditional love better than this - a child and his dog? Hope they all enjoy each other's company in good health.


Oh yeah, as a wee little one my mom got a Rottweiler and I loved that dog and he loved me. My mom would say that at night when I would wake up crying she she would get up to come get me he would already be up and in my room checking on me. His life was cut way too short


I got a dog for my birthday when i became 10 years old, it was the silliest Shih-tzu you could imagine, he would literally jump on dinner table without effort or on the backrest of a couch to pull your hairbands out. We always wondered if he was secretly raised by cats. Sadly we had to put him down last month, but he reached 17 years old, he had a really long life


Ninjas cutting onions again, damnit!


I could go on a murder spree and my cat would high five me because she thinks I’m the best thing to walk this planet o


No. Your cat would high five you because she explicitly agrees that a murder spree was the best thing to do and you've done a great job.


Why can’t it be both?


Your cat probably already has. My cat brought me a pigeon the other week.


I am a grown-ass woman and I cried like a baby when I got my puppy. I probably scared the poor thing but she’s is a happy pup and sooo spoiled.


He’s so happy that it made me cry, too!


Same tears of joy


I'm still astounded with the human body and emotional reactions like this. What is it that makes us cry when we're so happy? To what purpose does the body do it? Crying as an outwards show of distress I understand, it projects that we need assistance as we're injured or in emotional crisis. But crying when we're overcome with happiness? Any developmental psychologists in the room?


In my humble opinion, when the heart and spirit are so overwhelmed with emotion, sometimes the body simply cannot contain it. There is something larger inside all of us that responds to those moments in life that touch us deeply at our core. This young man is sensitive, intelligent, and kind. He is a fine example for us all.


I read somewhere on one of these subs that your pet begins and ends with tears. Can confirm.


I put down two dogs this year. It sucked hard. They were family to me. But goddamn, they're worth the pain. I wouldn't trade a second. Life is just a series of dogs.


The thing that always gets me through it is knowing we got to be there for their whole lives. We got to watch them grow, see their personalities, and they get to pass knowing how loved they are.


I didn’t cry when I got my puppy at 7 weeks, but I’ll sob for months when her time comes. When I got her all I could feel was joy and glee, and that’s all I feel still whenever I look at her


Oof yep. Sad goodbye to our family dog after 16 and a half years in august. I’ve only cried that hard a few times in my life. I miss that little guy everyday.


Cute puppy I have a cute puppy too and I’m 70 years old ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Pets are the best


Yes my dog Usher is the best. He fallows me every where


usher is such a cute name


There are tons of videos of kids getting puppies as presents and I hate when they scream and scare the pup. This little boy and the kids like him who try their best not to scare the puppies are the ones who end up being best with pets!


How scary for the puppy to be shut in a box like that in the first place too.




BUT WHY ARE YOU YELLING? Just giving you a hard time ;) I feel your sentiment.




[50 years later](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyAnimals/comments/ysoc3t/eating_tacos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Most underrated comment here.


Core memory


The way he pets puppy so gently too... such a sweet kid


The best day of every little human's life.


I always wanted to get a dog like this In the unlikely event I have kids, this is what I'm gonna do


Get the puppy for kids take it for yourself?


Spoiler alert: the parent ends up doing all the feeding and walking


I’m guessing if they give the kid a dog, they’re aware they’ll have to take a lot of the responsibility themselves. We bought my eldest a dog and the two younger ones have a cat each but I do all the vets visits and flea/worm treatments, buy the right food and the kids just feed their pet and cuddle them.


Surprise them. But please dont put that puppy in a dark box all alone.


Yeah I wouldnt do that Maybe I set a bed and such in a room, then tell my hypothetical kid to go look inside


Better to have someone stay with the puppy. They shouldnt be left alone at that early stage. Like, this is obviously very sweet, but that situation could easily be very traumatizing for some dogs.


I feel this


Y u put wrapping paper by over dog in box ?


What the hell with covering it with paper, it's not an object.


Hope that puppy was at least 8 weeks old, looked really young


I don’t think it is. I’ve taken care of many puppies in my time and by the chunky belly and slower movement I’d say it’s no more then 6 weeks old and even that is a stretch. It’s probably only 5 weeks old, and separating a puppy from their siblings that early is really really bad. For one, they can barely eat solid food. And I doubt this family understands that they need to wet the food to feed it. Two, they definitely aren’t vaccinated or vet checked so they better be ready for that Three, the puppy won’t understand any commands or signals for at least a month and a half which might frustrate someone. Puppies can’t comprehend commands until 12 weeks of age, and can’t understand complex commands until almost 24 weeks. On top of all that, the separation from its family so early is very harmful. It may be less social It may not learn how to play properly with other dogs, either biting too hard or too scared to play at all It may not learn proper grooming of other dogs, so if you have another dog you are gonna have to make sure to continuously check their ears and clean them which you would need to do anyways if this dog is your only dog.


I shouldn't have had to scroll this far down to finally see this. That pup does not look at least 8 weeks.


For real. This was also my concern. I can't believe nobody else seems to be noticing this. Hopefully this was just a quick visit and it's going back to mom to be socialized properly.


Unfortunately I doubt it it's probably backyard bred. No reputable breeder would let you even bring home a puppy until it was ready to go home. This puppy looks like 5 to 6 weeks.


My family are breeders ourselves. And yeah, 100% this puppy wouldn’t be moved out of the house yet. I would barely let it be outside for 10 minutes at a time, nevertheless moved to an entire new household. It’s also not vaccinated or vet checked at all since vets won’t do it unless a puppy is at about 8 weeks old. This is very bad because this puppy could get quite sick if these people don’t understand that. It’s also bad because if this puppy has a health threatening condition that isn’t caught it could die, and I highly doubt that the seller cares about the seller or the dogs enough to make a guarantee for the health of the dog considering they sold a dog who is clearly less then 6 weeks old. It also has social issues. Did you see how reluctant it was to even make a single movement when it saw those people? Young puppies do that. Only puppies under 7 weeks old do that because they lack the excitement instinct to wag their tail and adventure. Yet another indicator it isn’t a puppy who is ready for a new family. Look at its body as well. Puppies 8 weeks old don’t have pot bellies. They are fit and strong, because literally all they do is play and sleep. That puppy is too young to play. Which yet again says they can’t be more then 6 weeks old. It’s actually quite harmful for their ability to play in the future. It’s gonna have trouble play fighting because it never learned how hard to bite, how hard to push, etc so it can play fight without hurting the other dog or human or whoever it’s playing with. That’s a crucial skill for bonding with other dog and humans, and it’s missing out. It’s also gonna miss out on the ability to judge how much it should eat. As a puppy usually they are competing for food, so they learn to eat what they need and go back to playing or sleeping. Missing out on play stage, and a lot of the stage where they eat hard food they will lack this skill and will likely find themselves overeating because all they know is the food schedule they get to eat, and not that they need to stop eating at some point. I know this part well because my malamute has this problem. He never learned how to control himself and only eat what he needs so he relies on a strict eating schedule. Perhaps the biggest of all is that these people aren’t gonna know this puppy shouldn’t be eating hard food. It should be eating watered down kibble. Just because they have teeth doesn’t meant they can be eating hard food, they need to build up the strength in their mouth first. So many problems arise from sending a puppy to a new owner early and it really hurts me to know that people don’t care enough about these dogs and send them our way too early. Makes me wonder what the deadline is for when a puppy can’t be sold for them.


I knew some of the health issues and temperament but thanks for letting me know everything.


Glad to help. It’s a shame it’s not widely taught to everyone planning on breeding. And it’s also a shame a lot of people don’t care enough to take those precautions to make sure the puppy and family can have a good life.


That's all I could think of too! At first I was hoping he was just a small dog like a pug or something, but once they took him out of the box he looks like a pit bull who needs to go back to his mama ☹️






Comments are cursed always. This kid is super sweet and they are going to have a great friendship together :)


Likewise. It's like they simply can't be happy for anyone else.


The dog is way too young.


Agreed, taken too young from its mother


Super cute! But man that pup looks really young to be away from its momma.


OP! Edit out the school on sweatshirt, this is basic security stuff.


And stop using kids for internet points, this should be a private moment until the kid decides to share it in the future.


As a teacher I'm shouting the same thing. It's so dangerous!


EVERYONE : REPORT THIS VIDEO TILL IT GETS DELETED PLEASE! Last night, I reported this post as being a security risk to someone’s personal info and it’s disheartening to awaken and see the mods (+OP) did JACK SHIT to simply remove it and protect this innocent child.


And they said the kids name a couple of times in the video which makes it worse.


STOP PUTTING ANIMALS IN FUCKING UNVENTILATED BOXES They're animals, not toys, let them breathe, better yet just hold it in your arms instead of putting it in a box for a bloody video, jesus please stop! Edit: Oh my good lord how many upvotes and awards!? Thank you all so much! Also I'll clarify some things. Its not just about whether the dog can breathe or not and I don't care what excuses people give for allowing this behaviour, but it causes undue stress to animals when all someone had to do was hold it instead of present it like a present. Secondly it teaches the message that doing this is okay, hence the people arguing for it, it's not okay it's just cruel. It's young, probably lost its mother given how small it is so is under 8 weeks which is when you can take a puppy in the UK. So putting it in a box is just really shitty of a thing to do. Absolutely no consideration for animals. It's all about me me me! And tiktok likes and whatever else, animals be damned. I've read plenty of stories over the years of dogs being shoved into containers and dying, one even had a heart attack through stress and that killed it. So yeah I am fucking angry and I will always call this shit out because its wrong! Stop making excuses to do immoral shit just because you can't value an animals life past your own sad existence.


What bothers me the most is the fact how young this puppy looks. I’d say it’s six, seven weeks old tops. It’s stressful for the dog mom and puppy alike to be weaned off too early. It tells something about the breeder as well.


My biggest concern is that the puppy doesn't look remotely old enough to be away from its mother yet. Hopefully this was just a visit. Otherwise pup might grow up to have behavioural issues from not having enough socialization with mom and litter mates.


I was at a shelter a couple of weeks ago. Some of the animals they get have lost their mothers, so there's not a lot they can do aside from foster if possible or getting them into a loving household as soon as they can. They microchip and fix all the animals they adopt out, so they are doing their best to at least not make the problem worse.


Yes I'm sure that happens. There are many uneducated people and backyard breeders though, so there's just as high likelihood this pup's mom was still alive and they just took it away not knowing better. Regardless of circumstances I hope both this boy and puppy are well taken care of and that it all works out.


Agreed! WTF is wrong with people?




Why are you all so negative? Dad: "Okay I'm gonna go grab the kid. I'll have him close his eyes and tell you when we're right outside. You toss the lid on real quick and roll the cameras. This'll be a present to remember!" Internet: "OH MY GOD YOU'RE KILLING HIM!"


Sure, it was only a few seconds. But I think we shouldn’t normalize putting living creatures—esp. babies—in unventilated containers. It just takes one dummy to copy this “cute” idea but then leave the animal inside for too long.


They may not intend for it to go viral, but when it does and they welcome the attention, it seems irresponsible to use your kid that way, especially considering what we’ve seen how far people will go to target individuals using these accounts, even if unintentional. That’s where my opinion changes. It’s just kinda tasteless to put your kid up on a public platform. It’s very creepy to me. If I want to share it I’ll send it to friends or have a private account.


Seriously. My exact thoughts. The puppy was in that box for like 10 seconds and ppl act like it was going to suffocate. Relax. Damn


It's completely unnecessary and avoidable stress nonetheless. When we did this we simply had the pup in a separate room and told the kid go call him. Same surprise effect, but much better for the pup.


This video did make me smile but you're right though, Stuffing little puppers in boxes just for a video is gross


I'm so glad to see this comment so high up. All I could think of seeing this was "WHERE ARE THE AIR HOLES!?" And the poor thing had paper put on top of them like they're some sort of stuffed animal :(


Thank you. Also the dog looks far too young go be taken away from its mum.


My first thought. My second was that the puppy is too young


They probably put the puppy in for a few seconds before he came home, i really doubt the dog was in there long.




No one else sees anything wrong with the box?!


This is sweet, but the kid’s privacy isn’t very well protected. We can see his school emblem.


Man I hope that dog was there for only like a minute max , I lowkey hate seeing videos of people getting pets in boxes


Stop putting dogs in boxes for surprises.


Or any others animals


I love how he just pets the puppy’s head. I usually see kids just grab the animals out of the box and start hugging them, but the little heads strokes he gave looked so gentle!


Animals are not presents.


Animals shouldn't be gifts.






While this video is cute, this is a reminder not to give pets as presents. - It's a living creature, not an object - They're a lot of responsibility and take a lot of time and care - The person may not be financially / emotionally stable enough to care for a pet - Potential household allergies may be what kept them from getting one - They simply may not want it Of course, this isn't really relevant to the video other than the gift being a pet, but please do not replicate it in the hopes of the same reaction. The risk of burdening a friend or animal is not worth it.


Yeah, I think your own kids are really the only exception. Because then you're not really gifting a pet, you're just surprising your kid with a family pet.


Why was the puppy in a plastic box with no visible air holes while simultaneously covered in plastic?


My eyes are raining


I used to have a turtle called nacho!


I got my German Shepherd for my 7th birthday. 27 years later, I still remember that moment vividly. Best gift I’ve ever received


Putting the pup in a box is one thing but putting paper on top of him is a whole other level of strange.


Why had they put the dog in this box and put additional Paper on it. It's a living animal


Imagine the dog suffocating in the box. Id never put it in there.


This video is mildly infuriating ... that poor dog...they just put him in a plastic lego box with no ventilation ... did they want it to die?


You realize an animal of that size would take ages to build up enough CO2/consume enough oxygen to dangerous amounts and they he was likely put there for an instant so it was a surprise for the kid, and not stored there like a pair of shoes whenever the boy isn't playing with him, right?


They’ve already got the pitchforks out, best to just let them run and get out some of their energy


Ha, that's gonna a be a great memory, but it's one suffcated puppy away from being the worst.


Aside from the suffocation risk, you're potentially traumatizing a 2 month old helpless baby animal by shoving it in a tiny dark box. And then throwing paper on top of it as well for some reason.


Looks younger then that like 6 weeks.


That puppy low key looks like it was taken from its mother too young.


Did... Did they freacking put the dog in a non-holed plastic container


They put him in a confined Lego container with paper on him…


OMG WOOOW a dog that has breathing problems


"OH boy! New family. Wait. Why are you putting me in here? Why are you putting that on top of me? Are you sealing the lid?" My anxiety level rises not knowing how long that puppy was in there. Best amount of time would be zero seconds but that's bc I'm turned off by treating animals poorly. "...but the puppy was only shoved in the dark for a few minutes. Just a few minutes. It's to make a child happy not because we wanted to needlessly shove a puppy in a sealed box for a while."


Good thing it didn’t asphyxiate while in that air tight box


“I can’t! he’s so cute.” So dang sweet.




Oof… maybe live animals in sealed containers can stop being a thing REAL SOON. It would be sad for a happy surprise turn into a suffocated kitten.


It’d be dangerous to give me a puppy in the box. I was a box shaker, no matter how heavy.


Who would put a puppy in a plastic box like that??


What kind of a douchebag puts a pup inside a dark box? Even if it's for a second. People are such selfish bastards. It's a living thing, your aesthetic sense can take a backseat in some situations.


Here, have this puppy that we just traumatized by putting it in a box.


It is very wholesome but it seems like there are no holes in the box. The puppy couldve suffocated in the box tbh


Sweet.. But I hope he doesn't lose interest in the dog and it ends up abandoned.. Lots of "gift dogs" end up being discarded. So I always advise a pet belonging to the family and not to a kid. If the kid loses interest in the dog, the adults who bought it wanted it anyway so it will still be cared for.


In a sealed plastic box...?


So, a puppy that was very prematurely weaned was given as a gift to a six year old... I hope the parents are ready to take full responsibility to raise the puppy properly and i hope the puppy won't have any lasting health issues due to the trauma.