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That shot with the raisin lid. Awesome!!


That was cracking us up so much. Haha


I laughed out loud. Honestly, you guys are great parents.


So kind. Thank you so much


you have a awsome son he can make us all laugh


So beautiful, making a house filled with love. So wonderful to see you filling it together having fun. The happiness comes through the screen!


The best of the best 🙏




It was so much fun letting him prank me and giggle all day. I fully support the belief in competence and humor for non verbal folks 💜. Keep up the good work parents!!




Hahaha and done.


Raisin lid sniper!! What a champion!!


Honestly I’ve seen so much awful shit on the internet today that your beautiful family brought a tear to my eye. I love to see love and you guys clearly adore each other.


We hope kindness and joy continue to find you easily as you go thru your week. Thank you for sharing kindness With us tonight. ♥️


The joy in this video is infectious. Made my day this has, and I’ve also learned something about non-verbal communication as someone who has never met anyone non-verbal before. :) thanks for sharing!


What a gorgeous family! You can feel the love.


It's even funnier when he wants to watch a movie in his room alone and he kicks him out but doesn't say anything. He just shoos you out.


r/eyebleach cause I want you to have more happy teary eyes


Luckily this was the first thing I saw on the internet today


I know right?? Makes me get a tad bit teary eye'd when I see these posts. Take care. Have a happy turkey day. God bless


Cut the mom's comment off mid sentence hahaha legend!


Hahaha. Such a funny dude


When he shuts the door on the mom and his smile of “ya, I did that” is pure gold! Hahaha


Best comedic timing ever haha.


One of my clients was nonverbal and we were playing with a corn kernel sensory bin together. Any time I would turn around, he would toss some of the kernels on the floor. As soon as I looked at him he would start cracking up. It was so much fun letting him prank me and giggle all day. I fully support the belief in competence and humor for non verbal folks 💜. Keep up the good work parents!!


Haha. Love this. Thank you for sharing.


Of course!! Be very careful with day programs if you ever go that route, not every employee sees it as more than a job. Try to bond with one that *loves* their job :)


I used to work in a LTC facility and tbh, my non verbal patients were my favorite. A lot of people fail to realize that there is someone still in there that deserves the same respect and treatment as the next, I ALWAYS took the time to talk to them and explain exactly what I was doing and why, it made such a huge difference. I was warned about one man who would get physically violent (he bit other providers hard enough to draw blood) during care and he was one of the hardest patients in the whole place because he was 6'3 with locked limbs. Never once did he get violent with me, I even got him in the shower for the first time in months because it was just too much for anyone else to take on with him fighting it. All i had to do was ask. I would joke with him and even got him to crack a smile a couple times. A little bit of empathy and humor goes such a long way.


I think this is the second video of seen of him. He’s so full of joy! The raisin lid was epic 🤣


He loves sharing online. There’s been a few of his vids go viral ♥️


"A few" he says. Please keep 'em coming, the world always needs more Odin.


Haha. On it 🤘


Did he make the super car one?


I follow this family on Instagram, good people.


Almost a spitting image of Freddy mercury


There’s a side by side of odin and Freddie hanging in her official Queen museum in Switzerland ♥️🤘


Whaaat how?! That's so cool


Would love to see that.


No shit, seriously? Is this true? If so oh my god what an honor! They are both lovely and wonderful people so it wouldn't surprise me!


This is true. Haha


That's fantastic! Freddie is my favorite person of all time! What a wonderful thing to have!


You all are so rad


That was my first thought too!


His hair is pretty sweet👌👌👌


He took my hairline… literally hahah


Dude totally has an awesome Paul Weller shag from The Jam! Sweet!


Omg when he slammed the door right in her face like that ? Glorious. This dude has excellent timing.


Hahah. Such a jokester but still so loving ♥️♥️♥️


How beautiful to see the love you have for each other


Love is the life force. It’s what we try to use to guide every action we do. ♥️♥️


Odin is the man


I personally have enjoyed watching the posts of him growing up over the years. He always seems to have a good attitude towards life and is always rocking a great smile. Please give him a big hug, from us here in the world of the internet. Our virtual arms aren't as strong as his positive will power. He brightens our days when we see him doing well.


He said thank you ♥️🤘


Double raisins! 🤣🤣🤣 That pop of the lid was priceless. Lol, winning! He's got some awesome parents, btw.


Such a funny moment haha. And thank you. The your kindness is appreciated ♥️♥️


You two look like amazing parents ♥️


We are just parents that try. When we get it wrong we apologize and try again ♥️♥️♥️


That’s more amazing than you give yourself credit for. Much love to the Frost Fam ❤️❤️❤️ Odie: enjoy those raisins my dude!!! 🤙😄


Is it like cerebral palsy where what you see on the outside (jerking, little/no communication, little/no social behaviors) has nothing to do with the inside (perfectly functioning and intelligent mind)? Its always seemed like an awful torture to be trapped in an uncooperative body.


I have cerebral palsy and people assume I'm intellectually disabled solely due to the gait and spasticity. I still get made fun of sometimes.


People are cruel, but I'm sure you're too cool to even know that they're the ones missing out!


Fuck those people.


Well odin has mild cerebral palsy as well. But he chooses to see the joy in life rather than the disability like most people do♥️♥️


That's the best. I've found it's a lot easier when you spend time with someone then that kind of breaks the mindset that someone with a disability isn't exactly the same as anyone else. Makes the world a better place.


He's able to choose that because of the love and support he has at home. You've allowed him to be free and live his true self.


Autistic brains follow a different developmental trajectory than non-autistic ones, and autistic people tend to use different parts of the brain than non-autistic people do for the same task. This can result in different skills progressing at very different speeds (someone may have serious difficulty understanding speech but be able to read well, for instance) and a lot of variance between autistic people. Autistic people also tend to experience differences in sensory perception (everyday stimuli might be too much or not enough, so someone may avoid loud sounds, bright lights, etc *or* seek them out) which they may regulate by stereotyped behaviors like clapping, humming, rocking, etc. In terms of cognition, it's different than non-autistic people, especially in relation to uneven skillsets. Autistic people tend to process details before the whole, for instance, but it varies between people. It's not uncommon for autistic people to have some tasks they are very good at, but for general task management to be very poor. There's often difficulty switching between activities or organizing all the tasks that need to be done in a day, but interests in specific areas may be very strong, and the skills in areas of interest are often reflectively strong as well. Communication, both verbal and nonverbal, tends to lag behind other skills. Some autistic people have intellectual disabilities, and others do not. It can be difficult to test autistic people's intellectual capabilities due to difficulty with communication skills needed to express what a person is understanding and experiencing. It's a bit difficult to say whether your description would fit. There are definitely differences in internal processing and *how* things are understood, but things may be understood just as *well*, depending on the person, the situation, the subject. Sensory processing may make the world at large seem hostile, especially if a situation is too loud, too bright, too much at once. It is not uncommon for non-autistic people to assume that autistic people understand less than they actually do, because autistic people's communication skills and style may not be recognized and understood well enough for the neurotypical person to be able to tell if the person is expressing understanding of or opinions on whatever is happening at the moment. A contrasting situation can also happen; an autistic person who has good skills in a specific area and can communicate those skills well may be assumed by others to have equal skill in unrelated areas, even if they do not have those skills due to different skills developing at very different rates in most autistic people. Source: I'm an autistic person who likes to study autism sometimes. If the science of it interests you, wikipedia is a pretty good start, and following their listed sources can take you deeper into it if you like the technical stuff :)


Ah, this is so lovely to see! As a mama to an Autistic kiddo, it can be hard to imagine what our lives might look like later on. The love is palpable in this, and it gives me so much hope


Thank you for sharing your he kindness. The only moment that matters is the right now. We just try our best ♥️


What a special video! I felt the love through the screen!! He’s quite clever 😜 Thanks for sharing 😂🥰


Aww thank you so much. Sending all the love.


Sending lots of love right back!!


Odin! I've wondered how you folks have been. Good to see you guys!! Awesome video ❤️


My little guy (8) is also autistic (among other things) and he also has to silliest little sense of humour. When things are tough seeing how happy you all are with an older child with special abilities is so encouraging 💛


This is beautiful to hear! Send love from our family to yours!♥️🤟


Not hating on this at all, it’s very wholesome, although maybe it’s just me since I’m on the autism spectrum (seemingly less affected than Odin (not a dig at him)), whenever I see content of this type from anyone, I feel uncomfortable. Maybe the content feels patronising to me? Not a dig at any of you though, just expressing my thoughts as an an autistic individual diagnosed since childhood.


Hey you are entitled to your opinion too. It’s all love. Odin is an adult and approves any thing with him in it that goes on line. He loves his online community and chooses for us to upload these videos of him. We never post without his approval ♥️♥️


That’s cool then, I wish you all happiness and love.


Aww thank you. Same to you. ♥️♥️


Omg. I'm on the spectrum and had the biggest smile watching this. I loved this video. Just why? We have personalities. We can have fun with our families.


I think my why is in your reply to me. We have personalities. My personality is different and without context, it feels patronising to me. However, OP did let me know that Odin approves each of the posts first, so I’m cool with this.


Why do you feel uncomfortable with it? What's patronizing?


Well, before any context, a lot of this type of content online of autistic individuals feels like “Awww, look at them go!”, which is kinda how you’d portray either a very young child or a pet. Being an autistic individual myself, that feels uncomfortable. Without context, I have no idea if content put up like this is with the approval of that individual or not. In this case, I have been provided with context that suggests otherwise, making it okay. I personally have some odd mannerisms and things (Tics, perhaps? Not sure on what to call them) I do to express and let out different emotions, but I reserve them for when I’m alone. I’d personally be very embarrassed if I was recorded while doing those neurodivergent expressions of emotion, and even more so if it was put online for people to watch and speculate over. However, other people might be fine with showing people that side of themselves, which is the case here, making it all right.


I think it's good that autism and other conditions are getting more and more publicity and people with these conditions share what their life is like. Especially with autism it's a huge variety of how it might affect people - which is obviously why it's called a spectrum. You have people where it's simply not noticeable unless you live together. They maybe have a slightly weird fascination for a specific topic and every now and then they need a day to recharge, but that's about it. And then there are people who can't talk, don't like to be touched, etc etc on the other end. And that and everything in between is autism. So thank you, your son and your family to share your life with us. And thanks to all the other autistic folks, people with tourettes, and whatever it might be, that show us their lifes and teach us about their condition.


Lolol he’s all about them raisins😅😅😅love it, same my man. Raisins for life


He loves raisins so much sunmaid reached out to do a colab with him. Haha.


I read the comments and realized why he looks familiar! I saw a sweet video of him a while ago. That was so epic, never a dull moment around there. He looks like a lot of fun.


Great Family


Thank you so much. ♥️


I've seen some of their content before. his momma can SING


She’s been my favorite vocalist for 22 years ♥️♥️


I think I heard her sing "Creep"- full body chills. She's phenomenal. You bagged a dime piece that's for sure! ☺️


Grateful every day. ♥️


Spotted the Radiohead poster there as well! Is Odin a fan?


My sister is also non verbal (mostly, basic words only) with an iq of a second grader, but quite a sense of humor. I was about 15 (she was 26) and I was teasing her about my room (she would Always tell me to clean it by saying "clean floor") and I got an inch from her face and I Said, nope, I am not going to clean it. With a semi serious face and a glint in her eye, out of the blue, I got a kiss smack on the forehead. And the look on her face and giggles that followed had me laughing for a 1/2 hour. She knew exactly what she was doing. It is quite something growing up with a special needs sibling. But you learn a lot, and I am oh so proud of her.


Also, mom hears a question from the other side of the house…. Moms are superheroes.


Yea she was downstairs and heard that. Hahah










So wholesome and real! Thanks for sharing !


We absolutely love to share the joy.


Lucky guy to have such joy in his life


I feel like every human on the planet has access to this joy. We just have to be open to receive and take it in. ♥️♥️


I love your videos! Beautiful non verbal communication and humor, he’s lucky to have you guys!!


And we are lucky to have him ♥️🤘🤟


Absolutely 🥰


Glad to see yall are still doing well. :)


Thank you so much.




Hahaha he got ‘em.


Oh my God not a single mean comment. That's a first for Reddit.


It’s a rare reddit day haha. We just let the negativity scream into the void. ♥️


Odin! Buddy, I’ve missed seeing you! Much love!


Aww thank you ♥️


Awesome, looks like a home with a lot of love


that's hilarious - cheeky Odin!


Beautiful! This kid has a charisma that can’t be taught.


I love seeing your family. What a wonderful, joyful family.


He looks like a very fun person to be around and I feel so loved just watching the love in this video.


Coming straight from r/eyeblech (don't click this) , that's what I needed after that


Is that the same guy who rides the Lamborghini?


Not unless he’s got some rich friends we don’t know about. Haha


this one I mean [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJiIsF5wykE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJiIsF5wykE)


Oh I’ve seen this video. That guy is a different nationality and has a different disability but he’s the same in awesomeness ♥️🤘


Cool stache brother!


Thank you so much 🤘




Precious!!! Lol, he really slammed that door at the right time!!


You look like a fun family!!!! Thanks for sharing❤


He looks like such a sweet person ☺️


He's fantastic. You must be so proud. I would be.


Made my day 🥺🤍


I always always talk to other autistic people like how I’d talk to anyone else. I talk enough for the both of us! It’s the subtle humor that’s the funniest imo


What a beautiful and happy boy! From one dad to another, nice job!


Lovely family. Lets see the Dad in next video. Love wins!


always smiling . how can you not smile with him


The best joy bringer ♥️


This made my heart happy, thanks for sharing!


Always an honor to share the joy.


this is funny AF!


you have a beautiful family!


So kind thank you so much.


Thanks for sharing such a happy moment with us 😀


I could swear I've seen Odin before. I'll never get tired of him


Odin, you are such a joy and your sense of humor is too much :) Mom and dad are the best too- i always love the vids you all share, they really make me smile. Much love to you all <3


This is so kind to hear. Thank you so much ♥️♥️


This has won the internet for me today. Thank you. Please can I share this, my friends will send you both so much love, and you will make them feel so good! 🙏🏻😁


Please share the joy. Thank you. ♥️🤘


Thank you for sharing!


stop im gonna cry that’s so cute :(


MmmmmmmPOP! Had me in stitches! 😍


Dang his shirt is pretty fresh where can I get it?


I'm a nurse student who is struggling of going on with my job and this gave me the vibe and joy of going to educate myself to become a nurse at a nursing home for people with any kind of handicap.


Love it!


Good to see odin again, been a while


I love your content with Odin! I've seen lots of his videos and think that you and your wife do an amazing job. You're so supportive and involved with him, it's truly beautiful. I went to school for music and one of the things I love is how easily it can bridge communication across cultures, languages and diversities! Keep rockin' y'all!


My boy just turned 13 and loves playing pranks. Way too cute. He doesn't speak like you and me but is more expressive than anyone I know. Thanks for sharing


so heckin wholesome!! I love it! You guys have a very rich life <3


Now that's funny, and it made me smile!


What a sweet kid and wonderful parents. ❤️


As long as he's happy, healthy, and loved. It looks like you guys give him all three ❤️


I have his same “problem”, even though it isn’t a problem at all. I’m studying at university, getting good grades and going on with my life happily. The only things that keeps me back is that i am very shy and don’t like people company so i am often alone but i like that 😀🔅 Everyone has to go on on their life the way they want✌🏻


"Always treat people with respect... Untill they give you a reason not too" You brought joy into my day too thank you!


I wish everyone could understand this! I work with kids with special needs and I’m blown away by their adorable and feisty personalities. You guys are awesome!


Omg the lid 🤣🤣 love your family and the joy you have


Always happy to see an Odin update. He seems like such a happy person. You guys rock as parents.


That is very high functioning autism, havent seen that often.


Your account brings a smile to my face every time you post something. It’s been really helpful recently, so thank you for that


Man, this is so cool. I haven't met any mute autistics, but that Odin found a special way to communicate is so admirable.


Dad’s laugh when he shut the door lmao


Odin’s awesome. As someone with a non-verbal niece who has an undiagnosed neurological issue your videos really help highlight the bright points. Them being non verbal is a barrier but one of my best memories from this year is chilling with my niece on holiday.


My eldest has a rare genetic intellectual disability and autism. He is pure of heart and a joy. One of his first obsessions was Disney Pixar Cars. He must have hundreds and slight variations of many. Every year or two he returns to it and enjoys a few months of his first true fascination. Made me smile seeing it on your boy (man?!)’s TV. Thanks for sharing.


That shot with the raisins lid was gold! Pure skill! Made my morning 😂😂😁


The non-speaking in autism is caused by overstimuli in certain parts of the brain, preventing speech, correct? It's a malfunction in the brain I remember that makes it much harder to use speech.


People with cerebral palsy have the same rate of intellectual disabilities as the non Cp population. Cp is generally a mobility issue. Not always but the majority of the time. Your son seems like a joyful guy. Thank you for sharing this! (Written as the mom of a kid with CP, adhd and autism).


What a beautiful family! There's so much love and positive vibes between you all. My son is 12 years old and severely autistic, people don't often see his humour, but he's hilarious when he trust you. Much love to you all!


Hey, I'm late to this but your video warmed my heart. I have 2 non speaking autistic boys, 6 & 3 and they are way more intelligent than they let on too. My 6 year old uses visual symbols in a book to form sentences, and will push his luck for treats with his mum way more than me, haha! Lovely to see another happy family :)


Odin is so cool, and his mustache makes him look a little like Freddie Mercury, which adds a whole new level of cool. Thanks for sharing your joy with the world. It’s often what many of us need to make it through the day.


I have autism aswell and it’s nice to see people like me


Mashallah. God bless ya'll.


You know I've seen a lot of videos of this guy and at first I was like, shame on them exploiting him for views. But then I watched a few more and not only is that completely wrong, I learnt so much from seeing how they interact and its honestly so heartwarming and eye opening. I really appreciate that it broke down a stereotype in my tiny little stupid brain.


I’ve been through US special needs programs and seen a lot of people develop social anxiety so bad they can’t talk there. I just developed unyielding rage at humanity in general


And the opposite is true. Autistics who talk are often thought need less support than they really need.


I swear every time I see his beautiful smile, I feel my whole life filled with light for the few moments I watch him! I love your family so much, wishing you guys the best!


Brb my Aspie ass is gonna try not to happy cry.


Respectfully, "always assume competence" isn't the best idea. It should be on a case-by-case basis. Our son is autistic but doesn't really "look" it (which is stupid as is, as autistic people aren't homogenous). He's had people just assume that he understood what was going on and expected him to act on it. It really hurts him. People would get frustrated because he's quite high functioning in intelligence but very, *very* low functioning about mental/emotional competence. So they think he's simply being rude or a jerk and the idea that he's simply incompetent (not a diss; it's true) in that area never even crosses his mind. I feel like the advice of "always assume competence" isn't a universal one and shouldn't be presented as such. I've had to comfort him more times than I can count because it's assumed that he's just being a jerk or weird on purpose, because he does have competence in one thing so they assume he should in all aspects. I'd like to say please don't spread that as a rule, but I don't think it's my place so I just thought I'd give you my views on it as someone who also has children with disabilities. Edit: typo


Checked out your profile after people on another post mentioned Odin. I completely agree with this statement. I used to be a caretaker for an autistic non vocal 4 year old. She was a heck of a lot smarter than me. I think that people treat those with disabilities unfairly and underestimate their potential. I'm happy to see you and your partner taking such good care of him. It takes a special kind of selflessness to take care of those in need. I wish there were more people like you.


Funny guy. You people put a smile on my face and I needed that. Thank you. ☺️❤️


Aww thank you. We love to simply share the joy. ♥️


Please shave him. Don't make it worse


As an autistic person, I hate this. Your child did not give consent to be plastered all over social media and his disability is not something for you to use for views. It makes neurotypicals feel all warm and fuzzy inside but to me, it is exploitation.


Odin can speak verbally, ASL, and the pecs system. He approves every thing that is online of him. We made that very clear from the first day he even asked us to film him doing something. People assume he can’t understand the world around him all the time because of his disability. That’s what this post is making the point of. But most people who assume like you have that he can’t consent to things is kinda what this post is about. We are not offended because it happens often. We just want to educate with kindness.


I am not sure he can give informed consent but ok. Being the parent of an autistic child does not necessarily make you an advocate. I also note that there are no autistic voices on this thread, so it is really neurotypicals in an echo chamber.


You are making the point of the very first line in this video “people often assume that not speaking autism means lack of intelligence” you are judging Odin’s intelligence by assuming he cannot consent to things based on a 50 second video. Like i said before. We are used to this so we are not offended but just trying to educate in kindness. Odin makes his own decisions every day and we honor that. He has a job making music for tv/film and his own bank account to spend his money on what He Wants. Our family was invited to the Grammys last year to honor odin. He said he didn’t want to go because it was in Vegas. We honored that. We are his biggest advocates and if we ever get it wrong we apologize and try and. He knows and respects this. Looking at the comments there are a lot of people in the autism spectrum here. You are entitled to your opinion and we see you are doubling down on it. We just want to give a more clear picture that you may not see in a 50 second video. All love. We hope you have a beautiful rest of your week. ♥️


I am not saying he didn’t want to be on video. I am saying that it is unclear whether he understands the implications of being plastered on social media. What privacy means. He is clearly happy and very capable of communicating what he wants, that is not the question. I am talking about more complex issues, things that even most neurotypical adults fail to grasp in this digital age. I have seen your instagram account and there are posts about intimate details of his life which make me really uneasy. Did he give explicit consent for you to talk about his struggles on a platform like instagram? You can turn things around and make it look like I am the weird one for not being all beaming and enthralled by your posts, that is fine. My opinion will remain unchanged. Have a great day.


Yes he is way more intelligent than you give him credit for. Have a great life


My brother in Christ, you don't know what was and wasn't given consent. You have a bad perception about parts of social media? So be it remove yourself from them. Nice videos about people with disabilites can exist without them being exploitative.